Saturday, December 15, 2012

Indonesia: Bird Flu Virus Attack Duck, Deliberate

December 15, 2012
The entry of the bird flu virus H5N1 for the destruction of more than 320,000 ducks in Java due to the element of intent.  Pretext to gene mutations irrational because it occurred in a short time leap.
Chairman Avian Research Center, Airlangga University Chairil A Nidom said that when contacted in East Java, on Saturday (15/12). According to Nidom, if a gene mutation, is not possible in a too short a change subclade .
In Indonesia, said Nidom, three subclade bird flu virus, which subclade 2.1.1, 2.1.2, and 2.1.3. "If a gene mutation, most likely subclade it becomes or or If a subclade 2.3.2 has happened leaps and highly unlikely, " he said.
Therefore, Nidom can ensure that the entry of bird flu virus subclade 2.3.2 due to deliberate. "Could be in the form of imports of duck and duck products contaminated with the virus or importation and the use of vaccination with the H5N1 virus subclade that already exist in Indonesia, but contaminated subclade2.3.2, " he said. 

W. Virginia: Pocahontas County Schools 10-15% Absenteeism - Closed

December 13, 2012
Flu has hit Pocahontas County students so hard that the superintendent canceled school for two days.
It turned out 15 to 20 percent of the county's roughly 1,100 students had missed school because of illness recently.
Lester spoke with county health officials, who advised him to cancel school Thursday and today.
It's the first time Lester has closed schools for a health-related reason, and he received a number of calls Thursday from concerned local residents. He's going to check back with schools on Monday to see if attendance is still down, but he's optimistic the county won't have to miss any more days.

An analysis of health system resources in relation to pandemic response capacity in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Piya Hanvoravongchai, Irwin Chavez, James W Rudge, Sok Touch, Weerasak Putthasri, Pham Ngoc Chau, Bounlay Phommasack, Pratap Singhasivanon and Richard Coker
International Journal of Health Geographics 2012, 11:53 doi:10.1186/1476-072X-11-53
Published: 14 December 2012

Abstract (provisional)


There is increasing perception that countries cannot work in isolation to militate against the threat of pandemic influenza. In the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) of Asia, high socio-economic diversity and fertile conditions for the emergence and spread of infectious diseases underscore the importance of transnational cooperation. Investigation of healthcare resource distribution and inequalities can help determine the need for, and inform decisions regarding, resource sharing and mobilisation.


We collected data on healthcare resources deemed important for responding to pandemic influenza through surveys of hospitals and district health offices across four countries of the GMS (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Vietnam). Focusing on four key resource types (oseltamivir, hospital beds, ventilators, and health workers), we mapped and analysed resource distributions at province level to identify relative shortages, mismatches, and clustering of resources. We analysed inequalities in resource distribution using the Gini coefficient and Theil index.


Three quarters of the Cambodian population and two thirds of Laotian population live in relatively underserved provinces (those with resource densities in the lowest quintile across the region) in relation to health workers, ventilators, and hospital beds. More than a quarter of the Thai population is relatively underserved for health workers and oseltamivir. Approximately one fifth of the Vietnamese population is underserved for beds and ventilators. All Cambodia provinces are underserved for at least one resource. In Lao PDR, 11 percent of the population is underserved by all four resource items. Of the four resources, ventilators and oseltamivir were most unequally distributed. Cambodia generally showed the higher inequalities in resource distribution compared to other countries. Decomposition of the Theil index suggests that inequalities result principally from differences within, rather than between, countries.


There is considerable heterogeneity in healthcare resource distribution within and across countries of the GMS. Most inequalities result from within countries. Given the inequalities, mismatches and clustering of resources observed here, resource sharing and mobilization in a pandemic scenario could be crucial for more effective and equitable use of the resources that are available in the GMS.

The complete article is available as a provisional PDF. The fully formatted PDF and HTML versions are in production. 


USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats Program Trains 1,500 in Infectious Disease Surveillance, Diagnostics and Outbreak Response and Identifies 200 Novel Viruses

EPT Surveillance, Detection Work Highlighted at 20th Anniversary IoM Forum on Microbial Threats 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Bogor has a very virulent H5N1...All the Ducks are Dying..

Could the human confirmed case have that clade?

