Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vietnam: Children's Hospital in Quang Nam: Within 2 Weeks, Received 700 Children, Cough, Fever

Central hospitals suffer power outage


Meanwhile, Children's Hospital in Quang Nam hot that some sick children increased sharply. Within two weeks, this hospital has received nearly 200 children hospitalized for treatment of symptoms: fever, cough ... Doctor Truong Thi Suong, deputy director of the hospital said: "It takes electricity to our hospital must use a burst, but due to unstable power supply can only meet for ventilation of infants and won for computer procedures, some patients also suffered the heat. "

Vietnam: Quail raising is neglected epidemic prevention


According to a recent inspection of the Animal Health Station Chau Thanh (Dong Thap), the district has 24 households raising quail meat and quail eggs with the herd on 98,000 children, are concentrated in the communes of Tan Binh , Tan Hoa, An Nhon ...

Although the Agriculture and Rural Development sector has the prescribed guidelines for raising quail basis, but test results showed that most farmers in Chau Thanh quail are not serving (without a fence around, the distance from residential facilities to ensure not yet registered with local government ...).

Hanoi Declaration calls on countries to cooperate against flu pandemic

Thursday, 22/04/2010
21-4 pm, in Hanoi, the ministers and senior officials from more than 70 countries attending the 7th International Ministerial on Pandemic Influenza and animals (IMCAPI Hanoi 2010) adopted a Declaration Hanoi about the future direction in response to avian influenza, the pandemic disease transmission can occur.

Hanoi Declaration includes 16 major content, which set out measures for national multi-sectoral nature in time to detect new disease can spread from animals to humans and provide timely medical measures to prevent outbreak of epidemics.

Declaration calls on countries, international community focused on linkages between human health, animals and the environment as well as ongoing efforts to reduce the scope of transmission of the virus H5N1, H1N1 and other strains other flu virus ...

Statement also confirmed the importance of technical agencies, the connection between the efforts of veterinary and health sectors in enhancing early warning systems to deal promptly and disease control. Declaration stressed the need to have effective communication activities between experts and the public, community participation and strengthen the health system and public veterinary system

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Bui Ba Bong said Vietnam has made efforts to control the virus H5N1, H1N1 in the recent past and hope to control and dominate completely the H5N1 virus in two - 3 years. Vietnam pledged more efforts in disease prevention activities with other countries worldwide.

Vietnam: CDC & Dept. of Ag.- Signed Intention Letter - For Pilot Study For Road Between: flu, poultry, pork


Same day, within the framework of international ministerial meeting on animal influenza and pandemic influenza, Prevention Center for Disease Control and the United States Department of Agriculture and Rural Development signed an intention letter .

Which spent $ 160,000 for animal health projects, health of U.S. pilot study for the road between the flu, poultry and pork.

In addition, both parties will develop and implement new activities coordination between veterinary and health care for influenza and other infectious diseases from animals to humans in order to identify and better application of scientific knowledge and new health-related shortcomings in this area.

At the same time providing knowledge, data to support proposals for the development efforts more effective influenza control and surveillance, as well as other diseases transmitted from animals to humans ...

Cambodia: H5N1/Bird Flu Death Came 4 Days After Fever

Influenza: Bird flu death confirmed by government
Thursday, 22 April 2010 15:02
Cheang Sokha


A 27-year-old man from Prey Veng province’s Kampong Leav district died late last week after contracting the A(H5N1) virus, known as bird flu, officials said Wednesday. According to a press release issued by the Health Ministry and World Health Organisation, the man died on April 17 as a result of ‘‘respiratory complications’’ four days after he became ‘‘sick at home with high fever’’.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Japan Gives Univ. Damanhour Advanced Equip. To Detect Flu

April 21, 2010

Japan supports the plant Albayutknulogi Bbitri Damanhur

Were a delegation of Japanese scholars seminars Damanhour Branch, Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine in Alexandria on the latest methods to diagnose and treat the flu.

Dr. Hatem Salah al-Din Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Branch, University of Damanhour that this delegation of scientists from the University of Osaka and companies Japan specialists in the area of fact and the containment of epidemics of influenza, in the framework of activating the cooperation protocol signed between the two universities, which aims to academic exchanges between researchers of Egyptian and Japanese to strengthen capacity research and training to use the latest scientific techniques was given to Department of Virus Research Institute at the University of Osaka microbial advanced technological equipment of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine branch of the University Damanhour nucleus for the establishment of Advanced Biotechnology Laboratory faculty.

Said Dr. Ashraf Abdel Mohsen and Under Cleptab Veterinary Damanhour that the symposiums held by the Japanese delegation aimed to identify the specialists in the fields of medicine and veterinary medicine later diagnosis of influenza viruses and ways of prevention and treatment as the Japanese scientists concluded for the development of analysis is by which identify the type of flu virus, making it easier to identify ways treatment of the infected person.

And Dr. Yoshi Casa Oecotarets head of delegation and head of antivirus research at the Institute of Microbial Diseases at the University of Osaka, Japan's chief delegate to the importance of cooperation between the countries of the world in the fight against influenza viruses, especially viral and avian flu and swine Dharautema crossed State borders.

Bulgaria: Get the latest bird flu samples


Today, veterinary teams will take further samples from birds in the area around St. Konstantin resort, where 21 days ago was found dead common buzzard, infected with the deadly virus H5N1.

За „Народно дело“ д-р Марин Маринов от регионалната ветеринаромедицинска служба коментира, че пробите ще бъдат изпратени в националната лаборатория в София.

For the "National Affairs Dr. Marin Marinov of veterinary medicinal regional office said that samples will be sent to the national laboratory in Sofia.

Ако се окаже, че са отрицателни, ще отпадне забраната за пускането на домашните птици на открито.

If it turns out that negative, fails to ban entry of poultry outdoors.

Д-р Маринов добави, че изследванията ще бъдат готови най-късно до края на седмицата.

Dr. Marinov said that the research will be ready no later than the end of the week.

До тогава стопаните трябва да спазват предписанията на ветеринарите за отглеждането на птиците при грипна обстановка.

Until then, farmers must comply with the requirements of Veterinarians for growing influenza viruses in place.

U.S. official: the speed required to prepare for flu epidemics

Wed Apr 21, 2010 4:51 pm GMT

HANOI (Reuters) - A U.S. official in the area of health that the task of preparations for a flu epidemics are still pressing and the world must guard against complacency after the spread of HIV (H 1 to 1), which appears to be less lethal than your potential pandemic of bird flu.

