Saturday, January 31, 2009

Japanese high school students坠楼deaths associated with influenza drug Relenza unknown 2009-1-30 21:27 New Tang Dynasty TV
2009-1-30 21:27

New Tang Dynasty January 30, 2009讯】 (Central News Agency in Tokyo on the 30th Mar张芳明) Nagano, Japan a few days ago a high-school boy from the fifth floor balcony bring their own death, the student as a result of cold medicine to the hospital to receive influenza "RELENZA", with the fall-related death is not clear, the ministry urged the public attention to the use of the drug.

厚生劳动省指出,长野县松本市一名17岁高中男生27日从五楼住宅阳台坠地死亡,这名学生由于感冒,前一天向校方请假并在医院领取RELENZA,是否曾服用这种药并不清楚,坠亡与该药的关联性不明。 Health, Labor and Welfare said that in Matsumoto city, Nagano Prefecture, a 17-year-old high school boys and 27 girls fell onto the ground from the fifth floor residential balcony death, the student as a result of a cold, the day before the leave the school and in the hospital receiving RELENZA, whether they had taken the drug not clear, falling dead with unknown relevance of the drug.

对于这件事,厚生劳动省指示制药公司要贯彻提醒使用者该药有可能造成异常行动,以及若在家疗养时,不要让小孩或未成年者服用后至少2天内单独留在家里。 As regards this case, MHLW pharmaceutical companies to carry out instructions to remind users of the drug may cause abnormal operations, as well as if the convalescence at home, do not allow children or minors after taking at least 2 days are left alone at home.

厚生劳动省的统计指出,到去年3月为止,服用RELENZA而出现想前往阳台等异常行动的报告共有57件。 MHLW statistics pointed out that in March last year so far, taking Relenza there want to go to the balcony and abnormal operation a total of 57. 日本目前流感治疗药除RELENZA之外,还有更受广泛使用的克流感(TAMIFLU)等,都有服用者出现异常行动的报告。 Japan's current treatment of influenza drug Relenza in addition, there are more widely used Tamiflu (TAMIFLU) and so on, are taking unusual actions were reported.

今年冬天日本的流感病例以A苏联型病毒为最多,这种病毒会对克流感出现抗药性,厚生劳动省曾呼吁若服用克流感无效可改服用RELENZA,由于长野的事件,这个主管卫生事务的中央部会指示药厂,要贯彻提醒服用者应注意的事项。 This winter flu cases in Japan in order to A-type virus for up to the Soviet Union, this kind of virus will occur Tamiflu resistance, MHLW has called null and void if the use of Tamiflu can be taken RELENZA, as a result of events in Nagano, the director of Health Services Central Department will instruct the pharmaceutical companies, it is necessary to carry out to remind the users should pay attention to.

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