Saturday, July 30, 2011
Vietnam: H5N1 in Poultry Nghe An
On 29 / 7, Veterinary Department of Nghe An, said in Nghi Loc district, bird flu has appeared in communes and towns Dien Nghi Quan Hanh, the total sick ducks and chickens to be destroyed is 520 children.
The number of poultry was found in a small farm of a family in Nghi Dien Commune, Nghi Loc district on 27 / 7 the past. Once detected, Veterinary Department and related agencies have conducted organized emergency destruction. She is currently a hot season so the risk of epidemic spread to other regions is very large. Hot weather also affect the health, resistance to poultry, creating favorable conditions for pathogen survival, dispersal and spread.
Bird Flu Worries Rise With Seventh Fatality This Year
Kong Sothanarith, VOA Khmer Phnom Penh

“She touched a dead chicken and got sick."
Bird flu has claimed the life of a 4-year-old girl from Banteay Meanchey province, the sixth child this year, health officials confirmed Friday.
The girl had been ill for 10 days and had sought treatment from a traditional healer before she was transferred to a pediatric hospital in Siem Reap, where she succumbed.
“She touched a dead chicken and got sick,” said Sok Touch, director of the Ministry of Health’s communicable disease department.
Hers was the 15th death from avian influenza since 2003, and the seventh death this year, the ministry and the World Health Organization said in a statement.
“Avian influenza is still a threat to the health of the Cambodian people,” Health Minister Mam Bunheng said in the statement, adding that children were especially susceptible.
“I urge parents and guardians to keep children away from sick or dead poultry,” he said.
Sok Touch said the girl’s village was now under supervision, while results from blood tests of 13 other villagers were pending.
Worldwide, bird flu has been confirmed in 563 people since 2003, with 330 of them dying.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Dozens in Berau Esophageal Poultry Bird Flu - Friday, July 29, 2011 21:01 AM
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, Cape Redeb - In the last few tens of birds belonging to both are found dead of a sudden and terindikaskan infected with bird flu virus.

This finding occurred in three different locations that are in the district of Tanjung semauanya Redeb, Berau, East Kalimantan, one each in Gg jackfruit 2, Jl Manggis and tearakhir samasat housing complex in Berau District.
Secretary for the department of Animal Husbandry and Health Berau, Mustakim, symptoms of bird flu virus has been detected since a few days ago.
Initially the 26th yesterday found four dead birds belonging to both sudden and continuing through the next few days to reach 24 tails.
From examination and traits found in dead chickens, it concluded that it is true there has been transmission of bird flu virus.
Musatkim indicated virus is brought in from outside the region, because in this case Berau own for the first time this has happened, apalgi lanjutanya been monitoring the animals, especially through the land is still not.
"If the door-Pinu officially controlled, through the port, airport by land there is that we missed because of the arrival times of the night," he said
Cambodia reports H5N1 death, zoo outbreak
Lisa Schnirring Staff Writer
Jul 29, 2011 (CIDRAP News) – Cambodia's health ministry today announced today that a 4-year-old girl died from an avian influenza infection, a day after the country's animal health officials reported that the virus struck a zoo in a different province.
The girl, from Banteay Meanchey province in the northwestern part of the country, died Jul 20, the ministry and the World Health Organization (WHO) said in a joint statement, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported. Her death is Cambodia's seventh this year and pushes its number of H5N1 cases to 17, including 15 deaths.
The report did not mention if the girl had been exposed to sick or dead birds, but Cambodia's health minister, Mam Bun Heng, warned parents and guardians to keep children away from them, according to the AFP report.
Yesterday Cambodia's agriculture ministry reported an H5N1 outbreak that killed 19 wild birds at a Phnom Tamao zoo in Takeo province, located in the southern part of the country, according to a report to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
The bird deaths started Jul 13 at the zoo's rescue center, where workers feed the wild birds fish distributed on the banks of a pond during the rainy season (June through December). Zoo workers originally suspected Newcastle disease or fowl cholera, and they buried the carcasses and disinfected the area.
The virus killed 19 birds, and 10 more sick ones were destroyed to control the spread of the virus, according to the report.
