Saturday, August 13, 2011
MordiadiRuang isolation Ra isolated place in the High Care Room Abdul Aziz Hospital Singkawang since two days laluSingkawang -
One chicken farmer in the area of Bukit Batu Singkawang, Ra, 70, was isolated in the High Care Room, Abdul Aziz Hospital Singkawang since two days ago. Grandfather allegedly infected with bird flu (Avian Influenza).
"Initially, he complained of cough and shortness of breath and feel chills when if we touch his body, feels hot," said Rus, daughter of Ra found in front of the High Care Room, Abdul Aziz Hospital Singkawang, yesterday (12 / 8).
The symptoms presented Rus occurred since four days ago, because the more severe, and her father was taken to Hope Joint Health Center. "The Hope Together suspect that my father was infected with bird flu," said Rus.
Because bird flu was suspected of being infected, the Joint Hope suggested that Ra was referred to Abdul Aziz Hospital. "They were taken to the hospital, because they do not have the equipment to check for infected or not from bird flu," said Rus.
On the advice of the Joint Health Center's Hope, was rushed to District Hospital Ra Abdul Aziz. "From the results of the examination while, according to the treating doctor, my father was not infected with bird flu, just that its development remains to be seen again a few days, hopefully not," please Rus.
He told us, suspected bird flu infection is strengthened because of what happened two months ago, when dozens of chickens died suddenly tail. "We do not report it, because as it was considered normal. Moreover, a neighbor's chickens also died, as was the season so, "said Rus.
In addition, Rus added, if the cause is due to Ra frequent contact with chickens, of course, can be contagious to people at home with him. "But in a house consisting of five people, only my father who was coughing and shortness of breath," he says.
Separately, Internal Medicine Specialist Hospital Abdul Aziz, Dr Dewa, a specialist who treats Ra explains, because the patient's house never happened chickens died suddenly about two months earlier, then the relevant secured in isolation. "This we do as precautions, until today (yesterday, red) after two days he was treated in isolation," he said.
Since being treated in isolation, the Ra examined intensively. Among them, about who complained of symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath, body temperature that feels cold when touched was hot.
Furthermore, examination of samples in the laboratory to determine whether Ra infected with bird flu or not. "Until now we can not assure that patients infected with bird flu or not, we still need to see progress. In the meantime, we have not lead to bird flu, "said God.
Having convinced through observation and others against Ra, then God will provide certainty regarding the condition of patients. Take at least another week.
God explained, cases like this the first time in Singkawang. final last year, namely infection of swine flu, not bird flu. "If avian influenza has never been, only this time there are suggestions that patients infected with bird flu," he concluded.
But this is still conjecture, so that God expects people not to panic response. Just remain vigilant against this deadly disease and to understand the early symptoms of the infected, in order to know early on and can be assigned the action as quickly as possible.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Patient Isolation Room Sign
Saturday, August 13, 2011, 11:55:00
Singkawang Singkawang-A resident of Central, the initials R had treated in isolation rooms Abdul Aziz Hospital since Thursday (11 / 8) night. The 70-year-old grandfather in suspected bird flu. Specialists in internal medicine Abdul Aziz Hospital, Dr. Dewa said previously admitted patients had a history of chickens died suddenly at his home two months ago. Then also complained cough for four days. Accompanied by fever. "We still observe the patient or her neighborhood. So it was still suspected that the patient is suspected of bird flu, "said God, Friday (12 / 8) told reporters when met at the hospital.
Long observation time, is said to god, also depends on the patient. And in one week later. Conclusions will be drawn. Because when taken to the hospital, patients no longer have a fever. "We continue to observe, and hopefully within one week of the existing conclusions can be drawn," katanya.Dugaan bird flu, he added, is the first time this has happened in RS Abdul Azis. As one of the referral hospital of bird flu in West Kalimantan. RS Abdul Aziz, better facilities and medicines are all available. "We are equipment and drugs ready. Because of this hospital as a referral Bird flu in West Kalimantan, "he said. For security and safety of all parties. patients should be treated in isolation space. Dr. Dewa was expecting her to the whole community. Equally pray for the good of the patient.
