Monday, December 22, 2008

The tracks of Bird Flu from the Simbelang Fortification

The Simbelang fortification generally his condition was the same as other villages in the Tiga Panah Subdistrict, Kabupaten Karo, North Sumatra (North Sumatra). The fertile agricultural land, the community that held the tradition, as well as the harmony in high esteem that was awakened. However the resident here most did not like to discuss bird flu. Not the taboo, but did not want to pry into the trauma in the past. “Untuk anything else discussed bird flu. For a long time that, the past. It would be better if spoke that lain,” Caranta Perangin-wind words (39), one of the residents of the Simbelang Fortification, early last December. Bird flu had become the big problem for them. The name of the Simbelang Fortification stuck up when bird flu raged great last mid 2006. His seven villagers that still one family died. Six among them positive was infected by the bird flu virus or avian influenza. The case was afterwards stated as cluster (the group) biggest that was infected by bird flu in Indonesia, and one of the biggest the world.

The term as cluster biggest, made the atmosphere of the village change. Simbelang that be at a distance around 88 kilometre from Medan, the North Sumatran capital, suddenly noisy. The accompaniments of the vehicle passed the village street that was still not asphalted all of them. Various circles came, from the World Health Organization (WHO), the officials of the Department of Agriculture, Departemen of the Health, the government's apparatus from the province, as well as the party of the journalist. In the mass media, the case became the main report. “Sebenar him this case was small, only was exaggerated. Most communities still regarded that deliberate was politicised to get the project from outside negeri,” the Caranta complaint.

Berjatuhan casualties The case that according to Caranta was exaggerated that, began when Praise Ginting, the woman was 45 years old died on May 4 2006 in Simbelang. (more) It was unclear that the cause of the death Praise, but that was certain several the previous day had his two kept chickens died. For a long time not Praise immediately was sick and finally died. Strongly the assumption Praise died because of being infected by the bird flu virus although the sample of his blood could not be checked.

Following this sorrow news, all the family came to be able to pay respects and eat with the chicken side dish in the funeral parlour. A day refined, the close family late Praise began to be sick and to be treated in RSU Kabanjahe, in Kabanjahe the Karo capital. The medical inspection showed, was gotten by the inflammation of the lungs, the cough, myalgia, as well as low white blood cells. This condition headed in the sign of bird flu of the beginning. They were immediately sent to the centre of reconciliation of the bird flu patient in North Sumatra, Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Adam Malik in Street. Bungalow, Medan, and was placed in isolation space. The sample of blood was taken and sent to the Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Hall (Balitbangkes) the Department of the Health in Jakarta.

That not to mention results of the sample test was known, on May 9, or a day after being treated in Medan, Roy Karo-karo (19) died. Roy was Putra late Praise. Afterwards on May 10, the younger sister Praise, Anta Ginting (29) also died. Following on May 12, Boni Karo-karo (18) that died. Boni was the brother Roy. On May 13, Rafael Ginting (8), also died. Rafael was Putra Dowes Ginting (38), the brother Praise. On May 14, the daughter Anta Ginting, Breinata Tarigan that still was 1.5 years old also died in the hospital. Last casualties Dowes Ginting also died on May 22. Dowes could not receive the maintenance in the hospital, but the blood test showed positive was infected by bird flu. The only one that could remain from cluster that, only Jonnes Ginting (27), the brother Praise.

Casualties already so many, but the source of the illness was still not known. Only took the form of the assumption, the flattest casualties from the same source, whether what. The inspection was indeed carried out against the poultry belonging to the resident. The specimen, as well as the sample of the waste of the chicken of the bribe of the chicken cloaca were taken. Manure also ditelisik, especially that was around the house of the casualties. “Hasil him when not having the positive sample flu burung,” Beautiful Setiowati words, the Section Head the Health of the Animal and the Karo Fish of the Livestock Breeding Service. In spite of that, to ascertain the stopping of the spreading of the virus, the extermination of the poultry was carried out in Simbelang. Moreover, the Karo Regency tightened the supervision of the livestock traffic, the poultry product and manure. Two checkpoints were alerted. The first post in the Doulu Village, Berastagi to check the vehicle of the poultry bearer that entered from Medan, and surrounding area. Whereas one post more in the make, to check the vehicle from the Dairi Regency to from Aceh.

