Saturday, March 31, 2012
Israel-40 poultry workers were given preventive treatment against #birdflu #H5N1
31/03/12 - 18:39
Ministry of Agriculture said that the virus has spread due to the transfer of poultry without supervision
Several dozen employees coops of turkeys, Lachish seats, received prophylaxis by the suspicion that chickens infected with bird flu. We wrote notes collected Foziilov that have not been reported in humans infected with influenza virus - birds. One infected with the chicken in Zavdiel, Gadi Elmaleh, accused the Ministry of Agriculture who quickly determine that the birds were infected with the virus, though no strong evidence that.
Ministry of Agriculture said that the virus has spread due to the transfer of poultry without supervision Moshav Sde - Moses seat Zavdiel, but Elmaleh said that the Veterinary Service approved the transfer of birds.
Bird flu was discovered in the coop in Zavdiel, 40 people were vaccinated
14:59 03/31/2012 40 people were exposed to in coop chickens vaccinated Zavdiel line today for fear that bird flu was discovered in the coop. Nurses team of district health office carried out the vaccinations Ashkelon yesterday received a warning after detection of bird flu on poultry farm. There is concern that some birds were infected before the diagnosis of other coops and therefore currently tested vaccines also need to perform in other areas.
40 people have been vaccinated during the weekend against bird flu
Last Updated: 18:06, 31.03.2012
About 40 people were vaccinated at the weekend against bird flu, for fear from exposure to infected poultry coop Zavdiel seat - where the virus was diagnosed yesterday. Sit - head of the Histadrut public health nurses, teachers Ashkenazi, told Army Radio that "there is concern that some infected birds moved between several poultry farms in the past, and therefore, that citizens may have to be vaccinated in other areas."
Notes from the Field: Severe Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Associated with Coxsackievirus A6 — Alabama, Connecticut, California, and Nevada, November
March 30, 2012 / 61(12);213-214Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common viral illness caused by enteroviruses that predominantly affects children aged <5 years. In the United States, outbreaks of HFMD typically occur during summer and autumn months. The most common cause of HFMD in the United States has been enterovirus serotype coxsackievirus A16. Most infections are asymptomatic; persons with signs and symptoms typically have a mild febrile illness with rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, and sores in the mouth. HFMD also has been associated, often weeks after initial symptom onset, with nail dystrophies (e.g., Beau's lines or nail shedding).
From November 7, 2011, to February 29, 2012, CDC received reports of 63 persons with signs and symptoms of HFMD or with fever and atypical rash in Alabama (38 cases), California (seven), Connecticut (one), and Nevada (17). HFMD is not a reportable disease in the United States; the cases were identified as unusual by health-care providers or by a department of health that contacted CDC for diagnostic assistance. Clinical specimens were collected from patients in 34 of the 63 cases. Coxsackievirus A6 (CVA6) was detected in 25 (74%) of those 34 patients by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction and partial sequencing of the VP1 gene at CDC or at the California Department of Public Health. No enteroviruses were detected in the other nine patients.
Of the 63 patients, 40 (63%) were aged <2 years, and 15 (24%) were adults aged ≥18 years; 44 (70%) of the patients had exposure to a child care facility or school, and eight (53%) of the 15 adults had contact with children in child care where cases of HFMD were reported, or provided medical care or were related to a child with HFMD. Rash and fever were more severe, and hospitalization was more common than with typical HFMD. Signs of HFMD included fever (48 patients [76%]); rash on the hands or feet, or in the mouth (42 [67%]); and rash on the arms or legs (29 [46%]), face (26 [41%]), buttocks (22 [35%]), and trunk (12 [19%]). Of 46 patients with rash variables reported, the rash typically was maculopapular; vesicles were reported in 32 (70%) patients and scabs in 30 (65%) patients. Shedding of nails occurred after initial infection in two (4%) patients. Of the 63 patients, 51 (81%) sought care from a clinician, and 12 (19%) were hospitalized. Reasons for hospitalization varied and included dehydration and/or severe pain. No deaths were reported.
The age ranges of patients, severity of illness, seasonality of disease, and identification of CVA6 in these cases were unusual for HFMD in the United States. CVA6 has been associated with more severe and extensive rash than HFMD caused by other enteroviruses (1). Since 2008, international outbreaks of CVA6 HFMD in children and adults have been described (1–4), but no outbreaks had been reported in the United States previously. Although all 25 of the CVA6 strains identified in the U.S. cases were genetically closely related (based on partial VP1 gene sequences) to CVA6 strains identified in recent international outbreaks, no epidemiologic evidence (e.g., travel history) has directly linked any of the U.S. cases to importation.
HFMD is spread from person to person by contact with saliva, respiratory secretions, fluid in vesicles, and feces. Transmission of HFMD can be reduced by maintaining good hygiene, including handwashing and disinfection of surfaces in child care settings (5). CDC continues to receive reports of CVA6-associated HFMD. Persons who suspect a severe case of HFMD should contact their health-care provider. Local or state health departments may contact CDC for assistance with enterovirus laboratory diagnosis.
Reported by
Mary G. McIntyre, MD, Kelly M. Stevens, MS, Sherri Davidson, MPH, Tina Pippin, Dagny Magill, MPH, Alabama Dept of Health. Julie A. Kulhanjian, MD, Children's Hospital and Research Center, Oakland; Daniel Kelly, MD, Pacific Pediatrics Medical Group, San Francisco; Tara L. Greenhow, MD, Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco; Maria L. Salas, MPH, Shigeo Yagi, PhD, Tasha Padilla, Ricardo Berumen, Carol Glaser, MD, California Dept of Public Health. Marie Louise Landry, MD, Jason Lott, MD, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut. Lei Chen, PhD, Susanne Paulson, Melissa Peek, Kathleen Hanley, Randall Todd, DrPH, Joseph Iser, MD, DrPH, Washoe County Health District, Reno, Nevada. Dianna M. Blau, DVM, PhD, Div of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases; Shannon Rogers, MS, Allan Nix, Steve Oberste, PhD, Lauren J. Stockman, MPH, Eileen Schneider, MD, Div of Viral Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC. Corresponding contributor: Lauren J. Stockman,, 404-639-2553.
