[This is a good thing - they may want to find out what's going on in Badi]
Posted Sat, 02/10/2010 - 17:08 by susan
Jakarta, Kompas - Nine provincial health status is still bad. The government will hold a meeting with all the provinces in order to strengthen the commitment of achieving the Millennium Development Goals as well as synergizing health policy and local government.
There are nine provinces to immediately improve the health condition of society, namely Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Maluku, Gorontalo, Papua, West Papua, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara.
"Recently the Ministry of Health held a meeting with regional leaders in West Nusa Tenggara and there will be meetings with the government in other areas," said Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih in meeting the media on Friday (1 / 10).
Health problems encountered include poor nutrition, malnutrition, maternal mortality, and infant and child mortality. The disease is still a problem is HIV / AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. These diseases are still found in the provinces that have been rarely found in other provinces include yaws and worms. Obstacles that there is a lack of access to health services and human resources.
Endang said that for those areas need to model different policies. He gave an example, the development of community health centers (Puskesmas). "In the Papuan population spread over a vast area and difficult geographical terrain. There will be pursued mobile health teams with equipment and manpower is more complete. Program in 2011 will be repaired and sharpened, "said Endang.
The Government will meet the availability of health personnel by providing scholarships to medical specialist with the bond department. Currently there are 45 doctors recipients.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Map of Badi
Indonesia: Badi Island 3 Died Fever; 200 Sick; No Healthcare Available
About 200 residents on the island of Badi, Mattirodeceng Village, District Liukang Tupabbiring, Pangkep, must bear the pain because there are no health workers who serve them.
Mattirodeceng mayor, Abdullah Asagaf, very mengkwatirkan fate of all citizens on the island of Badi, amounting to some 400 heads of families that every day someone is sick. Until now carrying about 200 people sick fever due to bad weather that hit the island.
"In fact there were three people there died of fever. Some call for bird flu, but residents and local governments can not justify or confirm allegations that because only the health personnel who can determine whether bird flu is," said Ahmad Effendi, the people of Makassar, who happened to be there a few days ago.
Mattirodeceng mayor, Abdullah Asagaf, very mengkwatirkan fate of all citizens on the island of Badi, amounting to some 400 heads of families that every day someone is sick. Until now carrying about 200 people sick fever due to bad weather that hit the island.
"In fact there were three people there died of fever. Some call for bird flu, but residents and local governments can not justify or confirm allegations that because only the health personnel who can determine whether bird flu is," said Ahmad Effendi, the people of Makassar, who happened to be there a few days ago.
Egypt: Migratory Birds Increase This Year
October 2, 2010
Khalid Allam, project leader for migratory birds, that the increased migration of birds of grassland this year, a rate of 3 to 1, the Protectorate Zaranik Lake Bardawil, which was considered by some researchers as the ratio of a very large rate of migration of those species of birds for each year, does not predict for any environmental risks , stressing that it can not be stressed until after the migration season to determine whether this phenomenon as a result of environmental factors or the behavior of birds.
كما أفاد علام فى تصريحاته لـ"اليوم السابع" أنه حتى يتم الجزم على أسباب أى ظاهرة لابد أن تخضع للملاحظة والدراسة لمدة 10 سنوات متواصلة للجزم بأنها ظاهرة مسببة، قائلا: "مش شرط أن تحمل ظاهرة زيادة معدلات الطيور المهاجرة هذا العام علامة استفهام".
As reported by Allam in his remarks for the "seventh day" that until an assertion on the causes of any phenomenon must be subject to observation and study for 10 consecutive years of boots as a phenomenon causing, saying: "I do not requirement to carry the phenomenon of increasing rates of migratory birds this year, a question mark."
Khalid Allam, project leader for migratory birds, that the increased migration of birds of grassland this year, a rate of 3 to 1, the Protectorate Zaranik Lake Bardawil, which was considered by some researchers as the ratio of a very large rate of migration of those species of birds for each year, does not predict for any environmental risks , stressing that it can not be stressed until after the migration season to determine whether this phenomenon as a result of environmental factors or the behavior of birds.
كما أفاد علام فى تصريحاته لـ"اليوم السابع" أنه حتى يتم الجزم على أسباب أى ظاهرة لابد أن تخضع للملاحظة والدراسة لمدة 10 سنوات متواصلة للجزم بأنها ظاهرة مسببة، قائلا: "مش شرط أن تحمل ظاهرة زيادة معدلات الطيور المهاجرة هذا العام علامة استفهام".
As reported by Allam in his remarks for the "seventh day" that until an assertion on the causes of any phenomenon must be subject to observation and study for 10 consecutive years of boots as a phenomenon causing, saying: "I do not requirement to carry the phenomenon of increasing rates of migratory birds this year, a question mark."
Thailand: Another Article on Flu Outbreak in Lampang Province
Declared closed after the school found Wangnua 2009 flu epidemic is most suspect cases of more than 30 cases.
นาย พงษ์เดช กาวงศ์ ผู้อำนวยการโรงเรียนบ้านเมืองตึง ม.1 ต.วังทอง อ.วังเหนือ จ.ลำปาง ซึ่งเป็นโรงเรียนในสังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาลำปาง เขต 3 กล่าวว่า โรงเรียนมีนักเรียนระดับชั้นอนุบาล – ประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6 กว่า 100 คน ได้ประกาศปิดการเรียนการตั้งแต่วันนี้ เป็นต้นไป จนถึงวันที่ 10 ตุลาคม 2553 หลังพบเด็กนักเรียนกว่า 30 คน ป่วยเป็นไข้หวัดที่เดียวพร้อมกัน
Det Mr Wong Ka Tung, Director of Village 1, Tambon Ban Muang Wang, A. Wang Nua, Lampang, a school under the Education Area Office, Lampang, District 3, said school students in kindergarten - elementary years. 6 More than 100 people have announced the closing of the school from now on till October 10, 2553 after more than 30 children were sick with a cold one together.
ซึ่ง ได้แสดงอาการคล้ายโรคไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธ์ใหม่ 2009 ทำให้ทางโรงเรียนได้ให้พ่อแม่ผู้ปกครอง ได้มารับตัว เพื่อไปตรวจรักษาที่โรงพยาบาล
Which has symptoms similar to flu strains in 2009 to a new school gave parents the option to go to get treatment at the hospital.
ซึ่งมีผู้ปกครองของเด็กนักเรียน 1 ราย ได้นำไปตรวจกับโรงพยาบาลเอกชน
The parents of children with an income to make the private hospitals.
Has notified the school already said that.
ป่วยเป็นโรคไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธ์ใหม่ 2009
Disease 2009 a new flu strains.
นายพงษ์เดช กล่าวอีกว่า ได้แจ้งไปยังสำนักงานสาธารณสุขอำเภอทันที
Mr Dej said that a notification to the District Public Health Office immediately.
As well as announced the closing of teaching and learning.
ก่อนที่เจ้าหน้าที่จากสำนักงานสาธารณสุขอำเภอวังเหนือ คณะครู และชาวบ้านในพื้นที่
Before officers from District Health Office Wangnua teachers and villagers in the area. ได้ช่วยกันทำความสะอาดโรงเรียน
To help clean the school. ด้วยการใช้น้ำยาฆ่าเชื้อในห้องเรียน
With the use of disinfectant in the classroom.
และอุปกรณ์การเรียนที่เด็กนักเรียนใช้ร่วมกัน เพื่อป้องกัน และควบคุมโรค ไม่ให้เกิดการแพร่ระบาดภายในโรงเรียนอีก
And school supplies that students use together to prevent and control disease and prevent outbreaks in school again.
ทางด้านนพ.ชิโนรส ลี้สวัสดิ์ นายแพทย์เชี่ยวชาญ 9 ด้านเวชกรรมป้องกัน Of the MD.
Cionrns Sawat Dr. Lee specializes in medical protection 9.
สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดลำปาง กล่าวว่า จากกรณีพบเด็กนักเรียนของโรงเรียนบ้านเมืองตึง
Lampang Provincial Health Office said the cases were children of Ban Muang tight
ป่วยโดยมีอาการป่วยคล้ายโรคไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธ์ใหม่สายพันธุ์ใหม่ 2009 พร้อมกัน 30 คน โดยมีผลตรวจยืนยันออกมาแล้วว่า
Patients with symptoms similar to flu strains 2009 new new breed together 30 persons, has been confirmed that out.
มีเด็กนักเรียนที่ป่วยโรคไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธ์ใหม่สายพันธุ์ใหม่ 2009 จำนวน 1 คน
Children are suffering a new influenza strains of a new species of 2009 people.
นพ.ชิโนรส กล่าวอีกว่า ทำให้ทางสำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดลำปาง MD.
Cionrns said that the Office of Public Health, Lampang Province.
Sent investigation series.
และควบคุมโรคเคลื่อนที่เร็วเข้าไปในพื้นที่แล้ว เพื่อสอบสวน และควบคุมโรคที่เกิดขึ้น
Disease Control and fast moving into the area and to investigate and control the disease occurs.
Especially with the Wang Nua district health officer. และโรงพยาบาลวังเหนือ Wang Nua, and hospitals.
เพื่อตรวจยืนยันเด็กนักเรียนทั้งหมด ว่า มีจำนวนกี่คนที่ป่วยเป็นโรคไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธ์ใหม่ 2009
To confirm that all students how many people suffer from a new flu strains in 2009.
นาย พงษ์เดช กาวงศ์ ผู้อำนวยการโรงเรียนบ้านเมืองตึง ม.1 ต.วังทอง อ.วังเหนือ จ.ลำปาง ซึ่งเป็นโรงเรียนในสังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาลำปาง เขต 3 กล่าวว่า โรงเรียนมีนักเรียนระดับชั้นอนุบาล – ประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6 กว่า 100 คน ได้ประกาศปิดการเรียนการตั้งแต่วันนี้ เป็นต้นไป จนถึงวันที่ 10 ตุลาคม 2553 หลังพบเด็กนักเรียนกว่า 30 คน ป่วยเป็นไข้หวัดที่เดียวพร้อมกัน
Det Mr Wong Ka Tung, Director of Village 1, Tambon Ban Muang Wang, A. Wang Nua, Lampang, a school under the Education Area Office, Lampang, District 3, said school students in kindergarten - elementary years. 6 More than 100 people have announced the closing of the school from now on till October 10, 2553 after more than 30 children were sick with a cold one together.
ซึ่ง ได้แสดงอาการคล้ายโรคไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธ์ใหม่ 2009 ทำให้ทางโรงเรียนได้ให้พ่อแม่ผู้ปกครอง ได้มารับตัว เพื่อไปตรวจรักษาที่โรงพยาบาล
Which has symptoms similar to flu strains in 2009 to a new school gave parents the option to go to get treatment at the hospital.
ซึ่งมีผู้ปกครองของเด็กนักเรียน 1 ราย ได้นำไปตรวจกับโรงพยาบาลเอกชน
The parents of children with an income to make the private hospitals.
Has notified the school already said that.
ป่วยเป็นโรคไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธ์ใหม่ 2009
Disease 2009 a new flu strains.
นายพงษ์เดช กล่าวอีกว่า ได้แจ้งไปยังสำนักงานสาธารณสุขอำเภอทันที
Mr Dej said that a notification to the District Public Health Office immediately.
As well as announced the closing of teaching and learning.
ก่อนที่เจ้าหน้าที่จากสำนักงานสาธารณสุขอำเภอวังเหนือ คณะครู และชาวบ้านในพื้นที่
Before officers from District Health Office Wangnua teachers and villagers in the area. ได้ช่วยกันทำความสะอาดโรงเรียน
To help clean the school. ด้วยการใช้น้ำยาฆ่าเชื้อในห้องเรียน
With the use of disinfectant in the classroom.