One Child R, Rus confirmed that two months ago his father's chickens died suddenly. Some neighbors had chickens experiencing the same thing. But what happened is considered normal. Thus did not report this incident. "Chickens that died were taken care of by the father (R), he just quietly alone. After the incident, the next two months. The father suffered chest tightness accompanied by body heat. Strangely, when held his body was cold. Seeing the incident, the family immediately brought to hospitals Singkawang Hope Together. "With Hope Hospital is the first time to diagnose bird flu is suspected. So that the private hospital and even then advised to immediately bring to the hospital Abdul Aziz, "Rus said, when met at the hospital to accompany his father outdoors. The family itself, he added, was surprised when his father suspected of having bird flu. But after in-patient at the Abdul Aziz Hospital, has improved. Body condition is no longer a fever.
Singkawang Singkawang-A resident of Central, the initials R had treated in isolation rooms Abdul Aziz Hospital since Thursday (11 / 8) night. The 70-year-old grandfather in suspected bird flu. Specialists in internal medicine Abdul Aziz Hospital, Dr. Dewa said previously admitted patients had a history of chickens died suddenly at his home two months ago. Then also complained cough for four days. Accompanied by fever. "We still observe the patient or her neighborhood. So it was still suspected that the patient is suspected of bird flu, "said God, Friday (12 / 8) told reporters when met at the hospital.
Long observation time, is said to god, also depends on the patient. And in one week later. Conclusions will be drawn. Because when taken to the hospital, patients no longer have a fever. "We continue to observe, and hopefully within one week of the existing conclusions can be drawn," katanya.Dugaan bird flu, he added, is the first time this has happened in RS Abdul Azis. As one of the referral hospital of bird flu in West Kalimantan. RS Abdul Aziz, better facilities and medicines are all available. "We are equipment and drugs ready. Because of this hospital as a referral Bird flu in West Kalimantan, "he said. For security and safety of all parties. patients should be treated in isolation space. Dr. Dewa was expecting her to the whole community. Equally pray for the good of the patient.
One Child R, Rus confirmed that two months ago his father's chickens died suddenly. Some neighbors had chickens experiencing the same thing. But what happened is considered normal. Thus did not report this incident. "Chickens that died were taken care of by the father (R), he just quietly alone. After the incident, the next two months. The father suffered chest tightness accompanied by body heat. Strangely, when held his body was cold. Seeing the incident, the family immediately brought to hospitals Singkawang Hope Together. "With Hope Hospital is the first time to diagnose bird flu is suspected. So that the private hospital and even then advised to immediately bring to the hospital Abdul Aziz, "Rus said, when met at the hospital to accompany his father outdoors. The family itself, he added, was surprised when his father suspected of having bird flu. But after in-patient at the Abdul Aziz Hospital, has improved. Body condition is no longer a fever.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Vietnam-Avian Flu threatened middle provinces
Because of the complicated weather, do not have vaccines for vaccination, plus routine small animal, avian influenza H5N1 was again strong in the central provinces.
Report of the Animal Health Agency Region III, to the date of 08.09.2011, the area of North Central has 11 bird flu outbreak less than 21 days.
In the province of Nghe An eight communes with a total of 5,081 birds were culled and the three communes of Quang Tri province has a total of over 4,000 children.
Report of the Animal Health Agency Region III, to the date of 08.09.2011, the area of North Central has 11 bird flu outbreak less than 21 days.
In the province of Nghe An eight communes with a total of 5,081 birds were culled and the three communes of Quang Tri province has a total of over 4,000 children.
Rusminah Fearing Bird Flu
Friday, August 12, 2011 20:31
Singkawang - Residents of Bukit Batu Village, Rusminah was worried about parents', R (70).
For when Rusminah take Mr. R to RS Hope Together, Thursday (11/08/2011) night, hospital officials declare R as suspect bird flu (H5N1).
That same evening, R directly referred to Dr. Abdul Aziz Hospital. After one night her parents to undergo treatment, Rusminah received good news from the hospitals.
