Saturday, October 9, 2010
2013: Egypt in the production of a vaccine for bird flu [poultry]
Dr. Abdel Rahman Shahin, official spokesman for the Ministry of Health, the continuation of the Egyptian Company for Biological Products and Vaccines of the Ministry of Health in getting the samples to isolate the bird flu virus to immunize birds in conjunction with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine . confirmed the spokesperson of the Ministry to determine the effectiveness of the new vaccine to be produced within a company of veterinary services of the Ministry of Health and the Egyptian Company for Biological Products will be in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, and decide production 400 million doses at a cost of one hundred million pounds after the completion of the processing line production of the vaccine locally produced for the first time with the beginning of 2013 . . وتقرر استمرار تحصين الطيور المتوافرة حاليا بالأسواق والتربية المنزلية لضمان عدم الاصابة بفيروس إنفلونزا الطيور. and decided to maintain the immunization of birds currently available in markets and home education to ensure that the bird flu virus .
Infected, Living Opportunities Very Thin
BALIKPAPAN - Beware of the spread of the H5N1 virus so as not to infect humans, continue to be improved. The reason is, if it had been infected with bird flu virus, it is likely only 20 percent of patients live.
Although to date there has been no suspected patients who tested positive for bird flu, the sudden demise of a number of birds in six villages into big warning. Head of City Health Office (DKK) Balikpapan drg Dyah Muryani call, it continues to oversee the development of bird flu cases.
"We call on people who have symptoms of fever and a history of contact with birds, including cages and feces. It is important to monitor the spread of the virus. Indeed to this day only two suspected patients, where one has been declared negative. While the other one, still waiting for results from the Research and Development in the Ministry of Health, "he explained.
With little chance of life due to this virus, Dyah stressed the need for vigilance on the incidence of poultry that died suddenly. Not in direct contact with poultry droppings and wash hands after being in the cage is also very important to prevent H5N1 infection.
However, Dyah explains, people do not have to worry about eating chicken. Moreover, the chicken pieces from the farm are safe for consumption. It should be noted, while cutting the chicken, you should use plastic gloves and wash hands with detergent or soap.
The same thing also disclosed the Head of Balikpapan Chaidar DPKP Chairulsyah, if people worried about their chickens destroyed because of the sudden death, do not hesitate to immediately cut him off. "As long as boiled or fried with temperatures above 85 degrees Celsius, definitely safe to eat," he continued.
For information, at least in the 6 birds in a village with dozens of RT known to be infected with H5N1. Sub South Aberdeen recorded the most commonly found cases of chickens died suddenly, as in the Village Prapatan, Mount Joy, and Sepinggan. Three other woods village located at the East Aberdeen Manggar, New Manggar, and Lamaru. "As a society we are socialized to so report if you find a chicken with a sudden death event," added Chaidar.
Archipelago / Saturday, October 9, 2010 20:34 pm
Makassar: The 49 thousand chickens and ducks in South Sulawesi died of bird flu virus since July to October. Head of Animal Husbandry Department Sulsel Murtala Ali admitted that he had instructed the authorities farming districts to do the culling of poultry in the region identified the virus.
"We also banned poultry excluded from areas infected with bird flu," he said in Makassar, South Sulawesi, on Saturday (9 / 10).
Murtala says thousands of dead birds were scattered in 11 districts, namely Takalar, Makassar, East Luwu, North Luwu, Soppeng, Pinrang, Parepare, Sidrap, Barru, Bulukumba and Bone. While the 13 districts / cities, declared free from viruses.
In addition to culling, Animal Husbandry Department also conducts spraying efforts and vaccination of poultry as well as counseling to residents to remain alert to the deadly virus.
He explained that the relatively high rainfall that occurred in South Sulawesi while this may trigger a mutation of bird flu to other birds. Therefore, the humidity is conducive to the development of the virus. "Therefore, the traffic of poultry from affected areas we forbid," he said.
Even so, he added, to date there is no transmission from cattle to humans. From examination of four patients suspect bird flu that was treated in hospital Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar, otherwise negative. The last two years there is no more fatalities from bird flu. (Ant / Bey)
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Indonesia-H5N1 infected chicken found in the marketplace
BALIKPAPAN - Aberdeen City Government through the Department of Fisheries Agriculture and Marine (DPKP) continue to detect vulnerable areas infected with H5N1 or so-called bird flu. DTKP conduct checks on some traditional markets, the results were found several pieces of chicken that tested positive for avian influenza virus.
