Saturday, January 22, 2011 - 19:33
Cause the transfer of patients with avian and swine influenza of hospital diets Biitay gunpowder to the General Hospital, in the fears of the spread of disease among its patients where there are no isolation rooms within the public hospital, as well as the status section next to the bone, women and childbirth.
يذكر أن مستشفى الحميات يوجد بها غرفتان عزل مجهزين لاستقبال حالات أنفلونزا الخنازير والطيور ولكنها تحولت الآن إلى مكان غير صحى وغير آدمى بسبب طفح مياه الصرف الصحى وعدم وجود مياه شرب ولا حتى إضاءة داخل دورات المياه. The Fever Hospital having isolation rooms equipped to receive cases of avian and swine influenza, but has now turned into a place is healthy and is a human being because of the rash of sewage and the lack of drinking water, not even lighting in the toilets.
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