Friday, March 16, 2012
Indonesia: Toddler Suspected #Birdflu Merged With Others
Influenza H5N1 is not lethal in ferrets after airborne transmission
1 March 2012
Ron Fouchier has discussed his influenza H5N1 transmission experiments in ferrets at an ASM Biodefense Conference, clarifying several assumptions about the transmissibility of the virus in this animal model.
Two different influenza H5N1 strains were used for Fouchier’s experiments: a wild type virus, and a mutated virus (we’ll call it mutH5N1). He did not reveal the nature of the mutations in this virus but from previous reports they consist of changes introduced into the viral HA protein to allow binding to sialic acid receptors in the avian respiratory tract, and other changes selected during passage in ferrets.
Ferrets are housed in neighboring cages separated by steel grids to allow free air flow between cages. The cages are placed in a class 3 biosafety hood within a BSL3+ facility. A ferret in one cage is inoculated intranasally with virus, and then ferrets in neighboring cages are assayed for presence of virus in the respiratory tract. When ferrets are inoculated with wt H5N1 virus, viral replication ensues in the respiratory tract, but the virus is not transmitted to animals in neighboring cages. When ferrets are inoculated with mutH5N1, the virus is transmitted to 3/4 ferrets in neighboring cages. If the mutH5N1 virus is recovered from these animals and used to infect new ferrets, it is then transmitted to 2/2 ferrets in neighboring cages. The results are summarized in the following figure:
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Israel: Cats Infected With H5N1
Three stray cats die of avian flu in Eilat
LAST UPDATED: 03/15/2012 18:58
Three stray cats found by the Veterinary Service and Health Ministry inspectors at Shalva and Holit in southwest Israel were confirmed as having died from eating poultry infected with avian flu.
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CDC: Human Infection with Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus: Advice for Travelers
Current Situation
Highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus (also called “H5N1,” “bird flu,” or “avian flu”)* has caused serious disease in poultry and wild birds on multiple continents. Humans rarely get sick with bird flu, but since 2003, more than 560 people in 15 countries in parts of Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East have become ill, and about 60% of these people have died. You can find the most up-to-date information by using the links below:
- Confirmed human cases are listed, by country, on the World Health Organization (WHO) Avian Influenza website
- The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)
lists the countries reporting outbreaks among poultry and/or wild birds
Most people have become infected with bird flu through direct contact or close exposure to sick or dead poultry. Direct contact could happen during activities such as―
- Visiting live bird or poultry markets
- Preparing or eating uncooked or undercooked bird products (such as meat, eggs, or blood)
A few people have become infected through close, prolonged contact with another person who is very sick with bird flu, but this is extremely rare. The H5N1 virus is not circulating among people. CDC expects that outbreaks of bird flu will continue among poultry in Asia and the Middle East. Because of this, people who have direct contact with infected birds may occasionally get bird flu.
Advice for Travelers
At this time, CDC is not recommending that the general public avoid travel to any of the countries where there is bird flu in poultry or other birds. If you are planning travel to one of these areas, follow these steps to reduce your risk of getting sick:
Before Your Trip
- Visit CDC's Travelers’ Health Website to learn about any disease risks and health recommendations for areas you plan to visit.
- See a travel medicine specialist or a doctor familiar with travel medicine at least 4–6 weeks before you leave to answer your questions and make specific recommendations for you.
- Be sure you are up-to-date with all your routine vaccinations, including a seasonal flu vaccine. Although seasonal flu vaccine will not protect you from bird flu, it will protect you from seasonal flu, which is much more common worldwide than bird flu. In addition, get any travel-related vaccines that your doctor recommends for you.
- Pack a travel health kit that contains basic first aid and medical supplies. See the Pack Smart page for suggested items.
- Before you leave, know where health care resources are located in your destination. For more information, visit Doctors/Hospitals Abroad
from the US Department of State.
- Learn more about preparing for your trip at Your Survival Guide to Safe and Healthy Travel.
During your visit to an area affected by bird flu
Be careful with birds:
- Avoid all direct contact with birds, including poultry (such as chickens and ducks) and wild birds.
- Avoid touching surfaces that have bird droppings (feces) or other bird fluids on them.
- Avoid places such as poultry farms and bird markets where live birds are raised or kept.
- Eat only bird meat or products that have been thoroughly cooked.
