Friday, March 27, 2009

Livestock Poultry Believed A Factor AI

[In the last sentence, suami = husband. So I believe that Aning is the sister. Ikah is the brother. And Majid is the brother-in-law to Ikah, possibly married to a third sibbling...otherwise he is married to Aning, and the articles would refer to him as Aning's huband]

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Total amount medical patient flu burung in Regency Garut classified high compared with Regency other in Jabar. One of propagating guessed come from starting at issue livestock.

Chief Government Health Garut dr Hendy Budiman MKes in report to Bupati Garut say up to 23 March 2009, there are cases flu burung amounting to 46 units of and before long this receive additional two cases suspect new. From total those, 1 sufferer positive secure and still live, 4 sufferer positive died world, 36 sufferer anticipated (suspect) live and 5 sufferer suspect died world.

Meanwhile, two suspect flu buring sufferer new, resident Desa Cintanagara, Kecamatan Cigedug, up to now still in treating at room isolation although condition improved," he/she said
yesterday. Second sufferer new aforementioned respectively Aning, 30, resident Kampung Tabrik, Lebak Cintamaya; and Ikah, 35, older brother/sister womb Aning that have an address equal.

He explained, the problem root of the case of bird flu was located in the problem of the livestock. Therefore, his side was establishing the co-ordination Officially Peternakan Garut. In the location of the settlement of the two sufferers suspect this new bird flu, uptil now was received by at least 50 chicken livestock that experienced died suddenly. On March 25 2009 around struck 13,00 WIB, was gotten nine samples of blood of the chicken livestock were checked in BPPHK Cikole, Lembang, Bandung. Results, eight positive ND samples and one positive sample of AI. Similar the step in the prevention, also was carried out by giving of disinfectant against all the pen in the Cintanagara Village.

In the meantime, contact a house of the case sufferer suspect bird flu, Aning, that consisted of the husband and his four uterus children, a person including complaining the cough and pilek.

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