Saturday, September 4, 2010
New flu virus in India likely from Australia
MUMBAI: A virus that is new to the Indian shores could just be contributing to the current flu epidemic sweeping across the state, especially Pune, say doctors.
While the swine flu-causing H1N1 virus is also an import from Mexico, the new virus that has got National Institute of Virology doctors scrambling for data, is considered to be Australian in origin.
Called the Australian Ross River virus, it is similar to the dengue and chikungunya-causing viruses. Like chikungunya (CHIK-V), it, too, causes arthritis-like pain in the joints.
However, the talk of the Australian virus has incensed state health officials, some of whom feel it could be a covert operation to sell expensive diagnostic kits. "This year, we are seeing a lot of variation in viruses and their manifestations, be it dengue or chikunguya. What is being touted as the Ross River virus could just be a new variant of CHIK-V," said a senior doctor from the health department.
On Saturday, health minister Suresh Shetty told TOI that four samples from patients admitted to Sassoon Hospital in Pune had been sent to NIV to test for the Ross River virus.
"We have got one sample's result as CHIK-V, and are awaiting results for the other samples," he said, adding that NIV director Dr A C Misra was confident that the other samples too would be negative for the Australian virus.
However, a senior health officer who wanted to be anonymous said that NIV had isolated the virus in eight samples.
Taiwan: CDC begins national bird flu vaccination program
Taipei, Sept. 1 (CNA) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) began a nationwide program to provide free vaccinations against influenza A virus subtype H5N1, also known as bird flu, that is scheduled to last until Sept. 30, the centers said Wednesday.
"With new infections in poultry being reported in several countries including China, Vietnam and Indonesia, risks still exist for the disease to spread in the country, " CDC Deputy Director-General Chou Jih-haw said.
The centers urged medical personnel in charge of disease control and prevention, animal quarantine officers, security check officers at airports and ports, coast guard officers, and people who frequently visit bird-flu affected countries to participate, Chou said.
Chou said a total of 190,000 doses of the vaccine that will expire at the end of November are available to the public during the one-month inoculation program.
Although the bird flu vaccination will be free of charge, citizens still need to pay registration fees and medical examination fees to receive the inoculation at designated hospitals, clinics or public health centers, he added.
Meanwhile, Chou also announced that seasonal flu vaccinations will kick off Oct. 1, with 2.98 million doses of government-funded vaccine available for high-risk groups.
hat-tip monotreme (
Egypt: Diversify sources of imported meat .. and an international tender for the production of bird flu vaccine locally
Books Yasser Schori : agreed Amin Abaza, Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation to plan the development of livestock and poultry in Egypt, prepared by the General Authority for Veterinary Services, the Plan consists of three phases, initial short-term work to increase and diversify sources of meat imports from abroad, and the second medium-term by encouraging educators to implement projects through soft loans, veal, while the third stage involves raising the efficiency of productivity and improved breeds of foreign strains during mixing high production of meat and dairy .
Dr. Mustafa Garhi Chairman, General Authority for Veterinary Services that the Commission has developed several programs and mechanisms for implementing this plan through the pack controls for import operations targeting access to energy import maximum to meet market needs urgent, along with mechanisms to establish a number of investment projects in the area of livestock and poultry in the capital next to the mechanisms for setting up a number of consulting projects in the area of livestock and poultry in the capital to face the crisis of the big meat .
He pointed out the preparations to face the waves of higher prices for meat and poultry in the last period in cooperation with the competent ministries and authorities .
He added that the companies imported meat and poultry have a body includes 45 companies, including 20 company of red meat and 10 companies for poultry and 10 companies for the import of meat .
He explained that the plan included in the production of poultry in Egypt set up a factory for the production of vaccines and vaccine resistance to bird flu locally and be completed by the plant during a year and a half and funded by the Islamic bank next to several other donor countries .
It also approved the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation to launch an international tender to produce bird flu vaccine locally and the Ministry of Finance has allocated 40 million pounds for this purpose .