BOGOR -The death of tens of thousands of ducks in Brebes, Central Java, and a number of other areas, thought to be caused H5N1 jenis new virus. Professor of microbiology and conveyed imonologi, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), I Wayan Teguh Wibawan. According to Teguh, the virus that belongs to the clade 2.3.2 or from different classes of virus before. "Clade is a new disease that attacks a group of new, yet have less immunity to clade. Includes pet ducks and other poultry animals, "he said in Bogor, Friday (12/14/2012). He continued, causing the emergence of the virus could have been due to bird migration / mutation of the virus in Indonesia.

Besides uncontrolled poultry trade is also a trigger. way of prevention, he continued, to do with biosecurity measures, such as restrictions on poultry transport sick birds from one area to another. "Doing destruction is limited and does disinfectant," he explained. virus that has killed tens of thousands of birds were judged similar to those circulating in China and Vietnam.

Teguh expect the government to respond to the case before the attack without control. "Immediately looking for a source of transmission of the disease by investigating, among others, whether the entry of the virus through interstate commerce or the other," he advised. Alternatively, he said, that monitor the presence of birds that migrate to the area of Indonesia so that the virus does not mutate.

Indonesia: Confirmed Death Human Case #H5N1 Bird Flu

Ministry of Health, Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health announced a new case of H5N1 has been confirmed by the Center for Basic Biomedical and Health Technologies, Balitbangkes.

Case on behalf of the IT (male, 4 years old) residents of Kampung Nagreg, Gorowong Village, District Parung Panjang, Bogor regency, West Java. Dated 30 November 2012 symptoms of fever, December 1, 2012 the case went to Pustu. Dated December 4, 2012 because there was no change in the case of seeing a private doctor, dated December 5, 2012 morning the case went to the health center and in the afternoon the case was referred to the Private RSIA for hospitalization. Dated December 6, 2012 the case was referred to the Tangerang District Hospital because of fever, cough, and shortness. The situation gets worse case and the case eventually died at 23:40 pm.

Epidemiological investigations have been conducted into the hospital, and the case surrounding the Integrated Team MoH and local health service, possible risk factors that come in direct contact with poultry carcasses (entog) in the neighborhood.

With the increase of these cases, the cumulative number of bird flu in Indonesia since 2005 until this news broadcast is 192 cases with 160 deaths.

Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Prof. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama as the focal point of the International Health Regulations (IHR) has been informed about the case to the WHO.

This information is released by Center for Public Communication, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Health. For further information, please contact via telephone: (021) 52907416-9, Fax: (021) 52921669, Rapid Response Response Centre (PTRC): <kode lokal> 500-567 and 081 281 562 620 (sms), or e-mail contacts @ 

Indonesia: Bribes Tens of Thousands Mass Duck Death Last 2 Weeks

December 14, 2012

Officers of Central Java convention of agricultural quarantine inspection on Friday afternoon in several duck farms in Brebes, following the increasingly widespread cases of sudden death of ducks in this region due to suspected bird flu.

Until now, the last two weeks, the number of ducks that died suddenly Brebes allegedly region has reached tens of thousands. This makes the mass death of duck breeders panic. Because they have not found a cure, let alone most of the ducks that died suddenly on average younger. Officers took samples of duck feathers and duck feces for materials research, so it can be determined whether the death of ducks from bird flu or other illness.

Currently farmers suffered considerable losses, and some have gone out of business. To anticipate the spread of the other ducks or humans, the farmers are required to burn or bury the carcasses of ducks with a minimum depth of half a meter.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Indonesia: This time New Bird Flu Transmitted Through Duck

December 13, 2012
Head of the Laboratory of Avian Influenza Research Centre University of Airlangga (Airlangga University), Prof.. Dr. drh. Chairul Anwar Nidom, declared the spread of bird flu virus through ducks and quails had happened this time. "There is no reason that the virus of bird flu subclade 2.3.2 (new) entered Indonesia through migratory birds, "he said at the Laboratory of Bio Safety Level ( BSL-3) Unair on Thursday, December 13, 2012.

He also agreed that if the government react less to stop the import of ducks to control this disease. "However, if the state is used to increase duck production in the country, it could be acceptable. However, it should be consistent," he said. According to Nidom, official statements seem concerned with the economic aspects than public health aspects.

The government should give full authority to quarantine centers to check the birds that are outside of Indonesia (country of origin of imported poultry) or check each incoming birds.