- Wei SH, Huang YP, Liu MC, et al. An outbreak of coxsackievirus A6 hand, foot, and mouth disease associated with onychomadesis in Taiwan, 2010. BMC Infect Dis 2011;11:346.
- Blomqvist S, Klemola P, Kaijalainen S, et al. Co-circulation of coxsackievirus A6 and A10 in hand, foot and mouth disease outbreak in Finland. J Clin Virol 2010;48:49–54.
- Fujimoto T, Iizuka S, Enomoto M, et al. Hand, foot and mouth disease caused by coxsackievirus A6, Japan, 2011. Emerg Infect Dis 2012;18:337–9.
- Wu Y, Yeo A, Phoon MC, et al. The largest outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease in Singapore in 2008: the role of enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus A strains. Int J Infect Dis 2010;14:e1076–81.
- Ruan F, Yang T, Ma H, et al. Risk factors for hand, foot, and mouth disease and herpangina and the preventative effect of hand-washing. Pediatrics 2011;127:e898–904.
Vietnam battles lingering bird flu threat
HANOI: Vietnam may have contained the fatal bird flu outbreak that raged in the late 2000s but it is still struggling with new cases of the disease that have puzzled experts in the communist country.
Since January, bird flu outbreaks have occurred in 14 provinces. About 65,000 chicken and ducks have died or been culled. Authorities have confirmed four human cases, of which two have been fatal.
It’s a long way from the peak in 2003 to 2009 when the virus infected millions of fowl and killed 57 people — making Vietnam the second worst-hit country after Indonesia, according to the World Health Organisation.
In 2011, the country reported no new human cases, but the virus was still there, less threatening but not eradicated.
“Bird flu has a harmful impact on agriculture, on people’s lives, with the reappearance of new weaker strains,” said Hoang Van Nam, director of the animal health department at the agriculture ministry.
Outbreaks happen nationwide, he said, adding this was due to a mix of “the family structure of farming, a lack of information and gaps in vaccination and farm control programmes.” Concerns about avian influenza have risen in the region with China, Cambodia and Indonesia all reporting deaths from the H5N1 strain of the virus this year.
But traders at Hanoi’s Ha Vi market, where between 80 and 100 tonnes of live birds are sold every day, say they are not concerned.
“Who said there is a bird flu epidemic here? This doesn’t interest me. They exaggerate these things. I know only that all my chickens are in good health,” market vendor Do Thi Thanh Hoa told AFP.
She said neither she nor her colleagues had to provide certificates of origin or vaccination for the birds they sell.
“Since the market opened, no one has been infected with H5N1. In this market, even when there is a ban, we still buy chickens and eat meat. Everyone is fine,” said Dao Thi Ngoc, another farmer.
“The TV keeps talking about H5N1. Where is it happening?”. State television regularly runs reports on the dangers of transporting poultry that has not been vaccinated, warning of the risks of buying birds smuggled in from China.
But in a country where humans and fowl live side by side and where small, family-owned units dominate poultry production, it is almost impossible to monitor every bird slaughtered and sold.
“There are too many small farms. You can’t control all the cullings. Sometimes, hygiene standards are neglected, sometimes they’re abandoned,” said Can Xuan Binh, director of animal health services in Hanoi.
As it does every year, the government has been trying to promote better disinfection of contaminated farms, vaccination programmes and mass culls to keep a lid on H5N1 outbreaks.
But despite such efforts, officials have struggled to control the transportation and sale of live birds — one of the key drivers of the spread of the disease.
And to add to their problems, experts have identified new strains of the virus in certain Vietnamese provinces that are proving resistant to the usual vaccine.
“The vaccine is no longer effective. The capacity for protection is henceforth limited,” said Hoang Van Nam, adding up to 100 million doses of a new type of vaccine will soon have to be imported from China.
Some experts blame Vietnam’s lingering H5N1 problem on political incoherence which, they say, undermines overall efforts to bring the crisis under control.
“When the epidemic explodes, they fight it. When it disappears, they stop,” said one vet who asked not to be named, and is convinced that “the risks for humans are important.” The virus typically spreads from birds to humans through direct contact, but experts fear it could mutate into a form that is easily transmissible between humans, with the potential to kill millions in a pandemic.
Vietnam earlier in March approved a new $23 million fund to tackle the virus, with an emphasis on improving coordination between officials in the health and agricultural sectors.
But Patrice Gautier, a French vet who has been based in Vietnam for years, said that the virus, by its very nature, will take a long time to eradicate.
“This problem doesn’t go away if you just throw money at it. It will take a long, hard slog to reinforce vet services,” said Gautier, a bird flu expert.
According to him, Vietnam’s animal health services have started to follow the recommendations of the World Organisation for Animal Health to address weaknesses diagnosed at the height of the outbreak.
“It is very unlikely that you will see a new crisis emerging in Vietnam,” he said. “But it is very likely that the current situation, with a peak every winter, will persist for decades.”
Friday, March 30, 2012
CIDRAP: NSABB reverses recommendation on H5N1 studies
Lisa Schnirring Staff Writer
Mar 30, 2012 (CIDRAP News) – A federal advisory board today reversed its stance on publishing two controversial H5N1 transmission papers today, recommending that both studies be published in full.
The National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) met yesterday and today to discuss revised versions of the studies by two groups, one from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and one from Erasmus University in the Netherlands.
Both studies were funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and, as its dual-use advisory board, the NSABB in December recommended redacting the studies due to bioterror concerns and the risk of an unintentional release of the viruses used in the two ferret studies.