وأضافت كيري ان جونز مساعدة وزير الخارجية للمحيطات والشؤون العلمية والبيئية الدولية يوم الاربعاء ان المشاركين في مؤتمر وزاري بشأن الانفلونزا في هانوي "شعروا بالحاجة الى اعادة الالتزام" بهذه الجهود. She said Kerry Jones, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and Scientific Affairs and International Environmental on Wednesday that participants in a ministerial conference on flu in Hanoi, "felt the need to re-commitment" to these efforts.

وتوفي نحو 17 الف شخص نتيجة لاصابتهم المؤكدة بفيروس (اتش1 ان1) لكن منظمة الصحة العالمية التي اعلنت انتشار وباء انفلونزا (اتش1 ان1) في يونيو حزيران الماضي قالت ان عدد الوفيات الحقيقي على الارجح أعلى مرات عديدة من ذلك. He died about 17 thousand people as a result of confirmed HIV infected (H-1 to 1), but the WHO declared pandemic influenza A (H 1 to 1) in June, said the real death toll is likely many times higher than that.

والمخاوف الاولية من ان يقتل الوباء ملايين الاشخاص تبين انها ليس لها اساس حتى الان. The initial fears that the epidemic killed millions of people turned out to have no basis so far. وتجري اعادة التفاوض بشأن الطلبيات الضخمة من اللقاح. Are being re-negotiation of the massive order of the vaccine.

غير ان خبراء يخشون من انه اذا تحور فيروس انفلونزا الطيور (اتش5 ان1) ليصبح سهل الانتقال بين البشر فانه يمكن ان يؤدي الى مثل هذا الوباء. But experts fear that if bird flu mutates (H 5 to 1) to become easily transmissible among humans, it could lead to such a pandemic.

وقالت جونز في مؤتمر صحفي "مازلنا في فترة الاستعدادات العاجلة." Jones said in a news conference "We are still in a period of urgent preparations."

وقالت في وقت لاحق "يوجد احساس ما بأنه عندما يحدث وباء انه فيروس اتش1 ان1 وكنا محظوظين -- رغم حدوث وفيات وهو أمر ماساوي دائما -- فانه لم يكن مأساويا مثل فيروس اتش5 ان1 ." She said later "There is a sense that when a pandemic virus that H 1 to 1 and we were lucky - even though the incidence and mortality, which is always tragic - it was not tragic, such as HIV, 5 to 1."

وقالت "الاحساس هو ان تلك المناسبة ربما أدت الى بعض الاحساس بأننا نبالغ في رد الفعل واننا نبالغ في الاستعدادات." "I sense is that on that occasion may have led to some sense that we exaggerate the reaction, and we exaggerate the preparations." وأضافت ان اللهجة والرسالة من المؤتمر بشأن اعادة الالتزام كانت "دعونا لا ننزلق الى التراخي". It added that the tone and message of the Conference on re-commitment to the "Let's not stoop to inaction."

وقال البيان ان مسؤولي الصحة في هانوي اتفقوا على العمل نحو عمليات مسح ونظم استجابة أكثر قوة وأفضل تنسيقا وحث الدول والوكالات الدولية على البقاء في حالة يقظة بشأن (اتش5 ان1) و(اتش1 ان1 ) ومخاطر فيروسات الانفلونزا الاخرى. The statement said that health officials in Hanoi have agreed to work towards surveys and response systems more robust and better coordinated and urged States and international agencies to be vigilant on the (H 5 to 1) and (H 1 to 1) and the risk of other flu viruses.

Japan: Announced plans for business continuity in the event of virulent flu - ministry

The Health on April 14, virulent type of influenza was published in the event of a business continuity plan. 政府の行動計 画では、鳥インフルエンザが国内で発生した場合、流行の第一波が約2か月続き、全人口の25%が罹患、1300万-2500万人が医療機関を受診し、17万-64万人の死者が発生すると推計 されている。 The government's action plan, in case of bird flu in the country, following the first wave of the epidemic by about two months, affecting 25% of the population, 13 million -2500 million medical doctor and a 170,000 -64 has been estimated to cause thousands of deaths. 厚労省はこれ を基に、同省職員の40%程度が欠勤する可能性を想定して、業務継続計画を策定した。 Based on this ministry, ministry officials, 40 percent expect a degree of potential absences, and business continuity plans.

それによる と、強毒型のインフルエンザが発生した場合、厚労省はその対策を最優先で実施する。 According to the report, when the virulent type of flu, the ministry will implement the measures at the earliest. 実施する新規業務は、ワクチンや抗インフルエンザウイルス薬の確保、必要な医療体制の整備など。viralcare Implement a new business, the influenza vaccine and anti- drugs to ensure the necessary and maintenance of the system. 次いでがん 対策や周産期医療など、継続しなければ国民の健康に深刻な被害が生じ得る業務を優先する。 health Perinatal care and cancer control, and then continue to be public priority tasks to be capable of causing serious damage.
一方、白書や 年次報告書の作成、頻度の低い調査や統計などは、縮小または中断する。 The creation of annual reports and white papers, surveys and statistics less frequently, a reduced or suspended.

これらの業務に最低限必要な人数は、強毒型インフルエンザ対策に約500人、現状業務の継続に約 1400人の計1900人。 The minimum required number of these operations, about 500 people against virulent flu, a total of 1,900 to about 1,400 current business continuity. 一方、職員約3300人のうち40%が欠勤しても約2000人が出勤可能で、同省の担当者は「非常事態 でも運用できる」としている。 Meanwhile, 40 percent out of 3,300 employees by about 2,000 people can work away from the office, and ministry officials "can operate in the state of emergency" has said.

Cambodia has reported a case of human bird flu deaths

April 21, 2010 21:41:02 Source: Xinhua

PHNOM PENH, April 21 (Xinhua CPP) and the Cambodian Ministry of Health issued a press release said the World Health Organization 21, a Cambodian man was infected with H5N1 bird flu virus died saving invalid. This is Cambodia since the outbreak of bird flu since 2001, 10 individuals infected with avian flu, is also the first 8 deaths.

The statement said that the name came from Cambodia, Prey Veng province, 27-year-old man developed fever on April 13, 16, has been sent to clinics to check cough and breathing difficulties and other symptoms. 17, the man was taken to Phnom Penh Municipal Gan secret Hospital, but was too heavy because of illness, died.

Pasteur Institute of Cambodia for the man of pathological test results proved that he died from bird flu.

Cambodian Ministry of Health has sent medical experts rushed to the Prey Veng investigation, confirmed that the man with the direct contacts in order to take the necessary precautions.

Cambodia began in 2003 cases of human infection with bird flu has been confirmed 10 people were infected, of which 8 people died. The cases occurred in 2010 the first cases of human bird flu deaths.

