Friday, November 21, 2008

The awareness towards Bird Flu increased

The awareness towards Bird Flu increased
November 21 2008 21:16
Jakarta :Hasil the research of nations of the Union's Body for the Child the Child (Unicef) showed the awareness of the community against preceptive bird flu experienced the increase. That was revealed by the Harian Chief Executive of the Nasional Flu Burung Bayu Khrisnamurti Commission. "In 2008 this rose to 67 percent in 2007," said Bayu in Bird Flu discussions in Jakarta, on Friday (21/11) This figure, said bayu, was pleasing enough.
His article, in because of 2006 from 4000 respondents who were researched by Unicef, only 13 percent of the respondent that was preceptive bird flu.
On that occasion, Bayu stressed that the key to the handling of bird flu was giving of medicine that not more than 48 hours when tertular. He caused the example, results of the negative to 17 patients in Makassar. Like that it was identified tertular virrus their bird flu direct menobati him. “Itu proved the community was successful because of results of the negative all, he added. The response to bird flu, said Coordinating Minister for the Economy's Deputy Bidang Pertanian and Marine this, increasingly improved. The "resident at once reported when being found the poultry mati,"tandas him." Despite this he hoped the existence of the awareness in the breeder's circle and the market. "The true and clean technique was expensive," he explained.
In the meantime, Director General Peternakan Tjeppy D Soedjana said, there was no vaccine that protected was full towards the spreading of bird flu in Indonesia. “Sebelum the vaccine was just found, then the use of the groove H5 (the sub-type from the poultry) and and H5N1 (the groove that infected humankind) was stimulated, because genetically sama,” he said.

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