"After many settlements of people hit by bird flu, we direct the initiative to check the chickens are bought and sold in the market. As a result, we found some positive chickens avian influenza virus, "said Head of Livestock DTKP, drh Budijanto, yesterday.
Budi-familiar addressed said it found the chicken tested positive for the flu buruang Sepinggan Market. The amount is approximately 15 tail more, taken from some chicken traders. Chicken is not the one still alive, but the chickens that have been cut and placed on a stall selling table.
"It's not a live chicken, but chicken is already on the table. We check the chickens, character-character lead to avian influenza-affected chickens, "he explained.
Known bird flu virus, because the chickens that have been cut and ready for sale, because the characteristic. In the chicken's body looks a lot of bruises, skin or chicken meat is not bright as usual. In addition, the characteristics of chicken are not healthy because there are still innards in the body.
"The market is a positive Sepinggan approximately 15 tail, the average chicken innards were still there in it. Like the intestine, bile, liver and others. For that we also remind the public to buy chicken that is clean, do not buy the remaining innards in it. Because it is not healthy, "said Budi to Post Metro, yesterday.
Not only Sepinggan Market, officers from this DTKP also carry out checks on traditional market Pasar Baru and Pasar Klandasan. After checking around chickens are bought and sold, either alive or chickens that had been cut. The result is negative, it did not find that the affected chickens as bird flu found in Sepinggan Market.
"New Markets and Klandasan earlier (yesterday, Red) also have us check, the results were negative. No one tested positive for avian influenza virus. Later, we will disseminate to the public this fall directly into the neighborhoods, "beber Budijanto. (Die)
Indonesia- First hand account of suspected family cluster
Last Tuesday (05-10-2010), I was suddenly summoned by the boss of the family health (a doctor, call it DRM). I am informed that last night (Monday night) a patient (called sajaj FZ) came to him with symptoms of flu, after he extract information on the FZ, it turns out there are some FZ chickens that died suddenly a few days ago. Because of suspicion and worry bird flu, then the DRM report (sorry, informed) told me about this incident because I'm was one of the staff which disease prevention programs that are charged to me was about a zoonotic bird flu included.
Long story short, armed with the knowledge I have (from college and some training), I went to the house of FZ to triangulate the beginning. Fortunately FZ house just a few hundred yards from the office, entered the hall. It turned out that this family is a religious family, FZ big scarf and wear veils. My husband accepted by the FZ, a udztas (say AH) is very friendly, he received me very well. AH has 8 children (so many, the AH so often forget how much the number of children, sometimes she calls her son as much as 9 persons, AH too often forget to order his son).
AH informed that on Sunday (03-10-2010), there is the chicken that died suddenly of 7 animals. Two days before death, the chickens began to suffer ill with symptoms of diarrhea, swollen eyes, cold, and purple comb. One was slaughtered sick chickens and consumed by this family.
The status of some family members are..
AH/L/51 onset of illness on the date of 30-09-2010. Date 29-09-2010 go mourn in remote areas (Mallawa, Maros) and came home on a motorcycle rain. Date 05-10-2010 fever began to fall. Dated 08-10-2010 has no fever but was still coughing.
FZ/P/41, wife of AH from fever on the date 02-10-2010, had a cough for a long time, there is a history of treat sick chickens at the date of 03-10-2010. Dated 08-10-2010 has no fever but was still coughing.
HD/P/11, son of AH-4 to the onset of illness on 04-10-2010, there is a history of contact with chickens that died suddenly (holding by entering into the cage and bury). Fever began to fall on 08-04-2010 but still coughing and weak body condition.
UK/L/5, son of the 8th AH onset of illness on 04-10-2010. Fever began to fall on 08-10-2010 but the cough is getting worse. There was no contact with sick and dead poultry.
YK/L/3, child-9 AH onset of illness on 03-10-2010. Fever began to fall on 08-10-2010 but coughs and colds worse. There was no contact with sick and dead poultry.
In addition to these 5 people, there is also a neighbor who is also the brother of AH AH ill with symptoms of fever, but no contact with sick chickens and sudden death.