Intranasal Delivery of an IgA Monoclonal Antibody Effective against Sublethal H5N1 Influenza Virus Infection in Mice
1071-412X/10/$12.00+0 doi:10.1128/CVI.00002-10
Copyright © 2010, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
[Click on title for article]
Environmental Persistence of a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) Virus
Human cases of disease caused by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses of the H5N1 subtype are rare, yet characterized with a mortality rate of approximately 60%.
Tests were conducted to determine the environmental persistence of an HPAI (H5N1) virus on four materials (glass, wood, galvanized metal, and topsoil) that could act as fomites or harbor the virus.
Test coupons were inoculated with the virus and exposed to one of five environmental conditions that included changes in temperature, relative humidity, and simulated sunlight.
At time periods up to 13 days, the virus was extracted from each coupon, and quantified via cytopathic effects on Madin−Darby canine kidney cells.
The virus was most persistent under the low temperature condition, with less than 1 log reduction on glass and steel after 13 days at low relative humidity.
Thus, at these conditions, the virus would be expected to persist appreciably beyond 13 days.
WHO H5N1 avian influenza: Timeline of major events
WHO Updated Timeline - 1996 - Present (August 31, 2010)
Mutated Avian Flu Can Infect Humans
[Out of Japan]
A strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) that mutated in pigs in Indonesia has acquired the ability to infect humans, researchers have found.
The discovery was made by a team led by virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Tokyo's Institute of Medical Science.
"There are concerns that a highly pathogenic flu virus which can easily be transmitted to humans could spread without being noticed," Kawaoka said. "Pigs must be tested for viruses even if they don't show symptoms."
Kawaoka and other Japanese researchers, in cooperation with Indonesia's Airlangga University, examined nasal, fecal and serum samples from 702 randomly chosen pigs in 14 provinces from 2005 to 2009.
Of pigs examined from 2005 to 2007, 7.4 percent yielded avian flu strains, which further studies showed were from an outbreak among poultry in the neighborhood.
Among 39 virus samples analyzed, one was found to have the ability to attach itself to human nasal or throat cells.
In the 2008-2009 survey, pigs showed traces of past infections, but no viruses were isolated.
Avian influenza usually does not infect humans. But because pigs are susceptible to both avian and human flu, the flu strain in question is believed to have mutated in an infected pig.
"Our data suggests that pigs are at risk of infection during outbreaks of influenza virus A (H5N1) and can serve as intermediate hosts in which this avian virus can adapt to mammals," the team said in a report published in the online edition of the journal "Emerging Infectious Diseases" of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Avian flu still likely to strike in humans, says Welsh expert
Aug 31 2010 by David Williamson, Western Mail
THE threat of bird flu crossing over to humans and igniting a pandemic remains real, one of Wales’ leading experts on health and disaster management has claimed.
Alan Hawley, who until recently was the UK’s Director General of Army Medical Services, said climate change and international food scarcity has the potential to spread social and economic chaos across the globe.
His comments follow the decision of the Assembly Government to reduce the surveillance of live wild birds for avian influenza. Instead, attention will be focused on dead birds.
However, Prof Hawley said bird flu is not the greatest threat to Wales and the world.
The former major general, who is now the University of Glamorgan’s professor of disaster studies, described the Assembly Government’s decision to narrow the field of monitoring as “quite sensible”.
He said: “I think, scientifically, you have to constantly re-prioritise what you are doing. We have got a resource issue and hard decisions have to be made; I’m really glad I’m not a politician.”
But he said the threat of avian flu mutating into a form which could be passed between people “absolutely” remained on the radar.
He said: “The one we worry about is the avian epidemic where it moves from birds to the human species. I think that’s likely to happen, just being dispassionate about it.
“It will be bad enough to give us a jolt, but the technology and the modern public health techniques will allow us to cope with it.”
Describing his greatest fears, he said: “What really worries me is the climate change issue and the associated population-food mismatch. If you put these together I just don’t see a future of increasing political instability.
