July 27, 2013
Langfang City, Hebei Province, July 27 latest official informed that, Langfang people infected with H7N9 bird flu Zhang last three close contacts, as of the 27th, under medical observation expires, no abnormal symptoms, according to the provisions relieve medical observation.
As at 9:00 on July 27, Langfang No new discoveries of human infection with H7N9 avian influenza suspected and confirmed cases.
According to reports, July 20, Langfang one case was diagnosed Zhang went to Beijing for treatment of patients infected with human H7N9 avian influenza confirmed cases, this is the first case of human infection of Hebei Province found confirmed cases of H7N9 avian influenza in the province immediately take appropriate measures , in close contact tracing for patients and medical observation, surveillance and other emergency measures.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
#MERS #Coronavirus Saudi Arabia 39 Deaths Total
July 27, 2013 - Translation
The Ministry of Health Saudi Arabia on Saturday, the death of Saudi and wounding another virus "Coruna" killer, bringing the number of victims of the disease to 39 deaths.
And revealed the Ministry of Health, in a press release in Riyadh on Saturday, for the death of a Saudi citizen who previously announced the injury in the same area. The ministry said that it had been revealed cases of HIV Coruna to a Saudi citizen in the Asir region (south of the country) at the age of 83 years, she said, "Health" The announcement comes a continuation of the fact-epidemic of a disease virus (Corona) new strain of AIDS Middle East respiratory tract. The World Health Organization (WHO), said that the spread of the virus, "Corona" in the Middle East has not yet reached emergency levels, but urged health authorities worldwide to tighten control of the disease.
The Ministry of Health Saudi Arabia on Saturday, the death of Saudi and wounding another virus "Coruna" killer, bringing the number of victims of the disease to 39 deaths.
And revealed the Ministry of Health, in a press release in Riyadh on Saturday, for the death of a Saudi citizen who previously announced the injury in the same area. The ministry said that it had been revealed cases of HIV Coruna to a Saudi citizen in the Asir region (south of the country) at the age of 83 years, she said, "Health" The announcement comes a continuation of the fact-epidemic of a disease virus (Corona) new strain of AIDS Middle East respiratory tract. The World Health Organization (WHO), said that the spread of the virus, "Corona" in the Middle East has not yet reached emergency levels, but urged health authorities worldwide to tighten control of the disease.
أعلنت وزارة الصحة السعودية اليوم السبت، وفاة سعودى وإصابة آخر بفيروس "كورنا" القاتل، ليرتفع عدد ضحايا المرض إلى 39 حالة وفاة.
وكشفت وزارة الصحة، فى بيان صحفى فى الرياض اليوم السبت، عن وفاة مواطن سعودى ممن أعلن عن إصابتهم سابقا فى المنطقة ذاتها.
وقالت الوزارة إنه تم كشف حالة إصابة بفيروس كورونا لمواطن سعودى فى منطقة عسير (جنوب البلاد) يبلغ من العمر 83 عاما، وقالت "الصحة" إن إعلانها يأتى استمرارا للتقصى الوبائى لمرض فيروس (كورونا) الجديد المسبب لمتلازمة الشرق الأوسط التنفسية.
وقالت منظمة الصحة العالمية، إن انتشار فيروس "كورونا" فى الشرق الأوسط لم يصل بعد إلى مستويات الطوارئ، ولكنها حثت السلطات الصحية فى جميع أنحاء العالم تشديد مراقبة المرض.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Pandemic: what are the criteria for a disease to be considered a PHEIC?
PHEIC = Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Nowhere in this article does it mention the word "Pandemic". This article speaks of a PHEIC. Who will make the call of a Pandemic?
WHO Influenza Risk Management Interim Guide: http://www.who.int/influenza/preparedness/pandemic/GIP_PandemicInfluenzaRiskManagementInterimGuidance_Jun2013.pdf
WHO Assistant Director-General for Health Security and the Environment Dr. Keiji Fukuda explained that there is no specific menu or checklist. Instead, health experts find an answer to the question if the situation or event really poses a danger for the global community.Important questions also need to be answered like: How serious or severe is the infection? How fatal is it? Is the event or situation spreading and growing? Will the declaration of a PHEIC help address the situation?In answering these questions, the Emergency Committee also ensures that any of their recommendations would be balanced, appropriate and proportional to the situation or event. As mentioned, a declaration of PHEIC would signal the global community to give MERS-CoV its highest level of priority.
Speaking of the WHO, from the article:
Apart from guidelines for health workers, the WHO is expected to release travel recommendations in relation to MERS-CoV in the coming days given the large number of people that are on pilgrimage due to the Hajj and Umrah.The future of MERS-CoV remains uncertain.
