Saturday, June 13, 2009
List of Confirmed Swine Flu in Egypt
Egypt reported seven A/H1N1 flu cases at a dorm of the American University in Cairo
The man that worked in the Petrolium Company.
Egypt reported the 11th case of the new influenza, a Colombian wife of an American engineer,
Majed Mohammed (45 years) Alexandria
#12: An Egyptian-American child, one year and six months old, tested positive for the new flu virus after arriving in Egypt from the United States on June 7,
#13: Egyptian «24 years» coming from Stockholm to Amsterdam and then Cairo
#14: The second case is a young man «21 years» Syrian-born naturalized U.S. citizen, was from New York,
#15: Egyptian-Canadian « 18 years »It was coming from Canada to the Zurich and Cairo
#16: Colombian woman, aged 45 years, coming from Colombia to Frankfurt and then to Cairo on board a German airline, and arrived at Cairo International Airport on 10/6/2009.
#17: Egyptian-American at the age of 7 years, coming from the state of Minnesota by the U.S. to London aboard British Airways flight number (155), where he arrived at Cairo International Airport on June 7 of this accompanied by his mother, the mother reported that the child had suffered symptoms of influenza, and was presented to the American doctor on 5/6/2009, where he was diagnosed as infected with bird A, was given a drug Rilaniza, a brother of the case of influenza (N1H1) No. 12.
# 18: Egyptian-Canadian of the 8-year-old is coming from Canada, arrived in Cairo on Friday, June 12,
Egypt: Discovery of 3 new cases of swine flu
أعلن الدكتور نصر السيد مساعد وزير الصحة للشئون الوقائية اليوم السبت، عن اكتشاف ثلاث حالات جديدة مصابة بفيروس "إتش 1 إن 1" المعروف بأنفلونزا الخنازير ليرتفع عدد الحالات فى مصر إلى 18 حالة. Mr. Al-Nasr, Assistant Minister of Health for Preventive Affairs on Saturday, the discovery of three new cases infected with "The 1 H 1" swine flu is known to increase the number of cases in Egypt to 18 cases.
وقال الدكتور نصر السيد، إن الحالات الثلاث هى لسيدة من كولومبيا وطفلين مصريين قادمين من كندا وأمريكا
Said Dr. Nasr El Sayed, the three cases is that of a woman from Colombia, two Egyptians from Canada and the USA
ومن جانبه، أعلن الدكتور عبد الرحمن شاهين المتحدث الرسمى لوزارة الصحة، تفاصيل الثلاث إصابات الجديدة بأنفلونزا الخنازير، وأنه تم تحويل الحالات الثلاثة إلى المستشفى وتم إعطاؤهم عقار التاميفلو وحالتهم الصحية مستقرة.
For his part, Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman of the Ministry of Health, details the three new infections swine flu, and that three cases had been transferred to the hospital were given the drug Tamiflu and were in stable condition.
الحالة الأولى لسيدة كولومبية تبلغ من العمر 45 عاماً قادمة من كولومبيا إلى فرانكفورت ثم إلى القاهرة على متن خطوط الطيران الألمانية، حيث وصلت إلى مطار القاهرة الدولى يوم 10/6/2009.
The first case of a Colombian woman, aged 45 years, coming from Colombia to Frankfurt and then to Cairo on board a German airline, and arrived at Cairo International Airport on 10/6/2009.
أما الحالة الثانية فهى لطفل مصرى ـ أمريكى يبلغ من العمر 7 سنوات قادم من ولاية مينسوتا الأمريكية عن طريق لندن على متن الخطوط الجوية البريطانية رحلة رقـــم ( 155)، حيث وصل إلى مطار القاهرة الدولى يوم 7 يونيو الجارى بصحبة والدته، وقد أفادت الأم أن الطفل قد أصيب بأعراض الأنفلونزا، وتم عرضه على الطبيب بأمريكا يوم 5/6/2009، حيث تم تشخيص حالته بأنه مصاب بأنفلونزا A، وتم إعطاؤه عقار الريلانزا، وهو أخ حالة الأنفلونزا (N1H1) رقم 12.
The second case is a child of Egyptian-American at the age of 7 years, coming from the state of Minnesota by the U.S. to London aboard British Airways flight number (155), where he arrived at Cairo International Airport on June 7 of this accompanied by his mother, the mother reported that the child had suffered symptoms of influenza, and was presented to the American doctor on 5/6/2009, where he was diagnosed as infected with bird A, was given a drug Rilaniza, a brother of the case of influenza (N1H1) No. 12.
أما الحالة الثالثة لطفل مصرى كندى يبلغ من العمر 8 سنوات قادم من كندا ووصل إلى القاهرة أمس الجمعة الموافق 12 يونيو برفقة أسرته على متن خطوط مصر للطيران رحلة رقم (996) وتم الاشتباه فى إصابته عن طريق فريق الحجر الصحى بالمطار وتم تحويله إلى المستشفى.
The third case of a child of Egyptian-Canadian of the 8-year-old is coming from Canada, arrived in Cairo on Friday, June 12, accompanied by his family on board the lines of Egypt Air flight (996) and has been suspected of being infected by the Group of quarantine airport was transferred to the hospital.
If transformation of the swine flu epidemic .. عمال مصر يستنكرون المقابر الجماعية والحلول الأمنية Egypt's Workers denounced the mass graves and securi
After the discovery of 18 infected swine flu in Egypt has recently discussed the coordination of the rights and freedoms of association and the unions, for what it called a "crisis", which added to the group, who suffers from the weakness of pay factors and the lack of occupational health and safety.
طالب أعضاء اللجنة والمشاركون فى الفعاليات الشهرية للجنة التنسيقية بضرورة الضغط على الحكومة المصرية لتجهيز أعداد أكبر من الأمصال التى تساعد فى الشفاء من المرض، والبحث عن أمصال جديدة وتوفيرها بكميات كبيرة للمصريين بشكل عام والعمال خاصة، لضمان مستوى من الصحة والسلامة المهنية وفقاً لما نصت عليه القوانين واللوائح العمالية المصرية واتفاقيات مصر ومنظمتى العمل العربية والدولية.
Members of the Committee and participants in the monthly events of the Coordinating Committee on the need to pressure the Egyptian government for the processing of larger numbers of vaccines that help cure disease, and the search for new vaccines in large quantities and made available to the Egyptians in general and workers in particular, to ensure the level of occupational health and safety in accordance with the laws The Egyptian labor regulations and conventions of Egypt and the Arab Labor Organization, and international levels.
كما طالبوا الحكومة بضرورة توفير الكمامات الصحية الواقية من انتقال الفيروس المعروف بـ"H1N1"، واستنكروا الحلول الأمنية للقضاء على المرض وفكرة إصدار أوامر عليا من بعض المسئولين التنفيذيين فى الدولة بإنشاء مقابر جماعية فى حالة تحول المرض إلى وباء داخل مصر، وأعلنوا عن مؤتمر عمالى يوم الثلاثاء القادم لبحث الأزمة الحالية وأضرارها على العمال.
They also demanded the government need to provide health-protective masks the transmission of the virus known as "H1N1", and denounced the security solutions to eradicate the disease and the idea of ordering some of the top executives in the creation of mass graves in the case of the disease turning into an epidemic in Egypt, and declared the Conference on Labor next Tuesday to discuss the current crisis and the effects on workers.
The injury of 10 cases of suspected bird flu Sohag- Including 5 of the same family 10
استكمالاً لمسلسل اشتباه الإصابة بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور بمحافظة سوهاج، احتجزت مستشفى الحميات ومستشفى الصدر اليوم السبت وأمس الأحد 10 حالات اشتباه، من بينهم 5 حالات من أسرة واحدة، بعد ظهور أعراض المرض عليهم من ارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة ورشح وألم فى جميع أجزاء الجسم.
An update of the series of suspected cases of avian influenza Sohag governorate, detained fever hospital and a hospital-Sadr on Saturday and Sunday, 10 suspected cases, including 5 cases of one family, after the emergence of symptoms of high fever, running nose and pain in all parts of the body.
كانت بداية الحالات لأسرة مكونة من خمسة أفراد بمركز أخميم مخالطين للطيور المنزلية، وهم عفاف حامد خليل أحمد (30 عاما) وحسن عشرى على محمد (11 عاما) طالب وشقيقاته منار (8 أعوام) وآية (6 أعوام) ورحمة (3 أعوام)، وأكدت الأم أن أطفالها الأربعة ظهرت عليهم حالات الإعياء تباعاً، مما اضطرها إلى الذهاب بهم إلى عيادة خاصة، بعدها تم تحويلهم إلى مستشفى الحميات التى احتجزتهم جميعاً ومعهم الأم.
Was the beginning of cases to a family of five members of the status of Mkhaltin Okhmim domestic poultry, and Afaf Hamed Khalil Ahmad (30 years) and a decimal Mohamed Hassan (11 years) called his sisters and Mannar (8 years), and any (6 years) and mercy (3 years), and confirmed mother to her four children, they showed fatigue, respectively, thereby forcing them to go to a private clinic, then was transferred to a hospital diets, which are all held together with the mother.