- Egg yolks should not be runny or liquid.
- Do not eat dishes that contain uncooked (raw) or undercooked bird meat or products (such as eggs and poultry blood).
- Because flu viruses are destroyed by heat, the cooking temperature for bird meat should be 165°F (74°C).
Practice healthy habits to help stop the spread of germs:
- Wash your hands often with soap and clean water. This removes germs from your skin and helps prevent diseases from spreading.
- Use waterless alcohol-based hand gels (containing at least 60% alcohol) when soap and clean water are not available and hands are not visibly dirty.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and put your used tissue in a waste basket.
- If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hands.
- Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.
- Follow all local health recommendations. For example, you may be asked to put on a surgical mask to protect others.
- Avoid people who are sick with fever and respiratory symptoms such as coughing.
Seek medical care if you feel sick:
- If you become sick with a fever plus a cough and sore throat or have trouble breathing, seek medical care right away. Tell the doctor if you have had contact with sick or dead birds.
- If you need to find local medical care, a US consular officer can help you locate medical services and will inform your family or friends in the United States of your illness. To contact the US embassy or consulate in the country where you are visiting:
- Dial: 1-888-407-4747 if calling from the United States or Canada,
- Dial: 00 1 202-501-4444 if calling from overseas, or
- Find your local US embassy at Websites of US Embassies, Consulates, and Diplomatic Missions
- See the information on the page “Know What To Do if You Become Sick or Injured on Your Trip” to help you. You should avoid further travel until you are free of symptoms, unless you are traveling locally for medical care.
A note about health screening:
Some countries monitor the health of people arriving from areas affected by bird flu, usually in airports. You may be asked to fill out a questionnaire or have your temperature taken.
After your return from an area affected by bird flu
- Closely monitor your health for 7 days.
- If you become sick with a fever plus a cough, sore throat, or have trouble breathing during this 7-day period, see a doctor. When you make the appointment, tell the doctor the following—
- your symptoms,
- where you traveled, and
- if you have had direct contact with birds or close contact with a very sick person.
- Do not travel when you are sick, unless you are traveling locally to get medical care. By limiting contact with others as much as possible, you can help prevent others from getting sick.
Additional Information:
- Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus
- Human Infection with Avian Influenza A (H5N1): Advice for Travelers (CDC)
- Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) in People
*All uses of “bird flu” on this page refer to avian influenza A (H5N1). There are other types of bird flu, but these are not known to infect humans.
FDA Panel: Add Two New Strains to 2012 Influenza Vaccine
SILVER SPRING, MD. – A Food and Drug Administration advisory panel on Feb. 28 recommended that the vaccine for the next influenza season should include two new strains and retain only one of the three strains in the current vaccine.
The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee voted 18-0 that the 2012-2013 seasonal flu vaccine used in the United States should include the same influenza A (H1N1) component included in the 2011-2012 vaccine, an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like virus. For the second influenza A strain in the vaccine, the panel’s vote was also unanimous, recommending that the influenza A (H3N2) component be replaced with an A/Victoria/361/2011 (H3N2)-like virus.
The panel voted 17-1 that that the influenza B strain be replaced with a B/Wisconsin/1/2010-like virus (B/Yamagata lineage). The current vaccine strain is a B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus, a B/Victoria lineage strain. Panelists pointed out, however, that determining which B strain to select, a Victoria or Yamagata lineage B strain virus, is always challenging and said that this illustrated the utility of a quadrivalent influenza vaccine that contains B/Victoria lineage and B/Yamagata lineage viruses.
It appears that a quadrivalent influenza vaccine may soon be available, possibly as early as 2013. At the meeting, representatives of several vaccine manufacturers provided updates on the status of their quadrivalent influenza vaccines in development, including GlaxoSmithKline, which has filed for FDA approval of a quadrivalent influenza vaccine for people aged 3 and older.
The FDA panel’s recommendations are the same as the World Health Organization’s recommendations for the 2012-2013 Northern Hemisphere seasonal influenza vaccine, made at a meeting earlier in February.
The FDA panel meets at this time every year to recommend the strains to be included in the trivalent influenza vaccine in the United States in the upcoming season, considering information on the strains circulating worldwide and the WHO recommendation for the vaccine to be used in the Northern Hemisphere.
