Saturday, March 5, 2011
Padang DHO Residents Advised to Beware of the Bird Flu Disease
Jakarta, 5 / 3 (Spry) - Head of the Department of Health (Health) of Padang, Afrida Aziz, called on residents of Padang for bird flu alert. Section, 5 villagers desert city suspected of being infected with bird flu, Saturday (5 / 3).
"Residents of Padang in order to remain alert to bird flu disease that attacks humans," said Chief Medical Officer Afrida Azis, in Padang, Saturday (5 / 3).
He said that bird flu remains a concern from various parties, because the disease can bring death.
"City Health Office in Padang monitor for bird flu endemic areas is not contagious to humans," he said.
The investigation with the Health Department there are 8 District Pertahutbun Padang region reported the poultry that died suddenly.
Eight districts namely West Padang District, North of Padang, Padang Timur, Padang, South Kuranji, Lubuk Begalung, Koto Tangah, Nanggalo. "Eight Districts are indicated to the eyes of infected poultry of avian influenza virus (A1)," said Aziz Afrida.
Himself added, still coordinating with the Department of Health to monitor the human Pertahutbun place or region where sudden death unggus continuously.
"If there is a chicken that died suddenly the public to alert the Department of Health and Pertahutbun to minimize outbreaks of bird flu threat to humans," he said.
Afrida Aziz said, now has five residents of Padang suspected bird flu as an incentive to undergo treatment in hospital M. Jamil Padang.
"The hospital has taken blood samples of each patient to determine their positive or negative bird flu," he said.
According to him, 5 villagers are exposed to bird flu virus as a result of direct contact with poultry or chicken.
"Before infected with bird flu, it is probable that five residents of Padang have direct contact with poultry around the house," he said.
Himself added, DHO provide socialization in community health centers in the city of Padang about early handling of bird flu.
"We have been providing socialization on how early treatment if the people stricken with bird flu," he said.
Socialization material, he explained, how to diagnose or identify cases in primary health care either center or private doctor's clinic. Because many diseases are always with symptoms of fever, bird flu was also preceded by high fever.
In this case, health care workers must conduct in-depth anamneses when treating patients with fever. For example, ask whether the patient was in the past week been in contact with poultry that died suddenly or in contact with the poultry products.
"If there is, then the strong suspicion that the patient suspect bird flu," said Aziz Afrida. (Report Rusman / ant)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Dr M. Bird Flu Patients Increased Djamil
Ne Friday, 04/03/2011 - 17:27 pm
The patient suspect bird flu in the government's general Hospital (Dr) M. Djamil continues to grow. Within 3 days of this course is 6 patients suspect bird flu that was treated in hospital this government, even one of his patients was the result of rapid test positive.
"In this month the patient suspect bird flu cases are rising sharply. Currently we have 5 people suspect bird flu patients," said director Dr. M. Djamil. Dr Hj Aumas Pabuti, to, Friday (4 / 3).
He said the bird flu problem is now sedanng roaming the city of Padang. With the nyatakannya some areas in the Valley of the positive poultry bird flu.
Since this is the case, saying Aumas for bird flu patients who were treated not wear the cost because the cost is borne by the government.
Questioning from any region of origin of this patient, said patient is dominant from Padang. "5 of 6 people pasoen we are from Padang Padang and one from outside," called Aumas.
6 people such patients "KR" 1 year of ten months, the baby "MR" 10 months, "NK" 16 months "RV" 5 years 10 months, "CN" 4 Months and Ivory "4" in 11 months. Meanwhile, the rapid positive test result is "RV".
According to doctors who handle Finny Fitry Dr. Jenny. Currently, all patients had been treated in accordance with protab. "Currently, all patients waiting for results Balitbang. Includes also" RV "is the result of its rapid test positive. Since the result of a decisive negative patients pasitif or bird flu is the result of Research and Development center," said Finny.
8 Suspected Bird Flu Patients Treated
PADANG, - General Hospital (Dr) M Jamil Padang, caring for patients suspected of eight people infected with bird flu during January to early March 2011.
"We have treated eight patients with suspected bird flu infection in 2011," said hospital director Dr M Jamil Padang Aumas Pabuti, Friday (3/4/2011).
Among 8 patients, 3 people are allowed home by doctors who treat the patient home.
"Meanwhile, five more people are still undergoing intensive treatment," he said.
Patients who underwent treatment at hospital M Jamil is in general from around the city of Padang. "One person patients come from areas Dharmasraya" he said.