وفى مركز سوهاج، ظهرت الأعراض على 3 سيدات تم نقلهم إلى مستشفى حميات سوهاج الأولى، هى صفاء فتحى غلاب (25 عاما) ربة منزل والثانية فايزة أحمد محمد (22 عاما) ربة منزل والثالثة أمل خليفة محمد (24 عاما) والطفلة منة ناصر ضاحى (6 شهور) ومقيمة بالحويتى، وجميعهم مخالطون للطيور عن طريق التربية المنزلية.
In Sohag, the Center, there are 3 women on the symptoms were taken to hospital in Sohag, the first admitted, is very clear, Fathi (25 years) and the second housewife Fayza Ahmed Mohammed (22 years) and third housewife hope Khalifa Mohammed (24 years) and a child from him Dhahi Nasser ( 6 months) and evaluated Bahoity, all Mkhataiwn of birds through education housework. وفى مركز "ساقلته" تم احتجاز صباح السيد الضمرانى (8 سنوات). In the "Saqlth" was held the morning of Mr. Aldmrany (8 years).
وعلى جانب آخر، اتخذت مديرية الصحة بالتنسيق مع مديرية الطب البيطرى جميع التدابير اللازمة بعد أخذ عينات ومسحات بشرية من المصابين وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية بالقاهرة لمعرفة مدى سلبية الإصابة من إيجابيتها، كما تم إعطاء المصابين عقار التمفلو وحالتهم الآن مستقرة، وقامت مديرية الطب البيطرى بذبح عدد 31 طائراً كانت موجودة بمنازل المصابين، وتم رش وتطهير المنازل الخاصة بهم.
On the other hand, the Directorate of Health in coordination with the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine of all the necessary measures, after taking samples and swabs from the infected human and sent to labs central Cairo to determine the incidence of positive negative, as was given to the injured and their property Altmflo now stable, and the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine of the massacre of 31 birds were infected houses were sprayed and their clearing houses.
5 cases of detention on suspicion of having bird flu DAMIETTA
احتجزت مستشفى حميات دمياط 5 حالات للاشتباه فى إصابتهم بأنفلونزا الطيور، وهم أحمد عبد الكريم (27 سنة) من أولاد حمام ونجلاء هنيدى (38 سنة) من الشعراء وميرفت الدالى (47 سنة) من دمياط الجديدة ومحمد نوار (19 سنة) من السنانية ومحمد عبد المجيد (24 سنة) من كفر البطيخ. Detained hospital fevers DAMIETTA 5 suspected cases of bird flu, and Ahmed Abdel-Karim (27 years) of the boys bathroom and Najla Henedy (38 years) of the poets and Mirvat Daly (47 years old) of New Damietta, Mohamed Nawar (19 years old), and Mohamed Abdel Alsinanip Majid (24 years) from Kafr melon.
تم إرسال العينات من المرضى إلى المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة، وأكد الدكتور عبد الحليم البيلى أن المستشفى تعلن حالة الطوارئ القصوى، وتم إلغاء كافة الإجازات واعتبار يوم الجمعة يوم عمل رسمى. Sent samples from the patients to labs central Ministry of Health, and Dr. Abdel-Halim Albely that the hospital declared a state of extreme emergency, all leaves were canceled, and Friday as an official day of work.
وأضاف البيلى أن المستشفى يتوافر بها فريق من الأطباء والممرضات والأدوية، وعلى استعداد لتلقى جميع الحالات والتعامل معها. He added that the hospital Albely have a team of doctors, nurses and medicines, and is ready for all situations and deal with them.
Detention of suspected cases of swine flu Badakkhlip & Bird Flu
Detained in Mansoura Chest Hospital on Friday, both Mohamed Magdy Ahmed (27 years) of Mansoura, who returned from America two weeks ago and he showed symptoms of the disease, was taken to hospital, Ahmed Mohammed Abdel Muti (23 years) Dmas Ghamr, on suspicion of being infected with HIV is also swine flu "H1N1" has been taking samples and Hdzhma inside the hospital and send samples for analysis of central labs in Cairo.
وعلى جانب آخر تم احتجاز 3 حالات جديدة للاشتباه بإصابتهم بأعراض بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور، وهم محمد تامر نجيب (14 شهراً) من سندوب ونادية نصر إبراهيم (5 سنوات) من قرية المعصرة ببلقاس وفاطمة محمد أبو المجد (25 سنة) من قرية شبراويش بأجا، وتم عزل الحالات بغرفة العزل بالمستشفى وتم أخذ عينات من الدم ومسحات من الحلق لإرسالها لمعامل وزارة الصحة للتأكد من الإصابة من عدمه. On the other hand, 3 cases have been detained on suspicion of a new cluster of bird flu symptoms, and Tamer Mohamed Najib (14 months) of Sndob and Nadia Ibrahim Nasrallah (5 years) from the village of Almasrp Bbalkas and Fatima Mohamed Abul-Magd (25 years) from the village of Baja Cbrauic was isolation of cases, the hospital's isolation room were taking blood samples and swabs from the throat to be sent to the laboratories of the Ministry of Health to ensure that infection or not.
Current List for South Sinai & Kafr El-Sheikh
South Sinai: Tested Negative
Hospital diets police custody on suspicion of swine flu Detained hospital fevers Kafr Al-Sheikh Mahfouz Ramadan citizen on suspicion of swine flu. وقالت سوزان أبو السبع مدير المستشفى : إن "السعيد رمضان": يبلغ من العمر 30 عامًا من مركز قلين، وهو شرطي يعمل في مديرية أمن جنوب سيناء"، مضيفةً أن هناك اشتباهًا في أنه أُصيب أثناء مخالطته بالسياح. Said Susan Abu seven director of the hospital: the "Happy Ramadan": at the age of 30 years of Kulain Center, a police officer working security at the Directorate of South Sinai, "she reveals that he was in during the coming tourists. hat-tip Helblindi |
Egypt: 6 injured in Kafr El-Sheikh for bird flu, 1 in Kafr El-Sheikh for Swine Flu -snip- في الوقت نفسه تقرر خروج رضا السيد عباس (28 عامًا) والسيد At the same time decided to get out Mr. Abbas Ridha (28 years) and Mr. Mahrus Ramadan (30 years) from the hospital after testing negative sample taken at each but Chtbah bird flu pigs . . |
June 12
Ahmed Bassiouni,
Mohamed Shuaib Ahmed,
Fatima Ahmed Al-Hamad,
Mitwalli Yusuf,
security Magdy Abdel-Fattah,
Abdul Muti Zhzhanp Mercy
June 12 &
Swine Flu
Saad Youssef Khalil (65)/Mohammed Masood, (65), employees Pension
From: city of Kafr el-Sheikh
Notes: Returning from Umra Saudi land
Egypt...."injuring a woman on suspicion of bird flu Balqntrp West"
[Note date of article]
Meanwhile, a medical source said that the Department of Health Hospital in Ismailia Ismailia diets received the case of a woman from the city West Qantara suffer from high temperatures and is suspected of being infected with bird flu Pfirs.
وأكد المصدر ان السيدة "47" سنة تقوم بتربية الدواجن والطيور في منزلها بمدينة القنطرة غرب .وأنها شعرت بأعراض مشابهة حيث توجهت إلى مستشفى القنطرة غرب للكشف عليها .مما استدعى الأطباء لتحويلها لمستشفى الحميات للاشتباه في إصابتها بالفيروس.
The source added that the woman "47" years of raising poultry and birds in her home town of Kantara West. And it felt similar symptoms and went to a hospital in West Qantara to detect it. Doctors and was transferred to a hospital for fever on suspicion of being infected with the virus.
Egypt: Local first ... Recommended the intensification of control over outlets and ambushes to maintain the border to face the swine flu
[note date of article]
11 June, 2009 23:52:00
And the Department of Health and Population, Ismailia Governorate, to take all the necessary preparations and precautions in hospitals and private hospital for fever and ease the pace to take in any case of showing symptoms of swine flu, or avian flu.
مع العمل على تكثيف و تشديد الرقابة على مخارج و مداخل محافظة الاسماعيلية حفاظاً و حماية لصحة المواطن.
With the work to intensify and tighten control over the exits and entrances to Ismailia, and in order to protect the health of citizens.
Egypt: The discovery of 3 new cases of swine flu to total 18 Cases
وقال الدكتور نصر السيد، إن الحالات الثلاث هى لسيدة من كولومبيا وطفلين مصريين قادمين من كندا وأمريكا. Said Dr. Nasr El Sayed, the three cases is that of a woman from Colombia, two Egyptians from Canada and America.
Suspected case of bird flu in Ismailia negative
من جانبه قال وكيل وزارة الصحة بالإسماعيلية الدكتور محمد الشرقاوى، إنه تم الاطمئنان بعد الفحص من خلو الحالة من المرض ومعاناتها من التهاب رئوى، مشيراً إلى أن الإسماعيلية ما تزال خالية من أنفلونزا الطيور حتى الآن. For his part, Deputy Minister of Health Dr. Mohamed in Ismailia Sharqawi, had been reassured after the examination of the situation free of the disease and suffering from pneumonia, indicating that Ismailia is still free of bird flu so far.
The detention of the third case of swine flu in Kafr Sheikh
Been detained, Mohammed Masood, 65, from the town of Kafr el-Sheikh Kafr El-Sheikh General Hospital on suspicion of being infected with swine flu h1 n1 after his arrival from the Holy Land and the performance of the Hajj pilgrimage, where the symptoms of the disease after two days, raising doubt in the case was transferred to the hospital to confirm the existence of HIV infection or not.