This influenza season has started late, in February, and flu activity has been low, although it is expected to increase, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced last week.
The FDA usually follows the recommendations of its advisory panels. Panelists have been cleared of potential conflicts of interest related to the topic of the meeting. Occasionally, a panelist may be given a waiver, but not at this meeting.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Vietnam: Danger of spontaneous poultry markets
Avian influenza is occurring in many provinces - into, for the quarantine of poultry transport, trade is being strengthened. However, in the city, there remain many poultry markets spontaneously the day before were flat, the next day to sell.
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Not quarantined poultry sold rampant. |
"Kidnapping disc '
Last week, the Joint Task Group includes veterinary forces, police and local authorities issued a military order up two poultry market development and demand on market demand Belt Bridge School sector 12 and Go Vap district.These poultry markets large-scale spontaneous activity from early morning until late at night. Road for pedestrians to cross the two bridges has occupied a place selling poultry. The peak at 30-40 vendors, with hundreds of chickens and ducks are sold each day. When inter-sectoral working groups have not seized poultry quarantine illegal trade, the seller also manh the fight to win back and smashed motor vehicles of duty.
With the determination of the military Joint Task Group, 2 spontaneous poultry market has been flat. However, through this week, two poultry markets spontaneous on demand and market demand Belt Bridge School reappeared in half for the District 12. The sellers in order to prevent forces selling just check a few chickens ducks, but also ask how much, by being hidden in poultry around the bridge area.
Why is hard to put down the poultry markets this? The former is the oldest poultry markets, large-scale business. Because the market is located between two districts 12 and Go Vap, people who are easy to handle sales, the county side the military, small businesses just run a few steps across the bridge to the district is endowed to sell. So the market is swept the day before, day after the sale. Poultry sold here are of unknown origin. The poultry sellers here said it was the chicken park in Hoc Mon and people said that if the sale of poultry bird flu is they who suffer first. However, poultry can not guarantee in this market spontaneously infected without quarantine.
Not only in areas 12 and Go Vap district, in many coastal counties and urban districts are more spontaneous poultry markets to grow, sell on the pavement of the road: La Xuan Oai (District 9), Ky (District 12), Kha Van Hiep Binh (Thu Duc), Nguyen Van Linh (7 and Binh Chanh district) ... just up the local saw few days later sold to small businesses. According to figures from HCMC Department of Animal Health, the province now has over 130 poultry markets spontaneous action. These hot spots are likely to cause an outbreak of bird flu, need to finish up.
Need to try harder
130 poultry markets spontaneously active causing avian flu prevention in HCM City difficult. Since early 2011, HCM City has Directive 07/2011 on measures to promote prevention of disease of cattle and poultry in the province. HCM City early 2012 have continued to Directive 04/2012 on prevention of avian influenza, the responsibility for the District Chairman - district must deploy forces standing ready manpower and funding to proactive response when outbreaks and solved the poultry business, the illegal slaughter of poultry.Chairman District - the district is responsible if their business is illegal poultry.Responsibilities have been clearly defined, but the poultry markets spontaneously appear just finished cleaning.
Talking with SGGP Newspaper, Mr. Huynh Tan Phat, deputy director of HCM City Department of Animal Health, said: To minimize the possibility of bird flu, in addition to professional duties have been assigned responsibilities, the Department has advised the level of strong measures and drastic, such as banning poultry, birds, pets in the home, residential. At the gateway to the city has a key quarantine stations operate 24/24. However, the risk of disease is difficult to be thoroughly checked if the Chairman of the county - district shall not see her, do not try to up the poultry markets spontaneously in the area.
Vietnam: Currently, in Dak Lak out bird flu has appeared more foot and mouth outbreak of bovine animals, pigs have caused considerable economic damage
Currently, in Dak Lak out bird flu has appeared more foot and mouth outbreak of bovine animals, pigs have caused considerable economic damage to farmers and public health.
Currently, Dak Lak province has written to direct relevant agencies, local manual focus, implement preventive measures to prevent, timely avian influenza, foot and mouth cattle and pigs. The province has surrounded zoning vaccination, disinfection in the outbreak and the total destruction of poultry, pigs, and actively treat the disease of cattle. Appear at the local animal disease outbreaks, poultry and provinces set up checkpoints to prevent the transportation of animals and animal products out of the sick and control services in the key clue to in the province. The province will strictly handle organizations and individuals that violate the quarantine work.