“That’s not good for any of us.”
Prof Hawley said it is a mistake to expect a future flu pandemic to claim 50 million lives, as took place with the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak.
He said: “If you think about it, it’s a different world. It was the pre-antibiotic era, pre-mass medication. The peoples that were affected had just gone through a major war and all that meant for infrastructure and nutrition.”
Confident that today’s health system could respond to the challenge, the professor – who served in Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan and Iraq – said: “You don’t want to be the one of the first victims of a pandemic but if you get over the first six months, normally we have a coping method.”
Explaining the rationale for changing the way birds are monitored, an Assembly Government spokesman said: “Surveillance for avian influenza in wild birds has not stopped.
“The decision was taken in line with expert opinion across Europe that the continued testing of live wild birds is of limited value in detecting the H5N1 subtype of avian influenza.
“The changes made in respect of wild birds for avian influenza will give the taxpayer the best value for money whilst we continue to monitor the disease.”
He added: “It is important to make the distinction between avian influenza in birds, and pandemic flu in humans. Avian influenza is a disease of birds not humans.
“It is possible for people to become infected but they rarely are. There are many strains of avian influenza, which vary in their ability to cause disease in humans and there is no evidence that H5N1 has acquired the ability to pass easily from person to person.”
In November 2008, the UK became officially free from avian influenza according to the World Health Organisation.
The spokesman added: “With regards to outbreaks of avian influenza in birds in other countries, infections among domestic poultry have become endemic in certain areas in the world and the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs monitors the international disease situation closely.”
Describing the measures in place to protect people from future flu outbreaks, he said: “With regards to pandemic flu in humans, the WHO continually assesses the public health threat and remains in contact with the Assembly Government, the Department of Health and the other devolved administrations.”
Southeast Asian health ministers’ meet in Thailand
New Delhi, Aug 30 (IANS) Health ministers from 11 Southeast Asian countries and World Health Organization (WHO) experts will meet in Thailand Sep 7-10 to discuss key health issues in the region, an official statement said Monday.
The annual meeting of the health ministers is a forum to exchange national experiences on the social, political, and economic dimensions of health.
The health ministers’ meeting are expected to discuss the prevention and containment of antimicrobial resistance, injury prevention and safety promotion, acute diarrhoea and respiratory infections’, healthy ageing, addressing inequality in maternal and neonatal health, universal health coverage and world health.
This year’s meeting will take place in the wake of newer, fatal attacks in the form of Superbug and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Influenza (H1N1 and H5N1) viruses and an increasing number of deaths due to respiratory infections.
Sixty-one cluster outbreaks of influenza reported since July: CDC
2010/09/04 21:31:44 | ||
CDC Deputy Director General Chou Jih-haw said the AH3 type was followed by eight clusters of AH1 type, four clusters of B type, four clusters of the combination of two types, and one cluster whose virus type is yet to be identified. "The clusters of influenza AH3 virus have increased since August," Chou also said. The clusters of outbreaks mainly took place in nursing homes for the elderly, prisons and hospitals. Meanwhile, Taipei City's Department of Health confirmed Saturday a cluster outbreak of influenza A in a temple in suburban Taipei. Health officials said that several monks began to show symptoms of influenza on Sept. 2, and the patients in three cases suffered more serious conditions and were sent to the hospital. The CDC also said that although the outbreak of H1N1 is not as serious as last year, it still can threaten young people. The CDC urged the public to get inoculated as vaccination is still the safest and most effective way to avoid being infected and developing serious illness. People can check on the website or call 2375-3782 for information about 29 medical institutions in Taipei that offer free H1N1 vaccinations, the CDC said. |
TT-HUE: Getting a swine streptococcus, one patient died
TP - AM 31-8, in the Emergency Resuscitation Hue Central Hospital, N.D.D patients (60 years old, resident of Thuan An, Phu Vang district, TT-Hue province) died after 3 days of hospitalization treatment by infected swine streptococcus.