และอุปกรณ์การเรียนที่เด็กนักเรียนใช้ร่วมกัน เพื่อป้องกัน และควบคุมโรค ไม่ให้เกิดการแพร่ระบาดภายในโรงเรียนอีก
And school supplies that students use together to prevent and control disease and prevent outbreaks in school again.
ทางด้านนพ.ชิโนรส ลี้สวัสดิ์ นายแพทย์เชี่ยวชาญ 9 ด้านเวชกรรมป้องกัน Of the MD.
Cionrns Sawat Dr. Lee specializes in medical protection 9.
สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดลำปาง กล่าวว่า จากกรณีพบเด็กนักเรียนของโรงเรียนบ้านเมืองตึง
Lampang Provincial Health Office said the cases were children of Ban Muang tight
ป่วยโดยมีอาการป่วยคล้ายโรคไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธ์ใหม่สายพันธุ์ใหม่ 2009 พร้อมกัน 30 คน โดยมีผลตรวจยืนยันออกมาแล้วว่า
Patients with symptoms similar to flu strains 2009 new new breed together 30 persons, has been confirmed that out.
มีเด็กนักเรียนที่ป่วยโรคไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธ์ใหม่สายพันธุ์ใหม่ 2009 จำนวน 1 คน
Children are suffering a new influenza strains of a new species of 2009 people.
นพ.ชิโนรส กล่าวอีกว่า ทำให้ทางสำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดลำปาง MD.
Cionrns said that the Office of Public Health, Lampang Province.
Sent investigation series.
และควบคุมโรคเคลื่อนที่เร็วเข้าไปในพื้นที่แล้ว เพื่อสอบสวน และควบคุมโรคที่เกิดขึ้น
Disease Control and fast moving into the area and to investigate and control the disease occurs.
Especially with the Wang Nua district health officer. และโรงพยาบาลวังเหนือ Wang Nua, and hospitals.
เพื่อตรวจยืนยันเด็กนักเรียนทั้งหมด ว่า มีจำนวนกี่คนที่ป่วยเป็นโรคไข้หวัดใหญ่สายพันธ์ใหม่ 2009
To confirm that all students how many people suffer from a new flu strains in 2009.
Thailand: Lampung - School Closed Due To Flu
Map shows the distance between the Refugee Camp and the School.

October 1, 2553
That November. T. Assistant District Three Pigeons you see Sobmoei.
รักษา ราชการแทนนายอำเภอสบเมย จ.แม่ฮ่องสอน กล่าวว่า ได้รับแจ้งจาก องค์การ Malteser International (MI) ซึ่งเป็นองค์การที่ดำเนินการให้การช่วยเหลือด้านการแพทย์
Acting Sheriff Sobmoei Mae Hong Son said that it has received notification from the organization Malteser International (MI), which is committed and the provision of medical assistance.
และสาธารณสุขขั้นพื้นฐานว่า พบ ผู้ป่วยมีอาการคล้ายไข้หวัด 2009 ป่วยในพื้นที่พักพิงชั่วคราวบ้านแม่ละอูน
And the Basic Health that found flu-like symptoms in 2009 patients Temporary Shelter Ban Mae La Oon.
และบ้านแม่ลามาหลวง อำเภอสบเมย เป็นจำนวนมาก
And Ban Mae La Luang Sobmoei to many.
โดย ที่ผ่านมามีผู้ป่วยที่เข้ารับการรักษาที่เป็นผู้ป่วยนอก จำนวน 1,103 คน นอนพักรับการรักษาใน
The last patients were admitted to the outpatient treatment of sleep 1103 people treated in
รพ.ภายในพื้นที่พักพิงฯ จำนวน 74 ราย ส่วนที่พื้นที่พักพิงฯบ้านแม่ลามาหลวง
Shelter within the hospital and 74 of the Shelter to the Ban Mae La Luang.
มีผู้ป่วยที่เข้ารับการรักษาที่เป็นผู้ป่วยนอก จำนวน 633 ราย นอนรับการรักษา
Patients admitted to the outpatient treatment of 633 cases treated in bed.
รพ.ภายในพื้นที่พักพิงฯ จำนวน 36 ราย ยังไม่มีผู้เสียชีวิต
Hospital within the shelter of the 36 cases no deaths. โดยขณะนี้องค์การ MI ได้ส่งผลตรวจผู้ป่วย
The organization now has resulted in examination MI patients.
ที่สงสัยว่าจะเป็น ไข้หวัดใหญ่ จำนวน 3 คน เพื่อยืนยันการวินิจฉัยแล้ว
Suspected to be influenza, 3, and then to confirm the diagnosis.
คาดว่าจะได้ผลการตรวจเชื้อฯ ประมาณ 2 สัปดาห์
Expected results of the infection for about 2 weeks.
ปลัดอำเภอสบเมย กล่าวว่า ในเบื้องต้นทางอำเภอสบเมย
Assistant District Sobmoei said the district initially Sobmoei.
ได้ มีคำสั่งให้ระงับ การเข้า – ออก พื้นที่พักพิงฯ ชั่วคราว ทั้ง 2 แห่ง เป็นเวลา 15 วัน ตั้งแต่วันที่ 29 กันยายน 2535 ถึง วันที่ 13 ตุลาคม 2535 พร้อมให้ปิดโรงเรียนภายในพื้นที่พักพิงชั่วคราวทั้งหมดแล้ว
An order to suspend the entry - the Shelter of the temporary 2 for 15 days from September 29, 2535 until October 13, 2535 to close schools in areas with temporary shelter all.
This is to prevent the spread of flu และแจ้งให้สาธารณสุขอำเภอสบเมย
And let Sobmoei Public Health.
เข้าไป ดำเนินการตรวจสอบข้อเท็จจริงและหามาตราการป้องกันและบรรเทาการระบาดของโรค โดยประสานกับองค์การ MI และ ทุกองค์กรที่ให้ความช่วยเหลือผู้หนีภัยจาการสู้รบ.อย่างใกล้ชิด
To investigate the facts and find the means of prevention and mitigation of disease outbreaks by MI organizations and coordinate with all organizations that assist the evacuation of Ja war closely.

October 1, 2553
That November. T. Assistant District Three Pigeons you see Sobmoei.
รักษา ราชการแทนนายอำเภอสบเมย จ.แม่ฮ่องสอน กล่าวว่า ได้รับแจ้งจาก องค์การ Malteser International (MI) ซึ่งเป็นองค์การที่ดำเนินการให้การช่วยเหลือด้านการแพทย์
Acting Sheriff Sobmoei Mae Hong Son said that it has received notification from the organization Malteser International (MI), which is committed and the provision of medical assistance.
และสาธารณสุขขั้นพื้นฐานว่า พบ ผู้ป่วยมีอาการคล้ายไข้หวัด 2009 ป่วยในพื้นที่พักพิงชั่วคราวบ้านแม่ละอูน
And the Basic Health that found flu-like symptoms in 2009 patients Temporary Shelter Ban Mae La Oon.
และบ้านแม่ลามาหลวง อำเภอสบเมย เป็นจำนวนมาก
And Ban Mae La Luang Sobmoei to many.
โดย ที่ผ่านมามีผู้ป่วยที่เข้ารับการรักษาที่เป็นผู้ป่วยนอก จำนวน 1,103 คน นอนพักรับการรักษาใน
The last patients were admitted to the outpatient treatment of sleep 1103 people treated in
รพ.ภายในพื้นที่พักพิงฯ จำนวน 74 ราย ส่วนที่พื้นที่พักพิงฯบ้านแม่ลามาหลวง
Shelter within the hospital and 74 of the Shelter to the Ban Mae La Luang.
มีผู้ป่วยที่เข้ารับการรักษาที่เป็นผู้ป่วยนอก จำนวน 633 ราย นอนรับการรักษา
Patients admitted to the outpatient treatment of 633 cases treated in bed.
รพ.ภายในพื้นที่พักพิงฯ จำนวน 36 ราย ยังไม่มีผู้เสียชีวิต
Hospital within the shelter of the 36 cases no deaths. โดยขณะนี้องค์การ MI ได้ส่งผลตรวจผู้ป่วย
The organization now has resulted in examination MI patients.
ที่สงสัยว่าจะเป็น ไข้หวัดใหญ่ จำนวน 3 คน เพื่อยืนยันการวินิจฉัยแล้ว
Suspected to be influenza, 3, and then to confirm the diagnosis.
คาดว่าจะได้ผลการตรวจเชื้อฯ ประมาณ 2 สัปดาห์
Expected results of the infection for about 2 weeks.
ปลัดอำเภอสบเมย กล่าวว่า ในเบื้องต้นทางอำเภอสบเมย
Assistant District Sobmoei said the district initially Sobmoei.
ได้ มีคำสั่งให้ระงับ การเข้า – ออก พื้นที่พักพิงฯ ชั่วคราว ทั้ง 2 แห่ง เป็นเวลา 15 วัน ตั้งแต่วันที่ 29 กันยายน 2535 ถึง วันที่ 13 ตุลาคม 2535 พร้อมให้ปิดโรงเรียนภายในพื้นที่พักพิงชั่วคราวทั้งหมดแล้ว
An order to suspend the entry - the Shelter of the temporary 2 for 15 days from September 29, 2535 until October 13, 2535 to close schools in areas with temporary shelter all.
This is to prevent the spread of flu และแจ้งให้สาธารณสุขอำเภอสบเมย
And let Sobmoei Public Health.
เข้าไป ดำเนินการตรวจสอบข้อเท็จจริงและหามาตราการป้องกันและบรรเทาการระบาดของโรค โดยประสานกับองค์การ MI และ ทุกองค์กรที่ให้ความช่วยเหลือผู้หนีภัยจาการสู้รบ.อย่างใกล้ชิด
To investigate the facts and find the means of prevention and mitigation of disease outbreaks by MI organizations and coordinate with all organizations that assist the evacuation of Ja war closely.
Thailand: Mae Hong Son Province - Over 100 Flu Patients/Diagnosis Unknown

MAE HONG SON, Oct 1 – Over 100 refugees with symptoms of common flu -- influenza -- are receiving inpatient medical treatment in the nursing sections of two refugee camps in the northern province of Mae Hong Son.
The camps comprise refugees who fled Myanmar when the Karen military headquarters at Manerplaw was overrun by the Burmese army in 1995, although the majority of camp residents are under age 15 and have never been outside Thailand.
Sop Moei acting district chief Maj Yutthana Chaodupree said the medical NGO Malteser International (MI) which gives medical and other services to Mae La Ma Luang and Mae La Oon camps reported that 1,103 patients at Mae La Oon temporary shelter sought medical treatment from September 19 to 25, and 74 stayed in the nursing quarters of the camp.
Meanwhile, Malteser International reported 633 patients at Mae Ra Ma Luang camp, of which 36 remained under treatment at the nursing station.
Maj Yutthana said no fatalities were reported and that MI collected samples of three patients for lab tests which are expected to be known in two weeks.
Sop Moei district authorities informed government and private agencies concerned in the two areas including the district’s public health office to help contain the disease.
He said he believed that the situation will gradually improve and that infections will drop.
The two camps were closed Wednesday for 15 days as a quarantine measure to present infections from spreading.
The NGO umbrella organization Burma Border Consortium confirmed the outbreak of influenza in Mae Ra La Luang which happens sometimes "due to the cramped conditions in camps. However there are no confirmed cases to date of either swine or bird flu," according to the agency.
Both the health NGO MI and Thailand's Ministry of Public Health are checking the situation and conducting tests.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Riau: Indragiri; Tembilahan - 17 yo Suspected Bird Flu
Diamond Otherwise Suspect Bird Flu
Written by Editor Thursday, 30 September 2010 00:00
One patient died of DHF
Tembilahan-Tembilahan City and surrounding residents are encouraged to be more vigilant, after the discovery of chickens died suddenly caused due to bird flu virus some time ago. Section, Puri Husada Hospital Tembilahan accept patients who stated suspect bird flu. Diamond (17), a resident of Jalan Kayu Jati, District of Hulu Tembilahan it was treated after the stated suspect bird flu by Dr Saut who work in hospitals.