Indonesia: Another Article Regarding the 10 Suspected Improved Cases in Bima
"These patients had been improved. Clinical symptoms more well and found no indication of Avian Influenza virus H5N1 or negative, "said Chief Medical Officer (DHO) province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Dr. Ismail H Moch, in Mataram on Thursday.
Ten patients suspected of bird flu that medical care in district hospitals Bima, who are referred from a number of health centers. Including two patients who were toddlers each Lativa (11 months) and Azhar (2.5 months) who were referred from health centers Bolo, because his body temperature reached 37.5 degrees celsius.
However, medical care has entered the recovery phase, as shown significant change after being in intensive medical treatment.
Ismail appreciate the support of the people who are willing to bring his relatives suspected of being infected with bird flu, which refers to increased body temperature to exceed the threshold of 27.5 degrees celsius.
[Toggletext translation of excerpt: Ismail appreciated the community's prepared support brought his relative who was suspected terjangkit bird flu, that referred to the increase in the temperature of the body until exceeding the threshold 27.5 levels celsius. ]
"Community participation in preventing the spread of bird flu virus from poultry to humans, it is very important and people in the Milky aware of it so quickly over high heat to bring the patient to a hospital or health center, "he said.
As is known, an indication of the spread of bird flu virus in livestock sticking in Bima Regency on February 28, 2012 and has now spread in 10 of 18 districts in Bima Regency. Soromandi the tenth township, Madapangga, Bolo, WOHA, Belo, Donggo, Wawo, Sape, and Ambalawi Langgudu.
In fact, had spread to three districts in the city of Bima district of West Rasanae, Rasanae East, and Sub Asakota.
results of laboratory examinations number of blood samples of pet chickens, two of which were positive for H5N1 virus (bird flu).
Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health of the province and regency of Bima, then destroy infected livestock suspected, will be able to prevent transmission to humans.
least 4500 pet chickens at 10 Bima districts in suspected bird flu, has been destroyed, in addition to about 8,500 chickens that died suddenly.
Chicken and other poultry suspected of contracting destroyed, cages and other objects are considered tainted also destroyed. In fact, buried in the ground to ensure the safety of the things that are not desirable.
For those who are still healthy livestock, given vaccinations and kept away from the suspected bird flu. (*)
Indonesia: 10 Patients Unexpectedly Improved AI in Bima
Bird flu patients at home terguda Sakit.FOTO: Reuters
Clinical symptoms improved and no indication was found infected with H5N1 virus.
The health condition of 10 residents of Bima Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, which is in intensive care because of unexpected (suspect) bird flu, getting better and leads to a negative status of Avian Influenza.
"These patients had been improved. Clinical symptoms better and found no indication of Avian Influenza virus H5N1 or negative," said Chief Medical Officer (DHO) province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Dr. Ismail H Moch, in Mataram on Thursday (15 / 3).
They underwent medical treatment in hospitals Bima, who are referred from a number of health centers. Including two patients who were toddlers each Lativa (11 months) and Azhar (2.5 months), referred from health centers Bolo, because his body temperature reached 37.5 degrees celsius.
But medical care is entering the recovery phase, as it shows any significant change after being in intensive medical treatment.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
CDC Newsroom: Smartphones more accurate, faster, cheaper for disease surveillance
Researchers compared survey data collection methods at four influenza surveillance sites in Kenya. At each site, surveillance officers identified patients with respiratory illness and administered a brief questionnaire that included demographic and clinical information. Some of the questionnaires were collected using traditional paper methods, and others were collected using HTC Touch Pro2 smartphones using a proprietary software program called the Field Adapted Survey Toolkit (FAST).
“Collecting data using smartphones has improved the quality of our data and given us a faster turnaround time to work with it,” said Henry Njuguna, M.D., sentinel surveillance coordinator at CDC Kenya. “It also helped us save on the use of paper and other limited resources.”
