Saturday, October 23, 2010

Indonesia Activity 8/9 - 10/23

Indonesia has been very very busy in these past few months. This is a map, with the descriptions underneath.

Red Dot Postmark = confirmed
Red Postmark = suspected
Blue = diagnosis negative
Yellow = Malaria
Green = suspicious illness, no diagnosis

West Jakarta

Adm: 8/20 – Hospital in West Jakarta
Name: MM (M,35)
From: West Jakarta
Onset: 8/16/10
Recon: 8/18 – private clinic
Recon: 8/20 – general practitioner
Diagnosis: 8/24 suspected.
DOD: 8/27
Confirmed: Positive


Adm: 9/12
Hospital: Hospital in East Jakarta
Name: LH (P, 40)
From: Depok
Onset: 9/9/10
Recon: 9/13 Treated for 3 days @ another Hospital.
Recon: 9/16 Friendship Hospital
DOD: 9/17
Confirmed: Positive

Kemiling, Bandar Lampung

3 Siblings Suspected Bird Flu
From: All three are Febiana (8), Dina (5), and Zaki (6), residents Kemiling Bukit Permai Housing (BKP)
Adm: 10/21 (Thursday 6 pm)
Hospital: RSUDAM
Recon: PHC BKP
Onset: 10/17
Notes: 2 hours intervals, got sick.
Chickens died nearby

According to him dozens of villages as endemic malaria is located in the area over the territory of three districts, namely Paninggaran, Kandangserang, and Lebakbarang.


Adm: 10/?
Date of Article: 10/13
Name: Preschooler (20 mos)
From: Rt. 32, Damai District
Hospital: Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo Pub. Hospital (RSKD)
Diagnosis: Negative

Gunung Sepuluh

IndonesiaAdm: 10/6
Name: R (5)
From: Kelurahan Gunung Bahagia
Hospital: RSKD Karamunting Kunojoso Djatiwibowo
Notes: Fever. Family did not raise chickens. Neighbors chickens died.
Diagnosis: Negative


Adm: 10/3
Name: Ha (15)
From: Gunung Bakaran Sepinggan Village, Dist: South Aberdeen
Hospital: Gen. Hosp. Kanujoso Djatiwibowo
Notes: Initial sym’s fever, resp. tract inf. History of direct contact with dead chickens.
10/3: BF in two villages: Gunung Bahagia Rt. 59 & Rt. 60
Confirmation: Negative, home.


02-10-2010, had a cough for a long time, there is a history of treat sick chickens at the date of 03-10-2010. Dated 08-10-2010 has no fever but was still coughing.

HD/P/11, son of AH-4 to the onset of illness on 04-10-2010, there is a history of contact with chickens that died suddenly (holding by entering into the cage and bury). Fever began to fall on 08-04-2010 but still coughing and weak body condition.

UK/L/5, son of the 8th AH onset of illness on 04-10-2010. Fever began to fall on 08-10-2010 but the cough is getting worse. There was no contact with sick and dead poultry.

YK/L/3, child-9 AH onset of illness on 03-10-2010. Fever began to fall on 08-10-2010 but coughs and colds worse. There was no contact with sick and dead poultry.

In addition to these 5 people, there is also a neighbor who is also the brother of AH AH ill with symptoms of fever, but no contact with sick chickens and sudden death.

Badi Island
About 200 residents on the island of Badi, Mattirodeceng Village, District Liukang Tupabbiring, Pangkep, must bear the pain because there are no health workers who serve them.

Mattirodeceng mayor, Abdullah Asagaf, very mengkwatirkan fate of all citizens on the island of Badi, amounting to some 400 heads of families that every day someone is sick. Until now carrying about 200 people sick fever due to bad weather that hit the island.

"In fact there were three people there died of fever. Some call for bird flu, but residents and local governments can not justify or confirm allegations that because only the health personnel who can determine whether bird flu is," said Ahmad Effendi, the people of Makassar, who happened to be there a few days ago.


Diamond (17)
Article Date: 10/1/10
Adm: September 2010
From: Jalan Kayu Jati, District of Hulu Tembilahan
Hospital: Puri Husada Hospital Tembilahan
Diag: Suspect Bird Flu
Notes: Home now. Dead poultry

Sarina (5)
Adm: 9/5
Died: 3 hours after arrival
Temp for 5 days at home.
From: Jalan M Boya, Lorong Durian, Tembilahan

Isolated Village
10 houses around the chicken pen farm


18 People Suspected
While data from the Health Department Pinrang mentioned, until now there has been found that infected people have bird flu, but Sept. 25, a number of residents included in the monitoring of Public Health Pinrang, among others in the village of Suppang Saddang 10 people, Village Ulue Same two people, Mallongi longi-five people, and the Village Amassangan one person. Not less than 18 people can be monitored on suspicion of contracting bird flu virus.

4 Hospitalized
They were reconciliation from RS Kabupaten Pinrang. Children's patient was Savira from the Soppeng Regency and Andrian from the Pinrang Regency.
His two patients other was Novi and Nawir also from Pinrang. Nawir and Andrian still one family.

30 monitored; same 3 hospitalized.

H5N1 Suspected Case
NR (25)
From: Kembang Seri
Adm: Community Ctr
Tests: Pending


Suspected H5N1
HA (37)
From: Kembang Seri
Adm: Community Ctr
Tests Pending


Suspected H5N1
Vi (27)
Adm: 8/10
Hospital: Bengkulu Central
Sym’s: shortness of breath, high fever, sore throat, malaise
Notes: direct contact with poultry that died suddenly. Hospitalized for one night, fever reduced. Blood sample sent on 8/11.

Suspected H5N1 Case
Name: P (19)
From: Lempuing
Adm: 8/6
Hospital: M Yunus
Sym's on Adm: fever, sore throat
Notes: buried chickens few days earlier


57 People with Fever
Isolation Room @ Hospital.
39 went home.
"Such complaints can be dealt with according to already provide treatment as appropriate according to the SOP suspect swine flu or bird flu. "
"From the number of patients who entered the isolation room, there are only two samples that we take the swap, and blood for examination in Jakarta. Two men had been representing all suspect,"

When you throw in all of the activity for this year, and the poultry outbreaks...the map looks like this:

Red = Humans
Blue = Poultry

Indonesia: T(8); D(9) & N(5) Siblings Suspected H5N1

Saturday, October 23, 2010 | 20:59 pm

Bandar Lampung, Tribune - Regional General Hospital Abdul Moeloek (RSUDAM) re-treat the patient suspect bird flu or avian influenza (AI), Friday (22/10). Ketiganya berinisial T (8), D (9), dan N (5), warga Kecamatan Kemiling, Bandar Lampung. All three initials T (8), D (9), and N (5), a resident of District Kemiling, Bandar Lampung.

