Saturday, December 4, 2010
Health in Egypt: new deaths from bird flu and the total of 37 cases
Gaza - minimum home
Ministry of Health announced the death of infected with bird flu, a woman, aged 30, from Western Province.
A statement issued by the Ministry of Health on Saturday that he was bringing the total number of cases of the disease in Egypt (113) status and the number of deaths (37) Status of the onset of the disease in 2006 so far This is the situation tenth event of the death in 2010.
In previous statements, denied Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and no surprises in the numbers of deaths from flu in Egypt so far, noting that the Minister of Health Dr. Hatem el already announced that he expected the high numbers of deaths due to infection during the month of January.
Egypt announces 10th bird flu fatality in ''10
CAIRO, Dec 4 (KUNA) -- Egypt on Saturday announced the 10th bird flu fatality this year for a 30-year-old women northern the capital.
Since the national outbreak of the pandemic in 2006, some 113 cases were discovered; 37 of which led to death, the Egyptian health ministry said in a statement. (end) bna.hb KUNA 042143 Dec 10NNNN
At the end of November 2010 came the case of bird flu (H5N1) on behalf of Mrs. K (21 th) and cases of H1N1 Child A (7 years) who were treated at Dr. Hasan Sadikin (RSHS).
Ny. K (21 th), located at Jalan Holis Kodya Bandung, entered RSHS on November 22, 2010, enter the status of "suspect H5N1" and is now being treated at room Flamboyan RSHS. While the Child A (7 th), located in Bandung regency Cibodas, enter RSHS November 17, 2010, current status () is positive on the basis of notification from the Ministry of Health Research and Development Number: LB.05.02/I/7574/2010 dated 19 November 2010 and currently also being treated at room Flamboyan RSHS.
RSHS already reported the case to the National Post Avian Influenza Ministry, Directorate of Primary Medical Care, West Java Provincial Health Office, Health Office City of Bandung and Bandung District Health Office.
hat-tip dbg []
ACT Alliance alert: outbreak of unidentified disease in Uganda
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA),
ReliefWeb, ACT Alliance, report [summ., edited]
Brief description of the emergency
An unidentified deadly disease broke out in Abim village located in
the Karamoja region in northeastern Uganda in late October 2010.
Several cases of the disease were reported and several deaths have
resulted. The disease then spread from Karamoja to neighbouring
districts. On Wed 1 Dec 2010, some cases were also reported in Gulu.
The signs and symptoms of the disease indicate that it is most likely
not dysentery, as it is sometimes thought to be in the absence of a
clear diagnosis. Symptoms point to Ebola [haemorrhagic fever] but
authorities have been unable to confirm that disease. The most common
symptoms are headache, fever, and vomiting large quantities of blood.
Tests have been done [presumable in progress] in Entebbe (Uganda) and
in Atlanta (USA).
Unequipped medical staff are fearful of being infected, leaving their
duty stations because they lack personal protective gear. Some refuse
to take care of patients. Kitgum district also lacks transport,
including ambulances to transport patients. Pader district had one
ambulance which no longer functions. People refuse to transport
patients for fear of being infected. In villages, residents do not
know what to do or how to protect themselves. Some have tried to move
out of affected areas, potentially spreading the diseases to new
areas. The spread is fairly slow but follows common "travel routes"
throughout the region.
The number of affected people is unknown. About 60 cases are known,
with at least 20 deaths reported. However, there could be many more
cases and deaths that are unreported, and many more carriers. The 1st
6 fatalities in Kitgum were one woman, 3 men, and 2 male youths. None
had any serious previous medical history. One had malaria at the time
of death. Death usually occurred within 3 days of the 1st symptom.
(Sources: Dr Alex Layoo, medical superintendent Kitgum Government
Hospital, Dr Tenywa (World Health Organisation), Medecins Sans
Frontieres, Uganda Ministry of Health, and Agago District Local
The death rates so far are 25 percent in Agago district (that is, one
in 4 people with symptoms have died), and in Abim, the death rate has
also been about 25 percent. However, in Kitgum district, 8 out of the
10 patients admitted to St Joseph's Hospital have died. Some
connection with animal (domestic and wild) illness and death has been
suggested. In Agago especially, links between sick animals and human
cases have been examined. It seems to be established that the disease
can be spread from human-to-human most likely through body fluids.
