Saturday, April 7, 2012
Bird flu outbreak in Bengkulu #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
Friday, April 6, 2012
More on the Indo boy #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
Monday, April 7th, 2012 | BP |
Improved conditions .. |
Suspected Bird Flu Patients suffering Stay Watched |
MESKIPUN kesehatannya terus membaik, namun Dinas Kesehatan
Kabupaten Jembrana tetap melakukan pengawasan intensif terhadap Dewa Ayu Komang
Diah Trisnawati. ALTHOUGH his health continued to improve, but the
District Health Office Jembrana keep doing intensive supervision of Dewa Ayu
Diah Trisnawati Komang. Bocah berusia empat tahun itu diduga menderita flu
burung. Four-year-old boy suspected of having bird flu. Hal ini
diakibatkan sebelum sakit, unggas milik keluarganya banyak yang mati dan
dinyatakan positif flu burung. This is due before the illness, many
family-owned poultry that died and tested positive for bird flu.
Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Jembrana dr. Chief Medical Officer Jembrana dr. Putu Suasta, M. Putu Suasta, M. Kes., Kamis (5/4) mengatakan walaupun unggas milik orangtua bocah di Dusun Rening, Desa Baluk, mati karena flu burung, sejak awal Trisnawati tidak tertular virus tersebut. Kes., Thursday (5/4) said that although the birds belong to the boy's parents in the hamlet Rening, Baluk village, died of bird flu, since the beginning Trisnawati not contracted the virus. Menurut Suasta, salah satu gejala awal manusia yang tertular virus ini adalah suhu tubuhnya mencapai 38 derajat Celcius atau lebih. According Suasta, one of the early symptoms of virus-infected humans is body temperature reached 38 degrees Celsius or more. "Suhu anak tersebut saat sakit tidak sampai segitu, bahkan sekarang berangsur-angsur membaik," katanya. "The temperature at the onset of the child is not up that much, even now gradually improved," he said. Namun pihaknya tetap mengambil sampel darah anak tersebut untuk diteliti di laboratorium di Denpasar. But it still took the child's blood sample to be tested in the laboratory in Denpasar. Hingga saat ini, Dinkes Jembrana masih menunggu hasil dari tes laboratorium tersebut. Until now, the DHO Jembrana still awaiting results of laboratory tests. Suasta menegaskan bahwa soal pengambilan contoh darah tidak hanya dilakukan terhadap pasien yang sakit dan di lingkungan sekitarnya ada kematian unggas. Suasta confirmed that the matter of blood sampling is only performed on patients who are sick and in the surrounding environment no poultry deaths. Ia mengatakan, meskipun tidak ada kematian unggas, jika suhu pasien sesuai dengan gejala awal flu burung, maka pihaknya tetap mengambil contoh darahnya untuk dicek. He said, though no poultry deaths, if the temperature of the patient in accordance with the early symptoms of bird flu, then it still took blood samples to be checked. "Kami tidak ingin seperti kejadian di Desa Dangin Tukadaya beberapa tahun lalu. Saat itu tidak ada kematian unggas, tapi ada manusia yang tertular flu burung," ujarnya. "We do not want such incident in the village of Dangin Tukadaya a few years ago. There was no poultry deaths, but there is a man who contracted bird flu," he said. Sebelumnya, 25 ekor ayam milik Dewa Ketut Kariada mati mendadak, Selasa (3/4) lalu. Previously, 25 chickens owned by Dewa Ketut Kariada died suddenly, Tuesday (3/4) then. Beberapa di antaranya mati akibat positif terserang flu burung. Some of them have died from bird flu positive. Hampir bersamaan dengan matinya unggas tersebut, Dewa Ayu Komang Diah Trisnawati anak Kariada menderita sakit. Almost simultaneously with the demise of these birds, Dewa Ayu Diah Komang Trisnawati Kariada sick child. |
Bird Flu Appears Again In Jembrana #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
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Thursday, April 5, 2012
Avian influenza – situation in Cambodia – update
5 April 2012 -The Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Kingdom of Cambodia has announced a confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus.
The 6 year-old female from Kampong Chhnang Province developed symptoms on 22 March 2012. After initial treatment at the village, she was later admitted to hospital in Phnom Penh on 28 March. She died on 30 March. Infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus was confirmed by Institut Pasteur du Cambodge on 30 March.It was reported that the patient had contact with sick or dead poultry prior to onset of illness.
