Saturday, February 14, 2009
WHO Update: Avian Influenza Situation in Nepal
An outbreak of H5N1 in backyard poultry in Jhapa district in Eastern Nepal was declared on 16 Jan by the Nepal Government.
Samples collected from the sick poultry on 8 January were tested H5 positive in Central Veterinary Laboratory in Kathmandu. Suspected samples were sent for further investigation to the OIE Reference Laboratory, Weybrige, UK which confirmed H5N1outbreak.
The outbreak areas have been identified and control measures including quarantine, movement control, zoning and culling were carried out immediately.
A total of 25,000 birds were culled.
The Government of Nepal in close collaboration with national and international partners acted quickly to contain this outbreak. A medical team was at hand to examine cullers before they began culling and 13 Rapid Response Teams were mobilized for culling operation.
WHO assisted Nepal government to conduct rapid assessment of avian influenza preparedness and arranged emergency supply of 15,000 capsules and 600 syrup bottles of oseltamivir .
Technical expertise has been provided to establish human AI surveillance and case management in Eastern Nepal.
Arrangement has been made to provide hands-on-training on human AI diagnosis using RT-PCR in National Public Health Laboratory in Kathamndu.
The government announced 26 districts of Nepal bordering with India and China as possible high risk districts and surveillance has been reinforced with the help of local administration.
No suspected cases of human avian influenza have been reported.
Three human samples collected from Jhapa among influenza-like-illness cases were tested negative for influenza A virus.
hat-tip: Ironorehopper
Impact Non- Health pandemic Bird Flu
STONE, FRIDAY - In the film a few scenes seen in a village in Bali rage, because in the last few weekends they do not have access to economic development.
Social and economic paralysis in the village, including the tourism and the arts become a mainstay of government revenue in the province of Bali.
Foreign and domestic tourists are forbidden entrance to the village, including local communities Bali itself. Community in the village also can not go out to other regions. Needs for food, they get a shipment from the local government.
Movies that show the impact of pandemic bird flu in a region that cause social disruption. This movie tells that if the bird flu pandemic is the status, not only impact on the health problems, but also on non health.
Broad impact of a bird flu pandemic is revealed in the second day national workshop in Batu, 10-13 February, with the theme "Simulation pandemic influenza response." Activities that are held with the Public Health Jatim supported Unicef, Komnas Bird Flu Control and Preparedness Facing pandemic influenza (FBPI) followed by the messenger of the government and private institutions.
In the simulation, the participants consisting of elements from the government and the private sector is divided into several groups according to its assignment to identify the various possible if barada East Java in a bird flu pandemic.
Group presentations on transportation, telecommunications and tourism presented by the show Endah, an area will be distracted because of all the sectors affected.
"Access delayed due to economic limitations of social interaction, limiting the distribution of goods and services, and terganggunya the business world," said Endah.
If you are a bird flu pandemic occurs, the government will not restrict people to stay out so that there is no economic activity. Moreover, if the area is to be diisolasi, then there will be no supply of food from outside.
"In situations like that, there will be a situation not stabilized in the community. Society will snatch food, so need to involve the police and military apparatus," said Hendy, a critic of defense and security themes.
Therefore, he said, in a situation like that, need the efficiency in all areas, including the utilization of food in foreign rice to ensure food needs remain terpenuhinya community.
Vice Chairman of the Executive FBPI dr Emil Agustiono MKes also revealed that the bird flu pandemic is indeed very influential on many aspects.
"All public services will be paralyzed. However, we may not be 100 percent of the impact of it, but we can reduce its impact," he said.
Deputy Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare was revealed that in dealing with this problem need a better coordination of all the parties in an area affected by bird flu pandemic.
Therefore, according to him, at this time is very urgent for the local committee was formed FBPI that occur if a bird flu pandemic can be directly taken steps with all the components involved in various sectors of government, private sector, and communities.
He explained, because it comes off the virus from poultry, then the local government should make a regulation on poultry. Through the regulation of traffic can be arranged by the birds out into the area.
"With the regulations can be set to birds that sent to other regions truly free of disease, including the birds into the area," he said.
In addition, he said, must also be prevented so that the birds were not out of an area through the port is not official. If the port is not official, the poultry disease that can not be terpantau.
"It is not easy to make regulations that must be because there is agreement between the government and people through its representative in the Legislative," he said.
Workshop on the simulation of pandemic influenza, said Emil, it is one of the efforts to bring all elements of the community to alert the possibility of pandemic bird flu.
Moreover, he said, bird flu pandemic cycles that occur between 20 and 40 years. Available records, pandemic influenza is the first time happened years 1918-1919 with the name of spain flu that caused the death of 40 million to 50 million people.
Then, 37 years later, the Asian flu emerged, ie, in the year 1957 can be a victim soul two million to four million people and then Hong Kong flu emerged in 1968 with the 1 million victims. With the view that the cycle pandemic, it does not close the possibility of pandemic will occur in the years of this.
"To this kesiapsagaan, Komnas FBPI will conduct a comprehensive skills training to cope with bird flu of islands in East Java with the involvement of the TNI AL, TNI AD, the Office of Health and the other in May 2009 in Surabaya and the Madurese," he said.
Meanwhile, Unicef Representative East Java and NTB is also concern in the effort to put the handling in case of pandemic bird flu in East Java with the program and the simulation.
"Socialization and simulation activities in 2009 is our budgeting about 300 thousand U.S. dollars in order to protect children from the dangers of influenza virus," said Unicef Representative Representative Head East Java and NTB, D. Sinung Kristanto.
According to him, a year ago also the simulation activities with the funds hamir same. Region that is the focus attention Tulungagung, Kediri Regency and City and District and Mojokerto.
"This is because the fifth case there was bird flu that befall humans. We provide training on the teachers, women's organizations and artists involved, namely the Kartolo invited to make 'parikan' (libretto Javanese) influenza problem with the message," he said .
He points out, his side to give attention to the problem because the culture still often let children play with the birds without any protection.
"We advise that children keep away birds and always wash hands with soap. We also know that water can be used as soap to clean the cage of birds," he said.
In addition, he said, the data show that 119 people from bird flu in Indonesia who died, 60 to 70 persennya are children. "Since 2005, bird flu cases in Indonesia is 145 cases and 119 people who died," he said.
Indo: Important Role of Religion Atasi Figures Bird Flu
STONE, FRIDAY - Head of Controlling Diseases and Health Issues in the East Java office of MOH, dr Budi Rahayu, MPH, points out, religious leaders held an important role to encourage people to bird flu.
"Religious figures and community leaders that it is true that more be imitated and obeyed. Therefore we must be approaching the figures that invites the public to be aware of dangers of bird flu," he said at the national workshop on "Simulation Response pandemic influenza" in the Stone, Friday .
He points out, look in the bird flu cases, the small things must be considered by the community, such as not holding the chicken or duck stroke pet markets.
"After holding the stroke or pet duck, hands should be washed with soap also use water that flows," he said.
"Office in the area of health, including animal husbandry office is ready to do even simple handling facilities, as in every health clinic," he said.
He points out, a workshop involving the components of local governments and the private sector and social organizations are also in order to increase awareness on the possibility of a pandemic bird flu.
Worriedly Bird Flu, 30 residents of the Sample Test of Blood
Bekasi, the health Service of the Bekasi regency, West Java today takes as many as 30 samples of the resident's blood in Rt 13/6 the Sukamulya village, the Sukatani subdistrict, the Bekasi regency to prevent the spread of the bird flu virus.
Beforehand was found by as many as 42 chickens that died suddenly and after being checked evidently positive bird flu. The head of the Pengendalian Field of the Illness and Lingkungan Sanitation, Rudi Ruhdiat said the residents who showed the sign of bird flu of the beginning like the cough and hot and cold has been given medicine. And his side collected data on the resident who was contaminated by the death of this poultry. Further, the sample of the resident's blood will be carried to the Department of Health research and development laboratory and just it was known results 1-2 this coming Sunday. His side then gave control medicine of the bird flu virus free.
Recombinomics: A193T Fixed in Tamiflu Resistant H1N1 in United States
A193T Fixed in Tamiflu Resistant H1N1 in United States
Recombinomics Commentary 15:52
February 11, 2009
The US CDC has released 43 HA and 42 NA sequences from H1N1 isolates. Two of the HA sequences were clade 2C (Hong Kong), which are oseltamivir sensitive and adamantine resistant. One of the isolates was from the summer, while the other was from the fall. The remaining 41 isolates were from the fall and the vast majority were collected in November and December, 2008. The CDC is to be commended for the timely release of these important and evolving sequences.
