[The three people mentioned below, are most likely Wd (8), Jf (10) and Ks (35). There blood was taken on 11/9. I do have a note that one person was hospitalized w/high fever, 4 others monitored w/high fever. Also, took blood from 4 family members]
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Results of the sample of poultry blood in Street Medoho III RT 5/I the District of Siwalan, Kecamatan Gayamsari, Semarang, declared the negative Avian influenza (AI). Nevertheless, the special monitoring to this territory continued to be carried out till a month in the future. That following was appointed by him Semarang became the Luar Biasa Incident (KLB) bird flu after the DS death the local resident who was stated positive AI from the sample test of blood that was done some time before. Kasi the Health of the Semarang Animal of the Service of City Agriculture drh Totok Susanto said, the sample of poultry blood was taken from the kind of the living chicken in the Medoho III road on Sunday (9/11) past. Setidak him had three chickens that were taken the sample of his blood to be researched. ”Removal of the sample to the chicken that still was living because in the area there was not found by the chicken that already dead,” jelas him kemarin. He said, for the taking of the sample of poultry blood, indeed was carried out in the chicken kind then. Because, in this poultry kind, was known most accurate if being carried out by the testing.
”As for the other poultry kind, usually more inexact. With rapid test indeed the chicken kind that most accurate,” kata him. Totok mentioned, the testing of the sample of the blood personally, was carried out in Labor Party-atorium the B type that was in Street Perintis of Semarang Independence. Although being known by the negative, the step in the eradication and the prevention of the bird flu virus continued to be carried out. Among them by carrying out spraying in the market- the poultry market next week. ”Tepat him we did not yet know. But that was clear next week would dilakukan,” he said. The poultry market that will become the spraying target among them the Rejomulyo poultry market (the Kobong Market) and the Burung Karimata Market. ”Setelah the two markets we amankan,baru pasarpasar other that it was known had the sale unggasnya,” he explained. The head of Dispertan Kota Semarang Ayu Entys WLE added, pemantauankhusus the Medoho region continue to in accordance with the plan originally although results of the sample of the negative poultry.
”Possible so yes that our poultry took his sample not yet terjangkit but already as carrier or barrier. Criteria/definition we to be look at refer to from results of the sample of his human casualties that positif,” terang him. It was related that the indication of the existence of several poultries of the birds kind that still were hidden by the resident in Medoho in the extermination of the poultry last Tuesday (12/11), his side hoped that was untrue. His side regretted if that happened. ”If true was like this, we asked for his awareness lah. We wanted love our spirit our kept poultry like that only,”kata him.
In the meantime Kasi Pemberantasan of the Bersumber Binatang Illness (P2B2) the Kesehatan Service of the City (ET AL) Semarang Sri Ani Handayani said, the sample of blood of three other residents who took part in being checked also did not yet go out. The three residents suffered the illness that his characteristics were the same as DS.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
17 patients Suspect Bird Flu improved
Sunday, 16 November 2008
The condition for the health 17 patients suspect bird flu that was isolated in Pakis Rumah Sakit Space (RS) Wahidin Sudirohusodo since three days last, directly showed the improvement. This was shown by continuing the decline in the temperature of the body of all the resident of the Village of Tangkejangang, Jalan Pattene, the Sudiang District, this Biringkanaya Subdistrict through to below 37 Celsius levels. “Untuk while the condition for the health of all the patient was still safe and stabil. Day this (yesterday) not there is one that is feverish and the temperature of his body on 37 levels Celsius,” revealed Dr Rita, salah the team's one member of the control of flu burung,kemarin. He said, this really was during early different from them entered RS, where the temperature of the body of all the patient above normal. Namun, according to him, the 17 patients were still continuing- keep on the cough and breathless. Was based on SINDO observation in RS Wahidin, sterilisation efforts of isolation space of the 17 patients who it was suspected were infected by the virus avian influenza (AI) this increasingly was tightened by the official RS.
Several officials of the security were spread to take care of anyone who approached the building that was behind RS property of the government. Jufri, 30, you the patient named Fausi,3 bulan, yang was met yesterday to disclose kan, health the child both of them that continued to show the improvement. “Child I [mine] was beforehand put into special space and had difficulty to meet with, but now was moved to the room other,” ujar him. The man that when being met used this mask hoped results of the test of the child's blood of the sample laboratory as well as belasan [numbers 11-19] his neighbour fast went out so as to be able to be known whether they infected with the bird flu virus or not. “I thought increasingly fast results went out, increasingly good,” kata him. Last week, hundreds of tails of the chicken in his territory died all at once. Pada at that time also several officials of the community health centre and the Service of Kesehatan Makassar entered directly to destroy these chickens. A day later, 17 residents in the Tangkejangang Village, consisted of children and mature, experienced the fever was accompanied by the cough and the temperature of his body was high enough. Afterwards they were reconciled to RS Wahidin.
In the meantime, related the discovery of the poultry that was stated positive infected bird flu in Street Patene, the Tangkejangang Village, the Government of the South Sulawesi Province and the Makassar City had finally alerted several personnel in the District of Sudiang, Kecamatan Biringkanaya. They formed the solidest command post and involved several medical teams. Section Head Kesehatan Makassar Naisyah T Azikin explained, this command post will be alerted for two weeks, while being waiting for results of the test of the resident's blood of the sample laboratory suspect bird flu. “Keberadaan the official in the command post to monitor at the same time investigating the condition for the resident that was in the region, was or not sick. We would standby for one as far as two weeks,” he said to SINDO, yesterday. The joint team that was formed by the Government of the South Sulawesi Province and the Government of the Makassar City also began to send the socialisation of the method prevented was infected by the virus AI.“Day (yesterday) we gathered approximately 80 residents to be given by the explanation about the prevention method. The resident was very cooperative and wanted to carry out anticipation by handing over his poultry for dimusnahkan,”kata Naisyah.
The poultry belonging to the resident who was destroyed reached 167 tails. Apart from that, Dinas Kelautan and Pangan Makassar Endurance again combed the poultry in this area. Results, seven tails of the poultry were found and immediately was destroyed. The other action was to spray the vaccine in several the former poultry pens. Naisyah admitted that the resident's majority in the Tangkejangang Village raised poultries. “Hopefully already did not have again the poultry in the region above-mentioned,”ujar him. Maros Alert one Officially Peternakan and Marine Regional Government Maros put into effect alert one to anticipate the spreading of the plague of bird flu. This step was taken following the discovery of the patient suspect bird flu in the Subdistrict of Biringkanaya, Kota Makassar. Section Head Peternakan and Marine Maros Syata Sanusi claimed not want to robbed in this case. Because the bird flu virus could also spread through air, the spreading opportunity of the bird flu virus in the Maros regency then very big. “We have anticipated with put into effect alert one.
This to anticipate so that the plague of bird flu does not enter to Maros. Especially the discovery territory suspect bird flu was the bordering territory direct with Maros,” he explained to SINDO yesterday.
Syata said, related the discovery of the patient suspect bird flu in the Biringkanaya territory, Kota Makassar, Dinas Peternakan Maros monitored several of the producer's territories of the piece chicken. Moreover, they also carried out spraying, considering some time before in Maros also could be found by the chicken that died suddenly, with tandata you were similar infected bird flu. “ We have assigned several officials from the livestock breeding service to monitor several livestock belonging to the businessman of the breeder of the piece chicken and kept the resident. Praise the Lord, now was not yet found the poultry that was detected terjangkit the flu virus burung,” he said.
In the place of terpisah, Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Maros H Firman Jaya added, his side also put into effect alert one related the handling of the case that attacked Indonesia since 2004. Moreover the implementation has taken place for a week. Firman admitted to asking for all the head of the community health centre and the doctors to more beautiful saw the condition for the patient.
“If had the patient with signs was similar suspect bird flu, must segara was reconciled to RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, because of facilities in RS Salewangeng Maros did not yet satisfy. We still the lack equipment,”ujar him. Vice Chairman Komisi C DPRD Maros A Said Patombongi asked two related services to co-operate prevented the spreading of the deadly illness itu. Pasal him, this was related to the life of many people. “Dinkes and disnak certainly must work harder in handling this case. This not the case for playing around. Has happened in several area, not only in Indonesia. Therefore, needed the good co-operation among government. If needing the community also involved” he said.
The condition for the health 17 patients suspect bird flu that was isolated in Pakis Rumah Sakit Space (RS) Wahidin Sudirohusodo since three days last, directly showed the improvement. This was shown by continuing the decline in the temperature of the body of all the resident of the Village of Tangkejangang, Jalan Pattene, the Sudiang District, this Biringkanaya Subdistrict through to below 37 Celsius levels. “Untuk while the condition for the health of all the patient was still safe and stabil. Day this (yesterday) not there is one that is feverish and the temperature of his body on 37 levels Celsius,” revealed Dr Rita, salah the team's one member of the control of flu burung,kemarin. He said, this really was during early different from them entered RS, where the temperature of the body of all the patient above normal. Namun, according to him, the 17 patients were still continuing- keep on the cough and breathless. Was based on SINDO observation in RS Wahidin, sterilisation efforts of isolation space of the 17 patients who it was suspected were infected by the virus avian influenza (AI) this increasingly was tightened by the official RS.
Several officials of the security were spread to take care of anyone who approached the building that was behind RS property of the government. Jufri, 30, you the patient named Fausi,3 bulan, yang was met yesterday to disclose kan, health the child both of them that continued to show the improvement. “Child I [mine] was beforehand put into special space and had difficulty to meet with, but now was moved to the room other,” ujar him. The man that when being met used this mask hoped results of the test of the child's blood of the sample laboratory as well as belasan [numbers 11-19] his neighbour fast went out so as to be able to be known whether they infected with the bird flu virus or not. “I thought increasingly fast results went out, increasingly good,” kata him. Last week, hundreds of tails of the chicken in his territory died all at once. Pada at that time also several officials of the community health centre and the Service of Kesehatan Makassar entered directly to destroy these chickens. A day later, 17 residents in the Tangkejangang Village, consisted of children and mature, experienced the fever was accompanied by the cough and the temperature of his body was high enough. Afterwards they were reconciled to RS Wahidin.
In the meantime, related the discovery of the poultry that was stated positive infected bird flu in Street Patene, the Tangkejangang Village, the Government of the South Sulawesi Province and the Makassar City had finally alerted several personnel in the District of Sudiang, Kecamatan Biringkanaya. They formed the solidest command post and involved several medical teams. Section Head Kesehatan Makassar Naisyah T Azikin explained, this command post will be alerted for two weeks, while being waiting for results of the test of the resident's blood of the sample laboratory suspect bird flu. “Keberadaan the official in the command post to monitor at the same time investigating the condition for the resident that was in the region, was or not sick. We would standby for one as far as two weeks,” he said to SINDO, yesterday. The joint team that was formed by the Government of the South Sulawesi Province and the Government of the Makassar City also began to send the socialisation of the method prevented was infected by the virus AI.“Day (yesterday) we gathered approximately 80 residents to be given by the explanation about the prevention method. The resident was very cooperative and wanted to carry out anticipation by handing over his poultry for dimusnahkan,”kata Naisyah.
The poultry belonging to the resident who was destroyed reached 167 tails. Apart from that, Dinas Kelautan and Pangan Makassar Endurance again combed the poultry in this area. Results, seven tails of the poultry were found and immediately was destroyed. The other action was to spray the vaccine in several the former poultry pens. Naisyah admitted that the resident's majority in the Tangkejangang Village raised poultries. “Hopefully already did not have again the poultry in the region above-mentioned,”ujar him. Maros Alert one Officially Peternakan and Marine Regional Government Maros put into effect alert one to anticipate the spreading of the plague of bird flu. This step was taken following the discovery of the patient suspect bird flu in the Subdistrict of Biringkanaya, Kota Makassar. Section Head Peternakan and Marine Maros Syata Sanusi claimed not want to robbed in this case. Because the bird flu virus could also spread through air, the spreading opportunity of the bird flu virus in the Maros regency then very big. “We have anticipated with put into effect alert one.
This to anticipate so that the plague of bird flu does not enter to Maros. Especially the discovery territory suspect bird flu was the bordering territory direct with Maros,” he explained to SINDO yesterday.
Syata said, related the discovery of the patient suspect bird flu in the Biringkanaya territory, Kota Makassar, Dinas Peternakan Maros monitored several of the producer's territories of the piece chicken. Moreover, they also carried out spraying, considering some time before in Maros also could be found by the chicken that died suddenly, with tandata you were similar infected bird flu. “ We have assigned several officials from the livestock breeding service to monitor several livestock belonging to the businessman of the breeder of the piece chicken and kept the resident. Praise the Lord, now was not yet found the poultry that was detected terjangkit the flu virus burung,” he said.
In the place of terpisah, Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Maros H Firman Jaya added, his side also put into effect alert one related the handling of the case that attacked Indonesia since 2004. Moreover the implementation has taken place for a week. Firman admitted to asking for all the head of the community health centre and the doctors to more beautiful saw the condition for the patient.
“If had the patient with signs was similar suspect bird flu, must segara was reconciled to RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, because of facilities in RS Salewangeng Maros did not yet satisfy. We still the lack equipment,”ujar him. Vice Chairman Komisi C DPRD Maros A Said Patombongi asked two related services to co-operate prevented the spreading of the deadly illness itu. Pasal him, this was related to the life of many people. “Dinkes and disnak certainly must work harder in handling this case. This not the case for playing around. Has happened in several area, not only in Indonesia. Therefore, needed the good co-operation among government. If needing the community also involved” he said.
Vietnam - Dengue Fever in Quang Ngai
Dengue fever outbreaks in central region
The disease is spreading in the Nghia An commune of the central province of Quang Ngai, with 90 patients recorded from November 6-12. Twenty-one patients were in serious condition and were transferred to the Quang Ngai hospital.
The provincial Preventive Health Centre ordered blood tests and sprayed anti-mosquito chemicals in this area.
In Ha Tinh Province, there were 71 dengue fever and 44 diarrhea patients by November 12, including 15 positive to the cholera bacterium.
While the dengue fever epidemic is expanding, cases of diarrhea are appearing to decrease, with 7 new dengue fever and only 2 new diarrhea patients on November 12.
The Ha Tinh Health Department provided more decontamination chemicals and tools to disease-hit districts.
The disease is spreading in the Nghia An commune of the central province of Quang Ngai, with 90 patients recorded from November 6-12. Twenty-one patients were in serious condition and were transferred to the Quang Ngai hospital.
The provincial Preventive Health Centre ordered blood tests and sprayed anti-mosquito chemicals in this area.
In Ha Tinh Province, there were 71 dengue fever and 44 diarrhea patients by November 12, including 15 positive to the cholera bacterium.
While the dengue fever epidemic is expanding, cases of diarrhea are appearing to decrease, with 7 new dengue fever and only 2 new diarrhea patients on November 12.
The Ha Tinh Health Department provided more decontamination chemicals and tools to disease-hit districts.
The Solo river the Bird Flu Danger
Bojonegoro, East Java
Officially Peternakan and Bojonegoro fisheries guarded against the Solo River as the area of the spreading of bird flu of the danger. Therefore, his side involved the team pastisipatory desease searcing response (PDSR), followed the case emergence of bird flu in the Central Javan territory. The "PDSR team that also the community continued to carry out the monitoring in the field, but was met by the case" of "bird flu in the community", the Peternakan" Service headword and fisheries Bojonegoro Tukiwan Yusa to the Bojonegoro Radar.
He explained, last cases of bird flu was in Bojonegoro found in the Balen Subdistrict around the last three months. However, because now the season transition in the Central Javan territory began to emerge the bird flu illness. "Because of that this vigilance of the illness emergence was increasingly increased," he stressed. The territory that became observation of the PDSR team, continued Tukiwan, was focussed all along the River Basin Solo (DAS). The area along the Solo River in Bojonegoro had an opportunity to emerge the bird flu illness. Because, the river was displayed in Java had an opportunity to become the place of the disposal of the carcass of the chicken livestock. "All along the DAS Solo had an opportunity to become the endemic area" of the "emergence"
From the data in the livestock breeding service and fisheries local showed, the chicken population in Bojonegoro reached 3 million tails. Among them, 800 thousand most thoroughbred chickens was in the Kepohbaru Subdistrict.
Tukiwan explained, the PDSR team that worked with the community will take the handling action if from time to time was found by the case of bird flu in Bojonegoro. The action was to confine to a particular area the location of the discovery of the case of bird flu. He made a plea so that the community maintains the cleanliness of the pen. As well as, hard-working carried out spraying with disinfectan in the location of the pen. If from time to time the community found his chicken was sick, immediately must be separated, don't cut. "Anyway the chicken that was affected by bird flu stayed dangerous if being consumed," he added.
Officially Peternakan and Bojonegoro fisheries guarded against the Solo River as the area of the spreading of bird flu of the danger. Therefore, his side involved the team pastisipatory desease searcing response (PDSR), followed the case emergence of bird flu in the Central Javan territory. The "PDSR team that also the community continued to carry out the monitoring in the field, but was met by the case" of "bird flu in the community", the Peternakan" Service headword and fisheries Bojonegoro Tukiwan Yusa to the Bojonegoro Radar.
He explained, last cases of bird flu was in Bojonegoro found in the Balen Subdistrict around the last three months. However, because now the season transition in the Central Javan territory began to emerge the bird flu illness. "Because of that this vigilance of the illness emergence was increasingly increased," he stressed. The territory that became observation of the PDSR team, continued Tukiwan, was focussed all along the River Basin Solo (DAS). The area along the Solo River in Bojonegoro had an opportunity to emerge the bird flu illness. Because, the river was displayed in Java had an opportunity to become the place of the disposal of the carcass of the chicken livestock. "All along the DAS Solo had an opportunity to become the endemic area" of the "emergence"
From the data in the livestock breeding service and fisheries local showed, the chicken population in Bojonegoro reached 3 million tails. Among them, 800 thousand most thoroughbred chickens was in the Kepohbaru Subdistrict.