On 27-8, after eating pork in the relatives of the anniversary, Mr. E.. symptoms of high fever, severe abdominal pain. On 27-8, Mr. E.. the Central Emergency Hospital in Hue. E mistook his family. getting dengue fever.
Through testing, he E. is positive for streptococcus swine. According to preliminary statistics in the Department of Emergency Medicine Islamic Hue Central Hospital, from September 4-2010 far, this department received 55 patients treated swine streptococcus at the central region (particularly TT-Hue 32 ca), including 7 deaths.
A recent survey of the Preventive Medicine Center of Quang Ngai province showed that 100% more soup samples, 86% of bread samples in this province are E. coli infections.
Blue ear epidemic spread to 30 provinces
* 30 provinces have blue ear epidemic is not over 21 days
Department of Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has said: Currently, some provinces in the region still translate the situation that drive the new row generated. Days 2-9, in Binh Phuoc incurred additional services in nine households raising pigs in the district Hon Administration, Bu Dang Thi Binh Long and 141 pigs in the herd infected 250 children, 72 children destroyed.
In An Giang Province, on 2-9, 2003 outbreak in pig farmers of the districts of Phu An, Cho Moi and Tan Chau town 32 infected pigs in the herd 82. Also on 2-9, the new outbreak also arise in Ca Mau and Tra Vinh provinces.
Previously, on 1-9, the new outbreak also arise in Ba Ria-Vung Tau in 73 pig farmers in four districts (Chau Duc, Long Dien, Tan Thanh district and the town of Ba Ria-Vung Tau) as 406 pigs infected in 2733 the herd, the destruction of 922 children including those previously infected pigs. Other provinces such as Tien Giang, Dong Nai, Tay Ninh, Binh Thuan situation arises also drive the new.
* Now there are 30 provinces of Nghe An, Cao Bang and Soc Trang, Tien Giang, Long An, Binh Duong, Bac Lieu, Quang Nam, Dong Nai, Binh Phuoc, Da Nang, Vinh Long, Khanh Hoa, Dak Lak, Hau Giang, Lam Dong, Tay Ninh, Ba Ria Vung Tau, An Giang, Dong Thap, Can Tho, Ben Tre, Kien Giang, Ca Mau, Kon Tum, Dac Nong, Gia Lai and Tra Vinh, Binh Thuan and Quang Ninh PRRS is not over 21 days.
To prevent an epidemic provinces continue to ignore the wide spread, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has issued power of 18/CD-BNN-TY Committee on 01-9-2010 to send people provinces and cities areas of Southern, Central Coast and Highland on the implementation of urgent measures to prevent blue ear disease.
Thailand: Warning Do not touch dogs - cats are cold
The research found that Influenza epidemic, not only from poultry to poultry only But it is pandemic to the dogs and cats. But dogs and cats are infected and do not die in the future to 10 percent of people can be aware of transmission from dogs and cats with Avoid contact with secretions or substances from animal excreta.
The bird flu that cause severe diseases including H5N1 infection, which makes animals sick with high mortality rate of 60-70 percent while Thailand is no dead birds infected with H5N1 since 2551.
Ms. pretty Federation Wednesday Imaging Project research on bird flu transmission between animals and from animals to humans also said that Although no outbreaks of avian influenza. But the surveillance must continue. Especially migrant birds, including ducks, such as seagull chase field In November to April. Need special surveillance. Because the bird migration season.
Satellite Data Reveals Why Migrating Birds Have a Small Window to Spread Bird Flu
Dr Gaidet's team analysed 228 birds from 19 species using satellite telemetry from 2006 to 2009 over the bird flu affected areas of Asia, Europe and Africa. The results indicated that migrating wildfowl do have the potential to disperse H5N1 over extensive distances as mass migration can result in infected birds covering as much as 2900km before symptoms become apparent.
