Monday, December 22, 2008

Sounds highly pathogenic avian influenza in a timely manner to prevent Zhizhao City CDC

CCN network in the city 2008-12-22 1:23:08

Weifang News Network on December 19 before electricity, domestic media have reported the emergence of individual human infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza cases. Faced with this situation, city officials said that the CDC, the public face of bird flu have a clear knowledge and understanding of the possible treatment of rational, scientific prevention.

It is reported that bird flu is usually through droplets of respiratory tract and air-borne and gastrointestinal infections, as well as damage the skin and conjunctiva, and other ways to cause the incidence of people. All the people are generally susceptible to the flu, and the elderly over 60 years of age, children, students, low immunity, chronic diseases influenza is a good risk group, these people should pay attention to keep them warm, outdoor exercise to strengthen and enhance resistance Influenza vaccination.

Now the season is the high incidence of acute respiratory diseases, in the absence of bird flu vaccine accordingly, the experts reminded the public that peace should be strengthened physical exercise, rest, avoid over exertion, not to smoke in order to increase the body's resistance to the virus.

The discovery of the disease, as far as possible away from the secretions of poultry and avoid touching the live chickens, ducks and birds such as poultry, chicken, and other food should be cooked thoroughly. Maintaining good ventilation, ventilation windows twice a day, at least every 10 minutes, or use exhaust fans to maintain good ventilation. At the same time as little as possible to poorly ventilated places. To observe good personal hygiene, sneezing or coughing Cover your mouth and nose. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to keeping the floor, ceiling, walls and furniture clean and drainage channels to ensure the smooth water of life, as well as disinfection equipment to deal with. As the avian influenza virus on the ether, chloroform, acetone, and other organic solvents, are sensitive to ultraviolet light and heat, 56 ℃ heat for 30 minutes, 60 ℃ heat for 10 minutes, 70 ℃ heat 2 minutes, direct sunlight 40 to 48 hours and the use of commonly used disinfectant The drug can be inactivated virus.

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