According to the Hospital Director Puri Husada Tembilahan, Apostle Alim, Kes, based on the results of laboratory tests conducted by Dr Saut, patients Diamond (17) are still listed as one high school student in the City Tembilahan buurng stated suspect flu, after undergoing the examination.
"Currently, patients have gone home and still earn from Dr outpatient Saut," says the Apostle to the Riau Mandiri, Wednesday (29 / 9).
Dangue For patients with dengue fever (DHF), says the Apostle, in early September, also noted one patient named Sarina (5) died. Toddlers are located at Jalan M Boya, Lorong Durian, Tembilahan was signed on September 5th General Hospital at around 1:00 pm and died around 04.00 pm dawn.
"Victims are still toddlers DBD was late to get medical treatment, only treatment for 3 hours in hospitals. Then the victim died, after the victim has a high fever for 5 days at his house, "says the Apostle Alim.
Death Sarina (5), the add a row of victims who had died from a mosquito bite aygipty aides, based on existing data already recorded there are 2 victims who died during the year 2010.
In February last, a toddler Alin (4) also died in hospitals. This Soebrantas Road Residents can not be saved because platelets decreased quite dramatically.
Separately, Acting Chief Medical Officer of Regency of Indragiri Hilir Drs Hadran said, related to the handling of bird flu issue is the authority Animal Husbandry Department. However, responding to a patient who has experienced the outpatient Diamond (17), in accordance with laboratory results that the patients declared negative of the H1N1 virus.
Then for the problem of dengue, Hadran admitted, his side had done foging at some particular point of contracting the dengue outbreak.
"Currently we are conducting such foging Road M Boya and other urban areas in a few days ago. However, the most effective to do the community is doing the program 3 M to anticipate the development of dengue mosquitoes, "he explained. nal
Written by Editor Thursday, 30 September 2010 00:00
One patient died of DHF
Tembilahan-Tembilahan City and surrounding residents are encouraged to be more vigilant, after the discovery of chickens died suddenly caused due to bird flu virus some time ago. Section, Puri Husada Hospital Tembilahan accept patients who stated suspect bird flu. Diamond (17), a resident of Jalan Kayu Jati, District of Hulu Tembilahan it was treated after the stated suspect bird flu by Dr Saut who work in hospitals.
According to the Hospital Director Puri Husada Tembilahan, Apostle Alim, Kes, based on the results of laboratory tests conducted by Dr Saut, patients Diamond (17) are still listed as one high school student in the City Tembilahan buurng stated suspect flu, after undergoing the examination.
"Currently, patients have gone home and still earn from Dr outpatient Saut," says the Apostle to the Riau Mandiri, Wednesday (29 / 9).
Dangue For patients with dengue fever (DHF), says the Apostle, in early September, also noted one patient named Sarina (5) died. Toddlers are located at Jalan M Boya, Lorong Durian, Tembilahan was signed on September 5th General Hospital at around 1:00 pm and died around 04.00 pm dawn.
"Victims are still toddlers DBD was late to get medical treatment, only treatment for 3 hours in hospitals. Then the victim died, after the victim has a high fever for 5 days at his house, "says the Apostle Alim.
Death Sarina (5), the add a row of victims who had died from a mosquito bite aygipty aides, based on existing data already recorded there are 2 victims who died during the year 2010.
In February last, a toddler Alin (4) also died in hospitals. This Soebrantas Road Residents can not be saved because platelets decreased quite dramatically.
Separately, Acting Chief Medical Officer of Regency of Indragiri Hilir Drs Hadran said, related to the handling of bird flu issue is the authority Animal Husbandry Department. However, responding to a patient who has experienced the outpatient Diamond (17), in accordance with laboratory results that the patients declared negative of the H1N1 virus.
Then for the problem of dengue, Hadran admitted, his side had done foging at some particular point of contracting the dengue outbreak.
"Currently we are conducting such foging Road M Boya and other urban areas in a few days ago. However, the most effective to do the community is doing the program 3 M to anticipate the development of dengue mosquitoes, "he explained. nal
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Hundreds of AI Positive Dead Chickens
SOPPENG - Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Soppeng launch the deaths of hundreds of chickens in Kecce Paroto Lilirilau District positive for bird flu. Bird flu is attacking free-range chicken and chicken bangkok property of residents in the area.
Head of Animal Health Disnakkan Soppeng, drh Hartono said, according to the results of the chicken that died suddenly it was found positive for bird flu. Cause of death showed bird flu symptoms such as sudden death in large quantities
SOPPENG - Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Soppeng launch the deaths of hundreds of chickens in Kecce Paroto Lilirilau District positive for bird flu. Bird flu is attacking free-range chicken and chicken bangkok property of residents in the area.
Head of Animal Health Disnakkan Soppeng, drh Hartono said, according to the results of the chicken that died suddenly it was found positive for bird flu. Cause of death showed bird flu symptoms such as sudden death in large quantities
Patient Controlled Fever Continues
Avian Influenza Vaccines Out
PINRANG - Pinrang Health Department officials continue to conduct surveillance on citizens who have a fever, and immediately act quickly if residents have a high fever which is feared suspect bird flu. The data collected yesterday said the number of residents who are closely monitored by the Department of health
related problems spread of bird flu, three people. They are Nasri (15) with body temperature reached 38.2 degrees Celsius and Eid (18) body temperature of 38.1 degrees.
Both these citizens domiciled in the Village District Canary Lanrisang. Medium Paladang citizens, the same district is Rehan (2) body temperature of 39.4 participated in the strict monitoring of health office. Pinrang Chief Medical Officer, Dr H Rusman Achmad M Kes, Thursday 30 September, said body temperature when people are monitored closely by experienced peningklatan Diskes, it will be referred to the Wahidin Hospital, Makassar. "The data that we have to convey to the Provincial Office, either by fax maupul email," he said. It is said Rusman, residents who live in Kanarie is already 3 days of fever, it's just that their parents fear their children to the officer reported the condition. Yet every time there are officers in the field who urged the public to report his family who happened to have fever for inspection. "Our officers stand by in the field, but his parents did not report. We have repeatedly appealed to the public if there is any body temperature reached 39 degrees celsius, and was given a febrifuge, but has not changed, should be referred to Makassar," he said. Symptoms suspect, he said, if the fever continue despite his temperature has been given the drug, while the usual fever, when they are given the drug, the body temperature will decline. "From the data obtained, the patient suspect bird flu that was treated in a doctor Wahidin Makassar as much as 3 people, 2 people from Pinrang and 1 from Soppeng," he said.
The number of cattle scattered in Pinrang hundreds of thousands of heads (see box). Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health (animal health Veterinary Public Health), drh Elvy Martina, in his office on Thursday, September 30, said today it continues to do the spraying, made either of agriculture and animal husbandry department and conducted by the society directly. While avian influenza vaccine to date has already run out. "There used to be about 100 thousand, but has run out. That there now is Disinfectant. Insha Allah will be enough for one week ahead. Pinrang own Local Government has issued a circular letter which ditadatangani Vice Regent Pinrang, HA.Kaharuddin Machmud. Its contents, ban poultry out in Pinrang without having a health certificate from petugaspeternakan and veterinarians.
PINRANG - Pinrang Health Department officials continue to conduct surveillance on citizens who have a fever, and immediately act quickly if residents have a high fever which is feared suspect bird flu. The data collected yesterday said the number of residents who are closely monitored by the Department of health
related problems spread of bird flu, three people. They are Nasri (15) with body temperature reached 38.2 degrees Celsius and Eid (18) body temperature of 38.1 degrees.
Both these citizens domiciled in the Village District Canary Lanrisang. Medium Paladang citizens, the same district is Rehan (2) body temperature of 39.4 participated in the strict monitoring of health office. Pinrang Chief Medical Officer, Dr H Rusman Achmad M Kes, Thursday 30 September, said body temperature when people are monitored closely by experienced peningklatan Diskes, it will be referred to the Wahidin Hospital, Makassar. "The data that we have to convey to the Provincial Office, either by fax maupul email," he said. It is said Rusman, residents who live in Kanarie is already 3 days of fever, it's just that their parents fear their children to the officer reported the condition. Yet every time there are officers in the field who urged the public to report his family who happened to have fever for inspection. "Our officers stand by in the field, but his parents did not report. We have repeatedly appealed to the public if there is any body temperature reached 39 degrees celsius, and was given a febrifuge, but has not changed, should be referred to Makassar," he said. Symptoms suspect, he said, if the fever continue despite his temperature has been given the drug, while the usual fever, when they are given the drug, the body temperature will decline. "From the data obtained, the patient suspect bird flu that was treated in a doctor Wahidin Makassar as much as 3 people, 2 people from Pinrang and 1 from Soppeng," he said.
The number of cattle scattered in Pinrang hundreds of thousands of heads (see box). Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health (animal health Veterinary Public Health), drh Elvy Martina, in his office on Thursday, September 30, said today it continues to do the spraying, made either of agriculture and animal husbandry department and conducted by the society directly. While avian influenza vaccine to date has already run out. "There used to be about 100 thousand, but has run out. That there now is Disinfectant. Insha Allah will be enough for one week ahead. Pinrang own Local Government has issued a circular letter which ditadatangani Vice Regent Pinrang, HA.Kaharuddin Machmud. Its contents, ban poultry out in Pinrang without having a health certificate from petugaspeternakan and veterinarians.
Anticipation of Bird Flu Virus, KP2K System stalls Meat
Thursday, 30 September 2010 17:50
By: Abner Siswanto
BATAM, KEPRIterkini: To maintain healthy meat supply needs and standards, the Office KP2K pemko Batam through farm fields to the arrangement of a number of kiosks that terdapad meat in various wet markets as a whole.
"This we do for all that meat supplies can be guaranteed quality, distributed, and free of bird flu outbreaks caused by various types of birds and animals. Then we have also cooperated with the government of Singapore in rangkah combat the disease that has threatened the safety of life This, by way of sharing information between both parties, making it easier for us in realizing the implementation of the future, "said Head of Animal Husbandry, Ir.Sri Yunelly his office this afternoon, Thursday (09/30).
"Structuring these meat stalls, based on eligibility criteria in accordance with technical guidance ie, each kiosk must be equipped with a sink, Fizer and sampling of animals will be checked to ensure the feasibility of meat to be traded, through the Central Office Peyelidikan PT Ryner, on the Mount High in the Regional I Sumatra, "said Sri anymore.
Sri also explain the decline frekensi [frequency?] animal disease that result from this type of livestock, has been getting better in Batam, while showing a summary of data in 2010, there were only three cases that occurred in Tanjung Riau, Kampung Melayu and muddy village, the average occurred in Last January, the cap
By: Abner Siswanto
BATAM, KEPRIterkini: To maintain healthy meat supply needs and standards, the Office KP2K pemko Batam through farm fields to the arrangement of a number of kiosks that terdapad meat in various wet markets as a whole.
"This we do for all that meat supplies can be guaranteed quality, distributed, and free of bird flu outbreaks caused by various types of birds and animals. Then we have also cooperated with the government of Singapore in rangkah combat the disease that has threatened the safety of life This, by way of sharing information between both parties, making it easier for us in realizing the implementation of the future, "said Head of Animal Husbandry, Ir.Sri Yunelly his office this afternoon, Thursday (09/30).
"Structuring these meat stalls, based on eligibility criteria in accordance with technical guidance ie, each kiosk must be equipped with a sink, Fizer and sampling of animals will be checked to ensure the feasibility of meat to be traded, through the Central Office Peyelidikan PT Ryner, on the Mount High in the Regional I Sumatra, "said Sri anymore.