Tukiwan explained, the PDSR team that worked with the community will take the handling action if from time to time was found by the case of bird flu in Bojonegoro. The action was to confine to a particular area the location of the discovery of the case of bird flu. He made a plea so that the community maintains the cleanliness of the pen. As well as, hard-working carried out spraying with disinfectan in the location of the pen. If from time to time the community found his chicken was sick, immediately must be separated, don't cut. "Anyway the chicken that was affected by bird flu stayed dangerous if being consumed," he added.
Visit the Patient Bird Flu, Mayor Berang
Mayor Makassar A Herry Iskandar, visited the patient suspect bird flu in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, on last Friday (14/11). The mayor's visit, was accompanied by Kabag Humas Regional Government Makassar, Kasim Wahab, Camat Tamalanrea, Sabri. The mayor at once visited the ferns building, namely isolation space where the bird flu patient was treated. Saw the patient suspect bird flu, that lying down flat, A Herry, brought up several questions to the team of RS Wahidin bird flu, a connection with the patient suspect. Only, several Herry questions apparently could not be answered by the official of the hospital, so as the mayor furious was made. It was unclear that anything that was asked about and made the mayor angry, but Kabag Humas Municipal Government Makassar, Kasim Wahab, stressed, the mayor's anger because of having the important matter that was asked about related the patient suspect bird flu that could not be answered, in fact that was his work field.
"In the ferns building, the mayor saw immediately met several patients suspect bird flu, that was temporary laying down flat." To the official, he often asked the team of bird flu, but the team could not answer, until the mayor flew into a rage or angry, he said.
Suddenly Orderly and Steril
There were those who are interesting around the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, most special the Ruang Isolasi Khusus Flu Burung Building (ferns), when Mayor Makassar, A Herry Iskandar, will visit the patient suspect bird flu.
Unlike usually, the Pakis Building, at once was sterilised, the hurrying official installed some paper that was stuck to the wall by being inscribed with the door always must be closed, plus the patient's poster that infected the bird flu virus.
This peculiarity was felt by several 'occupants' that lived in the building. The standard, the family of one of the sufferers suspect bird flu, felt that. He claimed already four days accompanied his family and the treatment as well as the first-rate service that were given by the official of the hospital just was felt the day. "Uptil now, was seen by me the guest could go out entered, without having the warning from the team" of "bird flu or the official" of the "hospital." Today (on Friday (14/11),-red) then, the doctor and the official gave the first-rate service, more than usually, he said, to the reporter. All that because of the number one person in the Makassar City, visited. "Quite strange, if the senior official wanted to come, all was sterilised, the official" of the "hospital, undertook his task well." It is hoped when Mr Wali was not then like that, he stated.
"In the ferns building, the mayor saw immediately met several patients suspect bird flu, that was temporary laying down flat." To the official, he often asked the team of bird flu, but the team could not answer, until the mayor flew into a rage or angry, he said.
Suddenly Orderly and Steril
There were those who are interesting around the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, most special the Ruang Isolasi Khusus Flu Burung Building (ferns), when Mayor Makassar, A Herry Iskandar, will visit the patient suspect bird flu.
Unlike usually, the Pakis Building, at once was sterilised, the hurrying official installed some paper that was stuck to the wall by being inscribed with the door always must be closed, plus the patient's poster that infected the bird flu virus.
This peculiarity was felt by several 'occupants' that lived in the building. The standard, the family of one of the sufferers suspect bird flu, felt that. He claimed already four days accompanied his family and the treatment as well as the first-rate service that were given by the official of the hospital just was felt the day. "Uptil now, was seen by me the guest could go out entered, without having the warning from the team" of "bird flu or the official" of the "hospital." Today (on Friday (14/11),-red) then, the doctor and the official gave the first-rate service, more than usually, he said, to the reporter. All that because of the number one person in the Makassar City, visited. "Quite strange, if the senior official wanted to come, all was sterilised, the official" of the "hospital, undertook his task well." It is hoped when Mr Wali was not then like that, he stated.
17 Bird Flu Patients Were In Makassar Isolated
[This article, explains what I think happened here. I believe the victims were carried into the hospital, and only after that, did the authorities come in a test the poultry and cull. It also has a different order, of family members, than what I have in my summary. Hat-tip dbg]
Makassar- Amounting to 17 patients who were detected experiencing the sign of bird flu (Avian Influenza/AI) at this time was isolated in the Hospital of Regional Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi). They were this Friday (14/11) visited by the Guardian of the City of Makassar Andi Herry Iskandar in the hospital.
"The patient suspect this bird flu suffered the high fever that originally was expected by dengue fever," explained the Head of the Medik Field at the same time public relations of Tim Khusus Flu Burung RS Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Kurnia Bintang, on Thursday (13/11). They were carried to the hospital in stages on Wednesday (12/11) and on Thursday (13/11).
According to Kurnia, to detect more far the development 17 patients who were the resident RT 05/02, the Sudiang District, the Biringkanaya Subdistrict, the Makassar City was prepared by 20 specialists. Between 17 patients, six people were children was three months old till 10 years, that is older brother-sibling Salman (5), Nurul Awaliah (3), Nur Fadilah (4 months), and his neighbour of Saleha (10), as well as older brother-sibling Irwan (8 ) and Fauzi Ibnu (3 months).
To ascertain his condition, all the patients have been taken the sample of his blood to rapid test influenza, at the same time the photograph toraks for the further inspection. Evidently from results of the laboratory inspection, that still was the temporary inspection, it was known of six patients experienced A influenza that headed to AI and three still experienced bronchopneumonia that also had an opportunity to be infected by AI from results of the photograph toraks.
Section Head Health Makassar Dr Naisyah Tun Asikin said, after getting the report from the community and the patient's family, the official of the local health of the service immediately took the sample of the chicken from dozens of chickens that died suddenly with the coloured body bluish.
"Results of the laboratory inspection showed the chicken was positive terjangkit the AI virus, whereas other efforts that were carried out were to destroy dozens of other kept chickens in the Sudiang District that was expected also terjangkit the AI virus," he continued.
Makassar- Amounting to 17 patients who were detected experiencing the sign of bird flu (Avian Influenza/AI) at this time was isolated in the Hospital of Regional Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi). They were this Friday (14/11) visited by the Guardian of the City of Makassar Andi Herry Iskandar in the hospital.
"The patient suspect this bird flu suffered the high fever that originally was expected by dengue fever," explained the Head of the Medik Field at the same time public relations of Tim Khusus Flu Burung RS Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Kurnia Bintang, on Thursday (13/11). They were carried to the hospital in stages on Wednesday (12/11) and on Thursday (13/11).
According to Kurnia, to detect more far the development 17 patients who were the resident RT 05/02, the Sudiang District, the Biringkanaya Subdistrict, the Makassar City was prepared by 20 specialists. Between 17 patients, six people were children was three months old till 10 years, that is older brother-sibling Salman (5), Nurul Awaliah (3), Nur Fadilah (4 months), and his neighbour of Saleha (10), as well as older brother-sibling Irwan (8 ) and Fauzi Ibnu (3 months).
To ascertain his condition, all the patients have been taken the sample of his blood to rapid test influenza, at the same time the photograph toraks for the further inspection. Evidently from results of the laboratory inspection, that still was the temporary inspection, it was known of six patients experienced A influenza that headed to AI and three still experienced bronchopneumonia that also had an opportunity to be infected by AI from results of the photograph toraks.
Section Head Health Makassar Dr Naisyah Tun Asikin said, after getting the report from the community and the patient's family, the official of the local health of the service immediately took the sample of the chicken from dozens of chickens that died suddenly with the coloured body bluish.
"Results of the laboratory inspection showed the chicken was positive terjangkit the AI virus, whereas other efforts that were carried out were to destroy dozens of other kept chickens in the Sudiang District that was expected also terjangkit the AI virus," he continued.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Suspected bird flu patients isolated
Suspected bird flu patients isolated
Andi Hajramurni and Suherdjoko , The Jakarta Post ,
Andi Hajramurni and Suherdjoko , The Jakarta Post ,
Makassar, Semarang Sat, 11/15/2008 10:59 AM The Archipelago
The Wahidin Sudirohusodo regional hospital in Makassar, South Sulawesi, is continuing to isolate 17 patients of Biringkanaya district believed to have bird flu.
"Generally the patients are getting better," spokesperson for the hospital's bird flu team, Halik Saleh, said Friday.
Apart from a 2 year old named Ilham, the body temperatures of all other patients have returned to below 38 degrees Celsius.
"We are continuing to observe their progress, particularly because some poultry has tested positive to bird flu contamination," Halik said.
As a precaution, the hospital has been restricting staff and family members from visiting the patients in an effort to prevent any possible outbreaks of the disease.
The hospital, he said, is still waiting for the results of blood tests from the Health Ministry.
An initial test of all the patients' blood has indicated the presence of the avian influenza virus, H5N1. The same test by the micro laboratory of Hasanuddin University's School of Medicine in Makassar indicated the same results.
Halik said the hospital had decided not to use them as an indicator or reference for the illness.
"The only results we will refer to in order to treat our patients will be those from the laboratory of the health ministry's research and development center," he said.
The head of the Makassar Health Agency Naisyah Tun Azikin said all the samples required for testing had been sent to Jakarta on Thursday and Friday. The results should be known within a week.
Naisyah said in anticipation of a possible increase in suspected bird flu cases, his office had prepared two additional hospitals to treat them.
"Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God), none were admitted today," Naisyah said Friday.
A team of representatives from various government institutions culled 61 birds on Friday from Sudiang subdistrict where all the patients came from.
Nurmayanti, from the government team, said the culling was carried out over three consecutive days and had destroyed a total of 167 birds.
She said the team would continue culling the area within a one-kilometer radius to ensure there was no poultry left alive within the region.
/B]Meanwhile in Semarang, Central Java, authorities have closed three chicken abattoirs in Gayamsari district.
The closures were made by local residents after 15-year old Dewi Sartika died Tuesday from bird flu.[/b]
Chairman of Siwalan Community Empowerment Institution Agus Supriyoto said residents, including Dewi's parents Sarjono and Sri Yakin, misinterpreted their daughter's symptoms as ordinary fever.
They were unaware it was bird flu until staff from the provincial and municipal health agencies informed them Tuesday. The following day they held a meeting discussing poultry culling in the region, where many of the 500 families reside there keep birds as pets.
"We carried out the culling Thursday," said Agus.
The Wahidin Sudirohusodo regional hospital in Makassar, South Sulawesi, is continuing to isolate 17 patients of Biringkanaya district believed to have bird flu.
"Generally the patients are getting better," spokesperson for the hospital's bird flu team, Halik Saleh, said Friday.
Apart from a 2 year old named Ilham, the body temperatures of all other patients have returned to below 38 degrees Celsius.
"We are continuing to observe their progress, particularly because some poultry has tested positive to bird flu contamination," Halik said.
As a precaution, the hospital has been restricting staff and family members from visiting the patients in an effort to prevent any possible outbreaks of the disease.
The hospital, he said, is still waiting for the results of blood tests from the Health Ministry.
An initial test of all the patients' blood has indicated the presence of the avian influenza virus, H5N1. The same test by the micro laboratory of Hasanuddin University's School of Medicine in Makassar indicated the same results.
Halik said the hospital had decided not to use them as an indicator or reference for the illness.
"The only results we will refer to in order to treat our patients will be those from the laboratory of the health ministry's research and development center," he said.
The head of the Makassar Health Agency Naisyah Tun Azikin said all the samples required for testing had been sent to Jakarta on Thursday and Friday. The results should be known within a week.
Naisyah said in anticipation of a possible increase in suspected bird flu cases, his office had prepared two additional hospitals to treat them.
"Alhamdulillah (Praise be to God), none were admitted today," Naisyah said Friday.
A team of representatives from various government institutions culled 61 birds on Friday from Sudiang subdistrict where all the patients came from.
Nurmayanti, from the government team, said the culling was carried out over three consecutive days and had destroyed a total of 167 birds.
She said the team would continue culling the area within a one-kilometer radius to ensure there was no poultry left alive within the region.
/B]Meanwhile in Semarang, Central Java, authorities have closed three chicken abattoirs in Gayamsari district.
The closures were made by local residents after 15-year old Dewi Sartika died Tuesday from bird flu.[/b]
Chairman of Siwalan Community Empowerment Institution Agus Supriyoto said residents, including Dewi's parents Sarjono and Sri Yakin, misinterpreted their daughter's symptoms as ordinary fever.
They were unaware it was bird flu until staff from the provincial and municipal health agencies informed them Tuesday. The following day they held a meeting discussing poultry culling in the region, where many of the 500 families reside there keep birds as pets.
"We carried out the culling Thursday," said Agus.
hattip Shiloh
17 patients Suspect Bird Flu was isolated
17 patients Suspect Bird Flu was isolated
(on November 15 2008,
MAKASSAR – totalling 17 patients suspect bird flu that was treated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, was still continuing to be isolated. Moreover, the isolation against children's 13 patients and four adults will be done till this coming November 20. This was carried out while being waiting for results of the inspection of the Research And Development laboratory of Kesehatan Jakarta.
The monitoring of the Dawn in the ferns building, the place of the isolation was done, the hospital side carried out the tight guarding. The reporter was forbidden to pass by the door that separated the ferns building from Lontara maintenance space.
Apart from the doctor and the nurse, as well as the mayor Makassar Andi Herry Iskandar and public relations, yesterday, not any that was allowed to approach to isolation space. Three security units stood lined up in front of the door. Starting from when the door to the arbiter of people's building was seen has put on the mask.
In the same building, the RSWS side bisected classification of the room. There was the red area that only could be entered by the doctor. There was also the yellow area that could be entered by certain people with with the limited number. The RSWS side stressed that this step was carried out because indeed like that the procedure for the handling of the case suspect bird flu. The RSWS side since yesterday also formed the special team to handle the 17 patients. This team was chaired by Prof Halimuddin. His member had several doctors, including the paediatrician.
Despite the tight isolation and the team of the handling of the patient suspect bird flu was formed, but till yesterday, did not yet have the assurance whether the resident Street Pattene this was positive bird flu or not. Mayor Makassar, Andi Herry Iskandar that visited to RSWS, the morning yesterday said, as far as this is concerned his side was still being waiting produced by Litbangkes. "We might not yet state them bird flu" or not." Because as far as this is concerned did not yet have results of the lab of health research and development. Litbangkes that had the authority to state results, bird flu or not, said Herry in the press conference in RSWS.
Be present in the press conference, Kadis the Health of the South Sulawesi Province, Dr Rahmat Latif SpPD MARS, the Menkokesra Staff of the office Expert at the same time from komnas bird flu that was assigned especially monitored the implementation of the handling suspect in South Sulawesi, Dr Andi Armyn Nurdin, Kadis the Health of the Makassar City, Naisyah T Azikin, of Director RSWS, the team of the doctor, Kabag public relations, M. Castrated Wahab, the Sub-district Head Biringkanaya, GENERAL Yasir, as well as the Sub-district Head Tamalanrea, Sabri. Although not yet having the assurance, but according to to Herry, himself as the manager of the appropriate command post protap stressed the RSWS side was ready if indeed evidently this patient positive was attacked by bird flu. "If positive, RSWS was ready."
Apart from RSWS, we also prepared two RS reconciliation, RS Islam Faisal, and RS Akademis. That if RSWS the patient's surplus. But up to now RSWS is still being ready accommodated, he said.
Herry explained, the isolation that was planned through to produced by Litbangkes went out was meant as prevention efforts. "While being waiting produced by Litbangkes, the patient continued to be isolated." That the step in the prevention.
Results litbangkes will go out one week, so if entering yesterday, on Thursday, November 14. So the possibility went out results 19 till November 20. At that time we could have known results. And before having results that said they were free bird flu, continued to be isolated, he stressed.
At this time, according to Herry, has been carried out by anticipation efforts of the spreading of the virus. Including the extermination of the poultry as far as the radius 1 km.
In the meantime, the team's spokesperson of the doctor, Dr Khalik Saleh said, when entering RS, the condition for children's four patients really quite weak. The temperature of their body in general 39 levels. His two physical patients were very weak that namely the Inspiration and Paradise. "But earlier (yesterday, red), they already rather baikan." Has had the improvement on the whole. That still was hot Inspiration, the age patient 2.2 years, revealed Khalik. Information that was assembled mentioned, in the inspection last Thursday, two patients also it was known were affected by pneumonia or the inflammation of the lungs. That was based on results of the photograph x-rayed. However according to the sign doctor of his clinic was not too heavy.
In the meantime, the Ahli Staff the Menkokesra office at the same time from komnas bird flu that was assigned especially monitored the implementation of the handling suspect in this area, Dr Dr Armyn Nurdin, said, himself was specially assigned monitored the development of this case. "We were grateful that the fast movement action that was carried out the Makassar Municipal Government has been very exact in accordance with the national standard and the standard of WHO. Baik the medical and non-medical action."
The command post in RS and in the field, that has been in accordance with the standard. The medical action in accordance with the standard. Medical readiness, if later exploded, RS, the power, and equipment have been ready. For South Sulawesi for bird flu all was ready, said Armyn that also former Kadis Kesehatan Makassar. His side only hoped that the comprehensive action that was carried out could control the virus and prevented his spreading. Has been "carried out the vaccine and the burning." So the action biosecurity and depopulation has also been carried out and will continue to be carried out.
