Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The death of 20 birds in the darkness of immigrants and veterinary exclude «flu»

[A continuation of this story]

The number of deaths of birds and poultry injustice North

18 Rabi II 1430 is identical April 13, 2009
Eid Al-Otaibi - injustice

A source in the branch of agriculture the status of the injustice he received a communication by a group of citizens to serve the relevant points of the number of deaths of migratory birds and poultry in a northern abandonment injustice, which casts doubt on bird flu virus after it emerged that some strange symptoms and subsequently confirmed by the source of the communication has been received Citizens Task Force has been sent by the branch of agriculture as the injustices of samples taken from dead birds were sent to a branch of agriculture in the province of Taif after transfer to the laboratories in Jeddah and to ascertain the cause of death and awaiting the final results to the Ministry of Agriculture to provide a mobile veterinary clinic, supported by veterinary Btbibin driver with all test equipment and veterinary medicines, and to inspect the conditions of livestock Ahilan village - north of injustice in order to diagnose diseases of livestock and the disclosure and exchange of needed medications.

April 14, 2009
Mohammed bin Hras injustice:
استبعدت الوحدة البيطرية بظلم أن تكون هناك حالات لمرض أنفلونزا الطيور بعدما وردهم بلاغ يفيد بنفوق 20 طيرا مهاجرا شمال ظلم وتحديدا في مركز الرفائع وقد جرى تشكيل لجنة بإشراف الدكتور حشر البقمي وبمتابعة مدير الوحدة البيطرية بظلم الاستاذ عبدالله راشد الشهراني وقد اتضح من المعاينة الأولية وجود كسور في أجنحة تلك الطيور وآثار دم ومن الأرجح انها تعرضت لمطاردة من هواة الصيد خصوصا انها تهاجر هذه الايام بحثا عن الأجواء الباردة. Veterinary Unit unjustly excluded that there will be cases of bird flu after the death of beneficial response communication 20 birds immigrants north, specifically in the injustice of the status of Alrvaia has been to set up a committee under the supervision of Dr. Hasher Baqmi and follow-up to the injustices of the unit director of veterinary professor Abdullah Al-Shahrani was clear from the initial inspection and a broken wings of birds and that the effects of the blood is more likely she was to chase the fishing enthusiasts, especially these days, they migrate in search of a cold climate. كما جرى أخذ عينة من تلك الطيور لارسالها للمختبر ومعرفة النتائج النهائية وأكد الدكتور البقمي أنه سبق وأن حدثت حالة مماثلة في العام الماضي واتضح بعد التحليل أنها مصابة بمرض (النيوكاسل). It was also taking a sample of those birds to be sent to a lab and see the final results, Dr. Baqmi that had occurred in a similar situation last year, after analysis found infected with the (Newcastle). وأكد أنه جرى توفير عيادة بيطرية متنقلة مدعومة بطبيبين بيطريين وسائق ومزودة بجميع أجهزة الفحص والأدوية البيطرية اللازمة. He emphasized that the provision was supported by a mobile veterinary clinic, veterinary Btbibin driver with all the organs of examination and the necessary veterinary medicine.

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