Saturday, April 11, 2009

New bird flu cases suggest the danger of pandemic is rising

[bolding mine]

Infections in Egypt raise scientists' fears that virus will be spread by humans
By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor

Sunday, 12 April 2009

First the good news: bird flu is becoming less deadly. Now the bad: scientists fear that this is the very thing that could make the virus more able to cause a pandemic that would kill hundreds of millions of people.

This paradox – emerging from Egypt, the most recent epicentre of the disease – threatens to increase the disease's ability to spread from person to person by helping it achieve the crucial mutation in the virus which could turn it into the greatest plague to hit Britain since the Black Death. Last year the Government identified the bird-flu virus, codenamed H5N1, as the biggest threat facing the country – with the potential to kill up to 750,000 Britons.

The World Health Organisation is to back an investigation into a change in the pattern of the disease in Egypt, the most seriously affected country outside Asia. Although infections have been on the rise this year, with three more reported last week, they have almost all been in children under the age of three, while 12 months ago it was mainly adults and older children who were affected. And the infections have been much milder than usual; the disease normally kills more than half of those affected; all of the 11 Egyptians so far infected this year are still alive.

Experts say that these developments make it more likely that the virus will spread. Ironically, its very virulence has provided an important safeguard. It did not get much chance to infect other people when it killed its victims swiftly, but now it has much more of a chance to mutate and be passed on.

The WHO fears that this year's rise in infections among small children, without similar cases being seen in older people, raises questions about whether adults are being infected but not falling ill, so acting as symptomless carriers of the disease. Its investigation, due to start this summer, will see if this is happening by testing the blood of people who may have been in contact with infected birds, but who have not themselves become sick.

John Jabbour, who works with WHO in Cairo, told Reuters last week: "There is something strange happening in Egypt. Why in children now and not in adults? We need to see if there are sub-clinical cases in the community." He added that if the research did find such cases, they would be the first to be discovered anywhere in the world.

Though he stressed that there was still no evidence of the disease passing from person to person, other experts are also becoming alarmed. Professor Robert Webster, of St Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee – who is the world's leading authority on the disease – told The Independent on Sunday that, while he himself had not seen firm data, the WHO in Egypt was raising "a very, very important issue" which should receive "maximum attention". He added: "I hope to hell they are wrong. If this **** thing becomes less pathogenic, it will become more transmissible."
And Professor John Oxford, of Queen Mary, University of London, said that any evidence that H5N1 was becoming less deadly would be serious, as the greatest cause for concern was the disease's ability to spread.

Even a much less virulent strain of the virus could result in a devastating pandemic. Studies show that an outbreak that killed as few as 5 per cent of those it infected could still cause hundreds of millions of deaths around the world.
hat-tip Niman

Parliamentary criticism of government policies regarding avian influenza



Criticized MP Saad Khalifa, a member of the parliamentary bloc of the Muslim Brotherhood in the request for a briefing by the Ministers for health, agriculture and finance the budget deficit for the fight against bird flu, although Egypt is ranked first globally for the spread of disease; the number of 63 patients, according to official figures, the case of the Ministry of Health.

. The deputy said the discussions of the general managers in the governorates of Veterinary Medicine held a meeting on this Sunday, April 5 revealed the presence of a large fiscal deficit reached 85%, while the adoption of the plan to combat the disease in 2009; as what was appropriated in 2009 for an amount of 177 million pounds, has not been provide only 27 million only, and that the plan had also faced a financial deficit during the past year; with an amount of 188 million pounds, not only have 36 million only.

Egypt emphasizes the transparency of its dealings with the issue of bird flu

CAIRO: The Ministry of Health in Egypt is that it deals with the issue of bird flu, with full transparency, denying press reports to cover up the 27 cases of the disease.

The researchers pointed out that the first confirmed case of bird flu among humans in Egypt in March 17, 2006 and the government to deal with this important health issue with full transparency and clarity not cover the case of one confirmed case.

The researchers explained that the ministry had announced the position of suspected cases of the disease periodically and the result of awareness campaigns among citizens that the frequency of the Ministry of Health hospitals and the situation of 6443, which are dealt with as cases of suspicion to be sure that there is infection.

He appealed to the Egyptian Health Minister Hatem el-Gabali all media to ensure that information disseminated so as not to result in a state of panic among citizens.

For his part, Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Egypt is dealt with utmost transparency internationally All information related to the emergence of infectious disease among birds and humans have been transferred to the public and frankly, the World Health Organization, international organizations and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The Egyptian Ministry of Health announced last Sunday, the discovery of 63 infected humans from bird flu, of a child at the age of six years from the province north of Cairo, Qaliubiya, according to the Ministry of Health, 23 patients have died since the beginning of the injuries documented in 2006, which prompted the Egyptian authorities in the culling of large quantities of birds.

The women and children were among those who raise birds in Egypt, and thus are more susceptible to the disease, since more than 90 per cent of the injured were female adults or children, while women accounted for three quarters of all deaths.

Update Date: --
GMT: Saturday, .11-4 - 2009 Time: 3:15 p.m.
hat-tip Shiloh

Fears of turning into a pandemic .. Two girls injured meningitis in Marsa Matrouh, after 10 days of the death of a girl the same disease

not bird flu I dont think

(Egypt):: On 11-4 - 2009

Entered the child Afaf Mustafa Musa, 13 years, the town of Sidi Barrani Bmrsy is in deep coma, after being infected with meningitis, with the booking and the younger sister Rose, 5 years, the hospital is admitted after suffering from pneumonia.
Management decided to withdraw medical Bmatarouh samples of spinal cord of the children, and the conversion factor and the central Ministry of Health to determine the type of the virus that causes meningitis, the housing area were surveyed to find the two girls infected with contagious disease, especially that this injury is 10 days after the death of a child as a result of her city the same disease.
The disease affects meningitis membrane covering the brain and spinal cord, known as the "meningitis," The babies and children are more susceptible to the disease, which may cause severe damage to the brain death of the patient's end, or paralysis, deafness, muscle weakness, mental retardation and blindness.
The result of meningitis infections bacteria and viruses in the respiratory tract, as transmitted through the blood causing chemical changes in the brain, with many of the most important species, "meningitis" and "meningitis Alnyumokoki" and "Alheimovils flu", and "tubercular" , and "viral" and "irritability meningitis."
The incidence of this disease in the winter and autumn of each year, with a normal rate of injuries, "meningitis" from "3 to 5" 100 cases per thousand people, if the case appeared brainwaves forklift Twenty per hundred thousand people in one week was the disease epidemic .

Driver at the age of 25 years .. Suspected new bird flu Balqlliopip

negative .. guess he was new..

السبت، 11 أبريل 2009 - 17:04 Saturday, April 11, 2009 - 17:04

Showed symptoms of the suspected infection
القليوبية ـ محمد إبراهيم Qaliubiya Mohamed Ibrahim

Detained Hospital admitted the case of milk in the new suspected case of bird flu, a driver named Mohammed Tantawi Tantawi Dasuki (25 years) from the town of Kafr thanked, and working in a farm and Mkhalt the birds were given appropriate treatment and the taking of a sample to be sent to the ministry's labs for analysis and found to be negative.
. And Dr. Abdel-Kader Under-Farraj and hospital fevers Banha, the driver entered the hospital over 6 days after that lasted for 5 days with the high temperature and cough and sore throat.

"Avian flu", is panic among the citizens Badakkhlip

السبت، 11 أبريل 2009 - 20:19 Saturday, April 11, 2009 - 20:19

حاتم الجبلى وزير الصحة
{ a pic is here but usually a generic one} Wink

The woman
and the
Minister of Health
الدقهلية ـ محمد صالح Dakahliya Mohamed Saleh

Dr Sami Taha, a member of Union Council, and veterinarians, "the spokesman on behalf of veterinarians without borders", the bird flu is present now become endemic in Egypt, it has become the first globally in terms of the number of injuries and deaths, and said that suspected cases of the disease are increasing every day, and the number of the cases in the province of Dakahliya only last week to the 8 cases of suspicion of maintaining the various centers, giving rise to panic among the citizens as well as the impact of panic to get rid of domestic poultry suspected of infection with their disease.

And Dr. Sami Taha, that the exclusion of veterinarians to oversee the farm and participate in the immunization against the disease and the daily supervision of the Ministry of Health with other operations to control the immunization makes the disease a very serious disease, which threatens to modify at any time and here are the actual disaster.

For his part, Dr. Fathi Albely Under-Secretary, Ministry of Veterinary Medicine, the coastal province of Dakahlia completely free of bird flu, so the movement of disease from the inside and not coming to us from outside of Egypt, so as not to accuse the migratory birds transmit the disease.

Suspected new bird flu Balqlliopip

Suspected new bird flu Balqlliopip

Detained Hospital admitted the case of milk in the new suspected case of bird flu, a driver named Mohammed Tantawi Tantawi Dasuki (25 years) from the town of Kafr thanked, and working in a farm and the birds Mkhalt

The detention of two suspected bird flu in Upper Egypt

Saturday, April 11 2009

Qena (Egypt) -, AP -

Authorities have detained the health in Qena, Upper Egypt on suspicion of two children infected with bird flu.

