Friday, August 5, 2011
Vietnam: Avian influenza reappeared in Nghe An in Poultry
Veterinary Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said on 4 / 8, bird flu has reappeared in Nghe An.
Thus, in the province there were two bird flu appears again and Nghe An Phu Tho is.
Before that, from 17-28/7, service occurred in five households in communes and towns is the town Quan Hanh Nghi Dien Commune, Nghi Hoa Nghi Thuan and Phuong Nghi Nghi Loc district. The total number of infected poultry is 1,494 children (including 32 chickens and 1,462 ducks).
Currently, to ensure the prevention of epidemic, Department of Veterinary Nghe An province is working with local authorities implemented measures to prevent and combat service as prescribed.
Last time, the disease of cattle and poultry basically been controlled, the country no longer appears blue ear disease and foot and mouth disease, the province has focused on development of livestock to ensure supply as well as contributing to price stabilization. /.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Medical staff died from bird flu
Wednesday, August 03, 2011 6:49:56 PM
SAIGON (DT) - Avian influenza appeared suddenly in Saigon last week a woman died and a baby admitted to hospital for treatment.
A sale of poultry at the market she is the chicken in the cage. (Image: Hoang Dinh Nam / AFP / Getty Images)
According to Dan Tri newspaper, the victim died of bird flu this stage she TTHT 25-year-old resident of An Phu Commune, Binh Chanh District, staff clinics in Le Minh Xuan Binh Chanh District.
Relatives of Ms. H.T. said Mrs. T. high fever before, taking on not feeling much relieved. When the condition becomes severe, it took her T. the district hospital treatment but no relief. Ms. T. then transferred to the hospital Nguyen Tri Phuong continue treatment but not saved. Tests showed Ms T. H1N1 avian influenza infection.
Until early August, her grandchildren T. 18 months new name began TNTV fever. Blood tests showed positive for the virus H1N1 baby. Baby V. was immediately taken to hospital treatment.
According to Dan Tri, after a lull, bird flu reappeared in Binh Chanh District. Preventive health centers must implement zoning measures to avoid spread of disease following the death of Mrs. T. (PL)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
UN confirms avian flu death in Cambodian girl, case in Egypt
Source: CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy) News
The World Health Organization (WHO) today [2 Aug 2011] confirmed
previous media reports of a fatal case of H5N1 avian influenza in a
4-year-old girl in Cambodia [see also: Avian influenza, human (52):
Cambodia (BM) 20110729.2279]. The girl was from Chork Reaksmey village
in Banteay Meanchey province, the WHO said, citing the Cambodian
health ministry. She got sick on 11 Jul 2011, was initially treated by
local private practitioners, was hospitalized on 18 Jul 2011, and died
2 days later, the agency said. Poultry deaths have been reported in
the girl's village, and she was said to have been exposed to dead
poultry, the statement said. 13 contacts of the girl were tested for
H5N1, all with negative results, and enhanced surveillance at local
medical facilities has yielded no evidence of increases in flu-like
illness or severe respiratory infections (see Avian influenza -
situation in Cambodia - WHO update 5
Meanwhile, H5N1 recently killed 100 backyard chickens and ducks at 2
villages elsewhere in Banteay Meanchey province, according to a report
that Cambodia filed yesterday [1 Aug 2011] with the World Organization
for Animal Health (OIE). Officials culled another 480 birds to stop
the outbreak, the report said. The source of the outbreak was listed
as unknown.
[According to the WHO table of confirmed human cases of avian A/(H5N1)
virus infection
as of 2 Aug 2011 there have now been 556 cases globally and 325
fatalities. 16 of the cases and 14 fatalities have occurred in
The location of Banteay Meanchey province can be found in the map of
the provinces of Cambodia at
<>. The
HealthMap/ProMED-mail interactive map of Cambodia can be seen at
<>. - Mod.CP]
In addition, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) today [2 Aug 2011] confirmed a case of highly pathogenic avian
influenza in Egypt. The FAO report [available at
<] said the
case was in Al Beheira governorate in the northern part of the country
but supplied no details of the age and sex of the person and how
transmission likely occurred. A positive test was confirmed on 27 Jul
Anticipation of AI with Turmeric
K24-11 Glori K. Wadrianto Wednesday, August 3, 2011 20:12 pm
Thousands of deadly bird flu virus in chickens Polewali Mandar. 1
Sidrap, - Attack avian influenza (AI) or bird flu is still haunting farms in 11 districts in Sidrap, South Sulawesi.