Counselling must also continue to be carried out. Also will be carried out by the cleaning or cleaning the Sudiang circle virus. His hope, the virus will not circulate in the environment. All has been appropriate protap and we remained praying, he said Armyn also stressed that in fact, the research and the testing into the 17 patients have been carried out by the Unhas side. However results continued to be waiting litbangkes. Because, said he, so that was legal according to WHO. "Tapi without waiting for results of Unhas to have been carried out by the action as if results (positive, red) that has been available." This as the form of anticipation, he said.
The sub-district head Biringkanaya, AM Yasir said, the emergence suspect bird flu in his territory indeed enabled. The reason is, the resident, especially in Pattene quite happy to maintain the poultry. On average the house, according to him, had the chicken coop, the duck, or the dove. "They that suspect this berlamat in Street Pattene, RW 2 RT 5," beber him. Although having 17 residents who entered the hospital, but according to Yasir, his community, including around the residence of the patients stayed just very calm. "There was no panic." And indeed we have carried out the socialisation, and the extermination. Already many poultries that were burnt then was buried, he said.
The case suspect bird flu in Makassar this personally not the first case. Since 2006 then, already 37 people who had been stated suspect bird flu. "But not there is one that is positive," stressed Herry.
Ought to be on the alert Section Head Kesehatan of the South Sulawesi Province, Dr Rahmat Latif SpPD MARS asked the other area also to have to to be on the alert. Because of it is not impossible, the bird flu virus also was threatening. With this signal of the bird flu virus, the side of the province of the health service, according to the Blessing, has carried out anticipation of early. Including planning to carry out the simulation of the handling and the prevention. "Only indeed rather was postponed because suddenly had the case in Makassar and for the time being we the focus there," said the Blessing.
The blessing mentioned areas that ought to be on the alert like Sidrap and the other city regency that had poultry livestock breeding enough. He stressed that almost all the territories in South Sulawesi the bird flu danger. The reason is, the resident in this area still was having the habit maintained and penned the poultry, especially the chicken in the cellar.
(on November 15 2008,
MAKASSAR – totalling 17 patients suspect bird flu that was treated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, was still continuing to be isolated. Moreover, the isolation against children's 13 patients and four adults will be done till this coming November 20. This was carried out while being waiting for results of the inspection of the Research And Development laboratory of Kesehatan Jakarta.
The monitoring of the Dawn in the ferns building, the place of the isolation was done, the hospital side carried out the tight guarding. The reporter was forbidden to pass by the door that separated the ferns building from Lontara maintenance space.
Apart from the doctor and the nurse, as well as the mayor Makassar Andi Herry Iskandar and public relations, yesterday, not any that was allowed to approach to isolation space. Three security units stood lined up in front of the door. Starting from when the door to the arbiter of people's building was seen has put on the mask.
In the same building, the RSWS side bisected classification of the room. There was the red area that only could be entered by the doctor. There was also the yellow area that could be entered by certain people with with the limited number. The RSWS side stressed that this step was carried out because indeed like that the procedure for the handling of the case suspect bird flu. The RSWS side since yesterday also formed the special team to handle the 17 patients. This team was chaired by Prof Halimuddin. His member had several doctors, including the paediatrician.
Despite the tight isolation and the team of the handling of the patient suspect bird flu was formed, but till yesterday, did not yet have the assurance whether the resident Street Pattene this was positive bird flu or not. Mayor Makassar, Andi Herry Iskandar that visited to RSWS, the morning yesterday said, as far as this is concerned his side was still being waiting produced by Litbangkes. "We might not yet state them bird flu" or not." Because as far as this is concerned did not yet have results of the lab of health research and development. Litbangkes that had the authority to state results, bird flu or not, said Herry in the press conference in RSWS.
Be present in the press conference, Kadis the Health of the South Sulawesi Province, Dr Rahmat Latif SpPD MARS, the Menkokesra Staff of the office Expert at the same time from komnas bird flu that was assigned especially monitored the implementation of the handling suspect in South Sulawesi, Dr Andi Armyn Nurdin, Kadis the Health of the Makassar City, Naisyah T Azikin, of Director RSWS, the team of the doctor, Kabag public relations, M. Castrated Wahab, the Sub-district Head Biringkanaya, GENERAL Yasir, as well as the Sub-district Head Tamalanrea, Sabri. Although not yet having the assurance, but according to to Herry, himself as the manager of the appropriate command post protap stressed the RSWS side was ready if indeed evidently this patient positive was attacked by bird flu. "If positive, RSWS was ready."
Apart from RSWS, we also prepared two RS reconciliation, RS Islam Faisal, and RS Akademis. That if RSWS the patient's surplus. But up to now RSWS is still being ready accommodated, he said.
Herry explained, the isolation that was planned through to produced by Litbangkes went out was meant as prevention efforts. "While being waiting produced by Litbangkes, the patient continued to be isolated." That the step in the prevention.
Results litbangkes will go out one week, so if entering yesterday, on Thursday, November 14. So the possibility went out results 19 till November 20. At that time we could have known results. And before having results that said they were free bird flu, continued to be isolated, he stressed.
At this time, according to Herry, has been carried out by anticipation efforts of the spreading of the virus. Including the extermination of the poultry as far as the radius 1 km.
In the meantime, the team's spokesperson of the doctor, Dr Khalik Saleh said, when entering RS, the condition for children's four patients really quite weak. The temperature of their body in general 39 levels. His two physical patients were very weak that namely the Inspiration and Paradise. "But earlier (yesterday, red), they already rather baikan." Has had the improvement on the whole. That still was hot Inspiration, the age patient 2.2 years, revealed Khalik. Information that was assembled mentioned, in the inspection last Thursday, two patients also it was known were affected by pneumonia or the inflammation of the lungs. That was based on results of the photograph x-rayed. However according to the sign doctor of his clinic was not too heavy.
In the meantime, the Ahli Staff the Menkokesra office at the same time from komnas bird flu that was assigned especially monitored the implementation of the handling suspect in this area, Dr Dr Armyn Nurdin, said, himself was specially assigned monitored the development of this case. "We were grateful that the fast movement action that was carried out the Makassar Municipal Government has been very exact in accordance with the national standard and the standard of WHO. Baik the medical and non-medical action."
The command post in RS and in the field, that has been in accordance with the standard. The medical action in accordance with the standard. Medical readiness, if later exploded, RS, the power, and equipment have been ready. For South Sulawesi for bird flu all was ready, said Armyn that also former Kadis Kesehatan Makassar. His side only hoped that the comprehensive action that was carried out could control the virus and prevented his spreading. Has been "carried out the vaccine and the burning." So the action biosecurity and depopulation has also been carried out and will continue to be carried out.
Counselling must also continue to be carried out. Also will be carried out by the cleaning or cleaning the Sudiang circle virus. His hope, the virus will not circulate in the environment. All has been appropriate protap and we remained praying, he said Armyn also stressed that in fact, the research and the testing into the 17 patients have been carried out by the Unhas side. However results continued to be waiting litbangkes. Because, said he, so that was legal according to WHO. "Tapi without waiting for results of Unhas to have been carried out by the action as if results (positive, red) that has been available." This as the form of anticipation, he said.
The sub-district head Biringkanaya, AM Yasir said, the emergence suspect bird flu in his territory indeed enabled. The reason is, the resident, especially in Pattene quite happy to maintain the poultry. On average the house, according to him, had the chicken coop, the duck, or the dove. "They that suspect this berlamat in Street Pattene, RW 2 RT 5," beber him. Although having 17 residents who entered the hospital, but according to Yasir, his community, including around the residence of the patients stayed just very calm. "There was no panic." And indeed we have carried out the socialisation, and the extermination. Already many poultries that were burnt then was buried, he said.
The case suspect bird flu in Makassar this personally not the first case. Since 2006 then, already 37 people who had been stated suspect bird flu. "But not there is one that is positive," stressed Herry.
Ought to be on the alert Section Head Kesehatan of the South Sulawesi Province, Dr Rahmat Latif SpPD MARS asked the other area also to have to to be on the alert. Because of it is not impossible, the bird flu virus also was threatening. With this signal of the bird flu virus, the side of the province of the health service, according to the Blessing, has carried out anticipation of early. Including planning to carry out the simulation of the handling and the prevention. "Only indeed rather was postponed because suddenly had the case in Makassar and for the time being we the focus there," said the Blessing.
The blessing mentioned areas that ought to be on the alert like Sidrap and the other city regency that had poultry livestock breeding enough. He stressed that almost all the territories in South Sulawesi the bird flu danger. The reason is, the resident in this area still was having the habit maintained and penned the poultry, especially the chicken in the cellar.
167 poultries were destroyed
Simulation bird flu cancelled
167 poultries were destroyed
(on November 15 2008,
MAKASSAR -- the Marine Service and Food Endurance with the Health Service of the Makassar City and the government of the Biringkanaya Subdistrict, on Friday, November 14, destroyed 167 poultries belonging to the resident Street Pattene Kampung Tangki Jangang, the Sudiang District, the Subdistrict Biringkanaya.
Hadir in this opportunity the Section Head the Health of the Animal (Keswan) and the Health of the Veteriner Community (Kesmavet) the Marine Service and Endurance of City Food of Makassar drh Nurmayanti, Section Head Kesehatan of the Makassar City Dr Naisyah Tun Azikin, as well as the Head of the Subdistrict of Biringkanaya Andi Muh Yasir.
The extermination of this poultry, was witnessed by dozens of local residents, especially the owner of the poultry. The official penyuluh livestock breeding from the Kelautan Service and Pangan Endurance, was helped sector police's apparatus (Sector Police) Biringkanaya, installed the line of police round the extermination hole of the poultry. The line of these police to prevent the resident entering this area.
Approximately five officials of livestock breeding put on coloured protective clothes white complete with the mask, stood round this hole. They cut one by one off the poultry, afterwards put in the hole. Several Several poultries could be free, the activity of the official of livestock breeding and police pursued this free poultry, could become the funny show. A rabbit, almost took part in being destroyed, Lucky Kepala Seksi Keswan and Kesmavet, drh Nurmayanti, fast prevented him.
After putting all the poultry, the turn of the poultry pen that was carried to the hole. The official who put on protective clothes, afterwards poured kerosene and burnt him. To several reporters, drh Nurmayanti said, the extermination of this poultry was carried out while three days were endless since the discovery suspect bird flu in this village.
He detailed, on the first day had 18 chickens that were destroyed, and 88 tails of the poultry on the second day, consist of, 58 chickens, five doves, three ducks, and 22 tails rentok or Manila. "Now earlier (yesterday, red) we the data had 61 poultries." So the whole had 167 tails of the poultry, said Nurmayanti. Nurmayanti claimed, the poultry that died quite positive bird flu.
He admitted to taking one sample of the poultry carcass and researching him. Positive results of bird flu. On that basis, his side afterwards took the step in the extermination. Further, said Nurmayanti, his side was still carrying out the survey in the place on the 14th day, afterwards the 60th day. "This in accordance with the handling procedure" of "bird flu," said Nurmayanti.
The head of the Biringkanaya Subdistrict, Andi Muh Yasir, claimed very grateful on the cooperative attitude his resident to hand over the poultry. "Indeed, we in tripika always sosialisasikan to the resident about the handling procedure" of "bird flu." Praise the Lord, they were enough to understand and be willing to hand over his poultry.
This really facilitated our task, said Yasir. The discovery suspect bird flu in RW 2 RT 5 Tangki Jangan Kelurahan Sudiang villages, made the simulation activity of the handling of bird flu that the plan was spread out by the Kesehatan Service of the South Sulawesi Province in Tamangapa on Saturday, November 15 today failed. One of the staffs Dinkes South Sulawesi, Anwar to the Dawn said, this simulation activity was postponed up until the deadline that was not yet determined.
167 poultries were destroyed
(on November 15 2008,
MAKASSAR -- the Marine Service and Food Endurance with the Health Service of the Makassar City and the government of the Biringkanaya Subdistrict, on Friday, November 14, destroyed 167 poultries belonging to the resident Street Pattene Kampung Tangki Jangang, the Sudiang District, the Subdistrict Biringkanaya.
Hadir in this opportunity the Section Head the Health of the Animal (Keswan) and the Health of the Veteriner Community (Kesmavet) the Marine Service and Endurance of City Food of Makassar drh Nurmayanti, Section Head Kesehatan of the Makassar City Dr Naisyah Tun Azikin, as well as the Head of the Subdistrict of Biringkanaya Andi Muh Yasir.
The extermination of this poultry, was witnessed by dozens of local residents, especially the owner of the poultry. The official penyuluh livestock breeding from the Kelautan Service and Pangan Endurance, was helped sector police's apparatus (Sector Police) Biringkanaya, installed the line of police round the extermination hole of the poultry. The line of these police to prevent the resident entering this area.
Approximately five officials of livestock breeding put on coloured protective clothes white complete with the mask, stood round this hole. They cut one by one off the poultry, afterwards put in the hole. Several Several poultries could be free, the activity of the official of livestock breeding and police pursued this free poultry, could become the funny show. A rabbit, almost took part in being destroyed, Lucky Kepala Seksi Keswan and Kesmavet, drh Nurmayanti, fast prevented him.
After putting all the poultry, the turn of the poultry pen that was carried to the hole. The official who put on protective clothes, afterwards poured kerosene and burnt him. To several reporters, drh Nurmayanti said, the extermination of this poultry was carried out while three days were endless since the discovery suspect bird flu in this village.
He detailed, on the first day had 18 chickens that were destroyed, and 88 tails of the poultry on the second day, consist of, 58 chickens, five doves, three ducks, and 22 tails rentok or Manila. "Now earlier (yesterday, red) we the data had 61 poultries." So the whole had 167 tails of the poultry, said Nurmayanti. Nurmayanti claimed, the poultry that died quite positive bird flu.
He admitted to taking one sample of the poultry carcass and researching him. Positive results of bird flu. On that basis, his side afterwards took the step in the extermination. Further, said Nurmayanti, his side was still carrying out the survey in the place on the 14th day, afterwards the 60th day. "This in accordance with the handling procedure" of "bird flu," said Nurmayanti.
The head of the Biringkanaya Subdistrict, Andi Muh Yasir, claimed very grateful on the cooperative attitude his resident to hand over the poultry. "Indeed, we in tripika always sosialisasikan to the resident about the handling procedure" of "bird flu." Praise the Lord, they were enough to understand and be willing to hand over his poultry.
This really facilitated our task, said Yasir. The discovery suspect bird flu in RW 2 RT 5 Tangki Jangan Kelurahan Sudiang villages, made the simulation activity of the handling of bird flu that the plan was spread out by the Kesehatan Service of the South Sulawesi Province in Tamangapa on Saturday, November 15 today failed. One of the staffs Dinkes South Sulawesi, Anwar to the Dawn said, this simulation activity was postponed up until the deadline that was not yet determined.
Makassar Summary Update II
RS Wahidin
2 Families & various neighbors
From: Tangki Jangang Village, RW2 RT5 Patte’ne, Sudiang, Biringkanaya
Recon: Sudiang Community Health Centre
symptoms: high fever, vomiting, coughing. breathless.
Admitted 11/12:
Mother: Dg Nginga
Father: Rizal
Nurul Awaliah/Andia/ (3), (1st one sick) (08.00) (blood sent) Intensive Care, Pakis sib.
Nurfadillah /Nur Matan/ (4 months), No blood taken. (between 08-12.00) Intensive Care Pakis Bldg. sib. Home: 11/14.
Salman (6/4), (08.00) (blood sent) Intensive Care, Pakis Bldg. sib. Sym onset: 11/10 (?)
Saleha (12)/Saleha (10/11), sib. (12.00) (blood sent) Isolation/observe, RS Wahidin
“Two families that were other”: Yohani & Irwan.
Irwan (5/6/8), (12.00) (blood sent) Isolation/observe, RS Wahidin.
Johani (60)/Yohani (50). (12.00) (blood sent) Isolaltion/observe, RS Wahidin
Admitted 11/13:
firdaus (6), 11/14: Condition good, except fever still high. Isolation/observe, RS Wahidin. Played with chicken that died.
Fauzi Ibn Rajab (3 months) Intensive Care, Pakis Bldg. Fever/breathless since night of 11/11.
Father: Jufri (30)
Older Brother: Ahmad Hidayat
Ilham (2), Isolation RS Wahidin
Alif (3 months) Isolation RS Wahidin
Desi (5), Isolation RS Wahidin
Eki Desviani (5 months) Isolation RS Wahidin
Rahmawati (2) Isolation RS Wahidin
Hartati/Nartati (26), isolation/observe, RS Wahidin
Nuraine/Nuraeni (31), isolation/observe, RS Wahidin
Hasnawati (34), isolation/observe, RS Wahidin
Annisa (6), isolation, observe
General Notes:
6 patients: influenza A
3 of the 6 have bronchopneumonia
2 days lapse between kids.
3 toddlers onset sym: Monday, 11/10.
Sprayed chicken farms in the area.
Of 6 reported, 5 were taken blood. [reinforces above note that Nur Fadillah did not have blood drawn]
Meanwhile, today, Thursday (13/11) Unit emergency hospitals also receive the same psien also stated that suspeck bird flu as many as 10 people.
These are also identified as suffering the same complaint with the previous seven patients, which is the neighbors.
He added, from 23 regencies/the city in South Sulawesi, Makassar was the endemic area of the virus of H5N. Salah Satu his indicator was the case suspect most bird flu in this city. "The only free area bird flu" was Enrekang," he said.