تم أخذ العينة من المريض المشتبه بإصابته بالمرض وتم إرسالها إلى المعامل المركزية بوزارة الصحة لتبين إيجابية العينة أو سلبيتها، صرح بذلك دكتور أسامة فريد وكيل وزارة الصحة بكفر الشيخ.
The sample was taken from the patient and the suspected cases of cholera have been sent to labs central Ministry of Health to identify the sample positive or negative, said Dr. Osama Farid Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Kafr Al-Shaikh.
الجدير بالذكر أن هذه الحالة هى الحالة الثالثة لأنفلونزا الخنازير بالمحافظة، وتم خروج الحالتين لسلبية العينات التى تم تحليلها لكل من أحمد خضر العائد من إيطاليا ورضا السيد العائد من قبرص. It should be noted that this case is the third case of swine flu the government, was out of the negative cases, samples were analyzed for each of Ahmed Khadr return from Italy, Mr. Reza return from Cyprus.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Egypt: 6 injured in Kafr El-Sheikh for bird flu, 1 in Kafr El-Sheikh for Swine Flu
في الوقت نفسه تقرر خروج رضا السيد عباس (28 عامًا) والسيد
At the same time decided to get out Mr. Abbas Ridha (28 years) and Mr. Mahrus Ramadan (30 years) from the hospital after testing negative sample taken at each but Chtbah bird flu pigs . .
On the other hand, Kafr El-Sheikh fevers detained 6 suspected cases of disease Avian flu, are: Ahmed Bassiouni, Mohamed Shuaib Ahmed, Fatima Ahmed Al-Hamad, and the moon Mitwalli Yusuf, security Magdy Abdel-Fattah, Abdul Muti Zhzhanp Mercy after their arrival at altitudes of patients Temperature . .
hat-tip Helblindi
Hospital diets police custody on suspicion of swine flu
وقالت سوزان أبو السبع مدير المستشفى : إن "السعيد رمضان": يبلغ من العمر 30 عامًا من مركز قلين، وهو شرطي يعمل في مديرية أمن جنوب سيناء"، مضيفةً أن هناك اشتباهًا في أنه أُصيب أثناء مخالطته بالسياح.
Said Susan Abu seven director of the hospital: the "Happy Ramadan": at the age of 30 years of Kulain Center, a police officer working security at the Directorate of South Sinai, "she reveals that he was in during the coming tourists.
hat-tip Helblindi
An international report confirms the failure to Response to avian influenza in Egypt
In the first comprehensive assessment of the policy of vaccination of birds against rural Egypt bird flu for the past three years, the FAO report, prepared by FAO in coordination with the General Authority for Veterinary Services,
الفشل الذريع في مواجهة المرض وإحكام السيطرة عليه, محذرة في الوقت نفسه من شتاء شديد القسوة علي مصر. وكشف التقرير أيضا عن عدم جدوي استمرار الحملات القومية لتحصين الطيور, سواء بالقطاع الريفي أو في مزارع الدواجن, حيث أنها لم تغط سوي3% فقط من المستهدف,ومثلت إهدارا للمال العام, وأرباحا خرافية للشركات المستوردة للتحصينات, في الوقت الذي لا توجد فيه نتائج فعلية ملموسة في إحكام السيطرة علي المرض, الذي لا يمكن مواجهته سوي بوقف النشاط الداجني في مصر لمدة ستة أشهر, تشمل توقف المزارع عن التربية تماما, فضلا عن المنازل. وأكد الدكتور حامد سماحة رئيس الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية أن مصر تستورد ـ عبر شركات القطاع الخاص ـ نحو نصف مليار جرعة تحصين, تكلفتها150 مليون جنيه.
Failure in the face of the disease and the tightening of control, at the same time warning of the harsh winter of Egypt. The report also uncovered the lack of viability of national campaigns to vaccinate poultry, both the rural sector or in the poultry farms, where they covered only 3% of the target, and represented a waste of public funds, and corporate profits fairy-importing fortifications, while there is no concrete, tangible results in the control of the disease, which can be met only poultry to stop the activity in Egypt for six months, including a stop on the farm of well, as well as houses., Dr. Hamed Samaha Chairman of the General Authority for Veterinary Services, Egypt imported through private sector companies around half a billion-dose vaccination , the cost of 150 million pounds.
Egypt: The spread of the epidemic is a distribution of masks in the October 6
Despite the overcrowding of schools on hospitals and non-processing villages ..
Friday, June 12, 2009 - 18:18Dr. Mohamed Al-Sarhan and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health of the province, on October 6 on the seventh day, the Directorate of Health declared a state of high alert in all hospitals, schools, laboratory of the Ministry of Health in the county, noting that it was within the framework of an integrated plan developed by the Ministry of Health, will be applied in all provinces, including October 6.
وأضاف سرحان أنه رغم عدم اكتشاف أى حالة مرضية مصابة بفيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير فى المحافظة، إلا أن هناك مليون كمامة بمديرية الصحة سيتم توزيعها على المواطنين فى حالة انتشار الفيروس بين المصريين، مشيرا إلى أن الحالات التى تم اكتشافها ليست حالات مصرية، بل هى حالات أجنبية من الخارج، موضحا أن الفيروس ضعيف جدا مقارنة بفيروس أنفلونزا الطيور، معللا بأن هناك 30 ألف إصابة بالفيروس فى العالم، لم يمت منهم إلا 100 شخص أو يزيد بقليل، وهذا لا يساوى عدد ضحايا الأنفلونزا العادية. Sarhan added that, despite the lack of detection of any medical condition infected with swine flu in the county, there is a muzzle million Department of Health will be distributed to citizens in case of spread of the virus among the Egyptians, pointing out that the cases were not detected cases of Egypt, but are the cases of foreign abroad, pointing out that the virus is very weak compared to the bird flu virus, the reasons that there are 30 thousand HIV infection in the world, is not dead, of whom only 100 people, or just over, and this is not equal to the number of victims of regular flu.
وأوضح الوكيل، أنه فى حالة تفشى المرض وعدم استيعاب المستشفيات للمصابين، فإن هناك فراغات داخل جميع المستشفيات سيتم تجهيزها، مؤكد أن الحالات التى يتم التشكك فيها يتم تحويلها إلى حميات إمبابة والعباسية، بالإضافة إلى أن هناك تركيزا كبيرا داخل المستشفيات وخاصة العناية المركز والطوارئ. The agent, in the case of an outbreak of disease, lack of hospitals to accommodate patients, there are spaces within all hospitals will be processed, confirmed that the cases where the uncertainty is to be transferred to the fevers and Imbaba Abbasiyah, in addition to that there is considerable emphasis within the hospitals and special care center and emergency.
[tinyurl is not working is the full link]|en&u=
Egypt: Suspicion of a police officer injured in swine flu Rawash
Detained Armend Rawash hospital admitted a police officer, on suspicion of being infected with swine flu, after the high temperature, and the appearance of cold symptoms and vomiting, continued it.
وأعلن مستشفى حميات أرمنت عن دخول عبد العزيز محمد عبد القادر (35 سنةـ ضابط تأمين أفواج سياحية) فى حالة إعياء شديد وارتفاع فى درجة الحرارة والقىء المستمر، وقام الأطباء بإعطاء المريض عقار التاميفلو، وأخذ عينة لإرسالها إلى المعامل للتأكد من إصابته.
The hospital admitted the entry of Armend Abdel Aziz Mohamed Abdel Kader (35 years to secure a tourist groups) in the case of severe fatigue, high fever and vomiting continued, and the doctors give the patient the drug Tamiflu, the taking of a sample to be sent to labs to make sure his injury.
Egypt: First Suspected Case of Bird Flu in Ismailia
For the first time in Ismailia, a woman was detained in a hospital on suspicion of fever infected with avian flu, with no preservation of the disease.
وقال مصدر طبى مسئول، إن السيدة المحتجزة تدعى نفيسة عبد الباسط (50 سنة)، تقيم فى منطقة الشهيد خيرى بقرية أبو خليفة مركز القنطرة غرب ومربية دواجن منزلية، بعد أن ظهرت أعراض المرض عليها.
A medical source said the official, called the monies that Ms. Nafisa Abdul Basit (50 years), lived in the area of the village of the martyr Abu Khalifa charity Qantarah Center West and nanny domestic poultry, after showing symptoms of the disease.
وتم إجراء الكشف الطبى وأحيلت إلى الحميات، فيما لم تعلن المحافظة عن الحالة بصفة رسمية حتى الآن، وعلم اليوم السابع أن رئيس مركز ومدينة القنطرة غرب المهندس محمد فهمى البيك زار السيدة واطمئن بنفسه على حالتها.
Medical examination was carried out and transmitted to the diets, did not announce the preservation of the situation in an official capacity until now, aware of the seventh day that the head of the Center and the City of West Qantarah Engineer Mohamed Fahmy Bey is visited Ms. reassure himself with the situation.
ومن المنتظر أن يتم فحص ومتابعة أقارب وعائلة السيدة وجيرانها للتأكد من خلوهم من المرض، مع استمرار تكثيف الحملات على الدواجن المنزلية.