Yesterday, the WHO posted travel advice for pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia on MERS-CoV.
From the document (excerpts):
2.1. Actions to take before Umra or Hajj
Countries should advise pilgrims that pre-existing major medical conditions...
Countries should make information known to departing pilgrims and travel organizations on general travel health precautions,1 which will lower the risk of infection in general...
Health advisories should be made available to all departing travellers to Umra or Hajj ...
Additional information on Actions to take during after Umra or Hajj are also posted. This WHO document will be located on the right side-bar of the blog under "Coronavirus MCoV" for future reference.
The lead in article of this post also states:
The lead in article of this post also states:
Health experts recommend close monitoring of the virus. Countries are likewise being encouraged to strengthen surveillance and laboratory capacity to detect infection. The people, on the other hand, are urged to stay informed and take necessary precautions to prevent the spread of MERS-CoV and other infections.
Indonesia has posted their Guidelines/Awareness for the approaching pilgrimage. Some excerpts:
Deadly Middle East coronavirus: Not yet a PHEIC - http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/focus/07/26/13/deadly-middle-east-coronavirus-not-yet-pheic
JULY 25, 2013
Approaching the peak pilgrimage and pilgrimage, make the world health authorities (WHO) and Saudi Arabia feel the need to raise awareness, including Indonesia. DG P2PL convey some awareness of the Middle East activities Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus (Mers-CoV) that have been carried out by the Directorate General of P2PL, among others, as follows:
First, the readiness of facilities and health workers, DG P2PL already made a circular letter to the Provincial Health Office...
Second, DG P2PL has held a coordination meeting on July 11, 2013 by DG P2PL ranks followed by The Center for Health Haji, representatives of the Directorate General of Health Services and Development Agency and the WHO. Surveillance and activities at the port of entry will be strengthened,...
In addition, the CTF also prepared Thermal Scanner tool, but at this time according to the agreement and the WHO South-East Asia Region Countries not need to activate the device and will be evaluated from time to time.Up to the month of June 2013, 28 Ports, Airports, and Transboundary Inland Post (PLBD) in 22 CTF has made pandemic preparedness and anticipation, to do drafting contingency plans and response simulation as required in the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005. The activity is the anticipation of pandemic preparedness and influenza, which in principle can also be used as a preparedness and anticipation of Mers-CoV.
In the event that the virus spreads rapidly out of control, who then will call a Pandemic? From the WHO "Pandemic Influenza Risk Management Interim Guidance, 2013"
The global phases – interpandemic, alert, pandemic and transition – describe the spread of the new influenza subtype, taking account of the disease it causes, around the world. As pandemic viruses emerge, countries and regions face different risks at different times. For that reason, countries are strongly advised to develop their own national risk assessments based on local circumstances, taking into consideration the information provided by the global assessments
produced by WHO. Risk management decisions by countries are therefore expected to be informed by global risk assessments, but based on local risk assessments.
The risk-based approach to pandemic influenza phases is represented in Figure 1 as a continuum, which also shows the phases in the context of preparedness, response and recovery, as part of an all-hazards approach to emergency risk management. Both WHO guidance and international standards exist that describe formats and conduct of such risk assessment (see Section 4.2). One of the underlying principles of this guidance is to acknowledge that emergency risk management at country level needs to be sufficiently flexible to accommodate different consequences within individual countries, for example, different severities and different numbers of waves of illness.
The global phases will be used by WHO to communicate the global situation. They will be incorporated into IHR (2005) related communications to National IHR Focal Points, in Disease Outbreak News releases and various other public and media interactions, including through social media channels.
WHO Travel Advice: http://www.who.int/ith/updates/20130725/en/index.html
WHO Influenza Risk Management Interim Guide: http://www.who.int/influenza/preparedness/pandemic/GIP_PandemicInfluenzaRiskManagementInterimGuidance_Jun2013.pdf
Sanofi Pasteur ships first lots of 2013-2014 seasonal influenza vaccine in US
July 26, 2013
Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi (Euronext:SAN) (NYSE: SNY), announced on Thursday that the first lots of Fluzone (Influenza Virus Vaccine) for the 2013-2014 season have been released by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for US distribution and were shipped on 24 July 2013.
Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccines division of Sanofi (Euronext:SAN) (NYSE: SNY), announced on Thursday that the first lots of Fluzone (Influenza Virus Vaccine) for the 2013-2014 season have been released by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for US distribution and were shipped on 24 July 2013.
Reportedly, this shipment represents the first of over 60 million doses of seasonal influenza vaccine the company plans to deliver to US health care providers this autumn. This influenza vaccine is anticipated to be available to the public from local health care providers and pharmacies in August 2013.