Based on the information I as surveillance officers reported this to my direct supervisor who forwarded to the head of the Public Health Service Maros. And that same day (Tuesday, 05-10-2010) Maros stated Unusual (KLB) the suspect / suspect bird flu. 38 C), accompanied by a cough and sore throat and in the last 7 days had contact with sick birds and sudden death. " se="Kategori suspek flu burung untuk KLB ini adalah penderita demam (>38 C) dengan disertai batuk dan sakit tenggorokan dan dalam 7 hari terakhir pernah kontak dengan unggas yang sakit dan mati mendadak." closure_uid_slim20="77">Category suspected bird flu outbreaks are patients for fever (> 38 C), accompanied by a cough and sore throat and in the last 7 days had contact with sick birds and sudden death. " se="Laporan KLB W1 <24>" closure_uid_slim20="78">Report outbreaks W1 <24>
Almost all provincial surveillance officer is not in place. Currently no events Socialization of Avian Influenza in several districts and their local facilitators so. Incidentally Socialization of new bird flu will be held at Maros in the next week (12 and 13 October 2010). In the province there was only left a few administrative staff.
There is no inventory of equipment and materials to face bird flu outbreaks in Maros (oseltamivir / Tamiflu expired, personal protective equipment (PPE) is not adequate, the specimen retrieval instrument does not exist) so that waiting for the supply of equipment and materials from the province.
No outbreaks of operational costs in all health centers and district levels. All use the personal cost.
With all the limitations, I am as a surveillance officer continued to governance best possible case. In addition to reporting to the province, I also contacted the farm workers the same day (Tuesday) to do rapid test in birds. But the rapid test can not be done on chicken carcasses that have been buried more than 24 hours. The officer only gave disinfecting livestock corral and took blood samples of chicken that is still healthy, relatives chickens that died suddenly. That said, the new blood tests can be known of the fastest 5 days.
Thursday, 07-10-2010 provincial officials as many as 2 people took to the location of the data and give oseltamivir and Communication, Information, Education and Communication (IEC) on the AH family. It is planned to be taken specimens of HD the next day. Still on the same day, I consulted the provinces and the province suggested that patients with suspected bird flu immediately referred to hospitals for Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar (referral hospitals Avian Influenza). It is appropriate technical procedures management of the AI, if not then all that happens within the AH becomes my responsibility as a surveillance officer. There is also suggested that I prepare a statement if AH is not willing to refer their children, which if AH is not willing to refer their children then the responsibility is switched to the AH.
Friday, 08-10-2010 I contact the clinic surveillance officers to make referrals of patients with suspected AI on behalf of the HD directly to RSWS (Note, this is my first experience doing governance AI, previously only practice in the training that was very much different from the reality on the ground .) Letters of reference has been made, thankfully AH willing to refer their children. I am amazed at the AH family, very patient and understanding, this family is very earthy. I explained that all the costs borne by the government.
Here, another problem emerged. There was no ambulance to bring HD to RSWS. Ambulance available in the clinic but the clinic's head were many reasons for this and would not lend her car. Fear of contaminated pamungkasnya reasons. Ambulances to transport suspect AI must have a bulkhead between driver and patient that is behind. Before and after delivering the patient, the car must be in disinfectant. Finally I merental car with my own money, rather than displaced patients, I thought. Not according to the procedure but what may make, HD should be immediately brought to RSWS.
With communication via telephone, provincial officials are willing to standby at RSWS wait we arrived. Anyway, we received something wrong, he said. But the only disappointment that I can. Arriving at RSWS at 11.00, I do not find sepotongpun provincial officer. We like a regular patient, and severity I do not know anything. But with convincing style, I am convinced AH and family to wait a while.
In RSWS no one to serve us, after showing a referral to the Triage, they also do not know anything (apparently they only doctor coas). My long standing in the triage of emergency room I finally came out into the ER registration, with a slightly higher tone registration officer told me to go straight (koq scolded people ask?). I patiently re-entered and asked the doctors one by one. Finally there is the show for me to report to the triage of children.
After seeing the suspect AI referral letter, some of which watch in the triage of a child panicked. Suddenly there who took the referral letter and took it to a room. Five minutes later the harpy letter out of the room and sent me directly to the Infection Centre (IC), a few buildings from the ER.