Officials at Children Respirologi Sub Division Dr M Jamil Padang, Dr Finny Fitry Yani said, now M Jamil hospital just caring for patients suspected of five people infected with bird flu. Three of the patients suspected people have been allowed to go home.
Five people suspected bird flu patients who were treated according to hospital negative rapid test results of bird flu.
"While one person hospitalized patients had the initials R testnya rapid positive results of bird flu," said Yani.
The hospital has taken blood samples of each patient to ensure bird flu positive or negative.
Blood samples sent to laboratories in Jakarta to prove a negative or positive patient bird flu. "The hospital is still waiting for blood test results," said Dr. Yaniv.
Indramayu Family Believed to Have Bird Flu Hospitalized
A family of four in Indramayu, West Java, that developed influenza-like symptoms after being in direct contact with sick poultry have been declared possible bird flu carriers.
Parents Duljani and Carsiah and daughters Cinta and Dewi were admitted to the health clinic in Bongas subdistrict in Indramayu shortly after they complained of coughs, fever and abdominal pain.
The Health Ministry’s director general of disease control and environmental health, Tjandra Yoga Aditama, said the four patients were later transferred to Indramayu General Hospital’s isolation ward for further testing and medical treatment.
“The hospital has performed all the necessary procedures needed to treat bird flu patients,” he said.
Tjandra said his ministry did not suspect that the family suffered from a mutated form of the H5N1 virus that could be transmitted from human to human. He said such a mutation would only be suspected if the victim did not have any contact at all with sick poultry and was infected by someone who brought the virus from elsewhere.
“Since the family lives together, near sick poultry, it’s not unusual that they would start to develop the same symptoms, but we will keep monitoring developments in the case,” he said.
Dozens of chickens near Duljani’s house died suddenly and the case was immediately reported by him to the local animal husbandry agency. Based on the rapid test conducted by the agency, the chickens were found to be carrying the H5N1 virus.
Tjandra said that his ministry has taken specimens from all of the patients. The samples are being tested in a laboratory in Jakarta.
“We will find out the results soon,” he said.
Tjandra said all four of the patients were in relatively good condition and their influenza symptoms were not severe.
“We are hopeful that they are not infected with bird flu because patients’ white blood cell counts usually decline rapidly, but theirs are increasing,” he said.
In February, a 26-year-old man, identified only as M, from Kerawang, West Java, died shortly after developing influenza-like symptoms. Before he fell sick, M went to a local market to buy a chicken. He also frequently visited his parents’ house in Subang, an endemic area for the illness. The Health Ministry confirmed he was carrying H5N1.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Residents Indramayu Four Suspected Bird Flu
Indramayu, (AFP).
Four victims in one family suspected bird flu infected susfect in Indramayu, West Java on Wednesday night, (two thirds) are still undergoing intensive treatment in the observation room Indramayu District General Hospital.
Meanwhile, the hospital still could not conclude the cause of disease victims. The hospital still waiting for results of blood samples of victims from the laboratory.
The four victims in one family is Bongas District residents were still undergoing special treatment in hospital observation room Indramayu to Thursday, (3 / 3).
The condition of the victim is still weak and experiencing shortness of breath. In addition, the victim's body temperature is still above normal so the doctors are still trying to recover the victim.
The victim had experienced breathing problems and high fever after their contact with livestock ungasnya who died suddenly due to bird flu. Then immediately taken to hospital on Wednesday night Indramayu, (two thirds).
When brought to the hospital, the victim critical condition and unconscious. However, the hospital's intensive effort to handle the four victims.
Until now, the victim was still lying in the treatment room and still under the supervision of team physician Indramayu Hospital.
Meanwhile, the hospital still could not confirm the cause of illness suffered by the victim and are still awaiting results of blood samples of victims from the laboratory.
Source: WHO Global Alert and Response (GAR) [edited]
Avian influenza situation in Indonesia--------------------------------------
As of 2 Mar 2011, the Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a
new confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1)
A 26-year-old female from Karawang District, West Java Province
developed symptoms on 30 Jan 2011. She was hospitalized on 3 Feb 2011,
and was treated with oseltamivir, but died on 8 Feb 2011.
Initial investigations indicate the case bought poultry meat at a
traditional market and took home chickens that were slaughtered after
purchase and prepared at the market.
Laboratory tests have confirmed infection with the H5N1 avian
influenza virus.