The National and local Rapid Response Teams (RRT) are conducting outbreak investigation and response following the national protocol. In addition, a public health education campaign is being conducted to inform families on how to protect themselves from contracting avian influenza.
To date, of the 20 cases reported in Cambodia since 2005, 18 have been fatal.
More Indo denials #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
. Jembrana Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Putu Suasta, MKes, said Thursday that although the bird's parents Rening boy Hamlet, Baluk village died of bird flu, from the initial symptoms Trisnawati not contracted the virus.
According Suasta, one of the early symptoms of virus-infected humans is body temperature reached 38 degrees Celsius or more.
"The sick child's temperature is currently not up to much, even now gradually improved," he said.
However Suasta revealed, it still took the child's blood to be sent to the laboratory in Denpasar.
Until now Jembrana Health Department is still awaiting results of laboratory tests.
As reported, 25 chickens owned by Dewa Ketut Kariada died unexpectedly Tuesday (3/4) and from some of the tested and tested positive for bird flu.
Almost simultaneously with the demise of these birds, Dewa Ayu Diah Komang Trisnawati Kariada sick child. (GBI) (GBI)
India Swine Flu - 12 Deaths in Pune
A 48-year-old diabetic patient Anjana Shetty died of swine flu on Thursday at Jehangir Hospital. She was admitted to the hospital on March 26, Dr S T Pardeshi, Pune Municipal Corporation’s medical chief said. She had complained of breathlessness and had low grade fever, he added.
This is the twelfth death due to swine flu this year. Ten new patients were detected with swine flu infection on Thursday, taking the total from April 1 to 60. In March, there were 248 new cases and 10 deaths. Two deaths took place in April, Pardeshi said, adding that one person is on ventilator at KEM Hospital.
Medical officer of Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation Dr Milind Jawale said there were no deaths and two new cases.
Meanwhile, medical officers said they have requested the state government to supply vaccines for the medical and paramedical staff.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Avian influenza – situation in Egypt – update #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
The first case is a 2 year-old female from Demiatta Governorate. She developed symptoms on 19 March 2012 and was admitted to a hospital on 20 March 2012 where she received oseltamivir. She is still under treatment and in good medical condition. The case was laboratory confirmed by the Central Public Health Laboratories (NIC) on 22 of March 2012.
Epidemiological investigations into the source of infection indicate that the case had exposure to dead backyard poultry.
The second case is a 15 year-old female from Giza Governorate. She developed symptoms on 25 March 2012 and was admitted to a hospital in critical condition on 29 March 2012. She received oseltamivir on admission. She died on 31 March 2012. The case was laboratory confirmed by the Central Public Health Laboratories (NIC) on 31 March 2012.
Epidemiological investigations into the source of infection is ongoing.
Of the 166 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 59 have been fatal.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Cambodian girl dies from bird flu: WHO
Cambodian girl dies from bird flu: WHO

The child, from central Kampong Chhnang province, fell ill on March 22 and passed away on March 30, the WHO said in a joint statement with the Cambodian health ministry.
Hospital tests confirmed she had contracted the H5N1 strain of avian influenza.
"There are reports that the patient had contact with sick or dead poultry prior to becoming sick," the statement said.
The girl is the 20th person inCambodiato become infected with H5N1 virus since 2003. Eighteen of those cases have been fatal.
A two-year old boy became the country's first bird flu victim of 2012 when he succumbed to the virus in January.
Concerns about bird flu have risen in the region afterChinain late December reported its first fatality in 18 months.
The H5N1 strain has killed 353 people worldwide since 2003, according to WHO statistics.
More on Cambo H5N1 Death #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
6 years-old Cambodian girl died of bird flu, becoming 20th victim
Mom Malay, deputy director of Kampong Chhang province said: “her families took dead chicken to cook for food on March 22, 2012. A few days later the girl stated to be sick and was taken to a hospital in Phnom Penh. But doctors could not survive her and she died on March 30.” The families had revealed the all event before she died.
Health officials from health ministry and province inspected the girl’s house and they spread anti-bird flu’s medical substances and they also educated the local people about danger of bird flu.
In January 2012, a 2 year and 7 months old boy from La Peak Village, chhur mean chey commune, Preah Neth Prea operational district. Bantea Mean Chey province died of bird flu and the boy is nineteenth person in Cambodia to become infected with ASEAN and the first person this year. Of all the nineteen cases, 12 were children under 14, twelve of the interest poultry prior to becoming than.
