Friday, January 21, 2011

Convoys from Alexandria University for the development of two villages in the governorate

Friday, January 21, 2011 - 07:37

The University of Alexandria, to send a convoy of comprehensive development conducted by the Committee on cooperation between the University and the National Council for Women, to the village shelter fishermen in Alexandria, with the College of Nursing and the High Institute of Public Health and the College of Pharmacy included the detection of 300 cases satisfactory, and dispensing them, and converting 5 cases to the University Hospitals for operations.

كما قامت قافلة الجامعة بإهداء ما تبقى من المستحضرات الصيدلية إلى طبيب الوحدة الصحية بالقرية لصرفها على الحالات المرضية هناك، وتم الإعلان عن فتح فصل لمحو الأمية فى القرية وقامت كلية الطب البيطرى بتوقيع الكشف الإكلينيكى وعلاج 351 حالة من الأبقار والأغنام والماعز والدواب والدواجن من أمراض باطنة ومعدية وجراحة، بالإضافة إلى علاج وتطعيم 250 حالة من الطيور والأرانب ضد العديد من أمراض الدواجن كما تم تدريب 19 طالبا وطالبة خلال القافلة العلاجية بالقرية على طرق التشخيص والعلاج بما يؤهلهم عملياً للمنافسة فى سوق العمل.

As the convoy University donated the remainder of pharmaceutical products to physician health unit in the village to be paid on the conditions there, was announced the opening chapter of literacy in the village and the College of Veterinary Medicine signing detect clinical and treatment of 351 cases of cattle, sheep, goats and livestock and poultry diseases of Internal Medicine and Infectious and surgery, as well as treatment and vaccination of 250 cases of birds and rabbits against many diseases of poultry have also been training 19 students and a student during the convoy in the village on the therapeutic methods of diagnosis and treatment, including practically qualifies them to compete in the labor market.

وأيضا، قامت بإرسال قافلة التنمية الشاملة بقرية الشمعدان بالدخيلة التى نظمتها كلية الصيدلة شارك فيها 22 طالباً من الجوالة بالإضافة إلى 6 أطباء من المعهد العالى للصحة العامة فى تخصصات الأطفال والباطنة والصحة النفسية ، وشاركت فيها بعض الشركات ببعض الأدوية.

Also, by sending a convoy of comprehensive development in the village candlestick with the company organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy, attended by 22 students from the phones in addition to 6 doctors from the High Institute of Public Health in the specialties of Internal Medicine, Children and Mental Health, and participated in some of the companies with some medicines.

وتناولت أنشطة القافلة المجال الصحى وتوعية الأطفال فى محاولة لإقناعهم ببعض العادات الصحية الضرورية وكذا توعية السيدات بالتغذية السليمة ومخاطر زواج الأقارب ونظافة المنزل والأطفال والطعام وقامت القافلة بعدد من الخدمات الاجتماعية مثل توزيع الملابس ومبالغ مالية على المحتاجين وسداد بعض الديون والتكفل ببعض العمليات لبعض المحتاجين بالقرية.
And dealt with the activities of the convoy, the area of health and education of children in a bid to persuade them to some of the habits necessary health, as well as educate women to good nutrition and the dangers of inbreeding and the cleanliness of the house and children, food, and the convoy with a number of social services such as distribution of clothes and money to the needy and the payment of some debt and provide for certain operations to some of the needy in the village.

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