Friday, April 17, 2009

The execution of dozens of birds in the mold Cbrament

Khalid Idris wrote ‮: ‬ bodies uncovered Giza security services in cooperation with the center of the avian influenza Faisal, ‮ ‬ were executed a large number of birds, ‮ ‬ receive Major General Mohsen Hfezi first assistant minister to the security of Giza, ‮ ‬ ‮ ‬ report of veterinary medicine the discovery of a sample positive for bird flu patients in the home of the division of the Oboualemaati Kaabic Faisal ‮. ‬فأمر مدير الأمن بازالة البؤرة والتحفظ علي سكان المنزل للكشف عليهم حرصاً‮ ‬علي سلامتهم،‮ ‬وأعد اللواء علي السبكي مدير الإدارة العامة لمباحث الجيزة‮ ‬حملة ضمت الطب البيطري والزراعة وشرطة المسطحات المائية وقوات من قسم الهرم وتم مسح المنطقة جيداً‮ ‬وجمع الطيور الحية الموجودة بها وهدم العشش الواقعة فوق أسطح العمارات،‮ ‬جمع رجال الحملة‮ »‬100‮« ‬دجاجة و‮»‬50‮« ‬بطة بلدي وتم اعدامها في مقلب شبرامنت الصحي‮.‬ ‬ ordered to remove the director of security and focus on the population of the reservation of the house in order to detect safety ‮ ‬, ‮ ‬ prepared and Major-General Ali السبكي Director General of Investigation, Giza ‮ ‬ campaign included veterinary medicine, agriculture, water bodies and police forces from the pyramid was a good survey of the region and the collection ‮ ‬ birds living in them and the destruction of the nests located on the roofs of buildings, ‮ ‬ men collection campaign ‮ »‬ 100 ‮« ‬ chicken and ‮ »‬ 50 ‮« ‬ my ducks were culled in the mold Cbrament health ‮. ‬

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