Saturday, June 1, 2013

Jeddah: Injuring More Than 50 And Newcomer Inside The Arrivals Arrest "Deportation" Neighborhood Of The Old Airport In Jeddah Disease "Angz" Gastroesophageal

June 1, 2013
Said Massadron about 58 people and newcomer injured disease "Angz" contagious; accompanying rise in temperature, inside the arrivals arrest "deportation" neighborhood of the old airport in Jeddah.
The spokesman said the Red Crescent in Mecca, Ali Al-Ghamdi, that the operations of the Red Crescent in Jeddah, received yesterday evening, a tip about the presence of several injuries among detainees, pointing out that he was called 6 teams إسعافية of the site, was asked teams of Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health.
He explained that the emergency teams of the body, has done a first-aid to all injured, were transported Number 9 cases of King Saud Hospital in Jeddah, while the remainder were treated at their sites.

Jordan Investigates Hospitals for #Coronavirus Cases



...said Abdullat that the ministry "coordinate is currently working with the Ministry of Health Italy to follow up on the case , said recently it's made ​​from Jordan, to see the details, and conduct a survey and an epidemic around. "He pointed out that Jordan follows the system of monitoring and epidemiological accurate across 3 hospitals are: King Abdullah University [الملك المؤسس، ](Irbid), and Karak government (Karak) and Prince Hamzah (Amman),...

Map of Hospitals:

#Coronavirus #MERS Jordan - MOH conducts epidemiological investigation

Translation out of Jordan
The Ministry of Health on Saturday, the WHO representative in Amman, Dr. Akram Tom procedures instant taken communion with the health authorities Italian to stand on cases recorded in Italy Friday HIV Koruna new. called on the Minister of Health, Dr. Magali Mahilan internal committee on HIV Koruna the Ministry of Health for today's meeting to take immediate action necessary after the information was received تنقلاتها the media about the presence of infected Koruna new in Italy, that there are likely to cross that case Jordan earlier. , the Committee during its meeting in communion with the health authorities Italian to see the situation and took details Full status and مخالطيها to conduct a survey epidemic expanded and knowledge of any epidemiological information useful for the situation. said Dr. Tom: We contacted بالمعنيين in the regional office of the organization in Cairo, and the head office in Geneva after Report Health Ministry us their proceedings to obtain information on the situation before her illness and the merits of the investigation by the by the health authorities, the Italian reported. added that the information reached so far indicate that the injured at the age of 40 years resident in Italy, visited Jordan for 40 days and his health is good. said Tom that the information we expect related to the identification places transported the injured Italian in Jordan, and people who accompanied him to share with the ministry to begin to take action survey epidemic. , and the number of injuries reported globally infected with coronavirus 50 injured, died, including 30 case. , the Ministry of Health announced the registration and فاتين with the disease in 2012, and did not record any injuries or new deaths other virus Koruna even today. Petra 

#Coronavirus #MERS Italy - Index Case Worked At A Hotel

[No one seems to want to say that this man infected his co-worker after being back at the job one day.  That is a bit different than the "usual prolonged contact" we have seen since April.]
Translation  - editing is mine

Three confirmed cases of SARS in Florence. In addition to the first patient - the forty-five Jordanian employed in a hotel in the city, which is being treated in isolation from Tuesday Careggi hospital and declared out of danger - there are also the granddaughter of two years and a co-worker.

The clinical picture of the two new patients, both in isolation, "not serious," says the Ministry of Health.The child is in hospital pediatric Meyer and fellow man, an Italian woman of forty, at Careggi. Remain under observation about forty people, health care professionals, relatives and colleagues of the forty-five who have had contact with him in recent days.The monitoring for the possible onset of symptoms of SARS, or high fever, cough, and in severe cases difficulty in breathing. More severe symptoms than those of a normal flu or a cooling ailments rather common in this period due to the unsettled weather and temperature changes. The transmission from person to person, experts have assured this morning at a press conference at the hospital of Careggi, is very limited. "The disease - says Dr. Joseph Petrioli, head of prevention Healthcare Agency of Florence - has a low risk of contagion between people. Nevertheless, people who have had close contact with the patient have all been identified and warned that if you have respiratory symptoms or fever should be instructed to seek medical attention. There is no need to make vaccines or prophylactic antibiotic therapy because it would be useless. Generally, attention should be paid to persons falling from Middle Eastern countries where the disease has a certain distribution, as well as, as we have just done here, people come into contact with a sick person. " The crisis unit is taken with immediacy and is ready to take on new cases, although, at present, the situation is not alarm, said the regional councilor for Health Louis Brown. The forty-five was back last Saturday by a 40-day trip to see family in Jordan: a son would have been struck down by influenza and he, of course, he was close.  