These recent 41 isolates are all clade 2B (Brisbane) and all had H274Y. Phylogenetic analysis indicated all isolates were related to a sub-clade that emerged last season in the United States and Europe. All HA sequences from this sub-clade had A193T. Over the summer the dominant sub-clade in South Africa was also from this sub-clade and had N187S and G189N in addition to A193T. Recent sequences from Kenya also had this series as did an isolate from Washington State collected over the summer.
Isolates from the early fall in the US also evolved from this sub-clade. All isolates had A193T and the dominant sequence also had G189V and H196R. This dominant sequence was from isolates in HI, TX, and PA. The same set of receptor binding domain changes, was report in Japan, including a large outbreak in elementary schools in Sendai. These data supported the emergence of H274Y via recombination and hitch hiking, which was described in a recent paper in Nature Precedings.
The recently released sequences support and extend the above observations. The majority of HA sequences have the same set of receptor binding domain changes, G189V, A193T, and H196R. However, sequences with these changes were collected from isolates throughout the US (see list below).
A smaller series (see list below) was similar to the South Africa/Kenya sequences and had S187N and A193T. However, these isolates had G189S instead of G189N, which was also noted in an earlier phylogenetic analysis, which included isolates from Seychelles.
Although there were some additional variations, all recent clade 2B isolates from the US had A193T and supported its role in the genetic hitch-hiking by H274Y, which has led to H1N1 levels approaching 100% across the northern hemisphere. A recent WHO update on isolates collected over the same time period in the last quarter of 2008. The only northern hemisphere country with levels lower than 97% was China.
Flu cases surge due to vaccine problems
DENVER - Flu season has been underway for weeks, it's been a mild one, and we haven't heard much about it, until now.

Health officials are reporting a sudden surge in flu cases, and they've pinpointed at least one reason why.
The Centers for Disease Control says every state is now reporting flu, with widespread outbreaks in 16 states, including Colorado.
This year there are two additional problems. One of the major strains of A influenza , the most serious type, is resistant to the drug Tamiflu, often used to treat symptoms and once conceived as the future defense against a severe outbreak - a pandemic
"We're very concerned now that Tamiflu may not be as useful in pandemic circumstances or even year to year now as it has been in the past," Dr. William Schaffner with Vanderbilt University said.
Another problem, the vaccine offers no protection against this year's B influenza, which is not as serious, but can still make people miserable.
INDONESIA: Steps taken to confront bird flu but danger remains
JAKARTA, 12 February 2009 (IRIN) - Indonesia is making progress in its fight against avian influenza but the danger posed by the H5N1 virus to humans remains high, specialists said.
Last month, the Indonesian Health Ministry announced that two more people had died of the disease, bringing the death toll to 115, the highest in the world.
Investigations indicated that both victims visited wet markets before contracting the disease.
On 8 February, a 20-year-old man on the resort island of Bali was hospitalised for suspected bird flu after dozens of chickens in his village tested positive for the virus. Tests were being carried out to determine whether he had contracted bird flu.
However, Bayu Krisnamurthi, executive director of Indonesia's National Committee for Bird Flu Control and Pandemic Preparedness, said there was no evidence the virus had mutated into a form that could make it easier for humans to be infected.
"Bird flu has now become like other infectious diseases spread by animals. The virus is around us, but there's no clinical evidence that it is any more dangerous than before," Krisnamurthi told IRIN.
James McGrane, team leader of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization's Influenza Control Programme in Indonesia, said the government had made substantial progress in bringing avian influenza under control, but more needed to be done.
![]() Photo: Brennon Jones/IRIN ![]() |
A specially-trained nurse at the East Java Provincial Hospital, Indonesia needs to work harder to tackle the disease, particularly on Java, where most of the deaths have occurred |
"These advances have been made despite the unprecedented challenges presented to avian influenza control given Indonesia's massive and diverse poultry population," he said.
But McGrane said Indonesia needed to work harder to tackle the disease, particularly on Java, where most of the deaths have occurred.
Twelve of Indonesia's 33 provinces have recorded human cases of bird flu while only two provinces have had no avian flu in poultry, the national bird flu committee said.
Chairul Anwar Nidom, a virologist with the Tropical Disease Centre at Airlangga University in Surabaya, said a common policy on bird flu was lacking among government agencies, making controlling the disease more difficult.
"By and large the government has done a good job and people are aware of the danger of bird flu," Nidom said.
But Nidom criticised the government's policy of vaccinating poultry rather than culling, believing that it masks the virus, and ultimately contributes to its mutation.
"There's still no common agreement on this issue among government agencies. The agriculture and farming sector sees the need for vaccinations to save the economy. We are at a crossroads, having to choose between saving poultry and protecting human beings," said Nidom.
Nidom, who first revealed the outbreak of bird flu in Indonesia, said the threat of a pandemic remained high given the unpredictable nature of the H5N1 virus.
"Frankly, we still don't know exactly the virus's pattern of infection and its predispositions. As long as it remains so, it will remain a threat to humans," he said.
![]() Photo: Brennon Jones/IRIN ![]() |
Bird sellers at a market in East Java say they are unconcerned about the risk of avian flu or a pandemic |
Last month, the Indonesian National Committee for Bird Flu Control and Pandemic Preparedness, supported by the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), launched workshops on pandemic preparedness in 10 cities across the country, he said.
Since last year Indonesia has adopted a policy of only publicly reporting human infections from time to time rather than as they occur.
In addition, the country has been locked in a dispute with the World Health Organization over sharing virus samples for the past two years. Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari has insisted Indonesia will not share virus samples unless it receives assurances it will be given any vaccine made from the viruses.
Indo: All the chickens in Balinese Disemprot disinfektan
Kamis, 12 Februari 2009, Denpasar: the Peternakan Perikanan Service and Marine Kota Denpasar, Bali, carried out spraying disinfektan to anticipate the spreading of bird flu in the Island of the Gods, on Thursday (12/2). Spraying was carried out in several of the resident's houses as well as the vehicle pengangut in the highway. In the Penatih Village, for example, the official dismissed each vehicle that carried the chicken pedaging that will enter Denpasar. All the chickens were afterwards sprayed, including the vehicle that carried him. The head of the Supervision of the Unggas Potong Dinas Traffic of Kelautan Livestock Breeding and fisheries of Kota Denpasar, Made Ngurah Sugiri said, this activity to prevent the entry of the bird flu virus. Moreover a week beforehand belasan the fight chicken belonging to the resident in found died suddenly and was stated positive bird flu. (ICH)
Indo: Dozens of poultries were in Bekasi infected H5N1
Jum'at, 13 Februari 2009 12:30 WIB

Dozens of tails of the poultry belonging to the resident Srengseng, Desa Sukamulya, of Kecamatan Sukatani, Bekasi, West Java, was infected by the bird flu virus. Officially Kesehatan of the Bekasi Regency ascertained the resident's 42 chickens Srengseng, Desa Sukamulya, of Kecamatan Sukatani, positive terenfeksi the bird flu virus. This conclusion was received was based on results of the sample test of blood of dozens of poultries that died suddenly several last days. As far as this is concerned the process of the other poultry inspection, as well as spraying of the pen continued to be carried out. The medical team has also checked the condition for the resident around, but results were not yet known. The sub-district head Sukatani, Soleh admits to, up to now, not yet having the extermination plan of the poultry in a mass fashion. Now in Apus Bamboo, Cipayung, Jakarta Timur, the official of livestock breeding of the service merazia all the poultries in the resident's house to be destroyed. The official also destroyed all the poultry pens belonging to the resident to anticipate the spreading of the bird flu virus. (FHD)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Stimulus bill headed for passage minus pandemic funds
Robert Roos News Editor
Feb 13, 2009 (CIDRAP News) – With money for pandemic influenza preparedness stripped from a huge economic stimulus bill that appears headed for final congressional approval, public health advocates say they have to look to the regular budgeting process for the next chance to get some pandemic funding.
The House of Representatives had included $900 million in pandemic preparedness funds in its version of the massive stimulus package, but it appeared that all but $50 million was removed by the conference committee that ironed out differences between the House and Senate versions, said Richard Hamburg, government relations director for the nonpartisan, nonprofit group Trust for America's Health (TFAH).
The House passed the $787 billion compromise bill this afternoon by a vote of 246-183, with no Republican support, the New York Times reported. The story said the Senate was expected to approve the measure this evening.
The $50 million left in the bill, listed as a Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund, is for improving information technology security at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Hamburg said. The sums removed included $420 million for pandemic flu and $430 million for biomedical advanced research and development, he reported.