Sri also explain the decline frekensi [frequency?] animal disease that result from this type of livestock, has been getting better in Batam, while showing a summary of data in 2010, there were only three cases that occurred in Tanjung Riau, Kampung Melayu and muddy village, the average occurred in Last January, the cap
3 Referred to Makassar, 2 Isolated
5 Residents Suspect Bird Flu
PINRANG - Five residents in District Lanrisang Pinrang otherwise suspect (suspect) bird flu. Three out of five residents, each Nawir (42), Andrews (5) citizens Suppang Saddang Hamlet, and Novi (18) Same Ulue Village on Tuesday night, was referred to the Provincial General Hospital Dr M Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Third body temperature reached 39 degrees Celsius mentioned, plus a cough and sore throat. While two others are currently still under the strict supervision of Health Department Pinrang, because his body temperature had reached 37 degrees Celsius. Pinrang Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Achmad MKes H Rusman said two citizens in monitoring health offices that are now isolated in their respective residence. Both continue to be monitored by specialized medical personnel and can not be in direct contact with other residents. "Our officers were examining both residents three times a day," he said yesterday. Rusman added, if the two citizens that body temperatures continue to rise, it will be directly referred to Dr Wahidin. Not only the two residents was monitored by Public Health Service, some residents also suspect kept in observation. Not less than 26 residents who currently monitoring the Health Department. "These data may increase, but we hope diminished," she said. Rusman explained, which distinguishes the common cold sick with bird flu is body temperature. However, if positive for bird flu, 80 percent of patients will experience death. According to Rusman, to ensure positive patient infected with bird flu, it will do four times the examination. If the body temperature continues to increase, then it will coordinate with the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office in accordance with fixed procedures (SOP). "Most fast 10 days to determine the patient suffering from bird flu or not," he added. Anticipating the increased patient and to facilitate monitoring of the symptoms of bird flu, Health Department has activated all existing health centers in every district to open 24 hours. Plus set up posts in every village. "Just on the phone what if there are people who experience fever, then our officers will go there," jaminnya. For that he appealed to people immediately informed if there are family members who suffer from fever. And, do not touch directly with an infected chicken. "Must use gloves and wear masks," he remembers. Tuesday, September 28, Regent Pinrang HA Aslam Patonangi visited sites infected with bird flu or avian influenza (AI) in the Village Mallongi-longi, Lanrisang District, and District Suppa. Regent took a direct dialogue with local chicken farmer community. Regent down with the Chief Medical Officer Rusman Achmad, Head of the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Ir Samson Solomon MP, Head of Animal Husbandry Ir M Ilyas, animal health and Veterinary Public Health and Head of Health Department drh Elvis Martina. Staff of Public Relations and Protocol Setdakab Pinrang Marina SH Kasmin said the visit of regents to directly monitor the condition of the last areas affected, including local farmer community. "The visit of regents as a form of government attention to the calamity that befell farmers in Lanrisang and surrounding areas," he said. On that occasion, the regents appealed to all parties involved to continue delivering services to the community and the ranch until the bird flu affected areas were really clean or up to H 3. "I prepared a special health posts serving the public health after the attack on Lanrisang bird flu virus," he said.
PINRANG - Five residents in District Lanrisang Pinrang otherwise suspect (suspect) bird flu. Three out of five residents, each Nawir (42), Andrews (5) citizens Suppang Saddang Hamlet, and Novi (18) Same Ulue Village on Tuesday night, was referred to the Provincial General Hospital Dr M Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Third body temperature reached 39 degrees Celsius mentioned, plus a cough and sore throat. While two others are currently still under the strict supervision of Health Department Pinrang, because his body temperature had reached 37 degrees Celsius. Pinrang Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Achmad MKes H Rusman said two citizens in monitoring health offices that are now isolated in their respective residence. Both continue to be monitored by specialized medical personnel and can not be in direct contact with other residents. "Our officers were examining both residents three times a day," he said yesterday. Rusman added, if the two citizens that body temperatures continue to rise, it will be directly referred to Dr Wahidin. Not only the two residents was monitored by Public Health Service, some residents also suspect kept in observation. Not less than 26 residents who currently monitoring the Health Department. "These data may increase, but we hope diminished," she said. Rusman explained, which distinguishes the common cold sick with bird flu is body temperature. However, if positive for bird flu, 80 percent of patients will experience death. According to Rusman, to ensure positive patient infected with bird flu, it will do four times the examination. If the body temperature continues to increase, then it will coordinate with the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office in accordance with fixed procedures (SOP). "Most fast 10 days to determine the patient suffering from bird flu or not," he added. Anticipating the increased patient and to facilitate monitoring of the symptoms of bird flu, Health Department has activated all existing health centers in every district to open 24 hours. Plus set up posts in every village. "Just on the phone what if there are people who experience fever, then our officers will go there," jaminnya. For that he appealed to people immediately informed if there are family members who suffer from fever. And, do not touch directly with an infected chicken. "Must use gloves and wear masks," he remembers. Tuesday, September 28, Regent Pinrang HA Aslam Patonangi visited sites infected with bird flu or avian influenza (AI) in the Village Mallongi-longi, Lanrisang District, and District Suppa. Regent took a direct dialogue with local chicken farmer community. Regent down with the Chief Medical Officer Rusman Achmad, Head of the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Ir Samson Solomon MP, Head of Animal Husbandry Ir M Ilyas, animal health and Veterinary Public Health and Head of Health Department drh Elvis Martina. Staff of Public Relations and Protocol Setdakab Pinrang Marina SH Kasmin said the visit of regents to directly monitor the condition of the last areas affected, including local farmer community. "The visit of regents as a form of government attention to the calamity that befell farmers in Lanrisang and surrounding areas," he said. On that occasion, the regents appealed to all parties involved to continue delivering services to the community and the ranch until the bird flu affected areas were really clean or up to H 3. "I prepared a special health posts serving the public health after the attack on Lanrisang bird flu virus," he said.
Indonesia: Suspected H5N1 Patients Improve; 33 People Supervised
Health four patients suspect bird flu virus that was treated in the Hospital Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar gradually began to improve. However, they still remain an IV because his physical condition is still weak.
General and Operations Director Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Andi Kalsum Patonangi said after undergoing intensive treatment, four patients showed a positive growth trend. Four patients were called Novi, 17 years; Nawir, 42 years; and Adrian, 4 years old. All three residents Pinrang origin. One more patient named Sapphira, 3 years, provided Soppeng District. They were isolated in space since the Inspection Centre yesterday.
"Body temperature had dropped drastically. His condition has improved although it must still rest for recovery," said Kalsum, this morning.
Kalsum said last body temperature checks carried out around 08:00 pm. As a result, four patients had body temperatures ranging from 36 degrees Celsius. They referred to the inspection space center after suffering symptoms of bird flu with a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius.
Two doctors still continue to monitor their health progress. Meanwhile, the hospital has not received the laboratory results of blood samples four patients. Samples were sent to Jakarta and have not received a reply the results.
"Not to know the patient was infected with the virus. We are still waiting for laboratory results," explained Kalsum.
Confirmed Separately, Head of District Health Office Pinrang, Rusman Achmad said it had received news of the last three patients referred to the Wahidin.
He claimed to continue to monitor the development of these patients. Meanwhile, 33 residents who received special supervision are also continues to show good growth. It hoped, the spread of bird flu virus is suspected it does not extend everywhere.
"Health team assigned to the field continue to monitor the progress of society, especially in the seven districts that contracted the virus," said Rusman.
General and Operations Director Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Andi Kalsum Patonangi said after undergoing intensive treatment, four patients showed a positive growth trend. Four patients were called Novi, 17 years; Nawir, 42 years; and Adrian, 4 years old. All three residents Pinrang origin. One more patient named Sapphira, 3 years, provided Soppeng District. They were isolated in space since the Inspection Centre yesterday.
"Body temperature had dropped drastically. His condition has improved although it must still rest for recovery," said Kalsum, this morning.
Kalsum said last body temperature checks carried out around 08:00 pm. As a result, four patients had body temperatures ranging from 36 degrees Celsius. They referred to the inspection space center after suffering symptoms of bird flu with a temperature above 38 degrees Celsius.
Two doctors still continue to monitor their health progress. Meanwhile, the hospital has not received the laboratory results of blood samples four patients. Samples were sent to Jakarta and have not received a reply the results.
"Not to know the patient was infected with the virus. We are still waiting for laboratory results," explained Kalsum.
Confirmed Separately, Head of District Health Office Pinrang, Rusman Achmad said it had received news of the last three patients referred to the Wahidin.
He claimed to continue to monitor the development of these patients. Meanwhile, 33 residents who received special supervision are also continues to show good growth. It hoped, the spread of bird flu virus is suspected it does not extend everywhere.
"Health team assigned to the field continue to monitor the progress of society, especially in the seven districts that contracted the virus," said Rusman.
Indonesia: Update on Luwu, S. Sulawesi
Previously reported on here and here

Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Another thing, the bird flu virus that attacks the approximately 1,800 poultry laying hens at Hamlet Village Patila Patila District Bonebone quite disturbing society will have a serious response from the District Health Office. North Luwu. Health seriousness in addressing the spread of bird flu virus is followed up by conducting surveillance in the area around the bird flu. DHO instructed to all health centers in Sub Bonebone to immediately take action early anticipation, if you get the people affected by fever or flu medicine to further action.
This was conveyed by Kadis North Luwu Health, Dr Hj Nurhusna, M. Kes that is currently affected by avian influenza virus in poultry laying hens in the village of Patila, not infected humans. ''We've been conducting searches in the surrounding area affected by bird flu, and has not been found infected in humans. Therefore, the steps taken by Public Health Service is doing isolation between populations with cages of laying hens infected with the virus. In addition, District Health Office. North Luwu provide anti-viral drugs to the community around it, and also provides post a complaint if there are people affected by symptoms of fever with flu.
North Luwu Pemkab''has correspondence to the South Sulawesi province to immediately get help handling this bird flu, one of them is how to bird flu-affected poultry were destroyed so it does not spread to other areas.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Another thing, the bird flu virus that attacks the approximately 1,800 poultry laying hens at Hamlet Village Patila Patila District Bonebone quite disturbing society will have a serious response from the District Health Office. North Luwu. Health seriousness in addressing the spread of bird flu virus is followed up by conducting surveillance in the area around the bird flu. DHO instructed to all health centers in Sub Bonebone to immediately take action early anticipation, if you get the people affected by fever or flu medicine to further action.
This was conveyed by Kadis North Luwu Health, Dr Hj Nurhusna, M. Kes that is currently affected by avian influenza virus in poultry laying hens in the village of Patila, not infected humans. ''We've been conducting searches in the surrounding area affected by bird flu, and has not been found infected in humans. Therefore, the steps taken by Public Health Service is doing isolation between populations with cages of laying hens infected with the virus. In addition, District Health Office. North Luwu provide anti-viral drugs to the community around it, and also provides post a complaint if there are people affected by symptoms of fever with flu.
North Luwu Pemkab''has correspondence to the South Sulawesi province to immediately get help handling this bird flu, one of them is how to bird flu-affected poultry were destroyed so it does not spread to other areas.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Suspect BIRD FLU
MAKASSAR - - Two officers in the service of health in Infection isolation room Wahidin Sudirohusodo Center Hospital, Makassar, on Wednesday (29 / 9). total of three patients from Pinrang and another indication of origin Soppeng suspect bird flu was referred to RS RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo because of high fever and ditemukaannya more than 600 chickens died suddenly in the vicinity of the victim's home.

Blue ear pig spread to 32 provinces
RFA 29.09.2010
A report by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development today said Vietnam has detected blue ear pig disease in some provinces in central Phu Yen and Ninh Thuan is, bringing the total to 32 provinces with outbreaks.
In Ninh Thuan Province, the disease has appeared in 34 households in 11 communes. Number of pigs infected more than 300 children, of whom 72 had died or been culled.
In Phu Yen province, there were 125 pig disease and destruction.