11/15: Two hospitals ready to accomodate: RS Faisal & RS Akademis.
Samples sent to two labs: Unhas Lab & Litbangkes.
Maintenance space of the patient diperketat,tidak was allowed to enter except the patient's family and the medical staff. ”Di the room we for two zones, namely the yellow zone still could be entered and the red zone only for the team medis,”
Notes on 2nd Family:
Jufri, 30, Sir from Fausi, 3 months, said, the eldest child from two related this experienced the fever was accompanied breathless since last Tuesday night (11/11).
He was personally surprised his article his child had not carried out direct contact with the poultry that was around his residence. [talking about the 3 month old]
”Pada late last week my kept chicken will also die totalling seven tails, but I at once destroyed him by means of being burnt.
Exterminated 100 tails after many chickens died in the last 2 weeks. After that his child and 6 other neighbors suffered cough, fever & breathless)
Notes on Poultry Die Off [all taken from various stories here]
Several days before being treated, the inhabitants around his house found dozens of chickens died suddenly with the condition for the coloured body blue and rotted.
Location in the residence, we found some chickens dying and the positive of bird flu.
"They were taken to the hospital because of this experience fever with body temperature higher, and in the vicinity of his home found dozens of dead chickens rot with a bluish body," said a nurse at the hospital ruanga isolation Wahidin, Fatimah, Thursday.
About the chickens were found dead around the patients house, the head of the Office of Makassar Health Naisyah Tun Asikin said based on the results of Health Office of Makassar on the sample of dead chickens known chickens are positive to have the H5N1 virus.
"To anticipate the spread of bird flu patients around the house, officials of the Health Office in Makassar have to destroy tens of fowl in the region RT 5 RW 2 Neighborhood Sudiang," he said.
All the 17 patients are being treated at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Regional General Hospital came from the same area of Jl Pate' ne in Sudiang District Biringkaya Subregency, where several chickens were found dead. Husbandry Directorate at the Regional Office of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries announced that the virus was found on the chickens.
Meanwhile, Jefri (30), the father of one suspect bird flu patients, Fauzi, who is still three months since said two weeks ago that the environment for tens of chicken house owned by neighbors died suddenly.
And according to officials from the animal husbandry office in Makassar, the chickens are neighbors who were found infected by the H5N1 virus.
"After many chickens that died, two weeks ago it carried out the destruction around seratusan chicken by the health office. After that, my children and six other neighbors suffered cough, fever and shortness of breath," he explained.
Jefri admitted to wonder, for himself does not raise chickens, and never the type of contact with poultry that almost every house pets to be around.
Kurnia said 31 chickens had died in the subdistrict in the past week before three toddlers started to show symptoms Monday.
She said she had sent officers to cull 20 birds and spray disinfectant at chicken farms in the area.
”Dugaan this bird flu to strengthen with respect towards 17 pasients here after hundreds of poultries in and around his environment died suddenly since a week of last,” expressed Kepala IRD RS Wahidin that also the team's member of the handling of bird flu Dr Wasis Udaya yesterday.
Information that was received by SINDO, it was known if since last Saturday (9/11) was gotten by 27 chickens that died suddenly
Casualties's family said, in their residence territory was found by several chickens died suddenly. Not long after this incident of several residents was known began to suffer the fever that was accompanied breathless.
As far as this is concerned the extermination against the poultry animal in the patient's residence was carried out to prevent the spreading of the spread of the virus from chickens that died suddenly.
11/15: The extermination of this poultry was carried out to that his three times, yesterday.
Twice beforehand has destroyed 106 poultries (the chicken, the duck, birds), and yesterday improved 61 tails.
11/15: Culled 167 poultry infected with virus. The step in the extermination of this poultry dilakukan,terkait the report on the resident around that stated the number of livestock chickens that suddenly died suddenly in time for the last three days. most poultries that were destroyed were poultry, and after being checked in the laboratory veteriner the Maros animal the chicken carcass indeed contained this dangerous virus. For that, as anticipation so that the virus does not spread, then all the poultry was at a distance of the radius 1 kilometre from the location of the incident all of them would be destroyed. The extermination of this poultry was witnessed, the member Komnas Flu Burung, Dinas Kesehatan South Sulawesi Livestock Breeding Service, the Service Perikanan,Kelautan and Makassar Food Endurance (DPKP), the sub-district head as well as the village heads.
1 article states residents willingly give over poultry, another article says they were forced.
RS Wahidin
2 Families & various neighbors
From: Tangki Jangang Village, RW2 RT5 Patte’ne, Sudiang, Biringkanaya
Recon: Sudiang Community Health Centre
symptoms: high fever, vomiting, coughing. breathless.
Admitted 11/12:
Mother: Dg Nginga
Father: Rizal
Nurul Awaliah/Andia/ (3), (1st one sick) (08.00) (blood sent) Intensive Care, Pakis sib.
Nurfadillah /Nur Matan/ (4 months), No blood taken. (between 08-12.00) Intensive Care Pakis Bldg. sib. Home: 11/14.
Salman (6/4), (08.00) (blood sent) Intensive Care, Pakis Bldg. sib. Sym onset: 11/10 (?)
Saleha (12)/Saleha (10/11), sib. (12.00) (blood sent) Isolation/observe, RS Wahidin
“Two families that were other”: Yohani & Irwan.
Irwan (5/6/8), (12.00) (blood sent) Isolation/observe, RS Wahidin.
Johani (60)/Yohani (50). (12.00) (blood sent) Isolaltion/observe, RS Wahidin
Admitted 11/13:
firdaus (6), 11/14: Condition good, except fever still high. Isolation/observe, RS Wahidin. Played with chicken that died.
Fauzi Ibn Rajab (3 months) Intensive Care, Pakis Bldg. Fever/breathless since night of 11/11.
Father: Jufri (30)
Older Brother: Ahmad Hidayat
Ilham (2), Isolation RS Wahidin
Alif (3 months) Isolation RS Wahidin
Desi (5), Isolation RS Wahidin
Eki Desviani (5 months) Isolation RS Wahidin
Rahmawati (2) Isolation RS Wahidin
Hartati/Nartati (26), isolation/observe, RS Wahidin
Nuraine/Nuraeni (31), isolation/observe, RS Wahidin
Hasnawati (34), isolation/observe, RS Wahidin
Annisa (6), isolation, observe
General Notes:
6 patients: influenza A
3 of the 6 have bronchopneumonia
2 days lapse between kids.
3 toddlers onset sym: Monday, 11/10.
Sprayed chicken farms in the area.
Of 6 reported, 5 were taken blood. [reinforces above note that Nur Fadillah did not have blood drawn]
Meanwhile, today, Thursday (13/11) Unit emergency hospitals also receive the same psien also stated that suspeck bird flu as many as 10 people.
These are also identified as suffering the same complaint with the previous seven patients, which is the neighbors.
He added, from 23 regencies/the city in South Sulawesi, Makassar was the endemic area of the virus of H5N. Salah Satu his indicator was the case suspect most bird flu in this city. "The only free area bird flu" was Enrekang," he said.
11/15: Two hospitals ready to accomodate: RS Faisal & RS Akademis.
Samples sent to two labs: Unhas Lab & Litbangkes.
Maintenance space of the patient diperketat,tidak was allowed to enter except the patient's family and the medical staff. ”Di the room we for two zones, namely the yellow zone still could be entered and the red zone only for the team medis,”
Notes on 2nd Family:
Jufri, 30, Sir from Fausi, 3 months, said, the eldest child from two related this experienced the fever was accompanied breathless since last Tuesday night (11/11).
He was personally surprised his article his child had not carried out direct contact with the poultry that was around his residence. [talking about the 3 month old]
”Pada late last week my kept chicken will also die totalling seven tails, but I at once destroyed him by means of being burnt.
Exterminated 100 tails after many chickens died in the last 2 weeks. After that his child and 6 other neighbors suffered cough, fever & breathless)
Notes on Poultry Die Off [all taken from various stories here]
Several days before being treated, the inhabitants around his house found dozens of chickens died suddenly with the condition for the coloured body blue and rotted.
Location in the residence, we found some chickens dying and the positive of bird flu.
"They were taken to the hospital because of this experience fever with body temperature higher, and in the vicinity of his home found dozens of dead chickens rot with a bluish body," said a nurse at the hospital ruanga isolation Wahidin, Fatimah, Thursday.
About the chickens were found dead around the patients house, the head of the Office of Makassar Health Naisyah Tun Asikin said based on the results of Health Office of Makassar on the sample of dead chickens known chickens are positive to have the H5N1 virus.
"To anticipate the spread of bird flu patients around the house, officials of the Health Office in Makassar have to destroy tens of fowl in the region RT 5 RW 2 Neighborhood Sudiang," he said.
All the 17 patients are being treated at Wahidin Sudirohusodo Regional General Hospital came from the same area of Jl Pate' ne in Sudiang District Biringkaya Subregency, where several chickens were found dead. Husbandry Directorate at the Regional Office of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries announced that the virus was found on the chickens.
Meanwhile, Jefri (30), the father of one suspect bird flu patients, Fauzi, who is still three months since said two weeks ago that the environment for tens of chicken house owned by neighbors died suddenly.
And according to officials from the animal husbandry office in Makassar, the chickens are neighbors who were found infected by the H5N1 virus.
"After many chickens that died, two weeks ago it carried out the destruction around seratusan chicken by the health office. After that, my children and six other neighbors suffered cough, fever and shortness of breath," he explained.
Jefri admitted to wonder, for himself does not raise chickens, and never the type of contact with poultry that almost every house pets to be around.
Kurnia said 31 chickens had died in the subdistrict in the past week before three toddlers started to show symptoms Monday.
She said she had sent officers to cull 20 birds and spray disinfectant at chicken farms in the area.
”Dugaan this bird flu to strengthen with respect towards 17 pasients here after hundreds of poultries in and around his environment died suddenly since a week of last,” expressed Kepala IRD RS Wahidin that also the team's member of the handling of bird flu Dr Wasis Udaya yesterday.
Information that was received by SINDO, it was known if since last Saturday (9/11) was gotten by 27 chickens that died suddenly
Casualties's family said, in their residence territory was found by several chickens died suddenly. Not long after this incident of several residents was known began to suffer the fever that was accompanied breathless.
As far as this is concerned the extermination against the poultry animal in the patient's residence was carried out to prevent the spreading of the spread of the virus from chickens that died suddenly.
11/15: The extermination of this poultry was carried out to that his three times, yesterday.
Twice beforehand has destroyed 106 poultries (the chicken, the duck, birds), and yesterday improved 61 tails.
11/15: Culled 167 poultry infected with virus. The step in the extermination of this poultry dilakukan,terkait the report on the resident around that stated the number of livestock chickens that suddenly died suddenly in time for the last three days. most poultries that were destroyed were poultry, and after being checked in the laboratory veteriner the Maros animal the chicken carcass indeed contained this dangerous virus. For that, as anticipation so that the virus does not spread, then all the poultry was at a distance of the radius 1 kilometre from the location of the incident all of them would be destroyed. The extermination of this poultry was witnessed, the member Komnas Flu Burung, Dinas Kesehatan South Sulawesi Livestock Breeding Service, the Service Perikanan,Kelautan and Makassar Food Endurance (DPKP), the sub-district head as well as the village heads.
1 article states residents willingly give over poultry, another article says they were forced.
Suspect Bird Flu patients improved
Makassar, Sulawesi
15 11 2008
Suspect Bird Flu patients improved
Condition for the health 17 patients were expected (suspect) bird flu in the Hospital Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi), began to improve, yesterday, except Firdaus, 6. Firdaus till yesterday afternoon was still feverish.
The team's spokesperson of the handling of the hospital bird flu, Khalid Saleh, explained his side still was waiting for results of the sample inspection of blood that has been sent of the Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Body (Balitang) the Department of the Health in Jakarta. So, 'till today (yesterday), we still could not confirm whether 17 patients were infected by the virus H5N1 (bird flu)', explained Khalid.
Several days before 17 residents Street Tangki of RT/RW 05/02, the District of Sudiang, the Biringkanaya Subdistrict, Makassar, that was treated, around their house was found by dozens of chickens that died suddenly with the condition for the body turned blue.
Results of the Kesehatan Service inspection of the Makassar City showed these chickens were infected with bird flu.
Officially Kesehatan local continued to carry out the extermination of the poultry. The extermination of this poultry was carried out to that his three times, yesterday.
Twice beforehand has destroyed 106 poultries (the chicken, the duck, birds), and yesterday improved 61 tails. The extermination that was helped by the Team of the Peternakan Dinas Kelautan Field and Pangan Kota Makassar Endurance this was witnessed by the local resident. Moreover the residents willingly helped gathered their kept poultry to be destroyed.
In the meantime, Section Head Kesehatan of the Makassar Naisyah Azikin City that was found in the location of the extermination of the poultry said the burning was carried out to the poultry that was gotten to the radius 1 kilometre from the location of the discovery of the case of bird flu.
hattip Dutchy
15 11 2008
Suspect Bird Flu patients improved
Condition for the health 17 patients were expected (suspect) bird flu in the Hospital Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi), began to improve, yesterday, except Firdaus, 6. Firdaus till yesterday afternoon was still feverish.
The team's spokesperson of the handling of the hospital bird flu, Khalid Saleh, explained his side still was waiting for results of the sample inspection of blood that has been sent of the Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Body (Balitang) the Department of the Health in Jakarta. So, 'till today (yesterday), we still could not confirm whether 17 patients were infected by the virus H5N1 (bird flu)', explained Khalid.
Several days before 17 residents Street Tangki of RT/RW 05/02, the District of Sudiang, the Biringkanaya Subdistrict, Makassar, that was treated, around their house was found by dozens of chickens that died suddenly with the condition for the body turned blue.
Results of the Kesehatan Service inspection of the Makassar City showed these chickens were infected with bird flu.
Officially Kesehatan local continued to carry out the extermination of the poultry. The extermination of this poultry was carried out to that his three times, yesterday.
Twice beforehand has destroyed 106 poultries (the chicken, the duck, birds), and yesterday improved 61 tails. The extermination that was helped by the Team of the Peternakan Dinas Kelautan Field and Pangan Kota Makassar Endurance this was witnessed by the local resident. Moreover the residents willingly helped gathered their kept poultry to be destroyed.
In the meantime, Section Head Kesehatan of the Makassar Naisyah Azikin City that was found in the location of the extermination of the poultry said the burning was carried out to the poultry that was gotten to the radius 1 kilometre from the location of the discovery of the case of bird flu.
hattip Dutchy
17 residents Sudiang Suspect Bird Flu
17 residents Sudiang Suspect Bird Flu
on Thursday, on November 13 2008
Makassar, totalling 17 patients suspect bird flu was isolated in RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo,kemarin. These patients came from the Village of Tangkejangang,Kel Sudiang,Kec Biringkanaya.
They who were expected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) this underwent pengisolasian in two rooms namely the Pakis Building and Gawat Darurat Installation space (IRD) RS property of the government.
As many as 10 from 17 patients who were treated in RS Wahidin, were pre-schoolers, respectively Nurul Awaliah; 3 years 6 months; Nurfadilah, 4 months; Salman, 4 years; Fauzi, 3 years. All of them were treated intensive in the special room of the ferns building. Whereas five other was the Inspiration 2 years; Alif,3 the month; Desi, 5 years, Eki Desriani, 5 months, Rahmawati,2 the year was isolated in IRD RS Wahidin space.
Apart from to 10 pre-schoolers, RS Wahidin also isolated and observed the condition for seven patients anakanak and dewasa.Ketujuh him that is Irwan,6; Saleha 12,Ny Johani,60,Firdaus, 6, Nartati, 26, Nuraeni, 31, Hasnawati,34,serta Annisa,6. All this patient was reconciled by the Sudiang Community Health Centre to RS Wahidin since last Wednesday (12/11) after experiencing the high fever around 39.5 Celsius levels.
Moreover, they also experienced breathless and the cough continually.
”Dugaan this bird flu menguatterhadapke 17pasienini after hundreds of poultries in and around his environment died suddenly since a week of lalu,”ungkap Kepala IRD RS Wahidin that also the team's member of the handling of bird flu Dr Wasis Udaya yesterday.
Moreover, said Wasis, from results of the research that was carried out by the Kesehatan Service of the Makassar City of finding several poultries that died positive terjangkit the virus H5N1 that spread through this air.
Wasis that gave press information in RS Wahidin this said, since last Wednesday (12/11) his side received seven patients suspect bird flu from Kel Sudiang. Now the entire morning till the afternoon yesterday, almost simultaneously came back the arrival 10 patients who were expected terjangkit the illness virus sama,dimana his address also came from the same area.
”Sampel blood and and (throat mucus) to 17 patients suspect this bird flu was sent to the Unhas Laboratory and in two today will be accepted by results. Moreover, we also sent the sample of his blood to the Lab in Jakarta to know whether this was positive or tidak,” he explained to several reporters.
By him that, he warned to each official of the community health centre that the routine monitored his resident who experienced the quite high fever, the cough continually, and that experienced breathless.
Moreover, the increase, in and around the community's environment was received the poultry that died suddenly.
Information that was received, it was known if since last Saturday (9/11) was gotten by 27 chickens that died suddenly in the Tangkejangang Village that shared a border with this Maros Regency. At the time of that simultaneously, the chicken that was gotten in the Salman house also suddenly died. ”Pada on November 10 (on Sunday) a patient named Salman began the cough and the fever were still being run off with to RS Wahidin.
In the afternoon him, an amount tetanga him also experienced the sign of the illness that so as on that day also as many as seven patients were reconciled here (RS Wahidin) ,” more RS Wahidin public relations Dr the gift yesterday.