The area at risk Sars for the way in which the virus has spread widely and was observed, starting from May 2012, including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Qatar. Some cases have occurred in the United Kingdom, France and Germany. The man arrived in Italy with a flight from Jordan Amman-Vienna-Bologna. "For routine - said Emanuela Balocchini, director of the Prevention Services Sector in Public Health of the Region of Tuscany -, as happens for example in cases of tuberculosis, we notify the ministry through its offices port and airport is in charge of tracking down passengers who have traveled close to the patient, usually those 2-3 rows in front and behind. " During the journey, the patient was already bad, said Dr. Alessandro Bartoloni, head of SOD infectious and tropical diseases of the AOU Careggi hospital where Jordan is from Tuesday. Sunday and Monday at home then was introduced himself to work. But, of course, the day after his condition deteriorated, hence the decision to go to the emergency room of the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova in the historical center of Florence. The doctors quickly realized that it was not a common flu. (ANSA). GRO 

#Coronavirus #MERS Italy - Colleague is Woman (40) + Relatives & Contacts in Jordon = 12 People Under Observation

There are two new confirmed cases of SARS in Florence: it is the granddaughter of a year and a half of the first patient and his co-worker. This was announced by the Ministry of Health.
'' The Tuscany Region announced in the late afternoon today at the Ministry of Health - the statement of the ministry - that two subjects, already under medical surveillance because they entered into close contact with the first case of infection with Italian Mers CoV, have developed a clinical form of respiratory infection, which currently presents a framework for both non-serious. Laboratory investigations, carried out in collaboration between health authorities of Tuscany and the National Institute of Health, confirmed the diagnosis of infection with Mers'' CoV. The two new cases, explains the ministry, refer to a child of about two years, part of the family of the first patient, and a co-worker of the same. Both patients are hospitalized in isolation at health facilities in Florence.
'' The transmission of infection from diseased to people who have had prolonged close contact with them has already been documented - continues the statement - even in Europe, in the home and hospital. The Ministry of Health is closely monitoring the situation in close contact with health authorities in Tuscany''.
It is a colleague - and not a colleague - Italian, forty, the third sufferer New Sars confirmed today in Florence.This was announced at a later time Asl Florence. The woman was among those kept under observation because it came into contact with the forty-five Jordanian, the first case of SARS in Italy. Remain under observation over forty people, including health professionals, relatives and business associates of the Jordan, the latter a dozen. 

#Coronavirus #MERS Italy - 43 Contacts of Index Case

The cases of coronavirus have risen to three. In addition to Jordan, 45, admitted to the hospital of Careggi in Florence, were added to the granddaughter of a year and a half and a colleague. Both subjects were under medical surveillance because in contact with man suffering from New Sars. Control for contacts with the first patient, now out of danger, there are 43 people. 

#Coronavirus #MERS Italy Confirms 2 More: Grandchild & Co-Worker of Index Case

· It is two people who have had close contact with the first case, and both are in good health.

· Ministry is closely monitoring the situation

The Region of Tuscany in the late afternoon announced today that the Ministry of Health two subjects already under medical surveillance because it entered into close contact with the first case of infection with Italian MERS CoV, have developed a clinical form of respiratory infection, which at the time presents a framework for both non-serious.

Laboratory investigations, carried out in collaboration between health authorities of Tuscany and the National Institute of Health, confirmed the diagnosis of infection with MERS CoV.

The two new cases refer to a child of about two years, part of the family of the first patient, and a co-worker of the same.

Both patients are hospitalized in isolation at health facilities in Florence.

