Monday, November 17, 2008

Maros Siaga Satu Flu Burung

Maros Siaga Satu Flu Burung Today, Depag Buka Pendaftaran CPNS
On Tuesday, 18-11-2008 of
MAROS, BKM -- Following was treated by him 17 patients suspect bird flu in RS Wahiding Sudirohusodo, Dinas Peternakan and Marine Maros put the alert status of one bird flu into effect.
The firm step in this agency quite justified, because Maros was one of the areas that was not far from Sudiang, the place of the origin 17 patients suspect bird flu that currently undergoes the maintenance. Section Head Peternakan and Marine Maros, Syata Sanusi stressed, his side not want to robbed in the handling of the bird flu illness. Moreover the virus H5N1 that became the cause of the bird flu illness could spread through air. Therefore, this illness opportunity of entering and attacking the poultry in Maros was big enough. We put into effect alert one anticipated the spreading of bird flu.

Because of being not closed the possibility of this illness entered and attacked the poultry in Maros. Moreover the discovery territory of the positive poultry bird flu in Sudiang shared directly with Maros a border, explained Syata, yesterday. Moreover, Disnak Maros also carried out the monitoring against several locations that uptil now became the producer's territory of the piece chicken. Intense also spraying was carried out. Everything some time before in Maros could be found by the existence of the chicken that died suddenly. His signs were similar to bird flu. "We have assigned several officials from the Peternakan Service to monitor the poultry, both property" of the "businessman, and the kept poultry of the piece poultry farm the resident."
Results, now praise the Lord was not yet was found the poultry that was detected terjangkit the virus H5N1, he explained. Section Head Kesehatan Maros, Firman Jaya separately claimed to be his side also appointed the alert status of one to handle the spreading of the bird flu illness. His side ask for to all the head of the community health centre and the doctors to more beautiful saw the condition for the patient. Especially the patient who came with signs to be similar to the bird flu sufferer. "If having the patient with signs that were similar suspect bird flu, immediately must be reconciled to RS Wahidin." Because in RS Salewangeng Maros his facilities did not yet satisfy, he said.
The vice-chairman Komisi C DPRD Maros, Ustad Said Patombongi ask for to two related agencies to co-operate prevented the spreading of this deadly illness. Dinkes and and Disnak must proaktif handled the illness like this, because not the normal case. Everything did not only happen in Maros and Makassar, but was found in almost all the area in Indonesia. Involve all the community in handling this illness, he suggested.

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