Menurut ketua Direktur Utama RSUDAM dr Hermansyah Zaini, ketiganya mulai dirawat sejak Kamis malam (21/10), dan langsung menjalani perawatan intensif di ruang isolasi penanganan penyakit flu burung.

According to the chairman of President Hermansyah RSUDAM Dr. Zaini, the trio began hospitalized since Thursday night (21/10), and immediately underwent the intensive maintenance in isolation space handling of bird flu disease.

"Ketiganya memiliki ciri-ciri sakit selayaknya pasien flu burung, seperti panas tinggi, batuk, dan mengalami gangguan saluran pencernaan," katanya saat dihubungi, Jumat malam.

"All three have the characteristics of pain should bird flu patients, such as high fever, cough, and gastrointestinal disturbance," he said when contacted on Friday night.

Dari keterangan yang disampaikan pihak keluarga, kata Hermansyah, para pasien sempat melakukan kontak dengan unggas yang mati mendadak di sekitar rumah mereka, sejak sepekan terakhir.

From information submitted by the family, said Hermansyah, the patients had contact with poultry that died suddenly in the vicinity of their homes, since last week.

Karena itu, pihaknya segera melakukan antisipasi dengan mengisolasi dan menjalankan prosedur penanganan flu burung terhadap ketiga pasien.

Therefore, it was soon to anticipate and implement procedures to isolate the bird flu to the three patients.

Puluhan unggas yang mati mendadak tersebut juga telah dinyatakan positif flu burung oleh Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan (Disnakkeswan) terkait.

Dozens of poultry that died suddenly it has also been tested positive for bird flu by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (Disnakkeswan) related.

Sebagai langkah pertolongan pertama, pihak rumah sakit telah memberikan pengobatan berupa antibiotik dan tamiflu.

As a first aid measures, the hospital has provided treatment in the form of antibiotics and tamiflu.

"Untuk memastikan apakah positif flu burung atau tidak, kami telah mengambil sampel lendir dan dahak untuk dikirim ke laboratorium di Jakarta," katanya.

"To ascertain whether or not positive of bird flu, we have taken samples of mucus and sputum to be sent to a laboratory in Jakarta," he said.

Hasil uji laboratorium tersebut baru akan diketahui setelah tiga atau empat hari mendatang.

The new laboratory test results will be known after three or four days.

Meski demikian, menurut Hermansyah, kondisi kesehatan ketiganya makin membaik, dibanding dua hari lalu.

However, according to Hermansyah, the three health conditions improved, compared to two days ago.

"Suhu badannya sudah turun, semoga hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium mereka menunjukkan hasil negatif," kata dia.

"Body temperature is already down, hopefully the results of their laboratory tests showed negative results," he said.

Catatan Tribun Lampung, dalam kurun 2010, RSUDAM telah dua kali merawat pasien yang memiliki gejala terserang virus H5N1.

Note Tribune Lampung, in the period of 2010, has twice RSUDAM care for patients who have symptoms of the H5N1 virus.

Pada Februari silam, seorang pasien asal Panjang sempat dirawat karena memiliki gejala serangan virus flu burung.

In February last, a patient from Long was hospitalized because of symptoms of bird flu virus attacks.
Tapi, setelah dirawat selama beberapa hari, pihak rumah sakit menyatakan pasien negatif H5N1 .(her/dik)

But, after being treated for several days, the hospital declared negative patients with H5N1.

Indonesia: 3 Siblings Suspected H5N1 Bird Flu Bandar Lampung

October 23, 2010

Bandarlampung - Regional General Hospital, dr. Hi. Hi. Abdul Moeloek (RSUDAM) suspect flu burung (avian influenza/AI). Abdul Moeloek (RSUDAM) treated three patients suspect bird flu (avian influenza / AI). All three are Febiana (8), Dina (5), and Zaki (6), residents Kemiling Bukit Permai Housing (BKP), Kemiling, Bandarlampung.

They referred to the hospital after experiencing symptoms such as people with diseases caused by the H5N1 virus. Among high fever, cough, and runny nose. In addition, sudden death occurs poultry in their area.

Rendi (20), sister Febiana and Zaki, say, Febiana and Dina has a high fever, cough, and runny nose since Sunday (17/10) last. Two days interval, the same symptoms experienced by Zaki.

The heat does not necessarily''. A few minutes or several hours later dropped. But the rise again, "he said.

The pain suffered by the three children has coincided with the death of poultry birds in the distance about 500 meters from their residence. Rendi said he did not know the exact number of chickens that died suddenly.

''But, the chickens that died had been burned by the Public Health Service, "he said.

Before being taken to RSUDAM, Rendi said two sister and Dinah brought to PHC BKP. However, their condition did not improve. Around 16:30 pm Thursday (21/10), all three were taken to RSUDAM.

Until last night, three patients suspect bird flu was still checked RSDUAM medical team. They were placed in isolation room.

Hermansyah Zaini confirmed the existence of three patients suspect bird flu. ''They came together this afternoon (Thursday, Red), "Hermansyah said when contacted by phone yesterday.

Avian Flu Response Team Leader RSUDAM dr. Pad Dilangga juga membenarkan hal itu. Pad Dilangga also confirmed it. ''Yes, there are three patients suspected of having bird flu. But this new allegation, "said Pad also be contacted via cell phone.

Described, to ensure the third condition of the patient, it took samples of blood, sputum, and nasal mucus. "Samples that we take has been sent to Jakarta. We await the results of the examination, "he said. (ysn/c1/ais) (Ysn/c1/ais)

CDC's 5 Biggests Threats Globally


VANCOUVER — A recent outbreak in Tajikistan has highlighted the fact that challenges remain for the polio eradication effort, in addition to other initiatives, according to findings presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

Scott Dowell, MD, MPH, of the Division of Global Disease Detection and Emergency Response at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, discussed current outbreaks of established and enigmatic infections worldwide. He said that the CDC maintains an ongoing list of the five biggest threats globally, which currently include polio; avian influenza (H5N1); chikungunya virus; cholera;and what are called ‘unanticipated threats’ by CDC officials.