Two major factors for spreading the disease at the moment include
people trying to move away from affected areas, spreading the disease
further, and scared health staff who, without protective clothing,
refuse to care for patients. There is need for mobilisation by
agencies, sensitisation of population, patient care, patient
isolation, and proper and safe handling of bodies.
National and international response
An emergency meeting was held in Kitgum on 1 Sep 2010 bringing
together local and international NGOs, governmental institutions, UN
agencies, and ACT Alliance member LWF [Lutheran World Federation]. It
was agreed that all actors participate in the following coordinated
response: [Curious as the 1st cases were reported in October 2010.
[Interested readers should refer to the original document via the URL
at the head of this posting for a list of the participating
organisations. - Mod.CP]
ACT Alliance response
ICCO [Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation],
DanChurchAid [Danish humanitarian NGO], Church of Uganda/PDR
[Planning, Development, and Rehabilitation] (the active members of the
Uganda ACT Forum) have approved the Lutheran World Federation proposal
to apply for ACT Rapid Response Funds [RRF]. LWF's primary role at
this stage will be community mobilisation and sensitisation to prevent
further spread of the disease. Provision of protective gear to village
health teams can also be considered so health care workers can move
patients and bodies without being exposed to the disease.
Planned activities
LWF Uganda, with approval from the ACT Uganda Forum, intends to apply
for RRF, with focus on mobilisation/sensitisation of communities and
possibly to provide protective gear for village health teams, in order
to stop the outbreak and save lives. Discussions in working groups and
coordination committees in Kitgum continues. More precise priorities
would be set on 2 Dec 2010. [The funds listed in detail in the
document can be viewed by accessing the original text. - Mod.CP]
For further information please contact: ACT regional programme
officer, Katherine Ireri (phone +41 22 791 6040 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +41 22 791 6040 end_of_the_skype_highlighting).
Communicated by:
Charles Ortleb
[The ACT Alliance document identifies 60 cases and 20 fatalities and
suggests that the number of victims may be considerably more. Some
involvement of sick animals (domestic and wild) is rumoured, but it is
believed that person-to-person transmission has been responsible for
the rapid spread of the outbreak from village to village. According to
local sources death has occurred within 3 days of appearance of
symptoms. The infectious agent has not yet been identified, but the
disease resembles a severe dysentery rather than a haemorrhagic fever.
The districts in the Northern Region of Uganda affected by the
outbreak can be located in the map at
The HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map of Uganda can be accessed at
<>. - Mod.CP]
Friday, December 3, 2010
Updated 01:53, Saturday, 04/12/2010 (GMT 7)
3-12 days, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tran Hien, Director of Central Hygiene and Epidemiology, said the risk of infection and outbreak of influenza A (H5N1) in humans is very high due to this virus are appearing on poultry in some localities, such as Nam Dinh, Nghe An ...
From the actual outbreak of avian influenza have occurred in recent years, Prof. Nguyen Tran Hien recommended, if not promptly prevent the spread of H5N1 avian influenza in birds very easily lead to influenza A (H5N1) on people, especially the Lunar New Year holiday period, when demand trade, transportation and slaughter of poultry increased.
According to statistics, from 3-2010 to date, Vietnam has not recorded new cases of influenza A (H5N1), cumulative number of influenza A (H5N1) from January 12-2003 to date is 119 cases in which 59 people died in 38 provinces and cities.
Vietnam-Seminar held on controlling bird flu
A seminar on preventing and controlling bird flu in the Northern delta provinces was held on December 3 in Hanoi by the Department of Animal Health under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The seminar showed that the bird flu has been spread to 23 provinces across the country and over 75,000 sick ducks have been culled since early this year.
There are several reasons for the large outbreak of the disease, including indifference by the local people and authorities, and weak coordination between agencies dealing with bird flu.