The two journals that slated to publish the studies, Science and Nature, have held off on running the papers based on the NSABB's nonbinding recommendation, which the NIH agreed with in December.
In a statement released today, the NSABB said it unanimously recommended that the revised manuscript by the University of Wisconsin group, headed by Yoshihiro Kawaoka, DVM, PhD, be published in full, and members voted 12 to 6 that the data, methods, and conclusions in the revised paper by the Erasmus group, headed by Ron Fouchier, PhD, be published.
Today's action by the NSABB follows yesterday's launch of a new government policy on the oversight of federally funded life sciences dual-use research. The new policy requires federal agencies to routinely review the risks of research conducted on 15 "high consequence" pathogens and toxins, including highly pathogenic H5N1 avian flu.
[continued, click on title for full article]
More bird flu in Israel
Shimon Vilnai | 03/30/12 - 12:03
Said the man, Gad Elmaleh, Lulu contracted says that there were no signs of infection. He discovered dead chickens and sent them for testing and cochlear flu found

USDA Agricultural researcher suspected that Moses Field seat resulted in the spread of bird flu after violating an order of the ministry and moved to other communities infected birds. Sick birds were found this morning in Zavdiel Lachish Region, and now they kill where 20,000 turkeys.
Said the man, Gad Elmaleh, Lulu contracted says that there were no signs of infection. He said he discovered the dead birds and sent them for testing and found a snail infected with the flu. In recent weeks revealed two foci of bird flu - in peace, about 15 miles distant, and remote sandy village about 60 miles from the seat.
After the disease was discovered in peace sheds a month ago, ordered that mobile veterinary service in poultry.
Suspect that although the Ministry of Agricultural spent teaching young birds seats Zavdiel and amenity, and are spreading the disease. Now check if the spread Noam seat.
Severe strain of hand, foot disease found in Reno
Rare strain of hand, foot, mouth disease in Reno
Thirty cases of Coxsackievirus were identified in the Truckee Meadows. Since November, 38 cases turned up in Alabama, seven appeared in California and Connecticut reported one.
"It may confuse both the doctors doing the diagnosing, and the health departments," said Dr. Joe Iser, district health officers for the Washoe County Health District. His team's findings on the outbreak have been published in a national journal produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"This brings it to their attention," he said.
Hand, foot and mouth disease is common, especially in children under the age of five. The illness typically brings a low fever, rash, and sores on the hands, feet and mouth.
The new strain, which showed up in January, causes heavier rashes in those areas, plus sores on the knees, elbows, arms, legs, buttocks and genital areas. Health officials gathered samples and had them analyzed by a laboratory, which confirmed the rare strain.
It's previously been identified in European and Asian countries and has only recently made its way to the U.S.
There's no known cure for the virus, but it's mild and usually goes away within a few days or a week. The biggest problems arise when children scratch their sores, opening themselves up to a secondary infection.
Iser said epidemiologists had been trying to identify how the virus made its way to Reno — perhaps from someone who visited family in another part of the country that's experienced an outbreak. But they've hit a dead end on the trail.
The virus can be prevented by washing hands often, especially after changing diapers or using the restroom, and by disinfecting toys.
Ireland-H5 found in pheasants
SO-CALLED BIRD FLU has been detected in a small number of pheasants in West Cork.
The infected samples were taken from a small flock of some 100 game birds on a premises near Clonakilty.
Announcing the preliminary tests, the Department of Agriculture said that the strain is not the most pathogenic – or disease producing.
Initial tests show it to be the H5 strain and not the more deadly H5N1 strain. Further tests are being carried out to establish the precise strain.
The additional laboratory research will be available within days, said the Department in a statement this afternoon.
As a precautionary measure the birds on the affected land are being slaughtered and all necessary biosecurity measures have been put in place.
A one kilometre avian influenza temporary restriction zone has also been put in place around the premises. In this zone, which is required by EU regulations, additional surveillance is being undertaken by veterinary staff.
The movement of poultry, other birds and their products, as well as other animals on poultry holdings is prohibited.
The Department noted that there is no concerns relating to the consumption of poultry meat or poultry meat productions. There is also no restrictions on poultry movements outside the 1km restriction zone.
Whilst the most highly pathogenic strain of bird flu has been ruled out, the Department has asked people who have been in contact with birds to ensure that appropriate biosecurity measures are in place. Birds should be checked regularly and if an unusually high number of sick or dead birds are noticed, the Regional Veterinary Office should be contacted.
The measures being announced today will be reviewed on the basis of further test results.
India -21 H1NI deaths in 3 months
New Delhi, March 30, 2012
At least 309 cases have been reported in five states including Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Gujarat, according to the latest Health..
Health Minister involved in bird flu graft case
Health Minister might be involved in bird flu graft case: suspect
On Thursday, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) once again grilled Ratna, a suspect in the case that centers on the alleged mark-up of the equipment’s price.
Ratna said that Endang was in charge of the department that proposed the procurement at the time of the case.
“The proposal for the procurement of the avian flu drugs was under the department of biomedical and pharmaceutical research and development,” Ratna said after the questioning. “Endang was the department head during the 2007 procurement.”
Ratna claimed she did not know Endang’s role in the case, however, she said that she has “given everything she knows about Endang’s role to the KPK investigators.”
Ratna insisted that the medical service directorate under her supervision was not responsible for the procurement.
On Monday, Endang failed to show up for KPK questioning as a witness in the case, claiming that she was not feeling well.
KPK also questioned on Thursday former health minister Siti Fadillah Supari, who held office from 2004 to 2009.
Siti claimed, as Ratna’s superior at the time of the case, she did not know that the procurement was troubled.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Vietnam: Launched H5N1 vaccine for poultry
Science Council of the Veterinary Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has agreed to veterinary medicine company Central (NAVETCO) into vaccine production NAVET - Vifluvac. This is the result of research scientists Institute of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Veterinary Drug Company from 2003 to Central today.