Two recent cases of H5N1 in Indonesia and ongoing cases in Vietnam and Egypt highlight the fact that the infection is not going away, according to Dowell. “H5N1 has made its way out of the media, but it is still among the deadliest threats in the world, given the approximately 60% mortality rate,” he said.

Dowell noted that reassortment of H5N1 with seasonal influenza or influenza A (H1N1) may also lead to infections that provide challenges for clinicians.

Outbreaks of chikungunya virus in France and China have caught the attention of CDC as well, according to Dowell. “Chikungunya has not traditionally been associated with those countries,” he said.

Dowell noted that although chikungunya virus has not been identified yet in North America, Aedes albopticus mosquitoes are becoming much more prevalent, particularly in the south. “We do not have the disease, but we have the vector,” he said. “It may only be a matter of time before these mosquitoes begin transmitting the virus.”

Regarding unexpected threats, a cholera outbreak was confirmed in Haiti at 11:00 pm on Oct. 22, according to Dowell. “This is the first time cholera has been seen in Haiti in the last 50 years, and we are definitely keeping an eye on it,” he said.

Dowell stressed that cholera remains a pandemic, particularly given that it is a significant problem in central Africa. “This is the seventh cholera epidemic in history, and it is an epidemic that is not to be trifled with.”

Reagrding enigmatic outbreaks, Dowell also highlighted an unexplained Japanese encephalitis outbreak in India; an undiagnosed liver disease in Ethiopia; several unexplained cases of lead poisoning in Nigeria; and the unexplained incidence of Nodding Disease in Africa. “We are still studying the pathogenesis of this complex seizure disorder,” he said.

Vietnam: HCM Dengue



Doctor Nguyen Dac Tho, deputy director of the Preventive Medicine Center in HCM City said that dengue fever (dengue) has exceeded 500 cases hospitalized a week.

Trong khi đó, 24 quận, huyện đã chuyển 1,9 tỷ đồng để chi cho công tác phòng chống SXH. Meanwhile, 24 districts have moved 1.9 billion to spend on dengue prevention. Hiện dịch SXH tại TPHCM đang ở đỉnh dịch, dự đoán sẽ kéo dài hơn mọi năm. Current dengue epidemic in HCMC are at peak service, expected to last longer every year.

Các phường, xã điển hình có số ca mắc cao như phường 27, phường 13 quận Bình Thạnh; phường An Lạc, quận Bình Tân. Wards and communes have some typical cases such as Ward 27, Ward 13, Binh Thanh district, An Lac Ward, Binh Tan district. Các quận, huyện khác như Gò Vấp, Hóc Môn, Nhà Bè, Tân Bình, Tân Phú, Thủ Đức đều có số ca mắc SXH nhập viện gia tăng. The other districts such as Go Vap, Hoc Mon, Nha Be, Tan Binh, Tan Phu, Thu Duc cases of dengue have increased hospitalization.

Vietnam: Quang Ngai - Another Outbreak H5N1

We previous reported H5N1 in Nghia Ha, Tu Nghia district (Quang Ngai) here on October 15th.

On October 21st, we reported it in Tu Nghia district and Truong Dinh Mau here

We reported the addition of Dengue in the same districts on October 22nd. That can be found here

Today we have a fourth outbreak in Quang Ngai, in Tran Dinh Mau, for a total of more than 10,000 ducks & chickens sick.

(NLD) - Veterinary Medicine Department of Quang Ngai province say 23-10 days after a positive test result influenza A/H5N1 in 3-month-old ducks, Tran Dinh Mau (Nghia Dong, Quang Ngai City) , local authorities have destroyed the whole flock of his sick son 3000 Mau

Thus, from September to now, in Quang Ngai province had four outbreaks of bird flu with more than 10,000 ducks and chickens are sick.

Most chickens and ducks in this outbreak was not caused by A/H5N1 influenza vaccination has no vaccine. "Because there is no vaccine to vaccinate the poultry disease detection, we only have destroyed the whole flock" - Nguyen Van Thuan, Department of Animal Health Department deputy Quang Ngai province, said.

Brazil KPC: Notification Is Not Required

Previously reported on here

22/10/2010 - 12:30


The Federal District has the highest number of infections and deaths. Are 183 reported cases in 17 hospitals - an increase of almost 70% in less than two weeks - and 18 deaths. Of the patients infected by the bacteria in the DF table 46 had infection and 61 remain hospitalized in public and private hospitals.

The State Department of Health Department reported yesterday that there is no outbreak of KPC. It said hospitals in the isolated cases are not reported because the notification is not required. But data from the National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance Agency (Anvisa) count 70 cases in São Paulo.

The issue of mandatory notification of cases involving antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as KPC, will be discussed tomorrow (22) in a meeting between technical experts in infectious diseases and Anvisa and microbiology. According Anvisa, current legislation does not expressly, clearly, the need for compulsory registration by the states for this type of case, allowing different interpretations of the standard.

The increase in cases related to the KPC has put the government on alert. The mortality in cases of the bacteria is 30% to 40% higher compared to mortality caused by nosocomial infections, according to the director of Anvisa, Dirceu Barbano. The meeting with the experts aims to identify where are the flaws that caused the contamination by the superbug and the adoption of measures to contain and prevent new cases.

Friday, October 22, 2010

New Virus 'Jumps' From Monkey to Scientist, Causing Serious Illness

Adenovirus strain is under study but experts say there's no immediate cause for alarm

FRIDAY, Oct. 22 (HealthDay News) -- A never-before detected strain of virus that killed more than one-third of a monkey colony at a U.S. lab appears to have 'jumped' from the animals to sicken a human scientist, researchers report.

Although it's an unusual move for that type of virus and does warrant further monitoring, the researchers stress there is no cause for alarm at this time. There is no evidence the virus has spread beyond the single scientist -- who recovered from her illness -- nor is there even proof that the virus would be transmissible between humans.

Still, "there is very strong evidence to suggest a cross-species transmission event happened," said lead investigator Dr. Charles Chiu, an assistant professor of laboratory medicine and medicine/infectious diseases at the University of California San Francisco. "I don't think people should be worried about this right now. It's more of a worry to public health officials monitoring these new viruses that have the potential for causing outbreaks."

The study was presented Friday at the Infectious Diseases Society of America annual meeting in Vancouver, Canada.

The scientist appears to have caught the virus while investigating an outbreak of illness among a colony of Titi monkeys at the California National Primate Research Center in Davis, Chiu said.