Although relatively little appeal in the peak of bird flu in July 2001, but the attack was a chicken farmer concerns at the center of the largest chicken farms in the South Sulawesi.
Until this afternoon, Wednesday (08/03/2011), there were already 215,938 chickens that died suddenly due to bird flu. This type of laying chicken is a type of chicken the most attacked that amounted to 161,584 head, followed by type of broiler chicken and chicken instead of the tail 40 005 22 593 race tail.
"So far bird flu is under control in the District Sidrap. Even if there are chickens and other fowl that died suddenly due to bird flu, is relatively much smaller scale," Chief District Veterinary Sidrap Sadelih.
Separately, Syamsiah, Bird Flu Response Officer (PSDR) said this year is the third year, the District Sidrap zoned for bird flu outbreak, which originated from the village Wanio, District Panca Lotang, who attacked the farm owned by H Jafar laying hens.
"Beginning with the death of 300 chickens owned by Jafar, ranchers Wanio. Testing with rapid tests indicate that if the chickens owned by residents is positive of bird flu. From there, the virus quickly spread to 11 other districts," he explained.
In addition to spraying, to save the other birds that have not been exposed to the virus, given turmeric and brown sugar in a way in Drinks. It is fairly powerful, in addition to minimizing the use disinvektan whose numbers dwindling.
"Turmeric contains anti-oxidants that serve to minimize the virus and anti-biotic substances to poultry and red sugar serves to maintain stamina chicken," he explained.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Date: Tue 2 Aug 2011
From: Arnon Shimshony <> [edited]
According to a reliable source, mass mortality in duck breeding
flocks, reaching very large dimensions, has been observed recently in
China; a similar event was later observed in Thailand. Though no
further details (age groups, clinical signs, post-mortem changes, etc)
have become available, the event was considered by the source to be an
emerging (new?) infectious (viral?) disease.
Any available information -- confirmatory or otherwise -- and
complementary epidemiological, diagnostic, and/or geographical data,
will be much appreciated.
Arnon Shimshony
Chicken in Makassar Safe for Consumption...says Indonesia..
Makassar, Tribun-TIMUR.COM - Marine Service, Fisheries, Livestock and Horticulture Makassar City asserts that the meat on the market during Ramadan is safe for residents although few weeks before entering the Ramadan found positive bird flu virus in several regencies in South Sulawesi.
"We conduct regular monitoring and all meats are traded on the market Makassar safe for consumption, either chicken, beef, goat and others," said Head of the Department of Marine, Fisheries, Livestock and Horticulture Syaiful Saleh Makassar in Makassar, on Tuesday (2 / 8 / 2011).
He said the consumption of meat during Ramadan is high enough and to ensure the meat consumed by the residents safe, the institute routine monitoring on the traditional market and modern market.
Tightened oversight of meat imports into the city of Makassar, following the discovery that the import of meat outdated and not worth the consumption of a few weeks ago.
"The tightening oversight of meat imports, to anticipate the presence of inappropriate consumption of meat and can endanger health, especially at the present time we want to provide reassurance to residents who are running fast," he said.
According to him, ,,,
The spread of Bird Flu Spreads Kian
HAMMER, - Since the outbreak early July, the spread of bird flu virus in Palu, Central Sulawesi, and the surrounding areas are increasingly widespread.
Until Tuesday (08/02/2011) was reported, had hundreds of chickens or birds that died suddenly. Even on a Tuesday afternoon, still happen livestock cases of sudden death. Efforts have been done spraying the Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and marine Palu but the results have not been up.
"Spraying is not maximized because of the new enclosure's farmer sprayed the report. There was the case but the owner did not report, still not dis emprot. We also constrained the lack of disinfectants," said Hasniwaty, Head of Livestock, Agriculture, Forestry, and Marine City Palu, on Tuesday.
According Hidnawaty, efforts to suppress the spread of bird flu virus that made the Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Marine Palu hampered lack of disinfectant. For spraying purposes, by far the disinfectant used is a residual stock of last year. This year, there has been no provision for the disinfectant.
"We've asked the city government to hold a disinfectant. This year there is no provision, because last year free of bird flu Palu. So for the only remaining stock that we use. We do not yet know how many are needed, but for a while based on the number of cases We need at least 10 dos disinfectant. One dos typically contains 12 doses, "said Hasniwaty.
Based on field data on the Agriculture Department of Animal Husbandry, Forestry, and Marine Palu, of which there are 43 urban villages, as many as eight of whom are stricken with bird flu. Urban Village, among others Donggala Kodi, South Lolu, Tana Modindi, Duyu, Kamonji, North Tatura, Talise, as well as the Middle Besusu.