Acute disease prevention needs
Since 2003, when bird flu first appeared in Vietnam, the government has a policy to import bird flu vaccine in China. The cost for this amount to hundreds of billion each year. But this vaccine has a downside is not entirely consistent with the modified virus strains currently circulating in some northern provinces of Vietnam.
Due to these facts, the Institute of Biotechnology (BIOTECH) stood out to contact a number of organizations around the world to find the strain of H5N1 flu vaccine research for the purpose of vaccine production. On 11.3.2005, Institute of Biotechnology has received vaccine NIBRG - 14 from the National Institute of Standards and biologicals quality London (UK).
Immediately, the institute procedures to receive this strain, the same time, making registration of research projects produce bird flu vaccines (veterinary use).
According to the researchers, this really is a milestone in the field of vaccine research bird flu in Vietnam. After receiving the appropriate strain, the scientists of the Institute of Biotechnology has urgently embark on research work. These strains were generated by reverse genetics technology (artificial virus assembly containing the complete genome in which the H5 antigen gene is the "exclusive" has been modified by gene technology).
Success, the Ministry of Science and Technology Institute of Biotechnology has supported continuing to implement the project in period 2, from 2007 to 2008 with research and content assessment process production process bird flu vaccine H5N1.
Towards replace imported vaccines
A chicken farm in Xuan Mai (Hanoi) was chosen as the site to conduct the test step. 1500 chickens were divided into two lots, one lot is 1,000 vaccinated and Lot 500 is not a vaccine. After injection, blood periodically injected and not injected chickens were tested for effects of the vaccine, the results showed that 70-80% of vaccinated birds were created of antibodies by standard immune international standards.
As demand requires fact, in 2009, the Company has requested and was granted NAVETCO Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and support for the project plan "Production testing A/H5N1 flu vaccine emulsions oil to prevent the bird "at a cost of 1.5 billion project to produce the above test.
TS. Tran Xuan Hanh, head of the project - Deputy General Director of the Central Veterinary NAVETCO said, based on research results of the Institute of Biotechnology, with the help of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development, made the company NAVETCO project: "Production testing A/H5N1 flu vaccine oil emulsion to prevent disease in poultry." From there, gave birth to vaccines named NAVET - Vifluvac.
Currently, the project has successfully produced similar virus bird flu vaccine, strain NIBRG - 14 standard sterile and genetically stable. The project also has built a manufacturing process of influenza vaccine in poultry in industrial scale with capacity of 500,000 liters / batch (1,000,000 doses / batch). Vaccine storage length of 12 months from date of manufacture and stored at 2-8 0 C.
Thus, in the near future, Vietnam will likely be active vaccine offers the H5N1 bird flu in domestic demand and eventually completely replace imports.
Vietnam: Tamiflu Given Too Late To Confirmed Cases: Keep Guard Up
On 03/21/2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed an additional 5 deaths in Azerbaijan last week was caused by the H5N1 bird flu virus, bringing the total number of victims killed by this virus worldwide to 103 people. Eight countries have died of bird flu include: Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Turkey, Iraq and Azerbaijan.Particularly, Vietnam 2 cases died of the H5N1 virus in Soc Trang and Kien Giang.
Said the two deaths from bird flu, Dr Nguyen Van Kinh, director of the Tropical Disease Hospital PRIVATE, Hanoi, said: Both patients were treated with Tamiflu after 3 days of onset is too later, at the time of response was poor. Specifically, the first patient infected with A/H5N1 identified after death and signs of disease for 6 days. And the second doctor at the hospital 2 times and only be prescribed Tamiful, A/H5N1 flu cure at day 5 of illness.
According to MARD, the end of the month 2/2012 statistics the country has 10 provinces and cities have bird flu. Number of infected poultry, death and destruction in 10 provinces and cities had exceeded 18,000, of which 80% duck. Through statistics indicate that duck is poultry flu was the most trash.
This information has been Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long confirmed "A/H5N1 Flu risk has returned."
BR-VT province, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development that, after some time under control of avian influenza, citizens and local governments have some subjective thoughts, disregard service. Therefore, the risk of spreading bird flu widespread, forecasts more patients infected with A/H5N1 flu virus is very large.
A tour of areas in the province, noted writers, now in some markets, people still have not been brought poultry vaccine to market trading. Still breeding duck status and the most frightening is that customers remain indifferent erosion duck at the popular pub.
Vietnam: Only flu vaccinated poultry in 13 provinces in Mekong Delta #H5N1 #bird flu
TT - Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has sent dispatches to the Prime Minister to ask for guidance about avian influenza vaccination in 2012.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the results identify the H5N1 influenza virus strains circulating in VN in 2011-2012 showed that influenza virus circulating in the Mekong delta region mostly branch 1.1. With these strains, H5N1 vaccines-Re 5 is still highly effective.
From this fact, after consulting with scientists of the Food and Agriculture Organization and United Nations Agency for International Development U.S. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development continues to request the Prime Minister to halt vaccine in northern, central, central highlands. The H5N1 vaccine-Re5 only deployed in 13 provinces in the Mekong Delta.
India-H1N1 virus develops a new strain
Mar 26, 2012 -
Doctors feel that it is partly to do with the erratic weather, besides factors including many not having developed immunity to the virus, like a few did, after it first broke out in 2009. Another factor could also be that the virus itself has developed immunity to temperature, which allows itself to sustain in higher temperatures unlike the claim that it can only survive in a cooler environment.
Dr Vijay Kumar Pawar, resident medical officer Aundh Civil Hospital said, “There are many factors for the recurrence of swine flu in Pune. One of the plausible reasons is that the virus itself has developed a new strain, which helps it to survive in warmer temperatures.”
“While humans beings develop immunity to the virus, the virus itself keeps transforming, which is why we get the cases that we do,” he added.
According to health officials, another important reason for the maximum cases of swine flu being diagnosed and confirmed from Pune, is the presence of National Virology Institute (NIV) in the region.