Among the monkeys, the virus was highly contagious and deadly: Of 55 monkeys housed at the center, 23 (about 40 percent) became seriously ill with upper respiratory symptoms that progressed to pneumonia and an inflammation of the liver. Nineteen monkeys, or about 83 percent of those infected, died.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics did not help the monkeys, suggesting that the pneumonia was caused by the virus and not a secondary bacterial infection, Chiu said.

Researchers later determined the cause of the illness was an adenovirus, a broad class of viruses that can cause everything from relatively harmless respiratory illnesses such as the common cold, to pneumonia, as well as gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis and inflammation of the liver in people.

The new strain, however, had never before been identified, Chiu said.

"This is almost certainly a new species of adenovirus," Chiu said. "By looking at the 'sequence divergence', or how different the genetic sequence of this adenovirus is relatively to other adenoviruses, we believe it is a new species."

The scientist who fell ill had been in close contact with the monkeys. Though she became seriously ill with pneumonia around the same time the monkeys were falling ill, she was not hospitalized and recovered after about four weeks, Chiu said.

Her blood tested positive for antibodies to the virus three months after the epidemic, Chiu said. While not a definitive test, Chiu said it's very likely the cause of her illness was the new adenovirus.

Infectious disease and public health experts are always on the lookout for new viruses that pose a threat to people, said Dr. Aaron Glatt, a spokesman for the Infectious Diseases Society of America and president and CEO of St. Joseph Hospital in Bethpage, N.Y.

While this sort of event makes infectious disease experts sit up and take notice, "it's not something to be nervous about or worried about today," Glatt said. "There is not a novel adenovirus associated with a deadly outbreak in humans, but it's very interesting from a scientific point of view."

While other viruses can infect more than one species, adenoviruses tend to be species-specific, which makes this somewhat unusual, he said. But as of now, there is no evidence of an outbreak of the virus outside that single monkey colony in Davis, Glatt added.

Chiu and his colleagues are trying to determine the origin of the virus, including whether it started as a monkey virus or began in a human and was passed to the monkeys. Since no new monkeys had been introduced to the colony in six years, one possibility is that the virus was circulating, undetected, in rhesus monkeys also housed at the facility and passed somehow to the Titis.

Researchers are also screening several thousand people to determine if anyone else has antibodies to the virus, which would indicate prior exposure and that the virus has already been in circulation in the general human population.

Another question is whether it's contagious among people, Chiu said. "There is possibly some evidence it's transmissible, but we just don't know yet," Chiu noted. "If this virus has the potential for human-to-human transmission, it would have the potential of developing into an outbreak."

While adenoviruses usually stick to one species, other viruses do "jump" between species frequently, Chiu said, and a virus that makes one species very ill may be relatively harmless in another.

SARS coronavirus, for example, colonizes bats and ferrets without causing disease, while in humans the illness triggers severe pneumonia, Chiu said.

Influenza also jumps between species. Pigs may show no signs of having H1N1 ("Swine flu"), but humans can get very sick from it.

Researchers are also working to determine if the new adenovirus is a "recombinant," or combined virus, which includes bits of genetic information from monkey and human adenoviruses.

"When viruses jump they can cause much more severe disease or less severe disease," Chiu said. "These findings might be an argument to do more broad surveillance of animals. If we can better understand what kind of viruses circulate in animals, it might help predict what viruses might jump over and when."

More information

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more on adenoviruses.

Rapid Test Results Negative

October 23, 2010, 10:23:00
Rapid Test Results Negative
Problem Infants Suspected Bird Flu

BALIKPAPAN - The condition of infants who allegedly suffered from HN21 bird flu virus was the result of quick or rapid test performed at the Hospital medical laboratory Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo (RSKD) in the negative condition of Avian Influenza. Nevertheless, the flu should still be wary of.

"His condition is good and it seems just a common cold," tadas dr.Maurits, SP.PP to Post Metro when contacted at his office yesterday (22/10).

Dr. Maurits into the first team designated for bird flu patients victory because he is a senior lung specialist at RSKD, so the problem of avian influenza has become part of his job. Incidentally since the outbreak of bird flu, RSKD party has formed a team comprising medical doctors Disease Specialist, Lung Specialists and Child Specialist to handle patients suspected of suffering from the disease.

Because this patient was a toddler, so he handled exclusively by doctors and specialists Spesiais Child Lung Lung. That's why Maurits join busy dealing with these patients.

"Avian Diseases meyerang anyone could have," said Maurits.

Because the conditions are tired, tired, and many more minds will be easily affected by Maurits someone got sick, the disease is fairly easy to cure with the rest and eat regularly then the patient will recover. Including journalists also will be susceptible to further Maurits got sick because of her work is exhausting.

For babies who are suspected of being affected by bird flu, currently still in the care of the RSKD because inspection results have been sent to Jakarta. It was only after the results from Jakarta, the baby is allowed to go home if the result does negate the Bird Flu.

Maurits also hope that does not happen this avian influenza virus transmission from poultry to humans, especially from human to human transmission because it would be dangerous. That's why he asked the community to keep the settlement environment, for while not raising chickens in the settlements in order to avoid menjangkitnya disease

Scores die in Haiti cholera outbreak

A cholera outbreak has killed scores of people in central Haiti, President Rene Preval has confirmed.

At least 196 people have died and 2,634 have been hospitalised by the illness, which causes diarrhoea, acute fever, vomiting and severe dehydration.

Officials are taking steps to ensure the disease does not spread from the Artibonite and Central Plateau regions.

They fear the death toll could soar if the outbreak reaches camps housing the survivors of January's earthquake.

Synthetic DNA makers alerted to bioterrorism threats

Published 22 October 2010

Scientists have been engineering genetic sequences for decades and commercial gene sequencing has been around for years -- but this year, researchers for the first time were able to design and produce cells that do not exist in nature without using pre-existing biological matter -- marking the latest evolution in the rapidly advancing field of synthetic biology; the developments could pave the way for advancements in medicine, energy, and agriculture, but also could put sensitive materials in the wrong hands; it will soon be possible to recreate bacterial pathogens like smallpox -- and even enhance these pathogens, making them more potent

To make it harder for bioterrorists to build dangerous viruses from scratch, guidelines for firms who supply “custom DNA” are being introduced in the United States.

The United States and other countries restrict who can work with certain germs, but it might be possible to build some viruses from their genes. A number of firms supply DNA sequences to order. New Scientist reports that its 2005 investigation raised alarms when it found that only five out of twelve of these firms in North America and Europe always screened orders for sequences that might be used in bioweapons.