Now it's back to the regular budget process for those seeking pandemic and other public health preparedness funds, leaders of public health groups say.
"Hopefully in the president's budget for 2010 there will again be funding and decisions about funding for preparedness," said Robert (Bobby) Pestronk, executive director of the National Association of County and City Health Officials. The Obama administration is expected to propose its 2010 budget soon.
Nothing left in pipeline
Hamburg said there is no more pandemic preparedness money in the pipeline for state and local public health. "The $600 million that was made available in December 2005, in the fiscal year 2006 emergency supplemental bill, the last of those dollars went out the door this past August," he said.
In addition to the cutoff of pandemic flu funding, public health agencies have seen their "all hazards" preparedness funding drop about 25% since 2005, Hamburg said.
TFAH and its partners are advocating for another $350 million specifically for pandemic readiness and additional money for other public health emergencies, he said.
Fiscal year 2009 budget legislation is still awaiting action, and it could include some pandemic money, but it would all be for federal activities, according to Hamburg.
He said President Bush's proposed 2009 budget included $507 million in one-time spending for pandemic vaccines and countermeasures, plus $312 million for annual recurring pandemic activities at HHS, but no funds for state and local activities. Hamburg expects that Congress may take up the labor and HHS funding bill, which includes that money, later this month.
Some public health money survived
Although pandemic money was stripped from the stimulus package, still included is about $1 billion to support various other state and local public health activities, according to Pestronk.
He said it appears that the sum includes $300 million for community vaccination programs and $50 million for healthcare-associated infections. Funds are also targeted for "evidence-based programs to address chronic disease and to support current and new workforce development for public health." The vaccination funds are part of the Section 317 program, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention immunization program mainly for uninsured and underinsured children, he said.
"Overall it looks like there will be over $1 billion available," Pestronk said. "I think that while the amounts initially talked about in the Senate committee and in the full House were greater, this is still a success for the public health community."
Story of the deleted $900 million
Hamburg said the $900 million that was dropped from the stimulus package essentially represented the final installment of the $7.1 billion that President Bush proposed for pandemic preparedness back in 2005.
In his proposed 2008 budget, Bush asked for a one-time appropriation of $870 million for vaccines, antivirals, and diagnostics, Hamburg explained. But that was cut from the final budget legislation. Then last August, Bush made a supplemental budget request that included the $870 million, which was for different purposes than the $507 million that was part of the 2009 budget proposal, he said.
"So when the stimulus bill came up, our supporters in Congress saw an opportunity to take care of the $870 million request, with the assumption that the $507 million would be taken care of in the regular appropriations process," Hamburg said.
A Senate committee had approved the inclusion of $870 million in the stimulus bill, but that was removed before the full Senate voted on it. The House supported $900 million, but that was deleted by the House-Senate conference committee.
Hamburg said a number of lawmakers felt that pandemic funding should be handled in the regular appropriations process, not in an economic stimulus measure.
"Now we'll need to take a look at opportunities starting with the fiscal year 2010 funding cycle and the [proposed] budget we'll see in the next month or so," he said.
Dr. Paul Jarris, executive director of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, said yesterday, "We are extremely concerned about the diminishing funding for state and local preparedness as well as the removal of all funding for pandemic flu, and the decrease in funding for hospital preparedness. Along with the state budget cuts, this is a matter of losing the infrastructure created over the past several years."
Looking ahead, he said, "We will pursue everything we possibly can, but there are no guarantees. I wouldn’t' say there are any promising leads we're following right now. It seems that Congress is turning a blind eye to state and local health preparedness."
Recurrence risk of avian influenza is very high
* Ha Tinh: dispose of pigs die on the beach tả spam
According to the expertise of TP, the risk of recurrence HPAI and influenza A (H5N1) in people is very high due to germs circulating in poultry. According to a monitoring agency's Animal Health region VI, the ratio of circulating avian influenza virus in duck flocks in Dong Thap, Tra Vinh, Long An and Vinh Long is 21/236 samples (6.25%) and the Forum Chicken 1 / 30 samples (3.3%).
* Afternoon 12-2, Nguyen Thanh Binh - Director Department Animal Health Department, Ha Tinh - for the more than 200 pigs die in 4 communes of Cam (Cam Xuyen, Ha Tinh) identified positive khuẩn described, increase the number of dead pigs is described as more than 600 children.
Specifically, the 200 pigs that died were people in 4 communes of Cam brought in to dispose of refuse beach district over a week. To 11-2 pm, the pig died reek thối, the industry functions on the main tennis, and buried in the same number khử on pork.
TT (HCM City, Ha Tinh) - After a week, or districts to which the status of poultry traders living illegally City People's Committee of the criticism will only grow in the prevention of HPAI H5N1 by districts that ". Mr. Nguyen Trung Tin - Vice Chairman of HCMC People's Committee - to declare such a hearing after authorities reported the TP 155 and 40 for (regional) trade of live poultry at unauthorized meeting the 12 -- 2.
Vietnam urgently prevent HPAI
12.2 days, Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee held the implementation of measures to prevent avian influenza outbreaks in the province city.
Report by Department of Animal Health TP, currently there are 7 provinces including Ca Mau, Soc Trang, Nghe An, Hau Giang, Quang Ninh, Quang Tri and Bac Ninh is happening flu. According to test results check monitoring avian influenza disease after vaccination vaccine in the provinces of the Southeast and Mekong Delta, the rate of protection on us chickens, only 51.24% and the flocks of ducks was 18.07 %. Therefore Bùng risk of HPAI on a large scale is very high.
11.2 * Afternoon, Chairman People's Committee of Soc Trang province has officially announced HPAI in H. Ngã year and directed urgently implement the series of measures to prevent outbreaks. To 12.2 pm, H. Ngã year detected 11 poultry flocks with a total on the 3,000 children infected and dying at all.
At TP, the business of poultry have not lived through quarantine is tends to increase again by many a local lơ management. At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Trung Tin - Vice President of City People's Committee has proposed the function steering drastically the inspection process and cut points on the transport, slaughter and trade of poultry and products influenza unauthorized local city, while the propaganda advantage of alert in the prevention of disease ...
Thousands of bird flu drug nears expiry dates
Ni Komang Erviani , The Jakarta Post , Denpasar Fri, 02/13/2009 6:24 PM Bali
Thousands of Tamiflu doses, the WHO recommended drug to combat avian influenza, have reached their expiry dates, a high-ranking official says.
Head of the Bali Health Agency, Nyoman Sutedja, said thousands of Tamiflu were stored neatly in the agency's medicine depot, and many of them would no longer be useful this year.
"We're worried that these Tamiflus are getting close to their expiry dates," Sutedja said after a meeting at the provincial legislative council in Denpasar, Thursday.
The agency first began receiving the drugs from the Health Ministry in 2007, after the first patient died from bird flu. To prevent an outbreak, the ministry has continued to send more drugs.
"And since these drugs were sent to us in phases, a lot of them have different expiry dates," he said.
When asked whether Bali would not have enough Tamiflus should an outbreak occur, Sutedja urged the public not to panic.
"I think bird flu in Bali is still under control.the government itself has an unlimited supply of Tamiflu," he said.
He said bird flu patient could go directly to the three hospitals designated as primary treatment facilities for bird flu patients, namely Sanglah Central Hospital in Denpasar, Sanjiwani Hospital in Gianyar and Regional Hospital in Tabanan.
Meanwhile, head of the Bali Animal Husbandry Agency, Ida Bagus Alit, warned people against contact with fowls suspected of having H5N1 virus.
He said there were still some cases of living fowls being smuggled into Bali through its smaller harbors. The island has more than 20 small, traditional ports along its northern and southern coastlines.
"The public must be aware of fowls from areas outside Bali entering the island. Don't buy fowls infected with bird flu. These fowls would be easy to spot, that is they must be sold at a very cheap price," he said.
Bali recently had another brush with the bird flu. Last week, Jagapati village in the Abiansemal district of Badung saw a resurgence of the virus after officials discovered bird flu in 5 of 15 birds that died suddenly.
These birds were discovered to have been transported from Banyuwangi, East Java, to use in the village's cockfighting arena.
Officials have been stepping up measures to control the flow of the diseases. The Badung Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Agency have culled more than 133 fowls in Jagapati village, while its Denpasar counterparts have sprayed disinfectants in and around the city's birds and pets markets.
Patients do drop dead buffaloes?