Sanita': assessore Toscana, sta molto meglio paziente colpito da nuovo Coronavirus

01 giugno, ore 16:35
Firenze, 1 giu. - (Adnkronos) - Sta molto meglio, ed e' fuori pericolo il 45enne di origine giordana ricoverato all'ospedale Careggi di Firenze per aver contratto il nuovo Coronavirus, la cosidetta 'Nuova Sars'. ''La persona ricoverata sta molto meglio, con un decorso spontaneo positivo. Nelle malattie infettive spesso si mette in campo un'organizzazione superiore alla realta' dei fatti e cosi' abbiamo deciso di procedere'', ha spiegato alla stampa l'assessore alla Salute della Regione Toscana, Luigi Marroni. 

#Coronavirus #MERS Italy Timeline

This is the timeline of events thus far, in the Italy case:

Date of Report:  5/31
Name:  45(M) Index Case
From:  Florence, Tuscany, Italy.  Jordanian, Palestinian origin.
Onset: Had sym’s upon return on 5/25.
Adm:  5/28 Santa Maria Nuova Careggi Hospital, Florence
5/25:  Flew back (sym’s cough & fatigue on flight)
5/26:  Stayed Home
5/27:  Went to Work
5/28:  Admitted w/high fever, cough, respiratory failure
Adm:  6/1 Grandson (F)18 mos admitted Pediatric Hospital as precaution, sym’s of coughing.
Adm:  6/1 Nephew Meyer (5) admitted Careggi Hospital as precaution.  Sym’s of coughing.
Notes: Been in Jordon for 40 days, where 1 son suffers from flu. Stable Condition.  In Isolation. 
·      15 Dr’s & Nurses under observation. 
·      Tested patients Brother (contact since arriving back in Italy).  Contacts given prophylaxis.

#Coronavirus #MERS Italy Index Case Nephew Admitted As Precaution

Rome, June 1 (Reuters Health) - are expected in the evening the results of the tests conducted on the baby of 18 months admitted to the pediatric hospital as a precaution Florentine 'Meyer', nephew of the Jordanian-born 45-year old admitted to the Careggi Hospital in Florence to have contracted the new coronavirus similar SARS. What we learn the child would only have a little 'cough. 

#Coronavirus #MERS Italy Index Case Flight From Jordan w/Sym's & Went To Work

ROME 'E' out of danger, is well, a positive trend very fast ": these are the conditions of the 45-year old Jordanian who lives in Florence hit by New Sars'

The Bartoloni says Professor Alexander, head of the infectious disease department of infectious diseases' University Hospital of Florence, who has taken care of. Man is back from Jordan sat on a flight Amman-Vienna-Bologna and already on the way back, accusing the first symptoms. "And 'stayed at home one day, then went to work for one day - said the infectious disease - and on Tuesday he addressed the hospital. "Assessor Tuscan 'Health Louis Brown pointed out that the monitoring system is tripped in a very short time," and added that " there is not any alarm. "It 'been hospitalized pediatric Meyer, but just as a precaution, the grandson of five years of the patient. The child is not sick, he just a little' cough, as explained by the same Professor Bartoloni. 's new Cononavirus is transmitted by close contact and to prevent it takes the usual hygiene also used against influenza: the Ministry of Health to explain in the note where it was confirmed the first case in Italy. Attention to the people with fever and respiratory symptoms from major geographical areas in which there have been similar cases or who have witnessed a patient suffering from the disease. "It's a virus - the statement said - whose almost-human transmission seems to be possible only where there have been prolonged close contact such as in a family or in a hospital ward. Regarding international travel and trade routes, the World Health Organization does not recommend any restrictions to test all travelers' entry into the countries of the EU. "For the prevention of respiratory infections, the normal recommended hygiene measures for influenza (frequent hand washing, covering your mouth with a tissue when you sneeze, etc..) and information are available on the website of the Ministry of Health.

Nuova Sars, ricoverata anche una bambina

16:16 - E' stata ricoverata all'ospedale pediatrico Meyer, ma solo per precauzione, la nipote di un anno e mezzo del 45enne giordano che vive a Firenze affetto da Nuova Sars. Si stanno eseguendo le analisi per verificare se la piccola abbia contratto o meno il virus. "La bambina non è malata, ha solo un po' di tosse", ha spiegato il professor Alessandro Bartoloni, responsabile del reparto di malattie infettive dove l'uomo è ricoverato in isolamento.
Il quarantacinquenne giordano affetto da Nuova Sars, quando si è presentato al pronto soccorso dell'ospedale Santa Maria Nuova martedì, aveva febbre alta, tosse, difficoltà respiratoria. Gli accertamenti hanno messo in luce una polmonite bilaterale. Trasferito all'ospedale di Careggi e messo subito in isolamento, l'uomo è stato tenuto sotto monitoraggio: non essendo disponibile una terapia specifica per la Sars, spiegano gli esperti, ha avuto un progressivo e rapido miglioramento. 