Said Ayman Abdel-Moneim, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health Rawash said Saturday the detention of children was Nabil Abdel-Naim (eight years), Muhammad Arif (six years), we inaugurated the Center of the hospital admitted Qena (approximately 700 km) south of Cairo, after displaying symptoms similar to the disease after ... bird .

He added: "Samples were taken and sent them to the central laboratory in Cairo for analysis and description of how bird flu or not, and to take preventive action with members of their families."



الرئيسية ›
احتجاز طفلين يشتبه في إصابتهما بانفلونزا الطيور بصعيد مصر
السبت إبريل 11 2009

قنا (مصر) - ، د ب أ - احتجزت السلطات الصحية بمحافظة قنا بصعيد مصر طفلين للاشتباه في إصابتهما بمرض انفلونزا الطيور .

وقال أيمن عبد المنعم وكيل وزارة الصحة بقنا اليوم السبت انه تم احتجاز الطفلين نبيل عبد النعيم (ثماني سنوات) ، ومحمد عارف (ست سنوات) من مركز دشنا بمستشفى حميات قنا ( حوالي700 كلم جنوب القاهرة) بعد أن ظهرت عليهما أعراض شبيهة بالمرض بعد مخالطتهما للطيور .

وأضاف: "تم أخذ عينات منهما وإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية بالقاهرة لتحليلها وبيان مدى إصابتهما بانفلونزا الطيور من عدمه ، واتخاذ الإجراءات الوقائية مع أفراد أسرتيهما".
hat-tip Ironorehopper

Children suspected of bird flu infection Menoufia

السبت، 11 أبريل 2009 - 14:21 Saturday, April 11, 2009 - 14:21

Increasing incidence of avian influenza as the Maritime provinces

Monoufia Ibrahim Abdel-Latif

ا Detained hospital fevers Echmoun, children (4 years) suspected of being infected with bird flu symptoms of infection following the emergence of it.

He said. Hesham Youssef Atta and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Menoufia, the situation of the child, Ahmed Ragab Abdel Idol (4 years) and assess the status of the wild Echmoun district, was taking a sample of blood, and sent to labs central Ministry of Health, shows a mother and raising domestic birds have been clearing house and the surrounding area of health through the safe.

Egypt Compilation of Today's Stories

Excerpts from various Egyptian articles in the past 48 hours:

He pointed out that the epidemiological surveillance of the disease in humans are being regularly receive more than 50 suspected cases per day in the provinces are dealing with the treatment before the analysis.

Warned of random houses in affirming that all the injuries that have occurred from bird flu, including 60 cases and 3 cases of household farms, and now in danger of the home

Dr. Mohamed El-Shafei, Vice Chairman of the Federation of Poultry Producers, a member of the International Federation of poultry:
He stressed the need for prompt compensation for small farmers, rural education and fair value, according to market prices, to help speed up the reporting on the existence of cases in rural areas to prevent the spread of the disease and its spread.
He stressed the importance of the State to develop a plan to solve the urgent problem of the presence of pigs near the residential areas as it is, especially in the case of a mutation of the virus, which is a significant risk to human health in case of transmission from one person to another, and becoming an epidemic, calling for the need to search for a way out of this The problem is that we are living in terror since 2005.
He ruled out that there are scientific indicators confirm the transmission of the virus from birds to mice, confirming that it was not a scientifically proven infection of mice with influenza virus

The «Taha» to be excluded from the supervision of veterinarians on the farm and participate in the immunization against the disease and the daily supervision of the Ministry of Health without the others to make immunization difficult to control the disease, which threatens Pthor the disease at any time, and here are the actual disaster.

. The «Taha»: the process of the disease mutation is expected at any time, especially given that the State has not taken any position on the elimination of the pig farms, which is one of the most important factor in the spread of the disease in the world despite the fact that their locations are known.

The mobile clinic, visiting the villages of Al-North for the first time decided to be stationed for a period of time in the village of Ahilan to detect diseases of livestock and treatment of the patient and finding and epidemiological service stockbreeders Ahilan in the village and surrounding villages have a diagnosis of livestock diseases, detection and exchange of needed medications.

This was stated by the Director of Agriculture Branch Aggrievedly Abdullah Shahrani. He said that the clinic at the injustices of the branch of agriculture, and moves to the village today for the positioning and servicing the northern villages.

Dr. Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister responded to the delegation on the first raised on the Government to ignore the crisis, ‮ ‬ and decided to hold an emergency meeting next week ‮ ‬ attended by Dr Abdel Salam Mahgoub, Minister of Local Development and the Secretary of Abaza, Minister of Agriculture, ‮ ‬ Dr. Hatem el-Gabali ‮ ‬ Minister of Health to discuss coping with the disease as well

The Council of Ministers held an emergency meeting yesterday chaired by Dr.. Ahmed Nazif to discuss the rising incidence of disease, bird flu, amid fears it could mutate to a lethal strain passed from human to human.

He warned that «the presence of carriers of the virus show no symptoms would be a worrying development, because it may allow the virus more time to mutate into the human body .. If there were cases of this kind in Egypt, the aim is to treat immediately to stop the proliferation of the virus. Because it either through mutation or restructuring will lead to a pandemic strain.

For his part, said Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, spokesman of the Ministry of Health: The Ministry follows strict procedures to prevent mutation of the disease can be transmitted among humans, and that the Ministry of Health has been conducting regular research with an international high in America and Britain.

‬ ‮ ‬ documents on revealed by the Ministry of Health cover for ‮ ‬ 27 ‮ ‬ case of suspicion of injury within days ‮ ‬ 2 ‮ ‬ and 3 ‮ ‬ and 4 ‮ »‬ April

Egypt-50 a day are checked for bf

The Ministry of Health:
The bird flu deaths in Egypt less than a world-class 30% b
ا Positive infections in humans have focused only province in the 19

The woman and the Minister of Health that the rate of deaths from bird flu in Egypt is less than the global ratio of about 30%. Where the figure was 36.5% in Egypt, while the world 63.5% .. مHe pointed out that the number of deaths so far had been 23 cases since the outbreak of the disease in .2005 he said. Rahman Shaheen Media Advisor to the Minister of Health in his remarks "for the evening" to the chest hospitals and associations received 6443 suspected case of bird flu has been given the drug Tamiflu in case of illness, after the emergence of symptoms similar to bird flu.
He pointed out that the total number of casualties so far reached 63 to 37% of them corresponded to the situation of recovering and 3 cases were still under treatment, including two children and a child Balqlliopip the lake in addition to the 23 event of the death.
He pointed out that among the infected cases, 23 cases of male children and 40 cases of female and most of these 19 cases appeared in the province of only a Monoufia 7 cases, Fayoum and Qena Qalubia 6 cases each, and 5 cases of the West and queens and 3 cases of Cairo, Aswan and Dakahlia, Kafr El-Sheikh and two each of the Beni Suef, Assiut, Sohag, Damietta and East Lake, 3 cases and one case each of Alexandria and Suez, and October 6.
Added that the preservation of which has not registered any cases of HIV-positive are the Giza, Luxor, Ismailia, Port Said, Matrouh, New Valley and the Red Sea and the North and South Sinai and the payment .. He pointed out that the epidemiological surveillance of the disease in humans are being regularly receive more than 50 suspected cases per day in the provinces are dealing with the treatment before the analysis.

He pointed out that decisions were taken during the meeting stressing the Higher Committee for bird flu two days ago, the most important follow-up vaccination of domestic birds and the provision of vaccines and vaccines needed to protect the contacts of patients in the poultry farms and the disposal of culled and dead birds and clean the affected spots in addition to the continuation of the decision to ban the transport of live poultry between governorates. . The Committee requested the activation of the Law on the Prevention of birds breeding in cities in order to prevent environmental pollution as well as to study the establishment of a compensation fund for farmers affected by the virus.
قال د. D said.
Shaheen, there was no truth to reports that the bird flu virus of any child injury hole in the lung, but if it be due to birth defect in children. م He pointed out that this disease does not need to create confusion among the citizens and the media should contribute to better show the true picture in all the provinces.
Warned of random houses in affirming that all the injuries that have occurred from bird flu, including 60 cases and 3 cases of household farms, and now in danger of the home

Vice-President of «poultry producers» Demands to ban breeding of birds in areas «affected» influenza



Asked Dr. Mohamed El-Shafei, Vice Chairman of the Federation of Poultry Producers, a member of the International Federation of poultry, the execution of all birds, the ban on poultry in areas where repeated cases of infection from bird flu, taking all veterinary procedures and safety precautions before resuming these vital areas of activity, as determined by the these authorities.

Al-Shafei said «Egyptian today», that this procedure aims to control the disease, and to prevent any complacency by the educators or veterinary services through the identification of long-term ban in the areas of education and rehabilitation before resuming activity again in the area of poultry, including interest Assembly to preserve the public health and the development of the poultry sector.

He must be areas where the incidence of repeated under control for a long time until it is completely free to make sure of bird flu, noting that the control is not confined to the affected areas and spots, but also extends to the Chamber in the surrounding areas determined by the veterinary services in accordance with the strategy to combat the disease.

