Saturday, May 23, 2009

CDC Pandemic Severity Index

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

WHO working on a severity scale to accompany pandemic alert phases

Written by: Helen Branswell, Medical Reporter,
May. 11, 2009

The CDC hasn't yet determined where the H1N1 outbreak lies on that scale, said Dr. Francisco Averhoff, chief of quarantine and border health services in the division of global migration and quarantine.

D. In addition to the planning recommendations using WHO pandemic phases, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a planning document that outlines a Pandemic Severity Index (PSI), characterizing the possible severity of a pandemic. The index uses case fatality ratio as the critical driver for categorizing the severity of a pandemic. In this index, pandemics will be assigned to one of five discrete categories of increasing severity (Category 1 to Category 5).

The interim guidance in which this index was submitted provides planning recommendations for specific community mitigation interventions that may be used for a given level of pandemic severity. Planning considerations included in this document are based on the possible severity of the event.

Training workshop in Cairo for the detection of the virus (H1N1)

Saturday, May 23, 2009 - 15:21

World Health Organization and the course is conducted in which 40 individuals from 20 countries

For 11 consecutive days of the World Health Organization held a workshop in Cairo on the use of closed interaction Albolmiraz serial technology for the diagnosis and detection of new influenza virus H1N1, during the period from 17-28 May 2009.

And the interaction of the tree is Albolmiraz test on swabs of ulcers or tissue biopsies macules can obtain the lab results within two days.

It is scheduled to participate in organizing the Regional Office of WHO for the Eastern Mediterranean and the unity of the U.S. Naval Medical Research (Namro -3), one of the centers collaborating with the World Health Organization.

The aim of the workshop to strengthen national capacity to diagnose and monitor the virus A (H1N1), preparedness, response and improve the quality of the laboratory surveillance of influenza.

The workshop will focus on the diagnosis of the new virus molecular methods, and design of plant molecular diagnostics laboratory good its practices, as well as how to deal with bio-safety and safety laboratory on avian A (H1N1).
The workshop will include four sessions, in which 40 individuals from 20 countries and representatives from the ministries of health in their country, namely Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, occupied Palestinian territories, Qatar , Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

U.S. wants vaccine for 20 million 'key' people produced

Saturday, May 23, 2009 3:05 AM

WASHINGTON -- The federal government has asked three drug companies to make enough swine flu vaccine to immunize at least 20 million people in key positions in health care, national security and emergency services, officials said yesterday.

The order, announced by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, is part of a $1 billion investment in immediate production and testing of vaccine against the newly emerged strain of H1N1 flu virus. Further orders for potentially hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine are expected.

Also yesterday, CDC scientists unveiled the most detailed genetic examination yet of the novel virus, finding that the new swine flu might have been circulating undetected in pigs for years.

That report, in the journal Science, still doesn't solve the bigger mystery of when and where the virus made the jump to people and what genetic change allowed it to start spreading so rapidly. The virus was first detected last month, and at least 42 countries now have confirmed it in more than 11,000 people. At least 85 people have died of it.

The order is for bulk quantities of a killed version of the virus and two different "adjuvants," chemical additives that boost the immune system's response and allow a lower dose of vaccine to be used, which in turn stretches the supply.

A useable vaccine would not be ready until late summer. Special permission from the Food and Drug Administration will be needed for the adjuvants to be used.

The government's pandemic preparedness plan divides the U.S. population into five tiers of priority for getting vaccine. The first tier, which comprises about 24 million people, includes deployed armed forces, critical health-care workers, fire, police and ambulance workers, pregnant women and small children.

Also yesterday, an official of the World Health Organization said that agency is reviewing its pandemic threat alert system to see whether its definition of a full-scale pandemic should be revised.

Conference to discuss health-care influenza pandemic

Saturday, May 23, 2009 - 20:03
Caption: Symposium held next Tuesday at the Chamber of the Federation of Egyptian Industries

تنظم غرفة مقدمى خدمات الرعاية الصحية بالقطاع الخاص التابعة لاتحاد الصناعات المصرية الثلاثاء القادم ندوة عن "الأنفلونزا الوبائية.. ومكافحة المرض"، تحت رعاية د.حاتم الجبلى وزير الصحة والسكان وجلال الزوربا رئيس اتحاد الصناعات، لبحث كيفية مواجهة الأمراض الوبائية الخطيرة الآخذة فى الانتشار على مستوى العالم، خاصة أنفلونزا الخنازير وأنفلونزا الطيور.

Chamber organizes health care providers and the private sector in the Federation of Egyptian Industries on Tuesday a seminar on "influenza pandemic and the fight against the disease ..", under the auspices of d. Woman Minister of Health and Population and Galal Zorba the President of the Federation of Industries, to discuss how to deal with serious epidemic diseases spreading to the world, particularly the swine flu and avian influenza.

يحضر الندوة د.ناصر السيد مساعد وزير الصحة للرعاية الصحية الأساسية والطب الوقائى وتنظيم الأسرة، ود.عادل خطاب مستشار الوزير لمكافحة الأنفلونزا الوبائية وأستاذ الأمراض الصدرية.

D to attend the symposium. Mr. Nasser Assistant Secretary of Health for primary health care, preventive medicine, family planning, Dr.. Just a letter of Minister's advisor for the fight against pandemic influenza and Professor of chest diseases.

بالإضافة إلى عدد من أعضاء الغرفة والاتحاد ورجال أعمال وأطباء ومسئولين بوزارة الصحة.

In addition to a number of members of the Chamber and the European Union, businessmen, doctors and officials of the Ministry of Health.

قال د.إيهاب أبو المجد عضو مجلس إدارة غرفة مقدمى خدمات الرعاية الصحية بالقطاع الخاص باتحاد الصناعات، إن الندوة تستهدف التأكيد على مشاركة الغرفة والعاملين بالقطاع مع الحكومة فى مواجهة الأمراض الوبائية الخطيرة الآخذة فى الانتشار على مستوى العالم، خاصة أنفلونزا الخنازير وأنفلونزا الطيور، من خلال قيام شركات القطاع الخاص العاملة فى المجال بتقديم خدمات طبية عالية المستوى للمواطنين، وبأسعار مناسبة لهم.

D said. Ihab Abu Majd, board member of the Chamber of providers of health care services the private sector, the Federation of Industries, the seminar aimed to emphasize the participation of the room and working with the government sector in the face of serious epidemic diseases spreading in the world, particularly the swine flu and avian influenza, through the by private sector companies operating in the area by providing high-level medical services for all citizens, at affordable prices for them.

وشدد أبو المجد على ضرورة النهوض بمستوى الخدمات الطبية التى تقدمها مستشفيات القطاع الخاص، وتوفير كافة الاستعدادات اللازمة لمواجهة الأمراض الوبائية الخطيرة، وتدريب الأطباء بالشكل الكافى على التشخيص الصحيح والتعامل بسرعة مع مثل هذه الحالات المرضية الحرجة، حفاظا على أرواح المواطنين.

Abul-Magd and stressed the need to enhance the quality of medical services provided by private sector hospitals, to provide all the necessary preparations to face the serious epidemic diseases, the training of doctors to adequately correct diagnosis and to deal quickly with such critical cases, in order to preserve the lives of citizens.

يذكر أن غرفة مقدمى خدمات الرعاية الصحية بالقطاع الخاص باتحاد الصناعات أنشئت فى عام 2002، تحت مسمى "شعبة" مقدمى خدمات الرعاية الصحية بالقطاع الخاص، ثم صدر القرار الوزارى رقم 391 لسنة 2005 بتحويل الشعبة إلى "غرفة"، التى تضم فى عضويتها 55 مؤسسة طبية خاصة مختلفة الأنشطة، مثل (مستشفيات، مراكز أشعة، معامل تحاليل، ومراكز طبية متخصصة) موزعة على عدد من محافظات الجمهورية.

Little room to providers of health care services the private sector in the Federation of Industries was established in 2002, under the rubric of "people," health care providers the private sector, was published by the Ministerial Decree No. 391 for the year 2005 the transfer of the Division to the "room", whose membership includes 55 medical institutions various special activities (such as hospitals, radiology centers, factor analysis, and specialized medical centers), distributed on a number of governorates of the republic.

ويتولى رئاسة الغرفة د.بشر قناوى رئيس مستشفى العيون الدولى، وتضم الغرفة فى عضويتها كلا من د.هشام الخولى مدير عام مستشفى دار الفؤاد ووكيل الغرفة، ومن أهم المقربين إلى د.حاتم الجبلى رئيس مجلس إدارة مستشفى "دار الفؤاد"، كما تضم الغرفة فى عضوية مجلس إدارتها كلا من د.أحمد الصيفى رئيس مجلس إدارة معمل البرج، ود.عماد شنودة عضو مجلس إدارة مستشفى السلام بالمهندسين.

The presidency of the room d. Kenawy human eye hospital, the President of the UN, including the Chamber membership in both the d. Hisham Al-Kholi, Director General of Dar Al Fouad Hospital, and the Under-room, and it is most important close to d. Hatem mountain, board chairman of the hospital, "Dar-hearted", as well as room in the membership of its board of directors of both d. Summer Ahmed, board chairman of the tower laboratory, Dr.. Emad Shenouda Hospital board member of the engineers of peace.

Called for the arrest of suspected bird flu Menoufia

Saturday, May 23, 2009 - 20:32

Detained Mnov hospital admitted students on suspicion of bird flu following the emergence of symptoms of the disease.