"Last night I was worried. But now it's quiet. He said, my parents do not anything," said Tribune Rusminah when met at the Hospital Dr. Abdul Aziz, on Friday (08/12/2011).
According Rusminah Thursday night R fever. While since three days earlier, R cough and shortness of breath. Conditions so that makes Rusminah parents checked into the hospital.
R Rusminah and live different house, a distance of only a dozen meters. "In that house, my father lived with his mother and family my brother. There were five people in the house, but only the father is sick. Other good health," he said.
Rusminah said, his parents kept chickens in the number of tens. Two months ago there were dozens of dead chickens. On Tuesday (8/16/2011) and when R had fallen ill, a chickens also died without known cause.
According Rusminah, chicken deaths for residents in the neighborhood, was common. Including when two months ago her parents died a dozen chickens.
"Every year is like that. Not only my father is dead chicken, the chicken was also a lot of neighbors who died," he said.
Singkawang - Residents of Bukit Batu Village, Rusminah was worried about parents', R (70).
For when Rusminah take Mr. R to RS Hope Together, Thursday (11/08/2011) night, hospital officials declare R as suspect bird flu (H5N1).
That same evening, R directly referred to Dr. Abdul Aziz Hospital. After one night her parents to undergo treatment, Rusminah received good news from the hospitals.
"Last night I was worried. But now it's quiet. He said, my parents do not anything," said Tribune Rusminah when met at the Hospital Dr. Abdul Aziz, on Friday (08/12/2011).
According Rusminah Thursday night R fever. While since three days earlier, R cough and shortness of breath. Conditions so that makes Rusminah parents checked into the hospital.
R Rusminah and live different house, a distance of only a dozen meters. "In that house, my father lived with his mother and family my brother. There were five people in the house, but only the father is sick. Other good health," he said.
Rusminah said, his parents kept chickens in the number of tens. Two months ago there were dozens of dead chickens. On Tuesday (8/16/2011) and when R had fallen ill, a chickens also died without known cause.
According Rusminah, chicken deaths for residents in the neighborhood, was common. Including when two months ago her parents died a dozen chickens.
"Every year is like that. Not only my father is dead chicken, the chicken was also a lot of neighbors who died," he said.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Bird Flu Attack One Village at Sidrap
Thursday, August 11, 2011 19:42:32 PM 70 HITS
"I have not said whether Sidrap sterile from bird flu virus attacks. In fact, one another village which was originally declared it safe to influenza virus has been infecting one another village," said Head of Department of Livestock and Fisheries District Sidrap, Abd Aziz on Wednesday, 10 August.
Aziz lamented the lack of public awareness of the dangers of bird flu disease to livestock. In fact, beber Azis, the institute has conducted the socialization and education about the dangers and prevention of Avian Influenza in high-risk areas or areas that do not terwabah.
"But, it turns out there are still people who do not realize this by removing the chickens that died of bird flu in the river," he complained.
, The Head of District Health Office Sidrap HA Irwansyah, say, Sidrap declared bird flu endemic areas and resulted in the death of 235,000 poultry birds. Bird flu has attacked the 11 districts in Sidrap.
However, Irwansyah have not found any indication of the citizens affected by the AI virus. "Until now, not found in Sidrap residents who suspect bird flu," he said.
In Pinrang, public awareness of bird flu is quite high. It is recognized veterinarian, Elvi Martina. In fact, he explained, the AI virus had spread to the border Baranti (Sidrap) to Tiroang (Pinrang) and District Mattiro Bulo (Pinrang).
"In Pinrang, quickly controlled because the level of public awareness of the faster response. They immediately report any poultry that died suddenly had even one tail," said Elvi

Lying. Avian Influenza Control Officer Hj PDSR Syamsiar, while combing the farm declared endemic Avian Influenza (AI) or bird flu H5N1 in the village causes Tanete, Kec.Maritenggae, Wednesday, August 10.
Sidrap, DAWN - District Sidrap the egg and chicken production centers in South Sulawesi is not completely sterile from the H5N1 virus causing bird flu.
Information obtained DAWN, bird flu has been endemic in a village in the North Bulo Sidrap previously declared safe from viruses.