He stressed the need for prompt compensation for small farmers, rural education and fair value, according to market prices, to help speed up the reporting on the existence of cases in rural areas to prevent the spread of the disease and its spread.

He pointed to the importance of El-Shafei of the State to ensure the application of bio-safety rules in places of education or rural poultry farms and that there should be transparency in the declaration on the incidence of, and with a zero-tolerance offenders.

. He stressed the importance of the State to develop a plan to solve the urgent problem of the presence of pigs near the residential areas as it is, especially in the case of a mutation of the virus, which is a significant risk to human health in case of transmission from one person to another, and becoming an epidemic, calling for the need to search for a way out of this The problem is that we are living in terror since 2005.

He ruled out that there are scientific indicators confirm the transmission of the virus from birds to mice, confirming that it was not a scientifically proven infection of mice with influenza virus

ok the headline said 2009 and the story says 2008 and 2009

Rolling Eyes

Health: the death of 5.36% of the infected bird flu in Egypt .. و701 حالة اشتباه منذ بداية 2008 And 701 suspected case since the beginning of 2008
11/04/2009 11/04/2009
Dr. «Amr Qandil» Head of Central Department for Preventive Affairs, Ministry of Health that the total of suspected cases of bird flu disease among citizens reached 701 cases since the beginning of 2009 the current, while the total number of cases of suspected bird flu since the disease appeared in Egypt in February 2006 about 6443 case.

The «Qandil» that the proportion of deaths from the disease in Egypt, a total of 63 cases diagnosed by an estimated 5.36% compared with 23 deaths by an estimated 5.63% of the cases the infected around the world, pointing to the presence of 23 males and 40 infection among females in the province, 19 of the total 28 provinces in Egypt.

In a related context, Dr. «Sami Taha» Member of the Board of Veterinary Medical Association and spokesman for «Veterinarians Without Borders» The bird flu has become endemic in the present in Egypt, it has become the world's first in terms of the number of casualties during the 2009 injury by 12.

The «Taha» to be excluded from the supervision of veterinarians on the farm and participate in the immunization against the disease and the daily supervision of the Ministry of Health without the others to make immunization difficult to control the disease, which threatens Pthor the disease at any time, and here are the actual disaster.

. The «Taha»: the process of the disease mutation is expected at any time, especially given that the State has not taken any position on the elimination of the pig farms, which is one of the most important factor in the spread of the disease in the world despite the fact that their locations are known.

Suspected cases of bird flu infection Rawash

السبت، 11 أبريل 2009 - 10:43 Saturday, April 11, 2009
- 10:43

Avian influenza is a threat to Egyptian citizens
قنا - هند المغربى Qena - India, Morocco

Detained hospital fevers Qena, two cases of suspected bird flu virus, which entered both happy Rizq Bayoumi, (28 years) Bahadjirat housewife and Khulud El Nasr (4 years), the hospital in case of extremely weak and suffering from high temperature, and severe cough, and symptoms similar to bird flu, they Mkhalttin found to infected birds, a number of them died the last period.
Two samples were taken and sent to central laboratories to ensure they got sick or not.

Egypt: Fears of avian flu Aggrievedly

April 11, 2009

Mobile Veterinary Clinic after her arrival to the injustice

Is currently in the laboratories of the Ministry of Agriculture, Jeddah Analysis of samples from 30 head of dead birds found in the injustice of the status of the province of Taif, in order to determine whether bird flu or not.

The teams of the Ministry of Agriculture has mobilized its efforts immediately after the receipt of a communication from the deaths of nearly 30 heads of migratory birds in the province of Taif.

Agriculture and obtained a difference of the Agriculture Branch on the injustices of the samples from those birds that were killed in a village in the north of the injustice. The inhabitants of the region have reported their concerns that the dead birds infected with avian flu.

And immediately passed the communication to the competent authorities, the area of the Principality, where she Mecca and Taif Governorate situation. The team used its agriculture and moved to the site, and were obtained from these samples of dead birds will be sent to the laboratories through the province of Jeddah Branch, Agriculture Btaiv, to ascertain the causes of mortality and appropriate action. Pointed out that the source of the injustices in the branch of agriculture - preferred not to be named - saying that the samples taken from dead birds have already been dispatched to the branch of agriculture Btaiv to send to the laboratories of Jeddah, to ascertain the causes of mass deaths of migratory birds.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Agriculture to provide a mobile veterinary clinic, supported by veterinary Btbibin driver with all the organs of veterinary inspection and valleys in order to inspect the conditions of livestock north of the village Ahilan injustice.

The mobile clinic, visiting the villages of Al-North for the first time decided to be stationed for a period of time in the village of Ahilan to detect diseases of livestock and treatment of the patient and finding and epidemiological service stockbreeders Ahilan in the village and surrounding villages have a diagnosis of livestock diseases, detection and exchange of needed medications.

This was stated by the Director of Agriculture Branch Aggrievedly Abdullah Shahrani. He said that the clinic at the injustices of the branch of agriculture, and moves to the village today for the positioning and servicing the northern villages.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The source of the Federation of poultry producers: the emergence of avian flu disease «rat» provinces of Lower Egypt

The source of the Federation of poultry producers: the emergence of avian flu disease «rat» provinces of Lower Egypt PDF export of the Print E-mail
10/04/2009 10/04/2009
إصابة الفئران بالمرض كارثة حقيقية لأنها تعزز احتمالات انتقاله للبشر Infection of mice infected real disaster, because they strengthen the likelihood of transmission to humans
كتب ــ عبدالناصر مصطفي: Nasser Mustafa wrote:

تبادل اتحاد منتجي الدواجن والحكومة الاتهامات حول أسباب تفشي مرض إنفلونزا الطيور، وأكد مصدر بالاتحاد أن اجتماع اللجنة العليا برئاسة الدكتور «أحمد نظيف» أمس خلا من أي تمثيل للاتحاد برغم أنه الجهة الرسمية للدفاع عن حقوق مربي الدواجن. Exchange of the Union of Poultry Producers and the government charges on the reasons for the outbreak of bird flu, the source confirmed that the meeting of the European Higher Committee, headed by Dr. «Ahmed Nazif» yesterday devoid of any representation of the European Union although the official to defend the rights of poultry farmers.

وأشار المصدر إلي أن الإصابات اتسعت في مزارع الدواجن وبلغت الخسائر مليارات الجنيهات، فيما رد الدكتور «مجدي راضي» ــ المتحدث باسم مجلس الوزراء ــ بأنه لا إصابات في المزارع حتي الآن. The source pointed out that injuries have expanded in the poultry farms and the losses amounted to billions of pounds, in response, Dr. «Magdi Radi» a spokesman for the Council of Ministers that the injuries on farms so far.
وقررت رابطة منتجي الدواجن عقد اجتماع عاجل خلال الأسبوع المقبل لبحث تداعيات مواجهة تفشي الإصابات، وازدياد حالات الإصابات البشرية. The Poultry Producers Association held an emergency meeting next week to discuss the implications of the face of the spread of infections, and increased cases of human infections.

وقال مصدر باتحاد منتجي الدواجن إن سبب الكارثة يتمثل في ظهور أنواع جديدة من الإصابة بفيروسات «متحورة» لا يصلح معها التطعيم بالأمصال الحالية لعدم جدواها. The source said the Federation of poultry producers is that the cause of the disaster in the emergence of new types of HIV viruses «mutated» does not fit with the current vaccination sera futile.

وأضاف أن بؤر الإصابات امتدت إلي جميع المحافظات بما فيها محافظات الصعيد، وحذر من انتشار الإصابات في الثدييات القريبة من الإنسان مثل البط والأوز والخنازير. He added that the sources of the injuries spread to all provinces, including the provinces of Upper Egypt, and warned of the spread of infections in mammals, close to the human such as ducks and geese and pigs.

واعترف المصدر بظهور حالات إنفلونزا الطيور علي الفئران بمحافظات الوجه البحري، وأكد أن تلك الإصابات كارثة محققة ليست علي الثروة الداجنة فقط بل علي العدوي للبشر. The source admitted to the emergence of avian influenza on the provinces of Lower Egypt, mice, and confirmed that the injury is not a real disaster for poultry, but the infection to humans.

وأوضح المصدر أن اتحاد منتجي الدواجن قدم عروضاً لحل تفشي الإصابات، وتعويض المضارين مادياً، لتشجيعهم علي الالتزام بتعليمات الحكومة ولكن الحكومة رفضت مبدأ التعويضات. The source pointed out that the poultry producers union made offers to solve the spread of infections, and to compensate the affected material, to encourage their commitment to the instructions of the government, but the government rejected the principle of compensation.

Followed the National Workshop the Simulation of the response of the influenza Pandemic in Rantepao (the Part 1)

07 April 2009 09:40:52

1918, Spanish Flu caused 40 as far as 50 Million people to be killed To increase preparedness towards the occurrence of the Influenza Pandemic, recently was spread out the Nasional Simulasi Workshop of the Pandemi Influenza response in Rantepao, Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Provinsi South Sulawesi. What of Pandemi Influenza and Pernahkah happened in Indonesia?