Of the 172 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 142 have been
Communicated by:
ProMED-mail Rapporteur Marianne Hopp
[This is the official WHO confirmation of the case described in the
previous ProMED-mail post from Indonesia "Avian influenza, human (17):
Indonesia (WJ) 20110302.0682." The only additional information is that
the patient was treated with oseltamivir prior to death. This is the
1st confirmed human case (and fatality) of avian A/(H5N1) virus
infection in Indonesia during 2011, bringing the total number of cases
to 172 and fatalities to 142 since the start of the outbreak in 2005.
The annual numbers of cases and fatalities in Indonesia between 2005
and 2011 can be found by reference to the WHO website at
ProMED-mail thanks Viki Hansen-Landis, MPH, CHES, International SOS,
Trevose, PA, USA for providing the same information.
The location of Karawang district can be found in the map of West
Java province at
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: Thu 3 Mar 2011
Source: SMS message, distributed by Israel's Avian Health Network [in
Hebrew, trans. Mod.AS, edited]
An outbreak of HPAI H5N1 has been diagnosed in a turkey flock in the
village Silat al Harithiyah, West Bank, Palestinian Territories. The
flock is 75 days old with a very high mortality rate. Diagnosis was
carried out by PCR.
Communicated by:
Nati Elkin <>
[For the location of the village Silat al Harithiyah in the northern
part of the West-Bank, Jenin district, about 3 km from the boundary
with Israel, see map at <>.
Official confirmation from the Palestinian authorities and
information on the disease-control measures applied are anticipated.
Israel's Avian Health Network is a semi-governmental institution
engaged in the diagnosis and control of poultry diseases. - Mod.AS]
4 Citizens Indramayu Indicated AI
More INDRAMAYU (Pos Kota) - Four people Indramayu undergoing intensive care in hospitals Indramayu because based on the results of medical examinations in Bongas Health Center and Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry indicated suspect bird flu.
Go-4 residents affected by bird flu; Duljani, 42, Carsiah, 33, Love, 7 and Goddess, 6. They are a family consisting of father, mother and two children Margamulya Village, District Bongas, Indramayu, West Java.
Residents affected by bird flu was complaining of high fever accompanied by cough and felt pain in his abdomen.
Earlier, dozens of chickens around the house that caught Duljani family died suddenly.
The sudden death of dozens of chickens were reported to citizens to officers of Agriculture and Livestock Sub Bongas. Based on a rapid test against a number of chickens that died suddenly concluded the cause of death of dozens of chickens was due to Avian Influenza virus.
"So as not to affect the other patients who were treated, the hospital Indramayu conduct examination standards of disease amongst patients who indicated that the bird flu during the treatment," the doctor said Johari.
Until now the Indramayu Hospital continues to conduct examination on the 4th bird flu patients indicated by x-ray as well as taking blood samples for testing laboratory.
One Family Suspect Bird Flu
INDRAMAYU - A family that consists of four people in Block Krasak, RT 02 RW 01 Desa Sidamulya, District Bongas, Indramayu, Indramayu intensive care in hospitals after being declared suspect bird flu. The victim had previously had contact with diseased chickens caused by the H5N1 virus.
The four , namely Dul (40), Car (33), Cin (7), and Dew (6). They are husband and wife together with their two children.
All of the victims entered the hospital Indramayu since Wednesday (2 / 3) at around 22.00 pm. Previously, they had brought their families to the health center Bongas. However, due to limitations of equipment and a history of contact with chickens that died, they directly referred to the hospitals Indramayu.
Dul said, he and his wife and two children have symptoms of high fever, shortness of breath, and sore throat at the same time on Tuesday (1 / 3) night. In fact, her two children had suffered shock due to fever is too high.
''In addition to fever, vomiting and diarrhea they also,''said the man who daily work as teachers in elementary Cipedang, District Bongas, when found in hospitals Indramayu, Thursday (3 / 3).
Dul explained, the conditions experienced by him and his family had originated from the death of his cock. Of the 43 chickens that dipeliharanya beside the house, as many as 35 heads of his chickens suddenly died in three days in a row.
At first, Dul not suspect if his chickens died from bird flu. Therefore, the dead chickens were directly dumped in the river near his home. However, officials from the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry mengatahui local chicken deaths of his existence, directly examined using a rapid test.
As a result, the chickens positive bird flu. The officer was immediately sprayed desinfekatan into his chicken coop and burn the remaining chickens died who has not been dumped in rivers. ''After knowing the chicken died of bird flu, high fever my direct family,''said Dul.
