Saturday, March 7, 2009
Banten takes priority for bird flu control
Quote from the director of Animal Derived Disease Control, Health Ministry, Rita Kusriastuti, Banten:
“The threat of the disease is not only from direct contact with dead chickens but also from birds shedding or retained water”, ....
[full article at link]
Indo: Search of Truth from the Poultry to Humans
Menkes carefully More Bird Flu
JAKARTA - Menkes Siti Fadilah Supari said, has been researching more about bird flu. Ie, examine the return of bird flu spread from birds to humans. Menkes said that his side are still doubts it.
Therefore, Menkes examines the return of bird flu mechanism.
"Because there are some things to halt it. Moreover, transmission from human to human, "he said yesterday at the MOH.
Menkes said, at this time United States and the WHO have been willing to follow the steps in the effort to overcome the Indonesian bird flu.
Menkes is optimistic if Indonesia will not be a bird flu pandemic occur. For a number of efforts have been made to prevent his side it.
One of the Jakarta project is a collaboration between WHO, the U.S. and Singapore. In addition, despite Indonesia's top bird flu cases, but the number continues to decrease.
Indeed, Menkes said, this issue of the bird flu menyeruak back. "In fact, actual cases that have come down dramatically. Media should be careful to see what the agenda behind this incident. There are political pressures that are happening, "he said.
Menkes said, in a range of policies that take, kerapkali get the terror and threat. No exception, the policy itself bird flu-related handling. "That is the risk I have to accept when people stand on. If it is not pro-people, so I do not need government, "his blazing.
Problem bird flu in Indonesia, said Menkes, always be exaggerated. In fact, many sejatinya issue behind it. One of them, political, trade. Nevertheless, the claim will not be affected various foreign pressure.
Indeed, Menkes said, there are some areas that deserve diwaspadai bird flu. However, a number of preventive efforts have been made party. Moreover, this is a season. The existence of seasonal changes that can lead to virus H5 + NI grow back. "But, a number of efforts we have done and hopefully all restrained," he said. (kit)
hat-tip Mojo
Arched when arrested for transporting pigs and
This story has been removed, it takes you to a different story now.
March 6, 2009
The more an object transport blue ear pig disease in the region for the prevention of cross-sectoral inspection to occur at the 5 / 3, in Quang Nam.
. Through the inspection, the sectoral disaster prevention and green in Quang Nam has detected a man name unknown control motorcycle bearing sea control 92KA-7577 circulated on the national highway 1A, colonial bàn thôn Trung Phu, Dien Minh, Dien Ban district for 4 children from blue ear pig disease work area on the earth dispose sent consumption.
Vehicle is the sectoral intercept at 14h25 on 5 / 3.
After arrest the vehicle car is 4 con heo be transported from the area and sent consumption, the sectoral decision of the number of pigs sent to the destroyed immediately, the men were against this intent to outrage and force functions.
![]() |
At the excavation of a pig and have to take all the sales in Quang Nam |
. However, previously determined attitude of the sectoral and the support of local police, minutes to 16h30 on the same day, the blue ear pig are the minutes of going to keep bringing destroyed. But man has escapade.
This is for the prevention of cross-sectoral disaster prevention green 2 by some object transport, consumption pig blue ear disease infected areas in Quang Nam few days. At agencies are conducting investigations to handle the object against this.
Vice Chairman of Quang Nam People's Committee Nguyen Ngoc Quang said the province has announced blue ear disease in the province and prohibits the transport, slaughter, consumption. The audience will be against the process of the rules of law.
Related to prevention of blue ear pig disease, am 6 / 3, Department of Animal Health under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has decided to line 5 of a high technical level of the Animal Health Agency Region 4 in the Da Nang hospital for emergency levels for Vietnam, to help this local quickly extinguish the outbreaks are Bùng and spread on a large scale.
. Up to this time, statistics of Animal Health Department, said Vietnam, blue ear disease has appeared in 80 villages of 28 communes and towns belonging to area 4 districts: Dien Ban, Que Son, Duy Xuyen, Thang Binh and .
Pham Ngoc Anh, Head of Department Veterinary Department to Vietnam, a disaster will Bùng of blue and spread on a large scale in the future, if measures to prevent the system agencies in basis in the not a drastically.
Japan, U.S. would work together in flu pandemic
It’s a grim picture.
If a new human influenza virus developed and struck Japan, it could infect a quarter of the population, cause as many as 640,000 deaths and force 40 percent of the workforce to stay home, according to a Japanese government estimate.
The country’s plan for any future influenza pandemic calls for shutting down airports, closing schools and organizing mass cremations of the dead in hopes of keeping the virus off its shores or at least containing it.
U.S. Forces Japan and its service components have contingency plans for dealing with any major outbreak, said Marine Corps Master Sgt. Donald Preston, a USFJ spokesman at Yokota Air Base. U.S. and Japanese hospitals also have stockpiles of medication such as Tamiflu.
"Embassy officials and other U.S. leaders would work with the Japanese to ensure help for Americans and disseminate news," he said. "If a human outbreak did occur, it’s likely the government would ask people to remain at home, curtailing any outside activity until the outbreak is contained."
He declined to say whether USFJ would follow Japan’s move and halt military operational and Space-A passenger flights at its mainland Japan and Okinawa bases.
Flu pandemics can break out when a new virus emerges and sweeps through a population without immunity.
Dr. Eric Morgan, an Army lieutenant colonel, family practice physician and deputy commander for clinical services at the Brig. Gen. Crawford F. Sams U.S. Army Health Clinic on Camp Zama, said the belief in medical circles is that the next pandemic bug will come from Southeast Asia — a "higher-risk" area and the birthplace of severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS.
Morgan said the next pandemic will hit 30 percent of the worldwide population, with 1 percent resulting in fatalities. It would affect about half of all Tokyo residents, due the metropolitan area’s density, and take roughly six weeks to spread through the populace, he added.
"Normal medical response will be overwhelmed," he said. "If we can’t prevent it, we’ll at least try to slow it down."
Japan’s plan would keep open just four airports and three ports, where a strict quarantine would be aimed at preventing the virus’ entry if it emerges overseas. Those infected would be asked to stay abroad and foreigners would be restricted from entry.
In the 20th century, pandemics broke out in 1918, 1957 and 1968 — affecting up to 35 percent of the global population.
The deadliest pandemic on record, starting in 1918, killed an estimated 40 million people.
There were 650,000 deaths in the U.S. alone as it spread briskly through military ranks because of World War I. After a military transport ship arrived in France from the United States, it was discovered that 80 percent of the ship’s population died during the voyage, according to Morgan.
"Two million Americans would die if you extrapolated that out to 2007 census figures," he said.
Because of modern globalization, he added, any future pandemic is likely to spread quicker.
"There were three waves in 1918. You have to expect a bigger, more dramatic wave this time," he said.
The Associated Press contributed to this story.
hattip goju
People Most Indonesian Bird Flu Indonesian cooperation with the United States to "project Tangerang."
[hat-tip mojo]
Edisi 06 Maret 2009
Serang - The bird flu in humans in the world describes India as a country with the most cases of death due to bird flu 2006-2009. "The number of death cases, 79.3 percent were found positive," said Director of Disease Control of Animals brought Rita Kusriastuti Le Dian Hotel in Serang, Banten, yesterday. Since 2005 until January 2009, there are 115 deaths of 141 people exposed to the positive bird flu.