Patients do drop dead buffaloes? Updated: 2:46 PM, 13/02/2009 | ||
- In the last few days, in coastal areas of the town of Ha Giang Ha Thanh, Phuong commune, Ha Giang and 6 buffaloes died of the disease is dropped. According to relatives in the village for the infected buffaloes only appear in winter-spring months was 3 years ago, a new beginning just a few have three children, but this number of infected buffaloes were up nearly 200 children. The year before, infected buffaloes were not dead this winter as spring this year. Although the vaccine and medicine for the swimming infected buffaloes are not reduced but increased the number of infected children. Relatives in Ha Thanh was suspected pan not only infected but also visit other strange disease, because very few patients drop buffaloes died? |
Triggered by the Genetic Change in the Virus Tuban
Cepatnya the distribution of the bird flu virus in nine Tuban territories of the Regency subdistrict, was expected strong the genetic change from the virus of Avian Influensa happened (AI). This extraordinary development from this deadly virus, was known after the Kesehatan Service side (Dinkes) Tuban researched the saliva and chicken excrement that were attacked by this virus. Moreover, the characteristics of the poultry that is attacked by bird flu unlike usually. In the case of the AI attack in Tuban, there were no characteristics of the blue cock's comb and the saliva that menunjukan the chicken was attacked by the virus. Results of the inspection rapit test had the characteristics of the AI attack, but had the deadly addition quickly against the poultry that was attacked. �Kondisi the chicken like the healthy chicken, but suddenly died together. We suspected the genetic change from the AI virus that attacked the poultry happened in Tuban,� source words was believed in Dinkes Tuban, yesterday. After that, the migration of the virus to the other area also very fast. In the calculation 50 days spread to 13 villages in 9 from 20 subdistrict territories in Tuban.
The head of Dinkes Tuban, Dr H Tri Hadi Sanyoto, said his side carried out the step in anticipation against the attack of the bird flu virus. Moreover since last 2007, all the community health centres were in Tuban prepared by the power and medical treatment facilities for the affected human patient bird flu. So he made a plea to the community to chase the distribution of the AI virus the resident was asked to apply PHBS (the Pattern of the Bersih Life and Healthy). Because, the spreading of this virus was increasingly fast in the unhealthy environment.
Whereas, Head of Sector Pemberantasan of infectious diseases of Dinkes Tuban, Dr Syaiful Hadi, said his side moved with the Service of Peternakan Tuban in the form of Distric Soveyer Observer (DSO). Every time had the field activity from the Peternakan Field from the Pertanian Service, was carried out with Dinkes. (tbu
Indo: Bogor: Water in Cilendek most Dirty the Bird Flu Virus
Jumat, 13 Februari 2009
NOT ONLY the poultry in the District of Cilendek Timur Bogor Barat that was positive bird flu. The source of water in the disposal pond of RT 02/03 also positive contained the virus H5NI. this Matter was based on results of the test of the laboratory of the Research Body of Veteriner Bogor. The resident could panic when knowing this condition. Moreover beforehand the Ruslan body, the sufferer suspect bird flu on December 29 2008, was buried in the location. So, several residents asked the explanation of the Health and the Service of Pertanian Kota Bogor of the Service to give the security guarantee and the health.
Yesterday, Dinkes and Distan held counselling in the Council of Taklim Al Istiqomah RW 04 Cilendek Timur districts. Be present in the opportunity of DSO Flu Burung from the Kesehatan Service of the City Bogor Dwi Susanto. He explained, pollution of the source of the water was ascertained not from the Ruslan grave. Because, the handling procedure of the body suspect bird flu followed the standard of WHO. Pertama was wrapped used special plastic antikuman then was covered aluminium foil. Increased the special layer that was made from zinc and finally was put in the case of wood. Four layers it was guaranteed will not spread the virus went out.
Now Kasi Kesehatan of the Animal and the Dinas Production of Agriculture of Kota Bogor drh A Maolana said, pollution happened not in the normal reception pond was used for the need of the resident. The "sample" of "positive water was taken from the disposal pond" of the "resident." Expected because of many water poultries that roamed about in this location. Whereas the pond of the water reception belonging to the resident was still negative and relatively safe was used a day - the day, obviously him. Therefore, the Pertanian Service made a plea to the resident mengkandangkan his poultry. Especially the water poultry that was known stronger kept the virus in the body, so as to not die. Although terjangkit, that could become the spread escort of the virus.
From results of the Pertanian Service inspection, around this location was not yet found the poultry died as a result of the bird flu virus. Now Section Head Kesehatan of the Bogor City Dr Triwanda Elan said, although having casualties suspect bird flu as far as two people, his side did not yet dare to dismiss the alert status of bird flu for the Bogor City. "Now we continue to be on the alert and still monitored everyone who was sick and had contact with the poultry died," he said when being contacted the Bogor Radar, last night. This because of being based on the data, just two subdistricts that terindikasi had the case of bird flu, namely Tanahsareal and Cilendek Barat. So as efforts were most effective was to take care to do not the spread happen against humankind.
Pertanian drh Herlien Krisnaningsih Section Head said, at this time that must be carried out by the community was to increase vigilance by generating the intention to the clean life, also did bio security towards the environment. The "determination" of the "alert status was carried out against human casualties, now our poultry just did with the control, one of them the socialisation to the resident," he said. This socialisation increasingly intensive was carried out in the area of the danger. In the future the socialisation will take the student from the scout and the student IPB so that the community's vigilance increases as well as cultivates the behaviour of the clean and healthy life including the method of treating the animal by the hand.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Japan: Pandemic plan calls for mass cremations
Pandemic plan calls for mass cremations
The Associated Press
Japan's plan for any future influenza pandemic calls for shutting down airports, closing schools and organizing mass cremations of the dead in hopes of keeping the virus off its shores or at least containing it.
The government plan estimates that a new human flu virus could infect a quarter of the population and force 40 percent of the workforce to stay home. It could cause as many as 640,000 deaths in Japan if it were to spread across the country, the health ministry said Thursday.
"It is important to delay as much as possible the virus' entry through measures such as strengthening quarantine to take advantage of the special qualities of our nation as an island nation," it said.
Japan's plan would keep open just four airports and three ports, where a strict quarantine would try to prevent the virus' entry if it emerges overseas. Charter flights would bring healthy Japanese back home, but those infected would be asked to stay abroad and foreigners would be restricted from entry.
hat-tip mojo
Russia: Kazan was a meeting in the main veterinarians poultry farms RT
(Kazan, February 12, «Tatar-inform», Irina Ignatieva). Today at the General Directorate of Veterinary Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan with the assistance of JSC «Tatptitseprom» a meeting of the major poultry farms veterinarians RT. These included the prevention of bird flu. This correspondent Agency «Tatar-inform» said the general director of JSC «Tatptitseprom» Mars Aliyev.
To date for the vaccination of chickens at poultry farms purchased more than 1 million doses of vaccine. Preventive measures will begin in the coming days, because of the need to have time to protect the livestock of chickens and geese prior to the arrival of wild waterfowl. Attention was also drawn to the fact that poultry farms should be tightened security measures - Poultry must operate in a closed mode: again spetspropuskniki, wheel machines, zaezzhayuschih farms in the territory of poultry, will handle spetsrastvorom. For poultry purchased sets of clothes.
Russia: The threat of avian influenza posereznee

Complicated the situation in the country with African swine fever virus (ACHS). In January, in the Stavropol region again recorded case of animals on a farm. The virus is also found in the Kabardino-Balkaria in wild boar - the potential carriers of plague.
Despite the fact that winter is a positive effect on the prevention of disease, since animals are contained in sealed enclosures, and Head of Veterinary Medicine Cabinet RT Bulat Kamalov does not exclude the threat of infiltration of a dangerous virus on the territory of our republic. And warns that the threat is more serious than avian flu: ACHS is able to destroy thousand pig for schitanye hours.
We have already talked about the measures taken in Tatarstan in order to prevent the penetration of the virus in the republic. In Minselkhozprod reminded of the need for strict implementation of measures recommended by a specially created by the Republican headquarters. This is a regular profosmotrov, delete vygulnogo pigs, etc. Now much depends on managers selhozupravleny and farmers, hunters and farmers engaged in cultivation of pigs because of their irresponsibility could put at risk the important sector of the economy.
Need to be extremely careful, because an effective means of prevention ACHS has not yet been developed, and treated animals can not and, moreover, is prohibited. The only solution - kill the sick animals, while bloodless method. By the way, is now used for bloodless medicine euthanasia - adilin - Tatarstan scientists invented.
Faced with impending'll hope for the best but prepare for the worst. In the event of epidemic ACHS in each municipality must be biometric pits for disposal of bio waste. And this, say clearly, we do not all smooth.