A total of 1,019 paper–based questionnaires were compared to 1,019 smartphone questionnaires collected at the same four sites. Only 3 percent of the surveys collected with smartphones were incomplete, compared to 5 percent of the paper–based questionnaires. Of the questions that required mandatory responses in the smartphone questionnaire, 4 percent were left unanswered in paper–based questionnaires compared with none of the smartphone questionnaires. Seven paper–based questionnaires had duplicated patient identification numbers, while no duplication was seen in smartphone data. Smartphone data were uploaded into the database within 8 hours of collection, compared to an average of 24 days for paper-based data to be uploaded.
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CDC research shows outbreaks linked to imported foods increasing
Foodborne disease outbreaks caused by imported food appeared to rise in 2009 and 2010, and nearly half of the outbreaks implicated foods imported from areas which previously had not been associated with outbreaks, according to research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, presented today at the International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in Atlanta.
“It's too early to say if the recent numbers represent a trend, but CDC officials are analyzing information from 2011 and will continue to monitor for these outbreaks in the future,” said Hannah Gould, Ph.D., an epidemiologist in CDC’s Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases and the lead author.
CDC experts reviewed outbreaks reported to CDC’s Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System from 2005-2010 for implicated foods that were imported into the United States. During that five-year period, 39 outbreaks and 2,348 illnesses were linked to imported food from 15 countries. Of those outbreaks, nearly half (17) occurred in 2009 and 2010. Overall, fish (17 outbreaks) were the most common source of implicated imported foodborne disease outbreaks, followed by spices (six outbreaks including five from fresh or dried peppers). Nearly 45 percent of the imported foods causing outbreaks came from Asia.
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The New Bird Flu Virus
Published: March 13, 2012
To the Editor:
Re “The Truth About the Doomsday Virus?” (editorial, March 4):
The confused and partisan attempts to evaluate the risks of the recently constructed influenza strains — and what to do about them once defined — reflect the complete absence of a strategy for dealing with a rapidly growing threat: the technology underlying these viral constructs is fast approaching a stage where pathogens capable of killing millions can be designed and produced at modest cost using widely available techniques.
No scientific, professional or government body is adequately engaged in addressing this danger. Policies need to be put in place that allow science to move forward without putting a loaded gun in the hands of terrorists.
Censoring science is a bad idea. But publishing detailed descriptions of how to synthesize a pathogen with the capability of triggering a pandemic is worse.
Phuket free of bird flu, but taking no chances
More than 100 public health workers and volunteers yesterday attended a “Bird Flu Prevention 2012” training seminar at Vachira Phuket Hospital.
The stated purpose was to refresh Phuket Provincial Health Office (PPHO) workers in how to identify possible cases of H5N1 infection and treat patients effectively, increasing confidence in the public health system among tourists in the process.
Those who attended the workshop included staff at government and private hospitals, PPHO workers, volunteers and government health clinics run by local administrative bodies.
PPHO Deputy director Wiwat Seetamanotch told attendees that although there has not been a single recorded case of bird flu infection in Thailand in more than three years, the situation in some neighboring countries is a source of concern.
“Bird flu is still spreading among fowl in some countries. As a result, no country is truly risk-free. If the virus were to mutate, it could increase the risk of infection in humans. If such a mutation allowed it be spread directly from human to human, it could become very dangerous indeed,” said Dr Wiwat.
Dr Wiwat thanked attendees for their past efforts in dealing with flu outbreaks and reminded them that the current Ministry of Public Health policy calls for strict monitoring, both of fowl and humans.
“We need to always be prepared for any situation,” said Dr Wiwat.
“If everyone cooperates well and strictly follows procedures, Phuket and Thailand will remain safe from bird flu and other flu strains,” he said.
The MoPH policy also calls for strict safety procedures in laboratories.
Concerns about about the bird flu virus being genetically manipulated into “Doomsday Virus” increased significantly two months ago when a team of Dutch researchers announced they had developed a new strain that could pass from mammal to mammal.
They later downplayed fears of a mass pandemic, saying they were only able to spread the virus in lab animals – in this case, ferrets – by direct injection into the windpipe.
Nevertheless, the announcement led to calls for better international oversight over such work and raised fears of the consequences if a genetically-modified strain of the virus, one capable of air-to-air transmission among humans, were to fall into the hands of terrorists.
Genetic modification of the H5N1 bird flu virus is a concern among epidemiologists due to its high mortality rate in humans, as high as 60% according to World Health Organization statistics.