Also, many poultry flocks have not been vaccinated, and the illegal transportation of infected poultry has not been controlled. The small scale of poultry farm also causes the difficulty of the disease prevention and control
Nepal-Import of poultry products goes unchecked
Banke-based poultry traders say the continued import has badly affected local business. "Indian chicken and egg are imported from Rupaideya of India in huge quantity daily," said Jamal Siddhiki, a poultry trader at Nepalgunj Surkhet Road.
"Earlier, the quarantine office and police had stepped up checking, but the tight monitoring has been loose now," he said.
It is said that chicken and egg imported from India are being openly sold in Khajura, Rajha, Kohalpur and rural areas in Nepalgunj. Traders say police personnel and customs employees deployed on the border are working hand in glove with those involved in importing chicken and egg from India.
Experts: Pneumonia at Epidemic Level in Denmark
COPENHAGEN -- Local media reported on Thursday that Denmark is experiencing a nationwide pneumonia epidemic after a tenfold increase in the number of positive cases. Danish daily Politiken reported that mycoplasma pneumonia, a respiratory disease caused by bacteria, has been spreading quickly among the Danish population. According to Kaare Moelbak, the director of the Danish National Serum Institute, they have noted that the number of positive tests for mycoplasma pneumonia has risen significantly over time, and it has already reached epidemic proportions. This marked the first time in five years that Denmark is facing a bacterial pneumonia epidemic. Moelbak explained that the disease can emerge periodically, normally with five to six years of interval. He further stated that mycoplasma pneumonia typically lasts longer than an influenza epidemic and they expect that the current epidemic will continue for about three or four months. Also known as cold pneumonia in Denmark, mycoplasma pneumonia has typical symptoms like chronic cough, fever and chest pain. It mostly affects children between the age of five and 15 and people in the 25 to 45 age group.
Difficult to quarantine small farms
Friday, 03.12.2010 16:41 (GMT 7)
2-12 days, said Hoang Van Nam, Acting Director of Animal Health (MARD) for PV Pioneer said recently emerged phenomenon transportation of pigs from the South to the North.
He told Five: "Over in direct examination, we found that most farm-raised pigs focused very healthy, and they had kept the outbreaks. Most long-distance transport of pigs is pigs health, quarantine papers are full. Also, pigs, small farmers, mainly in transportation vehicles, in proximity, the control may be very close. In fact, the control problem very difficult to transport small. This is also the cause of epidemic spread in time. "
Up to 2-12 pm, to 12 provinces nationwide have foot and mouth epidemic, 4 PRRS provinces, two provinces where bird flu. In his said: "Avian influenza has increased the risk of outbreaks due to the season. Left foot and mouth epidemic but many provinces have, but the number of infected cattle are not many, spread mainly through the stage of transport from animal husbandry projects. "
From now until New Year, will offer increased control at the base, put more checkpoints in the areas. Transportation of cattle and poultry are also required certificates of vaccination vaccine.
New FMD outbreak in South Korea
A new foot-and-mouth outbreak has surfaced at two hog farms in North Gyeongsang, South Korea only two months after Korea was declared free of the disease. The two farms house 9,000 pigs. Movement of people and livestock in the area has been restricted by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. About 23,000 animals will be culled to prevent the disease from spreading. Farms within a 20-kilometer radius of the outbreak site will be banned from selling or removing livestock from the area.
S. Korea Halts Poultry Imports From Japan On Bird Flu
The ban took effect yesterday, Korea’s agriculture ministry said in an e-mailed statement today. South Korea imported 334 metric tons of Japanese poultry through October this year, which is equivalent to 0.4 percent of its total poultry purchases of 85,525 tons during the period, the statement said.
Japan, Hong Kong's avian flu outbreak in Japan suspended poultry imports
Shimane Prefecture in Japan a farm outbreak of avian flu, it is of highly pathogenic H5N1 verify the avian flu; Hong Kong CFS Japan immediately suspended imports of poultry and poultry products to apply, until further notice. The spokesman said that had the case from the relevant authorities in Japan to obtain more information, and will closely monitor the development of the local epidemic; January to September this year, Hong Kong, Japan imports three thousand eight hundred tonnes of frozen poultry.