L'esperto: "Non c'è alto rischio di trasmissione" - "Per questa patologia, per quanto si sa - ha spiegato il dottor Giuseppe Petrioli, responsabile del dipartimento prevenzione dell'Asl fiorentina - non c'è alto rischio di trasmissione. Non è necessario fare test diagnostici particolari e l'attenzione scatta solo in caso di un quadro di sintomi aggravato da disturbi respiratori come quello presentato dal paziente". Gli esperti spiegano che i principali fattori di possibile allarme sono il contatto "prolungato e ravvicinato" con persone affette dal virus e la provenienza da paesi del Medio Oriente dove "il virus sta circolando dal maggio 2012, in particolare in Arabia Saudita, Emirati Arabi Uniti, Giordania, Qatar". Altri casi isolati si sono verificati nel Regno Unito, in Francia e Germania.

"Non ci sono evidenze di trasmissione e aggressività - ha aggiunto Petrioli -. Noi comunque abbiamo allertato medici di famiglia e pediatri in modo che se riscontrassero sintomi sospetti, anche per zona di provenienza a rischio, non inviino i pazienti al pronto soccorso ma si rivolgano alla rete di infettivologia già perfettamente attivata". "Fin dall'inizio e con grande rapidità sono state attivate tutte le misure e la rete ha reagito con grande efficienza - ha sottolineato l'assessore regionale alla Salute Luigi Marroni - anche sulla base di esperienze precedenti. A Firenze, è anche disponibile nell'eventualità di casi di insufficienza respiratoria più grave l'Ecmo, l'ossigenazione extracorporea".

#Coronavirus #Mers Italy - Grandson of Index Case is Admitted with Cough, as Precaution

Florence, is the grandson of a year and a half of Jordan's 45 year old at the time of isolation

It 'was admitted to the pediatric hospital Meyer, but only as a precaution, the grandson of a year and a half of 45 year-old Jordanian who lives in Florence affection from New Sars. You are performing the analysis to verify if the small or less has contracted the virus. "The child is not sick, he just a little 'cough," explained Professor Alessandro Bartoloni, head of the department of infectious diseases where the man is being treated in isolation.
The forty-five Jordanian affection from New Sars, when it is presented to the emergency room of the hospital Santa Maria Nuova Tuesday, he had high fever, cough, difficulty in breathing. The investigations have revealed bilateral pneumonia. Transferred Careggi hospital and immediately put in solitary confinement, the man was kept under monitoring: not being available specific therapy for SARS, experts say, has had a steady and rapid improvement.  
The expert: "There 'is a high risk of transmission " - "This disease, as you know - explained Dr. Joseph Petrioli, head of prevention ASL Florentine - there is a high risk of transmission. diagnostic tests do not need to do special and attention would only be triggered in the event of a framework of symptoms aggravated by respiratory ailments such as that presented by the patient. " Experts explain that the main factors are the possible alarm contact "long and close relationship" with people living with HIV and from countries in the Middle East where "the virus has been circulating since May 2012, particularly in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates , Jordan, Qatar. " Other isolated cases have occurred in the United Kingdom, France and Germany."There is no evidence of transmission and aggression - added Petrioli -. Yet we alerted family physicians and pediatricians so that if DETECTED suspicious symptoms, even for the area sourced at risk, do not send patients to the emergency room but turn to the network of infectious diseases already fully activated. " "From the very beginning and very quickly all the measures have been activated and the network has responded with great efficiency - said the regional councilor for Health Louis Brown - also on the basis of previous experiences. Located in Florence, is also available in ' possibility of more serious cases of respiratory failure the ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. "

WHO Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) - update 6/1/13


The Ministry of Health in Italy, through the European Union’s Early Warning Response System, has notified WHO of a laboratory-confirmed case with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in a resident in the country. 