Dul added, the deaths occur in chickens not only his own chickens. Earlier, dozens of chickens died suddenly neighbor's well.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Illustration patient suspect bird flu in Padang, West Sumatra. (Photo: Legal)
INDRAMAYU - A family consisting of four persons, citizens of the village of Sida Mulya, District Bongas, Indramayu regency, West Java, was rushed to General Hospital of Indramayu due to suspected bird hit by fvirus lu.
The four were undergoing intensive care after suffering a high fever accompanied by shortness of breath prolonged. Previously, 44 are family-owned poultry or chicken is dead tested positive for H5N1 virus.
Victim named Dulgani (33), his wife Carsiah (30), and their two daughters Love (12) and Goddard (11), referred to the local health centers to hospitals Indramayu since Wednesday night to get intensive care. The hospital put them in a special observation room.
Carsiah, Thursday (03/03/2011), claimed to have had direct contact with chickens that died suddenly. The hospital had taken blood samples of victims and send to the Health Department laboratory Indramayu.
Before developing bird flu symptoms, it is clear Carsiah, 44 chickens died suddenly. He then reported the case to the local animal husbandry department. Having checked the 44 chickens tested positive for bird flu. After that Carsiah with her husband and two children with high fever and shortness of breath.
Until now, the physical condition of the patient fluctuated, though team doctors could not determine whether they are positive for bird flu or not. Results of blood examination has not been received by the hospital.
Slaying the Viral Dragon
In Sipress' tale, David/man is doing his best to track the avian virus wherever it is hiding around the world, analyze its characteristics and, if lucky, find a way to prevent it with a vaccine. The Davids of the epidemiologic world belong to groups like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the CDC. They respond rapidly to rumors of flu in small villages, darting from Vietnam to Laos to Cambodia, Hong Kong, China and Indonesia, investigating the source of viruses and verifying their symptoms at the bedside and characteristics in the lab.
Sipress, economics editor at The Washington Post, traveled to nine Asian countries to research this book, acting like an eco-detective seeking the source of avian flu - formally called influenza A virus subtype H5N1.
His opening chapter leaves one wondering if this war is already lost before any major battles have been waged. As Sipress vividly describes in chapter one, Dowes Ginting, a 32-year-old Sumatran, is very sick and seeks care in a local hospital. Seeing other members of his family die in the hospital after having the same symptoms he has, Ginting flees to the hills, encountering (and possibly infecting) many people along the way. He seeks a cure from a local witch doctor and works hard to evade the WHO flu specialist who is tracking him. When they finally meet up, Ginting agrees to give Timothy Uyeki, MD, a throat sample but he refuses to go back to the hospital. After all, he has three more treatments left with the witch doctor!
Multiply this by millions of cases and Goliath will certainly turn the tables on David. Viruliferous birds all over Asia and their proximity to populous areas may make it impossible to contain any outbreak of H5N1.
But, in the name of quality patient care and global health, all healthcare professionals must rally around the Davids waging battle against these tiniest of enemies. This includes relentless infection control and vigilance when assessing patients. In this war against a killer, everyone is a David and everyone's efforts count.
How are you fighting the battle?
High-risk population can be exposed to avian influenza vaccine inoculation
United Daily News reporter Liu Huimin ╱ / immediate reports】 2011.03.03 12:27 am
International human avian flu (H5N1) outbreaks of success. Cambodia, Egypt last week, new communications 2 and 3 cases of human bird flu cases, everyone died in Cambodia 2, Egypt, and 1 death, 5 cases of suspected infection Jieyou access except poultry. Another Vietnam, Japan, Bangladesh and other countries are starting to recent poultry and wild birds spread the infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 outbreak.
Disease Control, Department of Health reminded to travel abroad should strengthen self-protection. H5N1 currently imports more than 60 million doses of influenza vaccine. If high risk, or areas frequented by people of avian flu, now until the end of August, can go to the Department of Municipal Hospital, Department of Health and travel immunization clinic for free vaccine.
Gene swapping by flu viruses
N. Gopal Raj

The H1N1 flu virus that set off the 2009 pandemic could create yet more trouble. Research from a Chinese group has indicated that if this virus were to swap genes with a bird flu virus circulating in poultry, it can produce progeny that easily infect laboratory mice and are more virulent than the two parental strains.
When two strains of bird flu infect the same host, they can readily swap genes, a process known as reassortment. The 2009 H1N1 pandemic virus was itself a triple reassortant, with its genes drawn from bird, human and animal strains.