However, while this is theoretically possible the team found that direct virus dispersal by migrating birds would require asymptomatic infection to coincide precisely with the migration season. The results revealed a very small 'window' of between 5 to 15 days when dispersal of the virus over 500 km could occur.
It is crucial to the spread of disease over such a distance that an infected bird must not be showing the symptoms of infection. If the symptoms are evident then it is highly likely that the individual may not migrate, or at least they will be unable to cover the distance as well as a healthy bird.
The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Wiley - Blackwell, via AlphaGalileo.
Thailand: Experts warn deadly bird flu could return
Bird flu experts are warning the deadly H5N1 bird flu strain could re-emerge in Thailand even though there has been little sign of it for years.
Migratory birds and pet dogs and cats could possibly transmit avian influenza from animal to human without stringent disease surveillance, Pilaipan Puthavathana, a virologist at Siriraj Hospital's department of microbiology, said yesterday.
"Nobody dares to say the virus has been wiped out here as long as our neighbouring countries continue to report bird flu cases," she said in a summary of a three-year follow up on avian flu surveillance from animals to humans in Thailand.
Studies had found H5N1 antigens in cats and dogs. These animals could survive bird flu but transmit the virus to their owners.
Friday, September 3, 2010
The risk of H5N1 virus outbreaks re-appear
Saturday, 04/09/2010, 03:25 (GMT 7)
Experts in Thailand has given warning of H5N1 avian influenza virus may re-appear and the outbreak in that country. Experts said that with the appearance again, this strain can be more powerful, can be transmitted from dogs and cats, birds to humans.
Bangkok Post newspaper said that from September 7-2006 far, it does not have any cases of H5N1 in humans in some countries while still neighbors. This suggests that Thailand still can recur H5N1, especially gulls often migrate from Qinghai and Xinjiang (China) to Thailand. Local authorities in China are still cases of influenza A/H5N1.
In Japan, scientists have discovered a type of H5N1 bird flu virus has changed in pigs in Indonesia and have the ability to spread from pigs to humans easily. The research team at the Institute of Medicine of the University of Tokyo fears the virus can spread from pigs to humans can be infected on a large scale without being detected.
According to scientists, avian influenza does not normally infect people. However, because pigs susceptible to both avian and human flu so it is believed that this newly discovered virus was altered in an infected pig.
29 provinces and city not under control blue ear pig
Study blames gulls, not storks, for bringing in bird flu
The Nation
Published on September 3, 2010

A study has found that the bird that carried the influenza virus H5N1 into Thailand was a gull, not the openbill stork."We have scientific evidence that a seagull was the carrier of the birdflu virus, not the openbill stork," said Professor Pilaipan Puthavathana of Mahidol University's Department of Microbiology.
Pilaipan led a team of researchers who conducted a study to track migratory routes in Asian countries by using satellite telemetry. The Thai research on humananimal interface of avian influenza was supported by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. It followed the migratory route of birds suspected of spreading the H5N1 virus into Thailand since 2007.
Researchers tracked the migratory route of the brownheaded gull, one of the winter visitors seen along the muddy beach at Bang Pu, Samut Prakan, every year from November to March. They started tracking the first gulls in March 2008 and a second group of seven gulls during February and March 2009. Gulls migrated out of Thailand to China in April and May. In October and November, the gulls moved south to India, Burma, and then Thailand.
Birds may stay over the winter in Thailand but some may fly further to Cambodia. Their migration can be divided into two main phases. In Phase 1, they spent November to April along the coast of the inner Gulf of Thailand; during the second phase from May to October, they wander around their breeding grounds in Qinghai, Tibet and Xinjiang in China.
The team isolated the H5N1 virus in four of 153 birds of this flock in 2005 and 2008. The flock might have played a role in the spread of H5N1 virus along its route.
The study showed that the migratory route of brownheaded gulls covered several countries that had been affected by highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses. Therefore, gulls were at risk of getting infected and spreading the influenza virus along their migratory routes. Nevertheless, it was necessary to explore whether the infected gulls were capable of migrating over long distances.