Lying. Avian Influenza Control Officer Hj PDSR Syamsiar, while combing the farm declared endemic Avian Influenza (AI) or bird flu H5N1 in the village causes Tanete, Kec.Maritenggae, Wednesday, August 10.
Sidrap, DAWN - District Sidrap the egg and chicken production centers in South Sulawesi is not completely sterile from the H5N1 virus causing bird flu.
"I have not said whether Sidrap sterile from bird flu virus attacks. In fact, one another village which was originally declared it safe to influenza virus has been infecting one another village," said Head of Department of Livestock and Fisheries District Sidrap, Abd Aziz on Wednesday, 10 August.
Aziz lamented the lack of public awareness of the dangers of bird flu disease to livestock. In fact, beber Azis, the institute has conducted the socialization and education about the dangers and prevention of Avian Influenza in high-risk areas or areas that do not terwabah.
"But, it turns out there are still people who do not realize this by removing the chickens that died of bird flu in the river," he complained.
, The Head of District Health Office Sidrap HA Irwansyah, say, Sidrap declared bird flu endemic areas and resulted in the death of 235,000 poultry birds. Bird flu has attacked the 11 districts in Sidrap.
However, Irwansyah have not found any indication of the citizens affected by the AI virus. "Until now, not found in Sidrap residents who suspect bird flu," he said.
In Pinrang, public awareness of bird flu is quite high. It is recognized veterinarian, Elvi Martina. In fact, he explained, the AI virus had spread to the border Baranti (Sidrap) to Tiroang (Pinrang) and District Mattiro Bulo (Pinrang).
"In Pinrang, quickly controlled because the level of public awareness of the faster response. They immediately report any poultry that died suddenly had even one tail," said Elvi
Sidrap,Indonesia ..likely 400,000 birds dead so far
Sentra's Largest Animal Attacks Bird Flu
Sidrap - Tanete Village, District Maritengngae known as one of the largest centers of layer chicken farms in the district Sidrap again attacked by the bird flu outbreak.
This is well proved, that the deaths of poultry from bird flu had been declining, but by no means been declared sterile. H5NI deadly virus is thought to re-plagued large number of farms in the village of Tanete, District Maritengngae,. Even so, employers chickens at the site of the largest egg sac was closed and seemed reluctant to report a dead chicken.
Indication of the H5N1 virus outbreaks re Tanete or location in the village centers of the largest farms in this Sidrap, allowed the Head of Animal Husbandry Department (Disnak) Sidrap, H Abd Azis. "No ethical entrepreneur's name, but the suspicion of bird flu in the village was almost true. Therefore, today we have dropped the entire stock of 60 thousand doses of vaccine over there," Aziz said when contacted Wednesday, August 10, yesterday.
The issue today, advanced Azis, not all employers chickens, laying hens, especially farmers in the village of Tanete would open with what happened to him. In fact, the information is necessary no matter how small government. "That's the problem. Maybe with his closed it, deems could help them from losses due to bird flu. In fact, the facts do not, but the evidence is endemic egg and chicken prices remained stable and even increased," Azis palm. Aziz explained so far, cases of poultry deaths was far fewer than a few days ago.
Total poultry deaths has reached 235 thousand whole tail. These data, beyond the dead chickens that were not reported to Disnak residents. "According to the data that goes into the dead birds as much as 235 Disnak tail. But I expect that all, including dead chickens that are not reported to reach approximately 400 thousand heads." Azis said. Based on the calculations, the loss of farmers over bird flu outbreak in Sidrap reached more than Rp20 billion. "Count-count by comparing the average price of such worth Rp60 thousand laying hens, broilers and chicken Rp25 Rp30 thousand thousand each tail," he said. Compared to last 2005 events, where the chicken deaths of nearly 400 thousand birds, the current outbreak is much worse.
The assumption, said Aziz, the current population is very much compared to 2005, but not before residents can barely do anything and no terms of vaccine. The difference is now the virus can be overcome, "ketusnya.
Sidrap - Tanete Village, District Maritengngae known as one of the largest centers of layer chicken farms in the district Sidrap again attacked by the bird flu outbreak.