This mix of genes created a virus that readily infected humans, was easily transmitted from one person to another, and to which most people had no immunity.
The preceding three flu pandemics that occurred during the 20{+t}{+h} century were also produced by viruses that had undergone reassortment.
In research being published this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a team of scientists led by Jinhua Liu of the China Agricultural University in Beijing used laboratory techniques to create viruses with various combinations of genes drawn from the avian H9N2 virus and the pandemic H1N1.
Some 73 different reassortant viruses that replicated well in cultured cells were then tested on mice. Eight of those viruses were found to be more virulent than either of the parental strains, producing severe pneumonia in the animals.
Pigs, a mixing vessel
The worry is that such reassortment could take place in pigs, which have long been considered a ‘mixing vessel' as they can be infected by human as well as bird flu viruses.
The H1N1 virus that caused the 2009 pandemic seems to have undergone reassortment in pigs before making the leap to humans. The viruses that caused the previous three pandemics too appear to have been in some mammalian host, which may well have been the pig, before causing disease in humans.
There is already evidence that the 2009 H1N1 pandemic virus is infecting pigs and swapping genes with other flu viruses.
In a paper published in the journal Science last year, Vijaykrishna Dhanasekaran and others reported a novel reassortant virus that had been isolated from pigs in an abattoir in Hong Kong in January 2010. The reassortant virus combined genes from the H1N1 pandemic virus and a H1N2 virus. Swine infected with the new virus showed only mild illness.
It was not yet possible to predict what subtype of the flu virus would cause the next pandemic, said Dr. Vijaykrishna in an email.
Although more attention was paid to the H5N1 bird flu, the latest PNAS study clearly highlighted the fact that other flu subtypes that were circulating in poultry had the potential to start future pandemics.
The H9N2 virus, which had become the “underdog of avian influenza study,” had been detected virtually in every country in Asia. Studies showed that it had become endemic in poultry in East and South-East Asia (including China), India, Pakistan and some West Asian countries, he added.
Sustained transmission of avian viruses in pigs increased the possibility of mammalian adaptation, thereby increasing the risk of such a virus emerging in humans, observed Dr. Vijaykrishna. As such, it was very important to monitor the flu viruses that were circulating in pigs.
Indonesia confirms a human case of avian influenza
2 March, 2011
The Ministry of Health of Indonesia has announced a new confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A (H5N1) virus.
A 26 year old female from Karawang District, West Java Province developed symptoms on 30 January. She was hospitalized on 3 February, and was treated with oseltamivir, but died on 8 February.
Initial investigations indicate the case bought poultry meat at a traditional market and took home chickens that were slaughtered after purchase and prepared at the market.
Laboratory tests have confirmed infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus.
Of the 172 cases confirmed to date in Indonesia, 142 have been fatal.
Family Suspect Bird Flu in Indramayu
Headline News / Archipelago / Thursday, March 3, 2011, Indramayu : Bongas District - Four residents at the intensive care unit at the Regional General Hospital (Hospital) Indramayu, West Java, for allegedly infected with bird flu. Victims experienced high fever after dozens of chickens died suddenly in the vicinity of their homes.
The fourth victim was a single family, two of whom are children aged six and seven years. The four patient's initial symptoms include high fever accompanied by cough and pain in the abdomen.
The symptoms appeared after dozens of chickens died suddenly in the vicinity of their homes. Rapid test results terhadapa death addressed the chickens infected with avian influenza virus positive. To handle the patient suspect bird flu, the party imposing Indramayu Hospital examination standards .
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Until the end of February 2011 there is one additional positive cases of bird flu (H5N1), on behalf of M (26 years, P), a resident of Karawang regency in West Java. Positively infected by H5N1 cases reported based on the results of the Central Laboratory for Biomedical Research and Pharmaceutical Research and Development Board on 11 February 2011.
Patients with onset of illness January 30, 2011 with symptoms of fever, cough, tightness, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. Patients treated January 30, 2011 to a private clinic Falkirk. Then on February 3, 2011 admitted to a private hospital in Karachi. During the treatment at the hospital, the patient's condition worsened with severe pneumonia symptoms. Date February 4, 2011 the patient was referred to the hospital. Bird Flu Reference in Bandung, West Java and died on February 8, 2011.
Risk factors before illness M buy chickens from the market Falkirk on 25 and February 27, 2011 and manage it for dikonsusmsi. In addition, M is also frequently visited his parents' house in Subang Regency, which is endemic bird flu in poultry.