وأوضح د.هشام عطا يوسف وكيل وزارة الصحة بالمنوفية، أن الحالة لطالب يدعى محمد إبراهيم ضبش (17 سنة) ويقيم بمدينة منوف، وتم حجزه بمستشفى حميات منوف، وتم أخذ عينة من دم المصاب وإرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة لفحصها وبيان مدى إيجابياتها من سلبيتها.

The d. Hesham Youssef Atta and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Menoufia, the situation of a student, Ibrahim Mohammad Illc (17 years) and residing in Mnov, was admitted Mnov detention hospital, and was taking a sample of blood, the injured and sent to the central Ministry of Health laboratories for examination and description of how the lack of positive .

Egypt Suspected & Confirmed List - updated 5/31

Here is my current list of suspected cases. Keep in mind the Egypt has a lot of suspected cases yearly, and many have no resolution. We never hear either way, and we assume the are negative, as they aren't reported confirmed. I will post this on the side bar under "Summaries". I think I may be able to update it from there in the future, instead of posting it here, every day. I hope I can.

This list is not exact. I started this list as of May 14th. I try to take patients off the list when I come across them in articles. Some names I can not match up. The list is to help me (and you) detect hot spots within the country, and clusters.

The Post #'s correlate to posts at FluTrackers. The link for the forum is in the side bar. You can find the articles here at the blog, or you can go there under Egypt Suspected Cases thread.

Gharbiyah Gov.


Post #142: May 15th:
Fathi El-Mahalla made Abdalmqsod (61 years)

Post #143: May 15th: (confirmed) #71
Ahmed Abdu Hadi 3 years (correct name?)
Village: Hashim, Mahalla

Post #144: May 6th (posted May 15th)
34 yo
Tanta District, Gharbia Covernorate (confirmed) #68

Post #149: May 16th
Mus'ad Ibrahim Nasr (9 years) from the village of Mahala Abshit Center
Ahmed Mukhtar Abdelkhaliq stones (3 years) from Shubra Babil Center area

Post #176 May 16th
[listed as in both Mahallah & Tanta]
Fathi Abdel-Maksoud, «61 years» Awad, and
Manal Ismail «28 years»

Post #160 May 17th
5 other cases, including 3 brothers, from the village of dead lion Hashim
Ahmed Ramadan me and her sister 18 years:
Yasmin, 5
Wendy 3 years
Islam 18
Mansour Subhi 25

Post #163 May 18th
Mahallah Hisham Ahmed Hassan Ali, )5) from Smonod Hassan
Mohamed Mohamed Abdel-Al, (22), from Smonod Hassan
Ahmed Hassan, 3 years, from Almatmdip
Almatmdip Mohammed Ismail, (7)
Hajjaj Abeer Jaber, 30 years (Nurse) from Smonod
Mr. Mahmoud Ali Mahmoud, 4 years from Kafr Dmro
Abdel-Sawy rest, 21 years [Dmro Kafr El-Said]
Salma Mehdi Bastawisi (1F)
Hany Mohamed Fathy Saft 8 months
Mustafa Ahmed Abdel-Radi, (4) Izbat Obodraa

Post #5 May 21
Ola Hassan Mohamed Radwan «38 years»
Shirin Abdulsattar «23 years»
Nhmayor Abduljawad Mohammed «26 years»
Alaa (5)

Post #7 May 21
Ashraf (11 months) from Saad al-Mehalla Coiqy
Mohammed Shaban (5)
Abdul Majid Mohamed Salma and her sister Mary (3 years)
Mohammed Abu Zeid (4 years )
Abdel-Gawad Nhmayor (36 years)
Mustafa (5 years)
Kamal Hemeida Wissal (50 years)
Fawzi Mohamed (30 years)
Abdel-Gawad (32 years)

Post #11 May 23
Osama Mohamed Azab (one year) from Kafr Center Zvty Shaheen
Nagwa Kamal Awadi (25 years) (Mother of Osama)
Lome Fattah (18 years) from Kafr Senbat Zvty Center
Mahmoud Omar, "two years - Son of Lome Fattah
Mohammed Ibrahim Abu-Zeid (3 years)

Post #17 May 25th
4 cases

Post #20 May 26
Ramzi Abdel Azim Ibrahim Salim (8 months)
Mr. Saeed Abdul Sami (27) from Maniya Smonod Dakahlia
Abdel-Fattah Attiyat Mus'ad (27) of the Center Smatay Qtor
Mona Ismail Fouda, Abdel-Latif (17) from Smatay Qtor Center

Post #21 May 26
6 cases from Tanta and Mahalla
8 Cases returned Negative

May 28
Mr. Wadih Alchtaoy (31 years) from Kafr Iabanip Center Smonod
Hoda Abdel-Alattafy (50 years old)

May 28
Youssef Mahmoud Ahmed Sbai Hassan (5) of Kafr Suha
Mr. Wael (1yr. 6 mos) from Center for Smonod the village of Bcbic
Hany Fahmy Mohamed Allam, (3) of Kafr Alzgaidp Zvty Center.

May 30
Mr. Reza Al-Khattab from Center Qtor
Abdul Rahman Ahmad (4 years) of the Center Ameriya place.

May 31
Ibrahim Muhammad Elimane (2 1/2) from Kafr Aldkrory Center Dakahlia Nbrop
Abualsaud Bayoumi, (49), housewife Kafr Aldkrory Center Dakahlia Nbroh
Mansoura Wael Mustafa Ali (2) from Riyadh Zvty Center.

Post #133 May 14th
Mustafa Mokhtar Abdel Wahab (23 years), village of Alqrchip Center Alsentp
Nagwa Ibrahim Mansour (23 years) Tanta,
Reza Ahmed Ramadan fine (40 years) Kara Tlapt of Caesar Center Tanta
Mohammed Abdulghaffar Ghurab 45 years of Berma.

Post #142 May 15th
Reza Mohammed Ahmed (40 years) of Caesar Tlapt,
Mohamed Ibrahim Abdulghaffar (45 years), Berma

Post #163 May 17th
Urabi Nagwa Mohamed Mahmoud, 30 years
Mahmoud Sobhy Ammar, (16) from Shubra Namla
Almasrany Amina Ibrahim, (53) from Almasrany Qtor Center
Mohamed Majed, (24), Mithaway Alsentp Center.
Lole Ibrahim Abdel-Al, (45) Tanta Kafr Essam

Post #5 May 21
Azza Ahmed Abdasameea (20)
Huda Abdulnabi (21)
Rasha Mohammed Fathi Mr. (27 years)
*testing negative samples, 26 other cases, and to allow out of the hospital .

Post #7 May 22
Shirin Mohammed Abdul Sattar (23 years)
Musab (3 years)
Feroz Safwat Ismail (18 years)

Post #11 May 23
Osama Shanawi al (6 years) from Tukhi Bmahlp
translation mixup - (two and a half)
Makram Abdul (19 years) from Alsentp.

Post #20 May 26
Mr. Larbi Mohamed Larbi (4 years) from Qtor Center
Mustafa Mohamed Abdel Fattah (21 years) from Tanta Center Sudan
Abulhasan (18 years) from Bhmyat Zvty

May 28 &
Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim (2) From Center for Tanta Berma, Bhmyat
Hamid Mohamed Hegazy (56 years) (Mother) Center for Tanta, Bhmyat

May 28
Antar Mohammed Ayman al-Faruq (28) from Berma
Abdulwahid, (30) from Talpnt Michael Caesar

May 30
Mohammed Hamza al-Far (3 years) from Nnadif Emad Btnta
King Amr Salah from Center Tanta Sptas
Afaf Abdel-Alim (35 years) from Ikhanaoay
Nagwa Ibrahim Rashad (30 years old) from Kafr Alskhanp

May 31
Abdul Wahab Ibrahim, (52) from Btnta Zyakp
Abdullah Rizq, 38, of the Center for Marine Shabra Alsentp

Kafr Ash Shaykh Gov.
Kafr El-Sheikh

Post #134 May 14th
Mohamed Radwan Hawwari (3 years) and friend
Nasser Rowan (7 months) and
Abdel Rahman Musa Rida (8 months) and
Munira Reza Abdul Samad (7 years) and
Ahmad Reza Abdul Samad (two), and brother
Faris Abdul Samad Reza (3 years ),
Magdi Abdel-Al Hendawi (39 years) and
Mona Ciny mouse (27 years)
Mohamed Abdel Fattah (20 years) and
Aziza Hassanein Junaidi (21 years) and
Raja Mohammed Saleh (49 years).

Post #155 May 17th
Mohamed Sabah (17)
Saeed Reza Khulud (3 mos)
Shanawi Mohammed Hamdan (19)
Sana Abdul Salam (39)
Ali Mohammed Abboud (37)
Fayza Ahmed Alnohori (24)
Abdulaziz Mohammed Ashraf (4)

Post #160 May 17th
Mohamed Abdel-Aziz al-Hajar (2) (brother t o Abdulaziz (4) above)

Post #168 May 19th
Mr. Awad Abdulghaffar (18) Kafr El-Sheikh
Hanan Reda Farhat, (2 1/2)

Post #169 May 19th
Mr. Esmat Abdel-Halim (55 years)
Nahed Mohamed (21 years)
Mr. Mohamed (10 years)
Mohammad Sabri Ikrami (8 years)

Post #6 May 21
Yassin Abdel-Moneim, (59)
Ibrahim (28) nurse Faraj al-Zarqa Salem Center

Post #17 May 25
6 cases from center Kulain and Kafr El-Sheikh, Sidi Salem & Riyadh

Post #19 May 25th
Yusuf (Mother) from Kafr Al-Zayat Center
Mohammad Shebl (6) Brother
Zfti (brother)
Mnsourip Alfrstq (8) Sister

May 27
6 cases reported

Dumyat Gov.