Cambodia reports 8th bird flu death, 1st this year

Apr 21, 6:19 AM EDT

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) -- A 27-year-old man in eastern Cambodia has died of bird flu, the country's first fatality this year and its eighth since the virus started to sweep through Asia almost seven years ago.

Cambodia's Health Ministry said in a statement issued jointly Wednesday with the World Health Organization that the man in Prey Veng province died Saturday. It was the country's 10th human case of the disease.

The statement says there have been 494 laboratory-confirmed cases of the disease in 15 countries since 2003, with 293 fatalities. The Cambodian man's death was the 11th worldwide this year.

The Health Ministry said it was investigating the case, and stepping up a campaign for preventative health measures.

U.S. Joins Health and Agriculture Ministers at International Meeting in Hanoi to Address Ongoing Pandemic Preparedness

Washington, DC
April 19, 2010

U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Edward Avalos,

Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Dr. Kerri-Ann Jones,

and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health at Health and Human Services Dr. Bruce Gellin,

are leading the U.S. delegation to the International Ministerial Conference on Animal and Pandemic Influenza (IMCAPI) in Hanoi, Vietnam, April 19-21. Assistant Secretary Jones serves as U.S. Special Representative on Avian and Pandemic Influenza.

In addition to those listed above, the U.S. delegation includes several senior officials from the Department of Agriculture,

Department of State,

Department of Health and Human Services,

the U.S. Agency for International Development,

and the Department of Homeland Security.

Continuing...on the subject of Pandemic Exercises....

Resuscitation. 2010 Apr 14. [Epub ahead of print]
Randomized controlled trial of high fidelity patient simulators compared to actor patients in a pandemic influenza drill scenario.

Wallace D, Gillett B, Wright B, Stetz J, Arquilla B.

Kings County Hospital Center, Emergency Medicine & Internal Medicine, 451 Clarkson Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203, United States.

During disaster drills hospitals traditionally use actor victims. This has been criticized for underestimating true provider resource burden during surges; however, robotic patient simulators may better approximate the challenges of actual patient care. This study quantifies the disparity between the times required to resuscitate simulators and actors during a drill and compares the times required to perform procedures on simulator patients to published values for real patients. A randomized controlled trial was conducted during an influenza disaster drill. Twelve severe influenza cases were developed for inclusion in the study. Case scenarios were randomized to either human actor patients or simulator patients for drill integration. Clinical staff participating in the drill were blinded to the study objectives. The study was recorded by trained videographers and independently scored using a standardized form by two blinded attending physicians. All critical actions took longer to perform on simulator patients compared to actor patients. The median time to provide a definitive airway (8.9min vs. 3.2min, p=0.013), to initiate vasopressors through a central line (17.4min vs. 5.2min, p=0.01) and time to disposition (16.9min vs. 5.2min, p=0.01) were all significantly longer on simulator patients. Agreement between video reviewers was excellent, ranging between 0.95 and 1 for individual domain scores. Times required to perform procedures on simulators were similar to published results on real-world patients. Patient actors underestimate resource utilization in drills. Integration of high fidelity simulator patients is one way institutions can create more realistic challenges and better evaluate disaster scenario preparedness. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

PMID: 20398993 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

hat-tip tetano

The Pandemic Exercises Will Increase Now

Here is just the beginning of what I think will be many exercises for a Pandemic.

Red Cross Hai Lang district (Quang Tri): Training on prevention and response to the epidemic in communities

"Project Prevention of pandemic humanitarian nature - H2P" of the Red Cross of Central Vietnam, from May 7 to 12/4/2010, Hai Phu Commune, Hai Lang district, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam District Red Cross has organized two training courses on Prevention - Pandemic for community leaders and volunteers of the Red Cross, each class has 25 participants.


Vietnam: Pandemic remains a challenge for humanity

Conference mentioned here


At this conference, many experts believe that, in the coming period, when environmental conditions have changed, the country will have to deal with the dangers and risks that people do not anticipate, in including the risks of pandemic.

Therefore, the world as well as Vietnam is still warning about a future pandemic.

The need for national coordination, sharing of experiences and scientific and technical advances, planning, preparedness for a pandemic may occur in the future.

Cambodian bird flu death since 2007, the eighth

Phnom Penh, the Cambodian Ministry of Health -
Associated Press April 21, the country's southeastern Prey Veng province of men (27) avian influenza virus (H5N1 type) announced that it had been infected died. Died from bird flu in the eighth in the country since April 2007.
According to the ministry, the man developed fever on August 13. Was taken to a hospital in Phnom Penh on 17 because of worsening symptoms such as breathing difficulties and died the same day.
2010/04/21 15:26

Four checkpoints in Cho Moi district

NDDT - After announcing bird flu outbreak (H5N1), Cao Na first in the village, As can commune, Cho Moi district (Bac) on 6-4, this disease has quickly spread to the countryside Total Stock and South Vietnam, Yen Ting (Cho Moi). Thanks to the implementation of positive measures, Bac Kan has now been translated to control avian influenza A (H5N1) in poultry and humans.

This morning, 21-4, Health Department Deputy Director Hoang Van Bac Linh said: The two patients positive for influenza A (H5N1) and other patients with symptoms of cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, fever was Hospital treatment in Cho Moi district were cured and discharged.

Besides, from 13-4 so far no outbreak of any outbreak of bird flu in the province. In three villages had bird flu outbreak, the authorities in Cho Moi district sprayed disinfectant chemical disinfection than ten times, destroyed more than 5600 birds in the outbreak, the neighboring village, nearly 65 thousand As birds Try Commune, Yen Dinh and surrounding villages with high infection risk have been vaccinated prevent flu vaccine. Cho Moi district currently maintains four checkpoints at the gateway to the provincial outbreak until the end of service announcement.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

China steps up plague prevention in quake zone

BEIJING - Chances of a plague outbreak in the quake zone were slim, but the health sector still needed to be prepared for the worst, a specialist with China CDC told Xinhua Tuesday.

"The human transmission of plague in Yushu requires direct contact with the Himalayan marmot, but the marmots won't wake up from hibernation till the end of April," said Ni Daxin, an epidemiologist with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) in charge of epidemic risk evaluation of the quake zone.

However, he said the Himalayan marmot, or Tibetan snow pig, might wake earlier because of the quake, so the situation must be closely monitored.

The health ministry warned about outbreak of plague immediately after the 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Yushu last Wednesday, as the region is the origin of the Himalayan marmot plague.

China CDC started assessing the risk of plague on the day of earthquake, as ordered by the ministry.

Yu Dongzheng, a research fellow specialized in epidemic prevention with China CDC, was quoted by the health-ministry-run newspaper as saying, the past five decades witnessed 20 outbreaks of human-to-human transmission of plague in Yushu, the latest in 2004 claiming six lives.

