Sunday, December 19, 2010

#H1N1 Egypt: 9 Confirmed Swine Flu Cases in Gharbia

Reported previously here:

18/12/2010 - 17:29
In the Western detained in hospital «fevers Mahalla and Tanta and Minshawi year», Friday, 9 cases of suspicion of having bird flu in pigs, and ate the drug «Tamiflu» and took blood samples and the melancholy hours of them to be sent to labs central Ministry of Health to make sure whether the disease.

19/12/2010 12:59:37 PM
Proven test results received today from the laboratories of the Ministry of Health in Cairo positive wounding 9 new cases of swine flu in Gharbia Governorate, had been detained a hospital and fevers Hamia Tanta.

وقرر اللواء عبد الحميد الشناوي، محافظ الغربية، إعلان حالة الطوارئ بالمحافظة، وبجميع المستشفيات العامة والحميات وتوفير كل الأدوية والأمصال خاصة "التامفلو" لمواجهة أي حالة جديدة.

The Major General Abdul Hamid Shinawi, Governor of the Bank, a state of emergency the government, all public hospitals and diets and the provision of all medicines and vaccines special "Altamflo" to meet any new situation.

وشدد المحافظ علي الرقابة بالمدارس وعزل أي طالب تظهر عليه أعراض المرض والإبلاغ عن الحالة، وكذلك الأسواق ومحلات بيع الطيور لمواجهة احتمالات ارتفاع الإصابة بأنفلونزا الطيور، وتشكيل غرفة طوارئ تتلقى بلاغات حالات الاشتباه بالمرضي وإبلاغ المحافظ.

The governor stressed on the control schools and the isolation of any student who is showing symptoms of the disease and reporting on the situation, as well as markets and shops selling birds to face the prospect of the high incidence of bird flu, and the formation of an emergency room receive reports of suspected cases of patients, and to inform the Governor.

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