This is well proved, that the deaths of poultry from bird flu had been declining, but by no means been declared sterile. H5NI deadly virus is thought to re-plagued large number of farms in the village of Tanete, District Maritengngae,. Even so, employers chickens at the site of the largest egg sac was closed and seemed reluctant to report a dead chicken.
Indication of the H5N1 virus outbreaks re Tanete or location in the village centers of the largest farms in this Sidrap, allowed the Head of Animal Husbandry Department (Disnak) Sidrap, H Abd Azis. "No ethical entrepreneur's name, but the suspicion of bird flu in the village was almost true. Therefore, today we have dropped the entire stock of 60 thousand doses of vaccine over there," Aziz said when contacted Wednesday, August 10, yesterday.
The issue today, advanced Azis, not all employers chickens, laying hens, especially farmers in the village of Tanete would open with what happened to him. In fact, the information is necessary no matter how small government. "That's the problem. Maybe with his closed it, deems could help them from losses due to bird flu. In fact, the facts do not, but the evidence is endemic egg and chicken prices remained stable and even increased," Azis palm. Aziz explained so far, cases of poultry deaths was far fewer than a few days ago.
Total poultry deaths has reached 235 thousand whole tail. These data, beyond the dead chickens that were not reported to Disnak residents. "According to the data that goes into the dead birds as much as 235 Disnak tail. But I expect that all, including dead chickens that are not reported to reach approximately 400 thousand heads." Azis said. Based on the calculations, the loss of farmers over bird flu outbreak in Sidrap reached more than Rp20 billion. "Count-count by comparing the average price of such worth Rp60 thousand laying hens, broilers and chicken Rp25 Rp30 thousand thousand each tail," he said. Compared to last 2005 events, where the chicken deaths of nearly 400 thousand birds, the current outbreak is much worse.
The assumption, said Aziz, the current population is very much compared to 2005, but not before residents can barely do anything and no terms of vaccine. The difference is now the virus can be overcome, "ketusnya.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Medicago reports positive Phase II final results for its avian flu pandemic vaccine
QUEBEC CITY, Jun 30, 2011, 2011
- Phase II part B confirms results obtained in Phase II part A -
- Company's results continue to be amongst the best for influenza vaccine manufacturing technologies -
Medicago Inc. (TSX: MDG) a biotechnology company focused on developing highly effective and competitive vaccines based on proprietary manufacturing technologies and Virus-Like Particles (VLPs), today reported positive final results from a Phase II human clinical trial with its H5N1 Avian Influenza VLP vaccine candidate ("H5N1 vaccine"). The vaccine induced a solid immune response and was found to be safe and well tolerated.
"These positive Phase II clinical trial results continue to demonstrate that our rapid plant-based vaccine technology produces VLP vaccines that are safe and among the most effective of the industry," said Andy Sheldon, President and CEO of Medicago. "Our Phase II part B data confirms the solid results obtained in Phase II part A for optimal dosing. In addition, our results demonstrated similar efficacy in the older and younger volunteer age groups which is a potential differential advantage over other technologies."
"We soon expect to have the capacity to commercially produce these vaccines as our U.S. vaccine facility in North Carolina will be operational this fall. In addition, we believe these results further support the effectiveness of our rapid plant-based vaccine platform and the development of our seasonal flu vaccine candidate which we intend to proceed with a U.S. clinical trial in the second half of the year," continued Mr. Sheldon.
[click on title for full article]
- Phase II part B confirms results obtained in Phase II part A -
- Company's results continue to be amongst the best for influenza vaccine manufacturing technologies -
Medicago Inc. (TSX: MDG) a biotechnology company focused on developing highly effective and competitive vaccines based on proprietary manufacturing technologies and Virus-Like Particles (VLPs), today reported positive final results from a Phase II human clinical trial with its H5N1 Avian Influenza VLP vaccine candidate ("H5N1 vaccine"). The vaccine induced a solid immune response and was found to be safe and well tolerated.