According Nidom, the government must determine whether the new virus has the potential to infect humans. According to him, Indonesia already has sophisticated laboratories and researchers Indonesia already qualified for such research.

Indonesia: VOA - Indo imports duck seeds from Britain, France, Germany & Malaysia...

From VOA [Voice of America]
Kate Lamb  Fathiyah Wardah
December 13, 2012

Director General of Livestock and Animal Health Ministry of Agriculture, Gratitude Iwantoro, said the virus that attacks the ducks this time from a different variant or group before. This new virus variants coded 2.3.2, like the bird flu virus that originated from countries such as Vietnam, China, Laos and Thailand, said Thanksgiving. dangers virus today, said Aha, causing high mortality in birds than previously virus ( code 2.1). When asked if this virus at high risk for humans, he states can not answer that. Experts, said Thanksgiving, is currently discussing the possibility of this virus in Indonesia due to mutations in genes previously or need for outside intervention. During this time, Indonesia imports ducks seed from Britain, France, Germany and parts of Malaysia.  In the case of the bird flu virus 2.3.2, the government is tightening requirements ducks imported seeds.
According to Ade, the spread of the virus has been almost uniformly across the center of ducks from West Java, Central Java and East Java to areas along the north coast. The area worst affected due to virus attacks Avian Influenza is located in Central Java, began Pati hingga Bribes.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Indonesia: Experts Working Together On Explanation of Duck Population Deaths

Kate Lamb

EuroSurveillance: Assays for laboratory confirmation of novel human coronavirus (hCoV-EMC) infections

Eurosurveillance, Volume 17, Issue 49, 06 December 2012

We present a rigorously validated and highly sensitive confirmatory real-time RT-PCR assay (1A assay) that can be used in combination with the previously reported upE assay. Two additional RT-PCR assays for sequencing are described, targeting the RdRp gene (RdRpSeq assay) and N gene (NSeq assay), where an insertion/deletion polymorphism might exist among different hCoV-EMC strains. Finally, a simplified and biologically safe protocol for detection of antibody response by immunofluorescence microscopy was developed using convalescent patient serum. 

Full Document:

  1. Institute of Virology, University of Bonn Medical Centre, Bonn, Germany
  2. These authors contributed equally to this work
  3. Ruhrlandklinik, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
  4. Institute of Virology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
  5. Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany
  6. Euroimmun AG, Lübeck, Germany
  7. TibMolbiol, Berlin, Germany
  8. Virosciences Laboratory, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Nature: Clusters of coronavirus cases put scientists on alert

  • Nature 492, 166–167
  • ()
  • doi:10.1038/492166a
  • Declan Butler

  • Excerpt [editing is mine]:
     Is the coronavirus that has appeared in the Middle East a simmering threat to global public health or a viral footnote that will end up being of interest only to academics? That is the key question that researchers and public-health officials are now struggling to resolve. Two unsettling developments have fed their concerns: fresh hints that the virus might show at least limited spread from person to person, and signs that it has extended its geographical range.
    “It’s an extremely serious disease; it’s very much in the category of H5N1 [avian influenza],” says David Heymann, chairman of the UK Health Protection Agency and former head of the communicable-diseases programme at the WHO during the 2003 SARS epidemic, caused by a different coronavirus. Yet this latest coronavirus is still limited to the Middle East and shows no sign of spreading easily between people, Heymann emphasizes.

    In late November, however, the WHO reported a household cluster of four cases in Saudi Arabia, in which two people died. Retro­spective tests looking for the coronavirus in samples from a cluster of 11 people who were admitted with serious respiratory symptoms to a hospital in Jordan in April have revealed the virus in another two fatal cases. This pushes back the first known date of its emergence by several months and marks the first evidence for infection outside Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

    Although independent infections from the same animal or environmental source might explain these outbreaks, such clusters always raise the possibility of transmission between humans. Because the disease did not spread any further, however, person-to-person transmission of the virus — if it occurred at all — would have had to have been through close contact. Still, the extension of the disease to Jordan, and the identification of these earlier cases, marks a significant epidemiological development and suggests that infections may have gone undetected in other countries.

    What is needed now, says Heymann, is “good old shoe-leather epidemiology; that’s what worked in SARS”. Epidemiologists need to talk to the families and neighbours of any infected people; try to track down everyone who has come into contact with them to look for symptoms and test for the virus; and isolate infected people to try to stop any spread.