Based on observations, not found cases of influenza-like illness (ILI) on all contacts with the case of both household contact, neighbors and medical personnel.
Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health Prof. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama as the focal point of IHR (International Health Reagulation) has informed also about the case to the WHO.
This information is published by the Center for Public Communication, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health. For more information please contact via telephone: 021-52907416-9, fax: 52921669, Call Center: 021-500567, 30413700, or e-mail address , , .
Monday, February 28, 2011
WHO Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 44
The fist case is a 26 year-old female from Dakahlia Governorate. She developed symptoms on 18 January and was hospitalized on 23 January. She has recovered and was discharged on 7 February.
The second case is a 45 year-old male from Menofia Governorate. He developed symptoms on 20 January and was hospitalized on 26 January. He died on 5 February.
The third case is a 4 year-old male from Damiata Governorate. He developed symptoms on 14 February and was hospitalized on 16 February. He is in a stable condition.
Investigations into the source of infection indicate that the three cases had exposure to poultry suspected to have avian influenza.
The cases were confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratories, a National Influenza Center of the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network.
Of the 125 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 41 have been fatal.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Bird Flu Patients Unexpected Increase
illustration Garut, Kompas - Patients infected with bird flu suspects in Hospital Dr. Slamet Garut, West Java, the two men. Community asked to be alert when a family member sick with flu-like symptoms.
Patients suspected of bird flu is L (9 months) from Kampung Cangkuang, Banyuresmi District, Garut. He had fever, cough, and shortness of breath after contact with poultry infected with bird flu. Sukaresmi is the region with the highest cases of dead poultry in Garut since early 2011.
RS Dr. Slamet also treat patients suspected of bird flu AN (49), employees of Animal Husbandry Department, Fisheries and Marine Sub Banyuresmi. He sudden high fever and cough after interacting with the birds died of bird flu positive.
In Bandar Lampung, cases of transmission of bird flu virus in poultry has increased dramatically early 2011. Indicated no change in the pattern of spread of AI virus. If the usual increase in cases occurred in May-July, has since the beginning of the year.
In February 2011 alone there were at least 25 cases of chickens died suddenly, allegedly due to the H5N1 virus.
In Medan, North Sumatra Provincial Animal Husbandry monitor poultry deaths in various places after appearing again case of bird flu in four districts during 2011. Hundreds of chickens die of bird flu and confirmed.
"We are coordinating with the Department of Health. Once there were reports of poultry deaths, they monitor the residents, "said Head of Animal Health Animal Husbandry Department Mulkan Harahap North Sumatra.
Baby Nine Months Suspected Bird Flu Patients suspected of bird flu increases.
Uncle patients, Abdul Rahman (40) says, keponakanya everyday lives with her grandmother, Acih (60). Before entering the isolation room, his nephew had taken to the PHC Banyuresmi sick with a fever accompanied by influenza. But he said, around 04.00 pm, the clinic medical officer suggested that his nephew was referred to hospital.
"He (Le, red) had previously had a fever since Friday (25 / 2) afternoon. Until the night his temperature does not go down. I immediately took him to the clinic for treatment and directly referred to public hospitals, "he met in the waiting room isolation Slamet dr.
Obviously, he continued, it is also worrying if Le had contact with chickens that died. Because, Her grandmother had 10 head of poultry and sudden death due to bird flu virus a few days ago in her neighborhood. "Maybe Le had contact with chickens given the grandmother likes to hold her when inserting cock into his cage," he added.
Penangung responsibility isolation room dr Asep Roni Heryanto Slamet Garut, say, Le is the second patient treated at the Isolation Room of bird flu. He said he received chronology was experiencing the early symptoms of bird flu-like symptoms such as high fever, cough and have shortness of breath. "Indeed, we accept the referral of patients suspected of bird flu from kecematan Banyuresmi contained chicken deaths from the H5N1 virus earlier in the morning dawn. Thus the number of patients treated in isolation space is currently a two person with NK, "he said.
As with the handling by the first patient NK, Le also has given the act of giving inpus, oxygen, and given tamiflu drug. While the results did show a normal direction as his fever down and cough and crowded reduced. However, further Asep, it still has not been able to conclude that NK and Le was not affected by bird flu.Because the results of laboratory test from Jakarta has not he received. "So far, for the first patient's condition has improved.But still we wait for the results of the study sample of nasal and oral fluid (smear nose and mouth). So, because the status of both patients is still not clear we know, these patients still we deal with the intensive, "he added.