It is expected to be follow-up examination and the family of relatives and neighbors of Ms. ensure they are free from disease, while continuing to intensify crackdowns on domestic poultry
Ismailia is #12:
Egypt: To clarify the spread of news about the meeting Sunday attended meningitis
Egypt: Meningitis sweep West
Tanta fevers receiving 40 per month
Friday, June 12, 2009 - 15:21
The Director of the hospital admitted Tanta Dr. Kelani that the hospital receives from 20 to 40 cases per month infected with meningitis.
Friday, June 12, 2009 - 17:18
Found that the site was meeting Sunday attended by our correspondent on the news of the invasion of meningitis for the province of the West by many computer errors, as the number which had been published over the past years, not during the last month, and make sure that the site is received in the hospital meeting Sunday attended by the natural framework, and witness the most conservative of the disease, and it does not call for any kind of concern, and the seventh day is published clarification in order to demonstrate the fact, without exaggeration.
[I'm having trouble with the "tinyurl" site today. Here is the link:|en&u=
Egypt: risk of imminent .. ؟ Global panic or exaggerated?
The word «, B» in itself does not indicate the ability of the virus to kill, but his ability to move from one person to another and spread the infection of large numbers of people in different places of the world.
وقد أظهرت دراسة «ساينس» نفسها ارتفاع قدرة فيروس «أتش 1 أن1» على الانتقال من إنسان إلى آخر بسرعة أكبر من تلك المسجلة في الأنفلونزا الموسمية.
The study showed «Science» increase the capacity of the same virus «HTML 1 to 1» to move from one person to another more quickly than those recorded in the seasonal influenza.
ولعل هذا التفسير أيضا هو الذي جعلنا حتى الآن لا نعتبر أن هناك وباء عالمياً لأنفلونزا الطيور، مع العلم أن قدرة هذا الفيروس على قتل المصاب به تصل إلى أكثر من 60 في المئة من الحالات.
Perhaps this is also the interpretation which has made so far do not consider that there is a pandemic of avian flu, knowing that the ability of this virus to kill the patient by up to more than 60 percent of the cases.
فمن بين 429 حالة مسجلة عالمياً لأنفلونزا الطيور منذ عام 2007 توفيت 262 حالة.
Out of 429 recorded cases of bird flu worldwide since 2007, died in 262 cases.
وهو ما يعني أن تحول فيروس أنفلونزا الطيور إلى فيروس قادر على الانتقال من إنسان إلى آخر بسهولة، سيكون خطره أكبر بكثير على البشرية مما هي حال أنفلونزا الخنازير اليوم.
This means that the transformation of the avian influenza virus into a virus capable of moving from one person to another easily, it will be a much greater threat to mankind than is the case of swine flu today.
ويشير تقرير نشر مؤخرا في القاهرة أن مصر هي الدولة المرشحة لأن يشهد فيها الفيروس تحولاً يجعله قادراً على الانتقال من إنسان إلى آخر حيث سجلت فيها حتى الآن 77 إصابة توفيت 27 حالة منها.
The report was recently published in Cairo that Egypt is the candidate to see a shift where the virus to be able to move from one person to another, recorded so far 77 cases of which 27 died.
The George Friedman in an article published online «Stratfor» Studies «that any risk to humans would not be that the flu virus, but more deadly spread of HIV is transmitted through normal contact between humans and there is no cure.
وفي هذه الحالة فإن انتشاره سيحصل قبل أن يتنبه أي شخص إليه حتى بوجود أنظمة رصد جيدة.
In this case, the spread will be aware of before any person so there is good monitoring systems.
وأول إشارات أي وباء قاتل لن تأتي من منظمة الصحة العالمية أو الجسم الطبي وإنما من واقع أن الناس يصابون بالمرض ويموتون حول العالم في الوقت نفسه.
The first signs of a killer and will not come from the World Health Organization or the medical body, but from the fact that people are falling sick and dying around the world at the same time. [I agree!!!]
وفي هذه الحالة لا أحد يمكنه أن يمنع الوباء أو يحصره.
Egypt: 5 new cases of detention on suspicion of bird flu meeting Sunday attended by
Friday, June 12, 2009 - 15:47
قامت مديرية الصحة بالغربية بوضع 54 مواطنا قادمين من دول تنتشر بها الإصابة بمرض أنفلونزا الخنازير تحت الملاحظة المستمرة والمشددة لمدة 10 أيام خوفا من إصابتهم بالمرض، واستمرار متابعتهم هم والمخالطين لهم، والتنبيه عليهم التوجه لأقرب مستشفى حميات أو صدر فى حالة ظهور أى أعراض عليهم أو على المخالطين لهم.
The development of the Directorate of Health meeting Sunday attended by 54 citizens from the spread of swine flu infection under strict and continuous observation for a period of 10 days for fear of illness, and continued follow-up contacts are to them, and warned them to go to the nearest hospital fevers or issued in the case of any symptoms or the contact them.
تلقت إدارة الطب الوقائى بمديرية الصحة بالغربية إخطارا من إدارة الحجر الصحى تفيد بوصول 54 مواطنا قادمين من الاتحاد الأوروبى والسعودية والإمارات وأمريكا والكويت ومقيمين بمحافظة الغربية.
The Department of Preventive Medicine, Directorate of Health meeting Sunday attended by a notification from the Department of Quarantine of the arrival of 54 citizens from the European Union, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and the United States and residents of Western Province.
تم وضعهم تحت الملاحظة الطبية والمراقبة المشددة خوفا من أن يكونوا حاملين للمرض خاصة بعد ظهور المرض بمصر.
Been placed under medical observation and surveillance for fear of being carriers of the disease, especially after the emergence of the disease in Egypt.
ومن ناحية أخرى احتجزت مستشفيات حميات المنصورة وبسيون والمحلة 5 حالات جديدة للاشتباه بإصابتهم بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور بالغربية، حيث احتجزت حميات المنصورة أحمد أسامة محمد "عاما وشهرا" من قرية بهبيت الحجارة مركز سمنود، واحتجاز كلا من محمد السيد عبد الوهاب "4سنوات" من قرية الابشيط مركز المحلة، وطارق عبدالطواب "12سنة" من قرية بشبيش مركز المحلة وأميرة مجدى فاورق الشربينى "24سنة" من منطقة أبو الحسن بالمحلة جميعا بحميات المحلة.
On the other hand held and hospital fevers Mansoura Besion and Mahala 5 new cases of suspected bird flu infected meeting Sunday attended, where she was detained fevers Mansoura Ahmed Mohamed Osama "years and months," stones from the village of Bahbit Smonod Center, the detention of both Mr. Mohamed Abdel-Wahab, "4 years" from the village of Alapshit Mahala Center, Tariq Abdataiwab "12 years" from the village of Mahala Bcbic Center and Fawrq Amira Magdy El-Sherbini, "24 years" from the Abulhasan Mehalla all Bhmyat place.
كما احتجز مستشفى حميات بسيون نعيمة سليمان بدر (50 سنة) ربة منزل من كنيسة شبراطوا.
Also detained a hospital fevers Besion Naima Solomon Bader (50 years old), a housewife from the Church of Cbratoa. تم أخذ عينة دم ومسحة حلق من الحالات وإرسالها للمعامل المركزية الخاصة بوزارة الصحة للتأكد من مدى إصابتهم بالمرض من عدمه وتم إعطائهم عقار التايمفلو.
Blood samples were taken and the melancholy hours of the cases and sent to the central laboratories of the Ministry of Health to ascertain the extent of illness, whether or not to have been given the drug Altaymflo. صرح بذلك الدكتور عصام عثمان مدير إدارة الطب الوقائى بالغربية. Said Dr. Essam Othman, Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine meeting Sunday attended.
Egypt: Tighten security around mosques and medical due to swine flu
Strict measures in the major mosques in Cairo today, Friday, in preparation for Friday prayers, where it was noted that extensive security presence around the mosques of Al-Azhar and Al-Hussein and the Al Fatah Bermsis, as the allocation of ambulances to be close to mosques.
على الرغم من هذه الإجراءات الوقائية فإن الازدحام فى هذه المساجد لم يقل، وكان مثل الأسابيع الماضية، كما لوحظ أيضا أن خطباء المساجد تطرقوا إلى الوقاية من مرض أنفلونزا الخنازير، غير أنه لم يكن الموضوع الأساسى فى الخطبة، ففى جامع الأزهر تحدث الشيخ عيد علم الدين خطيب الجامع عن طهارة النفس أولا بوصفها الوسيلة المباشرة لما وصفه بـ"نقاء السريرة"، ثم تحدث بعد ذلك عن طهارة الجسد معيبا على البعض بالاهتمام بالمظهر فى حين الجوهر يسكنه الخراب على حد وصفه.
Despite these preventive measures, the overcrowding in the mosques did not say, and like the last few weeks, as was also noted that the preacher talked about the prevention of disease, swine flu, but it was not the main theme in the sermon, in the Al-Azhar Mosque, Sheikh Eid al-Alam Al-Din Preacher of the Whole on the purity of self-defense, first as a direct means for what he called "the purity of conscience," and then spoke of the purity of the body's shameful to look at some of the attention when the substance is inhabited devastation described.
فى النهاية تحدث عن ضرورة الحفاظ على نظافة مجتمعاتنا وشوارعنا والأماكن التى نعيش فيها من أجل الوقاية من جميع الأوبئة والأمراض، واصفا القمامة التى تتكدس فى الشوارع أنها من أخطر ما يمكن أن يهدد صحة المصريين.