Investigators aren't sure where the birds are from, but they suspect the Tonle Sap River, which expands into a large lake during the rainy season, flooding nearby fields and forests. A team from the National Veterinary Research Institute and the zoo conducted an investigation and surveillance in neighboring villages.
'Super antibody' fights off flu
The first antibody which can fight all types of the influenza A virus has been discovered, researchers claim.
Experiments on flu-infected mice, published in Science Express, showed the antibody could be used as an "emergency treatment".
It is hoped the development will lead to a "universal vaccine" - currently a new jab has to be made for each winter as the virus changes.
Virologists described the finding as a "good step forward".
Many research groups around the world are trying to develop a universal vaccine. They need to attack something common to all influenza which does not change or mutate.
Human source
It has already been suggested that some people who had swine flu may develop 'super immunity' to other infections.
Scientists from the Medical Research Council's National Institute for Medical Research at Mill Hill and colleagues in Switzerland looked at more than 100,000 samples of immune cells from patients who had flu or a flu vaccine.
They isolated an antibody - called FI6 - which targeted a protein found on the surface of all influenza A viruses called haemagglutinin.
[continued - click on title for full article]
Cambodian girl dies from bird flu: WHO
Sapa-AFP 29 July, 2011 07:35A four-year-old Cambodian girl has become the seventh person to die from bird flu in the country this year, says officials.
The child, from northwestern Banteay Meanchey province, died on 20 July, the health ministry and the World Health Organisation said in a joint statement. Tests confirmed she had contracted H5N1 avian influenza.
"I urge parents and guardians to keep children away from sick or dead poultry," Cambodian Health Minister Mam Bun Heng said.
All seven of Cambodia's bird flu cases since January have been fatal. Six of the victims were children.
The girl is the 17th person in Cambodia known to have become infected with the virus and the 15th to die from complications of the disease since 2005, they said.
The H5N1 strain of avian influenza has killed 330 people worldwide since 2003, the statement said.
Cambodian girl dies of avian influenza H5N1
Cambodian girl dies of avian influenza H5N1 ( Updated July 29, 2011 02:10 PM |
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Hendra horse death takes toll to 15
29 Jul, 2011 04:00 AM
More people are being tested for the Hendra virus after the rapidly spreading infection claimed a fifth horse in NSW, taking the national toll to 15.
The horse died at a property near Mullumbimby on the NSW North Coast, the Department of Primary Industries confirmed yesterday. Four other horses along with three cats and two dogs on the property will be assessed on the quarantined property.
A NSW health spokesman said three people had been exposed to the virus in the most recent incident.
''Despite the negligible exposure, the three people are having blood tests,'' he said. ''Fifteen [other] people previously identified as having potential contacts to the previous infected horses in NSW are now past the incubation period.
''Six people from this group have had precautionary blood tests to check for unrecognised infection.''
However, he said none of the individuals had developed any symptoms associated with the virus, which typically develop between five and 16 days after their contact with an infectious horse.
In the latest fatality in NSW, the state's Chief Veterinary Officer Ian Roth said the horse was not noticeably ill on Saturday but was found dead in the paddock on Sunday morning.
A swab was taken from the dead horse and sent to a lab, which confirmed the presence of the virus on Wednesday night.
''It is likely that flying foxes in fig trees were again the source of infection,'' Mr Roth said.
Indonesia has temporarily banned the import of horses from Australia due to the outbreak. Malaysia has also banned Australian horses.
Newman stands by Hendra bats stance

Queensland's Liberal National Party leader Campbell Newman says science is yet to prove whether moving on bats will spread Hendra virus.
The bat-borne virus has killed 15 horses in Queensland and NSW since June 20 and has jumped species for the first time, infecting a dog.
Mr Newman and Premier Anna Bligh are at loggerheads on how to manage colonies of flying foxes in areas where Hendra has been confirmed.
The LNP leader wants to use smoke bombs and choppers to evict urban bat colonies and then chop down the trees they roost in.
But Ms Bligh said scientists have repeatedly warned that causing stress to bats by moving them on or trying to cull them will help spread the virus because they would start excreting more.