This percentage is a significant increase compared to 2005. That time, cases of death due to bird flu in Indonesia is still under Vietnam. Now death rate in Vietnam was only around 50 percent of positive cases (52 deaths out of 107 positive cases).
According to Rita, the virus is never found in the poultry that died suddenly. According to him, began to spread from the feces of infected poultry virus. "Even the water that menggenanginya also at risk," he said. He was also concerned to dry land in the vicinity of the infected poultry. Land which is the dust that can carry the virus.
Indonesian, said Rita, now entering the period of pandemic alert at phase 3, when infected with the human influenza virus subtipe new. But it has not spread from human to human. This allows the phase of antarmanusia if the relationship is very close. Rita hopes phases in Indonesia do not reach pandemic.
Until February 2009, cases of bird flu has spread to 31 of 33 provinces. and kill 6.5 million poultry. Laboratory examination results show, 77 percent of the 5.1 million specimens positive carry H5N1 virus.
In Indonesia, the region that most cases of bird flu is Tangerang, which so far have recorded 20 positive cases. "This concern," said Deputy Governor Muhammad Banten Masduki yesterday. For the provincial level, Banten in the third sequence after West Java and Jakarta.
Head of the Secretariat Control Pilot Project and Control of Bird Flu Preparedness Facing the Department of Health pandemic influenza Simanjuntak Gindo states, 20 percent of the 4.5 million population at risk of flu Tangerang weight culminate in death if the pandemic occurs. "Three forty persennya (300 thousand people) will die no more than 6 months," he said.
Indonesian cooperation with the United States and Singapore run "Jakarta Project" for handling bird flu during the 3 year project with a value of Rp 44 billion. This area is selected, said Gindo, because of the Tangerang Regency and found many cases of death due to bird flu. "Here, the first cases of bird flu found in humans," he menandaskan. Abdul Manan | Dianing Sari
Bird Flu Facts 2009 *
141 positive bird flu
115 people with bird flu dies
6.5 million birds die
Four victims in West Java
Early January - A, 42 years old, residents Galaxi Estate, Pekayon, Bekasi Selatan, Bekasi.
February 24 - N, 4 years old, residents Pucung Bay, Bekasi Timur, Bekasi.
February 28 - A, 8 years old, residents Sukamantri, Sukaraya, Karang Bahagia, Jakarta.
March 4 - R, 5 years, people Karawang.
* Data from 2005 until February 2009
Indonesia Current Case List Correction
Incorrect data:
South Jakarta
Name: Isnaelia Rahmadiyanti (3)
From: Jalan Damai Complex, PDX RT 11/02, Petukangan South, Pesanggrahan
Hospital: Friendship (RS Persahabatan)
Sym. onset:
Confirmed: Positive on 2/13 (?)
DOD: 2/2
Replaced with:
South Jakarta
Name: Isnaelia/Simadiah Rahmadiyanti (3)
From: Jalan Damai Complex, PDX RT 11/02, Petukangan South, Pesanggrahan
Hospital: Friendship (RS Persahabatan)
Sym. onset:
Confirmed: none
DOD: 3/2
Just 2,523 tails of the Poultry in East Jakarta that Bersertifikasi

[If you look at the figures, they are not going to be able to do this.]
Although the bird flu virus has claimed casualties, apparently the resident Jakarta Timur not more supportive the government activity of the City of Administrasi Jakarta Timur (the East Jakarta Municipal Government) in prevented spread him the virus avian influenza.
The proof is, still many residents who maintained the poultry in the settlement. The Suku Dinas Kelautan data, Pertanian and Endurance of Pangan East Jakarta (sudin KPKP East Jakarta) this year, was gotten 25,335 tails of the poultry that was maintained by the resident and just 2,523 tails that bersertifikasi.
The fact is, still many residents who maintained the poultry and ignored the cleanliness and the health of this animal.
Besides carrying out certification of the poultry, Sudin KPKP East Jakarta with the district did sweeping the poultry to anticipate became an epidemic him bird flu. If still had the resident that maintained illegally immediately was warned so that immediately cut off his poultry, if being not put on by sanctions in accordance with the current regulation.
Adnan Ahmad said, in a manner continued will continue to carry out the inspection to the resident's environment. If not having the certificate, continued Adnan, then the poultry will belonging to the resident be destroyed.
Concerning the certification service dnegan picked up the ball, Adnan explained, the official will visit the owner's house of the poultry and researched the maintenance method as well as the cleanliness of the pen. After that, the official will issue the health certificate of the poultry and the owner of the house will be given the sign sticker of the inspection. After six months, all the poultries that disertifikasi will undergo the blood inspection to ascertain his health.
And afterwards was carried out by the extension of the health certificate of the poultry.
The data of Sudin KPKP East Jakarta recorded, was gotten five subdistricts that were regarded as serious the entry of the bird flu virus that is, the Cakung Subdistrict, Pulogadung, Matraman, Durensawit, and Cipayung. To anticipate spread him the bird flu virus, the official of the routine did sweeping the poultry each week.
The poultry in Pesanggrahan was destroyed

[I will change the information on my list. IR (3), DOD 2/2, is incorrect.]
The death of the patient suspect bird flu from Pesanggrahan, Southern Jakarta, made the Government of the City of Administrasi Southern Jakarta (the South Jakarta Municipal Government) immediately took fast measures. So that the similar case is not repeated, the South Jakarta Municipal Government direct men-sweeping the poultry that still was maintained by the resident around. Results, eight tails of the poultry succeeded in being destroyed. The South Jakarta Municipal Government gave time till two weeks in the future so that the resident destroys his kept poultry. The patient suspect bird flu that died in the maintenance in the hospital (RS) the Friendship was Simadiah Rahmayanti (3). The resident RT 011/02 the Pesanggrahan District, the Pesanggrahan Subdistrict, Southern Jakarta, this blew out the last breath last Monday (2/3).
Uptil now, to prevent spread him bird flu, the South Jakarta Municipal Government continued to intensify the certification activity and sweeping. “Kita not robbed, sweeping and certification of the poultry continue to still was carried out by us through the official kelurahan,” Mangara Pardede words, the Secretary of the City (Sekko) South Jakarta to the reporter when leading the activity sweeping the poultry in Street Merpati Raya, RT 01/06, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (4/3).
Therefore, he chose Pesanggrahan as the main priority to prevent the spreading of bird flu in Southern Jakarta. In the meantime, since 2009, in the Pesanggrahan Subdistrict has been destroyed totalling 178 tails of the food poultry that consisted of the chicken, the duck, the duck, et cetera. Whereas 144 other tails have gotten the maintenance certificate of the pet poultry. “Sesuai with No Regional Regulations 4 in 2007 about the Control of the Maintenance and the Circulation of the Poultry, actually the community already was not permitted still maintained the poultry, obviously him. Except, if being maintained to the best of 25 metre from the radius of the settlement of the resident and got permission as well as was supplemented with the certificate. In sweeping this poultry, the official only succeeded in pacifying eight tails of the poultry belonging to the resident who was still wandering in the settlement region. “Karena heavy rain, we just could eight ekor,” firm Chaidir. These poultries were at once destroyed by the official by means of being cut off. Chaidir also added, gave tolerance for two weeks so that the community could destroy his property poultries. “Jika was not destroyed also, be forced we will return to the place we will return to this place and would memusnahkannya,” he accused.