Also, the company said that for the 2013-2014 season, two new influenza virus strains have been included in the trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine, a new A (H3N2) antigen and a new influenza B antigen. The A (H1N1) component of the vaccine is unchanged since the 2009 pandemic.
According to the company, the 2013-2014 influenza season will be the first in which quadrivalent influenza vaccines will be available in the US. Fluzone Quadrivalent vaccine includes two A strains and two B strains to help protect against influenza disease.
Sanofi also added that that no presentations of Fluzone vaccine contain natural rubber latex.
#MERS #Coronavirus Saudi Arabia MOH Statement July 25, 2013
Press Release
July 25, 2013
Within the framework of the epidemiological surveillance of the novel Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has announced that one confirmed case of this virus, aged 83, has been recorded in Asir.
July 25, 2013
Within the framework of the epidemiological surveillance of the novel Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has announced that one confirmed case of this virus, aged 83, has been recorded in Asir.
Within the same vein, MOH has announced the death of one case, who had been previously announced to be infected with this virus in Asir, May Allah have mercy upon him.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
#H7N9 Univ. of HK Study human bronchial cells 24 hrs after propagation 25 times faster than #H5N1
Translation out of China
July 26, 2013
July 26, 2013
Sun spread of avian influenza H7N9 and H5N1 stronger than Injurious! New research shows University of Hong Kong, H7N9 avian influenza virus propagation speed geometrically increasing, virus attack human bronchial cells twenty-four hours after propagation speed 25 times faster than H5N1, seventy hours after a thousand times faster; virus on lung cells also have a similar situation, and specifically attack lung tissue cells responsible for regeneration, affecting the patient recovered after infection progress. Experts warning H7N9 contagious, be careful winter outbreak.
Since the outbreak of H7N9 in February this year, there have been one hundred thirty-four cases of human H7N9 infection, 43 people died. University of Hong Kong yesterday in the international scientific journal "Lancet Respiratory Medicine" published studies, the use of in vitro cultivation, including bronchus, lung, nasopharynx, tonsils and other human airway tissue, analysis of human H7N9 and H5N1 viruses, and to compare lethal. The results showed that, H7N9 can infect humans efficiently and extensive bronchial epithelial cells, the situation is similar with ○ 九年 swine flu, H5N1 viruses multiply faster rate than more geometrically increments.
ABC Australian scientists join international fight against the next human pandemic
[previously posted on here, here and here]
The Australian scientists and Duke-NUS are already working together, with research underway aiming to develop early and rapid detection tests for diseases like the Hendra virus.
If they are developed, CSIRO staff will trial and validate the new tests at the Geelong facility.
By science and technology correspondent Jake Sturmer, ABC
Updated July 25, 2013, 2:07 pm
Australian scientists are working with researchers from around the world to pre-empt and prepare for the next human pandemic.
CSIRO researchers have joined a $20 million partnership alongside scientists from the Duke University in the US and the National University of Singapore (Duke-NUS).
The CSIRO's Biosecurity Flagship director Gary Fitt says 70 per cent of new diseases in humans originate in animals and it is time for a new approach to security.
"It's a collaborative centre that will allow us to expand the range of work we do," he said.
"We bring to this partnership fantastic skills in animal health through the Australian Animal Health Laboratory at Geelong.
CSIRO researchers have joined a $20 million partnership alongside scientists from the Duke University in the US and the National University of Singapore (Duke-NUS).
The CSIRO's Biosecurity Flagship director Gary Fitt says 70 per cent of new diseases in humans originate in animals and it is time for a new approach to security.
"It's a collaborative centre that will allow us to expand the range of work we do," he said.
"We bring to this partnership fantastic skills in animal health through the Australian Animal Health Laboratory at Geelong.
The Australian scientists and Duke-NUS are already working together, with research underway aiming to develop early and rapid detection tests for diseases like the Hendra virus.
If they are developed, CSIRO staff will trial and validate the new tests at the Geelong facility.
Deadly Middle East virus unlikely to cause SARS-like epidemic
Thu Jul 25, 2013 6:30pm EDT
* Middle East virus has killed 45 among 90 confirmed cases
* SARS virus belongs to the same coronavirus family
* Health risk to haj pilgrims "very low" - WHO
By Kate Kelland
LONDON, July 26 (Reuters) - Despite its high current death rate, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) that emerged in Saudi Arabia last year is unlikely to cause a SARS-like epidemic because it is not spreading as easily, scientists said on Friday.
In the fullest clinical analysis yet of the new virus, British and Saudi researchers said that while there are many similarities between MERS and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) - which emerged in China in 2002 and killed around 800 people worldwide - there are also important differences.
Ali Zumla, a professor of infectious diseases and international health at University College London, said the evidence from his study suggested a large MERS epidemic with many hundreds of deaths was unlikely.