So far, no marmots have been found. As of Tuesday morning, health institutions in the worst-hit Yushu prefecture reported no cases of plague or any other communicable disease, said Ni.

The health ministry Monday issued a notice requiring the epidemic prevention team on the ground to expand monitoring for plague .

The notice also ordered increased education about plague prevention for quake victims, rescue workers and medical workers in the quake zone.

Ni said it's quite necessary, because "Lots of quake relief medical workers are dispatched from non-plague areas, so they must be familiarized with the disease quickly for the sake of early detection."

Besides, there are people hunting marmots for their fur. "People must be warned against this," said Ni.

Meanwhile, China CDC already had delivered 80,000 bilingual disease prevention brochures in Chinese and Tibetan, and 10,000 plague prevention leaflets to the quake zone, with more to go.

Instructions for preventing plague, as well as pamphlets about working in high altitude areas were also delivered.

Besides, "Those developing symptoms of fever, coughing or swelling glands needed to be scanned for plague," said Ni.

Ni also warned of other epidemic hazards in the quake zone, among others, tainted drinking water.

In the worst-hit Jiegu township, there are now seven settlements of quake survivors, the largest sheltering 20,000. Ni said, some of the wells nearby were sterilized, but water from river was not. "The current counter-measure is to educate the quake survivors not to drink unboiled water."

Risks of tuberculosis (TB) infection are mounting, because TB, a highly infectious disease mostly affecting the poor, needs to be treated by consistent medication. Ni said the earthquake might have hindered such treatment.

Ni said, regular medical services in the quake zone needed to be restored as soon as possible.

Vietnam Summary Outbreak: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

It lasted 7 days. The number of suspected cases went from 2 to 33. In the end, 2 were confirmed, no evidence of human-to-human transmission, no explanation of what exactly ailed the 33 people......and life went on.

In this summary, you will see excerpts from a Document entitled Avian and Pandemic Influenza: Vietnam's Experience
Underneath the excerpts, you will see the actual text in blue as it appeared in the local news articles.

I believe the actions were that of an outbreak of H5N1. The truth, we will never know.

First, a brief summary of events:

8th: Medical Center of Cho Moi district has received nine cases have manifested as fever, cough, shortness of breath.
5 family members.

9th: District Health Centers had 21 people on Tamiflu. Cho Moi district health was granted 700 doses of Tamiflu []

13th: Cho Moi district hospital discharges 8 people after 1 week of treatment. Tested 3 times. Health status going well, no cough, fever, difficulty breathing.

Particularly the case of Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu patients - patients who have tested positive for influenza A (H5N1), was tested through the 2nd and 3rd have tested negative for influenza A (H5N1) . Currently the patient is being continued monitoring and treatment in the future.

13th: H5N1 rages on in Cho Moi: To combat bird flu spread out wide, up to this point, Cho Moi district has set up four checkpoints in the route out to the outbreak, destroying more than 5,200 birds, spraying chemical disinfection identical in six communes disinfection, vaccination for nearly 22 thousand birds in the vicinity.

13th: He said the 11 others, some of whom were relatives of the confirmed cases, had fallen ill with fever, coughing and shortness of breath. They were given the antiviral Tamiflu and have since recovered. He said they were tested for bird flu, but the results have not come back.

14th: At the meeting of the National Steering Committee against pandemic influenza in the afternoon 14 / 4 at the Ministry of Health… According to two reports of working groups of the Institute in Bac Kan, two patients at about 100 meters apart but there is no direct contact with each other. 33 people have contact with patients on two samples have been tested and are negative for influenza A/H5N1. 2 patients were exposed to bird flu alone.

Now for the Summary:

Supporting treatment facilities include district hospitals and health centers, and commune health stations. District-level facilities receive, isolate and treat pandemic influenza patients with mild or moderate illness; provide direction and support, and conduct training courses in the community; and, cooperate in setting up level I field hospitals if required.
Commune health stations are responsible for the early identification of suspected cases of influenza in communities, the temporary isolation and then referral of patients to higher level hospitals, and the implementation of influenza prevention and control measures in cooperation with higher level hospitals and preventive health units.
In addition, when directed by the National Steering Committee on Human Influenza Pandemic Prevention and Control, commune health stations are also responsible for receiving and monitoring (home-based) influenza patients when all hospitals are overloaded.

After the patient Chu Van Hoa, 22, residing in rural Cao Na (as) - first patient, have tested positive for influenza A (H5N1) Steering Committee for prevention of respiratory infections acute health sector virus Bac Kan, Cho Moi district has directed the professional sector, in particular the district health center inspection organization, to the list of people who have had contact with patients and poultry and aquatic birds sick. Simultaneous deployment of medical examination and treatment in time for the cases show signs of fever, cough, shortness of breath in the locality. Up to date 8 / 4, the district health center has received nine more cases have manifested as fever, cough, shortness of breath. Of these 8 patients are residing in villages Na Tao, a patient residing in Yen Dinh. Cases of patients with Luc Van Ha (Yen Ting), hospitalized in a state of fever, cough, dyspnea and diarrhea.

Comrade Liu Xuan Hoa, deputy director of the district health center, said: "Immediately after Chu Van Hoa patients admitted to hospital, district health centers were examined, timely treatment for cases of cough , fever, difficulty breathing, the presence of influenza A (H5N1). Of the 21 cases the presence of HPAI was taking Taminflu there were 14 cases of stable health, the rest are cases where continued therapy at the Center.

Mobile response teams in provincial and district preventive medicine units have been established to carry out outbreak containment and situation monitoring 24 hours a day.

Related to the treatment of influenza A/H5N1 epidemic, he said Khue, Health Administration has asked the hospital last line of influenza treatment systems should be ready to receive the treatment of severe cases and difficult to treat, and support facilities on the lower level of health prevention services.

Accordingly, the receive and treat patients and the average online by the hospital treating influenza primarily in charge of the system.

Private line extensions and treatment system in place in the treatment of influenza, will take on the detection of suspected cases in the community to guide and coordinate, online social support in surveillance, treatment and fight against epidemic. Currently avian appear scattered in several provinces.

MoH has reviewed and directed the logistical preparation of institutions in its hierarchy and at other locales for establishing, maintaining, and distributing stockpiles of equipment,supplies, medications, chemicals and biologicals for outbreak investigation, surveillance and containment, and for the testing, diagnosis, emergency care, treatment and transportation of patients. Mr. Tran Trung Kien, Deputy Chairman of the DPC, Head PSC flu A (H5N1) in poultry, said: "Before complicated by flu A (H5N1) in poultry, Cho Moi district has directed handling and destruction of the outbreak and conduct disinfection spray. Besides boosting the district is also activity and propaganda for the people to understand, since the initiative for prevention, avoid mental confusion, reduced subjective ideas about the epidemic of influenza A (H5N1) in people; to mobilize people to monitor, detect and alert authorities when timely handling sick poultry is manifested strengthen examine the purchase, sale and transportation of poultry and aquatic birds to limit to the extent lowest state of widespread epidemic.