"This is the first study using satellite telemetry techniques to reveal the complete migratory routes of the brownheaded gull," Pilaipan said.
Researchers also found that the openbill stork did not migrate outside Thailand.
Previously, scientists believed the openbill stork might have migrated from other countries and spread the H5N1 virus in Thailand last year, but the recent study showed that indigenous storks had never migrated outside the country.
Pilaipan said the study would be handed to the Disease Control Department and the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation so that they will collect random specimens of gulls, especially those that inhabit areas near tourist attractions, to monitor the spread of the H5N1 virus among birds and prevent its transmission to humans.
Fresh Outbreak of Newcastle Virus in Tuul Village
![]() | ![]() |
Written by P.Shinebayar | |
Friday, September 03, 2010. | |
![]() The outbreak occurred at a commercial chicken farm called “Neon Shell” in Tuul Village, Khan-Uul District, Ulaanbaatar City. Chicken death was reported at the farm 10 days ago and experts confirmed the outbreak, tentatively concluding the disease was transmitted from chicken feed. So far more than 50 chickens on the farm have died. A total of 1,600 eggs have been confiscated and destroyed, 4,847 chickens were culling. The farm itself and other areas and equipment, including storehouses, sales points and egg transporting vehicles all underwent complete disinfection, according to a decree of the State Emergency Commission. A team comprising of competent bodies including, emergency service, hospital, veterinary, professional inspection and police, are working in epicenter area. The team examined 53 residents living within epicenter area, disinfected 90 persons and 18 vehicles and provided related information to 261 people. Besides, it carried inspection and reconnaissance into 4,900 chickens and 8280 eggs owned by another poultry farm near Ulaanbaatar City and disinfected 10,000 square meter area of the farm. At the last regular meeting of the Cabinet, it has been issued a resolution to spend MNT125 million for the fight with the bird disease. The Cabinet has ordered the Ulaanbaatar City Mayor G.Munkhbayar to take prompt actions to ensure strict compliance of quarantine regulations imposed in epicenter immediate and carry out proper disinfection and prevention, with the purpose of stopping the spread of the disease. There are a total of about 270,000 chicken in chicken farms of the Ulaanbaatar City region. Currently, quarantine has been imposed in all chicken farms and mobile patrols have been set up around the area. |
Vietnam: blue ear pig appeared in 29 provinces
RFA 02.09.2010
According to the Department of Animal Health under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Vietnam, the blue ear pig is currently raging in 29 provinces in the country, after the two provinces of Gia Lai and Quang Ninh province has faced this disease.
Particularly in Gia Lai, the total number of pigs infected over 300 children, 55 of these children have died or been culled.
Meanwhile blue ear pig outbreak in the district of Quang Ninh, Hung Yen province which authorities for the entire herd destroyed nearly 70 children of a family in the district.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Indonesia: Bird Flu Confirmed in Sintang
The head of the field of P2KL Dinas Kesehatan of the Sintang Regency, Suharyono S KM MM, when it was confirmed the Stand in his office [Tribun di ruang (room) kerjanya], on Monday (23/8/10) said, the mouse became the animal of the bearer of the bird flu virus was best and menularka [transmit] him to humankind was fastest.
"In the flood season that happened as is now the case, the mouse often looked for the territory that was dry to bertenduh [shelter] and that in general had the house that did not remain." Therefore the family that his house in the condition remained obligatory was on the alert with the mouse that entered, he said.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Bird flu suspected of Pontianak Sintang
Sintang, Tribune - The discovery of bird flu cases at some point in Sintang and surrounding areas, allegedly originating from Pontianak city based on several studies conducted by the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Sintang District.
It is said veterinarian drh Sriwanto Sintang District when it was confirmed Tribune, Tuesday (31/8/10). Tentative conclusions, official says it obtained after a search conducted bird flu cases found in the City Sintang.