Continued: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/25/health-saudi-mers-idUSL6N0FV3YA20130725
* Middle East virus has killed 45 among 90 confirmed cases
* SARS virus belongs to the same coronavirus family
* Health risk to haj pilgrims "very low" - WHO
By Kate Kelland
LONDON, July 26 (Reuters) - Despite its high current death rate, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) that emerged in Saudi Arabia last year is unlikely to cause a SARS-like epidemic because it is not spreading as easily, scientists said on Friday.
In the fullest clinical analysis yet of the new virus, British and Saudi researchers said that while there are many similarities between MERS and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) - which emerged in China in 2002 and killed around 800 people worldwide - there are also important differences.
Ali Zumla, a professor of infectious diseases and international health at University College London, said the evidence from his study suggested a large MERS epidemic with many hundreds of deaths was unlikely.
Continued: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/25/health-saudi-mers-idUSL6N0FV3YA20130725
WHO issues MERS-related travel advice; new case reported
Jul 25, 2013
The World Health Organization (WHO) advised today that people who
have chronic medical conditions and want to go on a pilgrimage to Saudi
Arabia, epicenter of MERS-CoV (Middle East respiratory syndrome
coronavirus), should talk with their healthcare provider about the
Saying the risk to travelers is "very low," the WHO recommended no travel restrictions or border screening during the Muslim Umrah and Hajj pilgrimages, which are expected to draw millions of people to Saudi Arabia. The recommendations focus on awareness and routine precautions to prevent travel-related infections.
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia today reported another MERS case and the death of a previously reported case-patient, according to a translated government statement posted on FluTrackers, an infectious disease message board.
Continued: http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2013/07/who-issues-mers-related-travel-advice-new-case-reported
Saying the risk to travelers is "very low," the WHO recommended no travel restrictions or border screening during the Muslim Umrah and Hajj pilgrimages, which are expected to draw millions of people to Saudi Arabia. The recommendations focus on awareness and routine precautions to prevent travel-related infections.
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia today reported another MERS case and the death of a previously reported case-patient, according to a translated government statement posted on FluTrackers, an infectious disease message board.
Continued: http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2013/07/who-issues-mers-related-travel-advice-new-case-reported
ProMED: MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (48): animal reservoir, bat susp
Published Date: 2013-07-25
Archive Number: 20130725.1844412
Date: Wed 24 Jul 2013
Source: Medical Daily [edited]
-snip- (click on link at bottom of page for ProMED article)
Date: Wed 24 Jul 2013
Source: Bloomberg [edited]
-snip- (click on link at bottom of page for ProMED article)
[Subscribers are encouraged to access the referenced letter to the editor in Emerging Infectious Diseases at http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/19/10/13-0946_article.htm. We hereby copy its concluding segment:
Archive Number: 20130725.1844412
Date: Wed 24 Jul 2013
Source: Medical Daily [edited]
-snip- (click on link at bottom of page for ProMED article)
Date: Wed 24 Jul 2013
Source: Bloomberg [edited]
-snip- (click on link at bottom of page for ProMED article)
[Subscribers are encouraged to access the referenced letter to the editor in Emerging Infectious Diseases at http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/19/10/13-0946_article.htm. We hereby copy its concluding segment:
HK Researchers Warn of H7N9 - Poses an Important Pandemic Threat
[editing is mine]
HKU’s finding on avian influenza A (H7N9) virus well adapted to infect human respiratory tract reveals why numerous human infected cases in a short period of time
25 Jul 2013
HKU research team reveals why the avian influenza (H7N9) virus led to
over 130 human cases in a relatively short period of time. By using
human respiratory tract tissues maintained in culture, the researchers
discover that the avian influenza A (H7N9) virus is as efficient as the
2009 pandemic H1N1 virus, commonly known as swine influenza, in
infecting the human respiratory tract. Compared to the avian influenza A
(H5N1) virus, H7N9 virus might pose an even more important pandemic
threat to human. The research has just been published online today in
the international scientific journal, The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.
This research was led by Professor Malik Peiris, Tam Wah-Ching Professor in Medical Science and Chair Professor of Virology, School of Public Health and Professor John Nicholls, Clinical Professor of The Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. Professor Malik Peiris gives remarks, “The research team has made use of a human respiratory tract ex vivo explant culture system to show that the H7N9 viruses are better adapted to infect and replicate in the human respiratory tract than other avian influenza viruses. The ability of avian influenza viruses to infect the human airways (trachea, bronchus) determines how readily these viruses can jump from birds to humans, to assess the adaptability of the virus in human and to potentially adapt to human-to-human transmission. Hence the findings are crucial for the future research.”