Strengthening supervision cases first infected with influenza A (H5N1) in treatment at all levels, from the commune health centers to district hospitals, provincial general hospital. In the process of receiving, diagnosing and treating patients must strictly comply with the guidance in the Decision on 19.08.2008 30/2008/QD-BYT guiding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of flu A (H5N1) in humans;

Medical Center of Cho Moi district has received nine cases have manifested as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, Deputy Director Medical Center of Cho Moi Liu Xuan Hoa said: "Even after Chu Van Hoa patients admitted to hospital, district health centers were examined, timely treatment for cases of cough, fever, difficulty breathing, the presence of influenza A (H5N1).Of the 21 cases the presence of flu have been taking Taminflu there were 14 cases of stable health, the remaining cases is continuing treatment at the Medical Center district.

Vietnam has four regional reference laboratories, three are rated as biosafety level (BSL) 2+ and one has a BSL3 designation. Two of the laboratories have been designated by WHO as National Influenza Centres and as H5N1 reference facilities. In response to the pandemic, 22 National Institutes, 8 referral hospitals and 32 preventive medicine centres were certified to perform PCR testing for Influenza A(H1N1). Much of this increased capacity was established as a result of the emergence of avian influenza; as a consequence, case confirmation can usually occur within 24-48 hours.

Female patients, 02 years old Address: Nà Tào, village Nhu Co, district Cho Moi, Bac Kan. Onset of disease manifestation on 02/4/2010 with 40 0 C high fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose. On 04/4/2010 patients the home were taken to hospital treatment Cho Moi district.

On 07/4/2010, Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology answer test results positive for influenza virus A (H5).">

April 13
He said the 11 others, some of whom were relatives of the confirmed cases, had fallen ill with fever, coughing and shortness of breath. They were given the antiviral Tamiflu and have since recovered. He said they were tested for bird flu, but the results have not come back.
Also, on April 13th
“So far eight people have symptoms of cough, sore throat, fever, treated at health centers and from Cho Moi has returned home.”

April 13:
“After 1 week of treatment on 12 / 4 has 8 patient discharge. Through treatment with 3 tests, the patients have tested negative for influenza A (H5N1), health status going well, no doubt the expression as: cough, fever, difficulty breathing .”

There clearly was a problem in the poultry…
“On 8 / 4, Department of Animal Health says it has bird flu appeared in two provinces of Quang Ninh and Bac Kan, Thai Binh province also appeared on the blue ear pig.
Specifically, in Bac Kan province on 19 / 3 as of 04/06/2010, avian influenza has occurred in 16 rural farming households in Cao Na, As Stock commune, Phu Luong district. Total number of poultry deaths and destruction in the 318 households on a child.”

MoH has reviewed and directed the logistical preparation of institutions in its hierarchy and at other locales for establishing, maintaining, and distributing stockpiles of equipment, supplies, medications, chemicals and biologicals for outbreak investigation, surveillance and containment, and for the testing, diagnosis, emergency care, treatment and transportation of patients.

At present, local authorities and health agencies are intensifying emergency measures to sterilise infected areas and strictly monitor new outbreaks of the disease.
Cho Moi district has been given 700 doses of Tamiflu vaccine and enough medical equipment to ensure that necessary checkups and treatment can be provided to local patients.

Medical Center of Cho Moi district has directed preventive medicine team deployed work focused spray disinfection in Na Tao village. Simultaneously center also directed the commune health centers, village nurse supervision, monitoring closely the situation in local disease to detect, on routes to transfer patients timely treatment. Known at this time, Cho Moi district health was granted 700 doses of Tamiflu, the protection equipment, medical supplies have been adequate preparation for the examination and treatment locally.

4.2.4 Ministry of Information and Communication

The Ministry of Information and Communication has regulated the dissemination, communication and promotion of the pandemic situation through the domestic media, and communicated with international organizations to prevent negative impacts on socio-economic activities, international exchanges, tourism, and public opinion. The Ministry has kept the public updated on the global and national situation and prevention and control measures through daily mass media broadcasts by MoH spokesperson, especially in peak hours and during popular programs. In addition, the Ministry has provided prompt reports to the National Steering Committee when urgent interventions are needed.

On 05/04/2010, Steering prevention of acute respiratory tract infections caused by viruses of Bac Kan province issued emergency notices 47/TB-BCD number of cases of patients with influenza A (H5N1) in Bac Kan and some preventive measures for avian influenza A (H5N1) emergency.”
To actively in the work for prevention of influenza A (H5N1) in people over the province, the Steering Committee asked the health sector, the Agriculture and Rural Development, the departments concerned and the People's Committee districts, some urgently implement the following key tasks:

For Health Services:
Strengthening supervision cases first infected with influenza A (H5N1) in treatment at all levels, from the commune health centers to district hospitals, provincial general hospital. In the process of receiving, diagnosing and treating patients must strictly comply with the guidance in the Decision on 19.08.2008 30/2008/QD-BYT guiding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of flu A (H5N1) in humans;

To direct the provincial Preventive Medicine Center, TTYT the districts:
Prepare machinery, chemicals, protective equipment and strengthening of Preventive Medicine team, ready to support local anti-epidemic when required. Implementing anti-guide service in accordance with Decision No. 1812/QD-BYT on 05/23/2005 by the Health Ministry issuing process outbreak of avian influenza A (H5N1).

If a patient's death, burial must be held as stipulated in Circular No.: 02/2009/TT-BYT of the Health Ministry in guiding the cleaning operation burial, cremation.
Enhance communication to raise awareness of people about flu in poultry. To well implement the Health Ministry's recommendations on prevention of influenza A (H5N1) from birds to infect humans.

For the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development:

To expeditiously examine and supervise the local situation in the province of HPAI in poultry; enhance direct veterinary staff at all levels on prevention of avian influenza ; coordinate well with the public health sector in the prevention and control outbreaks in poultry and avian influenza A (H5N1) in humans.

Two Health and Agriculture and Rural Development to urgently formulate a regulation to coordinate their operation against disease spread from cattle and poultry to humans, especially flu A (H5N1) to respond proactive preventive measures right from the stage occurred in poultry.