The patient is a 45-year-old man with recent travel from Jordan. He returned to Italy on 25 May 2013 with symptoms of cough and fatigue. His condition deteriorated and he was hospitalised on 28 May 2013. He is currently in stable condition. 

Laboratory test was conducted by the influenza reference laboratory of Tuscany and confirmed by the National Influenza Center of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. 

Globally, from September 2012 to date, WHO has been informed of a total of 51 laboratory-confirmed cases of infection with MERS-CoV, including 30 deaths. 
WHO has received reports of laboratory-confirmed cases originating in the following countries in the Middle East to date: Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). France, Germany, Italy, Tunisia and the United Kingdom also reported laboratory-confirmed cases; they were either transferred there for care of the disease or returned from the Middle East and subsequently became ill. In France, Tunisia and the United Kingdom, there has been limited local transmission among patients who had not been to the Middle East but had been in close contact with the laboratory-confirmed or probable cases. 

Based on the current situation and available information, WHO encourages all Member States to continue their surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) and to carefully review any unusual patterns. 

Health care providers are advised to maintain vigilance. Recent travellers returning from the Middle East who develop SARI should be tested for MERS-CoV as advised in the current surveillance recommendations. Specimens from patients’ lower respiratory tracts should be obtained for diagnosis where possible. Clinicians are reminded that MERS-CoV infection should be considered even with atypical signs and symptoms, such as diarrhoea, in patients who are immunocompromised. 

Health care facilities are reminded of the importance of systematic implementation of infection prevention and control (IPC). Health care facilities that provide care for patients suspected or confirmed with MERS-CoV infection should take appropriate measures to decrease the risk of transmission of the virus to other patients, health care workers and visitors. 

#Coronavirus #MERS Case List - Updated

Date of Report:  5/31
Name:  45(M)
From:  Florence, Tuscany, Italy.  Jordanian, Palestinian origin.
Adm:  Santa Maria Nuova Careggi Hospital, Florence
Sym’s on Adm:  high fever, cough, respiraory failure.
Notes:  Been in Jordon for 40 days, where 1 son suffers from flu.  Good Condition.  In Isolation. 
6/1:  15 Dr’s & Nurses under observation.  Tested patients Brother (contact since arriving back in Italy).  Contacts given prophylaxis.

General Statistics
Saudi Arabia Cluster Stat:  12 Deaths, 22 Cases
Total Global cases:  51
Total Global Deaths:  30
Saudi Arabia:  38 Cases; 21 Deaths
France, Europe:  Cluster: 2
Tunisia, N Africa:  2 (3rd probable)
Italy, Europe:  1

Saudi Arabia Cluster*
Case Number—Name—From--Onset—Condition—DOD
#1--59M—al Hofuf--4/14—Died--4/19*
#2--24M—al Hofuf--4/17—Died 5/29*
#3--87M—al Hofuf--4/17—Died--4/28*
#4--58M—al Hofuf--4/22—Died--5/29*
#5--94M—al Hofuf--4/22--Died--4/26*
#6--56M—al Hofuf--4/22—Died--4/30*
#7--56M—al Hofuf--4/22—Died--4/29*
#8--53F—al Hofuf--4/27--ICU Critical/Stable*--Recovered
#9--50M —al Hofuf--4/30—ICU Critical**--Recovered
#10-- Hussein al-Sheikh 33M—al Hofuf--4/28—Recovered, discharged.
#11—62F—al Hofuf--4/19—Died—5/3*
#12—71M—al Hofuf--4/15—Died—5/3*
#13—58F—al Hofuf--5/1—ICU Critical/Stable*--Recovered
#14—48M—al Hofuf—4/29—Stable--Recovered
#15—58M—al Hofuf—4/6—Recovered, discharged 5/3
#16—69F—al Hofuf—4/25—Died 5/8
#19—56M—al-Hofuf—5/7—Recovered, discharged
#20—45M HCW—al Hofuf—5/2—Critical—Recovered
#21—43F HCW—al Hofuf—5/8—Stable**--Recovered
#22—81F—HCF patient—4/28—Died 5/26

5/26 KSA MOH Announces 9 Recovered.
*1 Death reported is not noted in above list (60yo) by WHO (5/31) & KSA MOH (5/29)