Research findings
The researchers used human respiratory tract tissues (bronchus and lung) maintained in culture to compare infection with the avian influenza A (H7N9) virus, the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus (commonly known as swine influenza) and highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus. They find that the H7N9 virus infects and replicates in both human bronchus as well as the H1N1 virus, and far more efficiently than the H5N1 virus.
These studies also identify the type II alveolar epithelial cells within the lung as a key target for H7N9 virus replication. This is the key cell type supporting regeneration and repair of damaged lung tissues. Thus infection and damage to these cells will prevent the repair processes that allow the lung to recover from injury or infection.
Taken together, this study demonstrates that the H7N9 viruses are better adapted to infect and replicate in the human airways and pose an important pandemic threat, perhaps even more so than H5N1 virus.
Research background
Since February 2013, there have been 134 laboratory-confirmed human influenza A (H7N9) virus infections reported. There have been 43 deaths so far. The source of human infection appears to be poultry. There is so far no evidence of sustainable human-to-human transmission within the community.
This research was led by Professor Malik Peiris, Tam Wah-Ching Professor in Medical Science and Chair Professor of Virology, School of Public Health and Professor John Nicholls, Clinical Professor of The Department of Pathology, The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. Professor Malik Peiris gives remarks, “The research team has made use of a human respiratory tract ex vivo explant culture system to show that the H7N9 viruses are better adapted to infect and replicate in the human respiratory tract than other avian influenza viruses. The ability of avian influenza viruses to infect the human airways (trachea, bronchus) determines how readily these viruses can jump from birds to humans, to assess the adaptability of the virus in human and to potentially adapt to human-to-human transmission. Hence the findings are crucial for the future research.”
Research findings
The researchers used human respiratory tract tissues (bronchus and lung) maintained in culture to compare infection with the avian influenza A (H7N9) virus, the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus (commonly known as swine influenza) and highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus. They find that the H7N9 virus infects and replicates in both human bronchus as well as the H1N1 virus, and far more efficiently than the H5N1 virus.
These studies also identify the type II alveolar epithelial cells within the lung as a key target for H7N9 virus replication. This is the key cell type supporting regeneration and repair of damaged lung tissues. Thus infection and damage to these cells will prevent the repair processes that allow the lung to recover from injury or infection.
Taken together, this study demonstrates that the H7N9 viruses are better adapted to infect and replicate in the human airways and pose an important pandemic threat, perhaps even more so than H5N1 virus.
Research background
Since February 2013, there have been 134 laboratory-confirmed human influenza A (H7N9) virus infections reported. There have been 43 deaths so far. The source of human infection appears to be poultry. There is so far no evidence of sustainable human-to-human transmission within the community.
About the research team
Researchers at the School of Public Health, the Centre of Influenza Research, the Department of Pathology and the State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases of The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, led the research. Other research team members included Dr Michael Chan Chi-wai, Assistant Professor, Dr Renee Chan Wan-yi, Research Assistant Professor, Ms Chan Lok-yung, MPhil student, Dr Chris Mok Ka-pun, post-doctoral fellow, Dr Leo Poon Lit-man, Associate Professor and Professor Yi Guan, Daniel CK Yu Professor in Virology, from the Centre of Influenza Research and the School of Public Health, HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine.
Researchers at the School of Public Health, the Centre of Influenza Research, the Department of Pathology and the State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases of The University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, led the research. Other research team members included Dr Michael Chan Chi-wai, Assistant Professor, Dr Renee Chan Wan-yi, Research Assistant Professor, Ms Chan Lok-yung, MPhil student, Dr Chris Mok Ka-pun, post-doctoral fellow, Dr Leo Poon Lit-man, Associate Professor and Professor Yi Guan, Daniel CK Yu Professor in Virology, from the Centre of Influenza Research and the School of Public Health, HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine.
Please visit the website at http://www.med.hku.hk/v1/news-and-events/press-releases/ for press photos.
The image shows human ex vivo bronchus culture,
research team compared the extent of virus infection with the avian
influenza A (H7N9) virus, the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus
(commonly known as swine influenza) and highly pathogenic avian
influenza A (H5N1) virus in the human bronchus tissues cultured ex vivo.
The part with brown color shows virus infected cells and the blue indicates non infected cells.
H7N9 virus leads to extensive infection of the surface cells (epithelium) of the bronchus, comparable to the 2009 pandemic virus. In contrast, the H5N1 virus only infects occasional bronchial epithelial (surface) cells.
The part with brown color shows virus infected cells and the blue indicates non infected cells.
H7N9 virus leads to extensive infection of the surface cells (epithelium) of the bronchus, comparable to the 2009 pandemic virus. In contrast, the H5N1 virus only infects occasional bronchial epithelial (surface) cells.