The Special Capital District got up 2 RPA [slaughterhouse] with a value of Rp 10 billion

[So the residents in Jakarta that manage the slaughterhouses are throwing the waste away to the water channel....]
To anticipate spread him the virus avian influenza or bird flu, the Government of the Province (the Provincial Government) the Special Capital District of Jakarta will carry out the concentration of the chicken slaughterhouse (RPA) in Jakarta.
Uptil now, RPA was still being spread in several places and close to the settlement of the resident. Unfortunately, RPA that was managed by the resident was still ignoring the cleanliness by throwing his waste away direct to the water channel. This clear had the potential to cause the illness if being left alone continually. Therefore, the Provincial Government meant made the centre of the reduction in the environment-friendly chicken so as more was guaranteed and was easy to be monitored. The RPA concentration property of this community was done because from April 2010 the Provincial Government aimed at Jakarta free bird flu.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Inspections of Animal Health Institute show doctored accounts
OIE's Recommendation over Bird Flu Vaccination
GLOBAL - The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has repeated critical requisites for best use of vaccination in birds and for a systematic exit strategy with respect to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).
Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 has been eradicated in poultry in most countries where it had appeared but remains entrenched in a few countries, which may put the whole planet at risk.
The OIE strongly reaffirms that eradication of the disease in poultry must go through early detection and rapid response mechanisms in front of any outbreak and through the slaughter of infected or in contact birds, using OIE standards for humane slaughter.
Countries where national veterinary services do not comply with OIE standards on quality are often not yet capable to detect nor to respond rapidly to massive avian influenza outbreaks. In these cases, vaccination should be systematically used as an intermediate control tool until the Veterinary Services comply with the relevant OIE quality standards.
There is a need for good veterinary governance enabling national animal health systems worldwide to better prevent, detect and control emerging infectious diseases. To achieve this, the OIE has created a “Tool for the Evaluation of Performance of Veterinary Services” (PVS) designed to evaluate national Veterinary Services’ compliance with OIE standards of quality, democratically adopted by its 172 Members. This is a key lever for providing practical help for Veterinary Services of all countries to converge, achieve compliance with OIE standards and put in place good governance of their structure and their operating procedures.
After a PVS evaluation Members can request the OIE to carry out a follow-up mission designed to provide advice and assistance to fill the possible gaps of their national veterinary governance.
The use of vaccination could last several years; however, it will only be effective if it is applied to all poultry (chickens, hens, ducks, turkeys, geese, quails etc) and through appropriate methods, particularly the use of a permanent cold chain. Vaccines should be produced in accordance with international quality standards prescribed in the OIE manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals.
As soon as national Veterinary Services are fully operational for early detection and rapid response using biosecurity measures in infected premises vaccination must be stopped; it is not recommended to use vaccination as a long term control measure since very often it contributes to hide the presence of the virus.
Any vaccination campaign must include an 'exit strategy', i.e. a return to classic disease control measures.
Bird flu spreading afresh
Avian influenza has started spreading in different poultry farms across the country again as department of fisheries and livestock detected the bird flu virus and culled birds at different places.
Up to March 3 this year, a total of 16,63,702 chickens were culled since 2007 when bird flu was detected first in the country.
Authorities yesterday culled 2,095 chickens and destroyed 205 eggs following detection of bird flu in Netrakona and Gaibandha.
Earlier on February 28, 188 chickens were culled and 60 eggs destroyed, according to the website of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock.
Our correspondent from Netrakona reported that a total of 1,595 chickens and 205 eggs were destroyed at a poultry farm at Kendua upazila in Netrakona.
Officials at Netrakona District Livestock office said they detected bird flu virus at a poultry farm owned by Russell Ahmed at Rampur village under Kendua upazila Thursday night.
“The virus was found when dead chickens of the farm were examined at the district livestock laboratory by rapid antigen detection test (RADT),” said an official.
The laboratory test was conducted on information that over a dozen of chickens died in the farm during the last three days, officials said.
Our Gaibandha correspondent reports: The livestock department of the district yesterday culled around 500 chickens at Uttar Kazibari village under Sadullahpur upazila immediately after detection of bird flu virus in the areas.
Sources said some 18 poultry birds died at the farm owned by Abdul Hannan. Following the death of birds, Upazila Livestock Officer Dr Uttam Kumar Das took samples of the dead chickens and found the existence of avian influenza in the body of a bird.
A team later collected 500 poultry birds, including chickens, and destroyed the birds on Upazila Parishad Complex.
“The government has been alert enough this season to monitor bird flu cases. Wherever any bird flu virus is detected, authorities are taking measures to check its outbreak,” said Dr Giasuddin, chief scientific officer at Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute.
The government with assistance from the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has employed field volunteers since October 2008 to strengthen surveillance of bird flu in rural areas, he said.
According to the official website, the government found the presence of the H5N1 virus at 308 farms in 47 districts and culled chickens of 568 farms until March 3.
Outbreaks of the virus generally occur after the end of the rains in October and continue until early June when the rains return.
Four hundred and eight confirmed cases of bird flu patients worldwide have been reported to the World Health Organisation (WHO) since 2003. Of these, at least 254 had died as of 18 February 2009. Most of them had close contact with sick birds.
Indo: Prevent Bird Flu
The spreading of bird flu increasingly spread. Until this, was recorded 20 provinces that were the sporadic area of the spreading of bird flu. This means that, almost two divided the province that was attacked by this spreading into three. Unfortunately again, this affected province was the densely-populated province, like Java, Sumatra, and partly Sulawesi. Along with the spreading that increasingly spread, casualties died then continued to fall. In this last week, at least three bird flu patients died, one in Depok and two in Bekasi, both of them were below 10 years old. Several patients suspect also was treated in the hospital with the critical condition, there is mature and had children.
The bird flu virus or avian influenza apparently emerged sank. Could several months were seen cool and calm, but currently again raged claimed casualties. Apparently, like the annual cycle, this plague attacks us generally in the month January-March, that is when the rain season was to his peak. Saw casualties who continued to fall as well as the spreading that increasingly spread, the government must be more serious in overcoming this deadly flu. The instruction take the form of pelarangann the maintenance of the livestock poultry in the settlement, obliged certification of the poultry decorated still did not reverberate. Some time could be carried out by the raid, but now has decreased. The poultry has come back roamed about freely.
Moreover, the obligation merelokasi livestock breeding and the reduction in the poultry that was adjacent to the settlement also were not implemented with should. Including, the regulation of the poultry traffic decorated from one area to the other area that at this time in no way was controlled. The condition like that that caused the spreading of this deadly virus to become so fast. At this time, according to Komnas Pandemi Flu Burung and Menghadapi Influenza Preparedness, Bank Dunia gave Rp help 52 billion to overcome bird flu. Unfortunately, the fund that was allocated for the extermination of the poultry with Rp compensation 15 thousand per the tail the road in the place. The hindrance is, the price of the poultry, moreover that his maintenance was more expensive, made the owner reluctantly destroyed.