Patiently, we (me, chauffeur rental, AH, FZ, HD, UK, YK) exit from the ER to find a place that is without a clue. Two times we were around RSWS (with two times out of parking fees as well), we finally found the IC. But no one, no duty officer (probably because it was signed in recess Friday prayers, at 11:40). Finally I was desperate to the 2nd floor of IC, I met a cool pair of doctors told me. Just a short answer, try the question below (duh, if the doctor did not know I was from the bottom, around the room but no one? Or, he will not be bothered to tell by her partner?). Finally I decided to bring directly into the AH and family waiting on the 2nd floor of IC, as he sat and waited. Not too sat down, we reprimanded an officer who was carrying a patient. This is why? Children are forbidden to come in here! Emotions and I almost lost control. I immediately showed the referral letter, the clerk was shocked and gave sense to me to bring patients to the ER for the photo. I ran out of patience a little longer. With the sound a bit high, I explained that I had from the ER and was told directly to the IC. But with full conviction, the clerk assured me by making a note in the letter of referral to the ER. Finally, I yield, we also returned to the ER with a car, except AH who rushed to the mosque for Friday prayers. In the ER I met with a polite security guard who showed a thoracic images (in fact, security here is more polite and patient than the less coas doctor. Ask why?). No photo officer, Back security guard politely explained that all officers break Friday prayers.
With nervous, I ask permission to FZ Friday prayers. For while the FZ are after him.
After Friday prayers, suddenly all matters so smoothly. There has been a serving officer, until HD is placed in isolation rooms IC. HD will be accompanied by his father, AH should not be out of the room at least up to 5 days ahead, when the laboratory results are known. If negative AI, then the HD should come home.
Actually I am very sorry for this family. I felt guilty had been "thrown" HD and AH to the small prison conditions that may be more severe than the criminal prison, isolation rooms. Imagine, AH unable to make a living these days, whether anyone is keeping his family at home. Well, hopefully things get better soon, hopefully things do not happen we do not want shared. Very valuable experience.
But, by the way where the provincial officer yah?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Egypt: Gov. Declared State of Emergency For Winter Season
Council of Ministers will discuss developments injury and continues to ban the circulation of birds between the provinces Books Nasser Fayad : government declared a state of emergency to face the onslaught of bird flu in the winter season is expected and the start of low temperatures, issued Dr. Ahmed Nazif, Prime Minister strict instructions yesterday for the conservative follow-up field to places of breeding birds on farms and breeding domestic Balgari . تضمنت التعليمات تكليف مديريات الزراعة والطب البيطري باتخاذ إجراءات صارمة والتشديد علي المزارع غير المرخصة والعشوائية لمنع انتشار العدوي حول مناطق الاصابات الجديدة التي ظهرت خلال الأسابيع الماضية، وكانت التقارير قد حذرت من موجة هجوم وشيكة لفيروس إنفلونزا الطيور مع بدء فصل الشتاء. وتلقي »نظيف« تقريراً من أمين أباظة وزير الزراعة تضمن ضوابط ومعايير نقل وتداول الطيور الحية بين المحافظات وفقاً لقرارات مجلس الوزراء التي صدرت من قبل، تناول التقرير التنسيق بين وزارات الداخلية والصحة والزراعة بشأن حظر نقل الطيور في عدد من المحافظات الصادر بشأنها قرارات الحظر. طلب الدكتور »نظيف« من وزير الزراعة عدم التراخي في اتخاذ الاجراءات الفورية لمواجهة موسم انتشار الفيروس بشكل ملحوظ عن العام الماضي، وحدد التقرير ظهور بؤر اصابات مؤكدة بالفيروس في محافظتي القليوبية »حالتان« والفيوم حالة واحدة الي جانب الاشتباه في حالات أخري يجري فحصها. وأكدت مصادر حكومية أن مجلس الوزراء سوف يناقش في اجتماعه يوم الأربعاء القادم تقارير جديدة من وزيري الزراعة والصحة حول تطورات معدل الاصابة، والخطط المعدلة لمواجهة هجوم الفيروس مع بدء انخفاض درجات الحرارة وحلول فصل الشتاء.
