Thursday, January 15, 2009

Indo: Sudden death of birds is still going Mojosongo strictly monitored

Jebres (Espos)
Region RT 02 / RW Mojosongo Kelurahan XXXI, Jebres, observed strict Department of Agriculture (Dispertan) and City Health Office (DKK) Solo subsequent case or bird flu avian influenza (AI), which attacks the birds belong to a dozen people.

In fact, a number of citizens to report, until Tuesday (13 / 1), a number of cases of poultry deaths in the property of a sudden people are still going. In fact, Dispertan keep spraying and destruction of birds belonging to residents who fell ill AI.

One of the elders of RT 02 / RW XXXI Mojosongo, Suharjo, said the sudden death of poultry continues to occur during the last few days. In fact, continued, until Tuesday, the same case also happened in the two tails birds belonging to residents.

"Since three days ago (Saturday, 10/1-red) pen-henhouse citizens already disemprot by officers. Well, on Tuesday (13 / 1), two of chickens also died, the "light at the location found in the local Espos, Wednesday (14 / 1).

He said, in fact, poultry birds are owned by five people. The amount was, he said, not until an 40-tails.

Meanwhile, the health Sibela Mojosongo, Catharina, accompanied the doctors to handle the location of AI, Dr. Anita said, at this time to continue monitoring the health condition of citizens. The AI pascakejadian who attacked dozens of birds, people began to panic.

In fact, as many as six people RW XXXI Kelurahan Mojosongo recorded examined health to health Sibela for four days because this fell ill a cold, fever, and cough-cough. "They were very worried. Since the last four days, there are six people in there, examined the health condition after feeling hot, cold, and cough-cough. However, after our review, was not bird flu, "he said.

He further explained, watched the condition of health will be conducted over three weekends. Section, to see if the AI people fell ill or could not declared a new date after three weekends on the case since the emergence of AI.

"Except for adults, just sepekan already can see the results. But if the baby, should be seen for three weekends, "explained.

Head Dispertan Solo, Weni Ekayanti added, the team has been precipitate Participatory desease surveilance response (PDSR) to the location of AI cases. The team, he said, will continue memantu of environmental conditions to truly sterile.

"Today, Dispertan, DKK and also a number of villages of the device to a location for monitoring and spraying to cage-cage poultry citizens," explained.
hat-tip mojo

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