The Sosial intimidation
The source of the bird flu virus was still not ascertained came from where, but this case has made the resident Simbelang difficult. The news in the significant mass media the negative, moreover the case caused North Sumatra to be stated as the Luar Biasa Incident (KLB) bird flu. The outside community worried came to Simbelang, frightened tertular. Some of the public's transports also refused to carry passengers from this village. Already like that, almost all the agricultural product and livestock breeding was from Simbelang refused in the market. Simbelang began terkucil. Only they who still were counted by the family or were connected by the similarity of the clan that wanted to peer to the village.

In fact several days after lustre bird flu, Regent Karo DD Sinulingga was invited to the village to eat chicken and to be proven to be just very healthy by the Regent. However the activity not vulnerable eliminated the stigma as the source of bird flu. The banishment continued to continue. This condition made the Simbelang resident begin anti against the media, anti against the reporter and all outside that came to the village to be linked with bird flu. They in fact mengultimatum the health researcher to immediately adopted foot from Simbelang. The demonstration was then spread out in Karo, Medan and Jakarta. Complete with the attraction drank chicken blood that was brought from Karo showed the poultry in Karo not terjangkit the virus.

The efforts indirectly gave results. The chicken breeders bore the most difficult burden. The price of the chicken that originally Rp 15 thousand per kilogram, suddenly not the behaviour. Various activities ate the chicken together in Karo, could not boost up the sale. The owner of the restaurant in Karo most no longer served chicken. “Kalau the loss story, yes was difficult to count him. But banyaklah,” said Tarigan, one of the sellers of the livestock in Kabanjahe.

Never Reda Cases of bird flu in Karo as though answered-answered, had not abated. Post Simbelang, in several other regions in Karo several poultries were found died. Moreover widened to several neighbouring regencies like Deli Serdang, Dairi and Simalungun. Was different from Simbelang, this time results of the research showed several positive poultries bird flu. The extermination of the poultry was carried out in various places, including in Sumbul, Desa Sumber Mufakat, Kabanjahe, be stuck to around 20 kilometre from Simbelang. Several residents Sumbul could be reconciled to RSUP Adam Malik because suspect bird flu, before finally was stated by the negative.

The extermination personally did not go was easy. The community that felt kept him was not affected by the illness, originally denied his poultry was destroyed, although receiving Rp compensation 12.500 per the tail. They finally prepared because worried with Nomor UU 4 in 1984 about the Plague of infectious diseases to deal with this pandemic. The UU appointed who that obstructed government efforts to handle the plague, it was threatened criminal the prison was longest one year and/or the fine was highest Rp 1 million. Never the improvement of the condition in Karo, made Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Aburizal Bakri, Health Minister Siti Fadhilah Supari, and Agriculture Minister Anton Apriantono come to Karo and inspected the Sumber Mufakat Village. At that time the ministers and the party wore personal protective equipment, clothes pengaman that was acknowledged as the robot's clothes by the resident.

The resident who did not receive his village it was considered was infected and immediately showed the opposition. They asked the ministers to date all the protection implements if wanting to enter the village. The action could happen denied-refused with the party before finally the robot's clothes were taken off and discussions could be with the resident carried out in the village hall. After three Tahun Bird flu in fact not the new matter for North Sumatra. The first case emerged in May 2005 in the Subdistrict of Huta Padang, Kabupaten Simalungun was stated positive. The head of the Pelaporan Affair and Unit Pengendali Information of the Avian Influenza Illness, Departemen of Agriculture, of Tjahjani Widiastuti said, although not until the spread to humankind, happened but his spreading so fast.

“Hingga in December 2005, the virus infected 14 regencies and the city in Sumut,” Tjahjani words in Inception Workshop, Media Partnership Program: The Human Face of Avian Influenza, the Department's co-operation of Agriculture and Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Jakarta. However the first case appeared to not become experience provisions. When a following year bird flu emerged in Karo, the local government appeared to be not ready. According to Caranta, the weakness of the handling of bird flu in Simbelang was the slow response. Several days after first casualties died, there was no significant action, both that disinfektan against the livestock and the medical handling had a prevention nature to the resident. As a result casualties who died enough.

