Wednesday, January 19, 2011

South Korea confirms additional cases of foot and mouth disease and bird flu


Seoul, January 19 (Yonhap) - South Korea confirmed additional cases of foot and mouth disease and avian influenza on Wednesday, the country's attempts to quarantine such as vaccination and executions intensive livestock.

وقالت وزارة الزراعة إن حالتين من مرض الحمى القلاعية تم اكتشافهما في مزارع الأبقار في اقليم كانغ وون في اقليم شمال شرق البلاد، بينما تم اكتشاف حالة من الإصابة بأنفلونزا الطيور في مزرعة للبط في انسيونغ التي تبعد 70 كيلومتراً عن جنوب سيئول.

The Agriculture Ministry said that two cases of foot and mouth disease was discovered in cattle farms in the province of Kang Won province in the northeast, while the discovery of a case of bird flu in a duck farm in Anciong, 70 km south of Seoul.

وتم توجيه الأمر بإعدام 435 بقرة من الماشية التي تكون في مدى دائرة نصف قطرها 500 متر من المزارع كإجراء وقائي. It was directed execution of a herd of 435 cattle that are in the circle with a radius of 500 meters from the farm as a precautionary measure. كما تم إعدام 20,000 بطة ودفنها. As 20 000 were executed and buried duck.

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