Egypt: Beheira, Damanhur - 30 yo Dies Swine Flu
The patient has been detained Damanhur Fever Hospital on 17 November last year after the onset of symptoms are similar to symptoms of the disease from a sudden rise in temperature and pain in the bones, sore throat, runny nose, cough and pain in muscles and strain.
Have been isolated from the rest of the patients infected after taking blood samples and throat swab for analysis and the extent of their disease.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Prevent an outbreak of influenza A/H5N1 in humans
(HNM) - On 2-12, Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology PRIVATE said Nguyen Tran Hien, although far from 3-2010 country recorded no new cases of influenza A/H5N1 (within 3 months Year recorded seven cases, including 2 deaths), but the risk of infection and outbreak of influenza A/H5N1 in humans is very high due to this virus have appeared in poultry in some regions such as South Dinh, Nghe An, Ha Tinh. Cumulative number of infected / month mortality from influenza A/H5N1 is now 119/59 12-2003, distributed in 38 provinces and cities.
From the actual outbreak of avian influenza have occurred, Mr. Show recommended, if not timely prevent the spread of H5N1 avian influenza in birds very easily lead to influenza A/H5N1 in humans, particularly the time Tet at present, when demand trade, transport and slaughter of poultry increased.
02-DEC-2010 | |
Subject | PRO/EDR> Undiagnosed disease - Uganda (03) |
Date: Wed 1 Dec 2010Source: Daily Nation [edited]< rs%20of%20Ebola%20in%20Uganda%20/-/1066/1064086/-/gu1idqz/-/>
30 chickens died suddenly of suspected H5N1 in Japan
Chamber News December 02, 2010 11:02 AM
Japanese Agriculture Ministry said today that the sudden deaths of chickens in western Japan with high-risk avian influenza virus, but is still not clear whether the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus.
If further tests for the H5N1 avian flu virus out, it would be since 2007, Japan's first case of H5N1 infection in poultry.
Agriculture Ministry said in a statement earlier this week that at least 30 chickens died suddenly chicken farms, the current conducted tests found the virus, and in October in the northern territory ducks found in feces H5N1 virus, with a very high genetic similarity
Egypt: Tracking bird flu activity centers Dakahlia
Rear Admiral Samir peace, Dakahlia governor, the province will adopt a procedure to investigate the bird flu poultry farming centers Mansoura, Talkha and Sanblawin and Nabrouh and Belkas Waja and Mitt immersion, in implementation of the preservation plan to eliminate any unexpected hotbeds of infection, in order to preserve human life and preserve the wealth of poultry.
This comes within the framework of cooperation and coordination between the province of Dakahlia and the General Authority for Veterinary Services, National Laboratory, for the control of production Aldajy to cope with bird flu.
Bird markets may play role in H5N1 infection
Vets at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) have published research which points to live bird markets in playing a role as sources of renewed infection from the deadly H5N1 avian influenza virus.
The research by PhD candidate Guillaume Fournié, along with Dr Javier Guitian from the RVC, involved developing a model which shows how areas can benefit from longer unoccupied periods after destocking and subsequent cleaning and disinfection.
"Live bird markets can be a reservoir of infection for domestic poultry, and may therefore be responsible for sustaining H5N1 virus circulation," Mr Fournié said.
"Compared to interventions applied in farms - such as stamping out and vaccination - our model shows that frequent rest days are an effective means with which to reduce H5N1 HPAI infection rates.
"Furthermore, our model predicts that full market closure - as has been implemented in some countries such as Egypt and Vietnam - would only be slightly more effective than rest days to reduce transmission of the disease."
Models developed by the team were based on data from the live bird trade in Hong Kong and they stress that it applied only to chickens.
Japan: Shimane bird flu, the highest alert level "3" 10 km radius around the
The issue of highly pathogenic avian influenza Yasugi City, Shimane Prefecture, the Ministry two days, it turns out that the virulent type of virus, the highest alert level of 10 km radius around the epicenter, "3" raised to wild birds and enhanced surveillance.