The report: Yonathan, Toraja Utara the History recorded, the influenza Pandemic had happened in the world totalling 3 times that is Spanish Flu or Spanish Flu that was caused by the virus H1N1 in 1918, Asian Flu that as a result of by H2N2 during 1957 and Hong Kong Flu that was caused by the Virus H3N2 in 1968. The Influenza pandemic that happened 1918 it was estimated caused approximately 40 as far as 50 million people to die. The influenza pandemic was still threatening the world, moreover by spreading him the plague of Bird Flu that was caused by the virus H5N1. What the Influneza Pandemic? The co-ordinator the Surveilans Field and Monitoring, Komisi Nasional (Komnas) the Control of Bird Flu and Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza Preparedness (FBPI), Dr.drh.Heru Setijanto said, the pandemic was an epidemic (the illness that increased sharply outside from the normal incident) that happened in the wide territory, or happened all over the world.

The Influenza pandemic that was caused by Spanish Flu according to Setijanto also had stricken Indonesia in the Dutch colonisation period and in the period 1911 till 1939 diperkirakaan 250,000 people died because of the virus H1N1 this. "This Spanish flu also it was estimated struck Toraja at the time that by the community was known by the name of felt Bia," said Setijanto to the Pos Bird Of Paradise after giving material to the Nasional Simulasi Workshop of the Pandemi Influenza response in the Misiliana Rantepao Hotel, Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Provinsi South Sulawesi. Said, the condition for the occurrence of the pandemic that is the emergence of a sub-type of the new influenza virus that could infect humankind. This new virus could cause the serious illness in humankind and was easy to spread from humankind to humankind.

Spread him the case of Bird Flu (Avian Influenza) that was caused by the virus H5N5 that his spreading entered the third phase (the spread from the poultry to humankind) was a threat. "If this was not handled seriously by all the components, then could cause the occurrence pandemi,"tambah him." It was related that this threat, Unicef co-operated the Nasional Commission (Komnas) the Control of Bird Flu and Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza Preparedness (FBPI) and the Canada Government held the Nasional Simulasi Workshop of the Pandemi Influenza response in the Misiliana Rantepao Hotel, Kabupaten Toraja Utara, Provinsi South Sulawesi, that took place 2 till April 4 2009.

In the activity that joined by medical participants from the Papua Province, Papua Barat, the Moluccas and South Sulawesi, apart from sending the reporter the Pos Bird Of Paradise, Unicef Perwakilan of the Papua Province also sent 4 other participants that is, Kompol Yulianus Bwariat from Regional Police Papua, Benyamin Tan Imbiri, SH, from the Perhubungan Provinsi Papua Service, Yakomina Imbiri from the Bureau of Empowerment of the Woman the Papua Province and Abdul M. Petonengan, SE from PDAM Jayapura. How when this pandemic happened, what must be done?

Because of the threat of avian influenza pigeons, which issued to Patriarch Alexy Annunciation, were quarantined

[Back to Russia. This article is from 2006, but I found it very interesting, considering the dead pigeons we are finding today.....]

07 Apr 2006, 13:16

Moscow. April 7. Interfax - Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II on Friday on the occasion of the Annunciation, by tradition, has issued from the porch of the Annunciation Cathedral Kremlin doves, symbolizing the Holy Spirit.

With regard to the risk of bird flu this year, all the birds are ready for this ancient ceremony, held in a special quarantine, the site of the Moscow Patriarchate.

After prayers in the cathedral Alexy II congratulated Orthodox believers of today's holiday.

"Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary the midst of Lent - is a cheerful and bright beam, indicating that we are not orphans, that for all of us to be before the throne of God Queen of Heaven," - said предстоятель.

Ministry of Health to cover ‮ ‬ 27 ‮ ‬ case of bird flu during ‮ ‬ 3 ‮ ‬ days

The emergence of new hotbeds of satisfactory ‮ .. ‬ and the position of the American experts ‮ ‬
Emad wrote the best ‮: ‬ escalated the crisis of bird flu over the past few weeks ‮. ‬ failed government attempts at ‮ ‬ ‮ ‬ address of the disease, ‮ ‬ and stop the spread ‮. ‬ Dr. Amr Qandil, director of infectious diseases in the Ministry of Health, ‮ ‬ increase the incidence of the disease during the last three months, ‮ ‬ 12 ‮ ‬ cases against ‮ ‬ 7 ‮ ‬ situations only during the same period last year ‮. ‬ also increased cases of suspected to ‮ ‬ 348 ‮ ‬ case of ‮. ‬ As Dr. Hamed Samaha chief of veterinary services for the increase in the number of spots during the last three months, ‮ ‬ 44 ‮ ‬ focus in ‮ ‬ 12 ‮ ‬ province compared ‮ ‬ 128 ‮ ‬ focus over the past year in ‮ ‬ ‮ ‬ 19 ‮ ‬ County ‮. ‬ attributed Dr. Samaha ‮ ‬ crisis to a lack of funds, ‮ ‬ demanded upwards, ‮ ‬ and support the veterinary services so that they can deal ‮ ‬ ‮ ‬ hotbeds for the spread of ‮. ‬ obtained ‮ »‬ delegation ‮« ‬ ‮ ‬ documents on revealed by the Ministry of Health cover for ‮ ‬ 27 ‮ ‬ case of suspicion of injury within days ‮ ‬ 2 ‮ ‬ and 3 ‮ ‬ and 4 ‮ »‬ April ‮«. ‬

The Ministry of Agriculture had sent me to Dr. ‮ ‬ made director of the Institute of Animal Health Research, Dr. Mohamed Hassan coach ‮ ‬ ‮ ‬ laboratory to the United States for the presentation of the reality of the disease in Egypt ‮ ‬ ‮ ‬ American experts, ‮ ‬ and ‮ ‬ access to the best methods to meet the advance of the disease and its spread ‮. ‬ learned ‮ »‬ delegation ‮« ‬

Dr. Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister responded to the delegation on the first raised on the Government to ignore the crisis, ‮ ‬ and decided to hold an emergency meeting next week ‮ ‬ attended by Dr Abdel Salam Mahgoub, Minister of Local Development and the Secretary of Abaza, Minister of Agriculture, ‮ ‬ Dr. Hatem el-Gabali ‮ ‬ Minister of Health to discuss coping with the disease as well
hat-tip Pixie

Russian article on Pigeon Species

[Long and information article on the species]
9 Apr, 2009,
Already 45 years in the city on the Yenisei, there golubevodov society. Consisting of enthusiasts are engaged in cultivation of rare breeds, respectively, of pigeons. This wild species (those that walk on city streets), judges are not interested. What they may surprise aesthetes?
Any thoroughbred pigeon can not be kept in a cage, like the canary. Better equipped for these birds a special nursery at the open air. Residents of the suburb in this area is easier: there where Razgulyai, and питомцам comfortable - they are not disturbed by noise and curious eyes. Those who breeds pigeons living in the Krasnoyarsk, forced to keep birds in small loft, located directly in the yards of homes.
Thoroughbred urban residents are often the prey of cats and dying from various diseases (for example, pigeons do not get sick of avian influenza and do not carry it). As a result, they live no more than five years. And could be three times more! By the way, people who разводят pigeons for sale, very little: too high costs for their content. They are mostly amateurs who are trying to put perfectly clean rock. At the pleasure of himself and the people.
In March, a pigeon breeding season begins, and they can not detract from the chicks. And until December the birds are experiencing replaced pen and do not look better.
Culver, unlike the thoroughbred, it is better adapted to survival. Where there is food - and it inhabits. In general, the specific benefits of wild pigeons to humans there. They eat rats, dogs. Themselves, they eat grass, grains, feed. Seeds can not feed the pigeons. Chips and crackers are also adversely affect their digestion. From fried, fatty, salty, they quickly die. But bread and cereals do not cause harm.
Humans can become infected from a wild pigeon salmonellosis (outdoor bird brezguet lazat by scrap-heap). In autumn, for example, pigeons often sit nahohlivshiesya, lowered from the beak, not afraid of human hands. To touch a bird do not have to - it is most likely sick of intestinal infection and will soon die. Do not save the lame and the pigeon. Most likely, it is hooked to lines, or thread wound on the plastic in the scrap-heap. Trauma has always lead to gangrene and death. This is life: more than half wild pigeons do not live.

In the Krasnoyarsk region of the dangerous virus kills birds

April 10, 2009

Stepan Alekseenko
On the streets Kodinska residents went to the horror. Everywhere the dead pigeons. The first deaths of birds seen in March. But only now become clear - in a city ravaged dangerous bird disease. Blue remove dozens of yards. But the number of carcasses located in the attics, did not know anybody.

Dead pigeons on sanitary standards must be somewhere to burn. And authorities have already catch his head - and suddenly it is avian influenza? Samples sent in Krasnoyarsk vetlaboratoriyu. It had a preliminary diagnosis. This is no less terrible virus New kaslovskaya disease, the so-called "psevdochuma. Living Kodinska afraid. After all, the store employees who touch the pigeons, now in hospital.