Finally spoke about the need to maintain the cleanliness of our communities and our streets and places in which we live for the prevention of all pests and diseases, describing the garbage that is piling up in the streets as the most dangerous thing that could threaten the health of Egyptians.
Egypt: Meningitis sweep West
Friday, June 12, 2009 - 15:21
The Director of the hospital admitted Tanta Dr. Kelani that the hospital receives from 20 to 40 cases per month infected with meningitis.
وأكد أن الاكتشاف المبكر للمرض يساعد على الشفاء على العكس من تأخير التشخيص الذى يؤدى إلى التهاب بالمخ والتهاب السحايا "أغشية المخ" ويترك أثرا كبيرا، حيث يؤدى إلى شلل نصفى أو رباعى أو شلل طرفى أو يترك أثرا بعصب السمع أو البصر.
He stressed that early detection of the disease helps to cure on the contrary, delay diagnosis, which leads to inflammation of the brain and meningitis, "the brain membrane," and having a major impact, as it leads to paralysis, or polio, or the two sides of the Quartet, or leaves a nerve or hearing impaired.
أما الاكتشاف المبكر يتم علاجه بالبنسلين المائى والسلفاثركزيون لمدة عشرة أيام، حيث أن أعراض المرض هى ارتفاع بدرجة الحرارة مفاجئ ويصاحبه قئ مستمر وصداع وتصلب بعضلات الرقبة، ويتم عمل بذل نخاعى وتحليلها كيميائيا وبكتريولوجيا، وإرسال عينة أخرى للمعمل الإقليمى وبعد ذلك يتم صرف العلاج المناسب.
The treatment is early detection and Asalafatherkzion Balbnsleyn water for ten days, since the symptoms are sudden high temperature and is accompanied by constant vomiting, headache, hardening of the muscles of the neck, and made the work of medullary and bacteriological and chemical analysis, and send a sample of other regional laboratory and then exchange the appropriate treatment.
وينتشر هذا الوباء وينتقل عن طريق النفس وينتشر داخل التجمعات بالمدارس والكليات.
The spread of the epidemic, spread by self-spreading within the school communities and colleges.
Kelani said that the World Health Organization confirmed the reports that in the case of increasing the number of cases, 5 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants, and is compared to B, or weeks, since the same period is measured in weeks represented in the previous year, although the number has increased over the same period means that the existence of and B. شهدت حميات طنطا وفاة حالتين إثر الإصابة بالتهاب السحائى خلال الفترة السابقة. Tanta fevers experienced the death of two cases following meningitis infection during the previous period.
Egypt: 2 Police Passport Personnel @ Airport Suspected of H1N1
Friday, June 12, 2009 - 15:29
ترددت أنباء قوية داخل مطار القاهرة الدولى عن عزل 2 من أمناء الشرطة من العاملين بالجوازات بعد الاشتباه فى إصابتهما بفيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير، كما تم نقلهما لمستشفى الحميات بالعباسية، لسحب عينات منهما للتأكد من إصابتهما بالفيروس من عدمه، ورفضت المصادر الإفصاح عن بياناتهما خاصة، وأنهما من المتعاملين مباشرة مع الركاب القادمين من الدول الموبوءة.
There were reports of a strong inside the Cairo International Airport for the isolation of 2 from the Trustees of the police personnel passports are suspected of having avian influenza virus infected pigs, was also taken to hospital بالعباسية fever, to withdraw their samples to make sure they got the virus or not, the sources refused to disclose their private, they are customers directly with passengers coming from infected countries.
وأكدت مصادر بالمطار أنه هناك تعتيم على نشر أخبار العزل التى تتم داخل المطار بعد أن سادت حالة من الهلع والخوف اليوم، الجمعة، بين غالبية العاملين بمطار القاهرة الدولى، وذلك بعد إعلان منظمة الصحة العالمية للمرحلة السادسة لفيروس أنفلونزا الخنازير، خاصة وأن أمينى الشرطة فى مقدمة مستقبلى الركاب القادمين من الدول الموبوءة التى وضعت ضمن دائرة الاشتباه، إلى جانب اكتشاف حالات اشتباه بين العاملين فيه التى كانت آخرها، أمس الخميس، حيث تم عزل مضيفة جوية تعمل فى طاقم مصر للطيران للضيافة عقب قدومها من بيروت وإصابتها بارتفاع درجة حرارتها والتهاب بالحلق، كما طالب عدد من العاملين بخفض أعداد رحلات الطيران وعدد القادمين من تلك الدول وأيضا وقف رحلات العمرة.
Sources confirmed that the airport there is a blackout on news of separation, which are inside the airport after it prevailed in a state of panic and fear today, Friday, between the majority of workers in Cairo International Airport, after the Declaration of the World Health Organization, the sixth stage of the swine flu virus, particularly the police, and the Secretaries of the main future passengers from the affected States, which has developed within the Department of suspicion, along with the discovery of suspected cases of the employees, which was most recently on Thursday, where he was to isolate an air crew operating in Egypt for the hospitality of the airline after its arrival in Beirut, with a high temperature and sore throat, and A number of workers to reduce the number of flights and the number of arrivals from these countries and also suspended flights to Mecca.
يذكر أن سلطات الحجر الصحى بمطار القاهرة الدولى قد استقبل حتى أمس، الخميس، 7800 راكب قادمين من 66 رحلة طيران، وتم فحصهم جميعا وسجلت بياناتهم وأماكن إقامتهم لمراقبتهم صحيا خلال تواجدهم بمصر.
Is noteworthy that the quarantine authorities at Cairo International Airport has been received as of yesterday, Thursday, 7800 passengers from 66 flights, all had been checked and recorded their statements and their places of residence to keep tabs on their health through Egypt.
Egypt: The discovery of 3 new cases of swine flu
Friday, June 12, 2009 - 13:36
Mr. Al-Nasr, Assistant Minister of Health Affairs of the preventive detection of three new cases infected with HIV (1 H, 1), known as swine flu arriving from Canada, Sweden and America, two key and the third of Syrian origin.
وقال مساعد وزير الصحة للشئون الوقائية - فى تصريح له اليوم الجمعة - إنه تم اكتشاف الحالات الثلاث بمجرد قدومهم أمس الخميس، من الخارج وتم عزلهم بمستشفى حميات العباسية لإجراء التحاليل اللازمة وإعطائهم العلاج من عقار التامفلو.
The Assistant Minister of Health for Preventive Affairs - said in a statement on Friday - it was the discovery of three cases, as soon as they come on Thursday, isolating them from the outside hospital was admitted Abbasiyah for analysis and to give them treatment for drug Altamflo.
وأشار إلى أن إجمالى الحالات التى تم اكتشافها حتى الآن المصابة بفيروس (إتش1 إن1) أنفلونزا الخنازير فى مصر بلغت 15 حالة.
He pointed out that the cases which have been discovered so far infected with HIV (the 1 H 1) swine flu in Egypt amounted to 15 cases.
Swine flu pandemic to last up to 2 years: WHO
The swine flu pandemic will last for a period of one or two years, the World Health Organisation's Assistant Director General Keiji Fukuda said.
"For a period for one to two years the virus is going around the world, and is getting people infected in a way a pandemic virus will get people infected... We need to be flexible how we respond to it," said Fukuda.
Fukuda was speaking after the WHO declared the world's first influenza pandemic in 40 years for the A(H1N1) virus, which has infected tens of thousands of people in 74 countries.
"We are going to monitor this very closely, we're are going to see what kind of disease activity we see," Fukuda added.
Egypt: The detention of 34 suspected case b «avian flu» in 7 provinces
Detained in hospital diets 7 provinces of 34 suspected cases of bird flu symptoms.
فى الدقهلية احتجز مستشفى الصدر فى المنصورة ١٤ حالة، وتم اخذ عينات منها لتحليلها.
Dakahliya detained in a hospital in Sadr Mansoura 14 cases, samples were taken for analysis.
واحتجزت مستشفيات حميات المحلة وزفتى وطنطا وكفر الزيات فى الغربية ٧ حالات ظهرت عليها أعراض المرض، كما تم احتجاز ٥ حالات فى حميات دمياط، و٣ حالات فى المنيا بينها اثنتان فى مستشفى حميات المنيا، وأخرى فى «حميات بنى مزار».
Hospital admitted and detained Zvty Mahalla and Tanta and Kafr El-Zayat, 7 cases in the West developed the symptoms of the disease, were also 5 cases of fevers in Damietta, and 3 cases in Minya, including two in a hospital in El fevers, and in the «fevers Zawyit».
وفى البحيرة احتجز مستشفى حميات دمنهور ٣ حالات، كما تم احتجاز حالة فى مستشفى حميات السويس.وفى الإسماعيلية تم احتجاز سيدة للاشتباه فى إصابتها بالمرض
In the lake held a hospital fevers Damanhour 3 cases, were also admitted in a hospital in the case of Suez. In Ismailia woman were detained on suspicion of being infected with the disease
وعلى صعيد متصل ضبطت مديرية الطب البيطرى فى الفيوم ٣١ محلا لبيع الطيور الحية دون ترخيص واعدمت ٨٣٨ طائرا، فيما صرحت «المديرية» لـ ٦ مزارع ببيع الطيور على مستوى المحافظة.