According to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, President of Tatarstan order to address the problem of disposal of biological waste in the municipality last year was met by only 67 per cent, though the money for these activities from the national budget allocated. In particular, last year's estimated 91 to buy incinerator (a mobile installation for the disposal of bio waste), but obtained only 85. It was necessary to arrange the 802 anthrax skotomogilnika fact - 571, build 308 biotermicheskih pits, the fact - 120.
The full deal with the development of anthrax skotomogilnikov only 20 municipalities - Sabinsky, Arsky, Baltasinsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Kaybitsky, Tetyushsky, Aksubaevsky, Alekseevskii, Spassky, Chistopolsky, Aktanyshsky, Mamadyshsky, Mendeleev, Zainsky, Sarmanovsky, Almetyevsk, Leninogorsk, Cheremshansky, Muslyumovsky and Nurlatsky. The problem of arranging skotomogilnikov pro-ignore Vysokogorsky, Laishevskom, Pestrechinskom, Rybnoslobodskom, Tyulyachinskom, Agryzskom, Menzelinsk municipalities, as well as in Naberezhnye Chelny.
The situation is most acute with the development of the budgetary funds intended for construction biotermicheskih pits. If the Sabinskom, Baltasinskom, Buinskom, Alekseevskii, Alkeevskom, Novosheshminskom Aktanyshskom, Mamadyshskom, Almetyevsk, Leninogorsk Kamskoustinskom areas and built the necessary quantity, the Verhneuslonskom, Zelenodolsk, Laishevskom, Rybnoslobodskom, Atninskom, Tetyushskom, Spassky, Agryzskom and Nizhnekamsk areas do not appear any such object.
Kazan, the Board did not put 2 million 650 thousand rubles of budget intended for the purchase and construction of five incinerators biotermicheskoy pit. Not spodobilis buy mobile installation for the disposal of bio waste in Aznakaevskom and Verhneuslonskom areas.
Farida Yakusheva.
India: Avian influenza has spread to the north-east India
The Indian authorities have destroyed 200 000 chickens in the Northeastern state of Assam in the next two days at the rejection to prevent the spread of avian influenza. Health care workers and experts on avian influenza watched about a hundred people with symptoms of viral infection. The patients in the six areas of Guwahati, the main city of Assam, a center of production of oil and tea, showed signs of respiratory infection and lihorodka - symptoms typical of infection of H5N1 avian influenza strain in humans. But while officials have not confirmed cases of H5N1 infection in humans.
Health workers spend podvornye rounds in Guwahati in order to identify people with symptoms of infection. Veterinary services have destroyed nearly 350 000 chickens and ducks, more than 160 000 eggs, and thousands of kilograms of poultry feed, since last month. Rejecting the birds and spread to two neighboring villages in the state of Guwahati Megalit, where last month in birds has also been detected influenza virus. The authorities have the task of destruction of 200 000 birds in the area over the next 2 days. «While cases of avian influenza in the state Megalit have been identified, we will be holding a bird with rejecting preventive purpose" - he said SF Hongvir, the head of state.
The authorities reported that some landlords do not obey orders, and conceal their birds and their eggs from destruction. On Saturday arrested a surgeon - a veterinarian after the police and veterinary services discovered and seized more than 2 500 hens, hidden in his home.
The Indian authorities, along with other safety measures against the spread of the virus to people, including thousands of capsules drug Tamiflu and surgical masks, to urgently transferred to the region, three more Ventilator, bringing their number to five.
So far, about cases of people in India are not reported, but experts are concerned about the possibility of mutation of H5N1, or combining it with the highly contagious seasonal influenza virus with a pandemic, which could prove fatal to millions of people. Since the emergence of the virus in Asia in 2003, it killed more than 200 people in 12 countries. WHO has identified the most massive in the Indian outbreak of avian flu in the neighboring state of West Bengal in January last year when it was destroyed 4 million birds.
Date is located on this page under News:
Japan: 2 mil. doses of Relenza to be imported by April
[GlaxoSmithKline KK (Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.]
(Feb. 12, 2009)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Glaxo SmithKline K.K. has announced it will import 2 million doses of the antiflu drug Relenza from France by April, as an emergency measure to cope with the spread of flu viruses resistant to Tamiflu, the drug most commonly prescribed for flu.
According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, about 52 percent of flu viruses detected this winter have been of the influenza A virus subtype H1N1, with most of them proving resistant to treatment with Tamiflu.
As a result, the number of medical institutions prescribing Relenza instead of Tamiflu has increased rapidly.
According to Glaxo SmithKline, the company will import 400,000 doses of Relenza this month, 600,000 doses in March, and 1 million doses in April.
SDF planes to fly home Japanese stranded in event of flu pandemic
(Feb. 4, 2009)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
The Defense Ministry has drafted an action plan that will allow government aircraft to bring home stranded Japanese following the overseas outbreak of a new type of pandemic influenza, it has been learned.
The plan calls for the dispatch of Self-Defense Force's aircraft, including chartered government jets, if an outbreak of influenza leads to the suspension of commercial airline and passenger-ship services, preventing Japanese from returning home. It also refers to treating these people at SDF hospitals after they return.
The plan is expected to be announced as early as March, according to sources.
The draft also states that SDF medical officers will be deployed at airports and ports if there are insufficient quarantine officers to cope with a flood of Japanese returning from an affected country, the sources said.
hat-tip: Muscade
Indo: Bali: Again, Dozens Of tails of the Chicken were eradicated
The Regional Government was Badung increasingly worried with the spreading of the virus avian influenza (AI) or that often was mentioned with bird flu. How not, after dozens of poultries belonging to the resident in the Sibang Series, Jagapati, Abiansemal died suddenly and immediately was destroyed, on last Monday (10/2) again was carried out by the eradication against 40 chickens belonging to the local resident. The eradication took place exciting. Chickens were belonging to the resident fired on used the air rifle. Some residents were also that willingly his chicken was given to three clothed officials very very white that was acknowledged as personal protector equipment (PPE) from Disnakkanlut Badung. The chickens then was burnt in kubangan, in front of the Puseh Temple, Jagapati. After that was closed the land and was sprayed disinfektan. Section Head Peternakan, Perikanan and Marine (Disnakkanlut) Naughty I Made Badra when it was confirmed stated his side was forced to destroy the poultry belonging to the resident who was infected by the bird flu virus. The eradication was carried out as preventive efforts the spreading of still more areas again. And he said, this method was the most effective charm. The eradication like this was more effective than vaccination efforts, said Badra in the eradication gap of the poultry in the Sibang Series, Jagapati, Abiansemal.
It was further, Badra explained, with this incident his side maintained three villages, namely Jagapati, Angantaka, dan Sedang and was stated as the red zone the bird flu virus. Then, until one month will in front of his side continue to monitor the development of this virus. "If having the poultry that died suddenly again, then all the poultries must be in three villages eradicated," obviously the official had a thick moustache this. The step in the prevention henceforth, added he, was carried out in accordance with the procedure continue to (protap) focal calling. Where the poultry traffic, both the chicken and the duck were in the region stopped. "RPH (the house potoh the animal, Red) at this time was closed but also was sprayed disinfektan," he said while saying stock disinfektan still many. Besides this, other anticipation was related six villages that last 2008 were categorised as the preceptive village bird flu. According to him, this will be activated again in order to the similar incident not happen. Six villages were Pecatu, Tuban, Kerobokan Kelod, Munggu, Sedang and Carangsari.
On Friday (14/2) came, his side also will do focal calling in the Munggu Village, by involving PDSR (Pursivatory Deaseas Survailance Respons). That was alerted 24 hours stopped. "For the other area that was not yet infected will be carried out bio security." And was hoped for all of us the community was on the alert in order to do not fall casualties again, complete the official that also this hotel businessman. In the meantime, the Putu Prana Yoga condition, the patient suspect bird flu in this series, until the afternoon yesterday still like the previous day. Moreover, his condition could be considered to be somewhat worrying because of beginning to vomit again and again. "Earlier was finished vomited again and again." But hot, pilek and his breathing still like yesterday (last Sunday), said Wayan Kodi, Sir from Prana Yoga.