So even if swine flu cases are elsewhere, due to lack of lab facilities, those cases cannot be confirmed.
Dr S.T. Pardeshi, chief health officer of Pune Municipal Corporation said, “Apart form changes in the virus strain, we also have the NIV, which diligently collects H1N1 samples. This automatically results in higher numbers. There may be ample number of swine flu cases elsewhere too, but due to lack of adequate lab testing facilities, they may not have been reported.”
Another death on Sunday evening in the Pimpri Chinchwad Municial Corporation (PCMC), took the total death count in Pune to seven.
Bird Flu Attack Toddler #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
PALU, Central Sulawesi (bharatanews): Allegedly attacked by virus H5N1 (bird flu), one patient toddlers berisial AR, residents from Moutong, Parigi Moutong District, died on Wednesday (28/3) yesterday, in Undata Hospital, Palu.
Five-year-old patient, died in the special care or bird flu isolation room at around 11:00 pm. Sebelumnya, AR dirawat di ruang rawat Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Previously, AR treated in the hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU). AR, are just a few hours in isolation before finally breathed his last.
Deputy Director (Vice Director) Undata Hospital Services, Dr Amsyar Pradja explained, when he first entered, the patient is showing symptoms of bird flu infection.
Allegations of bird flu in Amsyar, they conclude after seeing the signs in the patient, of whom suffered itchy throat, cough, shortness of breath, and soon her condition immediately dropped his endurance.
A team of doctors who deal with victims found signs of bird flu victim. But still a conjecture. Only the results of laboratory tests that can answer all of them, "said Amsyar.
Assumptions of the suspect bird flu, said Amsyar, amplified description of history of pain patients based on the recognition of both his parents. According to both parents, AR suspected of being infected while in Makassar when accompanying the victim's father who is undergoing intensive treatment at a hospital in Makassar.
During accompany his father, the victim and his family staying in one of the relatives of her parents' house. At home, according to the recognition of the victim's parents, sudden death occurred in a few chickens belong to the host.
Arriving on a flight from Makassar Palu, Monday (26/3), the victim's parents immediately took the initiative to bring the victim to the hospital because her condition is getting worse. When newly arrived at the Mutiara Airport Palu, victims of sudden cough with shortness of breath to make his physical weakness. Worried, the family then take AR, underwent examination at the hospital Undata, precisely on Monday (26/3).
By a team of doctors, the victim is suspected of having bird flu, so it was moved from ICU to then be placed on the bird flu isolation room of the hospital.
The bodies of the victims who was buried in the mortuary Undata taken directly to the victim's parents returned to Moutong, yesterday afternoon at around 14:00 pm.
Bird flu outbreak in Jembrana #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
Dead chickens in three villages in two districts, the Village Mendoyo Dauh Tukad and Screening, District and Village Pangyangan Mendoyo, District Pekutatan, according to information obtained ANTARA News on Thursday.
Jembrana Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Putu Suast, as confirmed MKes confirmed the death of chickens due to bird flu.
He said, in the village of Dauh Mendoyo Tukad, from six chickens that died just two-tailed tests based on positive bird flu.
According Suasta, in terms of human health that it continues to supervise residents adjacent to the death of this chicken for at least 10 days.
Suasta revealed, the incubation period if there are people who contracted this virus lasts about a week.
"Therefore we do surveillance for ten days, we also ask people aware," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Department of Agriculture, Plantation and Livestock Jembrana, I Ketut Wiratma say, from inquiries made of dead birds were from outside the region.
"Poultry is purchased for the purpose of the ceremony," he said.
According Wiratma, so as not to spread, it did control by eliminating the infected poultry and other birds in the vicinity.
However Suasta and Wiratma complained that public awareness is still not able to allow poultry to be destroyed.
"And the destruction or depopulation is the only way to control or cut off the spread of the virus," said Suasta.
Finally Suspect Toddler Dies of Bird Flu #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
HAMMER - allegedly attacked H5N1 virus (bird flu), one patient treated at hospitals toddler Undata died on Wednesday (28/3) yesterday. Patients who died of suspected H5N1 virus, the initials of origin Moutong Ar residents, District Moutong Parigi. Five-year-old patient, died in the special care or bird flu isolation room at around 11:00 pm. Previously, Ar treated in the hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Ar, are just a few hours in isolation before finally breathed his last.
Deputy Director (Vice Director) Undata Hospital Services, Dr Amsyar Pradja SpA, explained when he first entered, the patient is showing symptoms of bird flu infection.
"Her parents complained their children shortness of breath and coughing," said Dr. Amsyar, who is also the child's physician.
Allegations of bird flu in Amsyar, they conclude after seeing the signs in the patient, of whom suffered itchy throat, cough, shortness of breath, and soon her condition immediately dropped his endurance."A team of doctors who deal with victims found signs of bird flu victim. But still a conjecture. Only the results of laboratory tests that can answer all of them, "said Amsyar.
Assumptions of the suspect bird flu was said Amsyar familiar greeting, a history of a patient's pain testimony is strengthened by the recognition of both his parents. According to both parents, Ar suspected of being infected while in Makassar when accompanying the victim's father who is undergoing intensive treatment at a hospital in Makassar.
During accompany his father, the victim and his family staying in one of the relatives of her parents' house. At home, according to the recognition of the victim's parents, sudden death occurred in a few chickens belong to the host.While Ar, a new show symptoms of virus infection is also known as the avian virus that, when approaching a few days back to Palu. Arriving on a flight from Makassar Palu, Monday (26/3) both the direct victim's parents took the initiative to bring the victim to the hospital because her condition is getting worse.When newly arrived at the airport in Palu Mutiara, victims of sudden cough with shortness of breath to make his physical weakness. Worried, the family then took Ar, undergo the examination at the hospital Undata, precisely on Monday (26/3).