Lancet: Tropism of H7N9 influenza viruses in the human respiratory tract
Early Online Publication, 25 July 2013
Jessica A Belser a
, Terrence M Tumpey a
Jessica A Belser a

first reports of human infection with avian influenza A H7N9 appeared 3
months ago, and since then there have been more than 130 confirmed
cases with 43 fatalities. 1 Until
this outbreak, H7 subtype influenza virus infection in human beings was
typically associated with mild respiratory illness or conjunctivitis.
The atypical association of H7N9 virus infection with severe human
respiratory illness and death clearly represents a new and pressing
public health threat. The high incidence of pneu ...
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Poll finds majorities in 22 nations concerned over MERS
Majorities of respondents in 22 of 24 nations are concerned that cases of Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) might be detected in their country soon, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll of 15 developed countries and 9 developing nations released today, Ipsos said in a news release.
In the developed nations, 39% of respondents said they are aware of MERS, while in the developing countries 49% are aware. Awareness among the developed nations is highest in France (59%), Sweden (51%), and Italy (49%) and lowest in Australia (20%), Spain (26%), and Hungary (28%). In the nine developing countries, awareness is highest in China (67%), India (63%), and Saudi Arabia (62%)—home to most of the world's 90 confirmed MERS cases—and lowest in South Africa (35%), Mexico (35%), and Brazil (35%).
When it comes to the chance of MERS cases in their country "in the near future," 59% total (and 65% of those aware) in the developed nations and 70% total (and 78% of those aware) in the developing countries expressed concern.
Continued: http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2013/07/news-scan-jul-24-2013
Majorities of respondents in 22 of 24 nations are concerned that cases of Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) might be detected in their country soon, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll of 15 developed countries and 9 developing nations released today, Ipsos said in a news release.
In the developed nations, 39% of respondents said they are aware of MERS, while in the developing countries 49% are aware. Awareness among the developed nations is highest in France (59%), Sweden (51%), and Italy (49%) and lowest in Australia (20%), Spain (26%), and Hungary (28%). In the nine developing countries, awareness is highest in China (67%), India (63%), and Saudi Arabia (62%)—home to most of the world's 90 confirmed MERS cases—and lowest in South Africa (35%), Mexico (35%), and Brazil (35%).
When it comes to the chance of MERS cases in their country "in the near future," 59% total (and 65% of those aware) in the developed nations and 70% total (and 78% of those aware) in the developing countries expressed concern.
Continued: http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2013/07/news-scan-jul-24-2013
Nature: Deadly pig virus slips through US borders #PEDV
[Previously reported in the blog here, here and here and also here]
Researchers race to track spread of coronavirus.
A lethal virus that causes diarrhoea and vomiting in pigs
has entered the United States and has been found in 14 states. With the
country’s US$97-billion pork industry standing to lose millions of
dollars in the event of a mass outbreak, scientists are working to track
the virus and prevent its spread, even as they try to understand how it
passed through biosecurity defences in the first place.
“How this virus got here, that’s the million-dollar question,” says James Collins, director of the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of Minnesota in St Paul.
Continued: http://www.nature.com/news/deadly-pig-virus-slips-through-us-borders-1.13433?WT.ec_id=NATURE-20130725
Researchers race to track spread of coronavirus.
“How this virus got here, that’s the million-dollar question,” says James Collins, director of the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of Minnesota in St Paul.
Continued: http://www.nature.com/news/deadly-pig-virus-slips-through-us-borders-1.13433?WT.ec_id=NATURE-20130725
Research focus on animal viruses
Recent global events highlight the need to ramp up research into viruses that spread from animals to humans, says a biosecurity expert.
Recent global events highlight the need to ramp up research into viruses that spread from animals to humans, says a biosecurity expert.
"We are combining CSIRO's world-leading bat virology research with Duke-NUS medical expertise in the development of new and more effective methods for the discovery, treatment, prevention and control of new and emerging diseases in people."
Research is already underway with the team at Duke-NUS working to develop new tests for early and rapid detection of emerging infectious diseases, such as Hendra virus and coronaviruses.
CSIRO scientists with expertise in bat virology will then test and validate these new platforms at the Australian Animal Health Laboratory, the world's most advanced high containment facility, located in Geelong Victoria.
This work builds on CSIRO's biosecurity research, including the delivery of a biological control for one of the world's most invasive pests - the silverleaf whitefly - and the recent development of an equine Hendra virus vaccine.http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/regional/countryman/a/-/news/18130757/research-focus-on-animal-viruses/
Dr Linfa Wang, CSIRO, Audio File on partnership to help pre-empt & prepare for world's next human pandemic
Audio file:
Researchers from Australia, Singapore and the US are joining forces, through a AU$20 million partnership, to help pre-empt and prepare the world for the next human pandemic.