To know the results, he said, his back to send the sample apus apus nose and throat Le to be tested in the laboratory in Jakarta. And the new results can be accepted the next few days. In addition, Asep said, it also had the chance to get information from the first patient, who also have a fever after checking a number of dead chickens in Kampung Cangkuang. "Incidentally, this is the village of Kampung Cangkuang Le patient place to live," he concluded.
Garut Regency Poultry Annihilate Urged
GARUT - MICOM: Parliament urges government Garut Garut immediate culling of poultry in the district Banyuresmi, although local residents rejected their chickens destroyed.
"The occurrence of rejection was because the government is not maximized in the conduct socialization to the community," said Chairman of Commission D of the DPRD Kabupaten Garut, Dr. Helmi Budiman, Sunday (27 / 2).
The refusal of citizens Banyuresmi, according to Helmi is a challenge for the government to strive to take reasonable precautions to prevent bird flu outbreak spread to other areas as well as infectious in humans. The urge to the government, asserted Helmi after the two men who entered the isolation room of Dr Congratulations Garut suspected bird flu virus.
"Transmission of avian influenza to humans has been only still conjecture, but as victims of society should become the new patients treated in the isolation room," said Helmi.
He hopes the government made efforts to comprehensive action or approach to the community so that the chickens or other poultry type animals would be submitted and destroyed.
According to him, the only way in deciding Spread Of H5N1 virus among poultry and birds to humans that is only by way of culling poultry. "If there are residents who refused to give up chicken, then the government is not maximized are socializing, that human life is more important than the chicken," said Helmi
Garut endemic bird flu
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta - Animal Husbandry Department Garut regency, West Java, declaring the area as endemic or where the spread of H5N1, aka bird flu. Office of basing his statement on the number of residents who died of chicken infected with bird flu virus last sebulah.
Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Dida K. Endang said two people were still treated in hospitals Garut for allegedly contracting the bird flu virus, the Animal Husbandry Department officials initials EK and 9-month-old baby initials LN. "The spread of bird flu virus is quite high," the head of the Animal Husbandry Department Garut was on Sunday (27 / 2).
According to him, nearly 42 sub-districts in Garut had contracted the bird flu virus. Of these, only four districts that freed the Cisewu, Bungbulang, Telegong and Cibalong. Based on his notes, since 2006 there are at least 75 positive cases of bird flu in poultry deaths reach 3 thousand heads. The spread of the virus occurred in 48 villages of 38 districts.
The bird flu virus in Garut District, appeared in 2006. The first case occurred in the subdistrict of Cikelet. Virus epidemic due to the low participation of the community. Many of the residents dispose of chicken carcasses in pond and river. This allows the virus spread to other animals and humans."The pattern of clean and healthy living in the community is still lacking," said Dida.
Besides socializing, Dida added, in anticipation of the outbreak of bird flu virus, has prepared 100 liters of liquid disinfectant to spray the cage birds and alerting four veterinarians.
Head of Communicable Diseases Garut Health Office, Dede Rohmansyah, said thousands of people susceptible to contracting the virus of avian influenza or bird flu, following outbreaks of the H5N1 virus in poultry. He urged residents to use a mask or cover your nose.
Local governments also distribute about 5 thousand tamiflu to each health center for handling temporary. "I hope that residents maintain a healthy environment. We also continue to examine the health of 14-days in areas such as positive for bird flu in Banyuresmi, "he said.
Data Garut Health Office, said the five positive cases of bird flu, four of them dead. The patient suspect bird flu was recorded 51 cases, five people died and two treated in hospitals Garut.
Isolation Room H5N1 Hardly Resembles Warehouse
Garut News, (Sunday, 27 / 2).
Isolation Room Maintenance Suspect Bird Flu (Avian Influenza/AI/H5N1) Dr. Slamet Garut, unconditioned warehouse almost like medical equipment, in addition laden dust to cling to all medical devices as well as floors and walls, there are also leaky roof.
Even the toilet was dirty and dusty, but since three days occupied by two people with suspected type of deadly disease, which according to the patient's family since entering the room until now have never even cleaned the floors swept.
To the Main Page News, Sunday, they put forward have not received any examination of expert physicians, in addition to the guard room, he said.
A duty officer room, Asep Dani states, the results of Apus Nose (APH) and Apus Throat (APT) Ny.AK of Research and Development scheduled Kemenkes be known on Monday (28 / 2).
Meanwhile, one other patient, LA until Sunday afternoon body temperature was 37.5 degrees Celsius.