"In a strong suspect it is derived from Pontianak, stems from a resident in Jl Akcaya II Sintang carrying four fighting cocks from Pontianak to Sintang District. Four chickens were then bought by three men from different regions. Not long after the chickens were dead along with dozens of other chickens, "he said.
Chickens brought to the District Sintang from Pontianak, he said, occurred around July 2010 ago. Ditemukanya some cases coincided with the sudden death of chickens in Sintang.
Indonesia: Yogyakarta - Be On Guard For Bird Flu
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Yogyakarta -- Section Head Kesehatan of the DIY Province, Bondan Agus Suryanto, said, regarding Idul Fitri he made a plea to the returnees to not the snack at random during in the trip and selective in mengonsumsi food during in the trip.
Apart from guarding against food was unhealthy, Dinkes also still to be on guard the potential for the spread of the bird flu virus for the period went home this year. Everything of all the potential areas became the source of the spreading of bird flu and entered DIY while the period went home Lebaran. Now did not have the area that not have the potential bird flu. The Gunungkidul area the case of pig flu could happen, said Bondan. Now, said Bondan, bird flu still in the status was on the alert and was not yet being pulled out, was different from pig flu that the status was on the alert him has been pulled out. 'Pig' flu 'already did not become the threat again, but bird flu must be still being guarded against and we were still continuing to carry out the training' of the 'prevention and the handling' of 'bird flu', he stressed.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Vietnam: Hue Central Hosp. Swine Streptococcus Patients Increase
Monday, 30.08.2010 | 17:22 (GMT + 7)
(LDO) - Patients positive for streptococcus swine hospital treatment at Hue Central Hospital in August increased at an alarming rate with 12 cases in which the majority "would of" dying.
Patients "would of" is his latest twisted Le (45 years), residing in seven villages, Trieu Van, Trieu Phong, Quang Tri Province. Before that, he Xoan drinking with blood pudding and pig hearts in a Pubs in Trieu Van, about a high fever, neurological disorders, blood pressure dropped, is home to the emergency hospital in Quang Tri province , then transferred to Hue Central Hospital.
Here, based on epidemiological factors (patients eat pork and pig products), clinical symptoms and blood culture results, the doctors concluded he Xoan pigs infected with streptococcus.
One other patient preparation "ask for" Mr. Nguyen Dang Doan (60 years), rural residence Hai Thanh, Thuan An town, Phu Vang district, Thua Thien-Hue. On 27/09 [typo? 27/8?], his delegation to dinner hours, the stomach pain and high fever, the family suspected to have dengue fever and emergency resuscitation in the emergency department of Hue Central Hospital.
However, at the hospital, with multiple symptoms of the patient's organs, doctors conduct blood transplants, the results showed he was positive for streptococcus group pigs. He is currently in a state team cross the most students. The whole body, especially the face and other parts of the ear, nose ... skin turn green ... look no different ear diseases.
Doctor Duong Van Sinh, Head of the Emergency Resuscitation Hue Central Hospital, said: This year, patients in the treatment of swine streptococcus here a sudden increase.
If in 2009, average per month only a few cases this year alone has 12 cases in August and from April to now, has not fully recognized in the resuscitation department had 34 cases related to demand pigs, mainly from local authorities in the province of Thua Thien-Hue. The remainder came from the neighboring provinces of Quang Male , Quang Ngai, Quang Tri, Quang Binh ...
It is worth saying that in 34 cases of swine streptococcus is up to 32 people in Hue. However, Health Department of Thua Thien-Hue has come back a modest information is only ... 10 (!?) Yet, when asked, the provincial Veterinary Services confirmed that this ear loanh green at somewhere around less than to Thua Thien-Hue (!)
Dr. Duong Van Sinh, swine streptococcus is a highly dangerous disease by clinical manifestations of it early as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, fever ... very easy to make patients and family confused with gastrointestinal tract infections.