Post #168 May 19
Mona Ahmed Bassiouni (45)

Post #16 May 25
Al-Sabah (5) from Kafr Battikh
Mr. Eid (3) from Kafr al-Saad
Abdel-Maksoud (42 years) from the coast
Kafr Battikh Labib (50 years)

Post #17 May 25th
Mr. Gohari (2 yr. 3 mos.) (could be Mr. Eid above)

Post #22 May 26
5 cases reported

May 28
Mona Mohamed Obuaber (35) from Nasiriyah, the Center for Varschor
Mahmoud Gamal Farghali,( 9) from Nasiriyah, the Center for Varschor

Ash Sharqiyah Gov.

Post #140 May 15th
Mahmoud Ali El-Shafei (4 1/2) from Kafr Saqr, confirmed #70

Post #141 May 15th
detained four suspected human cases of bird flu

Post #155 May 17th
detained three suspected cases of bird flu

Post #6 May 21
3 suspected cases

Post #7 May 21
Moza Mohammed Ibrahim (38 years old) from Mansheya Center

Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim (4) - confirmed #75
From: Central Street, Hehia city
Adm: 5/25
Onset: 5/24
Sym: high fever

Hasna Abdullah Ali Hassan (4) - confirmed #76
From: Abo Hammad
Onset: 5/23
Adm: 5/25

May 28
Mr. Ayman Al-Marwa, 13, from Kafr Clclmon Center
Ragab Ahmed Abdu, (5), from the village of Idris, Kafr Saqr

Menoufia [Minufiyah] Gov.

Post #134 May 14th
Salwa Baha'eddin Afify (47 years), Bhmyat Shebin,
Samar and Ruslan Abdul forces (5 years) and her brother
Abdul Rahman (one year and two months), Hdzhma Bhmyat al Naoura,

Post #141 May 15th
Salwa Afifi (45F) Kom Bcpin resident

Post #153 & 155 May 17th
Obowalsaud-Azim Ramadan (57 years) Kfar Denshoay district
Sobhi Abdul Hadi -(1) from Shubra Khalafon

Post #165 May 18th
Mohammed Najib Mukhtar, (14)

Post #166 May 19th
Abdallah Sabri Alija (6 years), Mnov detention hospital
Mustafa Halawa, 30 years, evaluate district Sultan facility

Post #4 May 20
Shaima Meselhi Nasser (9 years) hospital Srs Allian Hospital Mnov
Amal Abdel-Khalek, Mohamed (35 years) hospital Bhmyat Shebin.

Post #6 May 21
3 suspected cases

Post #12 May 23
Ibrahim Mohammad Illc (17 years) from Mnov

Post #14 May 25
Saad Ali (60) from Kafr Pharaonic Bohmon, in Echmoun hospital
Mr. Ali (45 years) in Bsrs Allian Hospital Mnov
Fatima Abdel-Moneim Abdel-Hamid (26 years) from Mkhaltthm. Bhmyat hospital

May 28
Youssef Abdel-Rahman (10 mos.) from Quesna Ajaizp
Said Abdel-Karim (25 years) from Bhmyat
Smasm Hanafi Ibrahim (45 years) from Bhmyat Echmoun
Abu FIRDOS Fotouh Omar (67 years old) from Dzha Shebin.

May 31
Samar Saber Abdel-Fattah (3 years) Bhoash Village Center Mnov
Znobp Ragab Ahmed (25 years old), Bhoash Village Center Mnov

Post #140 May 15th
Jamal Abdulmohsen (4), from the village of Taha columns
Saadiya Abu-Zeid and
Abdel Aal (56) the village of el-Amarna East

Post #165 May 18th
detention of 4 cases admitted in hospitals built a shrine and a bell and Mallawi.

Post #169 May 19th
2 people. One is (2 1/2).

May 28
Marina Saber (35 years) & daughter:
Warda Mohamed Magdy, (1 1/2)

Al Buhayrah Gov.

Post #141 May 15th
Mai Mohamed Zaki "4 years"
Mahmudiya Mohamed Ibrahim Ghoneim (23) of Obouhms Tamer
Mohamed Ahmed "5 months"

Post #151 May 16th
Mohamed Ahmed Ghalban (21 years) - a working farm and a resident Biitay
Almtamir Abu Tarek Fathi Yusuf (19 months) residing in Kafr Dawar.

Post #160 May 17th
Touhami Mohamed (47 years) Bdinmhor
Mahmoud Mohamed Abdul Ghani (20 years) Bdinmhor
Nora Jamal Mohammed (two years), all of whom reside Bdinmhor
Afaf Mohammed Arif (42 years old) from Mahmudiya Iqmeon
Dina Mohamed (3 years) from Mahmudiya Iqmeon
Isra Arafeh Atallah (15 years) from Mahmudiya Iqmeon
Mohamed Al Manar (12 years) Mahmudiya Iqmeon

Post #164 May 17th
Nadia Arafa (14 months)
Mossaad Mohammed (7 years)
Nabil Abdel-Rahman al-Shazly (40 years)

Post #167 May 19th
Nora Jamal Mohammed 2

Post #168 May 19th
Mohamed Fouad Gannat Lachin, (2 months) from Center for Kom Hamada
Ahmed Mohamed El Baker (32) Center Kafr Al-Dawar
Mohamed Abou El Ela Mus'ad (6)
Nadia Abdullah Mohamed Arafa (15 months)

Post #8 May 22
Aida Baqi al-Jamal (50)
Amina Mohamed Melegy (14 months)
Atiyah (10 months)
Atef Ezzat (17)

Post #13 May 24th
Nadia Mahmud Salim (18 years) resident Abu Homs
Nanaap Ismail Alhabrok (27) from Brashid
Hanim Ismail Youssef (40) from Biitay

Post #19 May 25th
Shaaban Abdel-Rahman Saeed al-6 years from Kafr Dawar
Mahmoud Mahmoud Said (48) from Babis

May 27
Ibrahim Mohammed Smjarat Mahmoud Ahmed (14)
Izbat Almnyaoi Mahmudiya (10)
Yasser Ahmed Rostom (2)
Muhammad Ismail Alsoualem (10 months)
Dysho Mkhaltthm (45) from Kafr Al-Dawar

May 28th
Mahmoud Ahmed (10)
Hanan Youssef Ismail, (30) of Mahmudiya
Mohammed Ibrahim, 16 months
Mahmoud Salem, (55) of Kafr Al-Dawar
Yasser Ahmed Rostom (2) of Rashid

May 30
Helal Marwa Fattouh (30 years) from Kafr Dawar
Faiza Abdul-Hamid (12 months)
Zakaria Mohamed Salah (30 years) resident Bhouc Issa
Salah Abdel-Kader Sana (30 years) Hosh Issa
Abdul Basit Mohammad (12 years) Hosh Issa
Khader Abu Zeid (55 years) Mahmudiya

May 31
Mohammed Salem (2), village of Edko, Zaki
Hanan (24) resident Mahmudiya
Shaaban Abdel Rahim Ghalib (3) resident of Abu Homs
Mona Abdel-Rahman, (30 ) resident Bazbp Dahshour Bdinmhor.

Dakahlia [Daqahliyah] Gov.

Post #140 May 15th
Mustafa Muawwad (33) Ratiba Center
Sakina Saad Naeem (33) Ratiba Center
Ibrahim Ismail (63) from the village of stone Ooic Center
Mahmoud Attia Marsa (40) of Belkas,
Hoda Hamdi Mahmoud, (2 1/2) of the Arab village of Kafr center line.

Post #177 May 16th
Fathi made Abdalmqsod (59)
Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim (30) city Alsnellowin
Shehata Reda Gomaa(55) Center for Aja
Alasal (52) from Nbroh
Mas'ada Hassanin (55) from Mit

Nada al-Ahmed Reda Yunes (4) - confirmed #72
Town: Ghamr
Sym onset: 5/9
Adm: 5/18.
Tested on 5/18.
DOD: 5/18

Post # 168 May 19th
Riyadh Hani Attia, (3) of Izbat Obofarag Center Banha
Mr. Mona Ahmed Jazzar, (20) from Tok,
Ghneim Hussein, (45) of Qalyoub Center

Post #185 May 20
Abdul Rahman Sabri Mohammed, (4) from Musa Shukri Sherbin Dakahliya Center - confirmed #73
Sym onset: 5/18
Adm: 5/18
Hospital: in Bakrie

Post #5 May 21
Ahmed Mohamed Abdo «3 years»
Mokhtar Abdullah (9)
Mohamed Hassan Abdel (8)
Ibrahim Suleiman El (38)

Post #17 May 25
15 cases of Ghamr Center
7 cases in centers of Mansoura Wagga

Post #22 May 26
16 cases reported - including 3 from one family.
Abdo Mohamed Nabaway (9) from Khalid al-Mohammadi Talet of Murad
Mohammad Yousuf (12) from Aja

May 27
22 cases reported

May 27
Hefnawi (11)

May 28
22 cases reported. Hospital: Dakahliya Mansoura

May 30 - confirmed #77
Mahmoud (1)
From: Dmoh Center Dekerness Dakahliya
Adm: 5/25
Reported: 5/30