Like that the information overlap has happened. For example about the source of the spread, originally the Health Minister said originated in manure, then was annulled with the statement was not yet certain. The community also did not receive information that was enough about this illness. “Yang the government happened precisely more often spoke in the mass media. The community needed the big handling, not the large-scale publication that caused the bad perception. Simbelang was pointed at as the source of bird flu, in fact that had not been proven, until kini,” said Caranta. This was judged as the irony. His case was big, his casualties many, but the source of his illness was not known. The resident has been already done suffered when the government finally said did not have the poultry in Simbelang that was infected by bird flu.

Recover Because of being learned Tinggi

At least the resident's almost three months Simbelang terkucil. The situation seldom improved together with increasingly spread him the bird flu virus in North Sumatra. In the period 2006, attacked 26 villages to 17 subdistricts in 11 regencies and the city that caused was destroyed around 100 thousand tails of the poultry. For the resident, the spreading that spread that meaning that, justified the assumption that not Simbelang that became the source of the virus.

Jonnes Ginting recovery from bird flu also was big hope towards overcame keterkucilan that. He the only victim who was safe from the case cluster bird flu in Simbelang. Jonnes became proof, evidently bird flu always not have a point the death. It was unclear, what made this man could recover. All the relative Jonnes that could be treated in Adam Malik, in fact also got asupan tamiflu and antibiotik the high dose, but the uniqueness only Jonnes remained. “Kita now did not know why. In fact could be analysed medically to know his cause, but his cost was expensive and the big possibility of the test must be done outside negeri,” said Professor Luhur Soeroso, Chairman Tim of the Handling of Bird Flu of RSUP Adam Malik, the Jonnes place was treated around 2.5 months.

Jonnes also had the similar question. He still suspected-guessed, what made him could recover. “Saya did not know precisely what made me could recover. Could be the medicine that was given by the doctor, the ingredients from China that I drank, or could also because of drinking palm wine during in the house sakit,” said Jonnes early last December. Jonnes was treated in RSUP Adam Malik since May 8 2006. For the maintenance period of the doctor in the hospital, recuperation efforts in an alternative manner also were carried out by the family. Len Ginting, the uncle Jonnes said, several people clever at continuing to carry out medical treatment from the long distance. Results not exciting till finally only hoped in medical efforts.

According to Jonnes, masa–masa the recuperation was torturous enough. The taking of the sample of blood that continually and drank heterogenous the medicine kind. Two first days in the hospital, Jonnes could in fact escape. “A I went to the family's house in Street. The market Ii, Medan,” Jonnes words. Four days afterwards, Jonnes was taken by his family back to the hospital because the condition for his health was increasingly bad. To prevent him again escaped, police pacified the room of the Jonnes maintenance in A space of the Longing isolation.

In the tight supervision, Jonnes was forced to undergo the maintenance obediently. But he could not eliminate his addiction would palm wine, the traditional drink beraroma from the sugar palm tree. Secara secretly the family gave the drink when the doctor was not available. That could be done because the supervision in the room of the isolation was not so tight. The family could be lower-go home without must use the mask and the other protection implement. The exception only if having the senior official who came. The situation in current isolation space the standard as being written in the guidebook.

Medicine from Cina

While Jonnes was treated in the hospital, someone came to relatives's Jonnes house in Kabanjahe, to give two packages of medicine plastic herbal took the form of the dry grass.

“Laki-laki came from Hong Kong, China. He stated the name through the translator, but forgot who. He asked, ‘Apa true here the Jonnes family that was affected by bird flu as being reported by the mass media? ’ Setelah was answered correctly, immediately was given by him two plastic packages. He said, ‘Ini for bird flu medicine, and it was guaranteed must recover. ’ Lalu the medicine was handed over to me to diantarkan,” said Len Ginting. In fact the day of Len Ginting just came home from the hospital. He not strong kept sad because of being, sure Jonnes also will not remain like his relatives who have died. But heard had alternative medicine for Jonnes, the same Len day returned to Medan and brought two parcels.

“Sehabis diseduh with hot water, the grass produced coloured water inky black. Not long after diminumkan, Jonnes afterwards several times spewed out a kind cairan,” said Len Ginting. After one medicine package herbal that was finished, the Jonnes condition began to improve. The medicine was not drunk again, and the remnants that one package was kept. However Len might not, where the parcel was at this time. Jonnes really left the hospital on July 20 2008 [?] and at that time obligatory came to come to RSUP Adam Malik a week very much to carry out the checking. Now currently, precisely the team of the doctor who came every time six months to the Jonnes house in Street. The veteran, the Sempakata Alley, Kabanjahe.

