Bandar Lampung, Tribune - Regional General Hospital Abdul Moeloek (RSUDAM) re-treat the patient suspect bird flu or avian influenza (AI), Friday (22/10). Ketiganya berinisial T (8), D (9), dan N (5), warga Kecamatan Kemiling, Bandar Lampung. All three initials T (8), D (9), and N (5), a resident of District Kemiling, Bandar Lampung.
Menurut ketua Direktur Utama RSUDAM dr Hermansyah Zaini, ketiganya mulai dirawat sejak Kamis malam (21/10), dan langsung menjalani perawatan intensif di ruang isolasi penanganan penyakit flu burung.
According to the chairman of President Hermansyah RSUDAM Dr. Zaini, the trio began hospitalized since Thursday night (21/10), and immediately underwent the intensive maintenance in isolation space handling of bird flu disease.
"Ketiganya memiliki ciri-ciri sakit selayaknya pasien flu burung, seperti panas tinggi, batuk, dan mengalami gangguan saluran pencernaan," katanya saat dihubungi, Jumat malam.
"All three have the characteristics of pain should bird flu patients, such as high fever, cough, and gastrointestinal disturbance," he said when contacted on Friday night.
Dari keterangan yang disampaikan pihak keluarga, kata Hermansyah, para pasien sempat melakukan kontak dengan unggas yang mati mendadak di sekitar rumah mereka, sejak sepekan terakhir.
From information submitted by the family, said Hermansyah, the patients had contact with poultry that died suddenly in the vicinity of their homes, since last week.
Karena itu, pihaknya segera melakukan antisipasi dengan mengisolasi dan menjalankan prosedur penanganan flu burung terhadap ketiga pasien.
Therefore, it was soon to anticipate and implement procedures to isolate the bird flu to the three patients.
Puluhan unggas yang mati mendadak tersebut juga telah dinyatakan positif flu burung oleh Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan (Disnakkeswan) terkait.
Dozens of poultry that died suddenly it has also been tested positive for bird flu by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (Disnakkeswan) related.
Sebagai langkah pertolongan pertama, pihak rumah sakit telah memberikan pengobatan berupa antibiotik dan tamiflu.
As a first aid measures, the hospital has provided treatment in the form of antibiotics and tamiflu.
"Untuk memastikan apakah positif flu burung atau tidak, kami telah mengambil sampel lendir dan dahak untuk dikirim ke laboratorium di Jakarta," katanya.
"To ascertain whether or not positive of bird flu, we have taken samples of mucus and sputum to be sent to a laboratory in Jakarta," he said.
Hasil uji laboratorium tersebut baru akan diketahui setelah tiga atau empat hari mendatang.
The new laboratory test results will be known after three or four days.
Meski demikian, menurut Hermansyah, kondisi kesehatan ketiganya makin membaik, dibanding dua hari lalu.
However, according to Hermansyah, the three health conditions improved, compared to two days ago.
"Suhu badannya sudah turun, semoga hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium mereka menunjukkan hasil negatif," kata dia.
"Body temperature is already down, hopefully the results of their laboratory tests showed negative results," he said.
Catatan Tribun Lampung, dalam kurun 2010, RSUDAM telah dua kali merawat pasien yang memiliki gejala terserang virus H5N1.
Note Tribune Lampung, in the period of 2010, has twice RSUDAM care for patients who have symptoms of the H5N1 virus.
Pada Februari silam, seorang pasien asal Panjang sempat dirawat karena memiliki gejala serangan virus flu burung.
In February last, a patient from Long was hospitalized because of symptoms of bird flu virus attacks.
Tapi, setelah dirawat selama beberapa hari, pihak rumah sakit menyatakan pasien negatif H5N1 .(her/dik)
But, after being treated for several days, the hospital declared negative patients with H5N1.
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