Sunday, October 17, 2010

Makar Sari Balikpapan H5N1 Confirmed Poultry


The PLAGUE of the Virus H5N1 or that more was known with the Bird Flu term, also to strike the RT environmental region 12 Mekar Sari districts. This case was justified by the Village Head Mekar Sari Edy Gunawan, SH. Peristiwa "this happened when one of the residents that informed to the district side that there is the poultry that died suddenly in RT 12 Mekar Sari," obviously Edy to Metro, yesterday. With the existence of the report on this resident, the side the district said he then coordinated Officially Pertanian, Perikanan Dan Kelautan Kota Balikpapan, to carry out the checking. "After the team carried out the checking against the poultry that still was remaining with mengunakan the implement, evidently this poultry was detected positive was affected by the virus H5N1," he said. Therefore, the previous Village Head made the circular to the resident to immediately destroy the available poultry. "This letter deliberate was spread to the resident, in order to be able to prevent and combat the virus H5N1 that spread in the Mekar Sari District," said Edy.

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