Friday, December 26, 2008

Bird flu outbreak occurred five years
中国养殖网 Chinese Culture Network 2008-12-26 10:11:46 2008-12-26 10:11:46

布吉禽畜批发市场举行防控高致病性禽流感应急演练 Phuket poultry wholesale markets to prevent and control highly pathogenic avian influenza, held emergency drills

演练中的一环节———临床诊断及采样 Exercises in one area, clinical diagnosis and sampling ---

本报讯记者余胜容摄影报道:本月23日,龙岗区在布吉禽畜批发市场举行全区范围的防控高致病性禽流感应急演练。 A press photographer Rong Yu reports: on the 23rd of this month, Buji, Longgang District livestock wholesale markets in the region to hold the scope of highly pathogenic avian influenza prevention and control of emergency drills.

记者现场看到,演练规范有序,从接到疫情报告、封锁疫区、扑杀处理、清洗消毒、人员检测、疫源追踪到解除封锁,各个环节环环相扣,体现了龙岗区在防控高致病性禽流感方面取得了可圈可点的效果。 Reporter at the scene saw, drill orderly, from the receipt of epidemic report, the blockade affected areas, culling processing, cleansing and disinfection, personnel detection, focus tracking to the lifting of the blockade, all sectors are closely reflected the Longgang District in the anti - control of highly pathogenic avian influenza has made a subtle effect. 据悉,龙岗区近五年来没有发生过一起禽流感疫情。 It is reported that Longgang District over the past five years did not happen with bird flu.

龙岗区是深圳市家禽养殖主要基地,也是供深港禽类的重要中转站,动物及动物产品调动频繁,禽只日交易量15万多只,且大部分来自外地,禽流感防控任务十分艰巨。 Longgang District, Shenzhen, poultry farming is the main base for the Shenzhen-Hong Kong is also an important transit point for birds, animals and animal products to mobilize frequent poultry on more than 150,000 transactions only, and mostly from the field, the bird flu prevention and control task very difficult. 今年来,龙岗区主要采取实行强制免疫制度、严格落实市场消毒制度、加大疫情监测力度、加强禽只散户管理以及规范禽类屠宰加工管理等五项措施加强禽流感防控工作,确保全区禽流感疫情零发生。 This year, Longgang District main immune system to take a mandatory, and strictly implementing the market disinfection system, and stepping up monitoring of the epidemic, and strengthen poultry retail management, and standardize the management of poultry slaughter and processing of five measures to strengthen bird flu prevention and control work to ensure that the whole region zero occurrence of bird flu.

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