The same day, officers dispatched to local, announced that it will survey the current status for 3 days.
The survey is close to the epicenter, migratory birds flying to Nakaumi, near Lake Shinji, scheduled for three days from the day. In addition to collecting and duck droppings, check for infection from the mucosa to capture small birds such as sparrows. Examine the dead birds may not be around.
Ministry of the Environment, when a highly pathogenic virus was detected from the feces of wild birds in Hokkaido in October, the alert level from "1" "2" to raise, had stepped up surveillance.
Vietnam: Raising priority: Talking a lot, not doing much
The public is also confused by the news of poultry meat is of Chinese origin are being transferred to Vietnam so much?
Trực tiếp đi khảo sát hơn 1 tuần nay tôi thấy Trung Quốc nhập vào Việt Nam chủ yếu là lòng, mề gà theo đường tiểu ngạch. Ngược lại lợn VN bán sang TQ ồ ạt đấy chứ. Directly to survey more than a week now I see China into Vietnam mainly heart, chicken gizzard according to quota. In contrast to China to sell U.S. pork massive huh. Khoảng 10 ngày trước đây, trung bình mỗi ngày có khoảng 100 xe tải vận chuyển lợn, gà sang đó. About 10 days ago, the average day about 100 trucks transporting pigs and chickens to it.
Indonesia: Padang Suspect #H5N1 #Birdflu Improves

December 2, 2010
Asrizal (43), absurdly so surprised to know four of the eight new chickens that died suddenly two weeks dipeliharanya [tended/maintained], Saturday (27/11/2010). Shock had turned into worry and anxiety, so her youngest child agency, Barbie Elsa Laiza (19 months), sudden high fever at night.
However, when the citizens of Karang Putih, Batu Village gadang, Indarung had not thought of Avian Influenza disease has ever heard of television. Asrizal who think Barbie is only ordinary fever, bring it went to a midwife on Sunday (11/28/2010). However, Barbie condition worsened on the evening, Barbie vomiting.
"Monday (29/11/2010), I then bring Barbie into the clinic, Dr M Jamil Padang because I was concerned he was hit with bird flu. The doctor then suggested that Barbie was treated in isolation rooms intansi Inpatient Medicine. But now, his condition has improved, "said Asrizal, Thursday (02/12/2010).
When visited, that afternoon, Barbie was already looked cheerful. He was busy joking with Layla (37), his mother, on the bed.
"It is now able to eat. The heat also was normal. Hopefully the result is negative, yes, "said Layla and Asrizal.
Meanwhile, PR Dr M Jamil Padang, Gustafianov, acknowledge, Barbie is the patient suspect bird flu. "The symptoms are similar, namely high fever for three days, nausea, vomiting, coughs and colds. Blood sample was taken and sent, a week longer will we know the outcome, "he said.
He guessed, Barbie had no physical contact with chicken pet parents. "This is the 80th case that we handle through December 2010," said Gustafianov.
When confirmed to Asrizal, this Barbie's father admitted his son was playing with his pet chicken. "Four of the dead chickens had been buried, but I have not had time to report to the municipality," he admitted.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Ministry confirms bird flu of highly virulent H5 strain in Japan
Published December 01 2010
TOKYO — Japan’s farm ministry confirmed Wednesday that the chickens suspected of having avian flu at a farm in Shimane Prefecture had been infected with the highly virulent H5 strain of avian flu virus.
It represents the first infection since February 2009 when a quail farm in Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, was found to be infected by another strain of avian flu virus.
The prefectural government in western Japan said it has found at least two breaks in a metallic bird net at the poultry farm in the city of Yasugi which could allow wild birds to enter the farm, although it had earlier announced there were no abnormalities in the net.
The local government also said earlier in the day that it found several holes in a plastic sheet covering the poultry house, but that the net was inside of the sheet and birds should have not been able to get into the house, denying any relation between the holes and the possible infection.
The prefectural government suspects that the virus was brought by a wild bird and aims to identify the infection route in cooperation with researchers from the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry.
Shimane also continued Wednesday to kill the chickens at the farm and is aiming to complete the culling of some 23,000 birds by the end of the day.