    New coronavirus can infect cells from multiple species

    Dec 11, 2012 (CIDRAP News) – Experiments on the novel coronavirus that has infected patients from three Middle Eastern countries show that the receptor it uses to infect human cells is different from the one used by its relative the SARS virus and that it can infect cells from a range of animals, according to a study released today.
    Both findings have implications for public health, as experts rush to assess the threat and develop tools to battle the emerging virus, which has so far led infected at least 9 people, causing 5 deaths, in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Jordan. The study was conducted by researchers from Germany and the Netherlands and appears today in mBio, the online journal of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM).
    The virus, called hCoV-EMC, has been linked to two illness clusters, including one that involved healthcare workers at a Jordanian hospital. All of the patients with confirmed infections had pneumonia, and several had severe renal complications.
    The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) said recently that though the case clusters raise the possibility of human-to-human transmission, so far there is too little information to confirm or rule it out. Regardless, concerns about transmission risk have prompted intensive monitoring of close contacts of case-patients and reminders about steps to protect healthcare workers.
    Christian Drosten, MD, lead author of the study and director of the Institute of Virology at the University of Bonn Medical Centre in Germany, said in an ASM press release today, "This virus is closely related to the SARS virus, and looking at the clinical picture, it causes the same pattern of disease."
    One question the research team wanted to explore was whether the hCoV-EMC and SARS viruses use the same receptor to enter human cells. The SARS virus uses the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, which is mainly found on pneumocytes deep in human lungs. Drosten said individuals needed to inhale great numbers of SARS viruses for enough to reach deep into the lungs and take root, a factor that limited its spread mainly to healthcare workers and people who lived in overcrowded housing in Hong Kong.
    The researchers found that hCoV-EMC clearly does not use ACE2, Drosten said in the press release But the virus could use another, still-unknown receptor in human lungs that is easier to access and could make the virus more infectious than SARS, he added.
    In the second part of the study, the group conducted a set of experiments to shed light on how the virus might have originated and moved between humans and animals. Genetic sequencing of an hCoV-EMC sample from a Saudi man who died in June showed that the virus most closely resembles coronaviruses found in bats. Some of the patients with confirmed infections had visited farms before they got sick.
    Drosten said the SARS virus changed after it jumped from bats to civets to humans, rendering it unable to infect bats again. However, he said researchers were surprised to see that hCoV-EMC can infect cells from many different species. The group found that it could enter cells from four major bat families, pigs, and primates. "It's completely unusual for any coronavirus to be able to do that—to go back to its original reservoir," he said.
    The team reported that the findings suggests all the animals could share a common receptor, and if the receptor is present on mucosal surfaces such as the lining of the lung, the virus could pass back and forth between animals and humans, making it difficult or even impossible to eliminate.
    Drosten said his lab is still trying to identify the hCoV-EMC receptor and that more work on the virus is under way at many other hospitals and labs.
    Kathryn Holmes, PhD, professor emerita in the University of Colorado School of Medicine's Department of Microbiology, told CIDRAP News that the group's findings are exciting news. She is a coronavirus expert whose work has focused on characterizing receptors for several coronaviruses.
    She said there are several different receptor proteins for coronaviruses and it will be interesting to see what the receptor or receptors are for the new coronavirus. It's not possible, she added, to predict the receptor solely from the genetic sequence of the virus' spike protein, the glycoprotein that mediates its entry into host cells.
    The discovery that the virus grows well in multiple species without adaptation is important, but it does not necessarily predict whether each of the species is sickened by the virus, she said.
    Scientists have a lot of questions to answer about the new virus, such as its tissue tropism, virulence mechanism, and transmission routes, Holmes said, adding, "It is amazing how quickly data from this newly discovered virus is flowing from many labs."
    Rapid identification of reservoir hosts, routes of transmissions, and virulence determinants in different hosts will help reduce human contact with potential animal reservoirs, and sensitive assays to detect viral RNA and proteins are being developed and used to analyze the epidemiology of the virus in humans and animals, Holmes said.
    She said the virus has apparently been discovered before any widespread in humans, and current research will establish assays to allow health officials to rapidly evaluate any potential spread of the new virus to new hosts or different regions or from human to human.
    Muller MA, Raj VS, Muth D, et al. Human coronavirus EMC does not require the SARS-coronavirus receptor and maintains broad replicative capability in mammalian cell lines. mBio 2012 Dec 11 [Abstract]
    See also:
    Dec 11 ASM press release