In overcoming this bird flu, apparently we must learn from China and Vietnam. The two countries were first attacked by bird flu in 2003. But, since several last years, the country could have been it was said safe towards the bird flu attack. At least, the spreading of this virus was relative could be controlled. The number of casualties who died then to not totalling in Indonesia. We must be more serious handled this problem. The procurement of the vaccine for the prevention was very necessary. But, that did not lose important was the implementation of the prevention rule of the spreading that was made. This current reconciliation hospital already 100 hospitals must be increased, especially in small cities, considering his spreading that increasingly spread.
The government also must dared to and firm took action against whoever carried out the violation. If quite dangerous, should not let the resident maintained the poultry around his house, should not let livestock breeding and the reduction was in the settlement. Don't also favouritism for the extermination of the poultry. This was the task of the government of preventing the fall of casualties even more resulting from bird flu.
GMC sets out rules for flu pandemic
The pandemic guidance comes into force once the CMO announces a UK Level 3 alert, meaning there is a new virus outbreak after sustained human-to-human transmission.
In a pandemic the GMC 'strongly encourages' retired and non-working doctors to go back to work if asked. The council would have powers to rapidly re-register retired doctors.
The right to work outside one's normal field of practice would also apply to doctors treating patients with conditions other than flu, Pandemic Influenza: Good Medical Practice - Responsibilities of Doctors in a National Pandemic says.
Performance review and attending educational events would be put on hold.
In a pandemic, doctors will be expected to follow Good Medical Practice where 'practical'.
The stricture to avoid treating family and friends would be temporarily lifted. But doctors should still not treat themselves.
Chicken carcass tests H5N1-positive in Hong Kong
HONG KONG, March 6 (Xinhua) --A chicken carcass found in Hong Kong's Tung Ping Chau had been confirmed to be H5N1 positive, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of Hong Kong announced Friday.
The carcass was found floating in the sea off Tung Ping Chau's Kang Lau Shek on March 2. It was highly decomposed when found and required a series of confirmatory tests for avian influenza. Test results available Friday confirmed that the bird was H5N1 positive.
There are no poultry farms within three kilometers of where the bird was found. No unauthorized keeping of poultry has been observed during inspections, said the department.
hat-tip Pixie
hat-tip dbg:
I ran this through TT and QDT, and got a few more words:
The Woman Reporter Consume Tamiflu After Cover Bird Flu Suspect
The Interaktif time, Bekasi - the Reporter of a Capital newspaper had the initials Y, 25 years, must consume Tamiflu bird flu medicine for seven days. He suffered was sick the throat and the dizzy head after covering the family of patient suspect bird flu.
The head of the Control Field of the Problem of the Health of the Health Service of the Bekasi City drg Laniwati Setiadi said giving of medicine to Y for anticipation did not happen the transmission of the virus H5N1.
"One day of one capsule, was consumed for seven days. The medical official who carried out investigation around the suspect patient's house also consume tamiflu," he said to the Time, on Thursday (5/3).
Y was sick after interviewing parents A, 8 years, [this would be Andri] in his house in the Sukamantri Village, Desa Sukaraya, Kecamatan Karang Bahagia, Kabupaten Bekasi, last Wednesday (4/3). A was the patient was expected by bird flu. He died last Sunday at dawn, after could in referred to the Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta Timur.
The interview that was carried out by Y took place around 20 minutes, in the sitting room of victim's parents' house with the distance less than one metre. While the interview took place, Y did not use the mask. "Ought to protect himself with the adequate safety device," said Laniwati.
Y claimed to be his throat still was sick. His head also still was felt by the headache, but the body was not hot. "Possibly because I was tired, long under the intensity of the sun," he said.
Toggletext translation of Post below entitled: Bekasi Lack Bird Flu Drugs
The handling of the bird flu patient in Bekasi, West Java, experienced the problem because Tamiflu medicine from the Department of the Health still has not been available. Medicine that currently is consumed by the patient was expected by bird flu only came from help of PT Sampoerna totalling 1,500 capsules. The head of the Pengendalian Field of the Problem of the Dinas Health of the Health of the Bekasi City drg Laniwati Setiadi said Tamiflu medicine from the Department of the Health has kedaluwarsa or was finished really the taking effect per last February 29. "We have in fact made the extermination letter" of "medicine that the taking effect period was finished that," said Laniwati, to the Time, on Friday (6/3).
Tamifu expired warsa that was supplies 2005 then that was spread to 30 community health centres and the Hospital in the Bekasi City. Officially Kesehatan, said Laniwati, sent the pulling letter of Tamiflu medicine to all the Community Health Centre and the Hospital, immediately was gathered. The section head the Plague and the Dinas Kesehatan Disaster of the City Bekasi Herlin Susilawati said medicine supplies were for the patient suspected of by practical bird flu relying on Tamiflu help from PT Sampoerna, that his consumption period of validity four years in the future. Because of the insignificance of supplies, the Tamiflu distribution was restricted. Officially Kesehatan immediately distributed, was not distributed through the community health centre and the hospital. "We only gave to the patient suspect and his family," he said.
In fact, Herlin continued, the potential for the spreading of the virus H5N1 still was high all over the territory in the Bekasi City. The number of out of town origin poultries that entered Bekasi, was the main factor the height of the transmission figure from the poultry to humankind. Only in time extension two months, had three patients was suspected bird flu died with the sign of the fever, was sick the throat, and breathless. They were R, the resident Karawang that died last Wednesday night around struck 21,01 WIB; N, 4 years, the resident of the Pucung Gulf, Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, died last February 24; and J, 42 years, the resident of Galaxi Housing, Kelurahan Pekayon, of Kecamatan Bekasi Selatan, died early last January. Now the patient that was treating in the Hermina Hospital was S, 29 years, the resident Street Kemakmuran, Kelurahan Margajaya, Bekasi Selatan.
Bekasi Kekurangan Obat Flu Burung
Jum'at, 06 Maret 2009 | 15:19 WIB
TEMPO Interaktif, Bekasi: Penanganan pasien flu burung di Bekasi, Jawa Barat, mengalami masalah karena obat Tamiflu dari Departemen Kesehatan belum juga ada. Obat yang kini dikonsumsi pasien terduga flu burung hanya berasal dari bantuan PT Sampoerna sebanyak 1.500 kapsul.
Kepala Bidang Pengendalian Masalah Kesehatan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bekasi drg Laniwati Setiadi mengatakan obat Tamiflu dari Departemen Kesehatan telah kedaluwarsa atau habis masa berlakunya per 29 Februari lalu. "Kami bahkan sudah membuat surat pemusnahan obat yang masa berlakunya telah habis itu," kata Laniwati, kepada Tempo, Jumat (6/3).
Tamifu kedaluwarsa itu merupakan pasokan 2005 lalu yang disebar ke 30 pusat kesehatan masyarakat dan Rumah Sakit di Kota Bekasi. Dinas Kesehatan, kata Laniwati, telah mengirim surat penarikan obat Tamiflu kepada seluruh Puskesmas dan Rumah Sakit, segera dikumpulkan.
Kepala Seksi Wabah dan Bencana Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bekasi Herlin Susilawati mengatakan pasokan obat untuk pasien terduga flu burung praktis mengandalkan bantuan Tamiflu dari PT Sampoerna, yang masa berlaku konsumsinya empat tahun ke depan.