The culling began Tuesday, a day after five chickens were found dead at the farm and tested positive for bird flu in preliminary tests, and about 3,300 were destroyed by Tuesday evening.
It is the first time that culling has started before the type of avian flu virus has been identified, according to the ministry.
Neither Shimane nor neighboring Tottori Prefecture found any other chickens suspected of having bird flu.
Haiti: Cholera Situation Report #22 - 30 November 2010
Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Date: 30 Nov 2010
- The Ministry of Health (MSPP) has reported 1,751 deaths and 34,248 hospitalised cases. The overall case mortality rate which includes deaths outside hospitals is 2.3 per cent.
- Standardization of chlorination levels, management of dead bodies and disposal of excreta remain key issues.
- Security restrictions around elections have impaired cholera response in some areas, although they have now largely been lifted and the situation is returning to normal.
- New customs clearance procedures for non-registered organizations involved in the cholera response have been published on the logistics cluster website.
Padang RS Rawat Suspected Bird Flu Patient, Padang: M. Djamil Hospital in Padang, West Sumatra, receive one patient suspected of having bird flu. This was disclosed Specialist Children's Hospital M. Djamil Padang, Finny Fitry Yeni, Wednesday (1 / 12).
"We received one patient suspected of having bird flu. The patient had high fever since last Sunday after direct contact with poultry," said Finny.
Fini said the patient named Barbie Elasah Laila (2). It was first known to have suspected bird flu after treatment by a midwife, and then referred to the Hospital (RS) M. Djamil.
Barbie is a child of the couple Afrizal (35) and Lailai (32), a resident of Karang Putih, Indarung, Lubuk Kilangan District, the city of Padang, West Sumatra.
"To find out whether these patients had positive bird flu, blood samples will be sent to Jakarta for further examination," he said.
"In seven to 10 days in the future we will only accept the results of examination of blood samples," said Fini.
Currently, patients treated in inpatient installation space C, Internal Medicine, Room Saspek, M. Djamil Hospital Padang. Meanwhile, parents of patients, Afrizal, say, my child has a fever after playing with birds behind the house. A day earlier, four birds also died suddenly, and immediately burned.
"The day before my son was sick, four of the eight birds that we keep in the back of the house died suddenly. We immediately burn it. But, a day later our son directly fever," he explained.
Unforeseen Bird Flu in Padang Treated
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 22:08 pm
PADANG illustration, - Toddlers with initials Nel, on Wednesday (12/01/2010) treated at room Suspect Bird Flu (Avian Influenza / AI) Dr. M. Djamil, the city of Padang, West Sumatra.
19-month-old toddler was rushed to the hospital since Tuesday (30/11).
Laila (37), the biological mother Nel said he brought his youngest daughter to the hospital on the initiative with her husband.
One of the doctors who are members of Team AI Dr. M. Djamil city of Padang, Dr. Yaniv Sp.A Fitry Finny said, Nel allegedly infected with AI disease.
Finny added, in addition to being treated in the living suspect, Nel was also given a dose of oseltamivir and take a sample of fluid mucus from the throat and sent to the Laboratory of the Ministry of Health to look at the fit.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Vietnam H5N1 Dien Bien
High risk is spread in Dien Bien district has the commune often occurs as outbreaks in poultry: Do Luong, Yen Thanh, Thanh Hung ... Property located along the canal irrigation works Mushroom. The ability of avian influenza spread through canal irrigation system is great because people said the cooperative has a habit of discharging all the channels. Actual evolution of avian influenza in the previous year partly proved that.
Meanwhile, Dien Bien district, commune and especially in the basins along the river and canal system Mushroom Mushroom irrigation area is also the largest flocks in the province. According to preliminary estimates by authorities, the average per day from 6000-8000 the national bird be circulated in the region, together with that of participants in the circulation of goods. While this area is defined at risk of avian influenza outbreaks high annually to influenza vaccination for poultry.