    Tuesday, December 11, 2012

    Study finds puzzling behaviour of new coronavirus, may hint at pattern of spread

    By Helen Branswell, The Canadian Press | Associated Press – 19 hrs ago

    TORONTO - A new study reveals that the new SARS-like virus which has been causing infections in the Middle East behaves unusually in laboratory testing.
    The unexpected behaviour of the virus may help to explain the pattern of spread of the cases so far, says senior author Christian Drosten, a leading coronavirus expert.
    In essence, the new coronavirus is promiscuous, a term the virologists who authored the study use to describe the fact that it will grow in a variety of different types of animal cells, including cells from people, pigs and several species of bats.


    Vietnam: Identifying Chicken: Harm from eating chicken antibiotic residues

    11/12/2012 By  

    Facing the chicken waste and residual smuggled chickens antibiotics exceeds the permitted level, Dr. Nguyen Huu Doan, Deputy Director of Department of Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture, Hanoi University of Agriculture has analysis and guide people to identify this bird.
    Chicken waste, mine usually truncated
    According to Dr. Nguyen Huu Doan, to meet market demand for eggs for the world as well as in our country, the farm are super chicken eggs with chicken in common is a relatively small body. This approach is similar to chicken curry aimed less and can feed chickens with high density, due to the cage. Ragged feathers are usually brown due to too old. Brown shell, high egg production. According to the calculations, each hen lays 280 - 300 eggs. Each egg weighs 55 - 65g, while ri eggs of our country only 40 - 45g/qua .
    Super chicken eggs usually beaked penguin by surgical cut to them from biting. Chicken lips this type consists of two phases: chicken and gilts (prepared childbirth) lasted for about 4.5 months, hens have time 13 - 14 months. Thus, life super chicken eggs lasts about one and a half years, while the super chicken meat, it is only about 1.5 months, chickens backyard coat is 3 months, the chicken about 4 - 5 months .
    In addition to these factors, Dr. Nguyen Huu Doan said, in life super chicken eggs, after hatching until it is condemned, farmers injected 12 - 15 times the vaccine types in the chicken. This is to prevent the disease is mainly caused by the virus (virus) causes such as avian flu (H5N1), translated Coliza, reduced tongue syndrome, also called chicken cholera RU (newcastle); gumboro; beans; chicken toi (fowl) .. .
    In addition, to prevent diseases caused by bacteria , monthly, or even weekly, one has to feed the chickens antibiotics periodically. In particular, the list of banned antibiotics toxic to pets and humans. Sometimes chickens get sick, we also inject antibiotics directly into the chicken breast. All the above vaccines and antibiotics are not excreted out from the body hen that accumulates gradually, until condemned in the body too much chicken and antibiotic residues .
    Can easily create drug-resistant organisms
    Information from the Department of Animal Health announced recently showed that 40% of the sample layer culling smuggled Chinese antibiotic residues exceeding the permitted level. According to Dr. Nguyen Huu Doan, this is also the cause of the countries in the world not to eat chickens laying waste types that only allow processed into feed for cattle, dogs, cats .. .
    When eating chicken antibiotic residues will definitely harm to consumers. In particular, some consumers are allergic. If you eat a variety of meat, the human body can generate drug-resistant microorganisms, oily antibiotics should they cause human disease is very difficult to treat. At the same time, eating chicken antibiotics also reduce the immune response of the body, causing the body to gradually become weak, reducing the resistance. These people can not live without antibiotics. Even some antibiotics can cause cancer for consumers .
    Only eat chicken waste, new antibiotics have adverse impacts on consumers. However, to the naked eye as well as by the ordinary senses such as color, smell, taste ... consumers can not detect antibiotic residues in chicken. To detect the level of residues of antibiotics need to use modern machinery and equipment in the laboratory .
    Dr. Nguyen Huu Doan

    Vietnam: Dak Lak Reappears Avian Influenza #H5N1


    Cu M'gar district implement preventive measures against H5N1 Currently, a number of localities in the province of Dak Lak has reappeared and spread of H5N1 avian influenza. The aim of the prevention of bird flu in the district in the future, especially during the before, during and after the Chinese New Year Snake You - DPC CuMgar has directed the local districts implement effective urgent H5N1 avian-flu.