Indonesia: More Details on Hospitalized Patients Suspected H5N1 Birdflu
The bird flu virus does not only attack the birds, but is now moving to humans. Four patients suspect bird flu virus undergoing treatment at room Wahidin Sudirohusodo DR Inspection Center, Makassar, today. The four patients came from Kabupante Pinrang, and Soppeng District.
Three patients among beasal of Jampue Lanrisang District, District Pinrang. They are known named Novi, 17 years old, Nawir, 42, and Adrian, 4 years old. Around 05.00 pm, three were referred to the General Hospital Lasinrang Pinrang, before referred to Makassar.
A day earlier, one patient suspect bird flu from Soppeng District named Sapphira, 3 years old. Children are first treated. The fourth patient's condition upon arrival at the hospital in a state of high fever.
"With the initial conditions, there is a suspicion that the victim was attacked by bird flu susfect. But for sure the lab is not yet known," said Director General and Operations Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Dra Andi Kalsum Patonangi, when met at his office this afternoon.
Kalsum say, the early symptoms of patients have a very high fever. It was experienced following a number of chickens that died suddenly around the neighborhood the victim.
In Sub Lanrisang, at least 600 chickens died suddenly. While in residence Sapphira patients originating from sub Lilirilau Paroto Village, there are 30 chickens Soppeng who experience similar things.
"They had suspected bird flu. The result of our still waiting," said Kalsum.
Until now, the condition of the four victims have started to improve. However, Novi rumored to still have a fever. The four patients undergoing intensive treatment in a special chamber Injection Centre handles bird flu patients, and swine flu.
According Kalsum, four patients have undergone laboratory tests and chest radiograph. They are specially treated by two doctors lung disease specialist named Dr. Irawati, and Dr. Nur Ahmad Tabri.
Three patients among beasal of Jampue Lanrisang District, District Pinrang. They are known named Novi, 17 years old, Nawir, 42, and Adrian, 4 years old. Around 05.00 pm, three were referred to the General Hospital Lasinrang Pinrang, before referred to Makassar.
A day earlier, one patient suspect bird flu from Soppeng District named Sapphira, 3 years old. Children are first treated. The fourth patient's condition upon arrival at the hospital in a state of high fever.
"With the initial conditions, there is a suspicion that the victim was attacked by bird flu susfect. But for sure the lab is not yet known," said Director General and Operations Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Dra Andi Kalsum Patonangi, when met at his office this afternoon.
Kalsum say, the early symptoms of patients have a very high fever. It was experienced following a number of chickens that died suddenly around the neighborhood the victim.
In Sub Lanrisang, at least 600 chickens died suddenly. While in residence Sapphira patients originating from sub Lilirilau Paroto Village, there are 30 chickens Soppeng who experience similar things.
"They had suspected bird flu. The result of our still waiting," said Kalsum.
Until now, the condition of the four victims have started to improve. However, Novi rumored to still have a fever. The four patients undergoing intensive treatment in a special chamber Injection Centre handles bird flu patients, and swine flu.
According Kalsum, four patients have undergone laboratory tests and chest radiograph. They are specially treated by two doctors lung disease specialist named Dr. Irawati, and Dr. Nur Ahmad Tabri.
Indonesia: Balikpapen - H5N1 in Poultry Suspected
September 29, 2010
BALIKPAPAN - About 30 chickens in RT 4 and 5 Manggar Village, East Aberdeen destroyed, after the discovery of a number of chickens died suddenly. Department of Agriculture, Marine, and Fisheries (DPKP) indicates, the chicken was suspected avian influenza or bird flu.
Head of Veterinary and Livestock DPKP Budijanto drh said, initially it got a preliminary report there are three chickens died suddenly at RT 4 Manggar Village. "After three tails, grow to be five, continues to be a ten tails. Characteristics of sudden death, and hold there is also a snot-nosed, "said Budi, greeting familiar.
After tracking, it instructed to destroy chickens in the vicinity of the location of the discovery of chickens died suddenly. Budi said, this is the first discovery in 2010. A similar case was the last time there in Aberdeen around 2007. "We also have sent samples for diagnosis in Banjarmasin," said Budi.
BALIKPAPAN - About 30 chickens in RT 4 and 5 Manggar Village, East Aberdeen destroyed, after the discovery of a number of chickens died suddenly. Department of Agriculture, Marine, and Fisheries (DPKP) indicates, the chicken was suspected avian influenza or bird flu.
Head of Veterinary and Livestock DPKP Budijanto drh said, initially it got a preliminary report there are three chickens died suddenly at RT 4 Manggar Village. "After three tails, grow to be five, continues to be a ten tails. Characteristics of sudden death, and hold there is also a snot-nosed, "said Budi, greeting familiar.
After tracking, it instructed to destroy chickens in the vicinity of the location of the discovery of chickens died suddenly. Budi said, this is the first discovery in 2010. A similar case was the last time there in Aberdeen around 2007. "We also have sent samples for diagnosis in Banjarmasin," said Budi.
Egypt: Vaccine Will Be Made in China
September 29, 2010
Dr. Ahmed Snoussi, Professor of Virology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt needs at least 20 years to eradicate the bird flu virus, pointing out that Egypt has become one of the areas "hot" of the disease.
And detect international expert in a special statement for the "seventh day" that Egypt became a state settlement of the disease, it is the only Africa that is located by the bird flu, and expected to see a winter this year and widespread of the disease, especially as there are rural areas are still areas of breeding for birds living .
And the vaccine reached by scholars of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in collaboration with the lab, "Harbin" Chinese denounced Sanusi, a member of the scientific team, the government's delay in the manufacture of this vaccine Egypt, pointing out that the Scientific Committee of veterinary services, the Supreme Committee to Combat Bird Flu Ojazata expired vaccine for use in Egypt.
He is Professor of viruses, the vaccine in Egypt has been manufactured in collaboration with the laboratory Harbin of China, was tested in China and has proved its efficiency for use, he said, adding, Minister of Agriculture adopted a 40 million pounds for the manufacture of a vaccine Egyptian to combat the disease, and that the minister has issued strict instructions to quickly manufactured, what the cause of the slowdown in the manufacture of the vaccine.
For his part, explains Dr. Rifaat Bebawy, commercial agent for plant Harbin China, Egypt The vaccine will be manufactured in Egypt, but he will make in China, to be imported from China again.
And the reasons which prevent the manufacture of the vaccine in Egypt, said Bebawy that Egypt does not have the possibility of manufacturing the vaccine, although the possession factor but research just can not manufacture the vaccine commercially, and said, "Egypt needs 500 thousand bottles of the vaccine every 7 months can not be produced in research labs. "
Dr. Ahmed Snoussi, Professor of Virology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt needs at least 20 years to eradicate the bird flu virus, pointing out that Egypt has become one of the areas "hot" of the disease.
And detect international expert in a special statement for the "seventh day" that Egypt became a state settlement of the disease, it is the only Africa that is located by the bird flu, and expected to see a winter this year and widespread of the disease, especially as there are rural areas are still areas of breeding for birds living .
And the vaccine reached by scholars of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in collaboration with the lab, "Harbin" Chinese denounced Sanusi, a member of the scientific team, the government's delay in the manufacture of this vaccine Egypt, pointing out that the Scientific Committee of veterinary services, the Supreme Committee to Combat Bird Flu Ojazata expired vaccine for use in Egypt.
He is Professor of viruses, the vaccine in Egypt has been manufactured in collaboration with the laboratory Harbin of China, was tested in China and has proved its efficiency for use, he said, adding, Minister of Agriculture adopted a 40 million pounds for the manufacture of a vaccine Egyptian to combat the disease, and that the minister has issued strict instructions to quickly manufactured, what the cause of the slowdown in the manufacture of the vaccine.
For his part, explains Dr. Rifaat Bebawy, commercial agent for plant Harbin China, Egypt The vaccine will be manufactured in Egypt, but he will make in China, to be imported from China again.
And the reasons which prevent the manufacture of the vaccine in Egypt, said Bebawy that Egypt does not have the possibility of manufacturing the vaccine, although the possession factor but research just can not manufacture the vaccine commercially, and said, "Egypt needs 500 thousand bottles of the vaccine every 7 months can not be produced in research labs. "
Egypt: Searching For Vaccine; Local Strain mutated, existing vaccine resistant to H5N1
September 29, 2010
President of the General Authority for Veterinary Services: 22 for a vaccine for bird flu in Egypt is given negative results and increase the incidence of and death
Minutes of the meeting recommend to the agriculture production of the vaccine and Egypt not to use imported vaccines
Vaccine Egypt Chinese soon .. and the establishment of a High Commission a national fortifications along the lines of the Ministry of Health to study the epidemiological situation and decided by the veterinary services, offering an international tender in the coming days to choose a new vaccine for avian influenza capable of dealing with the strain of local mutated by the virus and has become an extremely dangerous after it became all existing vaccines currently in the Egyptian market resistance to the disease
And Dr. Mohamed Mustafa Garhi Chairman of the Commission that all vaccines used to combat bird flu is neither effective nor more effective than 30%. And he said in exclusive statements to "money tomorrow," There are 22 companies in Egypt specialized in the field of vaccines imported 22 of the vaccine given to all negative results. Which led to high rates of injury, both human and bird flu or related to birds.
He Garhi to the Central Laboratory for the control of pharmaceutical veterinary Abbassiya will conduct a challenge test of the vaccine of the new measure of the effectiveness and efficiency of the vaccine in disease resistance and noted that there is one Chinese factories, which began in collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cairo in the isolation of strain local production of vaccine Egypt.
He criticized the chief of veterinary services indiscriminate in the use of vaccines, saying that "all of the bear become used to the vaccines have no effect and do not address the disease," with evidence that the injuries and deaths are high, "noting that it was obliged not to cancel the vaccines current and continue to fortify bird-to-be start using the new vaccine
In the same context, "money tomorrow," the minutes of the meeting of the Technical Committee to register the products Albologip veterinary and which it demanded that the Commission not to take any isolates of the virus or sent outside the country, but through legal channels so represented in the General Authority for Veterinary Services, you must follow the formal procedures and legal aspects of this regard .
Advised to note the minutes signed by the President of the Commission that you are a national company to produce bird flu vaccine so as to change the vaccine in accordance with the changes as the virus is constantly mutating and recommended the Commission not to approve the registration of a preparation of a vaccine, bird flu with them through the proxy for foreign companies and that is cooperation between the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture of China in agreement with the College of Veterinary Medicine, can benefit all parties vaccine, such as universities, research centers and others, but not limited monopoly on the people or companies also recommended the formation of a high commission a national fortifications along the lines of the Committee in the Ministry of Health be responsible for the study of the epidemiological situation and develop a plan and approval of immunizations required .
President of the General Authority for Veterinary Services: 22 for a vaccine for bird flu in Egypt is given negative results and increase the incidence of and death
Minutes of the meeting recommend to the agriculture production of the vaccine and Egypt not to use imported vaccines
Vaccine Egypt Chinese soon .. and the establishment of a High Commission a national fortifications along the lines of the Ministry of Health to study the epidemiological situation and decided by the veterinary services, offering an international tender in the coming days to choose a new vaccine for avian influenza capable of dealing with the strain of local mutated by the virus and has become an extremely dangerous after it became all existing vaccines currently in the Egyptian market resistance to the disease
And Dr. Mohamed Mustafa Garhi Chairman of the Commission that all vaccines used to combat bird flu is neither effective nor more effective than 30%. And he said in exclusive statements to "money tomorrow," There are 22 companies in Egypt specialized in the field of vaccines imported 22 of the vaccine given to all negative results. Which led to high rates of injury, both human and bird flu or related to birds.
He Garhi to the Central Laboratory for the control of pharmaceutical veterinary Abbassiya will conduct a challenge test of the vaccine of the new measure of the effectiveness and efficiency of the vaccine in disease resistance and noted that there is one Chinese factories, which began in collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cairo in the isolation of strain local production of vaccine Egypt.