"These positive Phase II clinical trial results continue to demonstrate that our rapid plant-based vaccine technology produces VLP vaccines that are safe and among the most effective of the industry," said Andy Sheldon, President and CEO of Medicago. "Our Phase II part B data confirms the solid results obtained in Phase II part A for optimal dosing. In addition, our results demonstrated similar efficacy in the older and younger volunteer age groups which is a potential differential advantage over other technologies."
"We soon expect to have the capacity to commercially produce these vaccines as our U.S. vaccine facility in North Carolina will be operational this fall. In addition, we believe these results further support the effectiveness of our rapid plant-based vaccine platform and the development of our seasonal flu vaccine candidate which we intend to proceed with a U.S. clinical trial in the second half of the year," continued Mr. Sheldon.
[click on title for full article]
FDA Authorizes New Hemispherx Biopharma Clinical Trial of Intranasal Ampligen(R) With Seasonal Influenza Vaccine
Press Release Source: Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc. On Wednesday July 20, 2011, 8:00 am EDT
First Clinical Application of Ampligen(R) Intranasally
PHILADELPHIA, July 20, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc. (NYSE Amex:HEB) (the "Company" or "Hemispherx") today announced it has received U.S. Food Drug Administration (FDA) authorization to proceed with the initiation of a new clinical trial of intranasal Ampligen(R) [rintatolimod; poly(I).poly(C12,U)] used in conjunction with commercially approved seasonal influenza vaccine. The FDA authorization also requests that certain protocol amendments and pre-clinical items be filed to the Investigational New Drug (IND) Application; these requests are not expected to affect the implementation or timing of the clinical study which will involve healthy volunteers. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the safety of three cycles of intranasal Ampligen(R) administered three days following each intranasal dose of seasonal influenza vaccine. Other objectives include evaluation of various immune responses to the trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine administered intranasally with and without Ampligen(R). Ampligen(R), a toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) agonist, is an experimental therapeutic in advanced clinical development for the potential treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), an enigmatic disorder which may have certain viral "footprints".
A similar study of Ampligen(R) and a seasonal influenza vaccine in mice resulted in cross-protection of the mice against a pandemic form of avian influenza (H5N1). Evidence for cross-reactivity against pandemic forms of avian H5N1 influenza virus will be investigated as one of the objectives of this study. One goal of this approach is to generate protective mucosal immunity against newly emerging strains of H5N1 with pandemic potential using Ampligen(R) as a mucosal adjuvant with trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine.
First Clinical Application of Ampligen(R) Intranasally
PHILADELPHIA, July 20, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hemispherx Biopharma, Inc. (NYSE Amex:HEB) (the "Company" or "Hemispherx") today announced it has received U.S. Food Drug Administration (FDA) authorization to proceed with the initiation of a new clinical trial of intranasal Ampligen(R) [rintatolimod; poly(I).poly(C12,U)] used in conjunction with commercially approved seasonal influenza vaccine. The FDA authorization also requests that certain protocol amendments and pre-clinical items be filed to the Investigational New Drug (IND) Application; these requests are not expected to affect the implementation or timing of the clinical study which will involve healthy volunteers. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the safety of three cycles of intranasal Ampligen(R) administered three days following each intranasal dose of seasonal influenza vaccine. Other objectives include evaluation of various immune responses to the trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine administered intranasally with and without Ampligen(R). Ampligen(R), a toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) agonist, is an experimental therapeutic in advanced clinical development for the potential treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), an enigmatic disorder which may have certain viral "footprints".
A similar study of Ampligen(R) and a seasonal influenza vaccine in mice resulted in cross-protection of the mice against a pandemic form of avian influenza (H5N1). Evidence for cross-reactivity against pandemic forms of avian H5N1 influenza virus will be investigated as one of the objectives of this study. One goal of this approach is to generate protective mucosal immunity against newly emerging strains of H5N1 with pandemic potential using Ampligen(R) as a mucosal adjuvant with trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine.