     UBND huyện CưMgarhas directed the social-town steering strengthen the anti-epidemic preparedness resources and forces to deal quickly and thoroughly when epidemics occur.

    At the same time implementing measures to monitor the situation of poultry in residential areas, advocating for farmers to strictly work hygiene, care, nurture, disinfected cages, restrict the import of poultry and of unknown origin.

    At the same time strengthen the control does not enter the duck on local grazing poultry run. For farms with bird number 100 or more must be self-sufficient and registration flu vaccine poultry vaccination for veterinary prescribed, determined the requirements of the poultry vaccination must sign a commitment as prescribed to prevent-H5N1 epidemic control.  
    Particularly the case with the the H5N1 facilities like: continuous high fever, chills, shortness of breath, chest pain, headaches, muscle pain, hand-foot-back ... must be taken immediately to the base medical examination and treatment time. /.

    China Discards Chicken Waste: Hens/Chickens/Roosters @ Certain Age, Vietnam Smuggles Them In, High Rates of Antibiotic Residues Unhealthy


    8 million Chinese chicken waste in Vietnam

    (People of India) - Yesterday morning (11:12), the Ministry of Industry and Trade has officially announced, at least 8 million chickens disposal China are smuggled into Vietnam this year.

    As reported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, through fact-finding shows that in China (Chinese), discarded chicken is chicken feed to a certain age, not standard, farmers removed. The chicken waste types include: hens, chickens, roosters.
    Classification of smuggled chickens at the market Ha Vy (Hanoi).
    According to this report, the local supply and consumption of chicken waste in China is largely in the provinces: Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Hubei ... Findings also showed that Chinese chickens waste sent to Vietnam were classified as chicken egg exhaustion, have high rates of antibiotic residues and are often excluded from the food products , must be destroyed. Therefore, the selling price of this type of waste chicken to the Vietnamese border at 10,000 VND / kg. 

    According to the test results of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, 60% of chicken samples discarded from China with avian influenza virus and the Ministry of Health tests also showed that 100% of samples with antibiotic residues exceed the permitted level, causing harmful to the health of consumers. 

     "Yes, the Chinese products are required to be destroyed, or processed animal feed, but in the process brought for burial, a number of Vietnamese traders had purchased at an average price of about 15,000 VND / kg and fell to the domestic consumption of 50,000 to 70,000 VND / kg "- the report of the Ministry of Industry and Trade gradually a source said.
    According to Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Cam Tu, the import, transport and trading of smuggled poultry is causing a negative impact on the health of people by the amount of antibiotics and other chemical residues are high excessive; very high risk of disease spread; destroy the poultry production business in the country; cause tax losses.

    Vietnam: Cracking Down on the Importing of Chicken from China

    ...and China currently bans poultry from Vietnam.  Go figure.


    From the root to control super cheap chicken is no longer on the market
    (T.Vy (general) - Source: VNA - 12/11/2012)
    Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) is coordinating with the relevant agencies such as: the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Customs ... on the to prevent, control and treat the root condition chicken super cheap China spill into the Vietnamese market.

    Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Diep Kinh Tan said: The use of chicken China is very dangerous, not only affect the health of consumers as chicken filled in the Vietnam market today are chicken discarded or chicken was too time term use ... but also increase the risk of spread of avian flu by current avian influenza situation in China is very serious and continues to spread.
    Deputy Minister Diep Kinh Tan said: At present, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chinese chicken into Vietnam mainly through Lang Son and Mong Cai border gate. Chinese chicken appears in the consumer market is very difficult to distinguish. Therefore, the authorities should take measures positive and eliminate the recruiter then hope to be able to handle the root condition. However, the question is why China banned meat products from Vietnam, Vietnamese products can not enter the Chinese market but Vietnam bans chicken products imported from China that chicken products are still in the domestic market. Through this, the authorities should study and consider radical solutions to solve this problem.
    According to Deputy Minister Diep Kinh Tan, MARD has directed the Department of Animal Health to strengthen sent staff to direct prevention, disease surveillance cattle, poultry and, in collaboration with local veterinary inspection Check drastic the original quarantine at the quarantine at the wholesale market, thoroughly controlled circulation, transport ... penalties for destruction of native chicken products, does not guarantee hygiene food for chicken to super cheap China does not "exist" in the market. Along with quarantine, control of the market in the market, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has directed the province focusing on propaganda to raise public awareness to ensure consumers know how to protect yourself, only use the product products were quarantined and checked of veterinary. /.