The instructions mandate Directorates of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine to take firm action and the emphasis on farm illegal and indiscriminate to prevent the spread of infection on the areas of new infections that have emerged over the past few weeks, The reports had warned of a wave of attack and the imminent bird flu virus with the onset of winter . and receive » clean « report of Amin Abaza, Minister of Agriculture to ensure controls and standards for the transfer and trading of live poultry between governorates according the resolutions of the Council of Ministers issued by, report dealt with the coordination between the ministries of interior, health and agriculture on the prohibition of the transfer of birds in a number of governorates of which bans . asked Dr. » clean « Minister of Agriculture not to be complacent in taking immediate action to address the season spread of the virus significantly from last year, The report identified the emergence of hotbeds of confirmed cases of HIV in the provinces of Qaliubiya » cases « and Fayoum one case to the suspicion in other cases currently being examined by . and government sources said that the Cabinet will discussed at the meeting next Wednesday, new reports from the Ministers of Agriculture and Health on developments in the infection rate, and amended plans for an attack the virus with the start of low temperatures
Egypt: A reader asks: Is bird flu still a threat to humans, and is there a vaccine protects against infection?
Dr Abdel Hady Mesbah professor of immunology that regarding the avian influenza should focus attention on the poultry farms, and not to slaughter, in stores in densely populated areas, and increase awareness of non-breeding birds inside the house - especially in the countryside, and no-nonsense approach in the follow-up to the recommendations of the Higher Committee for Combating Bird Flu, especially by the localities, so far no virus is transmitted only through infected birds to humans, without causing a mutation that enables it to transfer the infection from one person to another.
With regard to attempts to access a vaccine for humans for the prevention of avian influenza, there is research has been published, and by a team of American Scientists were able to have access to the vaccine or Vaksin can prevent both birds and humans as well as cats, the strain of the fierce bird flu virus H5N1, Not only that, but it can be injected by the embryos inside the egg before the bird comes into being.
Has been manufacturing facsimiles or the new vaccine on the grounds that genes essential strain of avian influenza H9N2 in pigs as well, which represent the backbone of the genes in this strain, might protect against infection strain fierce H5N1 after they have been modified genetically to become weak and less able to make disease.
Interestingly, this discovery that this vaccination is good for prevention in both humans and birds and animals that can infect the virus, after it was vaccinations previous vary according to species from human to bird to the animal, and this facsimiles can inject its eggs from infection and disease, and reduce chances of transmission to humans on their way.
Indonesia: 7 Villages in Balikpapan Infected Bird Flu
BALIKPAPAN - Virus H5N1 yang menyebabkan penyaklit flu burung atau avian influenza (AI) yang semula hanya terdapat di empat kelurahan, yakni Manggar, Sepinggan, Gunung Bahagia dan Prapatan, kini meluas hingga ke Kelurahan Damai, Manggar Baru, dan Lamaru.
BALIKPAPAN - penyaklit The H5N1 virus that causes bird flu or avian influenza (AI), which was originally found only in four villages, namely Manggar, Sepinggan, Mount Joy and Prapatan, now extends down to the Village of Peace, New Manggar, and Lamaru.
Found in the Market
Warga masyarakat Balikpapan diminta berhati-hati saat membeli daging ayam, terutama ayam kampung (bukan ras). Aberdeen residents are asked to be careful when buying chicken meat, especially chicken (not race). Pasalnya, hasil inspeksi mendadak (sidak) yang digelar Dinas Kesehatan Kota, DPKP, Dinas Pasar dan Pol PP Balikpapan menemukan ayam yang positif terjangkit virus flu burung (H5N1) di Pasar Sepinggan, Kamis (7/10). Because the results of unannounced visits (Sidak) which held the City Health Office, DPKP, Office of Market and Pol PP Balikpapan find a positive chickens infected with bird flu virus (H5N1) in Markets Sepinggan, Thursday (7 / 10).
BALIKPAPAN, - Virus H5N1 yang menyebabkan penyaklit flu burung atau avian influenza (AI) yang semula hanya terdapat di empat kelurahan, yakni Manggar, Sepinggan, Gunung Bahagia dan Prapatan, kini meluas hingga ke Kelurahan Damai, Manggar Baru, dan Lamaru.
Indonesia: H5N1 Spreads in East Luwu
Friday, 08-10-2010
Dozens of Sudden Death in Towuti Chicken

Upeks-After thousands of chickens died suddenly discovered in a number of districts in East Luwu, now repeated similar incidents in the District Towuti.
Adalah Tanra Sula, salah seorang warga setempat melaporkan 32 unggas ayam miliknya mati secara mendadak dan diduga akibat Serangan virus avian influenza (flu burung).
Is Tanra Sula, one of the local residents reported 32 poultry chickens and his sudden death due to attack suspected avian influenza (bird flu).