Harnessing the immune system's arsenal: producing human monoclonal antibodies for therapeutics and investigating immune responses
Monoclonal antibody technology has undergone rapid and innovative reinvention over the last 30 years. Application of these technologies to human samples revealed valuable therapeutic and experimental insights. These technologies, each with their own benefits and flaws, have proven indispensable for immunological research and in our fight to provide new treatments and improved vaccines for infectious disease.
This article will explore the history and current state of monoclonal antibody technology and how it has contributed to therapeutics, both through direct clinical treatments and by providing valuable insights into host–pathogen interactions. Importantly, we will highlight how these technologies help identify factors that produce broadly neutralizing antibodies—antibodies that by virtue of binding to certain epitopes important in the viral life cycle, are able to bind many disparate viral strains and prevent them from infecting their target cells. These antibodies are vital in effective therapeutics and, ultimately, successful vaccine design.
In conclusion
The current state of monoclonal antibody technology is enabling exciting advancements in immunotherapies and understanding of host–pathogen interactions. Maybe more importantly, it is now evident that insight into our natural immune responses can facilitate rational vaccine development. Thus, the most important lessons may be those we’ve garnered from our bodies’ natural responses; not only can we can capitalize on our strengths, such as targeting of specific pathogenic epitopes, but we can also compensate for our inherent weaknesses, such as the rarity of our most powerful antibodies. In the end, the information we gather from monoclonal antibody technology may be more important than the direct attainment of therapeutics (borrowing from an old adage, catch a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, but teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime). Similarly, by studying what antibodies can teach us, we may someday produce vaccines that eradicate many infectious diseases that have a profound impact on human health such as influenza, hepatitis, or HIV.
Monoclonal antibody technology has undergone rapid and innovative reinvention over the last 30 years. Application of these technologies to human samples revealed valuable therapeutic and experimental insights. These technologies, each with their own benefits and flaws, have proven indispensable for immunological research and in our fight to provide new treatments and improved vaccines for infectious disease.
This article will explore the history and current state of monoclonal antibody technology and how it has contributed to therapeutics, both through direct clinical treatments and by providing valuable insights into host–pathogen interactions. Importantly, we will highlight how these technologies help identify factors that produce broadly neutralizing antibodies—antibodies that by virtue of binding to certain epitopes important in the viral life cycle, are able to bind many disparate viral strains and prevent them from infecting their target cells. These antibodies are vital in effective therapeutics and, ultimately, successful vaccine design.
In conclusion
The current state of monoclonal antibody technology is enabling exciting advancements in immunotherapies and understanding of host–pathogen interactions. Maybe more importantly, it is now evident that insight into our natural immune responses can facilitate rational vaccine development. Thus, the most important lessons may be those we’ve garnered from our bodies’ natural responses; not only can we can capitalize on our strengths, such as targeting of specific pathogenic epitopes, but we can also compensate for our inherent weaknesses, such as the rarity of our most powerful antibodies. In the end, the information we gather from monoclonal antibody technology may be more important than the direct attainment of therapeutics (borrowing from an old adage, catch a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day, but teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime). Similarly, by studying what antibodies can teach us, we may someday produce vaccines that eradicate many infectious diseases that have a profound impact on human health such as influenza, hepatitis, or HIV.
Ottawa prepares for annual wild bird survey to detect bird-flu levels
August 5, 2011
OTTAWA — Food inspection agents are gearing up to conduct their annual survey of wild birds to check current levels of avian influenza.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency issued an advance contract notice, which closes next week, for companies interested in overseeing the survey, which examines both dead and live birds all over the country and detects levels and patterns of bird flu.
The study, first launched in 2005, identifies disease-causing strains, such as the deadly H5N1, in wild geese, ducks, swans and other fowl so government officials can better determine how to stop their spread should there be an outbreak.
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OTTAWA — Food inspection agents are gearing up to conduct their annual survey of wild birds to check current levels of avian influenza.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency issued an advance contract notice, which closes next week, for companies interested in overseeing the survey, which examines both dead and live birds all over the country and detects levels and patterns of bird flu.
The study, first launched in 2005, identifies disease-causing strains, such as the deadly H5N1, in wild geese, ducks, swans and other fowl so government officials can better determine how to stop their spread should there be an outbreak.
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