Denpasar was Concerned
Spread him the plague of bird flu that happened in Naughty made Denpasar concerned. Similar to like when the plague of rabies broke out some time before, relatives were young this Badung Regional Government also felt kelimpungan. Officially Peternakan and Marine (Disnaklut) Denpasar hurriedly compiled the team penggulangan bird flu. The head of Disnaklut Denpasar I Dewa Made Ngurah acknowledged, if Denpasar began to apply the alert step as anticipation crept him the virus H5N1 to Denpasar. In view of the fact that the spreading of this deadly plague was faster compared with the spreading of rabies. If rabies would through the bite. But this bird flu was far more faster, could through the wind or bird droppingss, explained the God Ngurah, on last Tuesday morning. The plan is, in the near future, the Disnaklut side will descend to the poultry market to carry out spraying. If not tomorrow (today, Red) yes the day after tomorrow. We will descend to the market carried out spraying. Now I am still gathering the team of the control of bird flu first, he explained. In the beginning stage, his plan of Disnaklut would menyasar the Badung Market and the Burung Market Satria. The two markets were chosen by the reason for the circulation of the poultry was very high. As well as to the centre perdaganggan the biggest poultry in Denpasar. So far we have not yet received the official report about the existence suspect bird flu and the poultry that died suddenly in Denpasar. Spraying that will be carried out by us this only as the step in anticipation, added the postured official of this checking.
hat-tip Dutchy
Guangming Daily: I study the bird flu virus breakthrough
The Study, commissioned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Biophysics刘迎芳group led by a researcher and academician饶子and Leaders of Nankai University, Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Joint Laboratory of Biophysics of the cooperation, and by the National Natural Science Foundation Committee, Ministry of Science and Technology and Chinese Academy of Sciences, support and funding.
According to introduction, the influenza viruses that contain eight genomic RNA segments of negative strand RNA viruses, are known to be 11 kinds of virus encoded proteins. Which, PB1, PB2 and PA, such as three protein subunits of influenza virus important life machine: influenza virus RNA polymerase. In the avian influenza virus replication and infection process, the influenza virus polymerase play a critical role, responsible for the exercise of virus genome RNA replication and virus mRNA transcription and other functions. Which, PB2 and PB1 function has been known for, but the PA in the complex has not had a clear function.
刘迎芳group and饶子and research team to resolve the H5N1 strain of avian influenza virus RNA polymerase PA subunit complex with the carboxy-terminal PB1 N-terminal peptide complex crystal structure, the results in August 2008 in "Nature" journal. They also analyzed the RNA polymerase PA subunit of the remaining N-terminal of the high-resolution crystal structure, and thus the basic completion of influenza virus polymerase PA subunit structural biology research.
The researchers found, PA protein has a functional endonuclease, the endonuclease activity will enable nucleic acid polymerase complex captured host cell mRNA by influenza virus polymerase endonuclease cutting, for the virus mRNA transcription. This activity is missing, will result in the virus should not transcribed in the cell mRNA. This conclusion is clearly the first time revealed the PA to participate in virus transcription, an important function of the molecular mechanism, but also the first demonstration of the bird flu virus in the RNA polymerase with the endonuclease function are in the PA subunit, but is likely to not reported in the past people on the PB1 subunit.
Vivian Chow diarrhea 30 times a day since Hins Cheung suspected bird flu

At 7:25 on February 12, 2009[I来说两句 ]
Sohu Entertainment inquiry, according to Hong Kong media reported yesterday Hins Cheung Vivian Chow and go visit the situation of children in Nepal, while Charlene had been absent due to gastroenteritis. Vivian Chow (Vivian) said: "I suffer from gastroenteritis, diarrhea after returning to Hong Kong on the 1st 30 times, belly has red dot, the doctor refers to are allergic." Zhen Ni question whether the husband to take care of her? Vivian said: "He is busy fitting out a new house." She laughed means to help raise local four children, one of which looks like Ni Zhen. For wireless drama "Pedder own," alluding to see the events Ni Zhen, Vivian frankly do not want to know, do not want to respond. As the first married Valentine's Day, she said: "There is no need special celebration, and he also busy decoration.

Hins Cheung suspected bird flu infected
Hins Cheung said the visits to the day to see a dying chicken was a panic around 100, a shadow has been around him at night, he developed fever, he suspected bird flu patients, "Fortunately, the doctor explained to have a chance of contact with dead chickens visceral infected with avian flu, I just scared myself. "
Correctly grasp the trend, "2009 vision of IT growth," draw a
Special Technology Update
Subprime loan problems, Lehman Shock, relief of the Big Three auto ─ ─ 2008 financial year the economic crisis from the United States began Monday, has spread to countries including Japan in a matter of seconds. Look RARENA avoid the serious recession years of 2009 when, CIO or should I go to meet management requests and how to reduce costs and contribute to the project. In this article, CIO Utiyama Satoshi of Japan has been for many years to send a shout out to two of the Matsushita Yoshio, the inevitable upheaval in 2009 as CIO and you should have nailed a keyword or topic.
R-T CEO Utiyama Satoshi ● Eye / text by Satoshi Uchiyama Principal Analyst
Important trends include IT strategy
T i R (ITR), the journal has been in CIO Magazine and the annual community survey results of IT investments (see story on page 14), ITR projects and will be available at the hearing requested by customers and taking into account the content, the annual 10 of the IT strategy is the selection of keywords. Among the keywords below, we consider adequate for what appears to be a high priority for the company, since 2009, aimed at incorporating IT strategy.
Pandemic measures [1]
Pandemic (pandemic) and refers to the pandemic, infectious disease and infection in the world. Not in some areas and communities, EPIDEMIKKU in a global epidemic (epidemic) is distinguished. If a pandemic occurs, "human"立CHI行KANAKU economic activity and by the lack of any scene, it will be a big hit business. And are concerned about avian flu, about a possible PANDEMIKKU BCP (Business Continuity Plan) to establish the company in 2009, is expected to increase.
In the IT sector, with the prospect of an avian flu pandemic, IT should consider a plan to keep the system recovery. When the recovery plan, not just paint a scenario of an alternative system to ensure personnel and the employees were ordered to work at home or when isolated, IT should be taking steps to provide infrastructure there.
[2] Environmental Information Management
Environmental and CSR (corporate social responsibility) and the aggregate analysis of collected data to create a published report, environmental legislation and ISO 14001, ISO 9001 in response to demand and document management requirements environmental information management systems to support information management in the spotlight. CSR is the environment and important, and environmental reports of companies in CSR has been growing demand to create a report, a dedicated system that can collect and manage information more efficiently / Applications The first is the need.
2009, while the importance of environmental awareness, increased reporting requirements by government to strengthen regulations as to be expected that more companies to adopt environmental management systems. In addition to large companies, to expand the use of SMEs, in addition to packaged applications, SaaS (Software as a Service) will be offered in more models.
[3 PSI (Planning販在live)]
PSI and the Product / Procurement, Sales, Inventory stands, procurement and production (not including the procurement may be), sales of the processes involved in inventory, sales, production planning, raw materials / semi-finished products procurement plan , move inventory replenishment plans, and unit item SKU (Stock Keeping Unit: SKU) refers to a business plan to support supply chain planning.
The advance of globalization, "production site" and "centralized purchasing," "multinational logistics" "multi-channel sales" and SCM (supply chain management) and operations will be unavoidable, be aware of the importance of basic planning has become. Previously, this task was done with Excel and other businesses and companies too much reliance on demand forecasting and optimization tools, "become visible" in the PSI as a basic need to review the plan.
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BCP: The company will continue to have the customer's
Opportunities in the recent "BCP established course" has joined. BCP and the many would be called and何ZO, BCP is, (Business Continuity plan) stands for, and translate "business continuity plan" that is.
Business Continuity and what it is, business continuity (BP) and is "affected by disasters and accidents such as a company," the important work (if possible) without interruption, "" significant disruption to business If you are "to be restored as soon as possible," says.
In promoting business continuity aspects of the two possible.
First, prevention is to prevent damage in advance. It is to be proactive and plan to minimize damage and impact, is important to consider measures to help advance the recovery time to achieve important business goals.
Second, the important work (if possible) without interruption, if the interruption is to be restored as soon as possible. It is the restoration measures can be resumed as soon as possible and continue measures to prevent interruption during a disaster is to be taken up after the disaster in order to achieve a critical business recovery time objectives.
Where the "important work" is often thought essential to core business operations and corporate services that are essential to the survival of most companies.
Speaking from the perspective of the past, such as the lifeline of the disaster and save lives is not as it should, but it focuses on early recovery efforts and Norway, which was said to be either a disaster recovery It is the traditional concept of mitigation measures.
Meanwhile, BC is thinking, plus the traditional concept of disaster prevention and management in terms of "important business (supply of products and services) continued early recovery" and "corresponding measures in the supply chain・" adopted by the .
As an indicator is that it has important impacts on stakeholder management and recovery levels and recovery time plus the number of casualties and material damages of the past. From its previous position, the idea that a shift in the position of the customer, BCP and BCM (Business Continuity) is.