For the People's Committees of districts and towns:
To organize the inspection and supervision of the management of state animal health in the province; reorganize the work report, translate reports from villages, communes to district levels; Emergency School Steering Committee to consolidate prevention and control of local direct the departments of professional, relevant departments of local People's Committees of communes, wards and towns strictly implement the direction of the health sector , Agriculture and Rural Development and the Provincial Steering Committee, which plans to timely prevention and control to limit the spread of avian influenza A (H5N1) from poultry to people, minimize the number of patients died .

In this announcement, Steering prevention of acute respiratory tract infections caused by viruses requires Bac Kan provinces, the departments concerned to expeditiously implement.

4.2.11 Mass Media Agencies at Central Level

The “Nhan Dan” newspaper (People’s Newspaper), Vietnam News Agency, Vietnam Television, and

The Voice of Vietnam, as members of the Communication Sub-committee, and other press and news agencies have coordinated with MoH to provide updated information about the pandemic situation and prevention and control measures through mass media channels, especially in peak hours and in popular programs.

Advocacy on issues of mass media for people to understand and comply with the Health Ministry's recommendations on measures against bird flu should be "temperamental predominance" again.

Padang RSUP suspect Bird Flu Patients Hospitalized

Archipelago / Tuesday, April 20, 2010 18:43 AM, Kildare: General Hospital Center (Dr) M Djamil Padang care of a four-year-old child Lubuk cone, Agam regency, West Sumatra, which is suspected of having bird flu (avian influenza / AI).

"The patient named Salsa Elya Suharya, 4, was referred to Dr M Djamil Padang at around 14:40 pm Tuesday, and is now hospitalized in isolation rooms A1," said Director of Medical and Nursing department Dr M Djamil Padang. Ira Yanti, Tuesday (20 / 4).

He explained, the patient suspect bird flu was still high body heat and breathing difficulties that continue to be monitored.

Statement from parents of patients (Eli), the child has fever since three days ago and brought to the PHC. After taking medicine, the heat down, but a day later his body heat back high, so was taken to a local hospital. However, the regional hospital in Lubuk cone refer the boy to Dr M Djamil Padang.

Ira mentioned, history of fever, the child may also be associated with neighbors of the dead chickens near his home. After examination of blood samples with a rapid test by a local veterinarian, the chicken was stated positive was attacked ciru bird flu (H5N1).

He said the patient's blood sample has been sent to the Agency for Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes) The Ministry of Health and the results can be known a week longer.

"Throughout the last four months of Dr M Djamil treating two patients suspect bird flu," he agreed the Director of Human Resources and Education Aguswan M Djamil dr.

Ira explained further, since the bird flu case found in the territory of Sumatra until now at least Dr M Djamil Padang is treating about 80 patients.

Of that amount, he added, carrying four people tested positive for bird flu, and one of them dead while the other three recovered. (Ant / ICH)

INTERVIEW-Focus shifts to mid-sized farms to stop bird flu -UN

20 Apr 2010 06:31:42 GMT
Source: Reuters
HANOI, April 20 (Reuters) - Mid-size traders and farms that sell poultry to small farmers could act as avian flu transmission hubs and there needs to be to better biosecurity at that level, a top United Nations expert said on Tuesday.

Bird flu outbreaks have generally been dealt with by culling birds, but health authorities were now trying to look up the supply chain to identify possible sources of infection, said David Nabarro, the U.N.'s senior coordinator for avian and pandemic flu. "We are finding that if we have a much clearer understanding of the patterns of movement of the virus, and in particular build-up points, we can then do much more sophisticated control strategies that have less economic damage for poorer people and more impact," he told Reuters in a telephone interview from Geneva. "It's the medium sized commercial poultry traders who have yet to introduce good quality biosecurity that are the ones on whom we are focusing most of our attention these days." Nabarro said evidence from Indonesia and Egypt suggested that this layer of the industry was significant.

Nabarro is participating remotely in the two-day International Ministerial Conference on Animal and Pandemic Influenza that started in Hanoi on Tuesday. He could not attend in person because of flight cancellations due to the ash cloud over Europe.

Since 2003 the H5N1 strain of bird flu has has infected a confirmed 493 people and killed 292, or nearly 60 percent. Most of the deaths have been in Asia. Almost all of these infections were believed to have taken place directly from birds to humans, but health experts fear it could mutate to a form that could be easily transmitted human-to-human, sparking a deadly global pandemic.

There have been two sizeable clusters so far -- one in which eight family members died on the Indonesian island of Sumatra in 2006 and another in Turkey in which eight people were infected and four died. In the Sumatra case, the virus went on for two generations and then stopped -- a 37-year-old woman was believed to have infected her 10-year-old nephew, who went on to infect his father. Another smaller probable case of human-to-human transmission occurred in Thailand in 2004, where a mother died after tending to her sick daughter for hours. The conference in Hanoi brought together hundreds of officials from around the world and Nabarro said they would assess avian influenza prevention and look at systems for pandemic response. (Reporting by John Ruwitch; editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ministers gather in Vietnam to discuss pandemic influenza responses

Updated April 20, 2010 10:50:52

The World Health Organisation has warned the H1N1 swine flu pandemic might not be conquered until next year and that continued vigilance is necessary against the mutating virus. The WHO's director-general Margaret Chan says while countries may have a strong defence against swine flu, they still remain ill-prepared for mass outbreaks of the deadlier bird flu virus. Hundreds of international government and health officials are in Vietnam this week for an international ministerial conference to discuss animal and pandemic influenza.

Presenter: Sen Lam
Speaker: Dr Julie Hall, senior technical adviser for the UN System Influenza Coordination

HALL: The key purpose is to really keep the focus on animal and pandemic influenzas that are of a significant threat to animals and to humans around the world. And the purpose of the conference is to discuss what is the way forward to ensure that we can sustain the efforts that we have made to keep avian influenza in as fewer countries as possible and try and push that virus back so that it no longer is a threat to poultry populations or to humans. And what more do we need to do to ensure that the world is well prepared to tackle a pandemic, and as WHO has said the current pandemic that is likely to continue for some time to come.

LAM: So we're not out of the woods yet even though the efforts as you say have been quite robust?

HALL: That's correct, I mean there's been some remarkable achievements both on the bird flu and for pandemic preparedness and an unprecedented global response to the pandemic that we're seeing. But we're most certainly not out of the woods with either of those problems, nor are we out of the woods in terms of other influenza viruses or other viruses that could potentially pose threats to human populations into the future. And as we've seen from the volcanic ash eruption, we do as a world, as a global community have to be prepared for sudden and unexpected events because in our global community now we're very inter-connected, and an event in one country quickly becomes a threat and event in other countries. And so that's why it's so important that we have over 70 countries represented at the conference today and tomorrow, and they are discussing how the global community we can draw together to build on the achievements that we have and to continue to strengthen our ability as an internatonal community to fight these kinds of infectious disease threats.