By a team of doctors, the victim is suspected of having bird flu, so it was moved from ICU to then be placed on the bird flu isolation room of the hospital.
But the party can not be sure if Undata positive Ar infected with bird flu. According Amsyar to prove it is necessary to check the status of the patient's blood in the laboratory. In Indonesia, only one laboratory examination of the bird flu virus, which only exist in Jakarta. But the Undata already taking patients' blood specimens for testing lab in Jakarta.
"Maybe in a couple of days we will send blood to Jakarta. Result could be out another week or so. So we can not say if this patient died of bird flu positive. But judging from the symptoms is very strong leading to it," he Amsyar .The bodies of the victims who was buried in the mortuary Undata taken directly to the victim's parents returned to Moutong, yesterday afternoon at around 14:00 pm.
India Swine Flu Bhopal: 37-year-old succumbs to Swine Flu
Bhopal: A 37-year-old man has succumbed to swine flu at a private hospital here, officials said on Thursday.
Anil Holey was undergoing treatment for pneumonia since March 25 at a private hospital here. However, as his condition deteriorated, doctors suspected it to be a case of swine flu and referred him to another hospital where he was kept on an artificial support. However, he died yesterday, they said.
Director Health Services, Dr AN Mittal said that test reports have confirmed that the patient died of swine flu.
He said though it was an isolated case, the authorities are keeping a close watch on the development.
Dr P N Agrawal, who treated Holey, said he was admitted in his hospital in a critical condition suffering with viral and lungs pneumonia on March 25.
Holey was put on a ventilator support and since he was showing all symptoms of H1N1 infection, his blood sample was sent to a Jabalpur-based laboratory through the Chief Medical Officer (CMO).
The report received last evening said that the blood sample tested positive for the viral strain.
Doctors are also keeping a watch on his family members, Agrawal said.
India Swine Flu Death in Hyderabad
HYDERABAD: Doctors at the AP state general and chest diseases hospital confirmed the death of one more person from the city on Wednesday.
“The patient died of extensive pneumonia on Tuesday night at Gandhi hospital.
Incidentally it was a swine flu positive case too,” said Dr Subhakar, AP state coordinator for swine flu.
With the death of the 32-year-old woman on Tuesday night, the total number of fatalities due to swine flu in the state has gone up to six.
“The total number of recorded cases as of date is 61 and the number of deaths is six,” the doctor said.
The doctors have reportedly been requesting the media not to disclose the details of the patient as it could create panic.
According to him, the state was well equipped to face the situation.
“We have enough stock of Tamiflu vaccinations in all our government hospitals and H1N1 nodal centres,” he said
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
H5N1: How to track a flu virus
- Nature
- 483,
- 535–536
- (29 March 2012)
- doi:10.1038/483535a
- Published online
Four experts pinpoint ways to improve monitoring of H5N1 avian influenza in the field.
[Click on title for full Abstract]Hat-tip FluTrackers
Vietnam: #H5N1 surveillance: Shift expertise to where it matters
Jeremy Farrar1
- Published online Every day on my way to the hospital, I pass streets lined with poultry. The birds disappeared a few years ago, but have gradually returned. This would be of little concern if I was in Europe or North America — but I work in Vietnam studying emerging pathogens, including the avian influenza virus (H5N1). There is a patient with H5N1 in the hospital as I write. This is a region where the H5N1 virus has killed millions of birds and several people, where SARS and Nipah virus emerged and where the threat of antibiotic and antimalarial drug resistance is growing. Because of this, we have become acutely aware of the continued danger of infectious diseases, and the inadequacies of our current systems for tracking them and responding in a timely fashion.

This disconnect between the people and places involved continues to create problems. In 2007, Indonesia put on hold the sharing of H5N1 samples with the World Health Organization, out of a concern that they would be used to create vaccines and other therapies that only wealthy countries could afford. No one can condone refusing to share information of such public-health importance, but today, eight years after Vietnam's first human case of H5N1, too few endemic countries have access to the vaccines or intravenous antiviral drugs that continue to be stockpiled in richer parts of the world. Recent research has pinpointed specific mutations in the H5N1 virus that may render it more transmissible in mammals — but scientists like us in endemic areas are still waiting to learn what those mutations are.
On the spot
With moderate investment, we could be conducting surveillance for H5N1 and other emerging infections much more effectively, and could link that surveillance with immediate action. Surveillance on its own without a public-health need or clinical response is of questionable value, and unlikely to be sustained. I believe that we have to bring some of the huge investment by the developed world in genomics, technology and training to affected countries in Asia and elsewhere. In this way, surveillance, analysis of samples, and — crucially — the public-health and clinical-research response can be conducted in the same place, making the process faster and more flexible in dealing with rapid developments. It would require a transfer of technology, prolonged exchange of scientists and a sustained commitment to investment and training locally — along with an equitable sharing of the benefits of the research.The unit in which I work in Vietnam shows that this type of project is possible. Over the past 21 years, we — alongside our sister programme in Thailand and with partnerships across Asia — have helped to train thousands of regional scientists in clinical medicine, epidemiology, microbiology, bioinformatics and other disciplines crucial to monitoring, controlling and understanding infectious diseases and outbreaks. We are small and flexible, which keeps bureaucracy and costs down — we employ only a few hundred staff across several countries, but collaborate with many more. Thanks to funding from ...
60 Golani soldiers were infected with the flu - and released
An influenza pandemic in the Golani Brigade: Dozens of soldiers from the base of the Golani Brigade's training in northern Israel were released to their homes after their last night mild flu. Medical Corps began testing in an attempt to pinpoint the cause of the spread of flu, has infected a large number of soldiers.
There are approximately 60 soldiers, who complained before the heat and signs of influenza. The soldiers came to the base clinic and reported having difficulty breathing, dizziness, and heavy coughing. After a series of tests conducted them, it was decided to release the soldiers home for two days.