The customers are not even bothering to disaster, and that morality can be decided whether to continue the business, I know how their companies to compete for YOTTARA, to supply products to customers they have to think of it. Survival of their companies is to continue to supply products to the customer's business, for that is we have to keep everything. For corporate survival.
Prepare? Pandemic flu business continuity plan, specifically designed to increase corporate crisis make
February 12, 2009
起KITARA the infection of avian flu, companies will have a different judge. Lot of important business operations and reduce the suspension should continue, to ensure the safety of employees, and prevent the spread of infection in the workplace. Specific crisis such as a possible "business continuity plan" (see notes) that make a company more. (Andou Akio)
Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. (Tokyo), continues a new study from the flu four years ago, they tried to prepare a specific year.
, Which is very likely that mutations in avian flu H5N1 type bird flu, World Health Organization (WHO) criteria in Phase 3 (which is confirmed to be infected from birds to humans). This phase 4 (which is confirmed infection from person to person), the company started by the task force. Protect the safety of employees and family members, with the aim広GENAI infection, reduce business and refrain from starting to travel abroad. If infection is suspected the employee, the company reported, on the medical institutions. Refrain from a family outing.
Education for employees, a brochure prepared jointly with the parent company, Fujifilm, mask, and distribution of antiseptic solution set. Also, for your dedicated server to verify the safety of a disaster such as earthquake, "avian flu" have an item of personal and family health, to allow input from the PC and mobile phone contacts during the evacuation and . The bosses and personnel managers, and to track the health of employees nationwide.
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Mr. Nakashima Minoru "pandemic period (phase explosion infection) is expected to重NEMASHITA discussion, you can not assume too much now. I can now properly prepared, the task force that can respond flexibly I think it's important to go to. "
Cosmo Oil Co. (Tokyo), summarizes the action plan from last September to keep a stable supply of petroleum products and the safety of employees. "Occurs before" ▽ in case of absent employees, and consideration of human adaptability in office ▽ considered to ensure personnel perform necessary executive management ▽ decision of the agency - which include. The country, "the new guidelines for flu prevention in the workplace, businesses" will be revised by the month, and is currently working to create a more concrete plan.
IT-related companies is actively involved. Their products using the terminal is expected to expand telecommuting efforts.
But the effort is still in big companies. The anti-avian flu seminar held in September last year and Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Chamber of Commerce, the company has participated in surveys in 75 of the 100 respondents, such as stockpiling of drugs and masks for employees create documentation, a set of measures such as creating a business continuity plan is 14.6%. "Now look," 72.6 percent.
He said "You will hear a voice that often get lost with where to even feel. Companies have also asked the companies for customers. The recession, short-term interest in the absolutely it is good, that money can do so many KAKENAKU. the most important concern is safety awareness. "
natural disasters, terrorism and other emergencies to minimize damage to the company, to promote early recovery and business continuity of the core, the plan you have prepared. To create and consult with companies and customers. Mainly in Japan, the company has been working with an interest in earthquake risk management in terms of measures, countries are advised to create a business continuity plan against avian flu.
State Food and Drug Administration: people with bird flu vaccine production conditions have been
Journalist from the State Food and Drug Administration was informed yesterday, the council recently launched a pandemic influenza virus inactivated vaccine (commonly known as "human avian influenza vaccine")批签发synchronization procedures. At present, our country has a pandemic influenza virus vaccine production reserve conditions at the time of pandemic influenza or emergency circumstances, by the state to start for the pandemic influenza vaccination.
This year, our country successively more cases of human bird flu cases, the State Food and Drug Administration official said, given the current situation of avian influenza prevention and control, in order to protect public health, it officially launched a few days ago for a pandemic influenza vaccine批签发process synchronization that manufacturers test and drug regulatory departments at the same time批签发testing, and vaccine production conducted a site inspection.
Pandemic influenza viruses are inactivated vaccine by Beijing Kexing Biological Products Co., Ltd. and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention jointly developed by commodity called hope Seoul to Fuk, applies to 18-year-old to 60-year-old adults. The vaccine from the State Food and Drug Administration approval process through, inter alia, the approval in April 2008 on access to medicines Register documents.
Author: Editor: Cheung Yuk
No snow this winter and a high incidence of respiratory infections caused by avian flu to enter the high rate
As a result of less snow this winter and dry, to cold, influenza, avian flu and other respiratory tract were the spread of infectious diseases has provided the conditions. Last week, Beijing B 9 kinds of infectious disease report 685 cases of the same period last year increased by 69.55%. Municipal Health Bureau said that bird flu has entered the spring peak.
Beijing Municipal Health Bureau announced WER show, tuberculosis, measles and scarlet fever in the last week of three types of respiratory infectious disease infectious diseases into three accounts. Measles, chickenpox, meningitis and other respiratory diseases to enter the high season. Last week, the city's 33 cases of measles were reported, an increase over the previous 17 cases a week, more than 16 cases of the same period last year.
February 11, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau spokesman邓小虹introduction, human avian flu throughout the year may be the disease of high incidence in winter and spring. City Health Board requested that the city's various medical institutions to strengthen the prevention and control of respiratory infectious diseases, the body temperature higher than 38 degrees Celsius accompanied by a cough should be carried out to register and report cases. Consultation for the hospital still can not rule out the possibility of human avian influenza cases of medical observation and timely reported to the clinical level expert group consultation, a clear diagnosis.
At present, Beijing has established a field epidemiological investigation, laboratory tests and expert teams and 16 poultry influenza laboratory network. Initiative with the agricultural, industrial, transportation, municipal, Drug, Education and other departments of information communication and cooperation, the establishment of improved inter-sectoral coordination mechanisms and interaction with the surrounding region a mechanism for the implementation of the avian flu epidemic joint prevention and control. The city's medical staff also carried out avian flu and pneumonia of unknown causes full training, improve awareness of the broad masses of medical personnel and the prevention of human bird flu recognition. Beijing and Beijing Ditan hospital佑安referral hospital is responsible for receiving patients. (Journalist Li Meng)
Map: Taipei Taiwan
Taiwan explodes flu epidemic disease tide female to protect the move to perish
12/02/2009, on Thursday in the afternoon 06:48
Both banks abstract
[Eastern daily paper special news]
The influenza virus wreaks havoc the entire Taiwan! Taiwan since last year beginning of winter, each region has erupted flu epidemic situation one after another, because cold goes see a doctor the population reaches as high as 163,000 people, increases sharply 25% compared to the year before last, altogether has 17 diagnoses is the critically ill case, middle four dead. The move does not limit the child, old person, mostly is 20 to 40 year-old young adults public figure, in after a female nurse move, concurrent myocarditis death, from morbidity to death only short six days.
Click on map:

Vietnam: Bùng of HPAI: Psychology of Home is the cause
On 5/01/2009, at the meeting the Steering Committee national flu influenza, the Department of Animal Health (MARD) asserted, flu has been basically controlled. However, to this time, and are spreading in many localities, even had a positive patients with influenza virus A H5N1.
Article significant concern is the home of the people, the guidance has not drastically by local authorities, industry functions can cause a disease caused Bùng play on a large scale.
HPAI "reproduction"
Nghe An is one of the local first appear HPAI recently. 12/2008 since last month, and has Bùng at a family in Nghi Phong (Nghi Loc district); location next Disease "ask" is Minh Son commune (Do Luong district). 4/2/2009 To date, 200 have ducks on the area in Minh Son is sick, dies.
At present, HPAI is the place complex, especially in the Mekong Delta. On 4 / 2, Ca Mau People's Committee has announced HPAI occurred in Khanh Binh (Tran Van Thoi district). First place is the ducks out of 700 family Nguyen Van Dong in Village Rach Bao (Khanh Binh commune). In addition, the animal has detected more ducks out of 10 households in Khanh Binh (Tran Van Thoi district) and Tan Loc Bac (Thoi Binh district) with death, with a total ducks all over 2700 children.
Appear not only in Ca Mau, HPAI has spread to Soc Trang and Hau Giang. On 5 / 2, Nguyen Huu Minh, Deputy Department Its Health Soc Trang province confirmed the first outbreak in 2009 of the province appears in overwhelm Vienna, Vienna Binh commune (My Xuyen district). It is a duck out of 682 family Ly SA outlook, with test results positive for H5N1 virus.
Hau Giang also detected 4 points occur HPAI in Vi Thuy district, the total influenza infection and destroys about 1,200 children.
Thus, up to the 9 / 2, and avian influenza have appeared, spread in 5 provinces, including Quang Ninh, Nghe An, Ca Mau, Soc Trang and Hau Giang. If the beginning of 2009 to present, HPAI has appeared in seven provinces (in addition to the five provinces have Thanh Hoa and Thai Nguyen has more than 21 days does not a new outbreak).