Dinas peternakan Luwu Timur yang menerima laporan warga pada tanggal 5 oktober lalu, kemudian melakukan uji klinis (rapid test) bersama dinas kesehatan guna memastikan penyebab kematian puluhan unggas ayam di Towuti itu.
Department of East Luwu farms who received citizen reports on 5 October last, and then conduct clinical trials (rapid test) together with the health department to ensure the cause of death of tens of poultry chickens in Towuti it.
Hasilnya, ditemukan kematian 32 unggas ayam ini positif terserang flu burung.
As a result, 32 birds found dead chicken was positive bird flu.
Serangan dan penyebaran flu burung pada sejumlah kecamatan di Luwu Timur memang sudah sampai pada tahap memprihatinkan, yang dimulai di Kecamatan Mangkutana, dimana ribuan ayam milik para warga dan peternak di daerah itu ditemukan mati secara mendadak.
Attacks and the spread of bird flu in a number of districts in East Luwu it has reached the alarming stage, which began in District Mangkutana, where thousands of chickens owned by the residents and ranchers in the area was found dead of a sudden.
Bahkan laporan dinas peternakan Luwu Timur menyebutkan sejak awal Agustus tahun ini saja, serangan virus Afian influneza telah menyerang 10 kecamatan, walaupun sifatnya masih sporadis.
Even the official report mentions East Luwu ranch since the beginning of August this year alone, virus attacks Afian influneza has struck 10 sub-districts, although its nature is still sporadic.
Kepala bidang peternakan Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Andi Polejiwa, kepada Upeks mengungkapkan setelah menerima adanya laporan warga di Kecamatan Towuti, pihaknya langsung melakukan penyemprotan disinfektan di daerah yang pertama kali ditemukannya kematian mendadak puluhan unggas ayam dan di di daerah lainnya yang berdekatan dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Head of the Regency of East field of animal husbandry, Andi Polejiwa, to Upeks revealed upon receiving the report Towuti residents in the district, the institute directly spraying disinfectant in the area of the first discovery of the sudden death of dozens of chickens and poultry in other areas adjacent to the surrounding environment.
"Guna mengantisipasi agar virus flu burung ini tidak meluas dan menyebar ke daerah lainnya, kami (Dinas Peternakan, red) telah melakukan penyemprotan disinfektan di sejumlah kandang ternak milik warga," ungkap Polejiwa.
"To anticipate for this avian flu virus does not spread and spread to other areas, we (Department of Animal Husbandry, red) have been spraying disinfectant on the number of cattle sheds owned by the residents," said Polejiwa.
Indonesia: Ha (15) Tests Negative, R (5) Awaits Test Results
BALIKPAPAN - Ha, the patient suspect bird flu that was treated intensively in hospital isolation rooms Kusnojoso Djatiwibowo (RSKD) since Sunday (3 / 10) stated that the H5N1 virus negative. It is known after the results of laboratory tests Health Research and Development Agency (Balitbangkes) Health Department, yesterday.
"The results of laboratory tests have been received and the results showed negative patients (not suffering from bird flu, Red). Today (yesterday, Ed.) Patients had to return home, "said Chief Medical Officer of the City (DKK) Balikpapan Dyah Muryani to Kaltim Post.
He mentions, Ha general condition has improved. In addition, also had a normal appetite. Clinical symptoms such as cough, dizziness, fever, and flu has also been recovered.
But not so with the R (5 years). Young girl who was also hospitalized in isolation rooms RSKD since Wednesday (6 / 10) and because a similar case, until yesterday has not been allowed to go home. Because the results of laboratory examinations have not been received. "Samples swap (mucus throat) and our blood has been sent to Balitbangkes MOH. Laboratory test results are known the longest week ahead, "said Dyah.
He continued, the RSKD still observe the R. From clinical trials, the pain experienced by the R does not lead to bird flu. "Even so R remains hospitalized in isolation rooms until we obtain laboratory test results," said Dyah.
However, Dyah urged the public and relevant agencies remain vigilant as bird flu outbreaks in poultry increasingly widespread.