The IDF said in response that the subject is in treatment and west of the military medical officials.
This is the second incident within a month in the North. Last month, 25 soldiers were hospitalized from bases in northern Israel, after suffering from food poisoning. The soldiers were evacuated to Nahariya Hospital, after reporting that they suffer from diarrhea, but were released to their homes after drug treatment.
Israeli army lays off dozens of its soldiers for bird flu #H5N1 #BIRDFLU Update found to be ILI
Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - 16:18Israeli armyWrote Mahmoud Mohi
Israeli army demobilized soldiers, dozens of workers at a military base in northern Israel to their homes, the soldiers after the submission of many of the complaints and the discovery of pathological symptoms similar to symptoms of serious afflicted with bird flu.
According to Israeli Channel Ten television, on Tuesday night, that about sixty Israeli soldiers complained of severe difficulties in breathing, cough and difficulty in concentration, dizziness and other diseases.
The television channel in the wake of complaints that have been subjected soldiers to medical examination at the clinic base, where their condition was described Balotfifah, but decided to demobilize from the base to their homes.
For his part, said a spokesman for the Israeli army, a comment on the incident, that after the medical examination shows that the soldiers are infected with bird flu.
Israeli official added, "that a serious disease struck a number of soldiers, and to take security measures and prevent the transmission decide to send soldiers to their homes after medical examination, to return to their military bases, and the issue is under treatment at the medical follow-up."
They pointed to Israel's Channel Ten in the wake of that incident decided in the Army Medical Corps work study and examination at the base to reveal the causes of symptoms, which hit the soldiers.
Hattip Alert
Dozens of soldiers have occurred in North and were discharged עודכן 12:25 27/03/2012 Updated 12:25 03/27/2012
דורון נחום Doron Nahum
About 60 soldiers complained that they have difficulty breathing, dizziness, coughing and difficulty functioning.
They tested their clinic base and set easy, but it was decided to release them to their home.
Swine Flu India: 2 Dead in Bangalore
Mar 28, 2012
BANGALORE: The deadly swine flu claimed this year's first victims in the city. The state reported 14 positive cases of swine flu or H1N1 Influenza since January 1, 2012 and two persons from Bangalore - a 20-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man - died in February and March.
The state health department (joint director, communicable diseases confirmed that Shanta died on February 22 at Deepak Hospital in Kanakapura and Marappa at Victoria Hospital on March 16. Chest specialists and H1N1 experts say there's no need to panic as the virus is not as deadly as it was three years ago when it first surfaced in India.
[continued - click on title for full article]
H1N1 India: 3 Family Members Confirmed, 2 Asymptomatic
Mar 28, 2012
The BMC on Tuesday reported three new swine flu cases . The H1N1 influenza virus has resurfaced in the city after almost a year, infecting five people so far this time around; three of the patients are from one family in Mulund.
The new patients, who, according to the BMC, tested positive for H1N1 last week, are a man aged 57 from Bandra , one aged 53 from Elphinstone Road and a man aged 37, who is a member of the Mulund family. The earlier patients are the 37-yearold man's son aged six and mother aged 57.
The family has no recent travel history, indicating that the three members contacted the virus in the city. After the family's case was reported , the BMC screened around 150 families in Mulund for H1N1 symptoms. But no more positive cases were found, said additional municipal commissioner Manisha Mhaiskar.
The Bandra and Elphinstone Road men, who are friends, have a travel history involving Alibaug. The civic body's executive health officer Dr Anil Bandivadekar said all patients were stable. "They have been put on antiviral drugs and are responding well."
A worrying observation by the BMC is that the Mulund man and his mother's cases are asymptomatic, meaning they did not show any classic symptoms of the infection. The infection in them was detected when the man insisted on getting tested . "But this is not surprising ," said Dr Abhay Chaudhary , director, Haffkine Research Institute. "H1N1 is more like a seasonal flu now. The more we test people, the more positive cases would come. But they may be having subclinical infection and not suffering from it."
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
TheraBiogen Offers Thera Max® Cold and Flu to India's Minister of Health to Aid in Outbreak of Swine Flu (H1N1)
NEW YORK, March 27, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- TheraBiogen, Inc. TRAB -9.09% , a manufacturer and distributor of homeopathic nasal sprays for aiding in the relief of allergies, cold and flu symptoms and migraine headaches, announced today that the Company has contacted India's Minister of Health to offer to donate a quantity of Thera Max Cold and Flu product to aid in the current outbreak of Swine (H1N1) flu in four of India's states.
Kelly Hickel, CEO of TheraBiogen, commented, "We hope to be of help to the people of India in this time of need by providing our TheraMax product, which has been proven to be effective in inhibiting the adsorption of the flu virus."
-continued - click on title for full Press Release
WHO: Avian influenza – situation in Indonesia – update
26 March 2012 - The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has notified WHO of a new case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus.
The case is a 17 year-old male from Nusa Tenggara Barat Province. He developed fever on 28 February 2012 and sought treatment on 1 March 2012. His condition deteriorated and he was admitted to a referral hospital but he died on 9 March 2012.
Epidemiological investigation conducted by a team from the health office indicated that there were sudden poultry die-offs in his neighbourhood.
To date, of the 188 cases reported in Indonesia since 2005, 156 have been fatal.