This is worrying, in this stage and had patients with influenza A H5N1 infection. It is judicious in your Mùi Port Na, An Quang commune (Dam Ha - Quang Ninh). Ha said she does have a fever, chest pain, difficulty breathing, are being actively treated in General Hospital in Quang Ninh Province. Before that, she quit eating chicken meat.
As the owner?
Whether have borders click "over the stage and, even those who pay their price with the owner of the psychological, lethargy in the prevention of disease is still found in people, even in the authorities and industry functions. This may be the cause of the disease cause rapidly spreading.
For example in Hau Giang, 4 flocks of ducks infected with influenza are not vaccinated vaccine epidemic prevention. Steering Committee for prevention of the disease, plants Hau Giang also recognize, one reason happens HPAI is caused by the vaccination and disease management time climbing through the liquid rate low vaccination ...
With HPAI, and lo mồm long móng also appear. This time, and lo mồm long móng out on animals are the place complex. In Quang Binh, and occurred in 7 of 69 households of 10 villages under Xuan Trach (Bo Trach district). Total buffaloes, cows are 147 sick children.
In Kon Tum, up to 9 / 2, has 54 villages of 32 communes of 6 districts have. To date, disease has spread in some provinces as Long An, Son La, Hoa Binh ...
Most local outbreaks detected when all request the same center, resolve and surrounding areas, simultaneously, vác vaccinated - for poultry. The focal point must be made regularly, the continuity is performed only when urgent meeting "and all have." Control the transport, sale of poultry still pattern "to back up an appointment", that is when the disease drastically, and then is almost empty. More concerned than the awareness of people when recently, while the functions of Hanoi conducted all 1500 chicken in Hong Van (Thuong Tin district) do not have the quarantine, local people kick the bucket robbed of all chicken feed.
In the Mekong Delta, where 20 million children to influenza, people are still indifferent dispose chickens, ducks floating dead in the river, flocks of ducks running tung still increasing swimming next to the "contract types". Problems control ducks running between the local Ca Mau, Bac Lieu, Soc Trang, Kien Giang, Hau Giang difficult. The reasons are the channel system, the canal no chit while the animal is too thin.
Many ideas that the Mekong Delta provinces should have the link, coordination to control the running ducks and transporting poultry. In particular, it should have tracking schedule vaccination vaccine ducks out of the running contract. Is the proposal, but the face of this long run of ducks moved from region to region not vaccinated, only measures that ... tag home and breeding flocks of ducks running back local.
Deployment fold epidemic prevention measures
It is directed by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat in the number of urgent 05/CD-BNN-TY. Accordingly, the local needs to focus on the mob quickly, extinguish outbreak avian influenza, not to spread out a large scale, organized destroyed all poultry is infected, resolvent khử center and the area, raising at least 3 times a week. Continue to organize additional vaccination day for poultry to the age, to consider the vaccine and flocks been omitted in the campaign by local injection. MARD also proposed strengthening the province to check on prevention and at the base line; reviewing plans prevention disease on cattle and poultry at local control and treatment of the trade, slaughter, consumption, transportation, illegal animals, poultry and livestock products, poultry, particularly in the provinces have high risk provinces and border line.
Vietnam: 2 local public HPAI
11/02 To date, there are 2 local public HPAI and the Quang Ninh Soc Trang. Many other localities, the spread of HPAI is also at alarming.
11/02 To date, there have been and are Quang Ninh Soc Trang. Many other localities, the spread of HPAI is also at alarming. HPAI are Bùng play again. Quang Ninh province has officially announced HPAI in Quang An District Dam Ha.
Ngay 2 / 2, Ly Tai Mui (women, ethnic Dao, 23 years old), resident in Port Na, An Quang commune, district Ðam Ha was taken to General Hospital in Quang Ninh Province in high fever, blood pressure dropped and severe respiratory failure. According to tests by about epidemiology of central, patients Mui Tai Ly defined positive for influenza A H5N1 virus. Currently, patients Ly Tai Mui wounded failure increased with the severity of respiratory failure as level vulnerability to serious lung, circulatory failure, anemia and lethargic, to mechanical. Patients were actively treated with medication and breathing the latest events but because of rapid disease status of the Ly Tai Mui unfortunately the same quan.
Huyen Dam Ha sectors local function has destroyed more than 2,000 birds of the households belonging to 87 villages Port Na, An Quang commune. Up to this time, the whole environment and housing of households within a radius of 3 km from households with patients infected with influenza A in Port Na was pepper spray chemicals in the center. Dam Ha district has established 17 core quarantined poultry from villages ...
Shanxi explodes pneumonia tide
Both banks abstract
26 people doubt the move are the babies and infants
[Daily Sun special news]
The Shanxi Hanzhong also erupts the respiratory disorder epidemic situation, 26 doubtful or the diagnosis case, the patient is babies and infants at least. At present, had determined 18 people infect the adenovirus pneumonia, the patient concentrates in Xixiang County, now the condition is stable. Governor Yuan Chunqing issued an order the Department concerned to treat and cure the baby with all one's strength, and takes the effective measures to take strict precautions against the epidemic situation proliferation.
School deployment prevention
The Hanzhong Sanitation bureau rose from all directions from the last week, received the Hanzhong CSC, the Hanzhong Town center Hospital one after another, as well as the Xi'an Partial Hospital's report, was the Xixiang County babies and infants presents the doubtful pneumonia's case. Until the day before yesterday, the related case accumulated 26, 18 person of diagnoses are adenovirus pneumonias, other eight person of lab results have not drawn a charge. At present, patient Hanzhong and in Xi'an's each big hospital accepts the treatment, the condition is stable.
It is reported that adenovirus pneumonia is in the virus pneumonia the common one kind, the patient many are six months to two year-old big babies and infants, the winter two season disease incidence rates is spring high, many through respiratory tract infection.
The Hanzhong Sanitation bureau has requested various counties area to report the condition monitor to report every day that and reminds the guardian as far as possible little to let the children to the stream of people crowded place activity, the children, once appears has a fever, the cough symptom, do not delay, must go see a doctor immediately. 鑑 begins school in the elementary and middle schools in namely, the authority convened education bureau chief last week the conference, deployed that various schools beginning school period the infectious disease prevention, and implemented the early morning to examine, inspects the schoolchild whether or not the doubtful symptom.
Taiwan explodes flu epidemic disease tide female to protect the move to perish
Both banks abstract
[Eastern daily paper special news]
The influenza virus wreaks havoc the entire Taiwan! Taiwan since last year beginning of winter, each region has erupted flu epidemic situation one after another, because cold goes see a doctor the population reaches as high as 163,000 people, increases sharply 25% compared to the year before last, altogether has 17 diagnoses is the critically ill case, middle four dead. The move does not limit the child, old person, mostly is 20 to 40 year-old young adults public figure, in after a female nurse move, concurrent myocarditis death, from morbidity to death only short six days.
The Taibei County Banqiao sanitation bureau while the beginning school date, provided the nearly 87,000 mouthpieces urgently yesterday to the elementary school, prevented the epidemic situation in the campus spread. The department of health announced the day before yesterday, in 17 critically ill cases, 14 person of concurrent pneumonias, two person of concurrent encephalitises, person of concurrent myocarditis, four dead did not have the injection influenza vaccine.
Taibei County Banqiao, Taoyuan County, Xinzhu County, Taizhong, Zhanghua County, Yunlin County, Taina and Gaoxiong pass on the epidemic situation, is listed as highly the alert area, each big hospital emergency room compels to have a fever completely, the cough patient.
Linkou Venus Hospital doctor the topaz becomes pointed out that the influenza virus assumes the variety, the patient infects The HIN1 influenza virus, with passing by H3 poisonous primarily different, H1 poisonous has the antibiotic nature to the vaccine, increases the treatment difficulty.
A Taibei County Banqiao 30 year-old female nurse 30th the belt cold's son went see a doctor last month, oneself are infected actually, after that the condition intensified, on fourth had the scant of breath, delivered the medicine to be incurable. After a Gaoxiong three year-old girl caught an illness last month, then infected pneumonia chain coccus, as soon as passed one's life the danger, doctor must hit the strong heart needle rescue. Yilan County's hospital also spreads the doubtful collective infection, the patient reaches 30 people.
The Shanxi 26 young infants dye pneumonia
Moreover, the Shanxi Hanzhong also erupts the respiratory disorder epidemic situation, the whole city 26 babies and infants has pneumonia symptom, 18 people diagnose infection adenovirus pneumonia, the patient concentrates in Xixiang County, at present the condition is stable.