Karena minimnya pasokan, distribusi Tamiflu dibatasi. Dinas Kesehatan langsung mendistribusikan, tidak dibagikan lewat pusat kesehatan masyarakat dan rumah sakit. "Kami hanya memberi kepada pasien suspect dan keluarganya," katanya.
[above word for word with dictionary:
Because minimum supplies, distribution Tamiflu restricted/limited. Government Health direct/straight through to distribute, not dispensed by way of central place/center health the community and hospital/clinic. "We just/only to give to patient suspect and family/relatives.]
Padahal, Herlin melanjutkan, potensi penyebaran virus H5N1 masih tinggi di seluruh wilayah di Kota Bekasi. Banyaknya unggas asal luar kota yang masuk Bekasi, merupakan faktor utama tingginya angka transmisi dari unggas ke manusia.
Hanya dalam rentang waktu dua bulan, telah ada tiga pasien terduga flu burung meninggal dunia dengan gejala demam, sakit tenggorokan, dan sesak nafas. Mereka adalah R, warga Karawang yang meninggal Rabu malam lalu sekitar pukul 21.01 WIB; N, 4 tahun, warga Teluk Pucung, Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, meninggal 24 Februari lalu; dan J, 42 tahun, warga Perumahan Galaxi, Kelurahan Pekayon, Kecamatan Bekasi Selatan, meninggal awal Januari lalu.
Sementara pasien yang sedang rawat di Rumah Sakit Hermina adalah S, 29 tahun, warga Jalan Kemakmuran, Kelurahan Margajaya, Bekasi Selatan.
More, alleged suspect Bird Flu treated in hospital
Friday, 6 Mar 2009 13:11:59
KLATEN - A child had a name Hasan Saefullah (8) the resident of Dukuh Jamban, Desa Sabrang Lor, Kecamatan Trucuk was forced to be run off with to RSUP Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten because suffered hot high and breathless. Expected by casualties who beforehand could be treated in the local community health centre suspect bird flu although his condition gradually improved after getting the maintenance from the medical team of RSUP. Menurut the family's information, before experienced hot high and breathless, several tails of the chicken belonging to his parents died suddenly. Estimated by the death of the poultry because of being attacked by the AI virus that some time before also attacked the poultry in the Dompol Village, Kecamatan Kemalang and the Brangkal Village, Kecamatan Wedi.
To ascertain the cause of the death of the poultry, the official from Sub Dinas Peternakan did rapid test and results were stated this poultry positive was attacked by the virus of AI. Not long after the incident, Hasan Saefullah suddenly hot and breathless. By his parents, Hasan immediately was brought and treated in the Trucuk Community Health Centre. However because the sign of the illness that was suffered was the same as the sign of bird flu then he the row to RSUP Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro. "He was reconciled to RSUP on last Tuesday," said the family that was waiting in the hospital, on Thursday (5/3). The head of the Field of Pelayanan Medis RSUP Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro Joko Windoyo said the patient on behalf of Handsome Saefullah was initially treated in special isolation space. However because of his condition increasingly improved, afterwards was moved to space of the child's isolation.
Indonesia: Company CEO Ditatar Bird Flu
05/03/2009 - 10:55
INILAH.COM, Serang - bird flu became one of the illnesses was deadliest in Indonesia. The awareness would the cleanliness of the environment and the life healthy became the key to the prevention. The department of the Health then gathered the CEOs the multinational company to menyosialisasikan the prevention of bird flu.
In the Interaktif Seminar featured the 'Melindungi Dunia Usaha Strategy from the Impact' of 'Bird Flu and the Influenza Pandemic' in the Le Dian Hotel, Serang, on Thursday as an editorial (5/3), the Department of Health invited 28 the CEOs from the multinational company that was located in the Banten Province.
The head Sub the Field of Zoonosis Director General P2B2 Department of Health Wilfried M. Ancient said, this seminar was meant so that the managements of the company have the awareness campaigned for the healthy life for thousands of his employees.
After this seminar, we hope, have a follow-up of the CEO in the prevention of bird flu in their respective companies. Moreover, based on data Depnakertrans, from 225 million population in Indonesia, 109 million workers and that is not including family members.
Meanwhile, Vice Governor of Banten Masduki Mohammad, said the reason the seminar was held in the province of Banten on the western island is a province of the highest bird flu contamination third after West Java and Jakarta. "In addition, Tangerang District, a district in Indonesia's highest se the number of cases of bird flu," said Masduki.
Recorded, in the year 2005-2009, 30 cases of bird flu, ended with 27 deaths. "This is especially necessary diwaspadai India is a country with bird flu cases in the world. Moreover, it is the rainy season, is feared could occur through contamination of water," he said. [dil]
The patient was suspected Bird Flu in Bekasi improved, one died
Bekasi: the Case of the patient was expected by bird flu to humankind again was found in the Bekasi City, West Java. One person died and one person more still in the medical maintenance. The patient died was R, 5 years, the resident Karawang, West Java. When being treated in the Mitra Hospital the Family Bekasi Timur, R, died on Wednesday (4/3) struck 21,01 WIB, with the sign of the fever, and breathless. As for the patient who was treated was S, 29 years, the resident of the Prosperity road, Kelurahan Margajaya, of Kecamatan Bekasi Selatan. S currently in the medical maintenance of the Hermina Hospital, Kota Bekasi. The head of the Pengendalian Field of the Problem of the Dinas Health of the Health of the Bekasi City drg Laniwati Setiadi said the two patients were expected by bird flu simultaneously entered the hospital, last Tuesday (3/3). Both of them also had the story of contact was close to the poultry that contracted the virus H5N1.
The patient R it was suspected carried out contact with the chicken was dying suddenly near his house of two last week, while the patient S was expected by the transmission of the virus from the pigeon died suddenly and was thrown away to the ditch samping his house. "Both of them suspect bird flu," said Laniwati, to the reporter in his office, on Thursday (5/3).
Therefore, the number of patients was expected by bird flu that died while 2009 in Bekasi had three people. Beforehand, N, 4 years, the resident of the Teluk Pucung District, Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, died on February 24. And J, 42 years, the resident of Galaxi Housing, Kelurahan Pekayon, of Kecamatan Bekasi Selatan, died early last January. According to Laniwati, the status both of them has confirm bird flu meaning that one level above was expected by bird flu. Both of them could be reconciled to the Persahabatan Hospital. When dying, his body was isolated, was wrapped the pocket of the body, and was put into the stratified suitcase zinc.
Bekasi lack Bird Flu Drugs
Jum'at, 06 Maret 2009 | 15:19 WIB
Handling bird flu patients in Bekasi, West Java, have problems because the drug Tamiflu from the Ministry of Health also have not yet. Medicine that is now consumed by a bird flu patient is presumed only from the help of PT Sampoerna 1500 capsule.
Head of Controlling Health Problems Health Office City of Bekasi drg Laniwati Setiadi said drug Tamiflu from the Ministry of Health has expired or expired per 29 February. "We even have made the destruction of the drug expiration have been exhausted that," said Laniwati, told Tempo, Friday (6 / 3).
Tamifu expire supply is 2005 assigned to the 30 community health centers and hospitals in the city of Bekasi. Health Office, said Laniwati, has sent a letter withdrawing the medicine Tamiflu to all health and hospitals, are collected immediately.
