Sunday, June 7, 2009

Egypt: 6 negative cases of swine flu and Hurghada Kafr El-Sheikh

Sunday, June 7, 2009 - 17:18

5 samples were the result of tourists negative factor was the central Ministry of Health, the quarantine authorities had detained Hurghada airport, the Russian woman and her son, a Dutch tourist and tourist Slovak and German tourists, cameras have been uncovered at the airport measuring gases rising temperatures and exercise Guessing been detained pending receipt of the results of the examination was permit them to leave.

كما أكد د.زيدان المنشاوى مدير مستشفى كفر الشيخ العام، أن الحالة التى تم احتجازها أمس السبت، للاشتباه فى إصابتها بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير لشخص يدعى أحمد خضر (27 سنة) بعد عودته من إيطاليا إلى كفر الشيخ جاءت العينة سلبية بعد إن تم إجراء الفحوصات فى المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة.

As he said. Minshawi Zidane Director-General Hospital, Kafr El-Sheikh, the situation, which was seized on Saturday on suspicion of being infected with swine flu to a person named Ahmed Khadr (27 years) after his return from Italy to Kafr el-Sheikh was a negative sample after it had been conducting tests in Central Laboratories, Ministry of Health.

أشار المنشاوى إلى استقرار الحالة وأنها سوف تغادر اليوم الأحد، المستشفى بعد التأكيد على سلبيتها وطالب بضرورة عمل الفحوصات اللازمة لأى مواطن عائد من دولة أجنبية قبل دخوله إلى أرض الوطن.

He explained to the stabilization of the situation and they will leave on Sunday, hospital after an emphasis on the lack of action and called for testing for any citizen returning from a foreign country prior to entering the home.

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