“Sifat him only mengecekan the routine. Jonnes no longer received the maintenance, did not take medicine anything. He has recovered the total, but possibly forever will be monitored kesehatannya,” Noble Soeroso words. Connected with Hitam Knowledge For Jonnes, the bird flu virus changed many matters in himself. During in the hospital, only prayers and the spirit that he had. “Kalau was affected by bird flu, yes only the spirit that we had. Anything was difficult to be done. But was proven could recover,” said Jonnes. Since recovering, Jonnes no longer progresses in the Kabanjahe terminal, in the Kabanjahe Subdistrict, the capital of the Karo Regency, North Sumatra. Currently with his wife, Amesti Br Tarigan (25) he was busy arranging several pieces of his citrus fruit garden in Simbelang sembari took care of his two children, Raymond Ginting (7) and Veldy Ginting (3).

“Sekarang this, yes to the field. For the family's efforts kita,” Jonnes words. Agriculture was the choice for Jonnes after feeling himself has been healthy true. For the maintenance period in the hospital, many matters wanted the changing, including leaving the world of the terminal. In the circle of the terminal thug in Kabanjahe, the Jonnes Ginting name was enough to be respected. Jonnes indeed was born from the family that also progressed in the market. His late father of the Ginting Fountain, was enough to be respected in Karo. The Ginting family was known had kanuragan high, and same was believed in descended to Jonnes. It was proven that he could be safe from the black magic attack that in the language in the mass media was acknowledged as bird flu.

When bird flu spread in Simbelang, some residents did not trust that as the illness, because that was affected by only one family. They more were convinced that was black magic or is normally mentioned teluh. For the resident Simbelang, bird flu was the new vocabulary, and tended strange for the name of an illness. “Waktu that the community did not dare to leave the house not because of bird flu, but frightened of being affected teluh also. If the illness, definitely one village was hit by all. Moreover the poultry farm in the Kacinambun Village that close to Simbelang, precisely it's alright. Not there is that bird flu, his name, bird flu, that rumours, could not dipercaya,” Karsima Sembiring words (20) one of the residents.

About the community's belief that this bird flu was black magic, it was admitted Section Head Kesehatan Karo, Diana E Sembiring. Some communities did still not accept his village it was said was affected by bird flu. “Butuh time to change that, but the explanation continued to be given by us. Some residents have changed opinion,” said Diana. Aside from the understanding that not yet the uniform, said Diana, the invitation continued to be sent to the community to behave lived clean and healthy. The community it was suggested kept away the minimal pen five metre from the residence. If finding the sign of the illness deviation, like the high fever, crowded, flu, the cough and hurt immediately memeriksakan himself to the closest Community Health Centre.

To anticipate the possibility of the case emergence of bird flu, in each Community Health Centre in Karo was provided 200 Tamiflu items. Now in RSUD Kabanjahe, apart from the medicine also was available one room of the isolation along with equipment for the bird flu patient who he thought reached Rp 1 billion. In this way, if the case emerged, the patient must not be reconciled to RSUP Adam Malik, was enough to be handled in Karo then. The room was for the bird flu patient owned by RSUD Kabanjahe because of his status as the hospital of bird flu of control reconciliation. In North Sumatra, there were four more the similar hospital, namely RSUD Pematang Siantar, RSUD Tarutung, RSUD Padang Sidempuan, and RSU Saint Elisabeth in Medan.

Although anticipation has it was thought been good enough, according to the member People's Representative Council RI from North Sumatran Nasril Bahar, bird flu was still becoming the serious threat. It was proven that North Sumatra till at this time still was stated as the area of bird flu of the danger, still could not be free as in the case of the Moluccas and Gorontalo. “Kasus-case of the banishment like that was experienced by the resident of the Simbelang Fortification, preferably to the valuable lesson for the government. Must have the good handling module. The banishment happened because of the community's minimal knowledge, therefore the socialisation must be carried out in a manner continue to-menerus,” said Nasril.

Of course, Nasril words, that most important was to prevent the occurrence of fatalities. “Cukup eight people casualties who died in North Sumatra because of bird flu ini,” he said. Last casualties who died as a result of bird flu was Nerpi Sitinjak (26), the inhabitants Percut Sei Mr, Kabupaten Deli Serdang. He died on May 12 2007, after three days were treated in RSUP Adam Malik. (khairul the brother d)

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