Head of Section Outbreak Disasters and Public Health City of Bekasi Herlin Susilawati said supply drugs for bird flu patients presumed practical assistance on Tamiflu's PT Sampoerna, the validity period konsumsinya four years.
Due to lack of supply, the distribution of Tamiflu are limited. Health Department to distribute directly, not via the shared community health centers and hospitals. "We only give to the patient and his family suspect," he said.
In fact, Herlin to continue, the potential spread of H5N1 virus are still high in all areas of the City of Bekasi. A large poultry origin outside the entrance Bekasi, is the main factor of high numbers of poultry transmission to humans.
Only in two months time, there have been three presumed bird flu patients died with symptoms of fever, sore throat, and shortness of breath. They are R, which citizens Karawang ago died Wednesday night at around 21:01 WIB; N, 4 years old, residents Pucung Bay, District of North Jakarta, died February 24, and A, 42 years old, residents Galaxi Estate, Pekayon Kelurahan, Kecamatan Selatan Bekasi , died early January.
While the patient is being treated in hospital is Hermina S, 29 years old, residents Kemakmuran Road, Margajaya district, South Jakarta.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Dikepung Flu Burung Jakarta
- areas in Jakarta capital outskirts currently begin to be attacked by bird flu. Twenty-three regencies in Bekasi and one regency in the Depok City, West Java, all of them already terjangkit the plague of bird flu. Ironically did not yet have serious efforts from the authorised side to combat and at the same time reminding the resident would the deadly virus. Ilyas, one of the residents of the Kandang RT Village ,01 RW. 05 Sukaraya villages, Cikarang Bahagia, Bekasi, West Java could not do many during Putra his pity of Andri Ruhiyat blew out the last breath in RS Persahabatan Jakarta Timur, late last February. Since the last 10 days, the class child of Ii SD suffered the high and breathless fever. However not at all he supposed if his child was flattest bird flu, from the chicken that was maintained in their house pen. Beforehand, chickens that were maintained by Ilyas died suddenly. The death of the chicken suddenly that continues to continue till today. The research on the example 8 carcasses that were taken from 23 regencies in Bekasi showed results all of them positive flattest Avian Influenza or bird flu. Nevertheless, according to the Team of the Control of Bekasi Bird Flu, was not yet found by the correlation between the death rate to the flattest poultry bird flu and the death of humankind. More again far, although prevention efforts as cutting, burning and burying the flattest poultry has continued to be carried out, but to be good him the local regional government menyosialisasikan the form of the sign of bird flu, so that the community is on the alert and fast moved if having his family's member that terjangkit this virus.
The Yuen Long chicken house virus has not had the variety
Yuhushu announces, at the end of last year erupted the H5N1 sickness scientific theory in a Yuen Long chicken house to report, the spokesperson indicated that the gene preliminary analysis demonstrated that the virus was 2.3.4 collateral series, common area the south China, in last June also once in the port downtown's chicken manure sample, and in March discovered on a wild bird body, therefore believed that the related virus has not had the variety.
Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic
anyone realised. As well as the risk of it escaping into the wild, the H5N1 got mixed with a human strain, which might have spawned a hybrid that could unleash a pandemic. Last December, the Austrian branch of US vaccine company Baxter sent a batch of ordinary human H3N2 flu, altered so it couldn't replicate, to Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, also in Austria. In February, a lab in the Czech Republic working for Avir alerted Baxter that, unexpectedly, ferrets inoculated with the sample had died. It turned out the sample contained live H5N1, which Baxter uses to make vaccine. The two seem to have been mixed in error. Markus Reinhard of Baxter says no one was infected because the H3N2 was handled at a high level of containment. But Ab Osterhaus of Erasmus University in the Netherlands says: "We need to go to great lengths to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen." Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences. While H5N1 doesn't easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people. |
Monday the mountain referred to the bird flu to threaten was still stern
Food and sanitation bureau chief Monday the mountain today indicated that the bird flu was still stern to the global threat, Hong Kong must continue maintains highly the vigilance, fulfils exactly each defensive measure, but the local chicken house's biology security measure decreases the bird flu risk effectively.
Blue-ear pig disease ravages Quang Nam province
20:24' 05/03/2009 (GMT+7)
The People’s Committee of the central province of Quang Nam has officially declared the outbreak of blue-ear pig disease in the province and banned all transport, trade, slaughter and the consumption of pigs and pork products in the affected areas.
The provincial veterinary department reports that the disease had affected 1,287 pigs in 20 communes by March 4, with 1,185 pigs destroyed.
The epidemic is spreading quickly as pigs are usually raised on a small scale and in a scattered manner without using biologically safe methods or the stipulated vaccinations. Even now, pork is still being sold publicly in many affected areas.
Local agencies have implemented a number of measures such as setting up check-points which are on duty around the clock, erecting warning signs, and providing guidance to people to avoid places currently affected by the disease.
Newcastle Disease Breaks out in Israel
The Israeli veterinary authority sent the Immediate Notification dated 3 March to OIE.
The report describes an outbreak of Newcastle disease in a flock of 100,000 birds at Ramot Hashavim, Petach-Tiqwa in Hamerkaz, near to Tel Aviv. Around two hundred birds were affected and half of them died. Ten thousand birds were destroyed, the report says.
The Notification explained that the flock is divided into two premises of 50,000 table egg layers each. One group is 58 weeks old and the second group is 45 weeks old. The distance between the two premises is approximately five metres. The clinical signs and the post-mortem lesions were detected on one of the two premises – that with the older flock. Destruction of all the birds in the two premises has begun and will be terminated on 6 March 2009.
Newcastle disease last broke out in Israel in June 2008.
Task teams to halt bird flu outbreaks
Deputy Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Diep Kinh Tan confirmed, at the meeting of the National Steering Board for Avian Influenza Prevention March 3, to set up five inspection teams to strengthen the supervision of bird flu and foot-and-mouth disease nationwide.
Due to a possible spread of the disease and lack of awareness by people to the dangers, five teams from the Committee, led by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Cao Duc Phat, will arrive in stricken provinces in the Mekong delta to instruct local authorities and carry out inspections.
According to the Department of Animal Health, outbreaks of bird flu and foot-and-mouth have occurred in nine provinces, and blue ear in three provinces.
Vietnam officials face bird flu outbreaks
Representatives of the Preventive Medicine and Environment Agency said they would team with the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology to work on the problem, the Voice of Vietnam reported.
They plan to provide the chemical Chloramin B for the provinces of Quang Ninh and Ninh Binh, where two bird flu patients died this year and to take samples from suspected patients.
They also have launched nine training courses for medical staff at district and provincial levels in a number of northern and central provinces.
Meanwhile, the disease has broken out in the districts of Gia Rai and Phuoc Long in the southern province of Bac Lieu. More than 12,620 birds have been destroyed there after testing positive for the H5N1 virus.
If expanded, 20 Percent of Tangerang risk
Around 20 percent of the inhabitants in the Regency and the City of Tangerang were risky infected difficult flu if the plague until the bird flu virus spread in the area. For the year 2005-2009 already 26 residents in two territories that died because of bird flu. The impact assumption of the bird flu pandemic was in Tangerang revealed by the Head of the Pilot Project Pengendalian of Bird Flu and Menghadapi Pandemi Influenza Departemen Preparedness of the Simanjuntak Gindo Health in the seminar in the Le Dian Hotel, Serang, Banten, on Thursday (5/3).