The United States now wants firms to verify a customer’s identity and make sure they are not on a list of banned buyers. It also wants them to screen orders for sequences that are unique to Select Agents, a list of microbes the United States deems dangerous.

Scientists, however, commenting on the draft rules earlier this year, fear that sequences from microbes other than Select Agents might also be dangerous (see “Day of synthetic pathogens-based bioterrorism nears,” 16 September 2010 HSNW; and “Garage-lab bugs: spread of bioscience increases bioterrorism risks,” 13 August 2010 HSNW.).

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says not enough is known about them to say which ones should arouse a firm’s suspicions. Other potential weaknesses include the fact that the rules are voluntary, and that much custom DNA is made outside the United States (see “Gene synthesis companies establish measures to counter bioterrorism,” 20 November 2009 HSNW).

Six New Outbreaks of Aujeszky's Disease in France

FRANCE - The French veterinary authorities have reported six new outbreaks of Aujeszky's disease in the country.

The World Ogranisation for Animal Health (OIE) received follow-up report no.4 yesterday, 20 October. According to the report, the outbreaks occured at several farms in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques region.

A total of 15 animals were affected. All affected animals were slaughtered.

The source of the outbreak has not been discovered.

The virus can survive for up to three weeks outside the pig. Acute outbreaks of disease occur when virulent strains of the virus first infect an unvaccinated susceptible herd. The virus crosses the uterus and placenta and infects the foetuses.

The pig is the main host. Dogs and cattle may become infected, show nervous signs and die.

Swine Flu Variant Linked to Fatal Cases Might Disable Clearing Mechanism of Lungs, Study Suggests

ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2010) — A variant of last year's pandemic influenza linked to fatal cases carried a mutation that enabled it to infect a different subset of cells lining the airway, according to new research. The study, to be published in the Journal of Virology, suggests that the mutant virus could have impaired the lungs' ability to clear out germs.

The researchers behind the study, from Imperial College London, the Medical Research Council National Institute for Medical Research and the University of Marburg said the findings highlight the potential for deadlier strains of flu to emerge and spread.

The 2009 pandemic of H1N1 influenza caused thousands of deaths worldwide, but the majority of cases were relatively mild. A variant of the virus carried a mutation termed D222G in a protein on the surface of the virus, and people infected with this variant were more likely to have severe and fatal illness. According to a World Health Organisation report, the D222G mutation was found in less than two in every hundred cases of 2009 pandemic flu, but was responsible for around seven in every hundred deaths.

Viruses infect cells by attaching to receptor molecules on the cell surface. Different receptors are present on different cell types, and a virus can only infect cells that have the right receptors for the protein on its own surface.

The new research shows that flu virus with the D222G mutation can bind to a broader range of receptors in the airway, including receptors that are present on cells called ciliated cells. These cells, found in the lining of the airway, have hair-like projections called cilia. The cilia sway back and forth to move mucus with trapped particles upward toward the mouth, and this is normally swallowed or coughed up. When ciliated cells become infected, the cilia stop moving and this vital clearance function is impaired. Inhaled viruses and bacteria can then reach the lung more easily, where they can potentially cause pneumonia.

The mutant virus has an increased capacity to infect ciliated cells, as shown by the collaborating group at the University of Marburg. Infection of the ciliated cells would sabotage the lungs' clearing mechanism and could be one factor that made the D222G mutation more virulent, the researchers suggest.

"This simple mutation, which swapped one building block of a virus protein for another, apparently resulted in a more virulent version of the H1N1 virus," said Professor Ten Feizi from the Department of Medicine at Imperial College London, who led the study. "We think this is at least partly due to the virus being able to bind to different receptors, which allowed it to infect ciliated cells and stop them from clearing out germs.

"If the mutant virus were to acquire the ability to spread more widely, the consequences could be very serious. The study goes to show how important it is that the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network continues to monitor closely the emergence of new variants of the flu virus. Even though the 2009 pandemic was relatively mild, it's vital that we handle outbreaks cautiously and stay vigilant. The virus is constantly evolving, and it's possible that a new form as dangerous as the 1918 pandemic could emerge."

Conditions in Haiti Worsen, CDC Investigates Spread of Disease


COCONUT CREEK, Fla. (Oct. 21, 2010) –In response to reports that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating sudden multiple deaths in Haiti’s Artibonite region, Food For The Poor has started to secure and ship critically needed supplies.

Areas receiving immediate aid from Food For The Poor include, Poirier, Desdunes, Dokozel, Villard and Petit Reviere.

Critical items being sent are:

1) Medicines, including antibiotics and oral dehydration salts. Oral vaccinations may be necessary if the disease is identified as cholera.
2) Water filtration units that purify up to 10,000 gallons of clean water a day. Five units are being deployed from the Food For The Poor Port-au-Prince distribution center. Emergency water packets also will be shipped.
3) Hygiene kits with soap, toothpaste and other personal care items to help prevent spread of disease. Some supplies are prepositioned in the Port-au-Prince distribution center and an additional 57 pallets are ready to ship from the Coconut Creek distribution center starting Friday.
4) Blankets.
5) Gatorade and Pedialyte.

Haiti-Health: The Cholera O1 type kills many people in the North and the East

Friday, October 22, 2010
P-au-P., October 22, 2010 [AlterPresse] --- A cholera epidemic of type O1 was declared in the north and east of Haiti and did during the last 72 hours 142 dead, then that 1600 cases were identified, according to the private station Radio Vision 2000.

Health authorities confirmed the presence of cholera O1 type in the country, but argue that 118 people died in the affected areas and 1024 cases are reported.

The Director General of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP), Dr. Timothy Gabriel, told AlterPresse that tests conducted by the National Public Health Laboratory confirmed the nature of the disease.

He said the worst affected areas are located at the department of Artibonite and four deaths were counted and identified 106 cases in Mirebalais, city department of the Central Plateau (east).

Other sources cited by the media are state rather than a dozen dead in Mirebalais.

"We're in a health emergency," said Dr Timothy.

He stressed that cholera O1 type version is the most dangerous of the disease. "With the mobility of the population, the risk of spread is real," he adds

Singapore: Superbug infects 4 more

Oct 21, 2010 They are likely to have caught the bug locally; more cases may surface
By Salma Khalik

ANOTHER four people in Singapore have been infected by the new superbug, the highly drug-resistant New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1 (NDM-1), bringing the total to six.

Of the latest cases, three were elderly patients aged between 74 and 94 but the fourth was in his 30s. As none of them had travelled abroad, it is likely that they had caught the bug locally.