Vietnam: Bird flu tends to slow down
Updated at: 14/03/2012 15:24 | |
(VEN) - At a meeting of the Steering Committee national prevention of avian influenza and foot and mouth pm 13/3, Department of Animal Health - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said: Until the present time, the outbreak is still being local control and tends to decrease. The country also four provinces with avian influenza has 21 days, Quang Tri, Thai Nguyen, Ha Tinh and Hai Duong. From the beginning of the year, outbreaks have occurred in 59 communes of 42 districts of 14 provinces and cities as 66,497 birds infected, death and destruction. MARD Deputy Minister Diep Kinh Tan DAH requirements and procedures enter quickly to 50 million doses of bird flu vaccine to the provinces enclosure, control of translation. Also, urgently reserve enough anthrax vaccine to inject phase 1 in May and 500,000 reserve blue ear vaccine prevention in the future. |
Indonesia: Bengkulu - Authorities Can Not Find Source of H5N1
Mar 14th, 2012
BENGKULU - The bird flu virus has claimed lives in the city of Bengkulu. But the provincial government team has not found the source of entry of this deadly virus to attack the citizens of Bengkulu. It is found in cases of chickens found dead suddenly in a number of locations, but there has been no official statement the death was due to bird flu.
Latest info, there is a suspicion of bird flu virus that enters from outside of Bengkulu Bengkulu.
Head of Agriculture and Livestock (Distanak) the city of Bengkulu, Ir Arif Gunadi said the suspected bird flu virus originating from birds originating from the city of Bengkulu ordinary course have a point. "Perhaps, now it is based on information in newspapers in the district have started on guard Mukomuko or raids on the border of feathered friends that come out into the District Mukomuko. Allegations that could be because we have not been there to check on the cattle out of the city of Bengkulu, "Arif said Gunadi.
To that end, he continued, in the future it plans to do the same on every bird that comes out into the city of Bengkulu. Particularly birds that enter the city of Bengkulu in large numbers, are required to include a letter of recommendation from your veterinarian or local animal husbandry department. "That the birds were free of disease dangerous to humans," he added.
We are, he added, will coordinate the relevant agencies. Among the Department of Transportation. "To do a turn, we hope to be done by members of the Traffic and Road Transportation (LLAJ). Because they already have outposts in the border area into the city of Bengkulu "Arif explained Gunadi.
"For results of tests conducted by a team of Lampung, probably tomorrow (today). If not, then likely on Wednesday, "he concluded.
Separately, RB contacted last night, Chief Medical Officer of Bengkulu city, drg Mixon Syahbudin admit, it is still investigating the case of the death of a resident of Bengkulu city, the bird flu virus. "We are still investigating the source of the first so that the bias attacks and inflicted casualties," said Mixon RB when contacted by telephone last night.
Health Team continued, difficult to uncover the source of the first victims of the virus that causes bird flu and died. "We're somewhat kesulitran, because the victim did not have a history of contact with poultry. Either cooking or playing or poultry. We were not sure, whether the source is outside the city of Bengkulu, or any of its own in the city of Bengkulu. We are still doing the investigation, "lid M Nasir.
Mandatory Drinking Water
Meanwhile, two suspected patients (suspected, red) contracted the H5N1 virus, aka Ad GDS (20) Garden Village residents Dahri and YO (22), from Village Cage, YO (22), still being treated intensively in the Myrtle RSMY, Monday ( 12/3). Although it has improved, the patient is still awaiting results of lab tests related to the center of their blood specimens.
"I myself have not heard the results of lab tests related to central blood specimens. It is scheduled for today (yesterday, red) but there has been no report from the hospital (RSMY, red), "said the GDS that can sit up with a better condition.
RB watchlist, other suspected victims, YO, visible presence of reporters who tried to resist menayanakan current condition of the patient. The family immediately closed the window curtains of cloth one isolation room Kemuning space. Victims look weak, given the patient's status as a student city of Bengkulu the PTS decreased platelets.
"Drink lots of water, yes," said medical care when monitoring the condition of the victim using Protective Equipment (PPE) like the astronauts.
By APD closing body and head, and do not miss the gloves, masks and goggles clear, Kemuning room nurse check the patient's current circumstances of the suspect is located in the adjacent room.
"The condition of two patients to date in good condition. Since the beginning of never using any ventilator or regulator, given both the condition is still stable, "said dr. Johannes, who accompanied one of H.Hs nurse when to check the patient.