The gift claimed, the sample of temporary blood was still being checked in the medical laboratory Unhas.Dari results rapid, found six patients who experienced A kind influenza that and headed terjangkit H5N1.
Ha him, he still merahasian the identity from the six patients who were expected terjangkit this. Jufri,30,bapak from Fausi, 3 months, said, the eldest child from two related this experienced the fever was accompanied breathless since last Tuesday night (11/11).
He was personally surprised his article his child had not carried out direct contact with the poultry that was around his residence. ”Pada late last week my kept chicken will also die totalling seven tails, but I at once destroyed him by means of being burnt. Because of being frightened of the bird flu illness, finally we carried him to RS,”tutur him when being met in front of the ferns Building. The husband from Fitriah this said, since last week hundreds of tails of the chicken in his territory suddenly meninggal.
Pada at that time also, several officials of the community health centre and the Service of Kesehatan Makassar entered directly to destroy these chickens as well as check the health of the resident. He hoped his child who was new three months the bird flu negative. From observation of our source, in RS Wahidin,ke 17 patients suspect the bird flu underwent observation and the isolation in the special room. The RS side restricted the patient to to carry out direct contact with his family and oblige each visitor to wear clothes steris to peer pasien.Daya accommodated isolation space personally could accommodate as far as 20 patients and if improving, the RS side prepared the special room to pengisolasian.
on Thursday, on November 13 2008
Makassar, totalling 17 patients suspect bird flu was isolated in RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo,kemarin. These patients came from the Village of Tangkejangang,Kel Sudiang,Kec Biringkanaya.
They who were expected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) this underwent pengisolasian in two rooms namely the Pakis Building and Gawat Darurat Installation space (IRD) RS property of the government.
As many as 10 from 17 patients who were treated in RS Wahidin, were pre-schoolers, respectively Nurul Awaliah; 3 years 6 months; Nurfadilah, 4 months; Salman, 4 years; Fauzi, 3 years. All of them were treated intensive in the special room of the ferns building. Whereas five other was the Inspiration 2 years; Alif,3 the month; Desi, 5 years, Eki Desriani, 5 months, Rahmawati,2 the year was isolated in IRD RS Wahidin space.
Apart from to 10 pre-schoolers, RS Wahidin also isolated and observed the condition for seven patients anakanak and dewasa.Ketujuh him that is Irwan,6; Saleha 12,Ny Johani,60,Firdaus, 6, Nartati, 26, Nuraeni, 31, Hasnawati,34,serta Annisa,6. All this patient was reconciled by the Sudiang Community Health Centre to RS Wahidin since last Wednesday (12/11) after experiencing the high fever around 39.5 Celsius levels.
Moreover, they also experienced breathless and the cough continually.
”Dugaan this bird flu menguatterhadapke 17pasienini after hundreds of poultries in and around his environment died suddenly since a week of lalu,”ungkap Kepala IRD RS Wahidin that also the team's member of the handling of bird flu Dr Wasis Udaya yesterday.
Moreover, said Wasis, from results of the research that was carried out by the Kesehatan Service of the Makassar City of finding several poultries that died positive terjangkit the virus H5N1 that spread through this air.
Wasis that gave press information in RS Wahidin this said, since last Wednesday (12/11) his side received seven patients suspect bird flu from Kel Sudiang. Now the entire morning till the afternoon yesterday, almost simultaneously came back the arrival 10 patients who were expected terjangkit the illness virus sama,dimana his address also came from the same area.
”Sampel blood and and (throat mucus) to 17 patients suspect this bird flu was sent to the Unhas Laboratory and in two today will be accepted by results. Moreover, we also sent the sample of his blood to the Lab in Jakarta to know whether this was positive or tidak,” he explained to several reporters.
By him that, he warned to each official of the community health centre that the routine monitored his resident who experienced the quite high fever, the cough continually, and that experienced breathless.
Moreover, the increase, in and around the community's environment was received the poultry that died suddenly.
Information that was received, it was known if since last Saturday (9/11) was gotten by 27 chickens that died suddenly in the Tangkejangang Village that shared a border with this Maros Regency. At the time of that simultaneously, the chicken that was gotten in the Salman house also suddenly died. ”Pada on November 10 (on Sunday) a patient named Salman began the cough and the fever were still being run off with to RS Wahidin.
In the afternoon him, an amount tetanga him also experienced the sign of the illness that so as on that day also as many as seven patients were reconciled here (RS Wahidin) ,” more RS Wahidin public relations Dr the gift yesterday.
The gift claimed, the sample of temporary blood was still being checked in the medical laboratory Unhas.Dari results rapid, found six patients who experienced A kind influenza that and headed terjangkit H5N1.
Ha him, he still merahasian the identity from the six patients who were expected terjangkit this. Jufri,30,bapak from Fausi, 3 months, said, the eldest child from two related this experienced the fever was accompanied breathless since last Tuesday night (11/11).
He was personally surprised his article his child had not carried out direct contact with the poultry that was around his residence. ”Pada late last week my kept chicken will also die totalling seven tails, but I at once destroyed him by means of being burnt. Because of being frightened of the bird flu illness, finally we carried him to RS,”tutur him when being met in front of the ferns Building. The husband from Fitriah this said, since last week hundreds of tails of the chicken in his territory suddenly meninggal.
Pada at that time also, several officials of the community health centre and the Service of Kesehatan Makassar entered directly to destroy these chickens as well as check the health of the resident. He hoped his child who was new three months the bird flu negative. From observation of our source, in RS Wahidin,ke 17 patients suspect the bird flu underwent observation and the isolation in the special room. The RS side restricted the patient to to carry out direct contact with his family and oblige each visitor to wear clothes steris to peer pasien.Daya accommodated isolation space personally could accommodate as far as 20 patients and if improving, the RS side prepared the special room to pengisolasian.
167 Positive poultries H5N1 was destroyed
167 Positive poultries H5N1 was destroyed
on Saturday, on November 15 2008
MAKASSAR (SINDO) – the Team penanggulang bird flu of the Makassar Municipal Government destroyed at least 167 positive poultries terjangkit the virus avian influenza (H5N1) ,kemarin .Pemusnahan this was carried out by means of burning the poultry as well as his pen, that was located in the Village of Tangkejangang Street Pattene RT 5/RW 2 districts Sudiang the Biringkanaya Subdistrict.
The step in the extermination of this poultry dilakukan,terkait the report on the resident around that stated the number of livestock chickens that suddenly died suddenly in time for the last three days.
Moreover, at this time was recorded by approximately 17 residents it was suspected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) . Ke 17 residents were isolated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital.
The process of the extermination of this poultry took place smooth, not a single resident that the protest during his livestock was good the chicken, the duck, and his kept birds were taken by the official. Moreover, dozens of residents willingly brought his poultry was destroyed.
The staff the Field of Peternakan DPKP Makassar drh Nurmayanti explained, most poultries that were destroyed were ayam,dan after being checked in the laboratory veteriner the Maros animal the chicken carcass indeed contained this dangerous virus. Was like this his matter, to the chicken that hidup,saat was checked by the chicken was indeed positive terjangkit the bird flu virus. ”Ada two samples of the chicken that was sent to the laboratory, and all the results of positif.
Untuk itu,sebagai anticipation so that the virus does not spread, then all the poultry was at a distance of the radius 1 kilometre from the location of the incident all of them would dimusnahkan,”jelas him when being met disela-gap the extermination unggas,kemarin.
Nurmayanti said, post the extermination his side tightened the supervision in the location of the incident, even the team will be dropped off to comb the area around that it was suspected could spread the same virus. Apart from destroying unggas,jelas Nurmayanti,dilokasi co-operated Officially the Health was carried out by spraying anti biotik.
The step was carried out, to prevent the spreading of this virus to the other area. The extermination of this poultry was witnessed, the member Komnas Flu Burung, Dinas Kesehatan South Sulawesi Livestock Breeding Service, the Service Perikanan,Kelautan and Makassar Food Endurance (DPKP), the sub-district head as well as the village heads.
Now itu,Wali Kota Makassar Andi Herry Iskandar said, the case of bird flu that was found bukanlan the extraordinary incident (KLB), because of not yet having the assurance whether being straightened by them was ill avian influenza (AI) or not. ”Jangan fast concluded something, just wait results of the inspection of the laboratory. Later from there just could be taken by the conclusion, slowest a week has had results, ” said Herry ended visited the patient suspectflu birds in RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo,kemarin.
Herry said, the step in anticipation that was carried out by the medical team of the Makassar Municipal Government and the province has been very efficient and exact, both the medical handling and non medis.
Karena like that had the report on all the related agency immediately handled him. Beginning with the maintenance until destroying the poultry that it was considered the source of the dangerous illness. According to Herry, the condition for the patient who was treated gradually began to improve, including four pre-schoolers who originally were stated experienced the high fever. ”Tidak need to worried, for the case like this not only the Wahidin Hospital that was ready to accommodate the patient, but also had two hospitals namely RS Faisal and RS Akademis that were ready accommodated if the official was unstable handled the patient suspect ini,” obviously him.
In the meantime, the medical team of the Kesehatan Makassar Service also took the sample of blood and the saliva from 17 residents who were expected terjangkit this bird flu illness.
Apart from being checked in the Unhas Laboratory, this team also sent his sample to the research and development laboratory (Litbangkes) the Department of the RI Health. This step was taken to determine the assurance positive or not these patients terjangkit bird flu.
Usually, results labarotaorim just could be known after a week.
Was separated Juru Bicara the Medis Team of the Control of RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo Bird Flu, Dr Khalid Saleh said, all the patients who were examined diruang the isolation suffered the sign bird flu.
Even, obviously Khalid, in the day of the two isolation was four that was physical him was very weak until experiencing the fever achieved 39 levels celcius,tapi after being carried out by the medical treatment action by giving flu medicine or tami flu gradually his condition has improved. Khalid said, to maximise the handling then in this hospital was formed the control command post, in order to facilitates the co-ordination in the handling of the patient.
Moreover, especially maintenance space of the patient diperketat,tidak was allowed to enter except the patient's family and the medical staff. ”Di the room we for two zones, namely the yellow zone still could be entered and the red zone only for the team medis,” he explained. The team's medical RS Wahidin data mentioned, the period
2006 till 2007 the case suspectflu birds that were found achieved 37 cases, and one was among them the patient stated positive. And during this year till November, was recorded by 17 patients suspect bird flu.
The staff the Nasional Commission (Komnas) Bird Flu Dr Armyn Nurdin said, the handling of the patient who was expected by bird flu has been in accordance with the national standard, in fact in accordance with the World Health Organization standard (WHO), like the handling bio security, depopulation of the poultry, giving anti the virus through to the cleaning of the area of the incident.
on Saturday, on November 15 2008
MAKASSAR (SINDO) – the Team penanggulang bird flu of the Makassar Municipal Government destroyed at least 167 positive poultries terjangkit the virus avian influenza (H5N1) ,kemarin .Pemusnahan this was carried out by means of burning the poultry as well as his pen, that was located in the Village of Tangkejangang Street Pattene RT 5/RW 2 districts Sudiang the Biringkanaya Subdistrict.
The step in the extermination of this poultry dilakukan,terkait the report on the resident around that stated the number of livestock chickens that suddenly died suddenly in time for the last three days.
Moreover, at this time was recorded by approximately 17 residents it was suspected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) . Ke 17 residents were isolated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital.
The process of the extermination of this poultry took place smooth, not a single resident that the protest during his livestock was good the chicken, the duck, and his kept birds were taken by the official. Moreover, dozens of residents willingly brought his poultry was destroyed.
The staff the Field of Peternakan DPKP Makassar drh Nurmayanti explained, most poultries that were destroyed were ayam,dan after being checked in the laboratory veteriner the Maros animal the chicken carcass indeed contained this dangerous virus. Was like this his matter, to the chicken that hidup,saat was checked by the chicken was indeed positive terjangkit the bird flu virus. ”Ada two samples of the chicken that was sent to the laboratory, and all the results of positif.
Untuk itu,sebagai anticipation so that the virus does not spread, then all the poultry was at a distance of the radius 1 kilometre from the location of the incident all of them would dimusnahkan,”jelas him when being met disela-gap the extermination unggas,kemarin.
Nurmayanti said, post the extermination his side tightened the supervision in the location of the incident, even the team will be dropped off to comb the area around that it was suspected could spread the same virus. Apart from destroying unggas,jelas Nurmayanti,dilokasi co-operated Officially the Health was carried out by spraying anti biotik.
The step was carried out, to prevent the spreading of this virus to the other area. The extermination of this poultry was witnessed, the member Komnas Flu Burung, Dinas Kesehatan South Sulawesi Livestock Breeding Service, the Service Perikanan,Kelautan and Makassar Food Endurance (DPKP), the sub-district head as well as the village heads.
Now itu,Wali Kota Makassar Andi Herry Iskandar said, the case of bird flu that was found bukanlan the extraordinary incident (KLB), because of not yet having the assurance whether being straightened by them was ill avian influenza (AI) or not. ”Jangan fast concluded something, just wait results of the inspection of the laboratory. Later from there just could be taken by the conclusion, slowest a week has had results, ” said Herry ended visited the patient suspectflu birds in RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo,kemarin.
Herry said, the step in anticipation that was carried out by the medical team of the Makassar Municipal Government and the province has been very efficient and exact, both the medical handling and non medis.
Karena like that had the report on all the related agency immediately handled him. Beginning with the maintenance until destroying the poultry that it was considered the source of the dangerous illness. According to Herry, the condition for the patient who was treated gradually began to improve, including four pre-schoolers who originally were stated experienced the high fever. ”Tidak need to worried, for the case like this not only the Wahidin Hospital that was ready to accommodate the patient, but also had two hospitals namely RS Faisal and RS Akademis that were ready accommodated if the official was unstable handled the patient suspect ini,” obviously him.
In the meantime, the medical team of the Kesehatan Makassar Service also took the sample of blood and the saliva from 17 residents who were expected terjangkit this bird flu illness.
Apart from being checked in the Unhas Laboratory, this team also sent his sample to the research and development laboratory (Litbangkes) the Department of the RI Health. This step was taken to determine the assurance positive or not these patients terjangkit bird flu.
Usually, results labarotaorim just could be known after a week.
Was separated Juru Bicara the Medis Team of the Control of RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo Bird Flu, Dr Khalid Saleh said, all the patients who were examined diruang the isolation suffered the sign bird flu.
Even, obviously Khalid, in the day of the two isolation was four that was physical him was very weak until experiencing the fever achieved 39 levels celcius,tapi after being carried out by the medical treatment action by giving flu medicine or tami flu gradually his condition has improved. Khalid said, to maximise the handling then in this hospital was formed the control command post, in order to facilitates the co-ordination in the handling of the patient.
Moreover, especially maintenance space of the patient diperketat,tidak was allowed to enter except the patient's family and the medical staff. ”Di the room we for two zones, namely the yellow zone still could be entered and the red zone only for the team medis,” he explained. The team's medical RS Wahidin data mentioned, the period
2006 till 2007 the case suspectflu birds that were found achieved 37 cases, and one was among them the patient stated positive. And during this year till November, was recorded by 17 patients suspect bird flu.
The staff the Nasional Commission (Komnas) Bird Flu Dr Armyn Nurdin said, the handling of the patient who was expected by bird flu has been in accordance with the national standard, in fact in accordance with the World Health Organization standard (WHO), like the handling bio security, depopulation of the poultry, giving anti the virus through to the cleaning of the area of the incident.
111 Seratusan the Chicken in the Jangang
Jum'at, 14-11-08 11:30 111
Seratusan Ayam di Tangki Jangang Dimusnahkan
Machine translation;
Jum'at, 14-11-08 11:30 of 111 Seratusan the Chicken in the Jangang
Dimusnahkan Tank
The report: Aswad Syam
MAKASSAR -- the Resident of the Jangang Tank, Kelurahan Sudiang be forced destroyed seratusan the tail of the chicken followed the existence of several residents who were expected terjangkit the bird flu virus.
Faridah, the local resident claimed already two today the resident carries out the extermination of the chicken by means of being burnt to three holes that were prepared. Until striking 11,30 Wita, was recorded more 90 chickens that were destroyed. Faridah estimated more 100 chickens will be destroyed today.
the extermination of this animal of the poultry kind also involved the official of Makassar Livestock Breeding of the Service.
Now Paradise (5) up to now still was treated in RSUP Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Paradise was maintained as the patient suspect bird flu and began to be treated since Thursday night (13/11/2008).
According to casualties's older brother, Ahmad Hidayat, before being run off with to the hospital, Paradise could play with the chicken that was sick. Last week, this chicken died. Not old afterwards Paradise experienced the high fever that was accompanied breathless.
According to Ahmad, the sample of his brother's blood was still being researched in the laboratory. Results were just known next week. (aha)
Hattip Shiloh
Seratusan Ayam di Tangki Jangang Dimusnahkan
Machine translation;
Jum'at, 14-11-08 11:30 of 111 Seratusan the Chicken in the Jangang
Dimusnahkan Tank
The report: Aswad Syam
MAKASSAR -- the Resident of the Jangang Tank, Kelurahan Sudiang be forced destroyed seratusan the tail of the chicken followed the existence of several residents who were expected terjangkit the bird flu virus.
Faridah, the local resident claimed already two today the resident carries out the extermination of the chicken by means of being burnt to three holes that were prepared. Until striking 11,30 Wita, was recorded more 90 chickens that were destroyed. Faridah estimated more 100 chickens will be destroyed today.
the extermination of this animal of the poultry kind also involved the official of Makassar Livestock Breeding of the Service.