France Cluster [visited Dubai]
Case Number—Name—From--Onset—Condition—DOD
#1—65(M)--Valenciennes—4/23—DOD 5/27

Tunisia [visited KSA & Qatar]
Case Number—Name—From—Onset—Condition--DOD
#1—66(M)—Monastir Tunisia—4/30—Negative Conf.—Father--Died 5/10
#2—34(M)—Monastir Tunisia—confirmed--sibling--recovered (after 5/3)
#3—35(F)—Monastir Tunisia--confirmed—sibling—recovered (after 5/3)

Saudi Arabia
Case Number—Name—From—Onset—Condition--DOD
#1—63(M)—Qassim—Died 5/20
#2—56(M)—Eastern Reg.—5/12—DOD 5/20*
#3—85(F)—Eastern Reg.—5/17—Critical*
#4—76(F)—Eastern Reg.—5/24—Discharged 5/27&
#5—77(M)—Eastern Reg.—5/19—DOD 5/26*
#6—73(M)—Eastern Reg.—5/28—DOD 5/26*
#7—61—Al-Ahsa—Reported on 5/29

Italy –[traveled to Jordan]
#1—45(M)—Florence—Good Cond.

*multiple comorbidities
**with comorbidiity


01 GIUGNO 2013
FIRENZE – Sono venuti a contatto con il 45enne affetto da Nuova Sars e per questo sono finite sotto osservazione. Si tratta di una quindicina tra medici e infermieri dell’ospedale Santa Maria Nuova di Firenze dove un paziente giordano di origine palestinese si è presentato nei giorni scorsi.
L’uomo, alla comparsa dei sintomi, si è recato in ospedale ed è stato ricoverato nel reparto di malattie infettive. Una volta accertato il primo caso di Nuova Sars in Italia, si è provveduto a metterlo in isolamento.
Ad esami è stato sottoposto il fratello del paziente, l’unica persona rimasta a contatto per un tempo prolungato e in maniera ravvicinata dopo che il 45enne è tornato dalla Giordania dove era andato a visitare i famigliari. Al momento per le persone che hanno avvicinato il paziente non c’è profilassi da fare, né vaccini né antibiotici. Lo stato di osservazione è rivolta all’eventuale comparsa dei primi sintomi. I sanitari, secondo le statistiche finora elaborate, sanno che la possibilità di contagio non è alta, meno di quella di una normale influenza.

#Coronavirus Italy - 15 doctors and nurses in Florence under observation

June 1, 2013

FLORENCE - They came in contact with the 45 year old suffering from SARS and New for this have come under observation . It is about fifteen doctors and nurses at the hospital Santa Maria Nuova in Florence where a patient Jordanian of Palestinian origin occurred in recent days.
The man, the onset of symptoms, went to the hospital and was admitted to the infectious diseases ward. Having established the first case of SARS in New Italy , it was decided to place it in isolation.
Examination was performed on the patient's brother , the only person left in contact for a long time and in a range after the 45 year old is back from Jordan where he had gone to visit relatives.currently for people who have approached the patient there to do prophylaxis or vaccines or antibiotics. The observation status is given to the possible appearance of the first symptoms. The health, according to statistics compiled so far, they know that the possibility of infection is not high, less than that of a normal flu.

#Coronavirus - DOH asked to Educate Overseas Phillippine Workers in Saudi About Deadly Virus

June 1, 2013
MANILA, Philippines—An overseas Filipino workers group has called on the Philippine government to send medical attaches to Saudi Arabia, the country worst affected by the outbreak of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

Migrante-Middle East said OFWs in the Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries have lots of questions about the ailment and the Philippine government should be doing something to educate the workers and prepare them for contingencies.
“There are lots of medical concerns by our fellow OFWs not only in Saudi Arabia but also in other Mideast countries. Giving them right information, education, and guidance would be of help to prevent work-related diseases,” John Leonard Monterona, Migrante-ME regional coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa, said in a statement.
He said there was no need yet to suspend the deployment of OFWs to Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries affected by the illness.
“For now, we advise our fellow OFWs in Saudi Arabia and in other mid-east countries to take extra care and properly attend to their health and personal hygiene,” he said.
