Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jadi Pengurus Stand of the Penanggulangan Commission of Bird Flu South Sulawesi

39 the Jadi Pengurus Stand of the Penanggulangan Commission of Bird Flu South Sulawesi Laporan: the IRA Eka Pertiwi.
On Tuesday, 18-11-2008 20:36:

the Government of the South Sulawesi Province (the South Sulawesi Provincial Government) formed the Daerah Commission (Komda) the Handling and the Control of Provinsi Selatan Bird Flu. The members who were bundled into this Komda were strengthened directly by South Sulawesi Governor, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, that also acted as this Chairman Komisi in the Quality Hotel, Makassar, on Tuesday (18/11).
According to Syahrul, the plague of the bird flu illness in South Sulawesi at this time increasingly increased and South Sulawesi was one of the territories had the big risk to terjangkit this deadly virus. Moreover with the existence 17 residents Patene that at this time still was suspected terjangkit this illness.
"We must be alert in handling the problem" of "this bird flu." With the Komda formation that was first in Indonesia this was expected to be able to reduce and control this bird flu illness, continued Syahrul. Komda the handling and this control consisted of six fields.
In the meantime, the Tribun Timur Daily personally entrusted as the management member in the Informatika field and Publik Communication. According to Syahrul, the role of the media in the prevention and the handling of bird flu was very important. He also felt relieved because of the reporting about 17 residents that masing waited for results of his laboratory of this Jakarta to be not shouted about in the media. (*)

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