Port Said

Post #10 May 23
Nostalgia Mahmoud Zakaria «two»
Mohammad Najjar profitable «60 years» of Aja
Mohamed Abdel-Moneim Mohamed Abdo «35 years» from Mit
Zeinab Sharif Salim «13 years »from the village of Great Srjt
Mohamed Salah Rizk« 23 years »from the village of Otmidp
Nadia Ahmed Kadri« 11 years »from the village of Mit
Nagi Mohamed Al-Marwa « two »Bfal in the village of Mit
Habib Saher Mohammedi «9 months» Manshiyat of the Bedouin
Fawzi Mohamed Ismail «5 years» from the Manshiyat Schumann
Mohammad Ali Hadi Hussein «6 month» from the village of Kafr Sranja
Salwa Salah Ahmed «20 years» from the village of Baja Scheinin
Faris Ahmed Mustafa Ziad «15 months» Albylock Aja
Abdullah Mohamed Abdullah, (under 1) from the village of Baja Deiri
Rowan Ibrahim Lotfy «years» from the village of the Agency Sherbin

Post #15 May 25
Yasmeen Ashraf Abdullah «3 years»
The Mahmoud Saad «two»
Manal Mohamed Kamal «28 years»,
Zeinab Mr. Mujahid «39 years»,
Tharwat Al Rizq «18 years»,
Baker Mahrus Elnaggar «33 years»
Ayatullah Ahmad Annan «3 years»
Rahman Sabri «4 years»

May 28
Mohamed Metwally Mujahed (33 years)

Alexandria Gov.
Post #160 May 17th
Fatima Ibrahim Bayoumi (5 years)
Hassan Mohamed El-Ashry (6 years) from Abu Almtamir,
Post #164 May 18th
Mohammad Lashin (months)

Post #167 May 19th
Shawqi Ashry (4) and his brother
Mohammad Hassan Ashry (6)
Fatima Ibrahim Bayoumi (5)

Post #16 May 25
Muhammad Hafiz (3 years) and half of hospital-Sadr
Bmatarouh Zaaba Abdul Aziz al-Karim (60 years) from Naga Saadaoy

May 31 &
Ayman al-Faraj roar (21 years) from Abu Almtamir
Pasant Hany Shaker (10 years) from Abu Almtamir

Shaaban Abdel Rahim Said (5 years)
Mahmoud Saad Mahmoud (42 years)

Areas I am not covering:

Updated Lists

My List of Egypt Suspected & Confirmed cases has been updated. You can find it on the side bar located under "Maps & Summaries".

Also, my list of suspected clusters in Egypt has been updated. You can find it in the same location.

Phillipines-Flu contingency plan activated

Saturday, May 23, 2009
  • WITH the country’s first confirmed influenza A (H1N1) case, the Regional Disaster Coordinating Council (RDCC) in Northern Mindanao is preparing to draw up contingency measures should the more virulent Avian Flu (H5N1) enters the country.
The three-day Regional Contingency Planning Formulation Workshop on H5N1 will be held in Cagayan de Oro on May 26 to 28, 2009 at the Pearlmont Inn.

Regional Director Carmelito Lupo of the Office of Civil Defense (OCD)-Northern Mindanao told local media Saturday that his office does not want to be caught flat-footed if ever H5N1 comes into the region.
Our country has now activated its national preparedness plan for the H5N1 flu which experts say is more virulent than the A (H1N1), hence, the workshop is very important to assure the stakeholders and the general public that the government is seriously undertaking (mitigating) measures against the virus,” Lupo said.
OCD Information Officer Ana Cañeda said the formulation of a contingency plan aims to cope with this likely emergency, which is considered very timely and appropriate, in the spate of reports that an H1N1 infection has recently been monitored on a 10-year-old girl in the country.
Among others, the activity aims to observe the interagency/multi-sectoral coordination in response to the A1 emergency for maximum and judicious utilization of resources and to maximize use of available resources, such as five percent calamity fund, experts, and hospital facilities, among others.
It also aims to undertake proactive approach to the A1 hazard through continuous monitoring and surveillance of the environment and community empowerment for effective response to this hazard, and to ensure the effective, fast and fair delivery of basic human services to victims needing immediate assistance during an A1 incursion.
Highly communicable
Department of Health’s (DOH)-Northern Mindanao Chief Epidemiologist Dr. David Mendoza, during DOH’s weekly media briefing last Friday, bared that compared to H1N1, which has a high survival rate, H5N1 has a high mortality rate.
“Taas ang survival rate sa H1N1. Its mortality rate is only less than one percent as compared to H5N1, which has a mortality rate of 60 percent,” Mendoza said.
“Kun matakdan ka sa H5N1 virus, kun dili ka matambalan dayon, sigurado gyud kang mamatay,” he added.
Avian flu is a highly virulent disease of animals caused by viruses that normally infect only the birds and less commonly, pigs. And while all bird species are susceptible to the infection, domestic poultry flocks are especially vulnerable that can rapidly reach epidemic proportions.
On the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website, it was reported that the group has been closely monitoring the H5N1 situation in Egypt where 27 of the 74 confirmed cases have been fatal.
The three-day contingency planning workshop, according to Lupo -- who is also the chief executive officer (CEO) of RDCC in the region -- would include topics on the different stages of H5N1, particularly on stages one and two, on the “animal side” and stages three and four, on the “human side,” H5N1 risk identification and assessment, hazard analysis, resource inventory and gaps reduction.
The workshop is sponsored by the Department of Agriculture (DA) in cooperation with the Department of Health-Center for Health Development (DOH-CHD) in Northern Mindanao.
It would be attended by members of the provincial disaster coordinating councils (PDCCs) of Bukidnon, Camiguin, Lanao del Norte, Misamis Oriental and Misamis Occidental and members of the city disaster coordinating councils (CDCCs) of Iligan and Cagayan de Oro, with cluster lead agencies of RDCC. (With reports from PIA)

Nine more flu A/H1N1 cases crop up in Asia-Pacific region on Saturday

Nine more flu A/H1N1 cases crop up in Asia-Pacific region on Saturday 2009-05-24 00:31:32 Print

SEOUL, May 23 (Xinhua) -- The Asia-Pacific region is still in the shadow of flu A/H1N1 as nine more infection cases were confirmed in South Korea, China's Hong Kong and Australia on Saturday.

Early on Saturday, the South Korean health authority confirmed an American resident had been infected with the new type-A influenza virus. It is the fifth case of the virus confirmed in the nation.

The 23-year-old female English teacher has been quarantined and is going through a close examination at a local hospital.

"We are currently trying to find out how she was infected with the virus and tracking down the people she contacted during her stay in the country for other possible infections," an official at the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said.

Later, the authority confirmed another woman, 26, who lived in the same building as the fifth patient, had been infected with the virus. This confirmation was followed by four more others who also lived in the same building, which brought the total number of confirmed cases in South Korea to 10 on Saturday.

The Health authority said they are working on tracking down about 70 individuals who came into contact with the American woman since she arrived in the country on May 16.

The previous confirmed patients in the country include three Koreans and one Vietnamese traveler, all of whom were released from quarantine after being treated with antiviral drugs.

The health authority in Hong Kong also confirmed two infection cases, a man and a woman, on Saturday.

Both patients arrived in Hong Kong late Friday from the United States and they were sent to hospital from the airport after thermal scanning detected them running a fever, said Thomas Tsang, controller of the Center for Health Protection.

According to Tsang, the female patient, a 20-year-old student in New York, was wearing a facial mask throughout her journey to Hong Kong.

The other patient, a 53-year-old man from China's mainland, put on a mask after developing a sore throat while still on flight UA 839 from San Francisco.

Tsang said as the summer vacation is near more students are expected to return to Hong Kong and more imported cases of infection may emerge as a result.

In Australia, a 15-year-old boy from Melbourne's northern suburbs was diagnosed with the flu A/H1N1 virus on Saturday, being the country's fourteenth confirmed case.

Victorian Health Minister Daniel Andrews declined to reveal where the boy was from or which school he attended until all parents were notified, but said the boy had not traveled overseas recently.

"He ... has no travel history or any link to anyone else who has a travel history," ABC news quoted Andrews as saying in Melbourne.

"So this is a community acquired case," he said.

Victoria's Department of Human Services were trying to track down anyone who was in contact with the boy for more than four hours.

The flu alert level has been lifted from 'delay' to 'contain,' giving authorities in all states the option to close schools if students are at risk.

Meantime, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said on Saturday his government's decision to move to a containment stage to deal with the flu spread will be disruptive but necessary.

Rudd said he understood that would cause inconvenience to families, however, "we also have the responsibility for the public health of the nation and therefore we will take whatever actions are necessary to underpin the public health of the nation."

However, the chief medical officer Jim Bishop said the cases of flu A/H1N1 have been "fairly mild" in Australia compared with cases in countries such as the United States and Mexico.

"It is a spectrum of disease which we've mainly seen the mild end," he told reporters in Canberra.

Unlike the severity of cases seen overseas, the Australian cases have tended to last three to four days "and people aren't particularly ill with it," he said.

Bishop also said because Australian authorities had successfully delayed the virus spreading in the country, they have been able to learn a lot about it since the first cases were reported in Mexico.