Disease risk in that, if no emergency, just after 2 hours time clock, patients will move through the period with symptoms of severe vascular Express, multi-organ failure (heart damage, lung, liver, blood infections. ..). And to enter to new members at this stage, most ... "Ask about" dying!
Indonesia: Madura, East Java - Poultry Die Off
Pamekasan - A total of 16 chickens in the village Pocok village, the village Laden, Sub City, District Pamekasan, Madura, sudden death due to bird flu (Avian Influenza virus) Monday (8/30/2010), at approximately 6:00 pm.
Misgan chicken owner, said his village was surprised to see the chickens die. According to him, last night when he fed poultry, fresh and healthy, no sign - a sign will die, especially due to bird flu.
"Yesterday, Sunday (8/29/2010), I just bought two chickens to Market Seventeen, yes maybe a new chicken I bought was the bearer catastrophe, until I die all the chickens," he said.
Then Misgan reported the incident to the local village. Selanjutnya, pihak Kelurahan melaporkan kejadian pada Dinas Peternakan setempat. Subsequently, the Village of reported incidents at the local Animal Husbandry Department.
Suyono, district livestock officer, said samples taken from the results, it is believed that the dead chicken bird flu positive. "Yes, in order not to attack other chickens, we have isolated the chicken coop, and spraying disinfectant," said Suyono.
In addition to spray disinfectant, officers also conduct an examination of farm owners in order to prevent the spread of chicken. (Nen / ISP)
Indonesia: Aceh - Poultry die off

MEULABOH - from results pemeriksaa was known, several tails of the chicken belonging to villagers Seuneubok, Kecamatan Johan Pahlawan, Acehinese Barat that died suddenly since the last two days, because suspec bird flu. Therefore, to the community that had the chicken, so that immediately reported if being met had the chicken that died suddenly. Hj Nur Ainun, villagers Seuneubok, Kecamatan Johan Pahlawan, of Meulaboh Aceh Barat to the Veranda, on Sunday (29/8) said, his property chicken died suddenly one by one since last Friday (27/8). He said, kematin the really chicken, made the resident restless. The Participation Desease Surveyland team and the response (PDSR) the Pertanian Service and Livestock Breeding (Distannak) Acehinese Barat, Drh Muktaruddin was accompanied by several of the team's other members who consisted of Drh Abdullah Taufik and Marwan SP that were questioned the Veranda, after carrying out the inspection of chickens that died that said, the cause of the death of the chicken belonging to the Seunebok Village community because suspec bird flu.
According to him, was based on the inspection that was carried out by the team that the poultry that died this was attacked by the virus H5N1 (bird flu) so as to have to be carried out by the handling immediately. Apart from destroying the poultry that died that by means of burnt and was buried, the other poultry that did not yet die that was met in one pen also must dimusanahkan. Not only that, to avoid the existence of the spreading of this illness, the team of PDSR Distannak Aceh Barat, also carried out spraying to the affected livestock pen this illness. So as to be hoped this deadly illness did not spread. Asked for melapor Separately, Head of Sector Kesehatan of the Animal of Distannak Aceh Barat, Amaryanti that was questioned the Veranda, on last Sunday stated, his side made a plea to all the community in the territory, to immediately report to his agency if the kept poultry the community died suddenly. So as the available team could straightaway descend to the location in order to carries out the prevention and penanganan. (Edi)
Indonesia: 40% Victims of BF are Children
40 Percent of Bird Flu Victim Kids, Kildare: National Committee for Avian Influenza Control and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (Komnas FBPI) noted that approximately 40 percent of the 160 victims of bird flu in Indonesia are children.
It was announced by Senior Advisor Communications Commission FBPI, Arie Rukmantara in Padang, West Sumatra, on Sunday (29 / 8), dissemination of information after the meeting of avian influenza in poultry and humans for the trustees and the village headman as West Sumatra, Padang Beach Prince Hotel.
"Data taken from 2006 cases to 2009, from 40 percent of those most cases there are in Jakarta, Banten, and Surabaya," he said. (Ant / Bey)