Ms Bligh invited Mr Newman to a briefing on Thursday with the state's chief veterinary officer, the chief medical officer and the head of Bio-Security Queensland to turn his opinion around.
A spokesperson for Mr Newman said the meeting was inconclusive.
'The experts indicated clearly that they didn't know if moving bats and/or stressing them would increase the risk of Hendra,' the spokesperson said in a statement.
Following the meeting, a spokesperson for chief medical officer Jeannette Young told AAP that although they don't know with '100 per cent certainty ... there is evidence that stress can lead directly to increases in Hendra virus infection and shedding'.
Ms Bligh said the issue was so serious it should not be used for political point-scoring.
'I'm very disappointed to see my opponent making comments that are nothing short of shooting from the hip,' she told reporters on Thursday.
Despite Ms Bligh's warnings regarding moving colonies, councils and land holders can still apply for government permits to chase out problem bats using smoke machines, lights and foghorns.
Extended three-year permits were announced on Saturday, if councils show they're also taking steps to ensure problem colonies don't move back in.
Ms Bligh said authorities measured a number of factors when deciding whether to issue the permits on a case-by-case basis.
'If, for example, they were in a location that might contaminate water supply, then the public interest in moving them may well outweigh some of the other concerns about moving them,' she said.
'Every time they get an application they weigh the risks against the benefits.
'Obviously the risks in relation to the current outbreak of Hendra virus have escalated and that would lift that as a risk factor in their consideration.'
Australian Veterinary Association president Barry Smyth said it was clear bat colonies were already under stress, resulting in a much higher incidence of Hendra in bat populations.
'We do know it's three to six times what we've measured in the past,' Dr Smyth told AAP.
'The higher level of the virus increases the infective pressure in the environment, and that's probably at least in part the cause of the number of cases we're seeing at the moment, and also the geographic spread.
'There is some sort of stressing situation going on already in the bat population and any additional stress is likely to make the situation worse.'
But Dr Smyth stopped short of calling for a moratorium on move-on permits, saying cases had to be assessed individually.
Hendra outbreak a rain-spawned 'aberration'
27 Jul, 2011 11:48 AM
Record-breaking rain over summer has left flying foxes undernourished, with weakened immune systems and a higher amount of Hendra virus in their bodies.
Biosecurity Queensland principal veterinary epidemiologist Hume Field, who played a key role in identifying fruit bats as the natural host of the Hendra virus, said he believed the rain was the reason for the increase in virus cases in 2011.
Dr Field said it was likely the spike in Hendra virus cases this year was a change in flowering patterns of trees since the heavy rainfall from November 2010 to February 2011.
"There is indications that the extensive rainfall last year has disrupted flowering this year, the trees are putting their growth into leaves, rather than flowering," he said.
"That is causing flying foxes to range far and wide in small groups trying to find food.
"That then has the the potential to impact on their immune system to fight off the infection and is likely that the infection in flying foxes is higher this year than in previous years."
Dr Field said the lack of proper food impacted the size of flying fox populations.
"What we are seeing this year is very fragmented flying fox populations, flying foxes that are undernourished," he said.
Dr Hume suspected 2011 was "an aberration", but said studies over time would have to be completed.
However, he ruled out culling as a short-term solution that was "doomed to failure".
"I think culling is not an option," Dr Field said.
"Firstly, flying foxes are not sedentary, they are nomadic, they are a migratory species.
"To suggest a local cull to remove animals from a particular area is doomed to failure because other animals will simply migrate into the space that is left if you like."
Dr Field said the only way culling could be effective was to remove the entire population of flying foxes from Australia.
"Apart from being ethically unacceptable, it would have major biodiversity impacts and unknown impacts," he said.
"So I would seriously suggest that it is not an option."
Dr Hume said the best source of protection was increasing research and by property owners being safe around sick horses and bat populations.
