Thursday, December 23, 2010

Swine flu) continues to march on the provincial

Last Updated: Thursday, December 23, 2010 11:58 GMT

. Still virus (H 1 to 1) the cause of swine flu continues to advance on the provinces, where the woman died queens affected by yesterday, and another woman in Kafr El Sheikh, with hit 8 new cases in the West, and 3 cases of queens, and the same in Assiut, and 3 others in Sohag, In addition to the lady in the Fayoum, as well as suspected cases of 20 cases Gharbia, and 5 cases in the lake, and twins in Al-Arish, and a girl in Fayoum.

And received yesterday a woman infected with swine flu killed in al-Minya University Hospital, recording the first case of swine flu death in the new season.
Adel Abu-Zeid, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, 3 goals for the discovery of swine flu, bringing the total number injured to 5 cases in addition to suspected cases of another case of bird flu.

The woman died of the disease in other affected Kafr El-Sheikh, called rose Abdalmatty Mohammed (25 years), according to the health directorate in the governorate.

And The Directorate of Health Affairs Gharbia yesterday confirmed to be infected the other 8 cases of swine flu. Yesterday was also 20 new cases of detention on suspicion of being infected with the disease have been taking samples from them and contact them to confirm the illness or not.

وأSharif Hammouda Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health to maintain it following the instructions of Governor of the Bank has been declared a high alert in all hospitals in Western, especially those by the isolation sections to receive or suspected cases of the disease.

وفى أسيوط.. In Assiut .. أكد د. Dr.. أحمد عبدالحميد مدير الطب الوقائى بمديرية الشئون الصحية إصابة 3 حالات بفيروس إنفلونزا الخنازير «المستجدة». Ahmed Abdul Hameed Director of Preventive Medicine Directorate of Health Affairs infection, 3 cases of swine influenza virus «emerging».

وفى الفيوم.. In Fayoum .. أكدت نتائج تحاليل المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة إصابة مروة سيد (27 سنة) بإنفلونزا الخنازير، بعد وفاة نجلها نور أحمد والذى توفى يوم الجمعة الماضى متأثرا بإصابته بالمرض عن عمر يبلغ شهرا واحدا فقط. The results of laboratory tests the central Ministry of Health injury Marwa Sayed (27 years old) swine flu, after the death of her son, Noor Ahmad, who died on Friday, weighed down by cases of cholera at the age of one month only.

وأعلن د. And Dr. محمد عبدالعال، وكيل وزارة الصحة بسوهاج ارتفاع حالات الإصابة بفيروس الإنفلونزا الموسمية إلى ثلاث حالات إيجابية، خلال شهر ديسمبر، والتى أكدتها المعامل المركزية بالقاهرة، لكن حالة واحدة فقط لا تزال تحت الملاحظة لخطورة حالتها. Mohammed Abdel Aal, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Sohag high incidence of seasonal flu virus to three positive cases, during the month of December, which was confirmed by the central laboratory in Cairo, but only one case is still under observation of the seriousness of her condition.

واحتجز مستشفى حميات دمنهور العام 5 حالات للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بالمرض، وذلك بعد ظهور أعراضه عليهم، فيما تجرى إدارة مستشفى العريش المركزى الإجراءات الطبية اللازمة بشأن توأمين تم الاشتباه فى إصابتهما بأعراض انفلونزا الخنازير وذلك بإرسال عينات من التوأمين لمعامل وزارة الصحة المركزية فى القاهرة. And held hospital admitted Damanhur year of 5 cases of suspicion of contracting the disease, after the onset of symptoms to them, as are managed in El-Arish hospital's central medical procedures needed on twins is suspected of bird flu symptoms of pigs and by sending samples from twin labs central Ministry of Health in Cairo.

. In the same context .. . Decided to Sayf al-Din Jalal Governor of Suez to transmit d. Salah Abdullatif director Chest Hospital to investigate, after the death of the first Girl ill influenza government, called Marwa Mohamed Abdou gift (27 years), and accused her family Chest Hospital of negligence and dereliction of the administration's refusal to book the girl at the hospital before the aggravation of the situation which caused injury to her disease.

And only after the Department in receiving the deteriorating health of the girl who tried to hide her illness, which the girl's family filed a complaint with the progress behalf after her death to the autopsy, which revealed that the main cause of death of bird flu in pigs. بحسب ما تقول أسرة الفتاة. According to what they say the girl's family.

ومن جانب آخر، كشف مسئولو مكتب محافظ السويس، قيام والد الفتاة باللجوء إلى المحافظ وطالبه بمعاقبة المقصرين وهو ما وعد به المحافظ والد الفتاة والذى أكد له انه لن يترك حقه وحق الفتاة المتوفاة، وقرر المحافظ نقل والدة الفتاة وشقيقتها المصابتين بالمرض إلى القاهرة. On the other hand, officials have revealed the Office of the Governor of Suez, the girl's father to resort to the Governor and asked him to punish the defaulters which were pledged by the governor and the girl's father, who assured him he would not leave the right and the right of dead girl, and the governor decided to transfer the girl's mother and her sister injured was the disease to Cairo.

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