As reported, WG (40) Ha's mother said her son was never in direct contact with dead chickens. When Friday last week, a few chickens are dying suddenly, but her father is buried. "Saturday morning, the village asked my son to dig up the chicken that has been buried. My son wore gloves and masks, but no direct contacts. The day before my son was sick, but after digging the chicken, the night my son directly high fever, "explained Mg. On Sunday afternoon around 15:30 pm her son was rushed to the hospital.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Dozens of Villages Defined Bird Flu Danger Zone
Polewali Mandar: Hundreds of chickens in Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, infected with bird flu. As a result, about 33 villages in the subdistrict of Polewali Mandar designated as bird flu danger zone.
In addition, Animal Husbandry Department setemapat bird flu continues to campaign door to door and pembangian brochure.
These areas are designated as dangerous as it is considered contiguous zones with a number of chicken farms positive for H5N1 virus. In addition, many residents who raise chickens but do not meet safety standards and safety. Farmers let their chickens roam freely in the settlement residents.
Various measures adopted to prevent the spread of Animal Husbandry Department H5N1 virus. Government isolate the cages that housed chickens infected with bird flu and conduct mass destruction. In addition, farmers are invited to apply Bio Security system in the stable, the distribution of disinfectants, and the distribution of masks. Even the brochure contains the introduction of disease and procedure of complaint to the officer deployed.
Animal Husbandry Department officials Polewali Mandar, Isnaeni, invites all citizens including farmers participate in the response to the spread of this deadly disease. "The farmers should be proactive to complain as soon as possible if they are suspected of chickens infected with bird flu for the officer could act quickly," he explained on Friday (8 / 10
More controversial pigeon bird flu culling
2010-10-08 China Times Zheng Wei Wu / Gao County stories
▲ general for the prevention and appreciation from the controversy of the pigeons, one may be a few dollars to buy 10, fanciers can not accept that they are easily worth millions of racing pigeons in the culling of compensation on a par. (Cheng Wei Wu Chang)
Taiwan racing culture heyday, in case of racing pigeons infected with avian flu, fear the rapid spread of the epidemic is difficult to control, the COA has commissioned scholars interviewed by the group of racing pigeons, pigeons for bird flu to cull out a set of compensation standards, fancier News are quite concerned about the information, fanciers of the view that the huge stakes involved in racing pigeons, culling will result in heavy losses, even if compensation is also difficult to enforce.
Outpatients, the Tainan County, bird flu, a poultry farm in the blue magpie, Mikado pheasant, Golden Rooster and other infections have been culled, and breeding farms have proven racing pedigree to test bird flu virus is not only escape survive.
Council of Agriculture has recently commissioned Professor CH Tsai from Taipei interview with pet birds breeding industry, the racing community, will provide the industry's views on the Council of Agriculture Research provides pet birds, pigeons culled remedies.
Pingtung "Qingtian will" CEO Wuzong Ming pointed out that the seminar held in Kaohsiung, as compensation for culled birds of different cognitive, discussion no conclusion. He said the pigeons usually kept in pigeon holes, before contact with the outside birds and pigeons, high body temperature, is unlikely to bird flu, and racing pigeons worth is high, government compensation not enough, so the racing industry is difficult to identify culling practices.
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, said Professor SS Tsai, pigeons and chickens almost body temperature, the chicken will be infected with avian flu, birds are also possible, academic research in Hong Kong, the H5N1 avian influenza virus was injected into the body pigeons, found to disease.
Taiwan University professor Cai Xiangrong of Veterinary Medicine, also said the sensitivity of different influenza in different birds, pigeons are more resistant to the birds, not easily infected with low pathogenic avian influenza, but may be infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, Thailand to cases of H5N1 infection in a pigeon.
Xiao Ting Kaohsiung County, the original pigeon fanciers, caused by Chang Chien Chang believes that the high quality of racing pigeons worth, the government is difficult to compensate, especially during the racing season, the stakes are in the hundreds of million, if there is a collective bird flu racing pigeons were culled loss is very heavy, and the pigeon fanciers will hide, so even if there is culling remedies, I am afraid it is difficult to enforce.
South Balikpapan Most Severe
Dead chickens Disposed on the River, and stockpiled Vice Mayor Ask Burned
BALIKPAPAN-The spread of bird flu virus more widespread in the city of Balikpapan. South Aberdeen Area is the area most severely. It is said Camat South Balikpapan Sutadi. He dared to say that 75 percent of its territory has been attacked by bird flu disease.
Only those who have not looked at the village of Telaga Sari Ulu and Kelurahan Klandasan. "In most villages in South Aberdeen this virus," he explained while socializing the bird flu virus in RT 31, Wednesday (6 / 10).