Queensland's chief health officer Jeannette Young said there were 64 people under observation with "low or negligible" symptoms after coming into contact with Hendra virus.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hendra Virus Confirmed in Dog
July 27, 2011
The Australian hendra virus outbreak took an unexpected turn yesterday (July 26) when a dog on one of the hendra-affected properties in southern Queensland tested positive for the virus. This is the first time the disease has been noted outside a laboratory in a species other than a horse, human, or flying fox, according to a report from the Australian news website ABC.
The report indicates that the dog belongs to the owner of several horses that tested positive for hendra virus. Although the dog produced two negative hendra tests, a different type of test conducted at the Australian Animal Health Laboratory confirmed the dog had antibodies for the disease.
Rick Symons, BVSc, MBA, PhD, Queensland's chief veterinary officer, relayed in the article that the antibodies mean the dog has been exposed to the virus, but is not showing any outward signs of illness. He also noted that there is "minimal risk" of the affected dog infecting humans.
A total of 14 horses have died or been euthanized as a result of hendra virus outbreak in Australia since late June. This year the disease has been confirmed in the westernmost and southernmost points it has ever been identified.
Hendra virus (which has killed at least 40 horses since its discovery) has been known to yield numerous clinical signs in horses including respiratory distress, frothy nasal discharge, elevated body temperature (above 40°C, or 104°F), and elevated heart rate; however, authorities caution that hendra infection does not have specific signs.
Scientists believe the virus is transmitted to horses from flying foxes, a type of fruit bat that frequents Australia, but the exact method of transmission remains unclear.
The zoonotic disease is transmissible to humans and has killed four people since it was first discovered in 1994, including an equine veterinarian who contracted the virus after treating an affected foal in 2009.
Taiwan-Bird flu virus detected in poultry farms CDC: No one has been infected
Jiang Ling Yu
At 00:34 on July 28, 2011
Taiwan after the winter, be on guard against "high" pathogenic avian influenza virus. (Figure / Data Center) correspondent Jiang Yu Ling / Taipei
In recent years, the bird flu virus detected in poultry farms incident, the CDC pointed out that once notified, the start control and closely track those of poultry and related personnel, health, collecting respiratory specimens were poultry inspection To date, there was no health exception and the case of a virus infection.
Detected in domestic poultry farms in succession this year, H5N2 and H7N3 and other avian influenza viruses, to be international is still frequent sporadic cases of human influenza H5N1, of avian influenza pandemic risk still persists, in order to enhance the overall prevention of domestic security, the CDC called for livestock-related employees on implementation should enhance personal health protective, active vaccination H5N1 influenza vaccine.
According to World Health Organization (WHO) released data from the 1992 global human H5N1 influenza has so far accumulated 562 cases of confirmed cases, including 329 deaths, mortality rate of nearly 60%; today (100) there are cases in the country came to Indonesia, Egypt, Cambodia and Bangladesh.
As part of animal bird flu, according to the World Animal Organization (OIE) statistics, so far this year 13 countries / regions notification 375 from the highly pathogenic avian influenza.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Vietnam Quang Tri H5N1 Alert in Poultry
Promptly prevent bird flu Last updated: 07/26/2011 12:29:24 CH |
(QT) - Evolution's erratic weather this year made the animals resistant to disease reduction in animal growth, such as PRRS, from blood infections, paratyphoid in cattle. In particular, N5N1 bird flu occurs scattered in many localities in Quang Tri province, the epidemic shows the potential risk can be spread widely. |
On 25/6/2011, his family in rural Lake Chain Applications Que Du, Hai Que (Hai Lang) has 450 ducks bird flu, including 150 dead. 27 / 6 / 2011, bird flu spreads to Gio Linh district in the family Ta Van Dien Truc village States, Gio Quang as 160 dead, infected 70 others.
From 1 / 7 to 3/7/2011 avian influenza occurred in the family to Le Duc, Team 4, Shan Dong village, Thien Hai (Hai Lang) Bui and his family as the Hoa, Tay Thien village, Thien Hai (Hai Lang) with almost 800 children infected and die. And most recently, on 04/07/2011 translations have appeared in the flock of Mr. Tran Huu Pharmacology, clusters 7 and towns Gio Linh (Gio Linh).