Another H5N1 Death in Cambodia #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
- Mom Kunthear
- Monday, 02 April 2012
- A six-year-old girl from Kampong Chhnang province’s Kampong Tralach district died on Friday in the year’s second H5N1 fatality, Health Ministry and World Health Organisation officials said yesterday.
Morm Malay, deputy director of the provincial health department, said officials from the Health Ministry’s communicable disease control department had confirmed that Noy Makara had died of the virus, otherwise known as bird flu.
Noy Makara had fallen ill after eating the meat of a sick chicken, and her family had attempted to treat her with medicine and injections, he said.
“She did not get better and her family sent her for treatment at the Kuntha Bopha hospital on March 28, and she died on March 30,” he added.
This was the first case of H5N1 influenza ever recorded in Kampong Chhnang province, he said.
WHO public health specialist Nima Asgari confirmed the death was the year’s second from H5N1, and said further details would be known after investigation.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Nepal #birdflu update
High risk of bird flu in 27 districts | ||
Speaking at a press meet in the capital on Sunday, DAH program director Ram Krishna Khatiwada said, “We have intensified surveillance in these high risk districts.” According to Khatiwada, 18 districts face moderate risk and 26 districts low risk. The directorate said 23 outbreaks have been confirmed across the country till date. In this very period, the DAH has killed 67,507 fowls, destroyed 23, 088 eggs, 148.5 kg chicken meat and 3, 413 Kg chicken feed. However, the directorate claimed that disease is under control and people can consume well-cooked chicken. |
Published on 2012-04-01
New flu threatens poultry farms in Ismailia #H9N1 #H5N1 #BIRDFLU
Were in a state of panic among breeders and owners of poultry farms in Ismailia governorate by what they discovered the appearance of new cases of bird flu among poultry Bmzarahm a "h9n1".
The Mohamed El-Sayed in one of the poultry farms that the disease had taken to spread in recent weeks in some farms in Ismailia governorate and led to the deaths of a large proportion of the flock of chickens, and virus h9n1 is a strain of new virus h5n1 known as bird flu and this new disease is spreading quickly through the the air. He noted that the vaccines that are now the immunization does not treat this new virus vaccines, which needs to be imported from some countries, especially Israel.
India Swine Flu: Three more suspected swine flu cases from Bhopal
BHOPAL: With three more samples of suspected swine flu cases from Bhopal on Saturday, the number of total number of samples collected in the state has gone up to 16. Of the three new samples, two are of children.
"A 6-month-old baby and an adult have been admitted to Hamidia Hospital and another suspect is being treated at JK hospital," said chief medical and health officer Dr Pankaj Shukla.
"The 3-year-boy admitted to JK Hospital is suffering from lung infection," he added. The two children are being given crushed Tamiflu tablets, said Dr Shukla.
On Saturday, the district health authorities collected swine flu samples from Hamidia Hospital, JK Hospital and LBS Hospital. This year, the first swine flu death was reported on March 28. Ideally, children should be given Tamiflu syrup, something which is unavailable anywhere in the state, said a medical practioner.
The deceased and swine flu suspect Sia Bai, 50, was referred from the government hospital at Begumganj after abnormally high blood pressure.
"The patients showed symptoms of pneumonia and difference of opinion existed whether she had swine flu," said Dr Bupendra Shrivastava of the LBS hospital. The patient died two days later.
Blaming the private hospital for negligence, district epidemiologist Dr Rashmi Jain said, "We called them a number of times for collecting the swine flu kit, but the LBS hospital personnel only turned up after 2pm on Friday."
The sample of the deceased was collected 24 hours after her death on Wednesday.
Delay in tests alleged
Even as the swine flu scare continues, questions are being raised over the alleged delay in carrying out test of samples by health authorities.
A day after suspected swine flu death, sample of Sai Bai was collected on Saturday. Her report is still awaited. The sample was collected 24 hours after her death. The delay is being attributed to the non-availability of swine flu kit
Sources in LBS hospital, where the swine flu suspect died, said the district epidemiologist did not entertain their request for the swine flu test, a claim refuted by district epidemiologist Dr Rashmi Jain. Dr Jain alleged that the kit was not collected by the hospital in spite of repeated calls.