02 Desember 2008
- The dialogue with the governor of Bibit Waluyo.
The question:
The Governor, the step whether that was carried out the Central Javan Provincial Government in anticipating the illness in the rainy season? (Moch Arifin—Gubug, Grobogan)
The answer:
Relatives Moch Arifin, by the rainy season like at this time very high air humidity will happen, the condition was like this will facilitate bred him various viruses and the bacteria. Several illnesses that usually emerge in each change in the season including dengue fever, diarrhoea, the respiratory tract and this end end developed bird flu. So, the Central Javan Provincial Government through the Kesehatan Service instructed to Section Head Kesehatan of the Regency/Kota se Central Java to increase vigilance anticipated the expansion of various illnesses that emerged in the change in the season in order to not develop by the Luar Biasa Incident (KLB).
This instruction in part contained so that increased jejaring communication in the monitoring of the health situation of the community; increased vigilance towards the disaster by activating Rapid Health Assesment (RHA), preparedness throughout the stage of the health service and reported every time KLB, infectious diseases or the disaster less than 24 hours to the section head the Health of the Province. Therefore immediately could be carried out by the step in the efforts co-ordination penegendalian and his control. Must be learnt the cause of the illness emergence was generally caused had the disturbance of the balance between humankind, the environment and the illness personally. The human factor take the form of was disturbed by his health was caused the pattern/the style of unhealthy his life, the influence of the age, body resistance that descended and the descendants. The environmental factor could also become the source grew and the illness expansion, like the existence of rain that continually made the dirty environment, bad sanitation, the densely populated settlement, the pool of water in the housing environment, humid air and the illumination that not all that. Afterwards the illness factor personally like the dengue fever virus, bird flu, anthrak, the ISPA bacteria, diarrhoea, thypoid,etc.
In connection with that, must be guarded against by the community regarding the illness emergence by the rainy season was
1) Dengue Dengue Fever (BDB), his prevention by living clean with carry out 3M. If the community found the existence of the affected sign of dengue fever immediately was brought to the place of the closest health service.
2) Diarrhoea, his cause was the bacteria, the virus and the parasite. To prevent this illness by means of paying attention to the environmental factor and behaving by using clean water that was enough, the CHAPTER in the toilet, and washed the hands before eating.
3) Thypoid/typhus, this illness usually happens in the cold area to ugly sanitation with the density of lice was very high.
The prevention of typhus by means of improving the condition for the environment, was cultured and behaved clean. When having signs of the headache, shivered, was easy tired and was sick all over the body preferably immediately was carried the closest health service.
4) Leptospirosis, this illness was caused by germs leptospira because of the existence of direct contact with mouse urine. The prevention of this illness was to use the patron himself when to the place of the place of the pool of water/the flood as well as maintained the cleanliness himself.
5) ISPA (the illness on the upper respiratory tract) that was caused by micro-organisms germs. To avoid this illness by means of the immunisation and paid attention to the circulation of clean air in the house.
6) Bird Flu, his prevention method of penning the poultry was separated from the house, washed the hands with soap after contact with the poultry, avoided direct contact with the poultry died.
This must be stressed by me although the even distribution of health facilities of the community has increased and the death rate and disablement could be pressed. Nevertheless several infections spread still was the problem of the health of the prominent community. (60)
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