Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Demak resident Suspect Bird Flu The

Sunday, November 23 2008 00:00

DEMAK—Lagi, a patient suspect bird flu was treated in RSUP Kariadi Semarang. The female patient had the initials Dj, 50, the resident RT 4 RW 5 Donorejo villages, Kecamatan Karangtengah, Demak, was reconciled to RSUP Kariadi on Tuesday (18/11), after could be treated for two hours in the Daerah Hospital (RSD) Sunan Kalijaga Demak. RSD Sunan Kalijaga Sukardjo SKM public relations said, Dj was carried to the hospital on Tuesday (18/11) with the sign of the hot body high was accompanied by acute coughs as well as was difficult to breathe.

Upon arrival at RSD, the patient suspect the bird flu was at once isolated in special space, that is in Soka space. And, after being carried out by observation for approximately two hours, finally Dj was reconciled to RSUP Kariadi Semarang by the Kesehatan Service (Dinkes) Demak. “Ruang our isolation was more inadequate. Wanted did not want, the patient was reconciled by us to Semarang. Because, the patient needed tight isolation space. If not, we worried his condition increasingly memburuk,” said Sukardjo to the Semarang Radar yesterday.

One of the children Dj, Miftahul Ummah, 36, when being met this newspaper in his house the afternoon yesterday (22/11) said, his mother was carried to RSD Sunan Kalijaga last Tuesday (18/11) after experienced was sick difficult flu.
However, himself did not know whether his mother was affected by bird flu or not. According to him, two the previous day, to be precise on Sunday (16/11), his mother could throw his property chicken that suddenly died to the river close to his house away.
Tapi, before that, the mother already coughs, and hot badan,” he said.
Beforehand, continued Miftahul, his mother could also sell as many as 20 nonpedigreed chickens that were maintained. The chicken that was sold in the healthy situation all. The chicken sales revenue was then used by casualties to buy fertiliser. “Selang two days, the mother felt his body to be hot. He direct memeriksakan to the village doctor. But, not sembuh,” he said.

In the meantime, last Friday (21/11), the Kesehatan Service side of the Regency and the Central Javan Province has also carried out the checking to the location of the Dj residence in the Donorejo Village, Karangtengah. They took the sample of blood of hundreds of chickens belonging to the Dj neighbour for the need of the research in the laboratory.
Suwarno, Donorejo Village equipment that also the neighbour Dj said, the sample of blood that was taken by this Kesehatan Service was not yet known by results. Because, still in the process of the research. “Kita was asked to be waiting hasilnya,”ujar him in the Dj house yesterday.

When being confirmed, Plt Section Head Kesehatan Demak Dr Singgih went through Kasi Pemberantasan of Sri Hartanto infectious diseases explained, the patient suspect this bird flu of two could the previous day hold his property chicken that suddenly died. Two days afterwards that was relevant experienced hot high, then was brought took medicine, and has been given medicine tamiflu.

However, because of not having the change, finally was brought to RSD Demak. After being observed two hours in the hospital, then were sent to RS Kariadi, Semarang. “Setelah was checked by results of the negative. But, we not yet confirmation ulang,” he explained the afternoon yesterday. Contacted was separated, public relations of RS Kariadi Semarang M. Alfan confirmed if Dj was the reconciliation patient from RSD Kalijaga Demak. “Dj entered RSUP Kariadi on Tuesday, November 18 lalu,” obviously him.
While being treated in RSUP Kariadi Semarang, continued he, Dj was placed in special isolation space the bird flu patient. This remembered Dj had the clinical sign that was suspected by Avian Influenza (AI). Among them, the high fever, breathless, as well as beforehand contact with the poultry. Nevertheless, according to Alfan, the Dj condition was not as serious as DS (15), the positive patient bird flu from Medoho, Kelurahan Siwalan, Kecamatan Gayamsari that died last Friday (7/11).

“Karena the patient diindikasi bird flu, then we then gave the handling was proper for the flu patient burung,” he explained. Until striking 20,00 last night, the Dj condition continued to improve. Unfortunately, through to last night did not yet have the explanation whether Dj positive bird flu or not. This newspaper also did not yet get medical information from the doctor RSUP Kariadi, because of the doctor who handled Dj was being outside negeri.

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