Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Engineer died in the River can have contracted the virus in the South Africa

Specialists suspect that the death of the South African engineer, 53 years, was provoked by a contact with a type of virus that can be contracted through piss or excrements of rats, arenavírus, in a hospital of Joanesburgo, the South Africa. It has stories of that a person visited the Zâmbia, country of the interior of Africa, then later it started to present the symptoms (high fever, calafrios, fatigue, vermelhidão in the body and bleeds) and looked attendance in the hospital of Joanesburgo, where the entrepreneur was interned, recovering of a ortopédica surgery.
Four employees of this unit of health had developed the illness, three had died and one, the health state is serious. It never had stories of exposition to arenavírus in Brazil. But about 50 people who had possibly had contact with secretions of the engineer they are being monitored for the Secretariat of Monitoring and Health of the Health department.
It does not have I infect for air. - The transmission is made alone for people who had had contact with the blood, saliva, piss, vomits of the patient. The people who had had in same the places that the engineer, but without contact with corporal secretions of the victim they do not need to be worried. She does not have reason for alarm - she clarified the infectologista of the Friocruz, Jose Cerbino Grandson. Laboratories of the Oswaldo Foundation Cross (Fiocruz) had collected the material of the patient in the weekend and the preliminary results will be divulged in the maximum four days. Already the disgnostic of affection, malaria had been discarded and ebola. The virus alone is transmitted from the presentation of the symptoms. The evolution of the illness can take the death in up to 10 days after the first symptom, that is the fever. However, it has patients that they react to the treatment and until well that nor arrive to develop the illness. The entrepreneur, who had the preserved identity, arrived at the River in the friday (23), started to feel the symptoms in terça (25), he looked medical aid in the last friday (27), and only died hemorrhagic victim of febra in the Nursing home Are Jose, in the Humaitá, South Zone.

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