According to him, would many impacts that were experienced if the bird flu pandemic in Tangerang happening. One of them, 20 percent or approximately 900,000 will from 4.5 million inhabitants of the Regency and the City of Tangerang suffer difficult flu. Moreover, was estimated in the period six months, as many as 300,000 inhabitants who were affected by bird flu will die.
The same condition will have an impact on the disturbance of the public's service, like the hospital, the community health centre, and police. Did not stop arrive in there, the bird flu pandemic will have an impact on the closing of the school, even the factory, that afterwards continued in the disturbance of the economic activity.
The other impact was the disturbance of the route outside-entered Indonesia remembered the Airport of Internasional Soekarno-Hatta was in the Tangerang territory. The possibility was worst was countries's other refusal to be stopped over in by the aircraft from Indonesia.
26 People Died
In the meantime, was based on the data that was assembled by the Kesehatan Banten Service, since 2005 was found by 29 cases of bird flu to humankind in the Regency and the Tangerang City. Moreover, 26 from 29 sufferers died after receiving the maintenance in the hospital.
The Dinas secretary of the Banten Dadang Health mentioned, the case of bird flu was the first time found during 2005. At that time six residents of the Regency and the Tangerang City terjangkit bird flu, five including dying.
One year afterwards, the number of residents that infected decreased to three people and all of them died. The number of cases again jumped during 2007, namely as many as 10 cases, with the number of deaths of eight people. As for 2008 was found by nine positive inhabitants bird flu that all of them died.
Moreover, at the beginning of this 2009 has had one resident of the Tangerang Regency that died because positive bird flu. Apart from in Tangerang, Dinas Kesehatan Banten also recorded one case of bird flu to humankind in Cilegon. A resident Cilegon died after receiving the maintenance in a hospital in Jakarta during 2007.
In the meantime, the case of bird flu was to the poultry found in almost all the territories in Banten. However, was based on the survey of Agriculture and Livestock Breeding of the Service, the case of bird flu to the poultry often was found in the Valley, Pandeglang, Serang, and the Tangerang Regency. this year the government provided the fund as far as Rp 20 billion for the handling and the control of bird flu in Banten. This fund came from help of the government of the centre as well as the Budget of the Income and the Daerah Expenses (APBD) Banten. Especially for the Regency and the Tangerang City, the control of bird flu was carried directly out by the government of the centre co-operated with the United States and Singapore. (NTA)
Recombinomics Commentary: Bekasi H5N1 Fatalities Raise Indonesian Concerns
Bekasi H5N1 Fatalities Raise Indonesian Concerns
Recombinomics Commentary 13:03
March 5, 2009
The two victims, according to Yonti, in confirmation status. He then explains that the status is (based on the danger) is one level above the status of suspect and also one level below the positive bird flu.
The above translation describes recent Bekasi H5N1 cases who died at the Friendship hospital. These two cases are about 2 miles apart (see updated map) in densely populated areas of Bekasi. One (N or 5M in WHO update) is a WHO confirmed case who died January 2 as indicated in the January 22, WHO update.
The more recent case (42F), who died February 24 may have been the fatal Bekasi case described in yesterday’s MOH update. However, on February 11, a UNICEF media report indicated the number of fatal cases in Indonesia was 119, signaling four new cases. Three of those four matched the description of the cases announced yesterday by the MOH, and classifying this latest case in Bekasi to the fourth case announced yesterday leaves open the question of who the fourth case was in the UNICEF announcement.
This confusion is compounded by the delay in announcement by the Indonesian MOH, as well as the associated delays in WHO Indonesian updates. The last WHO update was in January, and describes a case who died in Tangerang in December, as well as the Bekasi case above. Since that update, there was the UNICEF report of February 11 signaling four newly confirmed cases, as well as the MOH announcement yesterday, which also signaled four newly confirmed cases. However, most of the announced cases died in January, and the two reports do not match.
Moreover, not included in either report are the recent cases, described in media reports, in Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang, and South Jakarta.
The large number of fatal H5N1 in and around Jakarta, as well as delays in reporting these cases, continue to cause concerns.
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Recombinomics Commentary: Bekasi H5N1 Cluster Raises Transmission Concerns
Growing Bekasi H5N1 Cluster Raises Transmission Concerns
Recombinomics Commentary 18:57
March 5, 2009
Another victim who's under treatment is S (29) resident of Kemakmuran, Kelurahan Margajaya, Kecamatan Bekasi Selatan. S is now under treatment at Hermina hospital, Bekasi.
The above comments describe two more suspect H5N1 cases in Bekasi. One of the victims (5F) died today, when the other (29F) is hospitalized. The hospitalized case lives about a mile (see updated map) from one of the earlier Bekasi fatality (42F). Media reports on the date of death indicate she either died in late February, or early January. A death in January would suggest that this fatality is the case referenced in yesterday's comments from the Ministry of Health, as well as the fourth case linked to the UNICEF announcement. In any event, there have been three Besaki cases that are clustered within a couple of miles of each other in or near the Delatan district in south Besaki, and this clustering raises concerns.
Although these cases have poultry links, the clustering of these cases may signal a more efficient transmission from the poultry to people. Previously, almost all human isolates from the Jakarta area had the novel cleavage site RESRRKKR. The recent phylogenetic tree in the WHO update on vaccines included four Indonesian cases from 2008, which continued to evolve along the branch contain the prior human isolates with the novel cleavage site. This change was not detected in poultry isolates from 2005 or 2006, but in 2007 it began appearing in poultry, raising concerns that the sub-clade of 2.1 that was infecting humans was becoming more common in poultry. The latest clustering in Bekasi may signal additional changes in poultry H5N1, leading to more efficient transmission to humans.
Release of 2009 sequences from these patients would be useful.
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Indonesia Current Case List
Adm: None Date Reported: 2/14
Names: 3 Families*
From: RT 13/6 Sukamulya Village, Sukatani
1st Family:
NY Ita: Mother
Ipin (10) Child Being treated at Comm. Hlth. Ctr.
Family owned 19 Chickens
2nd Family:
Sri Rahaya
3rd Family:
Mohamad Doas
Syahroni (43): Father (?)
*(derived from 6 reported on 2/15)
Notes: 30 residents given Tamiflu. Sym: Cough, Fever []
Confirmation: Negative (all)
Adm: 3/3
Name: R (5)
From: Karawang
Hospital: Mitra Keluarga Bekasi East
Sym: fever, shortness of breath
Notes: contact w/positive poultry
Confirmation: none
DOD: 3/4 (21:01 WIB)
Adm: 3/3
Name: S (29)
From: Kemakmuran, Margajaya village, Bekasi South Dist.
Hospital: Hermina, Bekasi
Sym onset:
Notes: contact one w/positive dove, thrown away
Confirmation: none
Name: A or J (42)
From: Taman Galaxy Estate, Kelurahan Pekayon, Bekasi South
Hospital: Friendship (Persahabatan)
Sym. Onset: Respiratory Failure, high fever, flu sym’s.