The youngest patient may have acquired the superbug while in hospital as he developed a urinary tract infection after a two-month stay. The NDM-1 bacteria were not present in earlier tests done on the patient.

Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan cautioned that more such cases were likely to emerge, given the ease with which the NDM-1 gene can spread among bacteria.

The gene makes the bacteria resistant to many of the more common antibiotics.

Mr Khaw told The Straits Times that the NDM-1 'is already found in different species and strains of bacteria here'.
cies and strains of bacteria here. We can therefore expect more cases.'

Superbug infections increasing rapidly in Brazilian district

2010-10-22 10:25:57

BRASILIA, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- A drug-resistant strain of bacteria is causing a rapidly mounting number of infections in the Brazilian capital and other areas in the district, local health authorities said Thursday.

Across the Federal District, carriers of bacteria containing the Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase (KPC) enzyme rose to 183 on Thursday, a nearly 70 percent hike in two weeks, according to the district's health department.

Meanwhile, deaths related to the killer bacteria, resistant to most of the common antibiotics on the Brazilian market, increased from 15 on Oct. 15 to 18 on Thursday, the department added.

On Wednesday, Brazilian Health Minister Jose Gomes Temporao announced that confirmed cases of KPC infection had also been found in the states of Sao Paulo and Parana, but no deaths were reported there.

KPC bacteria behave like viruses in the sense that most antibiotics do not work against them. Those infected tend to have a weakened immune system.

Brazilian health authorities believe that indiscriminate use of antibiotics is the main cause, and they have begun making new regulations to prevent the sale of antibiotics without prescriptions.

Diarrhea outbreak kills over 130 in Haiti


SANTO DOMINGO, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) -- More than 130 people have died in a recent diarrhea outbreak in Haiti, health authorities there said Thursday.

According to information reaching here from Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital, authorities said that the deaths were registered in rural areas in different parts of the country.

The cause of the outbreak has not been confirmed yet, but a health ministry official told press that "the first results from the lab tests show that there is cholera, but we do not know which type."


Vietnam: Survey Finds Hospital Infec. Rates of Klebsiella Pneumoniae 50%; E.coli 27%

Ed. - Viện trưởng Viện Vệ sinh y tế công cộng PGS-TS Lê Hoàng Ninh đưa ra thông tin về nguy cơ nhiễm khuẩn bệnh viện tại hội thảo khoa học “Chất khử khuẩn y tế và gia dụng” diễn ra tại TPHCM ngày 21.10, ba loại nhiễm trùng bệnh viện phổ biến nhất hiện nay là: Nhiễm trùng vết mổ, hô hấp, tiêu hóa. -

Director of the Institute of Hygiene and Public Health Associate Professor Dr. Le Hoang Ninh, giving information about the risk of infections in hospitals and scientific conferences "disinfectant and household health" held in Ho Chi Minh City on 21:10, three Hospital infection is now the most common: wound infection, respiratory, digestive.

Mỗi năm, VN có 600 nghìn người bị nhiễm khuẩn bệnh viện Each year, Vietnam has 600 thousand people infected hospital

Theo PGS-TS Lê Hoàng Ninh, mỗi năm, VN có khoảng 600.000 trường hợp bệnh nhân bị nhiễm khuẩn BV trong tổng số 7,5 triệu bệnh nhân nhập viện.

According to Prof. Dr. Le Hoang Ninh, each year, Vietnam has about 600,000 cases of hospital infection in total 7.5 million hospitalized patients. Sự phát sinh bệnh nhiễm trùng chủ yếu được gây ra bởi những loại vi sinh vật khác nhau như vi khuẩn, vi nấm và virus. The infections arise primarily caused by different types of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses. Những vi sinh vật này có thể phát triển ngay trong khi bệnh nhân nằm viện hoặc sau đó. These microorganisms can grow even while hospitalized patient or later. Điều này đã làm cho BV trở thành một nơi đầy nguy hiểm. This made the hospital into a place full of danger.

Một cuộc khảo sát hàm lượng vi sinh vật có trong không khí của 33 phòng mổ, phòng hồi sức tại 13 BV ở TPHCM, mới đây đã cho kết quả tỉ lệ không đạt tiêu chuẩn là 78,8%. A survey of microbial concentrations in air of 33 operating room, recovery room at 13 hospitals in the city, recently the results of non-standard rate is 78.8%.

Vi khuẩn có ở khắp nơi

Bacteria are everywhere

Tiến sĩ Lê Thị Anh Thư, Trưởng khoa Chống nhiễm khuẩn BV Chợ Rẫy, Chủ tịch Hội đồng chống nhiễm khuẩn TPHCM thừa nhận, nhiễm trùng BV tập trung cao ở khu vực hồi sức cấp cứu và ngoại khoa. Dr. Le Thi Anh Thu, Head of Anti-bacterial Cho Ray Hospital, Chairman of City Council acknowledges the anti-infection, hospital infection in areas of high concentration resuscitation and emergency surgery. Phòng mổ không tiệt trùng cũng sẽ có vi khuẩn. Non-sterile operating room will also have bacteria. Vi khuẩn có thể có trong những dụng cụ chăm sóc bệnh nhân, dụng cụ ở phòng mổ, áo của phẫu thuật viên. Bacteria may be present in the patient care equipment and instruments in the operating room, surgeon's coat. Tay Hand nắm cửa phòng, người nhà ra vào tiếp xúc với bệnh nhân và ngay cả những dụng cụ trong phòng bệnh nhân hoặc máy điều hòa không khí lâu ngày không lau rửa cũng là nguồn lây nhiễm… room door, the house out into contact with patients and even the instruments in the patient room air conditioner or a long day of air cleaning is also the source of infection ...

Tại khoa Phẫu thuật gây mê hồi sức BV Nhân dân Gia Định, qua khảo sát ghi nhận tỉ lệ viêm phổi BV do thở máy là gần 60%. Surgery in the department of anesthesia resuscitation Gia Dinh People's Hospital, the survey reported rates of pneumonia caused by mechanical ventilation BV is 60%. Trong đó, tỉ lệ viêm phổi do Klebsiella Pneumoniae khoảng 50%, viêm phổi do E.coli chiếm gần 27%; viêm phổi sau mổ do vi khuẩn Pseudomonas Aeruginosa gây ra chiếm 20% và thấp nhất là do vi khuẩn Acinetobacter Baumannii (3,33%). In particular, the rate of pneumonia caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae 50%, E. coli pneumonia accounted for nearly 27%, postoperative pneumonia due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa caused 20% and the lowest is the bacteria Acinetobacter Baumannii (3 , 33%). Có hơn 93% mẫu đàm phân lập được vi khuẩn là đa kháng thuốc, kháng với kháng sinh điều trị trước khi có kháng sinh đồ. There are more than 93% phlegm samples isolated multidrug-resistant bacteria are resistant to antibiotic treatment before the antibiotic.