Meanwhile, the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine found in the Fayoum 31 shops selling live birds without a license and culled 838 birds, and said «Directorate» 6 for the sale of poultry farms on the level of the province.
وفى قنا أكد المحافظ اللواء مجدى أيوب، إعدام ٣٠٠ طائر وضبط ٦ من باعة الطيور الحية وإزالة ١٨ عشه منزلية.
In Qena Governor emphasized that General Magdy Ayoub, execution and control of 300 birds from 6 sellers of live birds and the removal of 18 shanty home.
وفى القليوبية ضبطت مباحث قسم ثان شبرا الخيمة ١٦ سيارة محملة بنحو ٣٠ ألف دجاجة دون ترخيص قادمة من الشرقية والجيزة والقليوبية متجهة إلى القاهرة.
In a Investigation Division seized Qaliubiya Shubra al-Khaimah 16 second car loaded with approximately 30 thousand chickens without a permit from the East, Giza, heading to Cairo.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Egypt: Lifting of the state of emergency to confront the Alexandria hospital swine flu
Maj. Gen. Adel Labib, Governor of Alexandria, in an exclusive statement to the seventh day that the Alexandria governorate by procedure and the necessary precautions to contain the emergence of any cases of swine flu in Alexandria, where he was to take all preventive measures to contain any particular disease, the availability of drugs Tamiflu and masks, and the lifting of the state of emergency in all hospitals, Hospital diets, not only because of the seriousness of the disease is widespread.
وأكد لبيب أن الإسكندرية كانت تتخذ كل الاحتياطات قبل ظهور أول حالة لرجل ويدعى محمد أبو شوشة (45 عاما) (مصرى مقيم بالولايات المتحدة) حيث أشار لبيب إلى أن أجهزة الحجر الصحى تقوم بحملات دورية.
Labib said that Alexandria was taken every precaution before the first case of a man named Mohammed Abu Shusha (45 years) (an Egyptian resident in the United States) in which the intelligent devices that quarantine campaigns periodically.
وأضاف أن هناك تدقيقا كبيرا لكل القادمين من الخارج، مشيرا إلى أن الحالة التى ظهرت بالإسكندرية قد جاءت إلى مطار القاهرة وظلت حاملة الفيروس الذى لم يظهر إلا بعد أربعة أيام.
He added that there was considerable scrutiny of all arrivals from abroad, pointing out that the situation that emerged in Alexandria, came to Cairo airport and has been carrying the virus, which did not show up until four days later.
Egypt: 8 suspected cases of bird flu, a new
Detained hospitals admitted Zvty Mahalla and Tanta Kfrazayat and 7 new cases of suspected bird flu infected patients were allocated to the premises and take samples of blood and swab hours and sent to the central laboratories of the Ministry of Health to ascertain the extent of illness or not.
تم إعطائهم عقار التايمفلو لحين ورود نتيجة العينات الخاصة بهم كما صرح الدكتور عصام عثمان مدير إدارة الطب الوقائى بمديرية الصحة بالغربية والذى أكد سلبية 8 حالات أخرى وتم إخراجهم من المستشفيات بعد الاطمئنان عليهم.
Altaymflo were given the drug until the result of the receipt of samples of their own, said Dr. Essam Othman, Director of the Department of Preventive Medicine Department of Health, who confirmed the meeting Sunday attended by 8 negative cases have been discharged from other hospitals after reassuring them.
وفى الشرقية، صرح د. In the East, an d. عطية عبد العزيز وكيل مديرية الطب البيطرى لليوم السابع أنه انتقلت حملات مكثفة إلى مدينة القنايات وقامت بتحصين منطقة الفدان التابعة لمدينة القنايات محافظة الشرقية، بعد نقل أشرف محمد إبراهيم موسى (46 عاما) إلى مستشفى حميات جامعة الزقازيق بعد الاشتباه بإصابته بمرض أنفلونزا الطيور.
Atiyah Abd al-Aziz, and the Under-Directorate of Veterinary Medicine for the seventh day that the campaign moved to the city by fortifying Alqnayat acre area of the City of East Alqnayat province, after the transfer of Ashraf Ibrahim Mohammed Mussa (46 years) admitted to hospital in the University of Zagazig, after suspicion is afflicted with avian flu.
Egypt: WHO does not recommend the closure of the border
Friday, June 12, 2009 - 00:45
فى ظل عدم حضور أى ممثل عن وزارة الصحة المصرية، طالب المكتب الإقليمى لمنظمة الصحة العالمية لشرق المتوسط من القاهرة، بعدم إغلاق الحدود أو فرض أى قيود على السفر والتجارة الدولية أو تقيد حركة النقل والتجارة العالمية، مؤكدا على أن البلاد من حقها تقييم حالاتها الخاصة والتحول فى الوقت المناسب من أجل التركيز على الجهود الوطنية للبلاد لتخفيف وطأة الجائحة.
In the absence of the presence of any representative of the Ministry of Health in Egypt, called the Regional Office of WHO for the Eastern Mediterranean in Cairo, the closure of the border or not to impose any restrictions on travel and international trade or restrict the movement of transport and trade, stressing that the country has the right to assess their own and the transition at an appropriate time to focus on the country's national efforts to alleviate the impact of the pandemic.
جاء ذلك فى المؤتمر الصحفى العاجل الذى عقدته المنظمة عقب إعلان المديرة العامة بجنيف، لبدء المرحلة السادسة من التأهب والاستعداد لمواجهة وباء أنفلونزا الخنازير.
This was stated in a press conference held by the organization soon after the declaration of the Director-General in Geneva, to start the sixth stage of preparedness for a pandemic of swine flu.
كما توقع القائمون على المنظمة احتمال تحور الفيروس فى أى لحظة ليكون أكثر شراسة، لافتين أنهم فى حوار مستمر مع شركات تصنيع اللقاحات ليكون فى القريب العاجل، بالإضافة إلى المساعدة للدول فى تصنيعه وطنيا.
He also predicted the project organized the virus could mutate at any moment to be more aggressive for the long time they were in constant dialogue with manufacturers of vaccines to be in the near future, as well as assistance to countries in manufacturing nationally.
ومن جانبه أكد "جواد محمود" مدير قسم الأمراض أن معاير اندلاع جائحة تحققت مما أدى إلى الانتقال إلى المرحلة السادسة والتى تعبر عن انتشار الفيروس فى أكثر من إقليم لمنظمة الصحة العالمية، ولكن يمكن وصف الحالة بأنها متوسطة الدرجة.
For his part, "Jawad al-Mahmoud," the director of disease outbreak of a pandemic that standards have been achieved resulting in the transition to phase VI, which reflects the spread of the virus in most of the territory of the World Health Organization, but the situation can be described as middle-class.
أما بالنسبة لوضعنا فى إقليم شرق المتوسط، فأكد الدكتور أحمد عبد اللطيف "ممثل منظمة الصحة العالمية فى مصر أنه حتى الآن كل الإصابات مستوردة أو مخالطة لإصابات مستوردة، وهذا يفرض على البلاد اتباع طرق السلامة والوقاية من المرض، للحد من انتشاره داخلها مع ضرورة تفعيل أنظمة الترصد والتأهب والخصائص الجينية للفيروس ووظائفه، مع رصد وظائف أو أعمال الأنظمة الصحية فى البلاد وتشديد القدرات التنظيمية والعملية للطاقم الصحى مع التوصل النشط والشفافية الكاملة فى عرض الموقف كجزء من مواصلة التأهب لهذه الجائحة مع تطوير الخطط وتكثيف الجهود الوطنية لمكافحة المرض صحيا واجتماعيا.
As for the put in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, stressed Dr Ahmed Abdel-Latif, "WHO representative in Egypt that, so far, all cases are imported or imported contact injuries, and this imposes on a country road safety and the prevention of disease, to reduce the spread of the disease within the systems with the need to activate the surveillance, preparedness and genetic characteristics of the virus and functions, with the monitoring of jobs or the work of health systems in the country and the strengthening of organizational capacity and the operation of the crew with a healthy active and full transparency in the presentation as part of the continuation of the pandemic preparedness plans with the development and intensification of national efforts to control the disease, healthy and socially.
Egypt: Health announces deal with standards of swine flu

أعلنت وزارة الصحة فى بيان صحفى لها مساء اليوم الخميس، مجموعة من المعايير التى ستتعامل بها مع أنفلونزا الخنازير، وذلك من باب الرد على إعلان مؤتمر الصحة العالمية بالوصول للمرحلة السادسة، والذى لم يحضره ممثل عن الوزارة. Ministry of Health announced in a press release late Thursday, a set of criteria, which will deal with the swine flu, in a matter of responding to the Declaration of the World Health Organization to reach the sixth stage, which was attended by a representative of the ministry.
