Minister: Indonesia Hold Biological Weapons AttackMonday, 01 Maret 2010, 14:27 pm
JAKARTA - Minister of Health (Minister) RI, Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, said
the country's defense and security of Indonesia grew stronger. Not only against physical attacks, now Indonesia has had a defense against biological weapons attacks. It was mentioned by Minister of Health on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Bio Lab Building Safety Level 3 (BSL 3) located on Jl Percetakan Negara 23, Jakarta Pusat.
BSL 3, said Minister of Health, has an important role to counter the growing infectious disease in the community.
"Infectious disease potential biological weapons," he told reporters, Monday (1 / 3).
New infectious diseases, emerging and re-emerging or abbreviated PINERE, may cause unrest in society. This is because, PINERE can spread quickly, both across regions and across countries.
This laboratory, is the largest laboratory in Indonesia. Consists of four independent compartments BSL 3. Minister said, this building is the realization of responsibility in entering the era of globalization.
In the future, said Minister of Health, the laboratory will work with similar laboratories owned by the education centers in the region.
Not just that, his department will hold researchers from abroad.
''But we prioritize researchers from the country, "he said.
Head of Research and Development, Ministry of Health (Balitbangkes Kemenkes), Agus Purwandianto, say, the existence of this laboratory, the diagnosis of the disease can be done quickly.
"This lab is a national reference laboratory," he said.
With modern laboratory facilities, the government can meet the health service to the community in the region. He explained, according to the standard World Health Organization (WHO), UN World Health Organization, there are four levels of disease risk.
Agus gave an example, avian influenza or commonly known as bird flu, a disease with a risk level 3. In the same occasion, Minister hoped that the facilities of this laboratory, medical researchers in Indonesia can be known world.
He said the international standards to be able to publish the results of one study is site of the research.
"The research must be done in BSL 3," he said.
Toggletext:Jakarta -- the Health Minister (Menkes) RI, Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, said at this time Indonesian defence and security was increasingly strong. Not only towards the physical attack, currently Indonesia has the defence towards the biological weapon attack. That was sent by Menkes in appointment gaps of the Laboratorium Bio Safety Level Building 3 (BSL 3) that was located in Street Percetakan Negara 23, Jakarta Pusat. BSL 3, said Menkes, had the role important to ward off the existence of infectious diseases that developed in the community. "Potential infectious diseases became the biological weapon," he said to the reporter, on Monday (1/3).
The infection new-emerging and re-emerging or that was shortened by PINERE, could cause the unrest in the community. That was caused, PINERE could spread in a fast manner, both the territory passage and the country's passage. This laboratory, was the biggest laboratory in Indonesia. Consisted of four independent BSL compartments 3. Menkes said, the development of this building was the realisation of responsibility in entered the globalisation era.
In the future, said Menkes, the laboratory will co-operate with the similar laboratory that was owned by the centres of education in the area. As if that wasn't enough, his side will also take the researcher from overseas by the hand. But was given priority to by us the researcher from inside the country, he said. The head of the Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Body of the Ministry of the Health (Balitbangkes Kemenkes), Agus Purwandianto, said, with the existence of this laboratory, the diagnosis could be towards the illness carried out quickly.
"This laboratory was the national reconciliation laboratory," he said.
With modern laboratory facilities, the government could fill the health service to the community in the area. He explained, according to the World Health Organization standard (WHO), the Kesehatan Body of the UN World, was gotten by four levels of the risk of the illness. Agus gave an example, avian influenza or that more was known with bird flu, to be the illness with the level of the risk 3. In the same opportunity, Menkes hoped with the existence of these laboratory facilities, the health researcher could be in Indonesia known the world. He said, the international standard to be able to publish results of the research one of them was the place of the holding of the research. The "place" of "his research must be done in BSL 3," he stressed.
Original:JAKARTA--Menteri Kesehatan (Menkes) RI, Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, mengatakan saat ini pertahanan keamanan Indonesia semakin kuat. Tidak hanya terhadap serangan fisik, kini Indonesia telah mempunyai pertahanan terhadap serangan senjata biologis. Hal itu disampaikan Menkes di sela-sela peresmian Gedung Laboratorium Bio Safety Level 3 (BSL 3) yang terletak di Jl Percetakan Negara 23, Jakarta Pusat.
BSL 3, ujar Menkes, mempunyai peran penting untuk menangkal adanya penyakit menular yang berkembang di masyarakat. "Penyakit menular berpotensi menjadi senjata biologis," ujarnya kepada wartawan, Senin (1/3).
Penyakit infeksi new-emerging dan re-emerging atau yang disingkat
PINERE, dapat menimbulkan keresahan di masyarakat. Hal itu disebabkan, PINERE dapat menyebar secara cepat, baik lintas wilayah maupun lintas negara.
Laboratorium ini, merupakan laboratorium terbesar di Indonesia. Terdiri dari empat kompartemen mandiri BSL 3. Menkes mengatakan, pembangunan gedung ini adalah perwujudan tanggung jawab dalam memasuki era globalisasi.
Ke depan, kata Menkes, laboratorium akan bekerja sama dengan laboratorium serupa yang dimiliki oleh pusat-pusat pendidikan di daerah. Tak cukup itu, pihaknya juga akan menggandeng peneliti dari luar negeri. ''Tapi kami prioritaskan peneliti dari dalam negeri," tuturnya.
Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan (Balitbangkes Kemenkes), Agus Purwandianto, mengatakan, dengan adanya laboratorium ini, diagnosis terhadap penyakit dapat dilakukan dengan cepat. "Laboratorium ini adalah laboratorium rujukan nasional," ujarnya.
Dengan fasilitas laboratorium yang modern, pemerintah dapat memenuhi pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat di daerah. Dia menjelaskan, menurut standar World Health Organization (WHO), Badan Kesehatan Dunia PBB, terdapat empat tingkat risiko penyakit.
Agus mencontohkan, avian influensa atau yang lebih dikenal dengan flu burung, merupakan penyakit dengan tingkat risiko 3. Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Menkes berharap dengan adanya fasilitas laboratorium ini, peneliti kesehatan di Indonesia dapat dikenal dunia.
Dia mengatakan, standar internasional untuk dapat mempublikasikan hasil penelitian salah satunya adalah tempat dilangsungkannya penelitian. "Tempat penelitiannya harus dilakukan di BSL 3," tegasnya.