State sounds swine flu alert, vigil at border

By Our Staff Reporter
IMPHAL, May 22: With setting up of ‘State Influenza Pandemic Committee’ with Chief Secretary as chairman today, Government of Manipur has decided to step up vigil at border areas as well as at airport as pre-emptive measures against possible spread of Swine flu in the State.
According to an official source, the State Influenza Pandemic Committee was set up during a joint meeting chaired by Chief Secretary Rakesh here this evening.
Additional Chief Secretary (Home), DGP, Health Commissioner, Veterinary Commissioner, Forest Commissioner and other related officials attended the meeting held in the office chamber of the Chief Secretary.
On top of sounding a high alert, adequate stock Tamiflu tablets and protective gloves to be used by the Rapid Response Team in case of outbreak of the disease have been arranged’, the source said, adding that during the meeting today, it was decided to check all the passengers arriving at the airport and step up vigil to stop import of pigs by Army, Assam Rifles, Police and Customs in border areas.
It may be noted here that Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Department has already put a blanket ban on import of pigs from Myanmar.
When contacted, an official of the Health Depart- ment informed that although no symptoms of Swine flu have been detected among pigs in Manipur, the Department has set up a control room with telephone no. 2411668 where people can contact in case of any doubt or fear on outbreak of the disease.
Explaining that the H1N1 virus causing Swine flu can be transmitted from one infected person to another through contact, the official, however, cautioned the people against medication out of fear and without any cause.
For containing the spread of the virus, there is enough medicine in stock with the Department, the official added.
Meanwhile, Union Ministry of Agriculture, Depart- ment of Animal Husbandry and Dairying and Fisheries has sent a written missive to the State Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Depart-ment giving instructions for prompt action in collecting samples in case of suspected symptoms and despatch the same to the Higher Security Animal Disease Laboratory at Bhopal for necessary testing.
Over and above taking up necessary measures to combat spread of the disease, the Veterinary and Animal Husbandry has also set up a control room with telephone no. 2450224.

Swine flu imminent in country: ICDDR,B

The spate of the global swine flu is imminent in Bangladesh in coming weeks, a scientist of ICDDR,B said Thursday, urging all to be prepared to face the outbreak of the disease that may stem from travellers, reports BSS.
Stephen P Luby, head of ICDDR’B’s infectious disease and vaccine division, said the Novel A (H1N1) virus travels from country to country and Bangladesh was equally vulnerable because of its international relations and movement of people all over the world.
We should expect Novel influenza A H1N1 is coming in Bangladesh in weeks as it is not isolated from the rest of the world,” said Steve Luby, who also represents the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention, Atlanta, USA.
A senior public health expert of the government echoed the Western scientist and said, “We cannot rule it out.”
He said there might already have infected persons in the country, despite different government preventive measures that include an ongoing nationwide flu surveillance and screening at 15 ports of entries.
Steve said the people should not be panicked about the import of the flu that has already affected more than 11,000 people in 41 countries and claimed nearly 85 lives since the outbreak of A (H1N1) influenza that emerged in Mexico and the United States last month.
The World Health Organization (WHO) raised its flu alert level at five, signalling an “imminent pandemic” and WHO chief Margaret Chan Thursday listed a new swine flu criteria that might prompt her to declare a flu pandemic with alert six. Chan in the World Health Assembly in Geneva said she would not hesitate to move to the top phase six of the pandemic alert system “if it was appropriate”.
Steve said prevention should be given priority in Bangladesh even after any outbreaks. He listed a number of suggestions to control person to person infection of the flu virus, which is not lethal like H5N1 (avian influenza). He said the ill people should be kept at homes, while personal and respiratory hygiene should be maintained strictly.
Around 80 percent of Bangladesh people cough and sneeze in air in open places, while 11 percent cough on hands and nine percent uses sari or clothes during coughing and sneezing,” said the scientist, referring to a recent study on 1,122 episodes.
He also suggested taking plenty of sleep, physical activity, drinking plenty of fluid, eating inexpensive nutritious food for better immunity so that the virus cannot attack easily.
Dr Be-Nazir Ahmed of Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR) said the government was fully prepared to deal with any outbreaks of swine flu in Bangladesh, which has prepared itself in phases to fight avian flu since 2006.
He said the country has three levels of actions—case detection, outbreak control and service delivery. More than 11,000 people have so far been screened at 15 ports including Zia International Airport from early this month. Adequate stocks of antiviral have also been ensured side by side with keeping 23 isolation centers ready.
James P Grant School of Public Health (JPGSPH) and the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) organised the function “Swine Flu: Global and Local Perspective” at ICDDR’B. Professor and Director of JPGSPH Dr Anwar Islam chaired the function, which was also addressed by Dr Selina Khatun of WHO and BRAC University Vice Chancellor Dr Salehuddin Ahmed and Dr Nasima Selim of JPGSPH.

Are already 159 cases of influenza A-H1N1 in Jalisco

The local authority confirmed the second death from seasonal influenza outside of time, of this disease are 288 cases, but 170 more expected results.

Sat, 23/05/2009 - 06:47

Photo: Giorgio VeraAl met one month today that federal authorities have issued health alert across the country against the threat of a new influenza virus, the Health Ministry Jalisco (SSJ) confirmed 48 new cases in addition to the epidemic . At this time, which today is known as influenza A H1N1, has affected a total of 159 people in the state and 4.008 in Mexico, according to the latest report released by the agency.

At 13:00 pm yesterday, the SSJ also confirmed the second death by another epidemic of seasonal influenza A or suffering from Jalisco in parallel to the A-H1N1. Officially, the cases of seasonal influenza are 288, but the authorities in Mexico are awaiting confirmation that another 170 who tested positive in an initial test (by the method of indirect immunofluorescence).

The director general of Public Health of the SSJ, Elizabeth Ulloa Robles, said that according to the report of the National Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (Indre), received on Thursday May 21 at 21:00 hours, cases of contagion in the state had increased to 159, which means 15 percent of those surveyed. Meanwhile, cases of seasonal influenza represent 27 per cent.

Ulloa Robles noted that the cumulative total of suspicious deaths (up from six to eleven deaths), six cases were dismissed, one was positive for influenza A and four are pending review.

The recent death confirmed influenza A is a woman of 82 years living in Guadalajara. Meanwhile, cases are dismissed for a man of 92 years, a resident of Zapopan, and a baby only three months, from Guadalajara, who submitted pictures of atypical pneumonia, but not attributable to any influenza virus.

The epidemic of influenza A H1N1-affected municipalities in addition to four previously free of the disease: Chapala, Union de Tula, Tequila and Tepatitlan.

In total, the municipalities affected by the new virus is 22. Guadalajara remains in the lead with 60 of the 159 cases confirmed, followed by 30 Zapopan, Tonala with 17 and San Juan de los Lagos in fourth place with nine cases, he said, for its part, the head of the Department of Epidemiology, Lucia Salazar Montes.

Tlaquepaque Acatlan Juarez and reported eight cases each; Tlajomulco four cases, and Puerto Vallarta, Ocotlán, Encarnación de Díaz, and El Salto, two cases each. Eleven other municipalities have only one case.

The official said that yesterday there were 28 patients, of whom four are serious. However, for the second consecutive time, did not require hospitalization and the cumulative total since it began health alert, or the new hospital.

However, Salazar Montes said that, based on statistics, "it is obvious that both queries as hospitalizations for suspected cases are in decline." Still, knowing the lack of confirmation of cases, since the results came yesterday with a start date of May

W.H.O. to Rewrite Rules for Declaring a Pandemic

Published: Saturday, May 23, 2009 at 6:30 a.m.
Last Modified: Saturday, May 23, 2009 at 5:16 a.m.

Bowing to pressure, the World Health Organization announced Friday that it would rewrite its rules for alerting the world to new diseases, meaning the swine flu circling the globe will probably never be declared a full-fledged pandemic.

Dr. Keiji Fukuda, the deputy director general making the W.H.O. announcement, said that he could not predict exactly what the new rules would be but that criteria would include a “substantial risk of harm to people,” not just the geographic spread of a relatively benign virus.

The six-point system was created in 2005 when the threat was H5N1 avian flu, which has a fatality rate of about 60 percent. But the system does not take into account a virus’s lethality, and in the current outbreak, some countries have complained that the warning system created panic and pressure for border closings, even though the strain was less deadly.

Asked if the W.H.O. could damage its credibility by changing the rules in mid-outbreak, Dr. Fukuda said: “There’s nothing like reality for telling you whether something is working or not. Rigidly adhering to something that is not working would not be very helpful.”

Speaking in Geneva, Dr. Fukuda added, “We’re trying to walk a fine line between not raising panic and not being complacent.”

The W.H.O., starting in April, quickly raised its alert level to 4 and then 5 as the virus spread in North America. But even as the virus infected people in Britain, Spain and Japan, the agency did not go to Level 6, which signifies spread to a new continent. Dr. Fukuda argued that there was still no proof of “community spread,” meaning beyond travelers, schools and contacts. Some experts were skeptical.

While acquiescing, he noted that experts hashed out these issues in 2005. Geographic spread is easy to detect, but severity is highly subjective. Death rates are impossible to calculate before many people are infected; if they turn out to be high, precious time has been lost. Viruses can mutate, becoming more lethal, and even a less lethal strain can kill many people in poor nations with young, malnourished and AIDS-infected populations.

Separately, federal health officials said a study of flu genes released Friday showed that the virus could have been circulating undetected in pigs for years, and called for better surveillance.

The study, published online by Science magazine, was a collaboration between virologists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the W.H.O., along with others from Mexico, Britain, the Netherlands and the health departments of several American states and New York City.