Now Paradise (5) up to now still was treated in RSUP Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Paradise was maintained as the patient suspect bird flu and began to be treated since Thursday night (13/11/2008).
According to casualties's older brother, Ahmad Hidayat, before being run off with to the hospital, Paradise could play with the chicken that was sick. Last week, this chicken died. Not old afterwards Paradise experienced the high fever that was accompanied breathless.
According to Ahmad, the sample of his brother's blood was still being researched in the laboratory. Results were just known next week. (aha)
Hattip Shiloh
17 residents Sudiang Suspect Bird Flu
on Thursday, on November 13 2008
Makassar, totalling 17 patients suspect bird flu was isolated in RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo,kemarin. These patients came from the Village of Tangkejangang,Kel Sudiang,Kec Biringkanaya.
They who were expected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) this underwent pengisolasian in two rooms namely the Pakis Building and Gawat Darurat Installation space (IRD) RS property of the government.
As many as 10 from 17 patients who were treated in RS Wahidin, were pre-schoolers, respectively Nurul Awaliah; 3 years 6 months; Nurfadilah, 4 months; Salman, 4 years; Fauzi, 3 years. All of them were treated intensive in the special room of the ferns building. Whereas five other was the Inspiration 2 years; Alif,3 the month; Desi, 5 years, Eki Desriani, 5 months, Rahmawati,2 the year was isolated in IRD RS Wahidin space.
Apart from to 10 pre-schoolers, RS Wahidin also isolated and observed the condition for seven patients anakanak and dewasa.Ketujuh him that is Irwan,6; Saleha 12,Ny Johani,60,Firdaus, 6, Nartati, 26, Nuraeni, 31, Hasnawati,34,serta Annisa,6. All this patient was reconciled by the Sudiang Community Health Centre to RS Wahidin since last Wednesday (12/11) after experiencing the high fever around 39.5 Celsius levels.
Moreover, they also experienced breathless and the cough continually.
”Dugaan this bird flu menguatterhadapke 17pasienini after hundreds of poultries in and around his environment died suddenly since a week of lalu,”ungkap Kepala IRD RS Wahidin that also the team's member of the handling of bird flu Dr Wasis Udaya yesterday.
Moreover, said Wasis, from results of the research that was carried out by the Kesehatan Service of the Makassar City of finding several poultries that died positive terjangkit the virus H5N1 that spread through this air.
Wasis that gave press information in RS Wahidin this said, since last Wednesday (12/11) his side received seven patients suspect bird flu from Kel Sudiang. Now the entire morning till the afternoon yesterday, almost simultaneously came back the arrival 10 patients who were expected terjangkit the illness virus sama,dimana his address also came from the same area.
”Sampel blood and and (throat mucus) to 17 patients suspect this bird flu was sent to the Unhas Laboratory and in two today will be accepted by results. Moreover, we also sent the sample of his blood to the Lab in Jakarta to know whether this was positive or tidak,” he explained to several reporters.
By him that, he warned to each official of the community health centre that the routine monitored his resident who experienced the quite high fever, the cough continually, and that experienced breathless.
Moreover, the increase, in and around the community's environment was received the poultry that died suddenly.
Information that was received, it was known if since last Saturday (9/11) was gotten by 27 chickens that died suddenly in the Tangkejangang Village that shared a border with this Maros Regency. At the time of that simultaneously, the chicken that was gotten in the Salman house also suddenly died. ”Pada on November 10 (on Sunday) a patient named Salman began the cough and the fever were still being run off with to RS Wahidin.
In the afternoon him, an amount tetanga him also experienced the sign of the illness that so as on that day also as many as seven patients were reconciled here (RS Wahidin) ,” more RS Wahidin public relations Dr the gift yesterday.
The gift claimed, the sample of temporary blood was still being checked in the medical laboratory Unhas.Dari results rapid, found six patients who experienced A kind influenza that and headed terjangkit H5N1.
Ha him, he still merahasian the identity from the six patients who were expected terjangkit this. Jufri,30,bapak from Fausi, 3 months, said, the eldest child from two related this experienced the fever was accompanied breathless since last Tuesday night (11/11).
He was personally surprised his article his child had not carried out direct contact with the poultry that was around his residence. ”Pada late last week my kept chicken will also die totalling seven tails, but I at once destroyed him by means of being burnt. Because of being frightened of the bird flu illness, finally we carried him to RS,”tutur him when being met in front of the ferns Building. The husband from Fitriah this said, since last week hundreds of tails of the chicken in his territory suddenly meninggal.
Pada at that time also, several officials of the community health centre and the Service of Kesehatan Makassar entered directly to destroy these chickens as well as check the health of the resident. He hoped his child who was new three months the bird flu negative. From observation of our source, in RS Wahidin,ke 17 patients suspect the bird flu underwent observation and the isolation in the special room. The RS side restricted the patient to to carry out direct contact with his family and oblige each visitor to wear clothes steris to peer pasien.Daya accommodated isolation space personally could accommodate as far as 20 patients and if improving, the RS side prepared the special room to pengisolasian.
on Thursday, on November 13 2008
Makassar, totalling 17 patients suspect bird flu was isolated in RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo,kemarin. These patients came from the Village of Tangkejangang,Kel Sudiang,Kec Biringkanaya.
They who were expected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) this underwent pengisolasian in two rooms namely the Pakis Building and Gawat Darurat Installation space (IRD) RS property of the government.
As many as 10 from 17 patients who were treated in RS Wahidin, were pre-schoolers, respectively Nurul Awaliah; 3 years 6 months; Nurfadilah, 4 months; Salman, 4 years; Fauzi, 3 years. All of them were treated intensive in the special room of the ferns building. Whereas five other was the Inspiration 2 years; Alif,3 the month; Desi, 5 years, Eki Desriani, 5 months, Rahmawati,2 the year was isolated in IRD RS Wahidin space.
Apart from to 10 pre-schoolers, RS Wahidin also isolated and observed the condition for seven patients anakanak and dewasa.Ketujuh him that is Irwan,6; Saleha 12,Ny Johani,60,Firdaus, 6, Nartati, 26, Nuraeni, 31, Hasnawati,34,serta Annisa,6. All this patient was reconciled by the Sudiang Community Health Centre to RS Wahidin since last Wednesday (12/11) after experiencing the high fever around 39.5 Celsius levels.
Moreover, they also experienced breathless and the cough continually.
”Dugaan this bird flu menguatterhadapke 17pasienini after hundreds of poultries in and around his environment died suddenly since a week of lalu,”ungkap Kepala IRD RS Wahidin that also the team's member of the handling of bird flu Dr Wasis Udaya yesterday.
Moreover, said Wasis, from results of the research that was carried out by the Kesehatan Service of the Makassar City of finding several poultries that died positive terjangkit the virus H5N1 that spread through this air.
Wasis that gave press information in RS Wahidin this said, since last Wednesday (12/11) his side received seven patients suspect bird flu from Kel Sudiang. Now the entire morning till the afternoon yesterday, almost simultaneously came back the arrival 10 patients who were expected terjangkit the illness virus sama,dimana his address also came from the same area.
”Sampel blood and and (throat mucus) to 17 patients suspect this bird flu was sent to the Unhas Laboratory and in two today will be accepted by results. Moreover, we also sent the sample of his blood to the Lab in Jakarta to know whether this was positive or tidak,” he explained to several reporters.
By him that, he warned to each official of the community health centre that the routine monitored his resident who experienced the quite high fever, the cough continually, and that experienced breathless.
Moreover, the increase, in and around the community's environment was received the poultry that died suddenly.
Information that was received, it was known if since last Saturday (9/11) was gotten by 27 chickens that died suddenly in the Tangkejangang Village that shared a border with this Maros Regency. At the time of that simultaneously, the chicken that was gotten in the Salman house also suddenly died. ”Pada on November 10 (on Sunday) a patient named Salman began the cough and the fever were still being run off with to RS Wahidin.
In the afternoon him, an amount tetanga him also experienced the sign of the illness that so as on that day also as many as seven patients were reconciled here (RS Wahidin) ,” more RS Wahidin public relations Dr the gift yesterday.
The gift claimed, the sample of temporary blood was still being checked in the medical laboratory Unhas.Dari results rapid, found six patients who experienced A kind influenza that and headed terjangkit H5N1.
Ha him, he still merahasian the identity from the six patients who were expected terjangkit this. Jufri,30,bapak from Fausi, 3 months, said, the eldest child from two related this experienced the fever was accompanied breathless since last Tuesday night (11/11).
He was personally surprised his article his child had not carried out direct contact with the poultry that was around his residence. ”Pada late last week my kept chicken will also die totalling seven tails, but I at once destroyed him by means of being burnt. Because of being frightened of the bird flu illness, finally we carried him to RS,”tutur him when being met in front of the ferns Building. The husband from Fitriah this said, since last week hundreds of tails of the chicken in his territory suddenly meninggal.
Pada at that time also, several officials of the community health centre and the Service of Kesehatan Makassar entered directly to destroy these chickens as well as check the health of the resident. He hoped his child who was new three months the bird flu negative. From observation of our source, in RS Wahidin,ke 17 patients suspect the bird flu underwent observation and the isolation in the special room. The RS side restricted the patient to to carry out direct contact with his family and oblige each visitor to wear clothes steris to peer pasien.Daya accommodated isolation space personally could accommodate as far as 20 patients and if improving, the RS side prepared the special room to pengisolasian.

Prevent the Bird Flu Virus, the Poultry Raid
[Right smack dab in the center of Jakarta. Map: http://tinyurl.com/57jcjl]
Again, apparatus of Sudin Peternakan and fisheries Jakarta East spread out sweeping (the raid) against the chicken and the poultry in the RW territory 04 of Kel Utan Kayu Utara Kec. Matraman Kali Ini, apparatus mengaruk 10 chickens and 52 dove birds. Against the chicken that was hit by the net immediately was cut off and his meat was given to his owner. Whereas dove birds were brought to the local district office, was processed further. Sweeping this involved apparatus of Sudin Peternakan and East Jakarta fisheries that were led by Drh Isminarti Aida, Kepala Seksi Keswan/Kesmavet, in being helped district apparatus as well as the management RW/RT local. The operation against the poultry and the chicken that roamed about in this densely-populated settlement was carried out with the aim to anticipate spread him the bird flu virus. Since the case of the illness that could turn off that struck the capital several years ago, apparatus in the environment of Sudin Peternakan and fisheries Jakarta Timur encouraged sweeping in the densely-populated settlement.
The similar raid, beforehand was carried out in the Kel territory. Cipinang Big North (Cibesut) Kec. Jatinegara, with results 8 chickens and 82 dove birds were scratched. “We routinely will carry out the poultry raid up until December mendatang,” said Ir.Sabdo Kurnianto, the Section Head the Supervision and the Control Sudin Livestock Breeding and East Jakarta fisheries, on Friday (14/11). This raid was carried out after disosialisasikan Regional Regulations No4 in 2007 about the control. The maintenance and the circulation of the poultry in Prov. The Special Capital District of Jakarta.
Again, apparatus of Sudin Peternakan and fisheries Jakarta East spread out sweeping (the raid) against the chicken and the poultry in the RW territory 04 of Kel Utan Kayu Utara Kec. Matraman Kali Ini, apparatus mengaruk 10 chickens and 52 dove birds. Against the chicken that was hit by the net immediately was cut off and his meat was given to his owner. Whereas dove birds were brought to the local district office, was processed further. Sweeping this involved apparatus of Sudin Peternakan and East Jakarta fisheries that were led by Drh Isminarti Aida, Kepala Seksi Keswan/Kesmavet, in being helped district apparatus as well as the management RW/RT local. The operation against the poultry and the chicken that roamed about in this densely-populated settlement was carried out with the aim to anticipate spread him the bird flu virus. Since the case of the illness that could turn off that struck the capital several years ago, apparatus in the environment of Sudin Peternakan and fisheries Jakarta Timur encouraged sweeping in the densely-populated settlement.
The similar raid, beforehand was carried out in the Kel territory. Cipinang Big North (Cibesut) Kec. Jatinegara, with results 8 chickens and 82 dove birds were scratched. “We routinely will carry out the poultry raid up until December mendatang,” said Ir.Sabdo Kurnianto, the Section Head the Supervision and the Control Sudin Livestock Breeding and East Jakarta fisheries, on Friday (14/11). This raid was carried out after disosialisasikan Regional Regulations No4 in 2007 about the control. The maintenance and the circulation of the poultry in Prov. The Special Capital District of Jakarta.
Public Warned against Bird Flu Outbreak in Lower North
14 November 2008
Residents in the lower northern province of Uthai Thani have been cautioned about the spread of bird flu. The good news is two children suspected of having the infection have tested negative.
A Public Health Ministry official has warned the public to beware of avian influenza, after an infection was discovered in poultry in Nongchang District of Uthai Thani Province. Earlier, the virus was detected in Sukothai province.
The official said cool temperatures may support the spread of the virus and cause bird-to-human transmission; therefore, those who have knowledge of any fowls dying of unknown causes must inform public health officers, while any person who has touched dead poultry should see a doctor immediately if they experience coughing, high fever, muscle pain, and shortness of breath.
Meanwhile, patients suspected of having being infected with the bird flu in local hospitals in Uthai Thani, including two boys aged two and five years old, have been found not to have the infection.
14 November 2008
Residents in the lower northern province of Uthai Thani have been cautioned about the spread of bird flu. The good news is two children suspected of having the infection have tested negative.
A Public Health Ministry official has warned the public to beware of avian influenza, after an infection was discovered in poultry in Nongchang District of Uthai Thani Province. Earlier, the virus was detected in Sukothai province.
The official said cool temperatures may support the spread of the virus and cause bird-to-human transmission; therefore, those who have knowledge of any fowls dying of unknown causes must inform public health officers, while any person who has touched dead poultry should see a doctor immediately if they experience coughing, high fever, muscle pain, and shortness of breath.
Meanwhile, patients suspected of having being infected with the bird flu in local hospitals in Uthai Thani, including two boys aged two and five years old, have been found not to have the infection.
Impact of the global financial and economic crisis on health
Statement by WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan
12 November 2008
We face a severe financial crisis of unprecedented dimensions in a world that has never before been so closely connected and interdependent. The consequences are global. The situation is volatile. The current financial crisis is rapidly becoming an economic crisis and threatens to become a social crisis in many countries.
The crisis comes at a time when commitment to global health has never been higher. It comes in the midst of the most ambitious drive in history to reduce poverty and distribute the benefits of our modern society, including those related to health, more evenly and fairly in this world - the Millennium Development Goals.
A previous effort to use health as the route to socioeconomic development, launched in 1978, was followed almost immediately by a fuel crisis, soaring oil prices, and the debt crisis of the early 1980s. In the international response to these crises, mistakes were made when budgets were shifted away from investments in the social sectors, most notably health and education. Many countries are still suffering the legacy of these errors.
It is not yet clear what the current financial crisis will mean for low-income and emerging economies, but many predictions are highly pessimistic. In the face of a global recession, fiscal pressures in affluent countries may prompt cuts to official development assistance. Worse still, is the prospect of cuts in social spending - health, education and social protection - that many countries, especially low-income countries, may be forced to undertake. Both of these responses have occurred in the past. And both could be as equally devastating for health, development, security and prosperity as they were in the past.
It is essential therefore to learn from past mistakes and counter this period of economic downturn by increasing investment in health and the social sector. There are several strong reasons supporting this line of action.
First, to protect the poor. Rising food and fuel prices along with employment insecurity are among the factors leading to increasing inequities during an economic downturn. In this context, impoverishing health care expenditures - that in "good" times push more than 100 million persons annually into poverty - are likely to increase dramatically. Inevitably, it is the most vulnerable who suffer the most; the poor, the marginalized, children, women, disabled, the elderly, and those with chronic illness. Stronger social safety nets are urgently needed to protect the most vulnerable in rich and poor countries.
Second, to promote economic recovery. Investment in the social sectors is investment in human capital. Healthy human capital is the foundation of economic productivity and can accelerate recovery towards economic stability.
Third, to promote social stability. Equitable distribution of health care is a critical contributor to social cohesion. Social cohesion is the best protection against social unrest, nationally and internationally. Healthy, productive, and stable populations are always an asset, but most especially in a time of crisis.
Fourth, to generate efficiency. Pre-payment with pooling of resources is the most efficient way of financing health expenditure. Out-of-pocket expenditure at the point of service is the least efficient, and the most impoverishing - already pushing millions below the poverty line each year. A commitment to universal coverage not only protects the poor, it is the most affordable and efficient way of using limited resources.
Fifth, to build security. A world that is greatly out of balance in health is neither stable nor secure. Robust health systems are essential to maintain surveillance and response capacity in the face of pandemic threats. The lack of investment in sub-Saharan African health systems in the 1980s meant they were tragically unprepared for the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the decade that followed.
We must not repeat the mistakes of the past. We cannot afford, in this time of crisis, to squander our investments, to abandon our drive for greater balance in this world, which I firmly believe is a marker of civilized society. I am calling on all governments and political leaders to maintain their efforts to strengthen and improve the performance of their health systems, to protect the health of the people of the world, and in particular of those most fragile, in face of the present financial and economic crisis.
12 November 2008
We face a severe financial crisis of unprecedented dimensions in a world that has never before been so closely connected and interdependent. The consequences are global. The situation is volatile. The current financial crisis is rapidly becoming an economic crisis and threatens to become a social crisis in many countries.
The crisis comes at a time when commitment to global health has never been higher. It comes in the midst of the most ambitious drive in history to reduce poverty and distribute the benefits of our modern society, including those related to health, more evenly and fairly in this world - the Millennium Development Goals.
