from the Augusta Chronicle..
We are compiling a virtual get well card for Aimee Copeland, the young Georgia woman fighting a flesh-eating bacteria. Hashtag your get well wishes on facebook, twitter, google+, or Instagram with #getwellaimee and we will compile them and publish them online for her and her family to read.
Aimee Copeland: "She doesn’t have eyebrows"
Replying to loving words from her father Andy--“Aimee, you are as priceless as the Mona Lisa”--a stalwart young woman in a Georgia hospital bed mouthed the words "I’m nothing like the Mona Lisa. She doesn’t have eyebrows."
The family banter goes on. After a shocking accident, deadly infection, excruciating pain, leg amputation and other tissue losses, ineffectual circulation, heart failure, resuscitation, waking from anesthesia, and coming to know about her altered body--the patient can still joke around with Dad, Mom, sister Paige, other relatives, docs, nurses, and hospital staff as if everyone were outdoors enjoying a picnic in the Carrollton sun.
Survived new surgeries
Surgeons operated on Aimee Copeland twice more last week:
- once on Wednesday afternoon, to free her of the hulking ventilator and breathing tube and allow her to breathe on her own and communicate more easily,
- and later, to remove remaining threats to her survival--her bloodless, near-dead hands and remaining foot. Further infection there, from any source, could have meant a new necrotizing fasciitis, and...
What's in the water that got Aimee Copeland sick???
9:55 PM, May 18, 2012 | 2 comments