After sequencing virus genes from 76 Americans and Mexicans and comparing them to known human and pig sequences, the study found no identical matches but concluded that the virus could be in pigs anywhere in the world, said Dr. Nancy Cox, chief of the federal agency’s flu division.

The closest match, surprisingly, was found in Thailand in 2005 — a pig with both North American and Eurasian flu genes.

Since the outbreak began, virologists have wondered how Eurasian genes got into a North American pig. Live pigs are moved through the Americas fairly easily, but rarely are legally moved across oceans, because they carry diseases. Even a single breeding boar must be tested and quarantined.

Now that the mixed genes have been found in Asia, it is possible that they came from a North American pig that was taken there. There is little flu surveillance of pigs in much of the world, and even in the United States it is “not very systematic,” Dr. Cox said.

Canadian pig farmers are required to report flu; Americans are not. Early this month, the United States Agriculture Department’s chief veterinarian said it sequenced only 500 samples a year from 100 million pigs.

In 2006, facing the avian flu threat, the United States chicken industry began voluntarily testing 1.6 million chickens a year.

Dr. Paul Sundberg, head of science for the National Pork Board, said it was planning more tests, especially on pigs in contact with people at fairs or livestock exhibits.

Henry L. Niman, who runs a Web site tracking flu mutations, complained that many swine sequences are posted by American universities and in Mexico only on private databases. “Those sequences would be very useful for figuring out how the H1N1 emerged,” he said.

The flu could also be in an intermediate host, said Dr. Cox, as the 2002 SARS virus passed from bats to humans through palm civets. But she said scientists “don’t have a hypothesis for alternative hosts.” Not enough is known about how many species carry flu, Dr. Cox said. For example, virologists were surprised to learn in 2004 that bird flu could kill zoo tigers and house cats.

Dr. Fukuda also said the new virus has been confirmed in 42 countries and had killed 86 people. About half of those hospitalized are young and healthy with no underlying conditions, he said. In the United States, such conditions are more common among the 300 now hospitalized.

A/H1N1 flu hits Spanish military base, 500 quarantined

2009-05-23 21:57:44 Print

MADRID, May 23 (Xinhua) -- More than 500 servicemen from the Hoyo de Manzanres Base near Madrid have been quarantined when 11 of them were found to be infected with the A/H1N1 flu virus, Spanish First Deputy Prime Minister Maria Fernandez de la Vega said on Friday.

Sixty-one other servicemen are under observation, according to a report by the Spanish health ministry.

The Secretary General of the Spanish Health Ministry, Jose Martinez Olmos, said the 11 servicemen had not visited Mexico recently and an investigation into the origin of the infection was underway.

Fernandez called on the people to remain calm as health authorities had adopted measures to prevent the spread of the flu.

She said following the quarantine at the base, no more cases had so far been detected.

Health authorities said 150 students aged between 11 and 12 visited the base on May 18 and May 20, but so far none had shown symptoms of the flu.

The Ministry of Defense said the students visited a location about 500 meters away from the infected area, so there should be no possibility of infection among them.

The Mayor of Honyo de Manzanares Jose Ramon Regueiras said people who had symptoms of the flu or had been in contact with suspected cases should not go to hospitals, instead they should call emergency number 112 for medical treatment.

According to the health ministry, the number of infected people in the country has risen to 126, all with mild symptoms. They are responding well to treatment, reports said.

WHO expert to visit Kuwait to discuss swine flu developments

Health 5/23/2009 4:48:00 PM
KUWAIT, May 23 (KUNA) -- A WHO official will be visiting Kuwait on Sunday to discuss the recent developments related to the swine flu disease, said Head of Public Relations at the Health Ministry Faisal Al-Douwsri on Saturday.
Al-Douwsri told the press that the expert would discuss the causes of the disease and means to prevent the spread of the H1N1 virus and ways to treat it.
The official welcomed all media outlets that desire to attend the press conference to be held on the swine flu with the WHO official being the main guest.
WHO has recently announced that swine flu spread to about 42 states with about 11,168 cases registered and 86 deaths.

Chickens drop dead without prior symptoms

Dozens Dead Mendadak Ekor Chicken
Friday, 22 May 2009, 19:16:00
CIAMIS, (PRLM) .- Dozens chicken in the Village / District Cimaragas, Ciamis District, suddenly found dead. The cause of death of chickens is in progress since early this week, still the mind Riddles for citizens, because death is not preceded with the pain. Suspected poultry deaths have reached a number of about 100 chickens, the consequences of bird flu (avian influenza).

Chickens that died suddenly occurred largely in Kampung Tunggal Rahayu, Village / District Cimaragas. Feared the incident would continue to be, because not all the chickens that died, does not burn or bury dead chickens. Even some people simply discard the chicken carcass in the river Citanduy.

Information gathered "PRLM" in Kampung Tunggal Rahayu, Friday (22 / 5) some of the chickens that died was found among the property Aan Rohyandi (45), Mamat (52), Indin, Ny. Aah, Ny. Nonoh, Ny. Enuk and other. Meanwhile, some residents were forced to evacuate ayamnya also to place a more secure votes. They worry that the chicken is healthy disease that causes sudden death of chicken in it.

According to Aan Rohyandi, death is not chicken didahului with signs of illness. Afternoon, continue, chickens look healthy, but the night has been found dead. Residents continued, just think of death is due to fight the disease attacks, similar to the ND (Newcastle Desease) or tetelo. "We tahunya be rude, just to see if the sign is different, because usually if the fight akan stiff neck, but this one does not. Siang healthy night of sudden death," said Aan, it is also justified Mamat

Zambia-Health workers on alert

The Ministry of Health says health workers across the country have been trained to manage cases of Swine Flu in the event of an outbreak.

Ministry of Health Acting Spokesperson, Elizabeth Kawesha, also says health personnel in districts have been told to isolate suspected Swine Flu cases.

Mrs. Kawesha told ZNBC news in an interview in Lusaka that health experts are on high alert to deal with any eventualities.

She said Zambia has laboratories at the University Teaching Hospital and the University Of Zambia in Lusaka to test suspected cases of swine flu.

Mrs. Kawesha advised members of the public to maintain high standards of hygiene, to prevent an outbreak of the flu.

Chinese mainland reports 7th confirmed case of A/H1N1 flu

2009-05-22 21:21:49 Print

BEIJING, May 22 (Xinhua) -- Another person has tested positive for the A/H1N1 influenza in Beijing, the Beijing municipal health bureau said Friday.

This is the fourth confirmed case in Beijing and the seventh on China's mainland.

The male patient, surnamed Li, is a 65-year-old Chinese American who flew to Beijing from New York Thursday. His flight number was CA 982.

Li's body temperature was 37.5 degrees Celsius when he entered the airport in Beijing. He was immediately sent to Ditan Hospital.

His body temperature was normal and he was in stable condition, according to a press release by the Beijing health bureau.

Li lives in Wuhan of central China's Hubei Province.

Doctors have found all 14 people, all Chinese, sitting within three rows of Li on the plane, said Deng Ying, director of the Beijing municipal center of disease control and prevention.

Ten in Beijing were quarantined. The other four, from Shandong, Tianjin, Hunan and Shaanxi, were quarantined in those provinces, said the director.

Beijing reported its third confirmed case at about 7 p.m. Friday. The patient was a 69-year-old man surnamed Zhang who had just returned from Canada, the municipal health authority said.

Zhang is a Chinese national who had lived in Canada for more than two years. He arrived in Beijing together with his wife at 4 p.m. May 16 on flight AC031 from Toronto, the Beijing Municipal Health Department said in a press release.

Doctors have quarantined his wife, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. Zhang is in stable condition, said Deng Ying.

China had seven A/H1N1 influenza cases as of Friday, four in Beijing, one in Sichuan, one in Shandong and one in Guangdong.

All of the patients contracted the virus overseas and developed the flu shortly after arriving in the Chinese mainland.

Four patients have been discharged, including Bao from Sichuan, Lu from Shandong, Yang from Guangdong, and Liu Xinwei from Beijing.

Guangzhou, capital of the southern Guangdong Province, also lifted the quarantine on 90 people who had been in close contact with Yang.

Qinghai No poultry bird flu

2009-5-22 11:11:14 2009-5-22 11:11:14

According to Xinhua News Agency, Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary Bureau said on the 18th Li Jinxiang, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province Gahai more areas for migratory birds since the outbreak of avian flu, the current epidemic is being disposed of in an orderly manner, the local people's production and the normal order of life.

Qinghai province is not bird flu found in poultry. According to Li Jinxiang, the May 8, but also regional veterinary departments Gahai migratory birds found dead of unknown causes. 17 17, National Avian Influenza Reference Laboratory confirmed as highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1. As of May 16, a total of 121 dead wild birds.

8 injured in suspected cases of bird flu meeting Sunday attended by

Saturday, May 23, 2009 - 15:48
Caption: Including five cases of children

احتجزت مستشفيات حميات زفتى وطنطا والمحلة، 8 حالات جديدة للاشتباه بإصابتهم بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور اليوم السبت، بعد شعورهم بارتفاع فى درجات الحرارة وآلام بالعظام. Detained hospitals Zvty fevers and Tanta and Mahala, 8 new cases of suspected infected with bird flu on Saturday, after the sense of high temperatures and bone pain.

حيث احتجز حميات زفتى محمد أسامة العزب (عام واحد) من كفر شاهين مركز زفتى ووالدته نجوى كمال العوضى (25 عاماً) ومى مصطفى عبد الفتاح (18 عاماً) ونجلها محمود عمر "عامين" من كفر سنباط مركز زفتى.