Also obtained information, the Team of Kemenkes RI will arrive in Garut General Hospital on Monday (28 / 2), which is expected by the patient's family, Tim could see first hand the living conditions of isolation such kumuhnya.
Officers Kontrole Garut News room when found, were doing the task of controlling the other room, as disclosed officer means, Dondon and Warois, Asep.
LA patients were still toddlers, more crying so constantly held his brother while undergoing infusion, another brother was denied a hospital pharmacy worker who asked for advance payment to make up for the drug.
So Asep Dani instantly processed, for each patient following the bird flu did not bear any cost, he said.
From Garut are also reported, from the number of complaints of patients who use the services Askes, because after a drug-making process is transferred to one pharmacy, there are many types of drugs that are not available, including the price is very cheap.
They claim to process payroll deductions, not previously known how the value is also done not by consensus, he said.
Prevent AI to human, 4087 DKK Sukoharjo prepare tamiflu capsules
Sukoharjo (Espos) - District Health Office (DKK) 4087 Sukoharjo provide tamiflu capsules for patients in all health centers and hospitals in Sukoharjo. Each health unit is being dropped around 300 capsules tamiflu.
Head of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) DKK Sukoharjo, Rustiningsih reporters when met at his office on Saturday (26/02/2011), said supply tamiflu in Sukoharjo safe. Therefore, it would not increase supplies DKK tamiflu order to anticipate the spread of avian influenza or bird flu from poultry to humans.
"Inventory is still very insufficient. If there is demand in the health centers, health centers tell us directly, "explained Rustiningsih.
He goes on, the emergence of sudden deaths of poultry in the village of Pengkol, Nguter and Village Combongan, Sukoharjo need to be wary of. Moreover, changes in weather with high rainfall intensity facilitate transmission of the virus. "We've appealed, if there is high heat and patients who experience shortness of breath, and have a history of direct contact with poultry will immediately be given Tamiflu," said Rustiningsih.
Kendal Citizens Suspected Bird Flu Infected
Kendal, CyberNews.
One resident of Kendal, Ny Sub (28) Magelung Village, District of South Kaliwungu receive intensive care at Kendal Soewondo dr. He was treated for fear of contracting bird flu (avian influenza).
Not long ago, Mrs. sub had to be rushed to hospital upon referral of a physician in private practice Kaliwungu to hospitals, on Friday (25 / 2), because having a high heat for several days. To anticipate the possibility of transmission of bird flu virus, he is now getting treatment and placed in isolation rooms dr Soewondo Kendal.
But certainty whether residents Kaliwungu actually contracting the virus that usually attacks the birds, still have to wait for laboratory test results. Ny Sub himself could not questioning it is still in treatment.
"For patients who were treated in hospitals, based on his health condition is getting better information than ever before. Now just waiting for laboratory results to be sure, the positive merits of contracting bird flu virus. While still a suspect alone," said Acting Chief District Health Office Kendal, dr Saikhu when confirmed reporters on Sunday (27 / 2).
Ngarti (52) Sub Ny mother, do not feel anxious over the pain suffered by one of his son. Because, the family notified the hospital only if Ny Sub ordinary typhoid. Based on the hospital staff, Monday tomorrow, he should be brought home. But still have to wait for laboratory results.
Extended family there are strange indeed had felt the pain suffered by Mrs Sub. When taken to hospitals Soewondo Kendal, was Mrs Sub treated in isolation rooms. In addition, a few days earlier, in regions of Sub Mrs. stayed, many found in the case of poultry, especially chickens that died suddenly.
Hundreds of chickens owned by citizens of the Village District Darupono South Kaliwungu sudden death. Likewise, in the village of South Kaliwungu Kedungsuren District, also found a similar case.
Health Office led by South Kaliwungu Puskemas, last Thursday to conduct examination and treatment free at home one of the residents Hamlet Middle Village, Village Darupono. Animal Husbandry Department, Marine and Maritime Kendal, on the spot to socialize, related to bird flu disease.
Egypt: Menoufia - Poultry Test Positive; Contacts Tested
Dr Ahmed Fuad, the director of the Directorate of Veterinary Medicine at the government, stressed that the discovery of a new focus for bird flu home of a woman named Nawal Mohammed Salah village Mnohlp Center Bagour, and added that samples were taken from birds for analysis of the campaigns organized by the Directorate of villages and the centers of the province, and the result of samples positive disease, and it is being executed and buried with health through the clearing house and taking a sample of the contacts have to be analyzed to make sure the disease has not.