    Vietnam: Each week, 18 tons of smuggled poultry in Hanoi


    Status poultry smuggled from across the border massively smuggled consumption of our country which is the burning of the agricultural sector for many years. Work to prevent illegal chicken is even more difficult when smuggled sophisticated tricks, beyond the control of functional forces. In particular, since September, the state bird smuggling rife than ever.

    According to calculations by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the average weekly authorities discovered 15 -18 tons of smuggled poultry in Hanoi. The same smuggled poultry and eggs are about to hatch an unknown phase also complicated with approximately 40% of bird seed smuggled out of control.
    Chickens smuggled blatantly Circulation in Hanoi for Ha.
    Chickens smuggled blatantly Circulation in Hanoi for Ha.
    100,000 tons chicken smuggled in October.

    Husbandry Department (MARD), only in the first 10 months of this year there were about 100,000 tons of chicken waste (equivalent to 45,000 tonnes of meat) of China illegally imported into Vietnam. Of smuggled chicken is equivalent to the total amount of frozen meat these import quotas same time period. From the beginning of the year also has about 15 - 20 million chickens smuggled types and over 50,000 tons of frozen meat import quotas on Vietnam.


    Vietnam: 60% Poultry Smuggled in Lang Son Infected with Influenza Virus A

    At the Steering Committee meeting national bird flu occurred pm 11/12, in Hanoi, Tan Xuan Thanh, deputy director of the Department of Animal Health said 100 percent of waste chicken smuggled across the border infection remains residual antibiotics.

    Dam Xuan Thanh said that the Chinese chickens discarded from 33000-40000 VND / kg was smuggled across the border only about 15,000 VND / kg. However, notably poultry waste illegally imported into Vietnam through the Ministry of Health inspection results for 100% of all antibiotic residues; including antibiotics banned in Vietnam and very toxic damage.
    Force transfer function chickens smuggled destruction.  (Photo: Tran Viet / VNA)
    Force transfer function chickens smuggled destruction. (Photo: Tran Viet / VNA)

    Department of Animal Health has examined samples of smuggled poultry in Lang Son, up to 60% were infected with influenza virus A. In addition, poultry smuggled affect livestock production in the country.Also at the meeting, Pham Van Dong, director of the Department of Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said that despite disease animal was a lull, but the risk continues to arise in the near future is very high due to farming activities to increase consumer demand for the end of the year. In addition, the transport, slaughter and consumption increased during the last years, especially in the provinces, localities have the old outbreak and the key areas of livestock ... also increases the risk outbreaks. Currently there are two include: Long An and Soc Trang PRRS less than 21 days.

    Indonesia: MoH Anticipation of Bird Flu Virus Mutation

    December 11, 2012, 21:59 pm

    REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Not long ago, hundreds of thousands of ducks owned poultry farmers in Java died suddenly due to Avian influenza virus or better known as H5N1.
    Poultry deaths occurred in the province of East Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta and West Java. It is feared, the virus has attacked humans although until now there has been no reports of people suspect.

    Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) Ministry of Health, Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama SPP (K) said that a mutation in the influenza virus can indeed occur, and is always the case in many countries. "Yang. now happening is mutated H5N1 bird flu virus that became clade (kind of) new, namely clade 2.3.2. mutations to clade 2.3.2 present in poultry, except in Indonesia also reported in Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Japan, Korea and Hong Kong, "he said. So far, he said, no man in Indonesia who contracted the bird flu virus H5N1 clade that recently. "MoH has done anticipation and alertness for example, to create a circular to the health department in the area, so be aware if there are a large number of poultry deaths," he said. MoH also asked health office in the area to prevent and control the possibility of human contact with poultry deaths in large numbers . "Had it no close human contact with poultry deaths in large numbers, it is done with good handling procedures," he added. Later, he added, need to check dinkes in areas of logistics, coordination and monitoring and reporting when there are developments to watch "Coordination with other ministries as well as absolutely necessary to coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture to monitor developments, as well as with relevant experts. Also any developments and scientific materials are always deployed to the affected areas, "he said.
    Additionally MoH coordination with international organizations.