Although, since the detection of disease so far, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to direct the Quang Tri provincial Veterinary Bureau and departments in the districts, towns, cities and positive social performance measures prevention services such as the Organization of the destruction of all poultry carriers; disinfection around the outbreak, the isolation of poultry farms around; prohibits the sale or transportation in the region service ... but the disease still occur scattered in six communes in the province of Vinh Linh, Gio Linh and Hai Lang.
It can be seen, changes in the disease situation is complicated, partly due to avian influenza virus persists in the environment during recent years in animal health has not been implemented the influenza vaccination in situation is monitored by the virus to mutate in notification of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. In addition, adverse weather conditions for abnormal decrease the resistance of poultry, the sale of movement of poultry and poultry products is also difficult to control the cause of the epidemic is not stamping success.
According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, from August to October is the period assigned weather season, the weather will be very complicated so be sure H5N1 avian influenza is very contagious and widespread outbreaks . Thus, to promptly quell the outbreak and prevent the spread, first of all need to strengthen inspection and monitoring, early detection of epidemics to implement remedial measures.
If detection of infected poultry or unexplained death should immediately apply measures for disposal of poultry, disinfection, surrounded the outbreak control and use other measures to prevent epidemic spread. Prohibited the processing and sale of poultry duck.
Currently, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Quang Tri Province People's Committee has proposed to direct the Steering Committee on the prevention of animal diseases to strengthen supervision, organization of prevention and guiding related industries such as the Department of Health International, Department of Trade, provincial police to strengthen coordination Closely monitor the disease situation, a precaution not to spread to humans. Positive communication and mobilization to raise awareness of people in the prevention and actively cope with the disease.
Le Quang Anh, deputy director of Quang Tri Department of Animal Health said: "Although the outbreak was detected early, treatment time and the date 07/08/2011 after the destruction of over 2,000 organizations infected ducks in Gio Linh and Hai Lang has so far not discovered a new outbreak.
But by bringing new and pastures, many places water was contaminated with the people of the poultry of unknown origin, the origin so the management should now be very difficult risk outbreaks disease enormous wide. In addition to the management, on the authority of the consciousness raising of the household will contribute very important to control and reverse the epidemic. "
Monday, July 25, 2011
Recombinomics: Identical H5N1 Deletion In Indonesia Egypt and China
July 25, 2011
James Cook University in Australia has recently released five HA H5N1 sequences from Indonesia (clade 2.1). All five had a 3 base pair deletion, S133del (H3 numbering), which exact matched 3 BP deletions described in Egypt (clade 2.2) and China (clade 7). Four of the sequences (A/chicken/Indonesia/Timika_10/2006, A/chicken/Indonesia/Tanggerang_10/2007, A/chicken/Indonesia/Sukabumi_3/2007, A/chicken/Indonesia/Sukabumi_10/2007) are virtually identical and are closely related to previously released sequences from Western Java (A/chicken/West Java/SMI-CSLK-EB/2006, A/Chicken/West Java/SMI-PAT/2006, A/Chicken/West Java/SMI-CSLK-EC/2006, A/Chicken/West Java/PWT-WIJ/2006), which did not have the deletion indicating the deletion was appended onto this background.
The fifth sequence, A/chicken/Indonesia/Tanggerang_1/2007, is distinct and maps to another branch, supporting acquisition by recombination., which is also supported by the acquisition of the same S133del on three distinct genetic backgrounds (clade 2.1, clade, 2.2, clade 7).
Recombination is also supported by additional markers in the four closely related Indonesia sequences, which have T321C. This marker is in the earlier West Java sequences, but is also in the Egyptian sequences with S133del (see list here), indicating it was an early acquisition in Egypt, and spread by clonal expansion. S133del on an Egyptian clade 2.2 background is associated with a receptor binding profile similar to seasonal H1N1. It is present in all public human H5N1 sequences since mid-2009, as well as the mild H5N1 in Egyptian toddlers in early 2009.
In addition, T500C (encoding I155T), is also in the four related Indonesian sequences, as well as the Egyptian sequences with S133del (see list here) strongly supporting homologous recombination between Egyptian and Indonesian sequences.