Apart from having to drink lots of water, the two patients suspect msih also recommended to eat soft mushy. But not allowed to eat fruits or other heavy foods.
"The needs of patients would water is very important. Primarily to replace lost body fluids as well as to stabilize circulation and metabolism among adult, "said Johannes.
Separately, Deputy Director (Vice Director) Field of Medical Care and Nursing RSMY, Dr. Lista Cerlyviera, MM claimed to have received an attachment-related results of lab tests conducted in Jakarta. Lista's just still unsure if the results of lab tests are negative specimens of two patients.
"We pray for it, the result is negative. Indeed, for the second suspect is still hospitalized patients in the Kemuning have been no reports of both oral and enclosed centers. We're also still waiting for its attachments to be sent by fax, "Lista said.
Previously, one patient suspect, RJ (2), a resident of Jalan Bandar Raya Village Pematang incoming governor Kemuning room, Tuesday (6/3), has come home and undergo outpatient since Saturday (10/3) afternoon. RJ confirmed negative suspect after the hospital received the results of lab test specimens of patients who were toddlers it orally.
"For patients RJ, we have just received a verbal report. Only waiting for a fax copy of his course, "Lista said.
As is known, the victims suspect bird flu, the risk factors indicated GDS bird flu after a pet bird died suddenly one day before he was rushed to the Kemuning, Friday (9/3) afternoon. (Hue / MRX)
Indonesia: Bengkulu - 2 Patients Suspect, Negative
BENGKULU - Good news obtained by the two patients suspect (suspected, red) that the bird flu, aka Ad GDS (20) Garden Village residents Dahri and YO (22), from Village Cage, YO (22). Both confirmed the negative of H5N1 virus threat. It is known after the Hospital M Yunus (RSMY) get the report from the center through the Provincial Health Office of Bengkulu.
Conclusions are based on test known Polymirasea Chain Reaction (PCR) performed in the laboratory of Research and Development of Health (Research and Development) Ministry of Health as much as three times.
"Of the three tests on specimens taken, to date two patients (YO and GDS, red) negative status of bird flu.Although only a verbal report but it is certain that lapiran results will be sent via fax will remain the same (negative, red), "said Vice Director of Medical Services and Nursing Field RSMY, Lista.
Meanwhile, some patients who previously had Kemuning space temporarily evacuated will be transferred back to the original space (Myrtle, red). Given the known negative patient suspect bird flu. However, the hospital will perform the sterilization of the room before putting back Kemuning old patient room.
"We will clean the room before sterilization. After the sterilization room is cleaned with ultraviolet light in order to continuously clean the germs and bacteria do not Aksa eyes, "Lista said.
One Patient Return
Although still slightly higher body temperature, the patient decided to leave early GDS and outpatient menajalani. The family also asked to be treated in the traditional GDS. In addition, the GDS itself admits that he has felt better than ever.
"It cured it home. Results were also negative. For our subsequent recovery process will be for traditional medical treatment, "said GDS when clean home around 12:00 pm, yesterday.
In the meantime, patients are still treated in the YO Kemuning because the conditions are still contracting the other disease indications. In addition platelets of patients known to still not stable and require intensive care. The results of recent examinations by medical personnel, patient platelets YO known only 105 thousand.
"Normally the examination of platelets is between 150.000-450.000/cmm. The plan, if it has stabilized, YO will be moved to a regular room. But we'll see the latest conditions of these patients (YO, red). Given the patient's platelet count had dropped since the beginning of YO treated here (RSMY, red), "Lista said.
Previously, one patient suspect, RJ (2), a resident of Jalan Bandar Raya Village Pematang incoming governor Kemuning room, Tuesday (6/3), has come home and undergo outpatient since Saturday (10/3) afternoon. RJ confirmed negative suspect after the hospital received the results of lab test specimens of patients who were toddlers it orally.
While casualties suspect bird flu, the risk factors indicated GDS bird flu after a pet bird died suddenly one day before he was rushed to the Kemuning, Friday (9/3) afternoon.
While the suspect bird flu victim, YO, was forced to intensive care in the Myrtle RSMY since Thursday (8/3) evening. Nine chickens in her neighborhood died suddenly, four days before he was taken to RSMY.(MRX)