LAM: Well in terms of bird flu and possibly even swine flu, Asia remains the worst affected region. Is that because more people keep livestock like poultry in their backyards in Asia?

HALL: That's correct, we know that from history that where you have high density, lots of people living very closely with domestic animals and wild animals, that's where you're more likely to get diseases emerging in animals and then jumping into human species. That said though, we saw from the pandemic influenza this year that these types of threats really can come from anywhere in the world, and occur at any time. So Asia in some ways has the disadvantage of those large and growing human and animal populations, but at the same time Asia we have seen has mounted a very robust response to the pandemic when it occured because there have been so many preparations for bird flu in this region, systems have been strengthened so much because of that experience, and that certainly gave Asia an advantage when the pandemic emerged in that many countries in Asia were far more prepared for that than they would have been five to ten years ago.

New National Center for Animal Health Opens In Ames

POSTED: 11:04 am CDT April 19, 2010
UPDATED: 11:32 am CDT April 19, 2010

AMES, Iowa -- Officials are dedicating the new National Centers for Animal Health in Ames on Monday.
The new facility will provide labs, offices and animal space for animal health scientists and researchers.
Scientists worked last year to test the first samples of H1N1, leading to the discovery that infected pigs did not have the virus in their tissues and confirming the safety of the food supply.
U.S. Sec. of Agriculture and former Iowa governor Tom Vilsack spoke at the ceremony.
The center is the largest federal animal disease center in the U.S.

Malaysia: Health Ministry Continues To Monitor H1N1 Mutation - Liow

KUALA LUMPUR, April 19 (Bernama) -- The Influenza A (H1N1) virus in the country has not mutated but the Health Ministry has taken measures to monitor the situation, minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said Monday.

"We monitor from time to time to see whether the virus has mutated, which could have dire consequences.

"For the time being there, is no mutation and we are still at level 0, with a death rate of 0.04 per cent, but the rate of infection is still high," said Liow.

Speaking to reporters after launching the Battlefield Healthcare Life Demonstration in conjunction with the Defence Services Asia (DSA) 2010 exhibition here, he said most people were immune to certain types of flu but not H1N1 which was why it spread easily.

"I'm confident the disease can be contained, although infection is fast, if we can we improve our treatment and quickly treat symptoms," he said.

Liow said the total number of H1N1 cases had increased to 13,158, with 31 new cases recorded today.

There are 550 patients who are being treated in hospitals, of which 66 are positive for H1N1, he said.

"The number of people being treated in the intensive care units (ICU) has increased by 13 cases, 10 of which involve those in the high-risk group, and yesterday one cluster was reported in a school, where two of its students were admitted to the Kuala Kubu Bharu Hospital," he added.

Regarding the death of a four-year-old child in Sibu yesterday, Liow said although the child was infected by H1N1, a bacteria attack and blood infection were also detected.

"He experienced complications which caused his death. His death is said to be in the second category because it was not caused directly by H1N1, but because it was due to some other bacteria," he said.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Taiwan: President urges public to remain alert against influenza HIN1

04/17/2010 (CNA)
Taipei, April 17 (CNA) President Ma Ying-jeou called Saturday for the Taiwan public to remain alert against influenza HINI and he praised the Department of Health (DOH) for its work since the outbreak of the virus last year.

In conversation with Health Minsiter Yaung Chih-liang in the president's weekly online journal, Ma urged the public to stay on guard against the potentially fatal disease.

Yaung described the DOH's immunization efforts as the most important battle in Taiwan's public health history since the eruption of SARS in 2003.

"Among the 32 members (and observers) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD), Taiwan has the third-lowest H1N1-related mortality rate, which indicates that the country's medical treatment of the virus is one of the best in the world, " Yaung said.

This can be attributed to the fast flow of information in Taiwan and to a sound public health network facilitated by the National Health Insurance system, Yaung added.

According to Yaung, Taiwan's 70 percent H1N1 immunization rate among school children is also the highest in the world.

Although an H1N1 command center was temporarily dismantled by the DOH in late February after 303 days of operation, the president said, the public should not let down its guard against the virus as it might stage a comeback this year. (By Carfie Lee and Flor Wang)

A histopathological study on Influenza A H1N1 infection in humans

2010 Apr 18;42(2):137-9

National Institutes of Health
He YX, Gao ZF, Lu M, Sui GJ, Ran GW, Cao B, Wang C, Chen J, Zhao XS.

Department of Pathology, Peking University School of Basic Medical Sciences, Beijing 100191, China.

OBJECTIVE: To find histopathological changes on major organs of Influenza A H1N1-infected patients and its relationship to clinical symptoms. METHODS: The autopsies were performed following conventional protocols and strict safety procedures. Tissue samples from all major organs of three cases were collected and fixed in 4% formalin. The histopathological changes on these samples were observed under a light microscope. RESULTS: The lungs of some damaged areas of three cases showed diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) with hyaline membranes formation and intra-alveolar edema and/or fibrin. Most areas of the lungs in the three cases showed necrotizing bronchiolitis, hemorrhage, secondary infection, thrombsis and focal alveolar necrosis. The lungs exhibited proliferation of pneumocytes and fibrosis of the interstitium in one case. In one case, the brain showed focal hemorrhage and focal liquefactive necrosis. In one case, the heart showed edema.

CONCLUSION: The respiratory tract is the major target of influenza A H1N1 virus. The changes of DAD with secondary infection in the lung resulted in hypoxia, leading to multiple organ failure and death.

Government Moving Slowly on Twig Collection

18 Apr

TamifluOf avian influenza hits America, no one will be able to accuse U.S. officials of doing nothing to prepare for the pandemic. This time, there is less likely to be a repeat of the finger-pointing at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Bush administration that characterized the post-Hurricane Katrina stories.

However, it is not clear that the preparation by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been sufficient. Certainly, the DHHS should have published an emergency response plan by sooner than it did. In August 2004, the agency published a draft called Pandemic Influenza Response and Preparedness Plan. That was the last anyone heard of it, until November 2, when details of the plan were released—over a year later. viagra uk online

Last May, Marcia Crosse, director of health care issues for the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), told a House committee that the draft plan does not address certain critical issues, including how vaccine for an influenza pandemic will be purchased, distributed, and administered; how population groups will be prioritized for vaccination; what quarantine authorities or travel restrictions may need to be invoked; and how federal resources should be deployed.