He criticized the chief of veterinary services indiscriminate in the use of vaccines, saying that "all of the bear become used to the vaccines have no effect and do not address the disease," with evidence that the injuries and deaths are high, "noting that it was obliged not to cancel the vaccines current and continue to fortify bird-to-be start using the new vaccine
In the same context, "money tomorrow," the minutes of the meeting of the Technical Committee to register the products Albologip veterinary and which it demanded that the Commission not to take any isolates of the virus or sent outside the country, but through legal channels so represented in the General Authority for Veterinary Services, you must follow the formal procedures and legal aspects of this regard .
Advised to note the minutes signed by the President of the Commission that you are a national company to produce bird flu vaccine so as to change the vaccine in accordance with the changes as the virus is constantly mutating and recommended the Commission not to approve the registration of a preparation of a vaccine, bird flu with them through the proxy for foreign companies and that is cooperation between the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture of China in agreement with the College of Veterinary Medicine, can benefit all parties vaccine, such as universities, research centers and others, but not limited monopoly on the people or companies also recommended the formation of a high commission a national fortifications along the lines of the Committee in the Ministry of Health be responsible for the study of the epidemiological situation and develop a plan and approval of immunizations required .
Indonesia: 1 Suspected H5N1 Case in Amassangan
Previously posted here
There is also a suspected Bird Flu H5N1 Case in Amassangan, as was posted here
Polewali - Diseases of bird flu found in chickens owned by residents attacking Sepang Hamlet, Village Lembang-dent, District and Village Limboro Amassangan, District Binuang Polewali Mandar (Polman). In three days, hundreds of chickens died suddenly flounder.
There is also a suspected Bird Flu H5N1 Case in Amassangan, as was posted here
While data from the Health Department Pinrang mentioned, until now there has been found that infected people have bird flu, but Sept. 25, a number of residents included in the monitoring of Public Health Pinrang, among others in the village of Suppang Saddang 10 people, Village Ulue Same two people, Mallongi longi-five people, and the Village Amassangan one person.

Indonesia: Bird Flu Rambah Polman
26 under watch for bird flu in Indonesia..
Three Suspected Bird Flu Virus Terinpeksi
Rabu, 29 September 2010 17:00 WITA
- Three people Lanrisang Pinrang District Residents of South Sulawesi was referred to a hospital DR.Wahididn Sudirohusodo Makassar, because terinpeksi suspected bird flu virus.Head of Health Achmad M. Kes Pinrang dr.H.Rusman in Pinrang, Wednesday, said the third person Kecamtan Lanrisang citizens, namely those Pinrang Nawir (42), Andrews (5) citizens of Hamlet Suppang Saddang and Novi (18) Same Village Ulue.
Rusman mengatkan, their fever until his body temperature reached 39 degrees celsius, they also get a sore throat and cough, while 2 other people on the strict supervision by the health department Pinrang because it has a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.
Both citizens in monitoring health office is currently in isolation at the residence of each, with a special medical personnel and can not be met by any person, two people have the body temperature of 37 degrees celsius.
"Our officers perform three times a day to monitor the health condition of these two citizens."
he said.If the body temperature of both the people being monitored by health officials is to increase the home will also be in reference Wahidin Hospital, he said.
But not just these two people are being monitored by the Department of health, but all the people who experienced fever. Even today there are about 26 people in the monitor.
According Rusman to know the patient is infected with bird flu or not, it will be four times the examination and if the patients continue to experience increased body temperature, it will coordinate with the South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office..
"Most fast 10 days for us to know the patient is suffering from bird flu or not," he said again.Pinrang health department continued to coordinate with the Party of South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office to monitor the extent to which developments in the field in accordance with fixed procedures (SOP).
To anticipate the increase in patients and facilitate monitoring of the symptoms of bird flu, the Health Department has memyiagakan officers at all 24-hour health center and set up posts in every village.
"We appealed to people immediately informed if there are families who are suffering from fever and do not in direct contact with infected chickens, but use gloves and wear masks," he said
Indonesia: 4 People Hospitalized Suspected Bird Flu H5N1 in South Sulawesi Outbreak
Four patients were expected terjangkit bird flu was treated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar, South Sulawesi.
Information that was received by SCTV, on Wednesday (29/9), the four patients consisted of two children and two adults.
They were reconciliation from RS Kabupaten Pinrang. Children's patient was Savira from the Soppeng Regency and Andrian from the Pinrang Regency.
His two patients other was Novi and Nawir also from Pinrang. Nawir and Andrian still one family.

Pasien diduga terjangkit flu burung di RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar.
Although not yet having the further inspection, the doctor suspected them of contracting bird flu because his fever was high after dozens of his kept chickens died. In order to avoids the spread of this illness, pegawasan against the four patients was carried out very tight. They are currently treated in special space the infection. (BOG)
Information that was received by SCTV, on Wednesday (29/9), the four patients consisted of two children and two adults.
They were reconciliation from RS Kabupaten Pinrang. Children's patient was Savira from the Soppeng Regency and Andrian from the Pinrang Regency.
His two patients other was Novi and Nawir also from Pinrang. Nawir and Andrian still one family.

Pasien diduga terjangkit flu burung di RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar.
Although not yet having the further inspection, the doctor suspected them of contracting bird flu because his fever was high after dozens of his kept chickens died. In order to avoids the spread of this illness, pegawasan against the four patients was carried out very tight. They are currently treated in special space the infection. (BOG)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Regent Pinrang Visit Bird Flu Locations
- Regent Pinrang Selasatan Sulawesi, H Andi M. Aslam Patonangi SH Si, Tuesday, visited the farm location that the bird flu virus in the district and subdistrict Lanrisang Suppa.
The visit was regent dialogue with local chicken farmer who also attended by the Health Department Pinrang dr Kepla Rusman Achmad M. Kes, head of agriculture and animal husbandry Ir Samson Solomon MP, Head of Animal Husbandry Ir M Ilyas, animal health and Veterinary Public Health and Head of Elvis Martina drh.
Staf Bagian Humas dan Protokoler Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Pinrang Kasmin Marina SH Staff of the Secretariat of Public Relations and Protocol Marina District Pinrang SH Kasmin said the regents visit to the site to monitor the spread of bird flu last condition Lanrisang region, including the local farmer community.
"The visit of regents as a form of government attention to the calamity that befell farmers in Lanrisang and surrounding areas," he said.
"Location, will we wake up later on the special health posts serving the public health after the attack on Lanrisang bird flu virus," he said.
Kasmin added, extension workers is expected to provide counseling in a positive way to society, so it does not arise too much fear in the community.
"Regent mengimbaun also told officers not to leave the premises, including health workers.
The visit was regent dialogue with local chicken farmer who also attended by the Health Department Pinrang dr Kepla Rusman Achmad M. Kes, head of agriculture and animal husbandry Ir Samson Solomon MP, Head of Animal Husbandry Ir M Ilyas, animal health and Veterinary Public Health and Head of Elvis Martina drh.
Staf Bagian Humas dan Protokoler Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Pinrang Kasmin Marina SH Staff of the Secretariat of Public Relations and Protocol Marina District Pinrang SH Kasmin said the regents visit to the site to monitor the spread of bird flu last condition Lanrisang region, including the local farmer community.
"The visit of regents as a form of government attention to the calamity that befell farmers in Lanrisang and surrounding areas," he said.
"Location, will we wake up later on the special health posts serving the public health after the attack on Lanrisang bird flu virus," he said.
Kasmin added, extension workers is expected to provide counseling in a positive way to society, so it does not arise too much fear in the community.
"Regent mengimbaun also told officers not to leave the premises, including health workers.
Flu Burung Rambah Sidrap Bird Flu Rambah Sidrap
28 September 2010 SIDRAP, TRIBU - The attack of bird flu disease spread also spread to other areas. After the death of dozens of cases of sudden poultry from bird flu in Pinrang, Soppeng and Wajo, the outbreak is now thought to also start attacking people in Sidrap poultry.
SIDRAP, TRIBU - The attack of bird flu disease spread also spread to other areas. After the death of dozens of cases of sudden poultry from bird flu in Pinrang, Soppeng and Wajo, the outbreak is now thought to also start attacking people in Sidrap poultry.
Melalui Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan (Disnakkan) Sidrap, Ju'mat (24/9), melansir, sekitar 1.000 ekor ayam petelur milik La Bakkareng di Kelurahan Kadidi, Kecamatan Panca Rijang, Sidrap, dilaporkan mati mendadak. Through the Department of Livestock and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Sidrap, Ju'mat (24 / 9), launch, about 1,000 laying chickens in the village of La Bakkareng Kadidi, District Five Chert, Sidrap, reportedly died suddenly.
Kasus kematian ribuan ayam milik La Bakkareng itu terjadi selama dua hari berturut-turut sejak beberapa hari lalu, namun laporannya baru diterima pasca merebaknya isu flu burung di daerah lain, seperti di Pinrang. The case of the death of thousands of chickens owned by La Bakkareng that occurred during two days in a row since a few days ago, but the new report is received after the outbreak of bird flu issue in other areas, such as in Pinrang.
Kepala Disnakkan Sidrap Abd Azis MM saat dikonfirmasi mengaku sudah mengambil tindakan preventif terhadap kemungkinan menyebarnya serangan flu burung di Sidrap. Head Disnakkan Sidrap MM Abd Aziz admitted that he had taken the time to be confirmed preventive measures against possible spread of bird flu attack in Sidrap.
"Report on the sudden death of chickens owned La Bakkareng it makes us take a step isolation. Kadidi chicken coop in our direct his cap and do a disinfectant," said Aziz.
So far it is still doing research to find out the potential for its spread in Sidrap stakeholders can quickly take action in the field.
"According to Regent command, such as the location of bird flu in Kadidi Labakkareng's cage should be immediately closed or isolated for transmission does not attack the chicken livestock in the vicinity," he added.
Turu Tim Lower
In addition, it also has a special team down in some places that are considered vulnerable to an attack of bird flu.
"Our special teams have eight people terjunkan consists of Chairman
Peternakan Kecamatan dan Partisifation Decease Survivor And Response District Animal Husbandry and Partisifation Survivor Decease And Response
(KDP and PDSR) who served in Sidrap, "he said.
Highlight the formation of National Zoonoses
TUESDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER 2010 21:01 pm
) By: Fatmah Afrianty Gobel (Lecturer of Public Health and Management IAKMI South Sulawesi)
In order to handle a variety of infectious diseases from animals to humans, especially bird flu, anthrax, and rabies, the government plans to establish the National Commission (Komnas) Zoonoses. The commission will be chaired by Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare, while the Minister of Health and Ministry of Agriculture as deputy chairman and endorsed by presidential decree.
more dead birds in Indonesia..
Again, Chicken Sudden Death
TUESDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER 2010 18:27 pm
WATANSOPPENG - Hundreds of chickens owned by residents of Kampung Voluntary race, Cabenge Soppeng District died suddenly, Monday, September 27. Chicken is still in the seedling stage or more a month old. His death indicated the bird flu.
TUESDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER 2010 18:27 pm
WATANSOPPENG - Hundreds of chickens owned by residents of Kampung Voluntary race, Cabenge Soppeng District died suddenly, Monday, September 27. Chicken is still in the seedling stage or more a month old. His death indicated the bird flu.
Egypt: 3 New Provinces With Bird Flu: Fayoum, Qaliubiya & Eastern
Re bird flu appear once again as sources familiar with the Ministry of Agriculture «constitution» for detecting devices of Veterinary Medicine for about 20 new focus infected with the disease although the disease appears and spreads since he entered Egypt in February 2006 in the winter, because the high temperature does not help the virus causing the disease to spread.
The sources added that new infestations were discovered in the governorates of Fayoum, Qaliubiya and Eastern.
