Thursday, December 20, 2012

Norovirus widespread epidemic IN UK / ineffectiveness DISHWASHER

In the UK there has been an outbreak of norovirus or "cold
stomach "unusually severe.

Almost nine hundred thousand people have contracted the disease, according
the Daily Telegraph. The rate so high for this time of year is
considered the most dramatic beginning of the epidemic in the

According to doctors, the number of cases continues to rise. As warn
experts, diarrhea, caused by the virus, can take up
five days, but a week after the person is recovered
infection being the carrier.


Commercial dishwashers can kill bacteria daily, but
no norovirus, gastroenteritis causes many diseases and
foodborne worldwide, according to a study
recent and published by HealthDay News.

Although the guidelines of the restaurant industry for
cleaning of dishes and cutlery kill bacteria, are not
effective against norovirus, researchers noted
Ohio State University. They found that the virus can withstand
manual and mechanical cleaning.

"We know that when public food establishments continue
cleaning protocols, they do a very good job of removing
bacteria ", said in a press release issued by the university
Melvin Pascall study leader, associate professor
science and food technology.
"Now we can see that
Protocols are less effective for removing viruses and killing, and this
may help explain why there are still so many diseases
caused by cross-contamination of foods. "

For the study, published in a recent issue of the journal
PLoS One, the researchers contaminated milk and cream cheese
skimmed with a norovirus, with _E. _Listeria_ coli_ or three
common causes of foodborne illnesses.
Then, we applied these milk products to steel utensils
steel, ceramic plates and to vessels. The utensils were washed
by hand or in a dishwasher following sanitization protocols
using chlorine and a quaternary ammonium compound (a detergent

Both washed by hand or in the dishwasher fell by _E. and to coli_
_Listeria_ To safe levels. Although the dishwasher were more
effective in eliminating potentially harmful bacteria and viruses, the
Researchers found that neither cleaning methods
managed to reduce the presence of norovirus.

"Although the protocols able to kill some of the virus, the
Norovirus is highly contagious and can infect humans involves
only a few viral particles, "noted Li Jianrong, a professor
assistant food virology. "These results indicate that
or detergents or disinfectants used in protocols
current cleaning are effective against norovirus in
concentrations currently used ".

"The management and adequate sanitation remains the factor
single most important to prevent cross-contamination
food and dishes in establishments offering
food, "
he said Pascall." However, it seems that we must
better identify agents or methods to reduce significantly
the presence of norovirus, and work to update
protocols ".

The researchers noted that the norovirus is responsible for 90 per
percent of cases of non-bacterial gastroenteritis outbreaks.

The norovirus, which can contaminate food or water
easily, spreads quickly in confined populations, by
example on cruise ships, dormitories and prisons. According to
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of
EE. UU., Norovirus annually causes an estimated 91,000 visits
emergency room and 23,000 hospitalizations for severe diarrhea
among children under five.

The researchers said they plan to evaluate the effectiveness of
methods of cleaning against hepatitis A and

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