People are under the supervision of doctors. But doctors assured: a bird disease psevdochumoy rights - are rare. The virus is transmitted only from bird to bird. But the outbreak among his pigeons - an extraordinary event. Indeed psevdochuma - deadly chicken disease.

Farmers fear for their laying hens. But their calm - the vaccine in each village bring, but not earlier than three weeks when we will understand whether it psevdochuma. Nevertheless, disinfection Kodinske to begin immediately and quarantined in Kezhemskom district announced in the coming days.

In Russia, the epidemic has increased the threat of avian influenza

16:56 April 6,

The threat of penetration of bird flu into the territory of Russia this spring is regarded as serious.
"At present epizootic situation on bird flu in Russia is regarded as serious. The spring migration of birds may lead to a drift of influenza viruses A (H5N1) in the territory of the Russian Federation", - said Rospotrebnadzor received in Interfax on Monday.

"In order to prevent the spread of bird flu virus in the country carried out to monitor the epizootic influenza in wild birds, which are implemented by bodies and agencies Rospotrebnadzor, Россельхознадзора, EMERCOM of Russia and the traffic police MVD of Russia", - reported in Rospotrebnadzor.
In Office, noted that while cases of bird flu transmission from person to person not registered, writes "In order to avoid a possible supply and distribution in the territory of the Russian Federation highly pathogenic virus of birds flu Rospotrebnazdor introducing an enhanced regime for passengers arriving from countries where the disease have been recorded of people," - reported in Rospotrebnadzor.
In just the past few years, according to the World Health Organization, the incidence of human bird flu was registered in 15 countries around the world. The total number of confirmed cases of bird flu among humans has reached 413, of them 256 cases registered by death.

In the Krasnoyarsk Krai mass dying pigeons

12:56 today
A month ago, residents Kodinska seen on the streets of dead birds. Wipers cleared a few dozen dead pigeons in the day.
In Krasnoyarsk vetlaboratorii had a preliminary diagnosis - not avian flu, but no less frightening - nyukaslovskaya viral illness, the so-called «psevdochuma».
As the TV channel «West Krasnoyarsk», residents Kodinska afraid - the store employees, who kept pigeons, now in hospital. However, according to doctors, the disease bird «psevdochumoy» people - this is very rare. The virus is transmitted only from bird to bird.
«This could be the human factor. This may be poultry meat, which brought in the district, including those from other countries in the world. This may be contaminated shell eggs, which we have by virtue of its sanitation sometimes you just simply in a landfill. A dove at us very hard to eat all that garbage », - told the TV channel, Deputy Head of Service for Veterinary Supervision of Krasnoyarsk region Alexander Chernykh.
Vaccines in Kodinsk bring no sooner than three weeks, then it becomes clear whether this «psevdochuma». Nevertheless, dizinfektsiyu Kodinske to begin immediately and quarantined in Kezhemskom district announced in the coming days.

Rosselkhoznadzor does not exclude the possibility of bird flu in Russia

10.04.2009 14:13

MOSCOW, April 10. / PRIME-TASS /. Rosselkhoznadzor does not exclude the possibility of bird flu in Russia. The statement was made today at a press conference, Deputy Head of Россельхознадзора Nikolai Vlasov.

He acknowledged, ITAR-TASS that "the possible drifts of avian influenza on the territory of the Russian Federation." Among the regions that may be subject to such dangers, N. Vlasov called Altai Territory, particularly the western part, Novosibirsk Region, south of Tyumen. Also, avian flu may appear at the poultry farms and households, the central part of Russia. "Beginning in November may be the problem in Dagestan, Rostov region," - added N. Vlasov.

Recognizing the danger of bird flu, Nikolai Vlasov, however, assured: "It's not expected, because people on the ground ready." Deputy Россельхознадзора sure of high qualifications and ability to act on the situation of specialists related to the control of poultry, veterinarians in the field.

The most common cases of bird flu found in South-East Asia, equatorial Africa, Indonesia. The infection is dangerous because it can become infected individuals. In this case, registered a high mortality rate - up to 50 percent. Now observed in different countries and 500 human cases of avian flu, almost half of them died.

Concern of the mutation of avian influenza in Egypt to a pandemic strain in humans

Last Updated: Friday, April 10, 2009 11:28 GMT Cairo

The Council of Ministers held an emergency meeting yesterday chaired by Dr.. Ahmed Nazif to discuss the rising incidence of disease, bird flu, amid fears it could mutate to a lethal strain passed from human to human.

Did not attend the meeting, a representative of the union of poultry producers, as the majority of casualties were among the last birds in the jam of houses and farms, which is not in a total of 17 people in the republic.

The World Health Organization warned of the increased risk of some Egyptians highly pathogenic virus without showing any symptoms of infection, which may enable the virus to mutate into a strain that can spread easily among humans. And after the growing incidence of the disease in Egypt, where the Ministry of Health recorded 12 cases including 11 cases of children under the age of 9 of them, which is the highest in the world 2009.

"John Gabor specialist emerging diseases and health organization based in Cairo: that« there is a need to conduct tests to prove the existence of such cases infected with bird flu symptoms without the emergence of the patient ». He pointed out that «the study will be the focus of the Egyptian government intends to hold the support of the organization».

Gabor said that the proliferation of such cases in Egypt, which has a total of 63 cases in which the case since 2006 «a matter of concern just now .. It is a question to be put (..) and added: The change in the pattern of avian influenza infection in humans in Egypt this year, raised concerns about the presence of the virus without showing symptoms ». According to Reuters.

He warned that «the presence of carriers of the virus show no symptoms would be a worrying development, because it may allow the virus more time to mutate into the human body .. If there were cases of this kind in Egypt, the aim is to treat immediately to stop the proliferation of the virus. Because it either through mutation or restructuring will lead to a pandemic strain. »

Of 12 Egyptians infected with bird flu this year were nine cases of children under three and I said, the incidence among adults a lot. All cases and corresponded to heal. The case differs significantly from the same period last year, as seven people were wounded, most adults and older children with HIV and three died.

Gabor said that the increase in cases among children under the emergence of similar injuries among adults raised questions about whether adults carrying the virus without showing any symptoms of the disease. He continued that «there was something strange is happening in Egypt. Why is the child now does not appear to adults? We need to know whether there are situations that do not show symptoms. »
He pointed out that «there are no known cases of this type of injury among people in other countries hit by the disease but does not yet exist».

For his part, said Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, spokesman of the Ministry of Health: The Ministry follows strict procedures to prevent mutation of the disease can be transmitted among humans, and that the Ministry of Health has been conducting regular research with an international high in America and Britain. He added that the death rates in cases in Egypt of the lowest world, which reflects the high degree of health care to them.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Flying in the face of challenge

According to a World Health Organisation report, Egypt is on the front line in the battle against avian flu. Reem Leila examines the threat

Two-year-old Israa Saad Abdel-Shafi is the 60th case of the H5N1 strain of avian flu virus recorded in Egypt since the first outbreak of the disease in 2006 and the ninth victim since the start of the year. Twenty-three out of the 60 have died, the majority young girls or women from rural areas who raise fowl domestically.

In early March the World Health Organisation (WHO) called for an investigation into why Egypt is seeing increasing numbers of victims. The WHO has identified the country as being at the forefront of the spread of the disease though Abdel-Rahman Shahin, official spokesman to the Ministry of Health, points out that despite the high number of victims the percentage of fatalities from bird flu in Egypt is still less than in other countries that have seen outbreaks of the disease.

Egypt has reported nine cases since the beginning of the year, with zero fatalities. There were eight cases with four fatalities in 2008. Vietnam has reported two fatalities, and China seven victims with four fatalities. Shahin argues the figures indicate the disease is being controlled in Egypt.

"This year we do not have any fatalities whereas last year it was 50 per cent. The fatality rate in China this year is more than 50 per cent, and in Vietnam it is 100 per cent. The situation in Egypt is improving, not deteriorating."

Bird flu presents a massive challenge to the government given the uncertainty about the course of any possible pandemic. The virus has become endemic and it could take years to rid the country of the most virulent strain. The government, says Shahin, has prepared a detailed national plan to be implemented in case of a pandemic according to which half of Egypt's 150,000 hospitals beds will be reserved for avian flu patients.

Hamid Samaha, head of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, says the government is focussing on comprehensive public health efforts -- monitoring outbreaks in order to identify any change in the virus, increasing anti-viral stockpiles and building a more robust capacity for vaccine production.

Settlement patterns in Egypt, where 95 per cent of the population is concentrated on five per cent of the land, has serious implications for any pandemic outbreak. The virus has been found at nearly 300 sites and is now "rooted in the Egyptian environment" says Shahin, who now believes that following the first incidents of avian flu Egypt should have culled all poultry and taken draconian measures to stamp out the continued domestic rearing of birds.

"The whole country must resort to consuming frozen chicken instead of purchasing fresh birds. We cannot afford to implement such a scheme at the moment, but the least we must do is ensure that in cities people abide by the regulations and limit direct and indirect communication with poultry."

Shahin suggests the mortality rate resulting from bird flu infections is decreasing due to growing awareness in the wake of information campaigns conducted by the Ministry of Health.