Where he was admitted Zvty Osama Mohamed Azab (one year) from Kafr Center Zvty Shaheen and his mother, Nagwa Kamal Awadi (25 years) Lome FATTAH (18 years) and her son, Mahmoud Omar, "two years" from Kafr Senbat Zvty Center.

كما احتجز حميات المحلة إبراهيم محمد على أبوزيد ( 3 أعوام) من عزبة حشيش، فيما احتجز حميات طنطا كلاً من أسامة الشناوى العبد (6 أعوام) من عزبة الطوخى بمحلة روح ونسمة العبد (عامان ونصف) من محلة روح وعبد مكرم (19 عاماً) من قرية ميت يزيد مركز السنطة.

Mahala held as admitted to the Mohammed Ibrahim Abu-Zeid (3 years) of the al-hashish, was held in Tanta fevers both Osama Shanawi al (6 years) of the estate Tukhi Bmahlp the spirit and the slave population (two and a half) of the locality of the spirit and Makram Abdul (19 years) from the over the status of the village is dead Alsentp.

وتم احتجاز الحالات بالأماكن المخصصة لذلك وأخذ عينة دم ومسحة حلق وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية للتأكد من إصابتهم بالمرض من عدمه، كما تم إعطاؤهم عقار التايمفلو لحين ورود نتيجة العينات.

Cases where the detention was allocated to it and take a blood sample and swab hours and sent to central laboratories to ensure the illness, whether or not to have been given the drug Altaymflo until the result of the receipt of samples.

وفى الإسماعيلية تمكنت مباحث التموين برئاسة المقدم خالد العوادلى رئيس مباحث التموين من ضبط كمية كبيرة من مخلفات الدجاج كانت معده للتهريب، حيث تم عمل فريق برئاسة العميد ياسر صابر رئيس مباحث الإسماعيلية، وقامت قوة من البحث بمعاونة مفتشى التموين والطب البيطرى بعمل كمين لـ"حمادة.ع.ع" (34 عاماً) بسيدى سالم بالإسماعيلية، وذلك بعد ورود معلومات بوجوده بمنطقة نمرة 6 ويستقل سيارة رقم 103492 نقل كفر الشيخ وبحوزته 3 أطنان من مخلفات الدجاج معدة للتهريب خارج الإسماعيلية وتم إخطار النيابة العامة لتتوالى التحقيقات.

In Ismailia able Supply Investigation, headed by Khaled Alawadly Chief of Detectives of the supply large quantity of waste destined for poultry smuggling, with the work of the group, headed by Brigadier Yasir Sabir, Chief of Detectives, Ismailia, and the research assistance of inspectors of Supply and veterinary work for an "Hamada. p. p "(34 years) in Sidi Salem, Ismailia, after the receipt of information the existence of the tiger and the 6 car No. 103492 Kafr El-Sheikh and the transfer of possession of 3 tons of waste destined for the smuggling of chickens outside Ismailia was notified of the Public Prosecutor for the following investigations.

Flu spreading by the hour: Health Minister

  • May 23, 2009
  • THE Federal Government has raised Australia's pandemic alert level after the first evidence swine flu is spreading between people here - a move that signals cancellation of big sporting events, religious rallies and concerts may be just weeks away.

    The new "control" phase of the Government's plan for pandemic flu is likely to last one to three months. Then, if the spread of the disease has not already subsided, it is likely to be followed by the higher "sustain" phase, in which "people may be encouraged to avoid mass gatherings and certain events may even be cancelled", according to the plan.

    New cases of swine flu can be expected to emerge in Australia every hour, the Government warned after the first two cases emerged in Victoria and South Australia of localised transmission of the virus among individuals who had not travelled overseas.

    A total of 13 people in Australia had been confirmed with swine flu by late yesterday, two of them in NSW.

    NSW health authorities are still investigating 24 potential cases, as laboratories said they were prepared to process hundreds of samples a day, turning round the results in a matter of hours.

    The Health Minister, Nicola Roxon, said that the upgraded alert could mean more widespread school closures and other "social distancing" measures and the possible deployment of the national stockpile of 8 million courses of anti-viral drugs.

    In South Australia two schools were closed for a week from yesterday after a second and possibly a third case were identified in that state. About 1000 students will stay home until next Friday, with about 50 year seven students to receive a course of TamiFlu anti-virals.

    "Clearly we haven't stopped this disease coming into Australia," Ms Roxon said, so it was appropriate to lift the alert level. "It is important to remember that … there are still only a small number of confirmed cases in Australia, and the symptoms people are experiencing are relatively mild."

    Jeremy McAnulty, the director of the communicable diseases branch of NSW Health, said although the national plan calls for health authorities to consider distributing face masks to front-line health workers at this stage, the measure was not yet warranted. "We don't have sustained transmission in the Australian community. We don't believe [workers] are going to be exposed to it," Dr McAnulty said.

    If transmission within the community were to escalate, border screening measures for inbound travellers might be withdrawn, because this would then contribute relatively little to controlling the disease, caused by a new variant of the H1N1 flu virus.

    Robert Booy, the head of clinical research at the National Centre for Immunisation Research & Surveillance at the University of Sydney, said the rising number of new cases globally, combined with pressure on the virus to mutate, meant swine flu "could change to the point where it is more novel and particularly more nasty".

    Girl with flu recovering

    Health authorities looking for 17 on same flight

    By Norman Bordadora, Edson C. Tandoc Jr.
    Philippine Daily Inquirer
    First Posted 01:16:00 05/23/2009

    MANILA, Philippines—Here’s good news involving the first Filipino found positive for the Influenza A(H1N1) virus.

    The 10-year-old girl who had come from the United States with her parents is now on the way to recovery, the Department of Health announced Friday morning.

    “The patient is recovering … She has no more fever. She only has a sore throat,” Health Undersecretary Mario Villaverde told reporters in a news conference.

    Villaverde also said “the closest contact,” the mother of the so-called “index case,” had been tested for the virus, with negative results.

    “That is the good news,” he said, adding: “Based on [indications], it looks like this is contained.”

    But contact tracing on the 17 passengers who sat near the child in the plane back to the Philippines was initiated following the investigation conducted on Thursday when the child was found positive for the deadly virus, according to Bureau of Quarantine officer Mavic Vasquez.

    There being no “community-level outbreak,” as Villaverde said in another briefing at the Palace, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo gave the Department of Education the green light to proceed with the opening of classes scheduled early next month.

    Education Secretary Jesli Lapus told the Philippine Daily Inquirer that public elementary and high schools would open as scheduled on June 1.

    “The DoH (Department of Health) said there is no need to push the alarm button yet,” Lapus said.

    Nevertheless, he said, the Department of Education (DepEd) would wait for further evaluations and recommendations from the DoH in the next few days.

    No community level outbreak

    Villaverde told health reporters that the infection contracted by the 10-year-old appeared to have been contained because of the limited contact she made with persons outside her immediate family.

    The girl and her parents arrived from the United States on May 18.

    “The day after they arrived, she slept the whole day. The next day, she started to have fever,” Villaverde said.

    He said that at the hospital where the child was taken, it was the mother who attended to her.

    “We’d like to emphasize that there’s no community level outbreak in the country,” Villaverde said at the briefing in Malacañang. “What we have right now is just one index case, which we have contained.”

    Villaverde balked at the idea of making public the names of the girl and her family, and their general location.

    “If after thorough evaluation there’s a need to inform a wider neighborhood than we currently know, then we will inform the public. But right now we’d want to avoid panic [as well as a situation where] the family will be stigmatized,” he said.

    He also said the family had been very cooperative with authorities.

    Contact tracing

    Muntinlupa Rep. Rozzano Rufino Biazon said that with the first case of the A(H1N1) virus in the country, the government should trace those who were with the child on her return flight to the Philippines.

    Everyone on board should not only be monitored but also quarantined,” Biazon said.

    Said quarantine officer Vasquez: “We have identified the airline concerned and obtained a manifest. [This is] for further surveillance.”

    Those who may be considered possible contacts are those who were seated three seats in the front, side and back of the child, Vasquez said.

    “Luckily, the index case was seated way in the back of the airplane,” she said.

    Aside from the 17 passengers identified by the Bureau of Quarantine, 18 persons in the child’s household had been exposed to her, according to the World Health Organization.

    Villaverde said members of the child’s household were now being subjected to “thorough assessment” under “home quarantine,” while the other passengers were being traced by local epidemiologists.

    “Based on the history, there seems to be a very limited exposure to other people, except the ones in [the child’s] immediate household,” he said.

    DepEd options

    Lapus said that despite the go-signal to proceed with the school opening on June 1, the DepEd was continuing to study a number of options should the evaluation of the health department change in the next few days.

    He said it would be difficult to suspend classes nationwide.

    The options include suspending classes only in selected affected areas and delaying the start of classes in private schools, especially those with students who had spent their vacations abroad.

    Most private schools are resuming classes a week later than public schools, Lapus pointed out.

    At the House, Rep. Walden Bello of the party-list group Akbayan said lawmakers should use their pork barrel as seed money to beef up government funds to stock up on vaccines against the A(H1N1) virus.

    Public awareness

    Bello said protecting public health was more important than any pork barrel-funded project.

    Iloilo Rep. Janette Garin called on the government to “strengthen public awareness” of the virus.