A previous effort to use health as the route to socioeconomic development, launched in 1978, was followed almost immediately by a fuel crisis, soaring oil prices, and the debt crisis of the early 1980s. In the international response to these crises, mistakes were made when budgets were shifted away from investments in the social sectors, most notably health and education. Many countries are still suffering the legacy of these errors.
It is not yet clear what the current financial crisis will mean for low-income and emerging economies, but many predictions are highly pessimistic. In the face of a global recession, fiscal pressures in affluent countries may prompt cuts to official development assistance. Worse still, is the prospect of cuts in social spending - health, education and social protection - that many countries, especially low-income countries, may be forced to undertake. Both of these responses have occurred in the past. And both could be as equally devastating for health, development, security and prosperity as they were in the past.
It is essential therefore to learn from past mistakes and counter this period of economic downturn by increasing investment in health and the social sector. There are several strong reasons supporting this line of action.
First, to protect the poor. Rising food and fuel prices along with employment insecurity are among the factors leading to increasing inequities during an economic downturn. In this context, impoverishing health care expenditures - that in "good" times push more than 100 million persons annually into poverty - are likely to increase dramatically. Inevitably, it is the most vulnerable who suffer the most; the poor, the marginalized, children, women, disabled, the elderly, and those with chronic illness. Stronger social safety nets are urgently needed to protect the most vulnerable in rich and poor countries.
Second, to promote economic recovery. Investment in the social sectors is investment in human capital. Healthy human capital is the foundation of economic productivity and can accelerate recovery towards economic stability.
Third, to promote social stability. Equitable distribution of health care is a critical contributor to social cohesion. Social cohesion is the best protection against social unrest, nationally and internationally. Healthy, productive, and stable populations are always an asset, but most especially in a time of crisis.
Fourth, to generate efficiency. Pre-payment with pooling of resources is the most efficient way of financing health expenditure. Out-of-pocket expenditure at the point of service is the least efficient, and the most impoverishing - already pushing millions below the poverty line each year. A commitment to universal coverage not only protects the poor, it is the most affordable and efficient way of using limited resources.
Fifth, to build security. A world that is greatly out of balance in health is neither stable nor secure. Robust health systems are essential to maintain surveillance and response capacity in the face of pandemic threats. The lack of investment in sub-Saharan African health systems in the 1980s meant they were tragically unprepared for the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the decade that followed.
We must not repeat the mistakes of the past. We cannot afford, in this time of crisis, to squander our investments, to abandon our drive for greater balance in this world, which I firmly believe is a marker of civilized society. I am calling on all governments and political leaders to maintain their efforts to strengthen and improve the performance of their health systems, to protect the health of the people of the world, and in particular of those most fragile, in face of the present financial and economic crisis.
WHO and health partners lead massive cholera response in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
13 November 2008
GOMA/GENEVA -- WHO and health partners have launched an intensive operation to prevent and control the increase in the number of cholera cases, which have tripled in some areas to 150 a week, amid the recent escalation of violence in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Insecurity, massive population displacement (at least 250 000 people since early August), weak health services and a lack of safe water and proper sanitation facilities have caused a marked increase in the number of people with cholera in North and South Kivu.
As yet no data is available on the number of deaths linked to the current outbreak, but generally in complex emergencies the case fatality rate can surpass 30%. In 1994, some 50 000 people died from a combined epidemic of cholera and dysentery linked to the Rwandan exodus into Goma, the main town of North Kivu.
There has been a tripling of cholera cases since the start of October to early November in the Goma health zone, which includes the area of Karisimbi. From July-August, there was a weekly incidence of less than 20 cases in Goma. But in the first week of October, there were 40 cholera cases, which increased to about 150 in early November.
"Such an increase of cases in a region that is already endemic for cholera is an early warning sign of a potentially larger epidemic, and all health providers are working together to ensure that we do not see a repeat of 1994," said Dr Eric Laroche, Assistant Director-General for WHO's Health Action in Crises.
more at site.
13 November 2008
GOMA/GENEVA -- WHO and health partners have launched an intensive operation to prevent and control the increase in the number of cholera cases, which have tripled in some areas to 150 a week, amid the recent escalation of violence in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Insecurity, massive population displacement (at least 250 000 people since early August), weak health services and a lack of safe water and proper sanitation facilities have caused a marked increase in the number of people with cholera in North and South Kivu.
As yet no data is available on the number of deaths linked to the current outbreak, but generally in complex emergencies the case fatality rate can surpass 30%. In 1994, some 50 000 people died from a combined epidemic of cholera and dysentery linked to the Rwandan exodus into Goma, the main town of North Kivu.
There has been a tripling of cholera cases since the start of October to early November in the Goma health zone, which includes the area of Karisimbi. From July-August, there was a weekly incidence of less than 20 cases in Goma. But in the first week of October, there were 40 cholera cases, which increased to about 150 in early November.
"Such an increase of cases in a region that is already endemic for cholera is an early warning sign of a potentially larger epidemic, and all health providers are working together to ensure that we do not see a repeat of 1994," said Dr Eric Laroche, Assistant Director-General for WHO's Health Action in Crises.
more at site.
One Hundred Chicken in the Tank Jangang Was Destroyed
Jum'at, 14-11-08 | 11:30 | 56
The resident of the Jangang Tank, Kelurahan Sudiang be forced destroyed 100 tail of the chicken followed the existence of several residents who were expected infected the bird flu virus.
Faridah, the local resident claimed already two today the resident carries out the extermination of the chicken by means of being burnt to three holes that were prepared. Until striking 11,30 Wita, was recorded more 90 chickens that were destroyed. Faridah estimated more 100 chickens will be destroyed today. The extermination of this animal of the poultry kind also involved the official of Makassar Livestock Breeding of the Service. Now Firdaus (5) up to now still was treated in RSUP Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Firdaus was maintained as the patient suspect bird flu and began to be treated since Thursday night (13/11/2008). According to casualties's older brother, Ahmad Hidayat, before being run off with to the hospital, Paradise could play with the chicken that was sick. Last week, this chicken died. Not old afterwards Firdaus experienced the high fever that was accompanied breathless. According to Ahmad, the sample of his brother's blood was still being researched in the laboratory. Results were just known next week.
The resident of the Jangang Tank, Kelurahan Sudiang be forced destroyed 100 tail of the chicken followed the existence of several residents who were expected infected the bird flu virus.
Faridah, the local resident claimed already two today the resident carries out the extermination of the chicken by means of being burnt to three holes that were prepared. Until striking 11,30 Wita, was recorded more 90 chickens that were destroyed. Faridah estimated more 100 chickens will be destroyed today. The extermination of this animal of the poultry kind also involved the official of Makassar Livestock Breeding of the Service. Now Firdaus (5) up to now still was treated in RSUP Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Firdaus was maintained as the patient suspect bird flu and began to be treated since Thursday night (13/11/2008). According to casualties's older brother, Ahmad Hidayat, before being run off with to the hospital, Paradise could play with the chicken that was sick. Last week, this chicken died. Not old afterwards Firdaus experienced the high fever that was accompanied breathless. According to Ahmad, the sample of his brother's blood was still being researched in the laboratory. Results were just known next week.
Friday, November 14, 2008 8:54 PM

A team from the Makassar health and public safety agencies exterminate poultry suspected to be infected with avian influenza in Sudiang village, Bringkanaya Regency, on Friday. Seventeen people from Sudiang have been admitted into the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital for treatment.

A team from the Makassar health and public safety agencies exterminate poultry suspected to be infected with avian influenza in Sudiang village, Bringkanaya Regency, on Friday. Seventeen people from Sudiang have been admitted into the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital for treatment.
Bird flu spread in Sayaboury under control
Sayaboury (Muang Xaignabouri), Laos
The task force unit of veterinarians is on mission of disinfect and cull poultries infected with bird flu H5N1 strain is being spread in Sayaboury province early this month.
More than 3,000 poultries consists of 2,000 chickens and 1,000 ducks have been culled in pace with disinfection in seven villages that classified as red zone in which Ban Donngeun and Ban Mai have already been disinfected.
Officials established a 5-kilometer yellow zone around the outbreak location which covered 13 villages.
The mission of vet staff is conducting seriously to prevent the spread of bird flu and data collection of general conditions is ongoing.
The last H5N1 outbreak in Laos occurred in September, when the virus hit ducks in two northwestern provinces of Oudomsay and Luang Prabang, according to a 17 Sep report from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
Authorities said they thought that the first outbreak was related to ducklings obtained from the site of a previous outbreak and that the second was related to illegal bird transport in another province. Animal health officials culled 5,225 birds to control the outbreaks.
The task force unit of veterinarians is on mission of disinfect and cull poultries infected with bird flu H5N1 strain is being spread in Sayaboury province early this month.
More than 3,000 poultries consists of 2,000 chickens and 1,000 ducks have been culled in pace with disinfection in seven villages that classified as red zone in which Ban Donngeun and Ban Mai have already been disinfected.
Officials established a 5-kilometer yellow zone around the outbreak location which covered 13 villages.
The mission of vet staff is conducting seriously to prevent the spread of bird flu and data collection of general conditions is ongoing.
The last H5N1 outbreak in Laos occurred in September, when the virus hit ducks in two northwestern provinces of Oudomsay and Luang Prabang, according to a 17 Sep report from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
Authorities said they thought that the first outbreak was related to ducklings obtained from the site of a previous outbreak and that the second was related to illegal bird transport in another province. Animal health officials culled 5,225 birds to control the outbreaks.

Nine provinces under special watch for bird flu
November 13, 2008
Public Health Ministry on Thursday declared nine northern provinces under a special watch for the deadly avian influenza after the disease was discovered in two districts in the region recently, a senior ministry official said.
Deputy Permanent Secretary for Public Health Dr. Paichai Varachit said the decision to impose the special monitoring of the disease in the nine northern provinces was made at a meeting of ministry officials here early Thursday.
As cold weather began in most parts of Thailand, health officials on October 28 detected the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu in a dead fowl in Thung Salium district of Sukhothai province.
Also, a number of birds were found dead of unknown causes in Nong Chang district of Uthai Thani province recently. [there is a post here that declares them positive for H5N1]
Every hospital in the nine provinces are also instructed to provide treatment speedily to patients suspected to have contracted avian influenza or live in areas where birds died for unknown causes without waiting for laboratory tests, said Dr Paichit. (TNA)
Public Health Ministry on Thursday declared nine northern provinces under a special watch for the deadly avian influenza after the disease was discovered in two districts in the region recently, a senior ministry official said.
Deputy Permanent Secretary for Public Health Dr. Paichai Varachit said the decision to impose the special monitoring of the disease in the nine northern provinces was made at a meeting of ministry officials here early Thursday.
As cold weather began in most parts of Thailand, health officials on October 28 detected the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu in a dead fowl in Thung Salium district of Sukhothai province.
Also, a number of birds were found dead of unknown causes in Nong Chang district of Uthai Thani province recently. [there is a post here that declares them positive for H5N1]
Every hospital in the nine provinces are also instructed to provide treatment speedily to patients suspected to have contracted avian influenza or live in areas where birds died for unknown causes without waiting for laboratory tests, said Dr Paichit. (TNA)
Makassar Summary I
Makassar Summary
by Commonground
I will add notes as time goes on, and update this summary periodically.
From: Tangki Jangang Village, RW2 RT5 Patte’ne, Sudiang, Biringkanaya
Admitted 11/12:
Nurul Awaliyah/Awaliah/Andia/ (3), (1st one sick) (08.00*) (blood sent) Isolation Pakis Bldg. sib.
Nur Matan/Nurfadillah (4 months), No blood taken. (between 08-12.00*) Isolation Pakis Bldg. sib. Home: 11/14.
Salman (6), (08.00*) (blood sent) Isolation Pakis Bldg. sib.
Irwan (5/6/8), (12.00*) Isolation Pakis Bldg. sib.
Saleha (12)/Saleha (10/11), sib. (12.00*) Isolation Pakis Bldg.
Fauzi Ibn Rajab (3 months) Isolation Pakis Bldg. sib.
Johani (60)/Yohani (50). (12.00*) Isolation
*Approximate time admitted to hospital.
Admitted 11/13:
Ilham (2), Isolation RS Wahidin
firdaus (6),
Alif (3 months) Isolation RS Wahidin
Desi (5), Isolation RS Wahidin
Eki Desviani (5 months) Isolation RS Wahidin
Rahmawati (2) Isolation RS Wahidin
Hartati (26)
Nuraine (31)
Hasnawati (34)
Annisa (6)
6 patients: influenza A
3 of the 6 have bronchopneumonia
Mother: Dg Nginga, has 5 kids.
Father: Risal, laborer, not around.
symptoms: high fever, vomiting, coughing. breathless. 2 days lapse between kids.
Recon: Sudiang Community Health Center.
31 Chickens died in past week.
3 toddlers onset sym: Monday, 11/10.
Sprayed chicken farms in the area.
Father: Jefri (30) son: Fauzi “exterminated 100 tails after many chickens died in the last 2 weeks. After that his child and 6 other neighbors suffered cough, fever & breathless)
Condition good, except Firdaus (6), fever still high.
Nurfadillah allowed to come home. Relatives: Nurull Andia, Salman and Saleha still hospitalized. “Two families that were other”: Yohani & Irwan.
Dg Nginga: mother of Nurull Andia, Salman & Saleha. Husband: Rizal.
Of 6 reported, 5 were taken blood. [reinforces above note that Nur Fadillah did not have blood drawn]
by Commonground
I will add notes as time goes on, and update this summary periodically.
From: Tangki Jangang Village, RW2 RT5 Patte’ne, Sudiang, Biringkanaya
Admitted 11/12:
Nurul Awaliyah/Awaliah/Andia/ (3), (1st one sick) (08.00*) (blood sent) Isolation Pakis Bldg. sib.
Nur Matan/Nurfadillah (4 months), No blood taken. (between 08-12.00*) Isolation Pakis Bldg. sib. Home: 11/14.
Salman (6), (08.00*) (blood sent) Isolation Pakis Bldg. sib.
Irwan (5/6/8), (12.00*) Isolation Pakis Bldg. sib.
Saleha (12)/Saleha (10/11), sib. (12.00*) Isolation Pakis Bldg.
Fauzi Ibn Rajab (3 months) Isolation Pakis Bldg. sib.
Johani (60)/Yohani (50). (12.00*) Isolation
*Approximate time admitted to hospital.
Admitted 11/13:
Ilham (2), Isolation RS Wahidin
firdaus (6),
Alif (3 months) Isolation RS Wahidin
Desi (5), Isolation RS Wahidin
Eki Desviani (5 months) Isolation RS Wahidin
Rahmawati (2) Isolation RS Wahidin
Hartati (26)
Nuraine (31)
Hasnawati (34)
Annisa (6)
6 patients: influenza A
3 of the 6 have bronchopneumonia
Mother: Dg Nginga, has 5 kids.
Father: Risal, laborer, not around.
symptoms: high fever, vomiting, coughing. breathless. 2 days lapse between kids.
Recon: Sudiang Community Health Center.
31 Chickens died in past week.
3 toddlers onset sym: Monday, 11/10.
Sprayed chicken farms in the area.
Father: Jefri (30) son: Fauzi “exterminated 100 tails after many chickens died in the last 2 weeks. After that his child and 6 other neighbors suffered cough, fever & breathless)
Condition good, except Firdaus (6), fever still high.
Nurfadillah allowed to come home. Relatives: Nurull Andia, Salman and Saleha still hospitalized. “Two families that were other”: Yohani & Irwan.
Dg Nginga: mother of Nurull Andia, Salman & Saleha. Husband: Rizal.
Of 6 reported, 5 were taken blood. [reinforces above note that Nur Fadillah did not have blood drawn]
No U.S. Travel Warning Exists for Indonesia
November 13, 2008
No U.S. Travel Warning Exists for Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
The U.S. Government canceled its travel warning on May 23, 2008, and contrary to recent statements, this warning has not been reinstated. While the U.S. Embassy routinely issues warden messages to American Citizens who are registered with the Embassy, none of these supersede the lifting of the travel warning, nor should they be construed as restrictions on American citizens, or other nationals, from traveling to Indonesia.
The travel warning was cancelled due to objective improvements made by the Government of Indonesia in its current security situation. Indonesia has not experienced a major terrorist attack since October 2005, and the Government of Indonesia has disrupted, arrested and prosecuted numerous terrorist groups and elements.
For more information for U.S. citizens about traveling internationally, please visit http://travel.state.gov
November 13, 2008
No U.S. Travel Warning Exists for Indonesia
Bahasa Indonesia
The U.S. Government canceled its travel warning on May 23, 2008, and contrary to recent statements, this warning has not been reinstated. While the U.S. Embassy routinely issues warden messages to American Citizens who are registered with the Embassy, none of these supersede the lifting of the travel warning, nor should they be construed as restrictions on American citizens, or other nationals, from traveling to Indonesia.
The travel warning was cancelled due to objective improvements made by the Government of Indonesia in its current security situation. Indonesia has not experienced a major terrorist attack since October 2005, and the Government of Indonesia has disrupted, arrested and prosecuted numerous terrorist groups and elements.
For more information for U.S. citizens about traveling internationally, please visit http://travel.state.gov
RS WAHIDIN MAKASSAR treated 17 patients BIRD FLU
Jum'at, on November 14 2008 15:09
Makassar: totalling 17 flattest patients bird flu up to now still is treated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar, South Sulawesi. At this time space of the place isolation of the patients was treated was guarded tight by the official of the security. From 17 patients 13 including being children. They were the resident of the Sudiang District, Kecamatan Biringkanaya. Casualties's family said, in their residence territory was found by several chickens died suddenly. Not long after this incident of several residents was known began to suffer the fever that was accompanied breathless.