Monday, March 26, 2012
CIDRAP: NEWS SCAN: Severe-flu gene?, H1N1 deaths in India, flu vaccine patent, foodborne norovirus outbreaks
Mar 26, 2012
Researchers pinpoint gene that may play role in severe flu cases
A genetic finding may help explain why the same influenza strain produces serious, even life-threatening symptoms in some people but only mild manifestations in others, according to a study yesterday in Nature. UK and US researchers found that people who carry a specific variant of a gene called IFITM3 are significantly more likely to be hospitalized when infected with influenza than those who carry other variants. The IFITM3 gene has been shown in genetic-screening studies to block the growth of flu and dengue viruses in cells, according to a Wellcome Trust news release on the study. This finding led the team to test the gene's role in viral protection in mice. They found that removing the gene from mice turned mild flu cases fatal. The researchers then sequenced the IFITM3 genes of 53 patients hospitalized with flu and found that a statistically significant number had an IFITM3 variant (SNP rs12252-C) that is rare in the general population. "Collectively, these data reveal that the action of a single antiviral protein, IFITM3, can profoundly alter the course of the flu and potentially other viruses in both human and mouse," said co–senior author Paul Kellam, PhD, from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, in the release. Abraham Brass, MD, Phd, of the Massachusetts General Hospital, the other co–senior author, added, "Our efforts suggest that individuals and populations with less IFITM3 activity may be at increased risk during a pandemic."
Mar 25 Nature abstract
Mar 25 Wellcome Trust news release
India reports 12 recent H1N1 deaths
A rise in pandemic 2009 H1N1 (pH1N1) flu infections in India has led to 12 deaths this month, according to BBC News. Half of those deaths were in the western state of Maharashtra, with Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnatak also reporting pH1N1 deaths, according to Health Secretary P. K. Pradhan. Nearly 130 people have become infected in the country, with many of them hospitalized. In Pune, Maharashtra's second-largest city after Mumbai, hospitals are seeing new pH1N1 patients every day, according to a local journalist.
Mar 23 BBC News report
India Swine Flu
From: Rampur village, Gujarat
Married: 3/12
Adm: 3/21 - on ventilator & in critical condition
Notes: Per "norm", the whole family is getting "preventive treatment" (tamiflu). Still critical condition.
Confirmation: Positive
No, not H5N1. This is H1N1.
Nepal-Birds die‚ flu suspected #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
Birds die‚ flu suspected
The Himalayan Times - Saved Articles(s)The headlines has been added to your saved article(s)
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ARGHAKHANCHI: More than 150 birds of Dagre (Sari) species have died in Divarna VDC, Bhainsethala, in the last three days. According to locals, birds that were hovering around the houses and fields have died in large numbers and suspect they might have died of bird flu.
Chief of District Livestock Service Office Dr Gopal Giri said that they have sent the samples of dead birds to Pokhara-based Livestock Service Investigation Laboratory for tests, but the disease has not been identified.
Giri also said, “We are preparing to send samples to Kathmandu for further confirmation of any bird flu.”
Swine flu not dangerous to be anywhere else!
In this season of 64 positive swine flu has killed 18 people. About 30 percent mortality rate. 7.59 per cent and 5.87 per cent in the last two years is the highest. 21 patients have been reported in Jaipur.These 9 children. However, no concrete steps taken by government and administration.According to doctors rather than patients of swine flu emerged last season and this time the symptoms are significant differences in the effects of drugs.
Hitendra Sharma and Surinder owner of investigations by our correspondent
First bleeding in the lungs
Rungta Hospital, Malviya Nagar, Sonal Jain Electric City resident, died March 8 of the swine flu.Indian Society of Critical Care Specialist and Critical Care Medicine, National President Dr Narendra Rungta said Sonal got a new case of bleeding from the lungs. Massive pulmonary hemorrhage it says. We study this case for discussion and the country - the world's scientists will.
The impact of drug
Mnohrpura the 45-year-old woman was seen at the effect of swine flu. SMS Hospital, Department of Medicine Dolpildil Khandelwal said the former president has increased the amount of drug. Lower than last year, response to medication is being witnessed.
Strain change will change the treatment process and medicine
: According to experts - to - in the coming years the nature of the swine flu virus changes every year. It is caused by mutations in the virus. The mutations of the DNA sequence of this virus to become a fundamental shift in which the first strain (as) to make it different.
: Some of the H 1 N 1 virus in the opinion of doctors who came last year with the Swine flu.Maybe a few strains have been changed. WHO (World Health Organization) countries of the world, especially the Northern Hemisphere (America, Europe and Asia) countries during the year 2012-13 due to new strains recommended a change in medication is released.
United States Department of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel for the swine flu vaccine are instructed to insert two new strains. There are many cities of the H 3 N 2 influenza A strains are also at increased risk.
: Jaipur, Pune as well as swine flu patients is rising. National Institute Wayroloji (Virus Research Institute) according to the survey carried out in Pune Swine flu cases this year than last may.
: According to experts, 100 per cent last year despite the outbreak of the body has not developed immunity against it. This is due to the H 1 N 1 this year, showing his wrath.
We strain to be replaced ..
Meksimo in 2012 207 people have died from the swine flu.
According to Fortis Hospital physician Dr. Sushil Kalra surveys or investigations relating to the change of strain in the country still has not. Yes, given the nature of the virus is likely to change it. New anti - viral medication, for instance, Temiflu will still have to change the vaccine last year.
Yun virus changes
RNA (nucleic acid Raibo) is the code to make new viruses. The 8 strand and 10 genes are present.
H 1 N 1 H Himaglutinin which is one of two major proteins. It is the principal target of the immune system. Against a protein does not work against the resistance of the protein.
Nuraminidej N means that the second main surface protein of the virus. It helps to be a cell of the new virus.
M-1 matrix protein that helps to make new viral RNA and cell lining (membrane) transport is to create the new virus.
M 2 ion channel acid that helps the virus genetic material that comes out there. Anti-viral drugs that the M 2 channel stops the virus strain changes.
As the new virus is causing the infected cell, it takes new cell lipid envelope.
Swine flu deaths in Rajasthan, the second
March 21 to March 12 people died from swine flu in the country. And five of six state of Rajasthan. The 129 patients were found positive. Rajasthan, Maharashtra and the second highest of the 28 patients 69. In addition to these two states, the effect of H 1 N 1 virus is visible in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.
Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry instructed to drive the monitor. Here, the state government for the swine flu control and prevention district be instructed to control panel are actively monitored.