The WHO is still concerned that human infections have escalated over a relatively short period of time, leading some experts to accuse the government of inadequate planning. Health officials, they say, are endeavouring to enforce preventive measures but are incapable of ensuring they are strictly implemented.

"Government planning is random. It is using the wrong vaccine to combat the virus," insists Talaat Khatib, professor of veterinary medicine at Assiut University. "American scientists have already confirmed the H5N1 virus has evolved into two genetically distinct strains, potentially increasing the risk to humans." Khatib believes public awareness campaigns to date have been too weak and Egypt should have begun to plan its preventative measures when the virus was first reported in the country in February 2006.

In Egypt, where poverty and illiteracy rates are high and urban rooftop and backyard rearing of poultry has long been a way of life, a more systematic approach to monitoring the disease needs to be put in place, says Samaha. "People do not respect instructions from the authorities. They consider poultry capital for which it is worth risking their health, and the health of their neighbours."

Egypt is one of very few countries affected by bird flu that does not offer compensation to farmers when poultry is destroyed. Since 2003 412 human cases of the virus have been reported in 15 countries, resulting in 256 deaths. More than 300 million birds have been culled worldwide.

For Supari

So minister Supari, If you truly believe it is a U.S. conspiracy to create bio weapons..why do you continue to take money from them? How will your country feel about you after the pandemic? They will feel you lied to them, by hiding information that could have saved their children. Even now, patients in your country are dying from your lack of cooperation in developing new vaccines that could help the entire world. How can you look them in the face and blame another country for it? How does it feel to be responsible for these deaths? Deaths you could have prevented.
Anda membuat saya sakit dengan cara berbohong anda. Suami anda sekarang meninggal. Saya berharap anda sedang meraba mirip keluarga-keluarga pasien flu burung yang sudah kehilangan yang dicintai karena anda menolak untuk melakukan seluruh itu bisa dilakukan. Ketamakan dan ketidakmampuan anda sangat mengherankan. Jika anda tidak mengubah kebijakan anda segera, mereka akan memberontak terhadap anda di cara anda tidak akan like. anda sebaiknya merasa cemas lebih banyak tentang kesehatan orang anda dan bahwa sisa dunia, lebih baik daripada mencoba menjual buku untuk perolehanmu sendiri.
You ..Supari, are of the worst kind of greedy people. Like a bad James Bond movie, you are in reality, the ultimate bad guy with the power to do good, but instead choose to harm your own people. Very soon , the Indo people and media will wake up to your deceitful ways and put you back where you belong.

Egypt must intensify efforts to combat avian flu, say experts

By Tamim Elyan
First Published: April 9, 2009
AP Photo/Nasser Nouri
Egyptian Health workers collect live ducks, confiscated from farms, for culling at the town of Qalyoub in the Qalyiubiya governorate north of Cairo, Egypt in this file picture.

An Egyptian boy offers a live duck for sale in an street market of the populous district of Imbaba in Cairo in this file picture.

CAIRO: As the number of reported bird flu cases continues to rise in Egypt, attention is directed towards the government’s efforts in controlling and eradicating the disease.

H5N1 first hit Egypt in February 2006. So far, 63 people have contracted the virus, 23 of which died and 35 were treated. Three patients are still undergoing treatment.

On Wednesday, another case was reported of a two-year-old from a village in Giza.

This week, the Ministry of Health announced that 6,337 cases were isolated for suspicion of carrying the virus. From Cairo alone 843 cases were tested but were all found negative.

The highest infected cases were found in Menufiya with seven people carrying the disease. Six cases were reported in Fayoum and Qena each; while Menya, Qaliubiya and Gharbeya reported five cases each.

Three cases were reported in each of Cairo, Aswan, Kafr El-Sheikh and Daqahleya, two cases in each of Assiut, Sohag, Beni Suef, Damietta, and Sharqeya, while Alexandria, Suez and Beheira only reported one case each.

Young victims

The disease has spread among children between the ages of one and two over the past month.

An 18-month-old child was reported to contract the H5N1 virus on March 10.

Also early March, two two-year-old boys from Alexandria and Fayoum were reported to be infected.

Young children, old people and health workers are most likely to contract the virus, and WHO called for an investigation of this phenomenon.

“The rapid growth rate of bird flu infections in children is worrying,” John Jabbour, senior epidemiologist with WHO, told the UN news agency IRIN.

Jabbour speculated that the reason for the increased number of cases in this age group was that families were no longer as alert as they were after the last awareness campaign.

“This is a problem that will not go away in poultry; hence people who deal with birds cannot afford to relax. Those who come in contact with birds must make caution part of their daily routine,” he said.

“When children are infected then the message hasn’t arrived yet. There must be better funding, support and subsidization policies for farmers,” Diaa Salman, a virology expert who has been working on avian flu in Egypt since 2006, said.

“The Ministry of Health has implemented a comprehensive awareness plan that comprised more than 13,000 rural advisors moving from house to house, in addition to mass media campaigns,” Abdel Rahman Shahin, spokesperson of the Ministry of Health told the press.

“We also succeeded in saving the lives of children infected with the virus,” he said, adding that no fatalities were reported for children under 10 years old.

However, experts think that there is still a long way to go.

Getting the science right

Salman believes there is still room for improvement.

“Although it hasn’t reached the epidemic stage yet, Egypt is now second to Indonesia among the most affected countries by avian flu virus,” he told Daily News Egypt.

“The number of human and poultry infections show that some policies are ineffective; we need to reevaluate and assess the current capacities from laboratories and personnel operating at these laboratories, and update them as well as reviewing expenditure in this field,” he explained.

Salman also called for reassessing the types of vaccinations used, their sources and quality. He also called for cooperation between the Ministries of Health, Environmental Affairs and Agriculture in monitoring immigrant birds and the developments of the virus in Egypt.

According to Salman, monitoring the disease requires highly equipped laboratories with isolation and identification devices that can spot the microbes in live and dead infected bodies as well as high safety standards.

“They aren’t available at most places,” he said.

Nasr El-Din Al-Tantawy, a former epidemiologist at the World Health Organization (WHO), said that the Egyptian government’s efforts are not sufficient especially since the virus is now enzootic in the poultry sector.

“In Egypt, we deal with special kind of cultural and economic habits related to poultry farming especially in rural areas which demands intensifying awareness campaigns among farmers,” he previously told Al-Masry Al-Youm independent daily.

“The level of biological safety and vaccinations is excellent in major farms but it declines in small and new farms which enables the virus to become enzootic there,” he explained.

However, Hala Esmat, technical officer at the WHO, says that Egypt is on the right track concerning developing its laboratories.

“Most of the laboratories in Egypt are highly equipped; the latest was the WHO’s laboratory which has been promoted last week as the national laboratory for examinations,” Esmat told Daily News Egypt.

She added that the WHO is working closely with the Ministry of Health to follow up on various issues.

While the chances of infections remain relatively low, experts fear H5N1 could mutate into a form that can easily be passed from one person to another, leading to a pandemic which could kill millions.

Most farmers in rural areas don’t apply safety standards like having backyards for raising poultry or separation between immigrating birds and the farm birds. The ministry doesn’t visit these places regularly for inspection nor do the local authorities help farms get rid of dead birds safely or compensate them for dead animals,” Salman said.

“Alternative policies must be implemented as well as heavy awareness campaigns especially as economic circumstances force farmers to depend on poultry rather than meat,” he added.


Archive Number 20090408.1357
Published Date 08-APR-2009
Subject PRO/EDR> Hand, foot & mouth disease - China (07): (HE, SD)

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Tue 7 Apr 2009
Source: Reuters News [edited]

33 children in 2 crowded rural provinces of China have died in an
outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease that could claim more
victims as it spreads in summer heat, state media reported on Tuesday
[7 Apr 2009].

The disease, a common childhood illness, is rarely fatal but can
cause fever, mouth sores and blisters. Severe forms of [the illness]
can be deadly if not properly treated.

18 children have died from the disease in central Henan province and
at least 15 in eastern Shandong province this year [2009], the
official Xinhua news agency reported.

Henan, a rural province crowded with poor farmers, is the center of
China's latest outbreak of the disease, which killed 40 children
nationwide last year [2008], spreading alarm among parents. The
deaths in Henan were among nearly 20 000 cases of the disease
confirmed in the province, including 5965 in hospital, as of Monday [6
Apr 2009], the Xinhua News Agency stated.

A provincial official warned that worse may come. "As the weather
warms, cases of hand, foot and mouth disease in Henan may rise
further," a vice governor of Henan, Song Xuantao, told Xinhua. "The
situation facing prevention and treatment is very grim."

In late March 2009, Minquan County in Henan said one child had died of
the disease. Minquan has now confirmed that 8 children have died from
the disease, the Xinhua report said. They were among the 18 dead
reported by Henan.

The report from Shandong said 11 500 children had been diagnosed with
the disease and 7100 had already recovered. Earlier this year [2009],
a 17-month-old boy died of the disease in eastern Anhui province.