That is why Senate Democrats, under the leadership of Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), introduced the Pandemic Preparedness and Response Act (S. 1821) on October 5. Although the bill is not aimed exclusively at avian flu, it establishes a position of Flu Czar at the White House and requires the government to stockpile enough antiviral medication for 50% of the population. It is unfortunate that no Republicans co-sponsored the bill or were even interested in it, according to Reid spokeswoman Rebecca Kirszner. This does not bode well for the bill’s legislative progress.
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With regard to the H5N1 avian influenza virus now percolating in Asia (it has apparently jumped to Turkey and Britain of late), the U.S. is far short of its 50% goal. Until now, the nation’s drug stockpile contains approximately 2.3 million courses of treatment of Hoffmann-LaRoche’s Generic Tamiflu, the only antiviral agent known to be effective against the current strain of H5N1. Roche has received a nonbinding letter of intent from the DHHS to purchase an additional three million courses of treatment. In contrast, countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Finland, Norway, Switzerland, and New Zealand are ordering enough Tamiflu® to cover between 20% and 40% of their populations, says Dominick Iacuzio, Roche’s medical director.

The DHHS just awarded a $100 million contract to sanofi pasteur to manufacture avian influenza vaccine, but the agency doesn’t have the foggiest idea about how many doses will come of that. sanofi pasteur had previously delivered 8,000 doses of investigational influenza vaccine based on the H5N1 avian influenza virus strain to the National Institutes of Health, which is conducting clinical trials. In September 2004, the company was awarded a contract by DHHS to produce two million bulk doses of an attenuated version of the same H5N1 avian influenza virus strain of vaccine. However, the U.S. would need close to 180 million doses in the case of an outbreak, and there have never been more than 85 million doses available for all vaccines in a given year.
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The DHHS apparently realized that the sanofi contract was insufficient. That is why it awarded a second contract worth $62.5 million to Chiron Corporation at the end of October, also for the manufacture of an avian influenza vaccine designed to protect against the H5N1 influenza. Mike Levitt, DHHS Secretary, said that this purchase “builds on the department’s plan to buy enough H5N1 vaccine for 20 million people and enough influenza antivirals for another 20 million people.”

Of course, vaccines and antivirals have the same potential chink in their armor: the inability to work against a mutated H5N1 virus. Nobody can predict whether that same virus would develop decreased sensitivity to Tamiflu®. Even if Roche started a sweeping manufacturing program the moment the H5N1 virus arrived on these shores, there is no guarantee that the virus, once here, would not mutate, making all that canadian Tamiflu useless. However, while the H5N1 virus could mutate or develop resistance to a vaccine or an antiviral by the time it hits—if it hits—U.S. shores, antivirals do have some advantages. They might make more sense than vaccines for a number of reasons, it seems; they can be stockpiled for years (vaccines have to be made annually), they work immediately after they are administered, and they work against multiple types of influenza.

At this point, however, neither sanofi nor Roche—or any other antiviral or vaccine producer—is likely to start manufacturing tens of millions of doses of anything until they get congressional assurance, via legislation, that they will not be liable for any unintended medical ramifications stemming from mass dosings.

Isolation and molecular characterization of a H5N1 virus isolated from a Jungle crow in India.

Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrohynchos) is a common resident in the Himalayas. Size: 52-59 cm

Author(s) Nagarajan S, Tosh C, Murugkar HV, Venkatesh G, Katare M, Jain R, Behera P, Khandia R, Tripathi S, Kulkarni DD, Dubey SC
Institution High Security Animal Disease Laboratory, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Anand Nagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, 462 021, India,
Source Virus Genes 2010 Apr 16.

Abstract: In 2008, India experienced widespread outbreaks of H5N1 virus in West Bengal, Tripura, and Assam.

The virus was detected in Kamrup district of Assam in November 2008 and subsequently spread to eight more districts.

Two Jungle or Large billed crows (Corvus macrohynchos) were found dead in a hospital campus at about 8 km from the foci of initial detection of the virus in the same district.

One of the crows was positive for H5N1 avian influenza virus by virus isolation, real time RT-PCR, and RT-PCR tests.

Full length sequencing of all the eight segments of the virus was carried out. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that all the eight genes grouped with clade 2.2 viruses and were closely related to the human isolate of Bangladesh and avian isolates from India, Bangladesh, Kuwait, Germany, and Saudi Arabia.

The molecular analysis indicated avian receptor (alpha 2,3 sialic acid) specificity, susceptibility to oseltamivir and amantadine group of antivirals and lower pathogenicity to mice.

Language ENG
PubMed ID 20396941

Seychelles: Stakeholders test bird flu preparedness plan

I had to look this place up....they are having another go-round to make sure they are prepared in the event of a H5N1 pandemic.

Seychelles is an archipelago which lies in the western part of the Indian Ocean, and spreads over an Exclusive Economy Zone of around 1.3 million Square kilometers.

Lying 1593 km East of Kenya, 2813 km South West of India and 925 km North East of Madagascar makes this archipelago strategically located. It consists of 115 islands, of which 76 are coralline and the remaining are granitic. The main part of the archipelago is situated between 4 and 5 degrees South of the equator at a longitude between 55 and 56 degrees east, allowing it to enjoy a favorable climate. But Seychelles is also lucky to be situated in a zone free from cyclones.

All the main islands are granitic and Mahe is the principal island (153 skm with 80% of the total population). The estimated population is 80,000 in 1998.


How prepared are we to deal with a possible outbreak of bird flu in Seychelles? How effective are the measures already in place and how fast will we react to prevent and contain an outbreak of the viral disease?

These are questions that are being addressed in a two-day table top simulation exercise for all stakeholders and partners involved in preventing the disease from entering the country, controlling it if it does, and containing its spread.

The Ministry of Health & Social Development in collaboration with the Seychelles Agricultural Agency (SAA) is conducting the two-day exercise which is also involving farmers from around the country.

For two days those taking part will examine and discuss simulated emergency situations and various scenarios and try to resolve them based on the existing plan.

Seychelles already has a national action plan that was established soon after the avian influenza, better known as bird flu, broke out in various parts of the world in 2005.

This exercise forms part of an ongoing project to continuously strengthen the country’s response and preparedness plan for bird flu.

A team of three veterinarian epidemiologists consultants from Kenya led by Dr Sam Okuthe is leading the exercise. The other two members of the team are Dr Cathryn Wanjohi Malanga and Dr Peninah Munyua.

Launching the two-day exercise yesterday at the International Conference Centre, the chief executive of the SAA, Antoine Marie Moustache, said it is very important to continuously test our strength and weaknesses, identify any loopholes and always be up to date on how to stay prepared and in readiness to deal and handle a possible outbreak of the virus at any time.

He called on those taking part in the exercise to make the most of the opportunity to discuss and update the national preparedness plan to ensure Seychelles is ready in the event of an outbreak of the virus.