He continued, was allegedly spreading the virus is commonly called H5NI circulating since the fasting month, when the chicken meat consumption in Balikpapan City rose sharply. "I still concentrate first on my territory affected by this virus and prevent it together with relevant agencies," he said.
Through this socialization, Nurlenawati vet said, that many dead chickens dumped in the river Sepinggan plus around the existing river swamp garden owned by residents. "If the AI virus in the lake water temperature of 22 º C remained infective for 4 days, when the temperature is 0 º C hold for 30 days and remain infective," he said.
Himself appealed for people not to buy chickens that therein is contained jerohan or content such as chicken liver, intestinal and other bile, while safe to eat his own flesh. "Home cooked the right way then this virus will die, if people do not buy chicken outlets in which there is jerawannya," he said.
Himself explained, to prevent the possibility of AI disease dipemukiman, it is recommended not to do maintenance or cultivation of the poultry in crowded neighborhoods, which also maintains duck so as not to merge them with chicken because the ducks carrying the virus best and quickly spread to other birds, because the symptoms in ducks not visible.
"Rinse the cage with a liquid such as water disenfektan laundry soap and keep the environment clean," he explained. Meanwhile, the RT 31 Suroso said the chickens are in their environment is being carried out destruction, although the owner of the chicken itself dear to his chickens.
"Like a pack katannya Camat affection or love lives of chickens, I also urge the community to a chicken to give it voluntarily," he said. Himself added the last two weeks the virus began to attack the chicken farm owned by citizens, there are also dead chicken and a few days later one wargannya experiencing high heat, when this is being done obesrvasi.
"After receiving my report directly report to Mr. pack headman headman and responsive at all, then coordinated to the relevant agencies, village heads and subdistrict health centers and related offices, too eradicate the birds in the area of RT 31," he said.
Head of Puskesmas Kelurahan drg Sitoresmi Peace, said that there was indeed one of the residents in RT 31 indicated the bird flu, but when the flu is a negative review. "The sample we sent to South Kalimantan and is expected not positive of this disease," he concluded.
Related to the poultry that died suddenly, Deputy Mayor (Vice Mayor) Balikpapan HM Rizal Effendi SE asking for the public to submit immediately to the officer. Vice Mayor also asked the residents, if found dead chickens, do not throw it in the trash, river, or in random places.
"If there are dead chickens, dig a hole. And chickens that died were burned and then backfilled soil. This is to avoid the spread of bird flu virus, "said Vice Mayor Rizal Effendi.
Bird Flu Suspect Goes Up
Patients rushed to the Isolation Room
BALIKPAPAN - Patients suspected (suspected) bird flu increases. Young girl initials R (5 years) who Kelurahan Gunung Bahagia, Balikpapan Selatan (Balsel), Wednesday (6 / 10) yesterday afternoon was rushed to hospital isolation room Karamunting Kunojoso Djatiwibowo (RSKD) due to high fever. Previously, R Klandasan brought to health centers, Balsel. But because it was known directly referred patients had indirect contact with chickens.
"The condition of patients when taken to a health center with high fever and would not eat. From the results of investigations in the field, the patient's family did not raise chickens, but some neighbor's chickens died suddenly. We think this is suspect, because it directly referred to RSKD patients, "said Chief Medical Officer of the City (DKK) Balikpapan Dyah Muryani.
It is said, the general state of R limp. Party center that handles use PPE (Personal Security Device), whereas patients and parents using the mask. Coordination with the Health Center of Mount Joy has also been done to carry out epidemiological trials (spread of disease) in order to find out if there are people around the discovery of chickens that died suddenly also got a high fever.
Regarding handling, Dyah said patient isolation room immediately rushed to RSKD and rapid testing (rapid test). About whether patients can be directly given tamiflu, he said later to see the decision of the lung specialist and a specialist in internal medicine.
Meanwhile, the Head of Disease Control and Environmental Health DKK Dr. Esther Vonny said, patients escorted by two health workers who use PPE, including an ambulance driver. "Patients immediately rushed to the isolation room without going through the ER (Emergency Room, Red)," he explained.
When asked about the condition Ha - the patient suspect bird flu are first treated in isolation since Sunday (3 / 10), Dyah said his condition has improved. But until yesterday, the patient has not been allowed to return to her home before her blood laboratory test results issued by the Agency for Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes)