Monday, May 18, 2009

"Health," declares the death of the 27 avian influenza

Monday, May 18, 2009 - 16:01
Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health on Monday, the death of the girl, Nada Ahmed Reda Younis (4 years) Ghamr Dakahlia province after being infected with bird flu.

وقال شاهين، إن الطفلة المتوفاة قد ظهرت عليها الأعراض يوم 9 من الشهر الجارى، دخلت على إثرها أمس الأحد مستشفى صدر المنصورة وهى تعانى من التهاب رئوى، وقد تأكدت إصابتها اليوم الاثنين، وبذلك يرتفع عدد المصابين بالمرض إلى 72 وحالات الوفاة إلى 27 بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور منذ ظهوره فى مصر فى فبراير 2006.

Sahin said that the deceased child had developed symptoms on 9 of this month, entered the hospital on Sunday following which Egypt was suffering from a pneumonia, was diagnosed on Monday, bringing the number of people infected with the disease and to 72 to 27 deaths from bird flu Since his appearance in Egypt in February 2006.

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