Researchers from Australia, Singapore and the US are joining forces, through a AU$20 million partnership, to help pre-empt and prepare the world for the next human pandemic.
CSIRO: Our One-Health Research Partnerships
July 24, 2013
A major focus for the Biosecurity Flagship is One-Health research - a combined approach to animal, human and environmental health.

A major focus for the Biosecurity Flagship is One-Health research - a combined approach to animal, human and environmental health.
The Australian Animal Health Laboratory is one of the most sophisticated laboratories in the world and researchers based there maintain strong global partnerships.
Our One-Health research takes a holistic approach to understanding how viruses spread between wild animals, livestock and people, and how to predict and pre-empt virus risks and reduce their impact.
Three international partnerships have been formed to further our research in this area.
- Duke University and National University of Singapore (Duke-NUS)
- University of Georgia (UGA) - USA
- Kansas State University (KSU)- USA
Duke University and National University of Singapore (Duke-NUS)
The Biosecurity Flagship and Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) in collaboration with Duke-NUS (an alliance between Duke University in North Carolina, USA and the National University of Singapore) have signed a relationship agreement with a view to forming the International Collaborative Centre for One Health (ICCOH) to assist in taking a new approach to fighting deadly viruses.
Professor Linfa Wang, CSIRO Science Leader, is the Director of the Program in Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) at Duke-NUS, which will play a key part in the proposed ICCOH.
Our One-Health research takes a holistic approach to understanding how viruses spread between wild animals, livestock and people, and how to predict and pre-empt virus risks and reduce their impact.
This partnership is combining CSIRO’s world-leading bat virology research with Duke-NUS medical expertise in the development of new and more effective methods for the discovery, treatment, prevention and control of new and emerging diseases in people.
Key outcomes of this partnership will include:
- a better understanding of how viruses emerge, including host-pathogen interactions in bat-borne diseases and diseases of regional importance
- epidemiology and predictive biomodelling of diseases
- the development of new preventative and diagnostic tools as well as improved or new therapeutics and vaccines.
University of Georgia
UGA is recognised as one of the top veterinary and agricultural universities in the USA. It has a strong track record in international research through its Animal Research Center, led by Professor Ralph Tripp.
Researchers at AAHL have a long standing collaborative partnership with Prof. Tripp’s group through work on RNA interference (RNAi), avian influenza and Hendra virus. This has been a key aspect of our Biosecurity research including collaborations with Deakin University in Geelong, Victoria.
Key outcomes will include:
- enhanced detection and diagnostic devices for viruses
- new antivirals for zoonotic diseases, such as the Hendra virus
- enhanced capacity to generate pandemic vaccines, such as a flu vaccine.
Kansas State University
KSU has a particularly strong research track record through its colleges of agriculture and veterinary medicine. The recently established Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI) at KSU is a unique Biosecurity Level 3 containment research and education facility directed by Dr Stephen Higgs.
The BRI supports comprehensive "farm-to-fork" infectious disease research programs that address threats to plant, animal, and human health. KSU has already formed linkages with CSIRO as a participant in the Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre for the past seven years.
This new partnership will focus on animal biosecurity research, initially targeting African Swine Fever (ASF) in pigs, a disease that is fast becoming the number one biosecurity threat in pigs worldwide.
Key outcomes will include:
- enhanced diagnostic tools and vaccines for ASF
- developing disease-resistant pigs
- KSU is also expected to become the future home for USA's new PC4 high containment facility which will have strong linkages to AAHL
Read more about our research working with partners.
AUSTRALIAN researchers are joining forces with scientists overseas to prepare for the next human pandemic
July 24, 2013
CSIRO Biosecurity Flagship Director Gary Fitt will tell Australia's leading biosecurity researchers on Thursday recent global events highlight the need to ramp up research into viruses that spread from animals to humans.
"We now know that 70 per cent of new diseases in people have originated in animals," he says in a statement.
"We are lucky to have a strong biosecurity system, backed by world-class science, but we live in an increasingly connected world with trade and people movements putting us at greater risk."
He says CSIRO and Duke-NUS (an alliance between Duke University in the US and the National University of Singapore) have signed a relationship agreement with a view to forming an International Collaborative Centre for One Health.
CSIRO Biosecurity Flagship Director Gary Fitt will tell Australia's leading biosecurity researchers on Thursday recent global events highlight the need to ramp up research into viruses that spread from animals to humans.
"We now know that 70 per cent of new diseases in people have originated in animals," he says in a statement.
"We are lucky to have a strong biosecurity system, backed by world-class science, but we live in an increasingly connected world with trade and people movements putting us at greater risk."
