Thursday, December 18, 2008

Preparations for a short-term emergency

Preparations for a short-term emergency - winter storm

The news rattles on…. bird flu, the economy, winter storm approaching… winter storm approaching? That is something I will have to deal with right now! The power has been known to go out in our area and after loosing two freezers of food we intend to be ready. This is the time to double-check my preparations.

First: Water; very important, even before food, is there enough fuel to run the generator for the well pump? Check! Is there a pot or two of water covered and on the stove for drinking? More gallons of drinking water stored just in case? Check! Are there a few 5 gallon buckets filled and safely stored in the bathroom for flushing toilets? Check! Maybe do the wash before the storm hits, just in case the power goes out for a few days so there will be plenty of clean clothing.

Second: the food and supplies in the pantry; everything needed to wait out the storm if power goes out for a few days and plenty of ready to eat food if things get bad? Check! A big pot of hot stew would be nice and I reach for the vegetables and start to chop.

Third: heat; generator fuel to keep the furnace running? Check! Is there enough dry wood and kindling for the fireplace, plenty of quilts and warm clothing? Check. Think I’ll start a fire in the fireplace. It wouldn’t hurt to check the winter clothing to see if all the buttons are on tight and there are no rips or tares that need mending or patching.

Fourth: first aid and medication: is the first aid kit filled and the medicines and prescriptions filled and in date? Check!

Fifth: light, is the solar lantern charged? Check! Do the other lanterns have fuel? Check!
Are there batteries for the flashlights? Check! Could use a few more rechargeable.
Are there candles and plenty of matches? Check!

Sixth: communications: cell phones charged, walkie-talkies have batteries and solar/hand crank radio ready? Check!

Seventh: livestock in good shape, fed, watered, plenty of feed and bedding? Check!

Eighth: refrigeration: Is the freezer full? No! I put a few plastic jugs of water in to freeze to help hold the freezer until we can hook up the generator.

Last: tools: in an emergency I want the tools I may need close at hand. Time to put the snow shovels in the mudroom.

Now for the hard part, waiting for all my chicks to fly back to the nest. I hear the tick, tick, tick of the sleet against the windows and curl up with a cuppa tea by the fire. The dog barks as my husband pulls in from work. The clock ticks and I pull on the heavy coat to go out meet the children coming home from school.

Sprinting thru the front door to avoid being plastered with snowballs throw by my beloved off spring has left me winded. I complain to my husband that global warming must be warping the curvature of the earth because the jog didn’t use to be a problem. He muttered something about the curvature of something else being the problem. It is time to throw another log on the fire and make some hot coco. We are ready for the storm.

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