البيان جاء به مجموعة من الآليات هى: The statement by a group of mechanisms are:
1- أن المعيار الذى تعتمد عليه منظمة الصحة العالمية كأساس لإعلانها الانتقال للمرحلة السادسة، لا يعكس بأى حال من الأحوال زيادة شدة أو حدة أو ضراوة أو خطورة الفيروس المسبب للمرض، وإنما يستند هذا المعيار إلى عنصر "الانتشار الجغرافى"، وظهور المرض فى 74 دولة بالعالم حتى الآن. 1 - that the criterion on which the World Health Organization declared the basis for the transition to phase VI, did not reflect any event or the increase in the intensity or ferocity or the seriousness of the virus, but is based on the criterion of a "geographical spread", and the emergence of the disease in 74 countries the world so far. كما أن منظمة الصحة العالمية أعلنت الانتقال للمرحلة السادسة أساسا بسبب ارتفاع "عدد" الحالات المصابة فى أستراليا، وليس نتيجة زيادة "شدة" أو "خطورة" الفيروس المسبب للمرض. The World Health Organization declared the sixth stage of the transition mainly due to a rise in the "number of" cases in Australia, and not the result of the increase in "severe" or "seriousness" of the virus.
2- تؤكد كافة بيانات وإحصائيات منظمة الصحة العالمية، ومركز مكافحة الأمراض فى أتلانتا بالولايات المتحدة، أن كثيرا من المصابين بهذا النوع من الأنفلونزا يتم شفاؤهم من العدوى تلقائيا خلال أيام معدودة، كما أن نسبة الوفيات فى هذا المرض تمثل أقل من 1% (بلغ إجمالى الحالات المصابة 27739، بينما بلغت جملة الوفيات 141 حالة) وهى تقريبا نفس نسبة الوفيات من مضاعفات الأنفلونزا الموسمية. 2 - All the data and statistics of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, United States, many of those infected with this type of influenza infection is recovered automatically in a few days, and the proportion of deaths from the disease represent less than 1% (total cases of 27739, while the total deaths 141 cases) is almost the same rate of deaths from complications of seasonal influenza.
3- أن تجربة الحالات الـ12 الذين قدموا لمصر، وتأكد إصابتهم بهذا المرض، أثبتت استجابة الحالات الفورية للعلاج، وتماثلهم للشفاء من هذا الفيروس، ولم يحدث بمصر حتى الآن أية انتقال للمرض فيما بين المواطنين المصريين. 3 - the experience of 12 cases who had come to Egypt, and the confirmed infected with the disease have shown cases of immediate response to treatment, and the continued recovery of the virus, did not happen in Egypt so far, no transmission of the disease among the Egyptian citizens.
4- أنه ورغم إعلان منظمة الصحة العالمية الانتقال للمرحلة السادسة، فإن المنظمة توصى بعدم إغلاق الحدود الدولية، أو تقييد حركة السفر بين الدول، الأمر الذى يعنى أن الفيروس لا يشكل تهديدا خطيرا على صحة الإنسان بشكل يستوجب معه اتخاذ إجراءات استثنائية وطارئة. 4 - It is despite the Declaration of the World Health Organization, the sixth stage of the transition, the FAO recommends against the closure of international borders, or restrictions on travel between the countries, which means that the virus does not pose a serious threat to human health are required to take extraordinary measures and emergency.
5- تنصح وزارة الصحة المواطنين المصريين باستمرار حياتهم الطبيعية دون ذعر أو هلع، مع الالتزام التام بإجراءات وقواعد النظافة الشخصية والعامة، مع ضرورة مراعاة: 5 - Ministry of Health advises citizens of Egyptian natural continuation of their lives without fear or panic, in strict compliance with procedures and rules of personal hygiene and public, with the need to take into account:
a. a. غسل الأيدى بالماء والصابون باستمرار. Hand-washing with soap and water frequently.
b. b. تغطية الأنف والفم أثناء الكحة والعطس. Cover nose and mouth while sneezing and cough.
c. c. التهوية الجيدة فى المواصلات العامة وفى أماكن المعيشة. Good ventilation in the public transport and places of living.
d. d. تجنب الأماكن المزدحمة سيئة التهوية. Avoid crowded places and poorly ventilated.
e. e. استشارة الطبيب المختص وملازمة المنزل عند الشعور بأعراض الأنفلونزا. Consult a specialist doctor and staying home when feeling symptoms of influenza.
6- تؤكد وزارة الصحة على أن السلطات المصرية تملك مخزونا استراتيجيا كافيا من عقار التاميفلو، وهو لا يستخدم إلا عند وقوع الإصابة بالفيروس، لكنه لا يعطى بغرض الوقاية أو تجنب الإصابة بالفيروس، وتحذر وزارة الصحة من أن محاولة استخدام العقار للوقاية من الإصابة بالفيروس أو دون استشارة طبية قد يسبب مناعة الفيروس ضد العقار، ومن ثم يصبح تأثير العقار ضعيفا. 6 - The Ministry of Health that the Egyptian authorities have a strategic stockpile enough of the antiviral drug Tamiflu, which is used only at the time of infection, but not to give in order to prevent or avoid HIV infection, and the Ministry of Health warns that the attempt to use the drug for the prevention of HIV infection or medical consultation may cause drug resistance against the virus, and thus the impact of weak property. كما تنصح وزارة الصحة بعدم التكالب والاندفاع وراء شراء الماسكات، نظرا لعدم وجود مبرّر قوى أو حاجة ماسة لاستخدامها فى الوقت الراهن. It also advises the Ministry of Health and the struggle not to rush the purchase of Almascat, in the absence of a strong justification or need for use at the moment.
7- تعاود وزارة الصحة تذكير المواطنين بأن هناك خطة وطنية مفصلة موضوعة منذ عام 2007 لمواجهة جائحة الأنفلونزا فى حالة حدوثها، ويجرى تنفيذها بالتنسيق مع كافة الجهات والأطراف المعنية. 7 - Ministry of Health re-remind people that there is a detailed national plan in place since the 2007 pandemic influenza in the event they occur, and is being implemented in coordination with all parties concerned.
8- تهيب وزارة الصحة بجميع المواطنين عدم الاستماع أو الانسياق وراء الشائعات المضللة، حرصا على تحقيق المصلحة العامة، وتؤكد أنها تتعامل بشفافية كاملة مع الموقف، وسوف تقوم الوزارة بإصدار بيان إعلامى شامل بصورة يومية يوضح تطورات الموقف الوبائى للمرض فى مصر والعالم، ويقدم الإرشادات والمعلومات اللازمة للمواطنين أولا بأول. 8 - Ministry of Health calls on all citizens not to listen or be deceived by rumors and misinformation, in the interests of the public interest, and confirm they are dealing with complete transparency with the situation, and the ministry will issue a media statement on a daily basis shows the development of the situation, the epidemic of the disease in Egypt and the world, and provides guidance and information necessary to keep the citizens.
9- هذا، ويمكن للسادة المواطنين الذين لديهم المزيد من الاستفسارات الاتصال برقم تليفون 105، أو الاطلاع على الموقع الإلكترونى لوزارة الصحة على شبكة الإنترنت WWW.MOHP.GOV.EG، والذى يتضمن تحديثا دوريا لآخر التطورات والبيانات المتاحة. 9 -, and can be the masters of the citizens who have more queries contact telephone number 105, or found on the website of the Ministry of Health on the Internet WWW.MOHP.GOV.EG, which includes periodic updates of the latest developments and data available.
Egypt: "10 days" League deadline for approval of a plan against avian pigs
اختتم خبراء الصحة العرب اجتماعهم، الذى عقد بمقر الأمانة العامة لجامعة الدول العربية على مدى يومين لمناقشة وضع خطة عربية للوقاية من أنفلونزا الخنازير.
Arab Health experts concluded their meeting, held at the Secretariat of the League of Arab States for two days to discuss the status of Arab plan for the prevention of swine flu.
وصرح د. A d. محمد بن حمد آل ثان مدير إدارة الصحة العامة فى قطر ورئيس الاجتماع، أنه تم التوصل إلى مشروع خطة عربية لمكافحة وباء أنفلونزا الخنازير، وسيتم رفعها للأمانة العامة للجامعة العربية لتوزع على كافة الدول العربية لإبداء ملاحظاتها بشأن الخطة فى مدة 10 أيام تمهيدا لرفعها لاجتماعات وزراء الصحة العرب، لإقرارها خلال اجتماعهم فى الدورة المقبلة.
Mohammed bin Hamad Al-Thani, director of public health management in Qatar and the Chairman of the meeting, had been reached on the draft Arab plan to combat the pandemic of swine flu, and will be submitted to the Secretariat of the Arab League, to be distributed to all Arab countries for comments on the plan in a period of 10 days in preparation for the adjournment of the meetings of Ministers of Health Arabs, for approval during their meeting at the next session.
من جانبها صرحت د. For its part, said Dr.. ليلى نجم الوزير المفوض ومدير إدارة الصحة والمساعدات الإنسانية لدى جامعة الدول العربية، أن كافة الدول العربية قدمت تجاربها الوطنية خلال الاجتماع، وسيتم استكمال باقى الملاحظات خلال الأيام المقبلة، على أن تجتمع اللجنة هنا مرة أخرى لإعداد الخطة فى صورتها النهائية لإقرارها من قبل وزراء الصحة العرب، لافتة فى الوقت ذاته إلى أن الخطط الوطنية للدول العربية تسير بشكل إيجابى لمواجهة الوباء واتخاذ الإجراءات الإيجابية للتعامل معه.
The following result, Minister Plenipotentiary and Director of the Department of Health and humanitarian assistance to the League of Arab States, all Arab countries have offered their national experiences during the meeting, and the rest of the observations will be completed in the coming days, that the Committee would meet here again to prepare the plan finalized for approval by the Arab Ministers of Health , a sign at the same time that the national plans for the Arab States are positively responding to the epidemic and to take positive action to deal with it. شارك فى الاجتماع خبراء الصحة من قطر وسوريا والسعودية ومصر والأردن والإمارات والبحرين.