Theo các bác sĩ chuyên khoa chống nhiễm khuẩn, diệt khuẩn bằng tia cực tím, phun hóa chất hoặc đối lưu không khí phòng mổ, phòng khám là cần thiết, tuy nhiên biện pháp chống nhiễm khuẩn cần thiết nhất vẫn là việc các cán bộ y tế cùng người thăm bệnh phải có ý thức. According to the specialist anti-bacterial, kills germs with ultraviolet light, chemical spray or air convection operating room, surgery is necessary, but infection control measures remain the most essential staff health visitors and patients must be aware. Đơn giản nhất là việc thường xuyên rửa tay, đeo khẩu trang, mặc trang phục chống nhiễm khuẩn theo đúng quy định. The easiest is to wash hands frequently, wear masks, wear anti-infection prescribed.

Vietnam: Da Nang: Dengue Outbreak

[It is the Veterinary Service out of Da Nang that tested the birds in Tu Nghia district for H5N1. As reported here ]

Sunday, October 17, 2010 23:26

Chỉ riêng 2 tuần đầu tiên của tháng 10, TP Đà Nẵng có thêm 256 ca mắc sốt xuất huyết, nâng tổng số bệnh nhân từ đầu năm đến nay lên gần 3.000 ca

Only the first two weeks of October, Da Nang has 256 cases of dengue fever, bringing the total number of patients from the beginning of the year to nearly 3,000 cases

Do not years of dengue fever (dengue) in Da Nang as high as this year.
Over the same period in 2009, the number of new cases 6 times higher now. Including one case of death of patients is 27 years old, live in Son Tra district.

Dengue patients being treated in hospital in Da Nang 70% were students

Theo thống kê của Trung tâm Y tế dự phòng TP Đà Nẵng, dịch SXH bùng phát và tăng mạnh trở lại trong khoảng 2 tuần qua.

According to the Preventive Medicine Center Da Nang, dengue epidemic outbreaks and increased again in about 2 weeks.

Trọng điểm của dịch là quận Sơn Trà (245 ca) và quận Hải Châu (223 ca).

Translation key is Son Tra district (245 cases) and Hai Chau district (223 cases).

Bệnh viện Đà Nẵng hiện đang tiếp nhận điều trị cho 150 bệnh nhân, trong đó nhiều ca bệnh nặng, nguy cơ tử vong cao do nhập viện điều trị chậm.

Da Nang Hospital is currently receiving treatment for 150 patients, of which more severe cases, the risk of hospital mortality due to delayed treatment.

Đặc biệt tại Khoa Nhi, lượng bệnh nhân nhập viện tăng gấp 11 lần so với cùng kỳ năm 2009.

Especially in Pediatrics, the number of patients hospitalized increased 11 times over the same period in 2009.

Bình quân mỗi ngày, khoa này tiếp nhận 20-30 bệnh nhân.

Average per day, this department receives 20-30 patients.

Trong khi toàn khoa chỉ có 170 giường bệnh nhưng hiện phải điều trị trên 350 bệnh nhân, thậm chí có thời điểm trên 400 bệnh nhân.

While all departments have only 170 beds but currently have over 350 patients treated, even the time on 400 patients.

Dày đặc muỗi và chuột

Thick mosquitoes and rats

Tại các khu chung cư Thuận Phước, Thanh Lộc Đán..., muỗi xuất hiện dày đặc.

At the apartment Thuan Phuoc, Thanh Loc Dan ..., mosquitoes appear dense.

“Khổ quá các chú ơi, tôi sống ở đây gần 10 năm nay nhưng chưa bao giờ thấy muỗi xuất hiện nhiều như thế.

"Suffering too the uncle dear, I lived here for nearly 10 years but have never seen so many mosquitoes appear.

Muỗi từng đàn quá khủng khiếp” - bà Nguyễn Thị Xuân Lan (72 tuổi, ở khu chung cư Thuận Phước) ngán ngẩm nói.

Flocks of mosquitoes too awful "- Ms. Nguyen Thi Xuan Lan (72 years old, apartment Thuan Phuoc) said short underground.

Ngoài việc bật 4-5 quạt máy cùng lúc, gia đình bà hằng ngày còn 4-5

In addition to turn an electric fan at the same time, her family every day also to light a fire to smoke in the dark to catch mosquitoes.

Bà Lan cũng cho biết cháu nội là Phan Trần Khánh Linh (lớp 11) bị muỗi đốt, sốt cao phải nhập viện.

Ms. Lan said the granddaughter is Khanh Linh Phan Tran (grade 11) mosquito bites, febrile hospitalized.

Linh vừa xuất viện thì em gái là Phan Quang Khánh Ly (lớp 8) cũng phải nhập viện.

Spirit has discharged the girl was Phan Quang Khanh Ly (Grade 8) also were hospitalized.

Chị Nguyễn Thị Hải, ở cùng khu chung cư này, kể trước khi vào giường ngủ, gia đình phải bật quạt máy và thắp nhang chống muỗi ngay cửa mùng.

Nguyen Thi Hai, in this same apartment complex, including before bed, family and fans have turned incense mosquito nets at the door.

Theo các hộ dân ở đây, nguyên nhân muỗi xuất hiện nhiều là do nước ở hồ Đầm Rong chảy ngang qua đây bị ô nhiễm nghiêm trọng, hơn nữa vệ sinh ở khu chung cư còn quá nhếch nhác.

According to the farmers here, the causes appear more mosquitoes because water flows across the Dam Rong Lake is seriously polluted, more sanitary apartment too sleazy.

Tại khu chung cư Thanh Lộc Đán, đập vào mắt chúng tôi là sự nhếch nhác, mất vệ sinh, nước thải chảy lênh láng trên nền đất và rác khắp nơi.

At Thanh Loc Dan apartment, knock on our eyes is the sleazy, unhygienic waste water run smooth on the ground and garbage everywhere.

Mùi hôi thối nồng nặc bốc lên từ sông Phú Lộc.

Concentration anonymously stench rises from the Phu Loc River.