Initially pigeon bird flu attacking livestock in the village of Donggala Kodi. Furthermore, the attacks spread to poultry and neighboring districts, up to now total there are eight districts affected by the number of livestock that died more than 300's tail.
Related to this, the mayor of Palu, Rusdi Mastura, issued a circular letter 443.1/270/Disperhutla numbers, to all district head to anticipate the growing spread of bird flu. The district head of whom was asked to do spraying disinfectant into the cages of livestock owned by residents.
In addition, agencies and the subdistrict was also ordered to monitor incoming traffic kaluar chicken and from Palu. It is suspected bird flu through poultry originating from outside the city of Palu, but no one has known from the area where it came from. In addition, the bird flu virus is also thought to spread due to weather changes from rain to heat.
Bird Flu Not Attacking Humans..says Indonesia, Cape Redeb - A few days after the H5N1 virus or bird flu attacked poultry and causing dozens of chickens died suddenly discovered in several places, the current samapai Berau District Health department has not mnerima reports these viruses infect humans move their host.
This was conveyed by the Chief Medical Officer of Berau District, Augustine Monday (1 / 8). He said although there has been no incoming virus Reports mejangkiti citizens, but as a precaution he has been coordinating with local hospitals to prepare Rumaha special handling if encountered a patient who diketahuai terangkit virus.
"Step preventivnya it and then if there pendemi anatara man to man we will prepare the hospital for such a special space membeuat but if today we are still in the community," he said
In addition to assuage fears in the midst of the people he was with relevant technical agencies are also regularly held on angkah p enyuluhan measures to prevent the spread of bird flu, especially in areas that had attacked the virus.
WHO Update: Avian influenza – situation in Cambodia - update 5
The case was a 4 year old female from Chork Reaksmey Village, Rohath Teuk Comune, Mongkul Borei District, Banteay Meanchey Province. She developed symptoms on 11 July, was initially treated by local private practitioners with no effect and was later admitted to Jayavarma VII Hospital on 18 July. She died on 20 July, two days after admission.
There have been reports of poultry die off in her village and the case is reported to have had exposure to dead poultry. The female is the seventeenth person in Cambodia to become infected with the H5N1 virus and the fifteenth to die from complications of the disease. All seven cases of H5N1 infections in humans in Cambodia this year have been fatal.
The National and local Rapid Response Team (RRT) is conducting outbreak investigation and response following the national protocol.
There is no evidence of increased ILI activity in the local health centre or any increase in number of SARI cases from the affected village. Thirteen contacts were tested for A/H5N1 influenza, all of whom were negative. There is enhanced surveillance for ILI and SARI in the local health centre and hospital for a further two weeks. Health education messages are ongoing in the community.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
West Nile Virus Detected In DC And Virginia

According to the Washington, DC Department of Health, the West Nile Virus has been detected in mosquitoes in three neighbourhoods of the District of Columbia, but by keeping mosquito populations under control, the virus can be prevented from coming to Maryland. The virus has been detected in Virginia (Henrico County) though not in Maryland, as yet.
A seasonal epidemic, the viral outbreak begins in the summer, lasting well into the fall. The virus can be transmitted to birds and humans, particularly the elderly or those with compromised immune systems, by mosquitoes who are infected.
The virus which spreads when bitten by an infected mosquito, with symptoms appearing withing 3 to 14 days, however, it cannot be transmitted from person to person.
The Centres for Disease Control (CDC) recommends using DEET containing insect repellant, as the best way to prevent the spread of West Nile Virus, including getting rid of all standing water inside and outside the house, which mosquitoes can use as breeding sites, as follows:
· All flower pots, buckets and barrels must be emptied of standing water.
· Water in pet dishes must be changed daily and weekly for bird baths.
· Holes should be drilled in tire swings to allow water to drain out.
· Children’s wading pools should be emptied when not in use.
According to the CDC, around one in 150 people infected with West Nile Virus develop a severe illness, exhibiting symptoms of a high fever, headache, neck stiffness, coma, tremors, vision loss and paralysis, which can last for weeks. Around 20% of those who become infected experience milder symptoms lasting for just a few days, while the remaining 80% do not exhibit any symptoms at all.
Since, there is no cure for the virus, no medical treatment can be sought, though severe symptoms and complications from the illness may require hospital care and intravenous fluids.
Any complaints about standing water call be reported by calling the Prince George’s County Health Department at 301-883-7879.