Mayor Makassar Andi Herry Iskandar with the party came to visit the flattest patients this bird flu. The mayor also spoke to the hospital side concerning the illness that was suffered by 17 patients. Up to now the sample of blood of the patients is still being researched in the laboratory. It was not yet known definitely whether they positive suffered bird flu or not. As far as this is concerned the extermination against the poultry animal in the patient's residence was carried out to prevent the spreading of the spread of the virus from chickens that died suddenly.
Jum'at, on November 14 2008 15:09
Makassar: totalling 17 flattest patients bird flu up to now still is treated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, Makassar, South Sulawesi. At this time space of the place isolation of the patients was treated was guarded tight by the official of the security. From 17 patients 13 including being children. They were the resident of the Sudiang District, Kecamatan Biringkanaya. Casualties's family said, in their residence territory was found by several chickens died suddenly. Not long after this incident of several residents was known began to suffer the fever that was accompanied breathless.
Mayor Makassar Andi Herry Iskandar with the party came to visit the flattest patients this bird flu. The mayor also spoke to the hospital side concerning the illness that was suffered by 17 patients. Up to now the sample of blood of the patients is still being researched in the laboratory. It was not yet known definitely whether they positive suffered bird flu or not. As far as this is concerned the extermination against the poultry animal in the patient's residence was carried out to prevent the spreading of the spread of the virus from chickens that died suddenly.
Suspect Menjadi patients 17 people
baby went home
Suspect Menjadi patients 17 people
On Friday, 14-11-2008
MAKASSAR, BKM -- the Patient suspect bird flu that was treated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital continued to improve. On Thursday (13/11), the patient's figure that it was suspected was infected by the virus H5N1sudah reached 17 people. As many as 12 patients just entered yesterday. When coming, they underwent the maintenance in different space. However tonight all of it was bundled into space of the isolation of the ferns building.
From 17 patients suspect the birds, 13 among them children. The adult's rest. From six patients who entered the previous day, five among them still were undergoing the maintenance. Nurfadillah that still was three months old already diperolehkan came home. Tuga relatives Nurfadillah, respectively Nurul Andia, Salman and Saleha still were undergoing the special maintenance in the ferns building. Including their two families that were other, that is Yohani and Irwan.
The five patients who entered RS, this Wednesday (12/11) were still being waiting for results of the laboratory inspection. They were not yet permitted to come home. Must be waiting for results of the laboratory, said Rita Rawaeni, Tim of the Control of RS Wahidin Bird Flu, yesterday. Beforehand, three patients were taken the sample of blood and his bribe, that is Yohani, Saleha and Irwan. We were deliberate did not yet return them, because if anything happening whoever was responsible. If the negative did not have the problem. How if results of his lab were positive? 'More Rita.'
Dg Nginga, the mother from three related that still was treated in the ferns building, yesterday said, his child who was expected terjangkit the virus H5N1 currently his condition improves. His fever has descended. "Already baikan semuami they." But the doctor banned previously came home before results of his laboratory inspection went out, said Dg Nginga was accompanied by his husband, Rizal.
The team of the control of Service bird flu of Kesehatan South Sulawesi, Debsy V Fatilima that was contacted the night earlier, said that from six names that were reported suspect bird flu, only five people who were taken the sample of his blood. "I did not know his names." It was clear that had five people. Next week just had results, said Debsy.
He added, from 23 regencies/the city in South Sulawesi, Makassar was the endemic area of the virus of H5N. Salah Satu his indicator was the case suspect most bird flu in this city. "The only free area bird flu" was Enrekang," he said. (R4/rus
Suspect Menjadi patients 17 people
On Friday, 14-11-2008
MAKASSAR, BKM -- the Patient suspect bird flu that was treated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital continued to improve. On Thursday (13/11), the patient's figure that it was suspected was infected by the virus H5N1sudah reached 17 people. As many as 12 patients just entered yesterday. When coming, they underwent the maintenance in different space. However tonight all of it was bundled into space of the isolation of the ferns building.
From 17 patients suspect the birds, 13 among them children. The adult's rest. From six patients who entered the previous day, five among them still were undergoing the maintenance. Nurfadillah that still was three months old already diperolehkan came home. Tuga relatives Nurfadillah, respectively Nurul Andia, Salman and Saleha still were undergoing the special maintenance in the ferns building. Including their two families that were other, that is Yohani and Irwan.
The five patients who entered RS, this Wednesday (12/11) were still being waiting for results of the laboratory inspection. They were not yet permitted to come home. Must be waiting for results of the laboratory, said Rita Rawaeni, Tim of the Control of RS Wahidin Bird Flu, yesterday. Beforehand, three patients were taken the sample of blood and his bribe, that is Yohani, Saleha and Irwan. We were deliberate did not yet return them, because if anything happening whoever was responsible. If the negative did not have the problem. How if results of his lab were positive? 'More Rita.'
Dg Nginga, the mother from three related that still was treated in the ferns building, yesterday said, his child who was expected terjangkit the virus H5N1 currently his condition improves. His fever has descended. "Already baikan semuami they." But the doctor banned previously came home before results of his laboratory inspection went out, said Dg Nginga was accompanied by his husband, Rizal.
The team of the control of Service bird flu of Kesehatan South Sulawesi, Debsy V Fatilima that was contacted the night earlier, said that from six names that were reported suspect bird flu, only five people who were taken the sample of his blood. "I did not know his names." It was clear that had five people. Next week just had results, said Debsy.
He added, from 23 regencies/the city in South Sulawesi, Makassar was the endemic area of the virus of H5N. Salah Satu his indicator was the case suspect most bird flu in this city. "The only free area bird flu" was Enrekang," he said. (R4/rus
Suspek Bird Flu claimed 9 People During January-October 2008
Dinkes continued to monitor Burung Flu MAKASSAR, Upeks -- since January till October 2008, Dinas Kesehatan of the Makassar City collect data on at least had 9 residents Makassar that infected suspek bird flu. Section Head Kesehatan of the Makassat City, Dr Hj Andi Naisyah Tun Nurainah Azikin MKes, to Upeks, on Thursday (13/11), said, his side will continue to monitor the development of this illness.
Moreover, added Naisyah, at this time the Kesehatan Service was supported 37 community health centres and 40 auxiliary community health centres that were considered completely prepared to serve the community through the free health. "Through the free health program, the community did not have again the reason to not observe his illness again."
For our bird flu illness continue to monitored and during January-October 2008 the number suspek bird flu reached 9 people, he revealed. Whereas the number of people who is affected by bird flu now was believed in by him was not yet available, only his side stressed will continue to monitor and give special attention for this illness.
Dinkes continued to monitor Burung Flu MAKASSAR, Upeks -- since January till October 2008, Dinas Kesehatan of the Makassar City collect data on at least had 9 residents Makassar that infected suspek bird flu. Section Head Kesehatan of the Makassat City, Dr Hj Andi Naisyah Tun Nurainah Azikin MKes, to Upeks, on Thursday (13/11), said, his side will continue to monitor the development of this illness.
Moreover, added Naisyah, at this time the Kesehatan Service was supported 37 community health centres and 40 auxiliary community health centres that were considered completely prepared to serve the community through the free health. "Through the free health program, the community did not have again the reason to not observe his illness again."
For our bird flu illness continue to monitored and during January-October 2008 the number suspek bird flu reached 9 people, he revealed. Whereas the number of people who is affected by bird flu now was believed in by him was not yet available, only his side stressed will continue to monitor and give special attention for this illness.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
H5N1 Confirmatory Lab Results Raise Questions in Indonesia
H5N1 Confirmatory Lab Results Raise Questions in Indonesia
Recombinomics Commentary 00:17
November 14, 2008
The above translation of the lab results for the fatal case (15F) in Semarang leave little doubt that the patient was H5N1 lab confirmed. The virus was isolated and was PCR positive. In addition the patient had a greater than four fold increase in H5 antibody levels and the patient was also H5 positive on the rapid test.
The data contradict the statement by Siti Fadilah Supari, which indicated that the two confirmatory lab tests were negative. This discrepancy raises serious concerns because of prior statements by Indonesian officials, coupled with the withholding of samples and sequences.
The lack of oversight by WHO is also cause for concern. Indonesia has the largest number of confirmed H5N1 cases, and based on prior and recent events, the number of actual human H5N1 infections is clearly markedly higher than the acknowledged confirmed cases.
Serious action by WHO is long overdue.
Biringkanaya-Manggala The Danger Flu Burung
the Resident was asked to not maintain the Poultry in Pemukiman
MAKASSAR, BKM -- Following was treated by him 6 people that suspect bird flu in the Wahidin Sudirhusodo Hospital, Dinas Kesehatan of the Makassar City asked the community to be on the alert. Especially in the territory that was classified as serious the spreading of the virus H5N1 that caused the occurrence of bird flu or avian influenza (AI).
Kadis Kesehatan of the Makassar City, Naisya T Azikin mentioned, there were two subdistricts in Makassar that was susceptible was attacked by bird flu, that is Biringkanaya and Manggala. He asked that the resident did not maintain the kind poultry anything in the settlement environment to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. "Two border territories were very serious bird flu, because of could not be supervised in a manner details" of the "movement in and out" of the "poultry from various areas." Moreover, the two territories had been gotten by the patient suspect bird flu, said Naisya, on Thursday (13/11). Apart from the two subdistricts, the traditional market also very serious was gotten by the bird flu virus. His article, this place became sale centres of the living chicken that was brought in from various areas.
To minimise the fall of casualties resulting from this illness, Naisya asked for the resident to immediately came to the community health centre like that knew had the sign of bird flu. We provided medicine free. But if his sign clear, must be reconciled to the hospital, obviously him. The sign of the bird flu virus could be known if the person made directly contact with the poultry, afterwards the cough, pilek, the high fever, was difficult to breathe, had a headache, the weak feeling, hurt-hurt that happened for 1 to 2 week. To confirm positive not him was attacked by bird flu, only could with the blood inspection.
Up until yesterday, Naisya claimed did not yet know whether the affected patient suspect bird flu and was treated in RS Wahidin positive or not. Because, the RS Wahidin side was still researching the sample of the resident's blood of this Sudiang District. Estimated, results of the inspection have gone out today. Nevertheless, Naisya coordinated to the Biringkanaya Subdistrict side and Manggala to alert.
In Biringkanaya, the subdistrict side carried out the extermination of the poultry in the Sudiang District. The sub-district head Biringkanaya, AM Yasir admitted to co-operating with the police and the TNI to destroy the poultry. He also coordinated to all of his village head, to monitoring all the community that still was maintaining his poultry. "If anything happening, I hoped the proaktif resident reported to the village head." Later we will at once take the action, he stressed. In spite of that the Sub-district Head Manggala, Syamsul Nature. He always made a plea so that his resident does not maintain the poultry in the settlement. Although having the poultry, must be maintained in accordance with the standard of the health that was dismissed by the government. "The day after tomorrow (besok,red) we spread out the simulation overcame bird flu in the Tamangapa district." The simulation would produce all the Manggala community, obviously him. (PR4/rus)
MAKASSAR, BKM -- Following was treated by him 6 people that suspect bird flu in the Wahidin Sudirhusodo Hospital, Dinas Kesehatan of the Makassar City asked the community to be on the alert. Especially in the territory that was classified as serious the spreading of the virus H5N1 that caused the occurrence of bird flu or avian influenza (AI).
Kadis Kesehatan of the Makassar City, Naisya T Azikin mentioned, there were two subdistricts in Makassar that was susceptible was attacked by bird flu, that is Biringkanaya and Manggala. He asked that the resident did not maintain the kind poultry anything in the settlement environment to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. "Two border territories were very serious bird flu, because of could not be supervised in a manner details" of the "movement in and out" of the "poultry from various areas." Moreover, the two territories had been gotten by the patient suspect bird flu, said Naisya, on Thursday (13/11). Apart from the two subdistricts, the traditional market also very serious was gotten by the bird flu virus. His article, this place became sale centres of the living chicken that was brought in from various areas.
To minimise the fall of casualties resulting from this illness, Naisya asked for the resident to immediately came to the community health centre like that knew had the sign of bird flu. We provided medicine free. But if his sign clear, must be reconciled to the hospital, obviously him. The sign of the bird flu virus could be known if the person made directly contact with the poultry, afterwards the cough, pilek, the high fever, was difficult to breathe, had a headache, the weak feeling, hurt-hurt that happened for 1 to 2 week. To confirm positive not him was attacked by bird flu, only could with the blood inspection.
Up until yesterday, Naisya claimed did not yet know whether the affected patient suspect bird flu and was treated in RS Wahidin positive or not. Because, the RS Wahidin side was still researching the sample of the resident's blood of this Sudiang District. Estimated, results of the inspection have gone out today. Nevertheless, Naisya coordinated to the Biringkanaya Subdistrict side and Manggala to alert.
In Biringkanaya, the subdistrict side carried out the extermination of the poultry in the Sudiang District. The sub-district head Biringkanaya, AM Yasir admitted to co-operating with the police and the TNI to destroy the poultry. He also coordinated to all of his village head, to monitoring all the community that still was maintaining his poultry. "If anything happening, I hoped the proaktif resident reported to the village head." Later we will at once take the action, he stressed. In spite of that the Sub-district Head Manggala, Syamsul Nature. He always made a plea so that his resident does not maintain the poultry in the settlement. Although having the poultry, must be maintained in accordance with the standard of the health that was dismissed by the government. "The day after tomorrow (besok,red) we spread out the simulation overcame bird flu in the Tamangapa district." The simulation would produce all the Manggala community, obviously him. (PR4/rus)
17 Warga Sudiang Suspect Flu Burung

A pre-schooler was checked by the nurse before being put into isolation space into RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, yesterday.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Totalling 17 patients from Street Pattene, the Village of Tangkejangang RT 5/2, the Sudiang District, the Biringkanaya Subdistrict was expected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) or suspect bird flu. MAKASSAR (SINDO) – totalling 17 patients suspect bird flu was isolated in RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo,kemarin. These patients came from the Village of Tangkejangang,Kel Sudiang,Kec Biringkanaya. They who were expected terjangkit the virus avian influenza (AI) this underwent pengisolasian in two rooms namely the Pakis Building and Gawat Darurat Installation space (IRD) RS property of the government. As many as 10 from 17 patients who were treated in RS Wahidin, were pre-schoolers, respectively Nurul Awaliah; 3 years 6 months; Nurfadilah, 4 months; Salman, 4 years; Fauzi, 3 years.
All of them were treated intensive in the special room of the ferns building. Whereas five other was the Ilham 2 years; Alif,3 months; Desi, 5 years, Eki Desriani, 5 months, Rahmawati,2 years was isolated in IRD RS Wahidin space.
Apart from to 10 pre-schoolers, RS Wahidin also isolated and observed the condition for seven patients child and adult. All seven him that is Irwan,6; Saleha 12, Ny Johani,60, Firdaus,6, Nartati,26, Nuraeni,31, Hasnawati,34, along with Annisa,6. All this patient was reconciled by the Sudiang Community Health Centre to RS Wahidin since last Wednesday (12/11) after experiencing the high fever around 39.5 Celsius levels. Moreover, they also experienced breathless and the cough continually. ”Dugaan this bird flu to strengthen with respect towards 17 pasients here after hundreds of poultries in and around his environment died suddenly since a week of last,” expressed Kepala IRD RS Wahidin that also the team's member of the handling of bird flu Dr Wasis Udaya yesterday. Moreover, said Wasis, from results of the research that was carried out by the Kesehatan Service of the Makassar City of finding several poultries that died positive terjangkit the virus H5N1 that spread.
Moreover, the increase, in and around the community's environment was received the poultry that died suddenly. Information that was received by SINDO, it was known if since last Saturday (9/11) was gotten by 27 chickens that died suddenly
At the time of that simultaneously, the chicken that was gotten in the Salman house also suddenly died. ”Pada on November 10 (on Sunday) a patient named Salman began the cough and the fever were still being run off with to RS Wahidin. In the afternoon him, an amount tetanga him also experienced the sign of the same illness so as on that day also as many as seven patients were reconciled here (RS Wahidin) ,” more RS Wahidin public relations Dr the gift yesterday. The gift claimed, the sample of temporary blood was still being checked in the medical Unhas laboratory. From results rapid, found six patients who experienced A kind influenza that and headed terjangkit H5N1. Only, he still merahasian [merahasiakan = conceal] the identity from the six patients who were expected infected this. Jufri, 30, Sir from Fausi, 3 months, said, the eldest child from two related this experienced the fever was accompanied breathless since last Tuesday night (11/11). He was personally surprised his article his child had not carried out direct contact with the poultry that was around his residence. ”Pada late last week my kept chicken will also die totalling seven tails, but I at once destroyed him by means of being burnt. Because of being frightened of the bird flu illness, finally we carried him to RS,”tutur him when being met in front of the ferns Building.
The husband from Fitriah this said, since last week hundreds of tails of the chicken in his territory suddenly meninggal. On at that time also, several officials of the community health centre and the Service of Kesehatan Makassar entered directly to destroy these chickens as well as check the health of the resident. He hoped his child who was new three months the bird flu negative. From SINDO observation in RS Wahidin,ke 17 patients suspect the bird flu underwent observation and the isolation in the special room. The RS side restricted the patient to carry out direct contact with his family and oblige each visitor to wear clothes steris to peer pasien. Daya accommodated isolation space personally could accommodate as far as 20 patients and if improving, the RS side prepared the special room to pengisolasian.
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