    “The spread of the virus will be difficult to control if people do not cooperate through immediate reporting [of cases] and proper hygiene,” Garin added. With a report from Gil C. Cabacungan Jr.

    Season change could spread swine flu in Asia-Pacific

    Isabel Reynolds, Reuters Published: Friday, May 22, 2009

    Japanese elementary school students wear masks as a precaution against swine flu during a tour at the upper house of the Parliament in Tokyo, May 22, 2009.Yuriko Nakao/ReutersJapanese elementary school students wear masks as a precaution against swine flu during a tour at the upper house of the Parliament in Tokyo, May 22, 2009.

    TOKYO -- Japan scaled back measures for handling the H1N1 flu on Friday but there was no let up for the rest of Asia as experts warned of more trouble with the approach of winter in the southern hemisphere.

    Japan's move came after most of the nearly 300 infections in the country appeared to be mild and officials tried to reduce disruption the contagious new disease brought to everyday life.

    "It is important to make it possible for the local government to respond flexibly depending on the situation of the region," Prime Minister Taro Aso told a meeting on influenza.

    Japanese central bank governor Masaaki Shirakawa said on Friday the flu was not having a major impact on the country's economy.

    With Japan's new guidelines, suspected patients in areas where infections are rapidly increasing can go to regular medical institutions rather than "fever centres" and schools would not be automatically shut down.

    Quarantine checks on most airplanes will also no longer be conducted. Japan also relaxed its travel warning for Mexico.

    Julian Tang, a consultant with the microbiology division at Singapore's National University Hospital said the scaling back of measures, such as in Japan, was understandable.

    "This virus will continue to spread. I'm not saying we should stop trying to prevent its spread at this point - particularly in countries where there are few or no cases, but this seems to be a well-adapted human flu virus that may well become part of the seasonal circulating influenza viruses in the future," he said.

    "The type of extreme quarantining used in Hong Kong for their first case, in retrospect, may no longer be necessary -- given the relatively mild nature of this virus so far."

    An expert in the southern hemisphere warned of more trouble ahead with winter approaching.

    Robert Booy who heads Sydney university's immune research and surveillance centre said more people than usual in Southern hemisphere countries could become infected this winter and die from the new swine flu because of the "novelty" of the virus.

    "Once you have enough virus out there, evolution is simple," Mr. Booy said, adding the H1N1 virus could change to the point that it could get "nasty".

    The H1N1 flu strain is a never-before-seen mixture of swine, bird and human viruses that spreads easily between people. It has killed 85 people and infected more than 11,000 in 41 countries, according to the World Health Organization.

    So far the symptoms of the new virus appear mild, but it is starting to cause more severe effects as it spreads.

    U.S. federal health researchers said on Thursday the seasonal flu vaccine provides virtually no protection against the new flu.

    Their study also supports an intriguing theory that people over the age of 60 have some immunity to the new H1N1 strain, perhaps because it resembles an older version of seasonal flu.

    In Australia, where cases have spread across several states and two of its 11 infections were locally contracted, the government raised its flu alert level to mid-range "containment" on Friday. This would give it power to shut schools.

    In Hong Kong, the epicentre of the SARS epidemic in 2003, officials were taking no chances even though it has had only three cases of H1N1 so far, all imported.

    "If there are many patients, we will have designated clinics that will perform checkups and monitor them and administer antiviral drugs (Tamiflu) if needed. We will require them to be quarantined at home," health secretary York Chow said.

    About 18 swine flu cases found on US military bases in Kuwait

    About 18 people on U.S. military bases in Kuwait have tested positive for swine flu, a U.S. Central Command spokeswoman said today.

    They are the first cases reported in Kuwait. It remains unclear whether the virus has spread to the civilian population.

    The names and units of the infected people were not immediately available.

    Maj. Kristi Beckman, speaking from Central Command headquarters in Tampa, said everyone who tested positive for the virus was quarantined in military health facilities approved by officials from the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health.

    The World Health Organization said today that H1N1 influenza has infected 11,168 people in 42 countries, and caused 86 deaths.

    Kuwait was not on its list of countries where the virus is present.

    Kuwait is used as a staging area for soldiers heading to or from the war in Iraq.

    On April 28, the Kuwait Times newspaper reported that the country was free of the virus.

    The country is aggressively screening anyone arriving in Kuwait to prevent the virus from entering the country, Beckman said. Anyone who exhibits symptoms of the disease is immediately isolated and tested using WHO and Centers for Disease Control guidelines, Beckman said.

    “The embassy in Kuwait has been working with the Kuwait Ministry of Health and other U.S. military elements in Kuwait just to assure we’re safeguarding the health of all residents in Kuwait,” Beckman said.

    The U.S. has about 135,000 troops fighting in Iraq, Kuwait’s northern neighbor. About 4,000 soldiers from the 30th Heavy Brigade Combat Team of the North Carolina National Guard deployed to Iraq last month. And about 3,500 paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team started a yearlong deployment to Iraq in December.

    As of 5 p.m. today, North Carolina has 13 confirmed cases of the virus. The most recent case was confirmed in Orange County today.

    Other counties where the virus has been confirmed are Craven, Onslow, Carteret and Rutherford. There are no probable cases under investigation, according to state health officials.

    A government confirms: No leakage of the pork market ..The study warns of bird flu epidemic in Egypt

    On 22-5 - 2009
    Denied in a statement on the status of information and support decision-making Council of Ministers, to detect any cases of leakage of the pork market for the meat as normal, despite the warnings, including a warning to Dr. Fathi Saad, Governor of the sixth of October, the likelihood of this happening, in the wake of the government's decision to slaughter herds and execution pigs in Egypt.
    The statement issued by the central operations room status information and decision support, on Wednesday last, that there were no cases of animal or human disease, swine flu in all governorates of the republic. Wink

    He pointed out that the Ministry of Agriculture carried out a comprehensive examination of the refrigerated meat existing Greater Cairo and butcher shops and restaurants, and campaigns, the Ministry will not be stopped once the completion of the slaughter of pigs and the execution, but will continue to ensure the safety and quality of the existing meat market, to reassure citizens and invited them to not fear to buy meat or demand it.

    The statement declared that the completion of all the death and slaughter of pigs, Giza Governorate, where preservation is now free of pigs, are expected to be Qalubia the sixth of October and ended on Thursday of beheadings and executions.

    . And recommended the need to conduct a complete survey of the holders of the operations of the slaughter of pigs or from pigs treated with both in combination or exclusively during the period prior to the survey also includes the names of families of such persons for the follow-up health lab and in the coming period and to ensure their safety.

    On questions of public opinion on the safety of landfills to be buried by the pigs, the statement pointed out that the cemeteries are selected on the basis of several requirements, including distance from residential areas, the nature of soil and sand, and be away from any underground water.
    The statement pointed out that the method of burial is the burial of dead animals and birds, or digging in the tunnels are covered with lime neighborhood, with a thickness of a layer of sand surface, which provides a healthy environment to allow the rapid disintegration, pigs and safe.

    However, some media reported that the coins resist swine flu virus because of the nature of processed minerals, and contain anti-bacteria and viruses, but Dr. Hamed Samaha Chairman of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, said that there was no study in this regard.

    The statement pointed out that the number of aircraft that have been reached Mnazertha 1810 aircraft, according to the report of quarantine during the period from 1 to May 18 this has been a corresponding vessel 97 and 5 cars.
    The country received 243872 passengers from the affected country, it was all Mnazerthm, where the presence of symptoms and suspicion of the disease on the case of 27 were all negative.
    The statement pointed out that the total number of incoming calls to the hotline (105) during the period from 1 to May 18 this amounted to 39,520 calls (33,551 per inquiry avian and swine influenza, and 5018 complaints of breeding birds, and 504 reports of breeding pigs, and 323 complaints of death of birds, and 124 filed in the deaths of pigs).

    The other hand, the statement stressed the need to ensure the safe breeding of birds in the coming period so that the farm has all the health and environmental requirements that serve as breeding birds and helps to create employment and ensure that the construction of new entities, which would represent a starting point for the integrated industrial development are and modernization.
    It also recommended the need to prepare a study on this matter on the best way of breeding birds and their use in the industry during the coming period.
    The recent study warned of the bird flu virus in Egypt, begins to spread among humans because the disease is endemic, the prevalence of pig farms between the residential blocks.
    The study, published in the German news agency, to the warnings from the International Center of influenza in the United States of Atlanta last month and expect to start the spread of avian flu among humans in Egypt, due to avian flu is endemic, and the pigs that are raised on the random garbage including dead chickens, and human and animal wastes, which are mixed inside the shell of avian influenza and human beings and pigs to produce fierce virus transmitted from human to human, which heralds a "human disaster".
    The study shows that 450 pigs, causing a pandemic of Russia and bacteria, and pointed to the decline in research funding the transfer of organs from pigs in many research institutions the world over a historic repository of cells that the virus epidemic.

    The report quoted a consultant at the Research Institute for Animal Production, was quoted as saying: The WHO called on Egypt in February 2007 to work on the speed of the transfer of pig farms to the existence of medical evidence confirmed the swine virus infection "5, H 1" and transferred to the appropriate rights as a breadwinner for the virus will mutate, particularly as the Egypt has the highest state in the Middle East in the production of pigs, he said, adding: The Egyptian government was not aware of the fact of death of 90 pig farms in 2006 and Matareya Almatmdip, as a result of a "mysterious disease", Dr. Hamed Samaha Chairman of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, denied that.