[Byline: Chris Buckley]

Communicated by:
HealthMap Alerts via
ProMED-mail <>

[The hand, foot & mouth disease epidemic in China continues to
escalate, from 19 deaths reported on 1 Apr 2009 to the 33 deaths
reported on 7 Apr 2009. The epidemic remains centered on the provinces
of Henan and Shandong, in contrast to the preceding year [2008], when
Anhui was the most affected province. It seems likely that the final
death toll, currently at 33, may exceed the 40 deaths recorded in
2008, since the epidemic is predicted to peak in mid-summer.


Archive Number 20090408.1361
Published Date 08-APR-2009
Subject PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza (LPAI), poultry - USA (02): (KY), H7N9

A ProMED-mail post

ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: 9 Apr 2009
Source: OIE WAHID [edited]

Low pathogenic avian influenza (poultry), United States of America
Information received on 6 Apr 2009 from Dr John Clifford, Deputy
Administrator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United
States Department of Agriculture, Washington, United States of America

Report type Immediate notification
Start date 31 Mar 2009
Date of 1st confirmation of the event 31 Mar 2009
Report date 6 Apr 2009
Date submitted to OIE 6 Apr 2009
Reason for notification Recurrence of a listed disease
Date of previous occurrence October 2008
Manifestation of disease Sub-clinical infection
Causal agent Low pathogenic avian influenza virus Serotype H7N9
Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (advanced)
This event pertains to a defined zone within the country

New outbreaks

Outbreak 1 - Grayson County, Grayson County, Kentucky
Date of start of the outbreak 31 Mar 2009
Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
Epidemiological unit Farm

Affected animals: Species Birds
Susceptible 20 000
Cases -
Deaths - 0
Destroyed 20 000
Slaughtered 0

Affected population A commercial poultry broiler-breeder operation
consisting of 2 poultry broiler-breeder houses with 20 000 birds that
were 49 weeks old.

Summary of outbreaks
Total outbreaks: 1
Outbreak statistics:
Species Birds
Apparent morbidity rate **
Apparent mortality rate 0.00 percent
Apparent case fatality rate **
Proportion susceptible animals lost* 100.00 percent

* Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction
and/or slaughter
** Not calculated because of missing information

Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection *Unknown or inconclusive

Epidemiological comments
31 Mar 2009: a National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) laboratory
reported seropositive results for avian influenza. The birds were
being tested as part of the NPIP Avian Influenza.

Clean Program (H5 and H7) for breeding facilities. No clinical signs,
other than a modest drop in egg production, were reported. There was
no increase in mortality.

1 Apr 2009: Enhanced surveillance at the broiler-breeding operation
was implemented, and additional laboratory samples were taken.

There were no clinical indications of disease at the time of
diagnostic testing.

2 Apr 2009: The National Veterinary Services Laboratory (NVSL)
confirmed H7 RRT-PCR and hemagglutinin subtype as H7 positive.

Laboratory testing is continuing, but to date, no virus has been isolated.

Kentucky State animal health officials, in coordination with USDA
APHIS Veterinary Services, implemented the LPAI response plan in
accordance with the Kentucky Initial State Response and Containment
Plan for H5 and H7 LPAI.

Implementation included:
An enhanced surveillance zone of 10 km (6.2 miles) was implemented as
outlined in the plan. There are 4 farms, all breeder facilities and
all owned by the same company, within the 10-km radius of the
positive premises. Laboratory samples were collected and submitted
from all 4 farms. Surveillance of backyard poultry flocks is being
conduced within a 3-km (2-mile) radius of the premises.

4 Apr 2009: NVSL reported that sera tested by hemagglutination
inhibition test and neuraminidase inhibition test were seropositive
for H7N9

4 Apr 2009: As a precautionary measure, all birds in the 2 houses
were depopulated.

5 Apr 2009: All laboratory samples collected from the enhanced
surveillance on the 4 breeding facilities yielded negative laboratory
results for avian influenza.

Note by the OIE Animal Health Information Department: H5 and H7 avian
influenza in its low pathogenic form in poultry is a notifiable
disease as per Chapter 10.4. on avian influenza of the Terrestrial
Animal Health Code (2008).

Control measures:

Measures applied:
* Stamping out
* Quarantine
* Zoning
* Vaccination prohibited
* No treatment of affected animals

Measures to be applied:
* Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)

Diagnostic test results

Laboratory name and type National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP)
laboratory (Local laboratory)
Tests and results:
Species - Test - Test date - Result
Birds - agar-gel immunodiffusion (AGID) - 31 Mar 2009 - Positive

Laboratory name and type National Veterinary Services Laboratory
(NVSL) (National laboratory)
Tests and results:
Species - Test - Test date - Result
Birds - agar-gel immunodiffusion (AGID) - 5 Apr 2009 - Negative
Birds - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - 5 Apr 2009 - Negative
Birds - hemagglutination inhibition test (HIT) - 4 Apr 2009 - Positive
Birds - neuraminidase inhibition assay - 4 Apr 2009 - Positive
Birds - real-time reverse transcriptase/polymerase chain reaction
(RRT-PCR) - 2 Apr 2009 - Positive
Birds - real-time reverse transcriptase/polymerase chain reaction
(RRT-PCR) - 4 Apr 2009 - Positive

Future Reporting
The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.

Calif: State reporting widespread flu outbreak


California continues to report widespread cases of the flu, possibly because of a late start to an otherwise mild season, health experts said.

State health officials said that while influenza often peaks in January and February, it is not unusual to see influenza in April and May.

Health experts use the term "widespread" when flu cases are being seen in half the state.

Still, the vaccine appeared to match well with flu strains found in California, though three children died statewide this year. Residents in other states haven't been so lucky.

"It was a slower start, but we also have been very successful in vaccinating people, and the vaccine is a better match," said Gil Chavez, epidemiologist for the state's public health department.

Chavez cautioned that even a few cases can still spread if residents don't remember to wash their hands and cover their mouths when they cough.

"The most important thing with influenza is to never predict," said Alicia Fry, medical epidemiologist with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"It's a flu year that is still puttering along."

This season's vaccine matched three of four strains, but experts also noticed that in some cases, flu germs were resistant to the most common antiviral treatment, Tamiflu.

Last year, the CDC released new recommendations for children from 6 months to 18 years, especially those attending school, to receive the flu shot.


About 5 percent to 20 percent of the population gets the flu in any given year. More than 200,000 people are hospitalized from complications and about 36,000 people die, according to health experts.

Bird Flu Reoccurring

Kamis, 9 April 2009

Heard by me the news in the media indeed him had the case of bird flu in Bali. My hope to the related side so that more tightened the guarding in Balinese entrances, so as not until the smuggling of the poultry from outside the area that will endanger the Balinese condition happened.

Hundreds Birds Residents Jombang Died Suddenly

[video of residents dealing with the dead birds]
06/04/2009 06:15

Flu Burung
Hundreds of of the Resident's Jombang chickens died Mendadak Hundreds of chickens in Jombang died suddenly in two last weeks. The official still researched and did not yet confirm whether the chicken died that was attacked by the bird flu virus.

Pandemic Influenza: Challenges and Questions

Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) will be speaking in Bloomington, Minnesota on May 7, 2009 at a joint meeting of the American Filtration and Separations Society (AFS) and the Center for Filtration Research (CFR).

Minneapolis, MN (PRWEB) April 8, 2009 -- Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) will be speaking in Bloomington, Minnesota on May 7, 2009 at a joint meeting of the American Filtration and Separations Society (AFS) and the Center for Filtration Research (CFR).

"Like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis, influenza pandemics are recurring natural disasters.*"

In the March/April 2007 issue of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Osterholm sounded the alarm once again on how unprepared governments and industry are to deal with a major pandemic. A relatively mild pandemic, such as what occurred in 1968, would kill 1.4 million people and cost about $330 billion in lost economic output. If the pandemic would be as bad as 1918-19, 142 million people would die and the world's GDP would lose $4.4 trillion.

"Besides getting sick, what else could go wrong?"

Along with the obvious health issues that a pandemic creates, Dr. Osterholm will also address how a pandemic could present serious disruptions in everyday services. In a November, 2008 report published by the CIDRAP, "Pandemic Influenza, Electricity, and the Coal Supply Chain",
Dr. Osterholm demonstrates how a pandemic could disrupt coal supplied to electrical power plants and cause shortages of electricity.

"Just in time Economy"

To reduce costs, the US and world economies have developed "just in time" supply chains. In other words, many critical products like drugs, safety items and food are delivered as needed. Any disruption in the supply chain would result in shortages of critical products. Or if the pandemic produces an increased demand for certain products, they will not be quickly available.

What can be done?

Dr. Osterholm will present the questions that both the public and private sectors need to be addressing. Does your community have any type of preparedness plan? Does your company have a plan? Do you have a plan?

To register for the conference and hear Dr. Osterholm's presentation go to the web page listed below.