Theo người dân, lực lượng chức năng có phun thuốc diệt muỗi nhưng chẳng thấm vào đâu, vài ngày là muỗi lại hoành hành trở lại.

According to people, its function is sprayed with insecticide, but not absorbed into the head, several days are re-circulating back to mosquitoes.

Vietnam: Tu Nghia District: Dengue + H5N1 Bird Flu Outbreaks

Previously reported here

20-10 days appeared to two outbreaks of avian influenza (A/H5N1) in Tu Nghia district and the city of Quang Ngai province (Quang Ngai).Veterinary Authority of Quang Ngai province were sent for testing three samples from the duck (dead and alive) of the Mau family.As a result all three samples were positive for influenza A/H5N1.
Thứ năm, 21 Tháng 10 2010 13:36 Thursday, October 21, 2010 13:36
Chiều 19-10, UBND tỉnh Quảng Ngãi đã tổ chức họp khẩn với ngành y tế và các địa phương để triển khai các biện pháp phòng chống dịch bệnh sốt xuất huyết đang lây lan và bùng phát mạnh tại Quảng Ngãi.

19-10 pm,
Quang Ngai province has held emergency meetings with the health sector and local authorities to implement measures to prevent dengue fever is spreading and an expansion in Quang Ngai.

Do quá tải, bệnh nhân sốt xuất huyết phải nằm điều trị ngoài hành lang bệnh viện - Ảnh: Trà Minh Due to overload, dengue fever patients are treated to a hospital hallway - Photos by Minh Tra

Theo báo cáo của Sở y tế, đến giữa tháng 10, toàn tỉnh Quảng Ngãi đã có 2.764 trường hợp mắc bệnh, 357 trường hợp dương tính, tăng gấp 4 lần so với cùng kì 2009.

As reported by the Department of Health, to mid-October, Quang Ngai province had 2764 cases, 357 positive cases, increased 4 times compared to the same period of 2009.

Dịch xảy ra chủ yếu tại 7 huyện đồng bằng và huyện đảo Lý Sơn, trong đó, thành phố Quảng Ngãi 938 trường hợp, Tư Nghĩa 562 trường hợp, Sơn Tịnh 400 trường hợp.

Outbreaks occurred mainly in the plain districts 7 and Ly Son island district, in which the city of Quang Ngai 938 cases, 562 cases of Tu Nghia, Son Tinh 400 cases.

Điều đáng nói là hiện nay tất cả các bệnh viện đều trong tình quá tải bệnh nhân sốt xuất huyết. The important thing is that now all hospitals are in the overloaded situation of dengue patients. Mỗi giường bệnh phải tiếp nhận tới 4 bệnh nhân nhưng vẫn không đủ, nhiều bệnh nhân đành phải nằm ngoài hành lang bệnh viện. Each bed must receive up to four patients but not enough, many patients had to lie outside the hospital corridor.

Nguyên nhân dịch bệnh sốt xuất huyết bùng phát mạnh là do thời tiết ẩm thấp tạo điều kiện cho muỗi phát triển, tuy nhiên ý thức phòng chống dịch bệnh trong nhân dân và một số bộ phận cán bộ chưa cao.

Cause of epidemic hemorrhagic fever is caused by expansion of humid weather creates conditions for mosquito development, but disease prevention awareness among the people and some department officials are not high.

Tại buổi họp, ông Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn, Phó Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh đã chỉ đạo các địa phương đẩy mạnh ra quân diệt bọ gậy.

At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Hoang Son, Vice Chairman has instructed localities to promote the military kill mosquito larvae. Đẩy mạnh tuyên tuyền cho người dân tham gia, trong đó cán bộ đảng viên phải gương mẫu. Propaganda boost for the people involved, including staff members must be exemplary. Cần nghiêm túc đưa ra kiểm điểm, phê bình nếu cán bộ, người dân không nghiêm túc thực hiện. Should give serious criticism, if criticism of officials and people do not seriously implemented.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Haiti cholera outbreak kills 135

22 October 2010 | 09:35:07 AM

A cholera epidemic in northern Haiti has claimed 135 lives and infected 1500 people over the last few days, Claude Surena, president of the Haitian Medical Association, said on Thursday.

"According to the results of the analysis carried out in the laboratory it is cholera," Surena told AFP, adding that a government statement on the health crisis was imminent.

The outbreak has so far not hit the capital, Port-au-Prince, ravaged by a 7.0 earthquake in January, which killed more than 250,000 people and left another 1.2 million homeless.

But "hospitals and medical centres in the regions are overwhelmed and numerous deaths have been registered," said Gabriel Timothe, director general of the Haitian health ministry.

"There are several hundred people in hospital, and we are evacuating a number of the sick patients to other centres."

Doctors contacted by AFP confirmed there had been deaths along the Artibonite river, which crosses the centre and north of the country.

According to local radio, most of the dead have been taken to hospitals in Saint Marc, about 100 kilometres north of the capital.

In Saint Marc, doctors had earlier told AFP that 26 deaths had been registered and more than 400 people hospitalised.

Eighteen people had also died in the town of Verette in the same region, while three had died in central Mirebalais where 100 were being treated in hospital.

"We have counted 27 deaths and 300 hospitalisations in the Drouin area," said doctor Jean-Robert Pierre-Louis by telephone from northern Haiti.

Haiti is still struggling to rebuild after the devastating quake, with hundreds of thousands of people crammed into makeshift tent cities in the ruins of the capital.

Many others fled the city to live with relatives in other towns across the impoverished Caribbean nation of about nine million people, the poorest country in the Americas.

Aid agencies have voiced fears for months that any outbreak of disease could spread rapidly due to the unsanitary conditions in the camps where people have little access to clean water.

International agencies have swung into action, mobilising medical personnel to try to contain the spread of the disease and treat the sick.

"We are evaluating the situation on the ground with the international partners and the Haitian health authorities," said Fanny Devoucoux from the French aid organisation Acted.

Cholera is caused by a comma-shaped bacterium called Vibrio cholerae, transmitted through water or food that has typically been contaminated by human fecal matter.

It causes serious diarrhoea and vomiting, leading to dehydration. It is easily treatable by rehydration and antibiotics, but with a short incubation period, it can be fatal if not treated in time.

Pandemic cholera last stalked the world in the 1960s, although the disease still erupts among refugees or in war zones where sanitation and medical infrastructure have broken down.

There are an estimated three to five million cholera cases every year, with about 100,000 to 120,000 deaths.