He says CSIRO and Duke-NUS (an alliance between Duke University in the US and the National University of Singapore) have signed a relationship agreement with a view to forming an International Collaborative Centre for One Health.
Indonesia: Government anticipation coronavirus infection in pilgrims
Translation out of Indonesia:
The Ministry of Health anticipates the possibility of the occurrence of a new coronavirus is infectious in Saudi Arabia Indonesian pilgrims.
"Before they left, had been informed., Where no special supervision
that they report themselves, "said Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi, after a meeting in
Law and Human Rights Ministry office in Jakarta on Wednesday.
The government, Nafsiah, health workers have also been preparing for Hajj
before leaving for Saudi Arabia to provide health services for pilgrims
Indonesian Hajj.
"We've done training for health workers to be on duty
there. Haj officers who participate will also oversee, " he said.
"Corona virus is no vaccine. His training for officers is the introduction
early symptoms, treatment delivery, and isolation of victims, " he added.
Ministry of Health, he added, would also monitor the health of pilgrims
after returning to the country.
He also explained that the government had received a notice and
official warning from the Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia about the dangers syndrome respiratory Middle East (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome / Mers) and
socialize to prospective pilgrims Indonesia.
Translation out of Indonesia:
The Ministry of Health anticipates the possibility of the occurrence of a new coronavirus is infectious in Saudi Arabia Indonesian pilgrims.
"Before they left, had been informed., Where no special supervision
that they report themselves, "said Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi, after a meeting in
Law and Human Rights Ministry office in Jakarta on Wednesday.
The government, Nafsiah, health workers have also been preparing for Hajj
before leaving for Saudi Arabia to provide health services for pilgrims
Indonesian Hajj.
"We've done training for health workers to be on duty
there. Haj officers who participate will also oversee, " he said.
"Corona virus is no vaccine. His training for officers is the introduction
early symptoms, treatment delivery, and isolation of victims, " he added.
Ministry of Health, he added, would also monitor the health of pilgrims
after returning to the country.
He also explained that the government had received a notice and
official warning from the Ministry of Health of Saudi Arabia about the dangers syndrome respiratory Middle East (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome / Mers) and
socialize to prospective pilgrims Indonesia.
Vietnam: Launching Prevention #H5N1 #H1N1 #H7N9
Translation out of Vietnam
From the beginning of the year, Hau Giang undiscovered patients positive for influenza A/H5N1 and influenza A/H7N9. However, there have been deaths due to H1N1 virus in 12 villages, Vĩnh Viễn, district Long Mỹ.
So, on 23-7, in the town of Mỹ, Sở Y tế phối hợp với UBND district Long Mỹ People's Committee held a ceremony to launch campaign prevention of influenza A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9) Hau Giang province in 2013. Thereby, promote communication, increase knowledge about prevention of influenza A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9) in the province.
Speaking at the launching ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Van Muoi, deputy director of the Department of Health, Director of the Center for Preventive Medicine Hau Giang province, stressed: Influenza A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9) are flu risk types Insurance can be fatal. Thus, levels of industry and local people to actively participate in the activities prevention. At the same time, the relevant departments should be closely coordinated, planned specifically to be ready to respond when a pandemic occurs ...
Campaign for prevention of influenza A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9) is spreading in the community, attracting the attention of local, processions convoy was passing through the main road of the Long My district. On this occasion, the health sector signed Long My district also committed to advocacy for prevention of influenza A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9) with a number of agencies and organizations in the district.
Translation out of Vietnam
From the beginning of the year, Hau Giang undiscovered patients positive for influenza A/H5N1 and influenza A/H7N9. However, there have been deaths due to H1N1 virus in 12 villages, Vĩnh Viễn, district Long Mỹ.
So, on 23-7, in the town of Mỹ, Sở Y tế phối hợp với UBND district Long Mỹ People's Committee held a ceremony to launch campaign prevention of influenza A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9) Hau Giang province in 2013. Thereby, promote communication, increase knowledge about prevention of influenza A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9) in the province.
Speaking at the launching ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Van Muoi, deputy director of the Department of Health, Director of the Center for Preventive Medicine Hau Giang province, stressed: Influenza A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9) are flu risk types Insurance can be fatal. Thus, levels of industry and local people to actively participate in the activities prevention. At the same time, the relevant departments should be closely coordinated, planned specifically to be ready to respond when a pandemic occurs ...
Campaign for prevention of influenza A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9) is spreading in the community, attracting the attention of local, processions convoy was passing through the main road of the Long My district. On this occasion, the health sector signed Long My district also committed to advocacy for prevention of influenza A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9) with a number of agencies and organizations in the district.
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