To learn more about the American Filtration and Separations Society go to:

To learn more about the Center for Filtration Research go to:

To learn more about the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy go to:

*Foreign Affairs, Vol. 86 No. 2, March/April 2007

Contact Information:
Suzanne Sower
American Filtration and Separations Society
7608 Emerson Ave S.
Richfield, MN 55423
Phone: 612-861-1277
Fax: 612-861-7959

hat-tip Shiloh

348 * ‬ case of suspicion, and 12 * ‬ positive bird flu infection in * ‬ 3 * ‬ months

The government failed to finance the activity of the control committees

Achieve the best Emad *: ‬ failed siege of the Government's efforts in bird flu in all the governorates of Egypt after the hotbeds of the disease has spread among birds and humans in contact with the rising rate of infections and suspects at the provincial level is frightening and more than double the figures recorded in the same period a year Last *. ‬ reports of the Ministries of Health and Agriculture, which was discussed at the High Commission of avian influenza confirmed the failure of the current plan for dealing with disease and recognized that some sources of veterinary vaccination programs and the investigation and sampling and analysis suffer from a serious financial deficit,

* ‬ An official source said the current plan failed in the siege disease and is supposed to adopt a new plan to tackle the spread of the disease after the patient in spots all over Egypt *. ‬ issued Amin Abaza, Minister of Agriculture decided to travel * ‬ Dr made me director of the Institute of Animal Health Research, Dr. Mohamed Hassan Khalifa, Director General National Laboratory for the control of poultry production to United States to participate in the Seventh Conference of the bird flu virus and become acquainted with the new plans to cope with the disease, which failed efforts to curb the spread of the disease, * ‬ as Minister of Agriculture has issued a decision to travel

* ‬ Dr. Najla pilgrims and Dr. Mahmoud Znati of the National Laboratory for the task of combating the disease in other States the United States to attend training courses on new ways to diagnose and cope with bird flu *. ‬ Dr. Hamed Samaha chief of veterinary services confirmed that things are under control and that the men were cooperating with the body of the Ministry of Health in dealing with the immediate spots are detected and added that the Authority was in need of funding more cars to cope with sick spots, he said the current plan is in the way of control but there are serious and other variables are shown and we address them and promised to send all data on the disease *. ‬

For his part, admitted Dr. Amr Qandil, director of infectious diseases in the Ministry of Health that this year registered the highest incidence of The suspect said that the reports of the ministry recorded * »‬ 348 *« ‬ case of suspicion of the disease during the month of March only *. ‬ recorded positive cases of the disease since the beginning of this year and as of yesterday I * »‬ 12 *« ‬ positive cases compared with * »‬ 7 *« ‬ cases in the same period last year, "said Dr Amr said to deal with suspected cases are immediate * ‬ are also the dangers of the veterinary services to deal with the sick spots, which show the suspect cases of the disease on humans *

‬ He added that the Ministry of Health implemented a plan to train medical teams in hospitals to define the nature of the disease and symptoms that appear on the suspects, * ‬ confirmed that the ministry has allocated Line No. * »‬ 105 *« ‬ around the clock to receive complaints of citizens and foster media campaigns and visits daily to make the pioneers of rural citizens in the establishment and expansion of the factor analysis of human samples for the rapid handling *. ‬ On the other hand, Dr. Fattuh Darwish Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine Veterinary Services Corporation that the development of the disease requires the development of methods and techniques of confrontation and acknowledged that the parties concerned to confront the disease has not been able to eliminate it and said he has not yet been besieged outposts sick in Egypt and the hot new show, but not in the form of epidemiological *. ‬ Dervis stressed that the Ministry of Health and the Veterinary Services exchange In the case of communications data to tell us in the injured human or suspicion * ‬ immediately begin the work of immunization program and to explore and collect samples from birds from the nearby and caught the suspect, if confirmed, analysis of the positive cases are executed and buried the bird through the health and vice versa if we are in the form of veterinary services, we found spots * ‬ injury poultry disease * ‬ inform the Ministry of Health and the names and addresses of places to start is to take other precautions, and the withdrawal of samples from contacts of birds *

* ‬ Commenting on the travel of a group of specialists in the veterinary services to the United States to identify new ways to confront the disease, an official source Authority refused to be named, said expanding the current epidemiological situation and that it is necessary to become acquainted with the experience and expertise of developed countries in the face of disease, * ‬ The source confirmed that the bird flu disease, talk and deal with it is subject to various criteria, and therefore face the question of the need to identify new ways commensurate with the variables inherent in the development of a focused disease specialists sent to the United States to search for modern methods to curb sick spots, which began increasing significantly, *

‬ The source added that over the periods of low temperature and delayed the onset of summer has led to the continued emergence of hotbeds of disease and helped in the proliferation of cases and suspected *

Obtained ‬ * »‬ delegation *« ‬ records of suspected cases sent by the Ministry of Health to the veterinary services in the days * ‬ 2 * ‬ and 3 * ‬ and 4 * ‬ April include * ‬ 3 * ‬ lists, each containing one * ‬ 9 * ‬ injury cases of suspected bird flu from all the provinces *.

On ‬ * ‬ 2 * ‬ April recorded statements of suspicion in a noble Mohamed Ismail * »‬ 21 * ‬ years *« ‬ Almnecat the village Aqrab Hosseinieh Center Hospital East has been admitted depositing Zagazig, * ‬ and Princess Razeq Abulhasan * »‬ 20 Year * ‬ * «‬ al-Alfi, the status of the province of Qena, we inaugurated the conversion was admitted to hospital in Qena, * ‬ Hassan and Hossam Hassan *» ‬ 5 * ‬ years * «‬ Shady queens of the division of his hospital fevers were the Upper Egyptian Mohamed Medhat Abduljawad *» ‬ Year 17 * ‬ * «‬ Bazkp of the status of enemy and queens have been admitted into a hospital this morning and the enemy Mohamed Abdulaziz *» ‬ 39 * ‬ years * «‬ from the village of Kom * ‬ 2 * ‬ Rashid Center for Lake County Hospital was deposited Damanhour fevers and Samiha Mohamed Treasure * »‬ 50 * ‬ years *« ‬ Gemayzeh of the village of West County Center Alsentp entered the hospital admitted Tanta, informed Ali Shaaban * »‬ 36 * ‬ years *« ‬ Khurshid of the park and entered the hospital in Alexandria, Alexandria, fevers Rowan Ahmed Ibrahim * »‬ 7 years * ‬ * «‬ of people before me, Sir, and entered Alexandria, Alexandria, fevers and allow Mohamed Mahmoud *» ‬ 35 * ‬ years * «‬ Dronka of Assiut and entered the hospital with fevers Assiut *. ‬ registered on the lists of suspected * ‬ 3 * ‬ * ‬ isolate April 9 * ‬ diets of hospitals for suspected bird flu patients have been isolated Aida Ali Ahmed Isa * »‬ 55 * ‬ years *« ‬ Almenderp of Alexandria, Alexandria, was deposited Bhmyat Walid Mohamed Said * »‬ 6 * ‬ years *« ‬ of Sir humans and entered Alexandria Alexandria fevers and Omaima Fathi mind * »‬ 41 * ‬ years *« ‬ Kos from entering the province of Qena, was admitted hospital Qena and Ahmed Ali Yacoub * »‬ two *« ‬ of Kos and deposited QENA fevers, Zeinab Mohamed Ahawadi * »‬ 40 Year * ‬ * «‬ entered from Qena, Qena and fevers Naima Hassan Jaber *» ‬ 11 * ‬ years * «‬ Badir from a bad Albderman Moas entered Menya Menya, fevers Sana Secretary Secretary *» ‬ 39 * ‬ years * «‬ Salhia of eastern region was Hospital East deposit fevers and Mr. Muhammad grew * »‬ 13 * ‬ years *« ‬ Vaqos of the East and entered the eastern and fevers Saad Mohammed Atta * »‬ 14 * ‬ years *« ‬ Belkas of Dakahliya and deposited a Hospital Mansoura *. ‬ * testified on ‬ 4 * ‬ suspicion of wounding, April * ‬ 9 * ‬ persons were recorded fever isolation hospital lists of suspected infection of Muhammad Ali * »‬ 57 * ‬ years *« ‬ by * ‬ Izbat Osman West Shubra al-Khaimah Balqlliopip Demerdash and entered the hospital and Mr. Hiam Ahmed * »‬ 28 * ‬ years *« ‬ Srsena the status of the village met Monday Fayyoum entered fevers Fayyoum Riham Mohammed Ahmed * »‬ 10 * ‬ years *« ‬ met Monday of the deposit was admitted Fayyoum Inamul Mohammad Abu Yusuf * »‬ 27 * ‬ years * «‬ Kafr Masood Btnta West entered Tanta fevers and survival Abdulnabi Razeq *» ‬ 41 * ‬ years * «‬ Mansheya of the new West Mahala area and entered the fevers Maysp Hamid Makhluf *» ‬ 33 * ‬ years * «‬ Shabra of Umbulula Mnov Center Monoufia entered Mnov fevers and Mohammed Shehab Hawkip * »‬ 55 * ‬ years *« ‬ Itai of gunpowder and entered Lake Damanhour fevers and love the beauty Sahsah * »‬ 8 * ‬ months *« ‬ functioning status of the village of Kafr El-Sheikh and a woman Mossaad 40 year the village Allavi Balyana Center and entered the province of sohah. sohag fevers
hat-tip Sally