Saturday, August 14, 2010

Indonesia: Start the Bird Flu Transmitted to Humans

I've been watching Indonesia since 2006....for bird flu. I've never heard of bird flu hitting cattle. I've heard of Foot Mouth Disease. Tell me, what do you call it when it hits cattle???
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Similar to the Son, Viktor, poultry livestock owners in The Village Sumber Jaya, they are not assured of cattle affected by bird flu. Menurutnya, unggas yang dipelihara dengan baik akan terhindar dari flu burung. According to him, well kept birds from avian influenza will be spared. Namun untuk mengantisipasi masuknya virus ini di ternaknya, Viktor haru lebih giat membersihkan kandang dan melakukan penyemprotan. However, to anticipate the entry of this virus in cattle, Viktor haru harder to clean cages and sprayed. “Saya siap untuk melakukan apapun agar penyebaran penyakit ini tidak menyebar. "I am ready to do anything to spread the disease from spreading. Untuk saat ini saya berusaha agar penyakit ini tidak menulari ternak saya,” ujarnya. For now I'm trying to keep this disease does not infect my cattle, "he said.

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