The important thing is that in this context but the local administrations and farmers to start prevention of avian influenza is very superficial, the mandarins. It can be said is very subjective. Disturbing than the most base of human resources in order to mobilize for the prevention (veterinary staff, the nurses ...) of this region are short and weak. Additional capacity does not meet the prevention. Thus, the cooperative will encounter in the early detection of active disease in poultry and in humans to encircle, sterilization, to avoid wide spread. This is not the first time and the lack of key personnel, ability and means of disease prevention in poultry and humans are exposed, is not the first time psychological neglect, disease prevention awareness be warned. In the past 5 years, must continue to confront the pandemic H5N1 and H1N1, respectively above the hole was exposed.
According to monitoring results of cholera Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology showed that the H5N1 strain virulence genes in late 2009 was many times higher than the H5N1 strain in 2004. In addition, this virus strain has spread very fast speed when conditions are favorable. It is particularly dangerous when on the outbreak, the mortality rate is very high, as occurs in real time in November 2009, the mortality rate is 100%.
Risk of influenza outbreaks in poultry and in humans is obvious. This time, the provincial functional departments also make recommendations and implement disease prevention. Local governments in high-risk areas should have specific measures to urgently reach deal on this dangerous diseases. And above all, need people to raise awareness, to avoid subjective prevention superficial.
Vietnam Deaths in Dien Bien 2009
My only entry for Dien Bien Province in 2009 in my list:
Name: Vi Van Minh 23 yo
From: Ward Sam Mun, Dien Bien Phu, Dien Bien Province
Hospital: Dien Bien
Sym Onset: 11/18
Recon: 11/24 - Clinic
Notes: ate duck soup one week before onset. Poultry conf. on 10/21.
Confirmation: Positive
DOD: 11/30
Note: Minh’s Cousin died. Same pathological symptoms. Confirmed positive by Central Hygiene and Epidemiology Institute. Birds from both families positive for H5N1.
Two families of patients died from acute respiratory failure suspected of H5N1 in Luong Van Chua, from Panh mountain village, Thanh Luong commune, and Luong Thi Lau, from Xa Cuong mountain village, Pa Thom commune.
Japon/H5N1: 23,000 chickens culled
30/11/2010 Updated: 09:07
Five chickens found dead Monday in the firm fell victim to the H5 virus, a variant of bird flu, officials said Shimane Prefecture after tests on these birds.
The authorities have decided as a precaution to kill all the livestock and to prohibit the movement of poultry within a radius of 10 km.
Bird flu found on farm in western Japan
By JAY ALABASTER Associated Press 2010-11-30 01:33 PM |
Bird flu was detected on a chicken farm in western Japan and all 23,300 animals were to be slaughtered Tuesday, an official said.
Five dead birds were discovered on the farm in Yasugi in Shimane prefecture, near Japan's western coast, and they later tested positive for the H5 avian flu, said agriculture official Yuji Kawakami.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
bird flu has reappeared in Hong Yen
Updated 01:55, Monday, 29/11/2010 (GMT 7)
According to DAH, bird flu has reappeared in Hong Yen, Yen My (Y Yen District, Nam Dinh), Social Forestry Forum (Dien Chau district, Nghe An) as thousands of dead birds and must be destroyed. Thus, since the bird flu outbreak last appearance in July so far, bird flu broke out again after four months the country successfully controlled this epidemic.
Step into winter-spring crop 2010-2011, switch cold weather, with rain would be favorable conditions for bird flu outbreak and development. However, according to the National Steering Committee on prevention of avian influenza, the emergence of avian influenza outbreak at this point may be considered earlier than the rule for many years. The main cause is due to longstanding no bird flu, so the psychological subjectivity of people, some local governments neglect the work of prevention. In most markets, the sale of live poultry has become active again without any inspection and control of any authorities, ...
From now until the New Year just two months, with a special short-time culture, fast growth, the poultry will have an important role in the recovery of the food shortage (an estimated 40 thousand tons meat) for the food needs of the people end of the year. Veterinary experts said that the detection of outbreaks suggest that the risk of avian influenza outbreaks in other provinces are very large. Translation occurs mainly on ducks has not been fully vaccinated, so the risk of outbreak is the Red River Delta region and the Mekong Delta ...