Participated in the meeting of health experts from Qatar, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, UAE and Bahrain.
World now at the start of 2009 influenza pandemic
Director-General of the World Health Organization
Ladies and gentlemen,
In late April, WHO announced the emergence of a novel influenza A virus.
This particular H1N1 strain has not circulated previously in humans. The virus is entirely new.
The virus is contagious, spreading easily from one person to another, and from one country to another. As of today, nearly 30,000 confirmed cases have been reported in 74 countries.
This is only part of the picture. With few exceptions, countries with large numbers of cases are those with good surveillance and testing procedures in place.
Spread in several countries can no longer be traced to clearly-defined chains of human-to-human transmission. Further spread is considered inevitable.
I have conferred with leading influenza experts, virologists, and public health officials. In line with procedures set out in the International Health Regulations, I have sought guidance and advice from an Emergency Committee established for this purpose.
On the basis of available evidence, and these expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met.
I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 5 to phase 6.
The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic.
We are in the earliest days of the pandemic. The virus is spreading under a close and careful watch.
No previous pandemic has been detected so early or watched so closely, in real-time, right at the very beginning. The world can now reap the benefits of investments, over the last five years, in pandemic preparedness.
We have a head start. This places us in a strong position. But it also creates a demand for advice and reassurance in the midst of limited data and considerable scientific uncertainty.
Thanks to close monitoring, thorough investigations, and frank reporting from countries, we have some early snapshots depicting spread of the virus and the range of illness it can cause.
We know, too, that this early, patchy picture can change very quickly. The virus writes the rules and this one, like all influenza viruses, can change the rules, without rhyme or reason, at any time.
Globally, we have good reason to believe that this pandemic, at least in its early days, will be of moderate severity. As we know from experience, severity can vary, depending on many factors, from one country to another.
On present evidence, the overwhelming majority of patients experience mild symptoms and make a rapid and full recovery, often in the absence of any form of medical treatment.
Worldwide, the number of deaths is small. Each and every one of these deaths is tragic, and we have to brace ourselves to see more. However, we do not expect to see a sudden and dramatic jump in the number of severe or fatal infections.
We know that the novel H1N1 virus preferentially infects younger people. In nearly all areas with large and sustained outbreaks, the majority of cases have occurred in people under the age of 25 years.
In some of these countries, around 2% of cases have developed severe illness, often with very rapid progression to life-threatening pneumonia.
Most cases of severe and fatal infections have been in adults between the ages of 30 and 50 years.
This pattern is significantly different from that seen during epidemics of seasonal influenza, when most deaths occur in frail elderly people.
Many, though not all, severe cases have occurred in people with underlying chronic conditions. Based on limited, preliminary data, conditions most frequently seen include respiratory diseases, notably asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and obesity.
At the same time, it is important to note that around one third to half of the severe and fatal infections are occurring in previously healthy young and middle-aged people.
Without question, pregnant women are at increased risk of complications. This heightened risk takes on added importance for a virus, like this one, that preferentially infects younger age groups.
Finally, and perhaps of greatest concern, we do not know how this virus will behave under conditions typically found in the developing world. To date, the vast majority of cases have been detected and investigated in comparatively well-off countries.
Let me underscore two of many reasons for this concern. First, more than 99% of maternal deaths, which are a marker of poor quality care during pregnancy and childbirth, occurs in the developing world.
Second, around 85% of the burden of chronic diseases is concentrated in low- and middle-income countries.
Although the pandemic appears to have moderate severity in comparatively well-off countries, it is prudent to anticipate a bleaker picture as the virus spreads to areas with limited resources, poor health care, and a high prevalence of underlying medical problems.
Ladies and gentlemen,
A characteristic feature of pandemics is their rapid spread to all parts of the world. In the previous century, this spread has typically taken around 6 to 9 months, even during times when most international travel was by ship or rail.
Countries should prepare to see cases, or the further spread of cases, in the near future. Countries where outbreaks appear to have peaked should prepare for a second wave of infection.
Guidance on specific protective and precautionary measures has been sent to ministries of health in all countries. Countries with no or only a few cases should remain vigilant.
Countries with widespread transmission should focus on the appropriate management of patients. The testing and investigation of patients should be limited, as such measures are resource intensive and can very quickly strain capacities.
WHO has been in close dialogue with influenza vaccine manufacturers. I understand that production of vaccines for seasonal influenza will be completed soon, and that full capacity will be available to ensure the largest possible supply of pandemic vaccine in the months to come.
Pending the availability of vaccines, several non-pharmaceutical interventions can confer some protection.
WHO continues to recommend no restrictions on travel and no border closures.
Influenza pandemics, whether moderate or severe, are remarkable events because of the almost universal susceptibility of the world’s population to infection.
We are all in this together, and we will all get through this, together.
Thank you.
Recombinomics: Delayed Pandemic 6 Designation Raises Pandemic Concerns
Delayed Pandemic 6 Designation Raises Pandemic Concerns
Recombinomics Commentary 18:10
June 11, 2009
It means the swine flu virus is spreading in at least two regions of the world with rising cases being seen in the UK, Australia, Japan and Chile.
The above comments describe the decision of WHO to raise the pandemic level from 5 to 6, the highest level. Thus, the 2009 pandemic is the first since 1968, when H3N2 replaced H2N2, which had replaced H1N1 in 1957.
However, the 2009 pandemic involves swine H1N1, and the last time swine H1N1 moved into a human population was in 1918.
The parallels between the 2009 pandemic and the 1918 pandemic are striking; Both began as a mild infection in the spring and targeted previously healthy young adults. In the fall of 1918, the virus was much more deadly, leading to the death of 20-50 million people, most of which were previously healthy young adults.
In 2009, a similar pattern was seen in Mexico in mid-April. At the same time the swine H1N1 was detected in children in southern California. However, the patients in southern California were over 100 miles apart and had no relationship with each other, or contact with swine. Thus, it was clear that in later March / early April, there was sustained community transmission in the United States and Mexico. Shortly thereafter, sequence analysis demonstrated that the H1N1 in both countries was the same (a swine H1N1 that had a human PB1, avian PB2, and swine origins for the six remaining gene segments.
Under the earlier pandemic phasing system, the discovery of sustained transmission would have generated a phase 6 designation two months ago. The earlier system defined phase 3,4, and 5 by increased transmission, and phase 6 represented sustained transmission, which was unlikely to be halted.
The new system moved sustained transmission down to phase 4 and then defined phase 5 and 6 as geographical spread due to the sustained transmission, which was a minor variation of the sustained transmission theme.
The new system also led to surveillance at airports, long after the virus had spread worldwide (see updated map). However, countries largely missed the internal spread because efforts were focused on border entry. Since the virus produced mild symptoms, the internal spread was largely missed and as surveillance moves toward more widespread detection the extent of the earlier spread nwill be clear.
It was this focus on airports that minimized the data on community spread, so the two month delay had much more to do with the revised phasing and misguided testing, than the actual spread of the virus.
At this point, there is little that will stop the spread prior to widespread use of an effective vaccine, However, the large reservoir of swine H1N1 in a human population, involving the northern hemisphere where the virus has little completion by seasonal flu, and the southern hemisphere, where the swine virus is displacing seasonal flu, raises concerns that when the new vaccine is ready for the 2009/2010 season, the swine H1N1 will have evolved away from the vaccine, as it adapts to its new host and natural immunity in its new host.
Thus, the two month delay in the pandemic 6 declaration may prove to be quite hazardous to the world's health.
URGENT Conference between the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization
In the rapid development of the prosecuted swine flu, which has recorded 12 cases to date in Cairo, the Regional Office of WHO held a press conference expanded, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Egypt on Thursday evening at 8 pm sharp.
وذلك لبحث مستجدات الوضع فى مصر، والتى سوف تعلنها مساء اليوم المديرة العامة لمنظمة الصحة العالمية بشأن أنفلونزا AH1N1 و سوف نوافيكم بالتفاصيل على مدار الساعة.
And to discuss the latest developments in Egypt, which will be announced Sunday evening the Director-General of the World Health Organization on Avian AH1N1 and will bring you details on the clock.
No pandemic affect expected for air traffic
CDC strategy to reschedule international flights not expected
Scott Powers | Sentinel Staff Writer
11:24 AM EDT, June 11, 2009
No changes in international air traffic to Orlando International Airport or any other American airport are expected as a consequence of today's declaration, by the World Health Organization, of a Phase 6 international pandemic of swine flu.
While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, Department of Homeland Security and Department of Transportation recently jointly developed an influenza pandemic strategy that includes the rescheduling of all incoming international flights to 19 American airports in the case of a worldwide health emergency, such a decision would be based on a variety of factors, chiefly assessments of the risks to the American public, according to a spokeswoman at the CDC, which has lead responsibility for U.S. responses. Orlando International Airport is not one of the 19 airports in the strategy.
The CDC is planning a press conference this afternoon to further discuss its role and ramifications of the WHO declaration. Earlier this week CDC spokeswoman Shelly Sikes Diaz said any decisions regarding international air traffic into the United States would be made at "a very high level" of U.S. government, and would not be based on WHO's pandemic index.