Notes: interaction w/chicken at wet market
Confirmation: none
2/24 []
Early January []
Adm: 2/28
Name: Andriansyah (8)
From: RT 01/03 Sukamantri Hamlet, Village Sukaraya, Kec. Karang Bahagia Dist.
Hospital: Friendship Hospital
Sym. Onset: 2/20. Recovered. On 2/25 onset of fever again.
Recon: Local Clinic (2/20); Annisa Hospital (2/27) for 6 hours. Diag. with pneumonia.
Blood samples taken from Ilyas (43), Mimin (36) mother, Ana (6) sister/brother.
3 Medical Workers from Anissa Hospital had blood drawn: Dr. Suki, Dr. Lia and Official Agus. Did not use PPE when treating.
Confirmation: Metronews reports Annisa Hosp. had a confirmation within 6 hours before sending to Friendship Hospital.
DOD: 2/28
Adm: no
Name: Y (25)
Sym onset: 3/4 Sore throat, headache.
Notes: Fell ill after interview family of Andriansyah (8). Journalist. On Tamiflu for 7 days. Interview: 20 min in front of house. Wore no mask.
South Jakarta
Name: Isnaelia/Simadiah Rahmadiyanti (3)
From: Jalan Damai Complex, PDX RT 11/02, Petukangan South, Pesanggrahan
Hospital: Friendship (RS Persahabatan)
Sym. onset:
Notes: Data corrected on 3/7 []
Confirmed: none
DOD: 3/2
Removed - Incorrect Data:
North Jakarta
Name: N (4)
Adm: 2/14
Name: Kaila Nabila (2)
From: RT 02/04, Serpong Subdistrict, Cilenggang
Hospital: RS Fatamawati
Sym Onset: 2/14
Recon: Comm. Hlth Ctr. and Clinic Specialist close to house.
Confirmation: DOH Lab declared positive; news media declared DBD.
Adm: 2/27
Name: Nurliga Mahmuda (5)
From: Pulo RW6/RT8 Rangkapan Jaya
Hospital: RS Persahabatan
Sym onset: 2/14 fever 40 degrees, headache
Recon: Bahar Medika Clinic, Depok Lama. Blood taken. Diagnosed with typhus.
RSUD Depot - staff did not immed. respond, mother cared for child. Reason: hospital was full.
RS Bhakti Yudha: 2/24, 2 days later developed shortness of breath, put on oxygen. Took x-ray.
Notes: Parents: Mahmudin Sudin (35); Liza Kurniawati (30). Command Post for 2 wks.
DOD: 2/28
Central Java
Adm: 2/24
Name: Roslik Wahyu Adiarta (5)
Name: Wisnu Chandra (1) (cousins)
From: Kemalang Village, Desa Dompol, Kec. Kemalang
Hospital: RSUP Dr Soeradji
Sym onset: 2/23 (sym: high fever, cough, breathless)
Recon: Health Svc. & Soc. Welfare
Notes: Not in isolation.
East Java
Posted on 2/20:
Adm: 2/4
Name: 5 Staff that treated Sutini (18) con. positive. DOD: 1/24.
Hospital: RSUD Soetomo
Notes: Staff are quarrantined at hospital. One doctor tested negative, recovered.
South Sulawesi
Adm: 2/28
Name: Fadila (7)
From: Tamarampu Village, Kelurahan Bonto, Mandi, Maros
Hospital: RS Wahidin
Sym onset: 2/23 (Sym. temp. 38)
Recon: RS Salewangan Maros
Notes: Dept. of Health has been available
Reporter Took Tamiflu After Covering Suspected Bird Flu Case
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: a newspaper correspondent with initial Y, 25 years old,
must take bird flu drug Tamiflu for seven days. She suffered a sore throat and a headache after covering the of a family with a suspect bird flu patient.
The head of the Pengendalian Field of the Problem of the Dinas Health of the Health of the Bekasi City drg Laniwati Setiadi said giving of medicine to Y for anticipation did not happen the transmission of the virus H5N1.
"One capsule a day, consumed for seven days. Medical officers who conduct investigations around the house suspect patients also take tamiflu, "he told Tempo, Thursday (5 / 3).
Y fel ill after interviewing the parents A, 8 years old, at her home in Kampung Sukamantri, Village Sukaraya, Kecamatan Karang Bahagia, Kabupaten Bekasi, on Wednesday (4 / 3) ago. Patient A is suspect bird flu. He died early Sunday week ago, after having had time to refer to in Persehabatan Hospital
, East Jakarta.
Interview conducted by Y takes about 20 minutes, in front of parents house
victims with distance less than one meter. During the interview progresses, the Y does not mask. "It should protect themselves by means of adequate security," said Laniwati.
Y confess her throat still sick. His head is still felt dizzy, but she has no fever. "Maybe because I am tired, long under the blazing sun," he said.
hat-tip Dutchy
Recombinomics Commentary: Vaccine Resistant H5N1 Cases in Egypt Raise Concerns
Vaccine Resistant H5N1 Cases in Egypt Raise Concerns
Recombinomics Commentary 13:26
March 5, 2009
Abdullah Nagy Amran, comes from the northern Egyptian governorate of Alexandria, some 220 km northwest of Cairo, the state MENA news agency quoted the spokesman Abdel Rahman Shahine as saying.
The boy showed symptoms after contacting with dead birds on Wednesday, and he is in a stable condition
The above comments describe the two most recent H5N1 confirmed cases in Egypt. Although widely separated in space (see updated map), the two cases are close in time and were likely infected by the vaccine resistant strain of H5N1.
This strain emerged just over a year ago and quickly became dominated in poultry, including vaccinated flocks. The last human case reported last season was infected with the resistant strain and almost all poultry isolates from the late spring and summer were the vaccine resistant strain.
Although NAMRU-3 has not released any poultry or human sequences this season, two of the human isolates were included in a WHO HA phylogenetic tree of vaccine candidates indicate the human isolates had evolved away from last seasons sequences, but were still derived from the vaccine resistant strain.
These data indicate the H5N1 has defeated the extensive vaccine program in Egypt and now was dominant in the poultry and human population. The two cases above were confirmed within two days of each other and media reports suggest there is a familial cluster in Cairo.
This spike in human cases that are likely infected with vaccine resistant H5N1 is cause for concern.
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Egypt reports 57th human case of bird flu
The boy, Abdullah Nagy Amran, comes from the northern Egyptian governorate of Alexandria, some 220 km northwest of Cairo, the state MENA news agency quoted the spokesman Abdel Rahman Shahine as saying.
The boy showed symptoms after contacting with dead birds on Wednesday, and he is in a stable condition after being admitted to a hospital and given the antiviral drug Tamiflu, said Shahine.
This is the second human case of bird flu less than a week in Egypt, where millions of families raise poultry as a source of food and income.
On Sunday, Egyptian Health Ministry confirmed that two-year-old boy Youssef Abdel-Azim from Fayoum governorate, some 85 km south of Cairo, was infected with bird flu virus.
Egypt is the most affected country by the deadly avian influenza outside Asia. It reported its first H5N1 virus in dead poultry in February 2006 and the first human case in March of the same year.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), some 409 people in 15 countries and regions have contracted the virus and 256 of them died of the disease as of March 2.
hat-tip Niman