Almassard also confirmed that Amin Abaza - Minister of Agriculture - has instructed the General Authority for Veterinary Services to his ministry quickly vaccinating birds against the disease, as well as the application of prohibition on the transfer of live poultry between provinces except licenses issued by the General Authority for Veterinary Services and the slaughter of live poultry outside the massacres.
In a related context, said Dr. Ahmed Fouad Ghoneim - Director of the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine Menoufia - The Directorate reported the emergence of «9» hotbeds of new infected with bird flu in the centers of Ashmun and Shebin, the martyrs and the seven pools.
Ghoneim added that those spots have been discovered through tests carried out by the Directorate, pointing out that all the birds are infected domestic birds and poultry farms are not.
He explained that it was the execution of all infected birds and vaccinated birds nearby to prevent the spread of the disease.
For his part, called on Major General Sami Amara - Governor Menoufiya - the need to take a number of measures to prevent the sale of live birds, as well as the lack of inaction in action against the disease, and stressed on the heads of local units to maintain that they turn to face the education at home, which is the main source of infection of avian influenza.
Dr Sami Taha - Member of the Veterinary Association - he stressed that all countries in the world income of avian influenza has succeeded in eliminating him, he said, adding that Egypt, with 5 countries in the world did not succeed in eradicating this disease so far.
He added that the Ministry of Agriculture are still using the same mechanism, which began to resist the disease in 2006, which lacks the presence of bio-security and the absence of any type of veterinary supervision on poultry farms, as well as use the ministry to vaccinate birds against the disease, a vaccine has proved to be ineffective in resisting disease.
The sources added that new infestations were discovered in the governorates of Fayoum, Qaliubiya and Eastern.
Almassard also confirmed that Amin Abaza - Minister of Agriculture - has instructed the General Authority for Veterinary Services to his ministry quickly vaccinating birds against the disease, as well as the application of prohibition on the transfer of live poultry between provinces except licenses issued by the General Authority for Veterinary Services and the slaughter of live poultry outside the massacres.
In a related context, said Dr. Ahmed Fouad Ghoneim - Director of the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine Menoufia - The Directorate reported the emergence of «9» hotbeds of new infected with bird flu in the centers of Ashmun and Shebin, the martyrs and the seven pools.
Ghoneim added that those spots have been discovered through tests carried out by the Directorate, pointing out that all the birds are infected domestic birds and poultry farms are not.
He explained that it was the execution of all infected birds and vaccinated birds nearby to prevent the spread of the disease.
For his part, called on Major General Sami Amara - Governor Menoufiya - the need to take a number of measures to prevent the sale of live birds, as well as the lack of inaction in action against the disease, and stressed on the heads of local units to maintain that they turn to face the education at home, which is the main source of infection of avian influenza.
Dr Sami Taha - Member of the Veterinary Association - he stressed that all countries in the world income of avian influenza has succeeded in eliminating him, he said, adding that Egypt, with 5 countries in the world did not succeed in eradicating this disease so far.
He added that the Ministry of Agriculture are still using the same mechanism, which began to resist the disease in 2006, which lacks the presence of bio-security and the absence of any type of veterinary supervision on poultry farms, as well as use the ministry to vaccinate birds against the disease, a vaccine has proved to be ineffective in resisting disease.
Researcher warns of increased numbers of birds, "pastures" abroad to Egypt
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - 16:37
Warned the servant of God Hijjawi director of Environmental Affairs and former Chairman of the National Association for the Protection of the environment, increased migration of birds from the grasslands of this year an average of 3 to 1, a very large proportion of the rate of migration of those species of birds for each year to Zaranik Lake Bardawil.
He said Hijjawi for the seventh day that the bodies relevant environmental currently working knowledge of the causes of this phenomenon, which is the "alarm bell," particularly as these birds native to the original northern Europe, to see if changes were factors of dangerous weather behind massive migration of these birds?
Warned the servant of God Hijjawi director of Environmental Affairs and former Chairman of the National Association for the Protection of the environment, increased migration of birds from the grasslands of this year an average of 3 to 1, a very large proportion of the rate of migration of those species of birds for each year to Zaranik Lake Bardawil.
He said Hijjawi for the seventh day that the bodies relevant environmental currently working knowledge of the causes of this phenomenon, which is the "alarm bell," particularly as these birds native to the original northern Europe, to see if changes were factors of dangerous weather behind massive migration of these birds?
Egypt: "Environment" confirms its readiness to extend the NGO disaster response equipment
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - 16:06
In response to what was published on the seventh day on the complaint a number of jurists from poor environmental control in the Red Sea, it was announced official spokesman of the Ministry of the Environment, Adel Abdul-Aal, that the ministry had no objection to provide services to all NGOs to help them to cope with environmental disasters may arise at any time, He stressed that if the founder of the Assembly to submit a formal request to the concerned authorities about environmental issues in the Red Sea, will give him all necessary assistance to the environment, despite the fact that such a move could cost the ministry a huge budget
In response to what was published on the seventh day on the complaint a number of jurists from poor environmental control in the Red Sea, it was announced official spokesman of the Ministry of the Environment, Adel Abdul-Aal, that the ministry had no objection to provide services to all NGOs to help them to cope with environmental disasters may arise at any time, He stressed that if the founder of the Assembly to submit a formal request to the concerned authorities about environmental issues in the Red Sea, will give him all necessary assistance to the environment, despite the fact that such a move could cost the ministry a huge budget
Egypt: 29 New Outbreaks of Bird Flu in 3 Provinces
The discovery of 29 new outbreak of bird flu in 3 provinces
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - 13:50
Said Dr. Sami Taha, member of the Veterinary Association for his fears of a renewed outbreak of avian influenza, the virus endemic in Egypt, and especially after the announcement concerned the discovery of 29 new epicenter of the disease in three provinces.
Taha pointed to the need to change the mechanisms of resistance to avian influenza, criticizing the anti-virus dispersal of responsibility among a number of ministries such as "health and the environment, local development and agriculture," where the student body Petkvl veterinary services as well as anti-virus Vaccine Institute analysis.
Taha said that the anti-virus vaccines are not effective for the mutated gene has a structure over the past years, fearful of transmission to humans, and calling for the General Union of Poultry Producers insurance on poultry farms to ensure the safety standards of bio-security and early warning of the virus.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 - 13:50
Said Dr. Sami Taha, member of the Veterinary Association for his fears of a renewed outbreak of avian influenza, the virus endemic in Egypt, and especially after the announcement concerned the discovery of 29 new epicenter of the disease in three provinces.
Taha pointed to the need to change the mechanisms of resistance to avian influenza, criticizing the anti-virus dispersal of responsibility among a number of ministries such as "health and the environment, local development and agriculture," where the student body Petkvl veterinary services as well as anti-virus Vaccine Institute analysis.
Taha said that the anti-virus vaccines are not effective for the mutated gene has a structure over the past years, fearful of transmission to humans, and calling for the General Union of Poultry Producers insurance on poultry farms to ensure the safety standards of bio-security and early warning of the virus.
If Rumours Increase Could Have Impact on Breeder's Efforts
[Sounds like their theory and protocal, now, in Indonesia is...unless you DIE...you are only a Suspect. So they pump the Tamiflu on the "suspects", and they recover, only to remain "suspects", because they did not die. And the "logic" is that the breeder's should contract the virus first...not the citizens.]
PINRANG - The bird flu virus or Avian Influenza (AI) that currently it was suspected becomes an epidemic in several areas evidently continued to become the frightening spectre in the middle of the community. Only, the member DPRD Pinrang, Sahabuddin Thoaha asked that the case of the assumption of the AI plague might not be exaggerated. The reason is, until this, did not yet have the data that proved that bird flu became the main cause of the death of humankind. Sahabuddin that was met in his office, in the DPRD Pinrang building, last Friday September 24 has said, so far, indeed did not yet have the data that was accurate concerning the death of humankind that was caused by Avian Influensa (AI). It was available, said he only suspeck (the assumption) only. "I dared to eat the chicken, that was important was cooked by above 100 levels celsius, because of his virus extension," he said. Sahabuddin regarded, if AI rumours increasingly was exaggerated, his current could have an impact on continuation of the breeder's efforts. "If this continued to take place and make the community frightened mengonsumsi chicken, then was not possible many breeders who will stop being involved in their efforts," obviously him. "From the data suspec available, had never been recorded that the chicken breeder was infected by bird flu, in fact he every time wrestled with the chicken." The logic is, should the breeder who the first time was infected, not the other person, said Sahabuddin. Nevertheless, Sahabuddin stressed, AI eradication efforts must be indeed handled in a fast, exact and professional manner, because very damaging the community
PINRANG - The bird flu virus or Avian Influenza (AI) that currently it was suspected becomes an epidemic in several areas evidently continued to become the frightening spectre in the middle of the community. Only, the member DPRD Pinrang, Sahabuddin Thoaha asked that the case of the assumption of the AI plague might not be exaggerated. The reason is, until this, did not yet have the data that proved that bird flu became the main cause of the death of humankind. Sahabuddin that was met in his office, in the DPRD Pinrang building, last Friday September 24 has said, so far, indeed did not yet have the data that was accurate concerning the death of humankind that was caused by Avian Influensa (AI). It was available, said he only suspeck (the assumption) only. "I dared to eat the chicken, that was important was cooked by above 100 levels celsius, because of his virus extension," he said. Sahabuddin regarded, if AI rumours increasingly was exaggerated, his current could have an impact on continuation of the breeder's efforts. "If this continued to take place and make the community frightened mengonsumsi chicken, then was not possible many breeders who will stop being involved in their efforts," obviously him. "From the data suspec available, had never been recorded that the chicken breeder was infected by bird flu, in fact he every time wrestled with the chicken." The logic is, should the breeder who the first time was infected, not the other person, said Sahabuddin. Nevertheless, Sahabuddin stressed, AI eradication efforts must be indeed handled in a fast, exact and professional manner, because very damaging the community
18 suspected AI virus Submissions
AI virus is suspected Submissions
18 People Suspected Bird Flu Infected
SIDRAP - Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Sidrap and residents in this area is still studying the samples of poultry that died suddenly in some places.
His research is still ongoing and not yet certain whether the deaths of thousands of poultry breeder's right due to bird flu attack.
Even so, the Head of Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Sidrap, HM Abd Aziz MSi suspect, the death of birds in relatively large amounts in Sidrap shipment was due to illness from other areas and facilities and infrastructure affected by livestock are transported into Sidrap. Aziz admitted today that he is tightening supervision at border areas in the four corners of the Sidrap, including at border-Sidrap Pinrang, Parepare-Sidrap, Wajo-Sidrap and Soppeng-Sidrap. At this point four said Aziz, considered vulnerable to the entrance of the spread of the deadly disease. Regarding preventive measures, he said, had already done optimally meet directly with a number of breeders in this area. In addition, the real action is taken by spraying in a number of cage residents. "That's an important step made in order to reduce the potential spread of the virus," he said Monday. According Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Department data Sidrap he said, carrying only about a thousand chickens that died suddenly. Most deaths occur at home continued owned by a farmer in the village called La Bakkareng Kadidi, District Five Chert, Sidrap, last week. "Actually there are several cases of poultry death scene. But the worst is in Kelurahan Kadidi it. According to reports, the dead birds belonging Labakkareng it happened a few days ago before the alleged assault case AI virus is endemic in Sidrap," he said. Described, the critical points of the spread of avian influenza (AI) can happen anywhere, especially in areas of dense livestock. However he said, the greatest potential to spread mainly occurred in the border region linking Sidrap with a number of other areas. "Hence, several entrances to direct our Sidrap currently closed," he admitted.
Separately yesterday, the Head of Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Pinrang Ir H Syamsu Solomon said, in the last three days it had to do the spraying in order to anticipate the spread of bird flu in some districts. It also has destroyed hundreds of chickens infected with avian influenza or bird flu. "We have to isolate the spread of bird flu occurred in Sawitto, Tiroang, Paleteang, Mattiro Fur, and especially Lanrisang," he said.
While Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health Department of Health Pinrang, drh Elvis Martina said, to ensure the chickens infected with bird flu will be diagnosed with clinical symptoms, surgical chicken carcasses, as well as rapid testing (rapid test). If the result is negative, will be a complete examination in the laboratory at the Veterinary Center (BBV) Maros. "For the infected chickens in this Pinrang we do not continue inspection in Maros, because it was positively infected by the AI," he said. Elvis said that, had the bird flu virus outbreak in Pinrang in 2006 and re-emerged in 2007, then in 2008 and 2009, no longer found. According to him, to make sure one is safe from bird flu areas to go through three consecutive years of zero cases. If the fourth year is still zero case, then it can be declared safe from bird flu. "That could diusul to provincial and central governments to secure areas of bird flu," he said.
This year, according to him, no funds from the special budget for bird flu prevention and vaccines. There was only the regular budget. AI-infected poultry culling carried out by the president instructed Distanak number 1 of 2007 concerning the handling and control of bird flu virus. On the second point mentions two instructions, culling birds that have been contaminated or that are kept in residential areas in the region indicated or suspected to have contracted the bird flu virus and provide reasonable compensation. At three points mentioned, the allocated funds for the handling and control of bird flu virus.
Data Distanak Pinrang mention, poultry chicken bird flu in the area indicated as many as 4094 birds. Among others in District Lanrisang, the type of free-range chicken (village) in the Village each Lanrisang 557 heads, 82 tails Ulue Same Village, Village Amassangan tail 105, Village-longi Mallongi 1280 tail, and tail 670 Lerang Village. Then type broiler chicken (chicken pieces) as many as 400 individuals. In Sub Mattiro Fur, Hamlet Village Padaidi Pao, 275 chickens infected village. Then in District Watang Sawitto, Kelurahan kampung Macorawalie 50 chickens, and in the Village District Fakkie Tiroang 50 fish. Plus in the Village District Leppangan Patampanua found 625 laying chickens (broilers).
While data from the Health Department Pinrang mentioned, until now there has been found that infected people have bird flu, but Sept. 25, a number of residents included in the monitoring of Public Health Pinrang, among others in the village of Suppang Saddang 10 people, Village Ulue Same two people, Mallongi longi-five people, and the Village Amassangan one person. Not less than 18 people can be monitored on suspicion of contracting bird flu virus.
(Edy-mg5) bird flu spread in Pinrang Lanrisang 557-Village-village chickens Same Ulue Amassangan 82 tail-Village 105 Village Mallongi tail-tail-1280-longi Lerang Village 670 Hamlet Pao-tail, tail-Village 275 Padaidi Macorawalie 50 tail-Village Fakkie 50 fish-tail 625 Village Leppangan source: distanak Pinrang
18 People Suspected Bird Flu Infected
SIDRAP - Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Sidrap and residents in this area is still studying the samples of poultry that died suddenly in some places.
His research is still ongoing and not yet certain whether the deaths of thousands of poultry breeder's right due to bird flu attack.
Even so, the Head of Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Sidrap, HM Abd Aziz MSi suspect, the death of birds in relatively large amounts in Sidrap shipment was due to illness from other areas and facilities and infrastructure affected by livestock are transported into Sidrap. Aziz admitted today that he is tightening supervision at border areas in the four corners of the Sidrap, including at border-Sidrap Pinrang, Parepare-Sidrap, Wajo-Sidrap and Soppeng-Sidrap. At this point four said Aziz, considered vulnerable to the entrance of the spread of the deadly disease. Regarding preventive measures, he said, had already done optimally meet directly with a number of breeders in this area. In addition, the real action is taken by spraying in a number of cage residents. "That's an important step made in order to reduce the potential spread of the virus," he said Monday. According Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Department data Sidrap he said, carrying only about a thousand chickens that died suddenly. Most deaths occur at home continued owned by a farmer in the village called La Bakkareng Kadidi, District Five Chert, Sidrap, last week. "Actually there are several cases of poultry death scene. But the worst is in Kelurahan Kadidi it. According to reports, the dead birds belonging Labakkareng it happened a few days ago before the alleged assault case AI virus is endemic in Sidrap," he said. Described, the critical points of the spread of avian influenza (AI) can happen anywhere, especially in areas of dense livestock. However he said, the greatest potential to spread mainly occurred in the border region linking Sidrap with a number of other areas. "Hence, several entrances to direct our Sidrap currently closed," he admitted.
Separately yesterday, the Head of Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Pinrang Ir H Syamsu Solomon said, in the last three days it had to do the spraying in order to anticipate the spread of bird flu in some districts. It also has destroyed hundreds of chickens infected with avian influenza or bird flu. "We have to isolate the spread of bird flu occurred in Sawitto, Tiroang, Paleteang, Mattiro Fur, and especially Lanrisang," he said.
While Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health Department of Health Pinrang, drh Elvis Martina said, to ensure the chickens infected with bird flu will be diagnosed with clinical symptoms, surgical chicken carcasses, as well as rapid testing (rapid test). If the result is negative, will be a complete examination in the laboratory at the Veterinary Center (BBV) Maros. "For the infected chickens in this Pinrang we do not continue inspection in Maros, because it was positively infected by the AI," he said. Elvis said that, had the bird flu virus outbreak in Pinrang in 2006 and re-emerged in 2007, then in 2008 and 2009, no longer found. According to him, to make sure one is safe from bird flu areas to go through three consecutive years of zero cases. If the fourth year is still zero case, then it can be declared safe from bird flu. "That could diusul to provincial and central governments to secure areas of bird flu," he said.
This year, according to him, no funds from the special budget for bird flu prevention and vaccines. There was only the regular budget. AI-infected poultry culling carried out by the president instructed Distanak number 1 of 2007 concerning the handling and control of bird flu virus. On the second point mentions two instructions, culling birds that have been contaminated or that are kept in residential areas in the region indicated or suspected to have contracted the bird flu virus and provide reasonable compensation. At three points mentioned, the allocated funds for the handling and control of bird flu virus.
Data Distanak Pinrang mention, poultry chicken bird flu in the area indicated as many as 4094 birds. Among others in District Lanrisang, the type of free-range chicken (village) in the Village each Lanrisang 557 heads, 82 tails Ulue Same Village, Village Amassangan tail 105, Village-longi Mallongi 1280 tail, and tail 670 Lerang Village. Then type broiler chicken (chicken pieces) as many as 400 individuals. In Sub Mattiro Fur, Hamlet Village Padaidi Pao, 275 chickens infected village. Then in District Watang Sawitto, Kelurahan kampung Macorawalie 50 chickens, and in the Village District Fakkie Tiroang 50 fish. Plus in the Village District Leppangan Patampanua found 625 laying chickens (broilers).
While data from the Health Department Pinrang mentioned, until now there has been found that infected people have bird flu, but Sept. 25, a number of residents included in the monitoring of Public Health Pinrang, among others in the village of Suppang Saddang 10 people, Village Ulue Same two people, Mallongi longi-five people, and the Village Amassangan one person. Not less than 18 people can be monitored on suspicion of contracting bird flu virus.
(Edy-mg5) bird flu spread in Pinrang Lanrisang 557-Village-village chickens Same Ulue Amassangan 82 tail-Village 105 Village Mallongi tail-tail-1280-longi Lerang Village 670 Hamlet Pao-tail, tail-Village 275 Padaidi Macorawalie 50 tail-Village Fakkie 50 fish-tail 625 Village Leppangan source: distanak Pinrang
Flanked Ajatappareng Tight
Sunday, 26 September 2010
PINRANG (SINDO) - Regional border districts in the region Ajatappareng officers Animal Husbandry Department guarded Pinrang and Parepare to prevent the spread of bird flu virus spreading in Sidrap.
Anticipatory policy is taken following an outbreak of bird flu virus back in the area which caused thousands of dead chickens in Sidrap. Head of Animal Health and Public Health Primier Health Office (DHO) Pinrang Elsy tersebut.Virus confirmed that H5N1 was coded shipment of bird flu-prone areas. One of them Sidrap, known most often mentioned tersebut.Dia disease, since last few days it was banning poultry second traffic area. Not only that entry, exit Pinrang poultry workers were prohibited.
Even specialized in the village of Amassangang, Mallongi-longi, Sumpang Saddang, and Hamlet Uloe Lanrisang District, poultry originating from the area destroyed to prevent spread of the officer. Since last weekend, four villages were also isolated. "Obviously we will explore the origins of the causes of the spread penyakititu, sekaligusmemperketat control the entry of poultry in other areas, especially in the border region. Especially at the scene, we try to neutralize for the disease does not spread to humans.
One way of culling, burying, or burning a dead chicken, "he said. While the Chief Medical Officer Pinrang Rusman Ahmad said, eight people suffering from fever pascadaerah Lanrisang District was attacked by the virus. He said he made some observations to determine the cause of his illness eight people tersebut. Bahkan Health has also built more quickly post to monitor the possibilities there are people who contracted the H5N1 virus or bird flu. Anticipatory action related dissemination of the virus, also captured the City Government (City Government) Parepare.
Head of Livestock Department PKPK Parepare Mustamin revealed, surveillance involving communications and ranch land, made to anticipate the entry of the deadly disease of poultry into the city of Pare Pare. "Control of transport of livestock across the border is already routinely performed. Although there are no instructions, we memperketatpengawasan.Antisipasi we do as early as possible considering that the virus raged in Pinrang, "he said.
While in Sidrap, Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) also isolated a chicken farm in the village of La Bakkareng Kadidi, District of La Panca Rijang.Ribuan chicken Bakkareng also reported to have died from bird flu. Local officials also have been spraying the cage with a liquid disinfectant to kill the virus.
hattip bgw in MT
Bird Flu Threatens Livestock Population
Tuesday, 28-09-2010
SIDRAP, Upeks - The attack of bird flu spread quickly and return to threaten livestock population. Having found the case of the death of dozens of chickens suddenly in Pinrang, Soppeng and Wajo, fatal disease of cattle is now starting to spread in Sidrap which became the largest chicken stock base in Eastern Indonesia (KTI)
Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Sidrap, Ju'mat (24 / 9) launch, at least 1,000 laying hens in the village of La Bakkareng Kadidi, District Five Chert, Sidrap reported sudden death.
The case of the death of thousands of chickens owned by La Bakkareng this happened for two days in a row since a few days ago, but the new report is received after the outbreak of bird flu issue that hit several areas in Ajatappareng.
Head Disnakkan Sidrap, Ir H Abd Aziz MM, as confirmed admitted that he had taken preventive measures against possible spread of bird flu attack in Sidrap.
"Report on the sudden death of chickens owned La Bakkareng force us immediately undertake efforts isolation.'s Chicken coop La Bakkareng in direct Kadidi we cover and do the disinfectant," said Abd Aziz.
SIDRAP, Upeks - The attack of bird flu spread quickly and return to threaten livestock population. Having found the case of the death of dozens of chickens suddenly in Pinrang, Soppeng and Wajo, fatal disease of cattle is now starting to spread in Sidrap which became the largest chicken stock base in Eastern Indonesia (KTI)
Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Disnakkan) Sidrap, Ju'mat (24 / 9) launch, at least 1,000 laying hens in the village of La Bakkareng Kadidi, District Five Chert, Sidrap reported sudden death.
The case of the death of thousands of chickens owned by La Bakkareng this happened for two days in a row since a few days ago, but the new report is received after the outbreak of bird flu issue that hit several areas in Ajatappareng.
Head Disnakkan Sidrap, Ir H Abd Aziz MM, as confirmed admitted that he had taken preventive measures against possible spread of bird flu attack in Sidrap.
"Report on the sudden death of chickens owned La Bakkareng force us immediately undertake efforts isolation.'s Chicken coop La Bakkareng in direct Kadidi we cover and do the disinfectant," said Abd Aziz.
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